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Cox Communications

Cox Communications review: Service and billing fraud 83

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

The following complaint regards possible fraudulent billing, harassment and threats, and refusal to make repairs and maintenance.

We are aware that some problems may exist regarding the post hurricane damages, but as of this date, the problems and excuses are no longer valid.

THAT since October 2005 we have attempted to contact COX by email, telephone, and written correspondence to have to have Cable TV service restored back to normal. That on those occasions attempts were made by telephone wait time varied from 20 to over 50 minutes without speaking with a representative. A number of emails were sent to the New Orleans Customer Service office in most cases without response, or attempts to correct the problems. Letters written to the Corporate Headquarters and copied to the New Orleans office have been ignored, and not responded too.

THAT the one time connection was made to the New Orleans Customer Service office I was assured that the service would be reinstated back to normal within seven (7) days. And that a credit to my account would be issued for the on month's payment. Neither the repair, nor the credit was ever completed.

THAT in late December 2005 I was contacted finale by COX Customer Service by telephone and advised that a tech representative would be at my home with in a week. And that a credit to my account of one month would be made to my account, and pending additional credits for loss of service.

THAT in late December 2005 a field technician finale arrived and advise until such time that the outside service box could be replaced, repaired, and the wires replaced and repaired, there was nothing he could do to fix, or correct the loss of service. The outside box had to be fixed by another department technician. As of this date, there have been no repairs, restoration of service, and no credits to my account.

THAT COX continues to harass, threaten, and continues in its fraudulent billing practices.

RATIONAL for not contacting state agencies for Louisiana include in part: COX has direct connections with the Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin, who is the former CEO of COX. That COX is a heavy contributor to certain campaign funds, for state and local officials. That neither the New Orleans Service Commission, nor the State Government will take an action or protect the consumer with regard to certain entities that are favored.

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Jan 22, 2007 5:54 am EST

Last month, I changed my surname via court order, and I correspondingly changed my name with SSA, DMV, municipalities, etc. All of that proved to be a walk in the park compared to the bureaucratic runaround that Cox has put me through, without any result except my becoming infuriated and stamp-challenged.

Should I really, after having informed them of the change in a letter that included the number, place, and date of the court order, have to submit to them either a copy of the court order, $5.00, or ANOTHER installation fee? We all know that they store data in digital form.

Anyway, and I've told them that my SS# hasn't changed, my address hasn't changed, the bank on which my checks are drawn hasn't changed, my credit rating hasn't changed, my living circumstances haven't changed, my account is in good standing, and I don't rent any equipment from Cox... Who ARE these people, anyway, that they think that the consumer should pay the cost of their doing business several times over, which includes their selling our data to other entities? Where are the FCC and the PUC in this picture? Y'know, the other people we pay to pick our pockets? Grrrrr...

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Mar 14, 2007 5:34 am EDT

I would like to talk about Cox communications. Just before Christmas of this passed year a neighbor of mine had her service up to a total package with coxes. Now after there techs or should I say the three stooges had played with wires; I noticed problems with my line. I had talked with my neighbor and she said that she called coxes and everything would be taken care of. After a couple days, I come home and I don't have a dial tone. So I call Cox and tell them the situation. The first phone conversation went well and they said that they will take care of the problem and that they were sorry. Well, nothing got done and I asked by calling again to come and fix the problem. I got the go around and I understand why. It's Christmas time and everybody is upping plans and Cox doesn't have time to fix problems that don't generate money. So after dealing with Cox I realize that I wouldn't have anything to do with them. I have cut off all services from them. I look forward to have Verizon for my phone and internet.

Cheryl Roberts
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Apr 05, 2007 12:34 am EDT

Sub: Shoddy service, incorrect billing

Cox Communications, San Diego
5159 Federal Blvd
San Diego, CA 92105
Cc: Patrick J. Esser
1400 Lake Hearn Dr., Atlanta, GA 30319

I have been warned not to write letters when I am angry. I am ignoring that warning. I have several issues.

