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CVS review: bad service 29

Author of the review
10:34 pm EDT
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I was in the cvs pharmacy the other night, very disappointed in the customer service. the man was older and was alone he told me 3 hours to fill one prescription. when i told him i could take it some where else he got mad and threw his glasses on the counter and asked what i wanted him to do. i will never go back to that cvs again. ford road and inkster cvs one bad apple spoils it for everyone else

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Dec 25, 2009 7:29 am EST

CVS Pharmacy Somerset, NJ. Via telephone recording, would not refill a prescription due to too early for a refill. Today is 12/21/09 and the label says that a refill is available before 11/10/10.

Now I have to go to the CVS where I know they will refill this prescription. This is the second time this has happened. How come the stores records via telephone differ from their in-store records? It looks like the left-hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

tokeo , US
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Jan 10, 2010 7:51 am EST

I see that you placed a comment about cvs on Christmas Day... Dont you have FAMILY! I mean come on, CVS employees sometimes are not the problem... it could be the doctor and the way he/she wrote the prescription! You people need to have a JOB in retail Pharmacy, then you might just see that they do their job... and dont speak to a recorder... speak to them... its not that hard. do yourself and everyone a favor, stop complaining you only make things worse...

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Jan 19, 2010 12:47 pm EST

I called today to see if my prescription was ready as my Doctor's Office had called me and told me they had called it in at 2:30pm to CVS in Sun Valley, NV. The girl I talked to said they had not heard from the Doctor's Office. I informed her that they called me at 2:58pm and told me they had called my prescription in at 2:30pm. She said well we do not have it. I told her I knew they had called it in and she preceded to tell me "I hear that so much I have become Insensitive to it".

So now I get to go another night in pain without any sleep and I know they have it.

Saturday they did the same thing on a different prescription. Only after my husband got on the phone and started demanding he speak to the manager, they suddenly found my prescription. There is something wrong at the Pharmacy in Sun Valley, NV.

If this girl is so insensitive why does she work there? This says to me She is insensitive to her work, to my needs and all other customers needs. Is that image you want portrayed of CVS? I am seriously considering calling the Media and see if they can look into this and see if other CVS Pharmacy's in the Reno/Sparks, NV area have the same attitude.

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Feb 11, 2010 1:47 pm EST

I was a Long's customer for over 30 years, UNTIL now when CVS took over.

(1) They reduced their merchandise by about 20% and introduced CVS brand (which does NOT have my confidence)

(2) Long's had a 24 hr "1-hour" photo service, fill out the envelope and you're on your way; CVS has to input and type out a form, and only when an attendant is there, limited hours.

(4) VERY few magazines now.

(5) The ridiculous "CVS Card" program, which offers little benefit [after spending over $100 I was offered a FREE Chapstick] The program also generates a flood of useless junk email promotions. Why don't they just give a discount to EVERY customer and scrap the card? A lot of elderly folks go there and are confused by the card thing. I presume this is how they can track your purchases. One more thing to carry.

(6) They give you a ton of receipts with coupons, contests, polls, etc. which I usually throw away and don't have time to read.

(7) They installed rubber carpet-tiles and the whole place has stunk like burnt rubber for months.

(8) My ATM Card has problems reading ONLY at CVS. Some clerks can "make" it work, some can't.

(9) The pharmacy operates limited hours. Every time I need an Rx, late, their closed. WALGREENS has a 24 hour Pharmacy.

Needless to say, after so many years, I am taking ALL my business to Walgreens. They also have their pharmacy on a network, so you can get your Rx at another location.

Oro Valley, US
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Mar 23, 2010 2:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Today was my last straw with CVS in Tucson Az store # 9211 they have pharmact techs that think they are above the law.They decide how when & where your RX that are written by a MEDICAL DOCTOR They fill the RX totally wrong and more than lucky they all got their training online...Doubt they were ever in a classroom, or ever picked up a book.However under FEDERAL LAW they MUST fill RX they way the doctor writes them not to gain profit in monies for their store.I had a pharmacy tech tell me on the phone today that I had a FIPPING ATTITUDE, well mr tech You will now see & find out just what a FLIPPING ATTITUDE will cost YOU..I have contacted the pharmarcital board here in Phoenix Az, and we all now will see your FATE...My husband had a RX filled by this store on12/2009 180 count of his heart med I had transfer his refill to walmart and picked it up today I recived a 60 count..Apparently no one knows how to count in CVS.I have dealt with CVS since the day they open their doors, and NEVER have I been treated so CRUEL and like a piece of ### like I have been over the past yr from this store..Another incident about this store in January 2010 this store transfered all my RX to the state of NEW YORK.These techs told me thats where my dr practices, no he does not he is right down the same street as I live on now...I contacted my doctor about this issue, and he was furious...These techs in this store have no clue how to use a computer can't read, and they should do JAIL TIME for their incopemtent..Most people do not realize these techs work under someone LICENSE.not theirs they don't have one...I will fight this store if I have to go to court, someone is going to be held accoun table for their STUPID actions..Its time for this store to find out just what it means "WHEN IT GETS TOO HOT GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN"
Hope you read this one day MIKE>>>>>>>>

