This is not the first time that I contact the lease office for the same situation. and there is no response and the situation continues. I live in Summer Cove 338 A in St Cloud Fl. My apartment is on the first floor and this situation is out of control and unattended. Ay this point I will keep addressing this situation to the highest power. I paid a lot of rent and I deserve yo have peace in my home.
This is related to their dog. I understand that dogs bark and they don’t like been in a crate and I understood the reason for their dog to be in it and their carpet. I can not sleep during day or night in my room because his crate is close to their entrance downstairs and my bedroom wall is their stairs. I have an audio from my room and the horrendous noise that their dog makes trying to escape ever day and night! One thing that can solve my situation is that they move that crate upstairs! They are avoiding the situation because they don’t want to hear the noises and leave the creat downstairs and is not fair for me. I hope that this
problem can be solved this way and I hope
you understand my point.
Desired outcome: Neighbors can be educated about the situation and mandate to move that dog crate upstairs with them.