1. I just got off the phone with a gentleman in your sales department who I reached after the young woman who answered my first call transferred me to a department that was closed which resulted in a disconnection. This young man told me that I was not signed up for the stations I specifically asked for upon signing up for your services.
2. In his attempt to activate said stations/services he informed me he would not be able to do that until Friday because a service technician (the third one required, so far, to get my services working) would not be able to remove the filter causing this failure until then. The problem did not appear until yesterday; 3 weeks after the start of my account.
3. He wouldn't be able to do it anyway as I have an outstanding balance from services which started on the 16th of February. I DID NOT MOVE HERE UNTIL THE 3RD OF MARCH AND THE SERVICE REQUEST DID NOT HAPPEN UNTIL THE 6TH OF MARCH.
4. I had to take a half day off work and conspire with the technician to get the phone to work.
5. I waited from the 6th to the 21st for internet service (which I had to take another half-day off work to finally get) and was told I was being credited for the failure.
6. I have just reviewed my bill online and I am completely overwhelmed.
Total Cable Services 42.70 (I was told this was about $26)
Total Internet Services 53.60 (I was told this was about $36)
Total Telephone 34.65 (I was told this was $13)
Total Fees, Surcharges & Taxes 7.31
Total Current Charges $138.26
7. And there seems to be an outstanding balance of $40+ that I have never been sent a bill for nor has it been sent to my email address as I requested

You couldn't get the phone to work, you couldn't get the internet to work and now you can't seem to get your own accounting to work.

I have made numerous phone calls about failures of your company. Each time I get a little more convinced that your much lauded commitment to customer service is complete fiction. I feel trapped into using your very poor services as you are the only provider in this area. I am extremely dissatisfied. I want someone to take some initiative and fix this. I want to hear from someone about this. All I wanted was the History channel and Discovery. That is what I asked for in the beginning and that is what I was told I was buying. Please review my account. Please read any notes attached thereto. Please listen to my frustration. I am copying this whole tirade into a real, paper letter and sending it to as many people as I can. You have had a service failure.

Cindi A
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Jun 09, 2007 9:54 am EDT

Cox is in the process of 'researching' info regarding the validity of Taxes.

FUSF is supposed to be strictly a tax on the 'actual billed interstate / international total charges' but Cox uses 'creative solutions' applying the Quarterly set FCC tax rate to their Monthly Service Plan Rate & also the FCC Fed Access Charge - but ONLY if you have a Bundled Plan showing no charges for your long distance. I am waiting for verification by Cox as to where in the numerous rules explanations by FCC they state 'bundled plan customers charge extra tax that Cox may simply invent'!

As for another comment 'where is FCC & other agencies supposed to look out for the consumer?' Not on our side - they simply disregarded my bills showing overcharges, illegal charges & discrepancies - in favor of Cox Response: Cox is adhering to policy! Not even a single sentence in response to 1 of the charges notes.

I have written to the Financial Operations office of the Mgr Director of FCC asking for clarification of this tax & application - if I get an answer, it will be posted.

DOUBLE TAXATION! Cox was applying Double Taxation for years (stopped it in April 2007) with FET 3% x the FUSF Calculated Tax Total. According to Cox: Yup, Double taxing is illegal - but it is done all the time.

People, look at your bills for long distance, FET & fluctuating taxes for State, City, County (changes depending on what the boys in the back room decide to charge that month!)

Customer Service? Not in the vocabulary at this place - on hold times cited by others here correct. up to 1 Hr - unless you go to the New Service Line - then it is about a minute!