Fairview, US
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Mar 27, 2010 12:25 am EDT

Wow. First off, you should really try and write your complaint civilly if you expect anyone to take you seriously. Second off, the pharmacy technicians couldn't even work there if they did not complete all their web-based INSTRUCTOR LEAD (in a classroom) and on-the-job training. Please be informed before you rant on and on about incompetent techs. We fill the prescription to the best of our ability. Do not blame us if your insurance will only cover, say a 1 month supply at a time instead of the 3 month supply you would like to get. If you would like to pay full retail for it be my guest.

Oro Valley, US
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Mar 27, 2010 11:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As I write back on yr comment their are agencies that I have called and wrote to that are taking me very seriously.This complaint has nothing to do with the insurance, however that don't give you folks in yr profession to override a Dr Rx count, just for profit.Also you need to go back and check state laws, apparently you being in New York has laws only to protect you.I never asked for a 3 month supply stupid, ...I cannot override what a DR writes for a count on a 1 month supply, nor can I ask "OH PLEASE FILL MY RX 4 90, TO SAVE ME MONEY...That is against the LAW anywhere...Oh btw, if you techs think yr always in the right, then why do you blog about us consumers on yr FACEBOOK page?This complaint is ONLY about TECHS overriding the drug count and nothing else...

Fairview, US
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Mar 29, 2010 10:16 am EDT

First off, 'yr' does not equal your. Second, I do not blog about customers on my facebook. We do however get quite a laugh out of crazies like you at work. Please take your local store to court. I would LOVE to see that on the news. Anyone taking you seriously would only do so because they feel sorry for you because, based on the way you write, you are either A. A third grader or B. Mentally challenged. The reason people at the store treat you cruelly is because you are arrogant and obnoxious. You are exactly the type of customer we dread getting in our pharmacies. You think you know our jobs and the laws when you obviously do not. Let it go.

Oro Valley, US
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Mar 29, 2010 2:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am mentally challenge u learn 2 spell idiot, besides if u don't like yr job get another.No one has twisted yr arm to be in the profession that u care 2 b in..Crazies YES I love being a crazy but then your no different them me..You keep this blog going on and on and on...RIGHT! Thank you sooooo much 4 the complaints...How could I get thru the day without idiots like you...

Fairview, US
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Mar 30, 2010 11:11 am EDT

Your post makes no sense.

Oro Valley, US
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Mar 30, 2010 11:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Neither do you..That was the point...Go back to school and pick up a book of english...

Fairview, US
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Mar 30, 2010 11:36 am EDT

I'm going to be the bigger person here. My initial post was to give you a little information and try and explain why the people you had problems with did what they did. You had to go and get all rude and nasty about it. That kind of attitude will get you nowhere in life. Have a good day.

Oro Valley, US
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Mar 30, 2010 11:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

who is the rude & nasty one here? that is you pharmacy tech..the imformation in the complaint was NOT about anything you kept blogging on my post about..It was about overriding a RX and thats all it was about...I put that person on the spot when I asked just 1 simple question and that person (Unless its you)got on the defensive, & coping an attitude w me..Don't care if your over worked or under paid.You folks don't have the right 2 take your problems out on us the consumers.I filed my complaint on behalf of my family members that work for CVS pharmacy in Massachusettes..Thats my story and I'm sticking to it...lmaol

Oro Valley, US
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Mar 30, 2010 11:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This post has ended on this day March 30, 2010!

Stupidtown, US
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May 28, 2010 9:49 pm EDT

I honestly had a hard time reading your complaint because of all the spelling errors and run on sentences... but it seems as though you are judging all pharmacy techs as rude, incompetent and uneducated? So let's just fire all them and just have pharmacists run the pharmacies by themselves... wait! Can't do that because then people would have to wait 2 hours... oh! but I need it NOW! ... How about they push for mandatory training and national certification? What about putting less emphasis on 15 minute wait times and more emphasis on accurate and efficient filling of all prescriptions? Drive Thru? What about designating that open only during high volume times so that there is one less distraction that your busy pharmacy staff has to face?