Right now they are the only game in town in Phoenix - maybe if enough of us get together we can get the complaints heard & correct something.

james william stapleton
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Dec 02, 2007 4:42 pm EST

I'm not here to complain but to praise. I can't find an area for that. On 1dec 07 a technician came to my home in our worst storm this year because my reception was poor. His humor and attitude was pleasant even though he eventually had to climb on my roof. He put up with my silly questions and continued to work as he answered them. These people are the face you show the public. When we see them we are seeing you. This man was exactly what you want the public to see. He was professional, pleasant, and very curtious[no I'm not a relative]. I wish I had paid more attention when he shook my hand and told me his name so I could pass it on to you.There is a tag number on my receipt that may or may not be his. The number is R040899. This man made an inside and outside repair of my services a pleasant experience. I don't often trouble myself to make a comment on the service provided by a technician[especially as I had to search to find someplace where I could put a positive comment]. Since I have made an effort to communicate this situation with you please take the time to convince me that someone is actually reading these comments.
Impressed by your service, jim

Scott Parks
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Mar 31, 2008 10:47 am EDT

I have complained about the poor service while being away from home for several years now. I am obviously a patient man. I am not allowed to use my email client to send emails but required to use their poorly designed webmail interface. My complaints only fall on deaf ears.

For the past week now I have not been able to send or reply to an email.

this has lost me a great deal of money in the interum. When I attempt to rectify the problem I either get hung up on or get told "well sir, you must be spamming or sending inappropriate emails." My emails are in response to work or replies to family or friends.

Shame on you Cox. As much as I hate it I think I will swithch to AT&T for all of my services and reduce my bill by $50USD a month and get the TWO! free cell phones as well...


James Johnson
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Apr 24, 2008 11:23 am EDT

My first experience was positive with Cox. I terminated service to go on deployment in the middle east. However, since I left Cox allowed some woman posing as my wife to open an account and then prevent me from getting service upon my return for almost two months. I had to jump through hoops to clear my name and then, I have to pay charges for new wiring, splitters, and any visit to my house. So, now i have wires sticking out the wall and have to figure out how they are to be connected. The service is connected, but the last tenants messed up the wiring and I got new wiring form AT&T. Another story that one! Both companies in my opinion or money hungry and care less about customer care. The customer care reps. are careless and do not care to ensure quality service. They put customers on eternal hold and I feel they intentionally do that to get rid of calls. If they know a department to be closed why transfer them if there is no answering machine. I really hate the fact that I am being forced to use this service. I wish Time Warner, Comcast or someone else operated in my area. I thought the government disbanded monopolies such as this or shall I say deregulated sharks such as cox.

Mission Viejo, US
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Jun 17, 2008 9:45 am EDT

I called Cox about a cable problem which was introduced when Cox technician installed a high definition cable box. Cox came and replaced another cable box and I was told by their customer services that it was no charge for the repair. But I soon found out when Cox send me a bill that shows $49.95 for the repair. I called Cox billing department and explained the issue but Cox customer services refused to fix the problem. I am now stuck with paying for the services charge of $ 49.95. I was never informed that Cox will charged the $49.95 for the service by the technician or by Cox customer services. Cox is a bad company that charges their customers unauthorize changes.

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Oct 04, 2008 1:30 am EDT

I am very unhappy with your service. We've had it for 4 months and had more headaches then fun. Get your sh-t together. You are not the only service that is available.

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Oct 04, 2008 1:35 am EDT

What the heck, I just made my comment. You people need to get your act together! I have had more headaches then fun. You are not the only service that is available! Irene

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Oct 04, 2008 1:37 am EDT

Verizon is sounding better and better!

Laguna Niguel, US
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Mar 31, 2009 6:13 pm EDT

Does anyone have an e-mail address for someone at Cox? I have been trying to send an e-mail regarding my billing problems and service that was supposed to be transferred 2 weeks ago which has not been transferred, but which I am still being billed for.

If anyone has an e-mail address for ANYONE who works at Cox Cable or even a phone number other than the standard customer service number, please pass it along to me. I am desperate to get my phone and cable TV transferred to my new house.


kimberly walker
Alexandria, US
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Jun 19, 2010 6:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

rebate offers/customer online service...

Barb ER
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Dec 15, 2010 9:17 pm EST

I would just like to say that I am an easy going guy. I try to give everything and everyone the benefit of the doubt. However, I have to warn people of the horrible customer service, and lack of technical knowledge of Cox Employees. It was not just in the Internet Support Group or the Cable TV. It was also when I tried to inquire about Cox's new cell service offerings. The guy was so incompetent that I wanted to cancel all my Cox services. However, it was not just him. I have made several calls to Cox, and it seems that 1 out of 8 even sound slightly educated. I am talking grade school level here. Horrible Customer Service, Horrible Products, and Horrible price for the value. No wonder Verizon FIOS is taking over. I called Verizon and renewed my current cell plan with a better price and the guy was educated. I double checked availability on Verizon Internet, but it isn't in my area yet. Trust me, when another broadband carrier comes into my area...I am gone. See yeah ...Cox...!

Top Sales
Cnetreville, US
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Feb 16, 2011 5:40 pm EST

Verizon did stop their build out with no plans to continue in the near future.

Cox Internet was rated raster according to PC Magazine and Netflix in recent polls

Verizon ranked dead last in the JD Powers phone poll...Cox was #1 in the East and West...

According to the Better Business Bureau reports, Verizon has "F" rating everywhere I check their services...Cox either has C, B or A+ ratings... I fail to see where Verizon is better than Cox...everything else points to otherwise...

Irvin Gavidor
San Diego, US
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Apr 02, 2011 6:52 pm EDT


Well, needless to say those complaints sound right on the button. I have had Cox here in San Diego for over 10 years, and in more than one ocassion have I had to contact them about my service. I am now convinced that Cox is run by truly incompetent people. I had my phone service cut off last Thursday March 31st. At first I thought it was because I mistook the due date to be the 31st when in fact it was the 30th, but upon contacting the "technicians" (and I use that term in the most extremely liberal sense), they told me that was the reason. I had not paid my bill on time therefore my phone line was cut off, but my cable and internet access were inunpided. Upon further contact and a large increase in anger, I finally find out that it was one of their so called "technicians" who most likely cut off my line while servicing soomeone else's line around the neighborhood. Brilliant, just brilliant. I spent a good deal of my life in the United States Marine Corps, there we have teenagers that can handle multi-million dollar computerized high-tech weapon systems and fix them when they break down, and these "educated" civilian "technicians" can't figure out which wires not to cut. If there is a more blatant example of wasted money and INCOMPETENCE, please someone send it to me. Now it has been 2 days without phone service and I have to wait for a "technician" to come figure out were the other IDIOT (if it wasn't him or her in the first place) cut the line in the neighborhood. It's time for some other company to step in and take these customers which obviously Cox does not care that much about. Do you hear me AT&T?

Irvin Gavidor
San Diego, US
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Apr 02, 2011 6:56 pm EDT

I meant to say "unimpeded" instead of "inunpided"...apologies.

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Apr 19, 2011 10:16 am EDT

Cox has cut my TV cable service twice erroneously. Now I was billed more than quoted on the phone. After five months of arguing with Cox, I was given a notice to disconnect. I finally got ahold of a young lady who explained I was billed on future expectations! What? I thought Futures Speculators were on Wall Street. I have, since, paid the correct amount and will be paying the "future" charges when that happens.

I just got an apology e-mail from Cox that my case is "not typical". HA! Try "". 115 complaints there.

San Diego area.

Mesa, US
Send a message
Dec 30, 2011 6:56 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Cox refuses to give me my billing statements. I have gone to the BBB, I have talked to supervisors, reps, and emailed. I have even gone to the Attorney General of Arizona.



Because I pay my bill ahead of time. Sometimes a month, sometimes 3 months. They say they will not give me a statement for my records if I pay my bill ahead of time. THIS IS INSANE.