This post has been reopened! :)

Oro Valley, US
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May 29, 2010 12:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Get a Life...

Stupidtown, US
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May 30, 2010 11:36 am EDT

back at ya! :)

Michael Leighton
locust, US
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Dec 04, 2010 4:32 pm EST

I stopped using CVS as my pharmacy many years ago for poor very poor customer service. I had on three separate occasions dropped off or had my doctor call in prescriptions, about an hour after each one was ready I went in to get my medicine and the scripts had not even been worked on. On one occasion they did not have the medication on the prescription and told me the medications were no longer made. I took back my prescriptions and went to another pharmacy where I was able to obtain from a new bottle my prescription. I have not stepped back into a CVS again and I suggest you do the same. Poor service and a non caring attitude. They are know in the area as being the worst company to get prescriptions from

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Jan 31, 2011 7:48 pm EST

Went to CVS and cut my finger on sharp edge of check out counter. I asked for a tissue. Attendant came back with no tissue but called the police instead. Police called ambulance and asked me why I bled on CVS floor & shopping cart. CVS asked me to leave their store. Police said they would arrest me if i left the parking lot for leaving the seen of an investigation. Called my spouse on cell. Police told me to hang up the phone or they would arrest me for unruly conduct. I AM PISSED. NOBODY CARED ABOUT MY BLEEDING FINGER. I want to sue or cuss or fight or something.

middle of nowhere, US
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Feb 23, 2011 12:11 am EST

Just because it says x number of refills before 00/00/0000 doesnt mean if your refill is too soon through insurance that youre going to get that refill before the date the refills expire, geesh people. Its common sense

Elswhere, US
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Apr 09, 2011 8:21 am EDT

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

Shane J B
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Aug 25, 2011 4:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am 46 yrs old and a visitor to the USA on business. I went to the CVS to buy a pack of cigarettes and was told they need ID to sell me cigarettes. I gave them my drivers ID from my country and was rudely told by the cashier that only passport was accepted. The man was dressed in Muslim clothes and his accent was Pakistani. I told him he had a bad attitude and that in my country adults did not have to show a passport to buy cigarettes. He then told me to go back to my own country in front of other customers in the line.

Wilder, US
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Sep 14, 2011 5:10 am EDT

If you told me I had a bad attitude I'd tell you to go back home too.

anch, US
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Dec 15, 2012 9:16 pm EST

cvs short staffs many pharmacies; state pharmacy boards do nothing to protect the public from this practice. that guy was likely doing the work of 4 people.

Why The Long Faces
Why The Long Faces
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Dec 15, 2012 10:46 pm EST

So he gave you an answer and you did not like it, so you insulted him by telling him how much faster another pharmacy would be? Then take your butt to the other pharmacy. One bad customer will not be missed. Trust me. We love when people like you go elsewhere.

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Sep 26, 2015 5:48 pm EDT

Store #4147. This store Pharmacy manager Corrine is the worst store manager. I have been having wrong medicine in my pill bottle, long lines, bad customer service and in putting the order in.I change.d all medicine to Kroger and told all family and friends to cancel

Kendal johnston
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Jan 04, 2016 10:09 pm EST

Cvs on buffalo gap rd worst in area. All long time employees have left. Takes over 4 hours to fill a prescription and messed up an elderly women's meds and refused to take it back on January 4 th after she filled it on 12/31 and was told to take it back after calling. She doesn't drive much anymore. Charged her $175.20 and refused to comp her towards correct med of $117. Computer auto fill always wrong. I am in process of transferring all my meds to James McCoy south in Abilene.

Andrea Sang
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Apr 28, 2016 4:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Everytime I have a refill they dont have it in stock and when I do pick it up they keep you waiting forever. Whenb i was there the other nite there was a line and instead of waiting on people they had one girl putting prescriptions away and just ignored the people waiting to pick up there prescription. I dont know where they get these workers from but they suck. They need to be retrained.

Manfred Axer
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May 26, 2016 3:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My doctor submitted a prescription of above medication to CVS. When picking it up yesterday, I was told the medication for 90 day supply would be $ 262! I knew that I always paid much less at Costco Pharmacy and had the prescription transferred. Today I picked the pills up at Costco. The cost for a 30 day supply $ 6.95! How is it possible that CVS overcharges

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CVS is ranked 2 among 61 companies in the Drug Store category