EVERY company I have ever dealt with gives you a billing statement. If you pay ahead, you still get an itemized bill showing a credit. They simply refuse to do it. This is completely ridiculous. And the way I have been treated by anyone I have tried to deal with there has been short, rude, and with complete lack of understanding. They seem to think it's stupid that I want a record of what I am paying them. They don't WANT me to pay my bill ahead of time! How idiotic can a business be? I am a good customer and have been for going on 3 years.

It should be against the law for them to do this.

I just don't know what to do to get them to give me my statements. I know they have them...they showed up BRIEFLY for one month I saw a statement...then they just stopped doing it again! So I know good and damned well they HAVE them...they just refuse to provide them!

I want my statements. Bottom line. Not only are they good for my own records, future credit rating, and just because I want them, IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO, AND THEY ABSOLUTELY HAVE REFUSED TO GIVE THEM TO ME.

They should have their butts sued off for this nonsense.

Mesa, US
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Dec 31, 2011 4:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is Cox you imbecile. If you had read the thing you'd know that they already DO have the statements, which they only showed online one time. After numerous calls to them, they simply refuse to give them to me. And I need the statements because I want them, and it's my right to have a RECEIPT when I pay someone money. matter what you post on the internet there's always a jerk to oppose it. There is absolutely nothing at all wrong with what I want.

Mesa, US
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Jan 01, 2012 11:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You can have the last word. I've been seeing losers like you on the net for 15 years. You have no motivation to disagree with someone when they are right, yet you troll around the forums on the net and post disagreeable posts because you're probably some fat teenager eating twinkies with no friends and no life and people laugh at you when you leave the house.

So have a nice day. I only want what is right and certainly don't owe any loser trolls an explanation.

Weed, US
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Jan 01, 2012 11:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You have a mirrored monitor?

Virginia Beach, US
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May 03, 2012 8:09 am EDT

The new scheme from Cox Communication. to rip off customers:
This is how it works, as the customer attempt to pays for his service fee the system saves the information for the payment and fails to provide any feedback if the information for payment is correct. Then when the system attempts to collect the fee the banks fails to release the fund that were supposed to be collected . Cox then bills an extra $50.00 to your account because the bank refuse the collection. It is a great scheme as most of the customers can accept they made a mistake, This is one of the best one out there why bill you for services render only, when we (Cox) can add an extra $50.00. In addition there is another even better as if you notice this issue and complaint they will take the fee off once in a life time, but if you attempt the easy pay service Cox will find a way to hit you with the fee again. You might ask how do I figure this out, well I took the time to purchase a product on line with the same information and saver the typed information into a form then copy paste the information from the form to the Cox easy pay system, The purchase from the online vendor did not have a problem, but Cox Communication on the other hand found a way to have a problem and bill me an extra $50.00 for problems with the transaction. So be aware.

And the problem is?
Auburn, US
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Jul 07, 2012 5:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Okay... so how would you feel if someone owed you money? that's what I thought. get over it. pay it.

And the problem is?
Auburn, US
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Jul 07, 2012 5:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

For the second time now... okay... so how would you feel if someone owed you money? that's what I thought. get over it. pay it.

And the problem is?
Auburn, US
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Jul 07, 2012 8:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

So what exactly were you asking them for questions that in your opinioin made them grade school level? You never mentioned that. We don't believe for one minute they could have that many incompetent people answering the phones.

Heather Blagrove
North Las Vegas, US
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Aug 09, 2012 9:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Heather Blagrove-BeanCox Communications
2 hours ago ·
Beware of Cox price Lock.
The only one protected under their price lock is Cox.
6 months in and they change mine.
Agents will do and say anything to get you to agree. ·

Cox Communications Hi Heather, a 12-month Price Lock Gurantee means that your monthly price for Internet, telephone, phone features, Cox TV Starter, Expanded, Advanced TV, and DVR service will stay the same during those 12 months. If your prices changed after 6 months, I defintely want to examine your account and find out what happened! I can only imagine how upset you must be and I apologize that we are the reason. So that I can locate your account, please copy and paste your above Facebook post into an email and send it to me at Include your address, account name, and phone number. I'll be happy to get in touch with you. Sincerely, Becky

Hi Becky, thanks for your respond. Yes i am very upset, it not just the matter of $10. it is the deception of the agent that i spoke with in January 2012. He guaranteed me that my bill will not change for the 12 months of the price lock. However my internet service went from $19.99 to $32.99. I called the number provided on my bill and the agent(Suzy) informed me that there is nothing that can be done. she didn't let me speak to a supervisor when i requested one. needless to say i felt cheated...David and Goliath. I informed her that i will take my plight to what ever media is available to me and will continue to do so until something is done, she did not seems to customer can make a difference!
sincerely, Heather Blagrove

The information you sent is not the issue. My problem is that agent I spoke to on 1/2012 did not disclose the information stated below. He led me to believe that my Internet would remain at $19.99 for the duration of the price lock. If he had disclose all the information stated below, I promise you I not have agreed to this price lock or continue to use cox as my provider. This is shoddy business practice. And a rip off. Further more if the $19.99 was carried over from October of 2011. As of 10/2012 I'm no longer obligated to continue my Internet service. It's illegal practice o quote one price then switch once there is a verbal agreement in place. I will continue to take my issue to the Internet until something is done or for the duration of this so call price lock. Maybe even to competitors websites.

New Orleans, US
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Jan 28, 2013 7:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am a Vietnamese American student who recently called to have Internet services installed. The services were to be under my parents name and upon ordering services I tried to translate for my parents since they can not speak adequate English to understand everything. Unfortunately, I received nothing but trouble and was refused services because they believed I might have been using my parents information for fraud. They even continued to do this even though my parents were right next to me, vouching for me. They even forced me to go to the office to complete my installation. I am a full time grad student who doesn't get out of classes until 5 o' clock or later and my parents also work full time. I did not have time to drive home and pick up my parents to drive to an office that was completely far from my home, especially when the office closes at 6 o' clock. I received nothing but rude, unfriendly service, received no help and was left frustrated without Internet. I did not appreciate their lack of concern to help individuals who may need special considerations, especially dealing with minorities and translation.

Oklahoma City, US
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Jun 25, 2013 3:42 pm EDT

I would NEVER recommend cox to anyone. My service has been terrible since the day my "deal" was up and had to start paying full price for the package. They don't remember anything there... like how my services were supposed to be cancelled on the 15th and it's now the 25 and my bill is full price. This is ridiculous!
I even went thru the whole they are going to offer me more deals because of my wanting to cancel.
I'm outraged with them. I hated the service.
They have just informed me that I have to contact sales to get my service cancelled again... a.k.a. have them try to convince me to stay!

I would never tell anyone that this is the best option.
I hate to say that Oklahoma doesn't have more options.

Really wishing uverse was offered at our house.
Thanks for no help at all cox communications!

Send a message
Dec 21, 2013 8:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Mesa, US
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May 31, 2014 5:48 pm EDT

I'm asking people from all over the country , to post me their complaints, about the maltreatment from Cox Communications. Please email me at;

Mel J. Fleming II

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Oct 09, 2015 10:59 am EDT

We Have been noticing that each night for the last 3-4 months that our home phone is unable to use because it shows that "IT IS IN USE', no one
in my house is using any phone then who is using my phone line and from where? & EACH TIME WE LOOK THERE IS NO ONE ELSE IN THE YARD. There was a DEATH in my family in INDIA last evening and we were unable to use our Home Phone from like 11 pm through 2 am because it showed that 'IT IS IN USE", very strange indeed? Our cell phone Verizon came to our rescue and they helped us and connected us to India and we spoke to
our relatives back there. My question is this, is someone TAPPING IN on our lines daily at that times and listening to our conversations which are
ILLEGAL TO DO? Which even COX may not know, but one of their employees must be allowing this to happen? and COX must be unaware of this.
We had therefore requested three months back that they mail us our phone bill /STATEMENTS so that we may check who made calls etc during that time period and COX had PROMISED US that they will mail the phone bills/statements but they did not do it. WE HAVE BEEN THEIR LOYAL CUSTOMER SINCE THE 7-8 YEARS. The Operator ID # 28400, Steve was very courteous and helpful and so was their Supervisor Shawn, ID # 35220 here in AZ. Let us see if my problem gets resolved or we will have to switch to different phone companies.

Send a message
Oct 10, 2015 3:45 pm EDT

Is it true that COX is slowing down service in Las Vegas To get you to upgrade your Internet Service. If it is true than it needs to be taken care of.

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Dec 05, 2015 7:10 pm EST

Crappy service, crappy contractors, crappy technicians, crappy customer service 3 issues at installation 5 issues with cable service in 1 month horrible company=--and the worst part--is they don;t care--they have no competition

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Feb 11, 2016 12:46 pm EST

Been customer for 46 years in ocala Fl.we have trouble with channels freezing 2 too 3 times a week call Cox to be told same thing every time we are working on it and pay bill on time or we will cut you off .This after 46 years of being a with them. They say they are #1 time they should ask us what we think.but they know what we are going to say yell are far from # 1

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Jun 08, 2016 4:28 am EDT

I had a very upsetting and disturbing phone encounter with one of Cox Communications agents, Jennifer Niles. I wasn't pleased with her tone and it kind of seemed like she was high or smoking while on the phone with me. I am not aware of your policies, but I assume she was a at home agent because during our whole phone conversation there was a dog barking in the background, very unprofessional. I enjoy my services I have but personnel like that will run customers away.

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Aug 12, 2016 3:41 am EDT

Attempted to contact this cable provider at 9:00 a.m. First call was dropped by representative. I called back, only to be placed in a holding queue that was egregious in it's wait time. I hung up, and attempted to call back, but still no answer. Over the course of the next 2 hours, I called 2 more times, each with an average wait time of between 15 to 25 mins. I then turned to FB to see if reaching out through social media would garner some attention. I did receive a response to my posting, and eventually spoke to some sort of customer liaison named "Chris" who took my name, number and details, telling me that at some point, a CSR would look into my situation. As of 2 this afternoon, I still have heard nothing from anyone at this company. I'm disgusted. I specifically set aside time this morning to make this phone call, and make the changes necessary to my account--and it's been a complete waste of time. I am shocked at the complete lack of respect and suggestion of their incompetence. This is a company, that provides cable, home phone and internet services--but yet they can't staff and train a customer service department to handle customer requests? The irony of that is not lost on me. I will be in the market for a new cable company as of today.

Tiverton, US
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Aug 12, 2016 3:41 am EDT

We were told we could get NY Yankee Games on the Yes Network. We asked them a few times to make sure and they told us absolutely. 3 months later baseball season started and we do get the Yes channel but all Yankee games are blocked because Cox Communications does not have a contract with the Yes network. We called Cox and they were unwilling to help us and could care less now that we are tied into a 2 year contract that they would not let us out of. It is amazing how they spent so much time talking with us to get our business but now they wouldn't offer us any help and had little to say. We are getting the word out they Cox Communications is a very unprofessional company and you should not do business with them.

Inez Castleschouldt is a LIAR
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Aug 12, 2016 3:41 am EDT

First of all I dont know what area you live that has this cox communications in it but sir your a low down piece of ### liar, do you actually think that a company would stay in bussiness if they conducted there bussiness that way? IDIOT!

Fountain Hills, US
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Aug 12, 2016 3:41 am EDT

I was watching A Perfect World on the EAction channel through Cox Communications Digital Television and 15 minutes before the movie ended, it switched to another movie. Nothing like investing nearly two hours in a movie only to have it switch to a different movie during the ending. I called Cox for a credit and of course they blamed EAction (Encore Action) and will not give me a credit. Way to stand behind your service Cox.

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