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DISH Network Complaints 1346

4:49 pm EDT
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DISH Network refund my money

Dish net work tv never worked in my home and this company would never come out and fix it problem but they certainty took money every month for their bad service... and when I had had enough and cancelled the bad service they took $200.00 out of my account without my consent and an additional $325.00 for their crappy equipment and has refused to give it back...every time I call this company they have a different story about my refund. They are a ripoff company...

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Washington, US
Jan 27, 2010 10:22 am EST

I left the cable company for dish network. Because I didn't have a major credit card, I was put on a "pre pay" account. I was never informed of this, nor was I ever told what a "pre pay account" entails. My bill was due on Jan 23rd, I paid it on Jan 25th, at one of their authorized payment centers, I called them to let them know I paid the bill, their response was, although it was paid at their authorized center, and I have a receipt, it is not considered paid until the computer receives the payment. As a result, my service was disconnected today, because it takes 2 to 3 business days for them to receive the payment, which also was not disclosed. I have filed a complaint with the PA attorney general, and I would suggest anyone else this has happened to, file a complaint, as well. (I'm sure I am not the only one). If they have enough complaints filed, just maybe someone will take notice, and file a lawsuit, to make them stop their deceptive practices. I also belive it's a scam to get a reconnection fee from people.
C. Williams
Washington, PA

3:29 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network profanity

I received a telephone call while I was at work on June 23, 2009. The message I received was that I was all set for hook-up of the Dish Network (everything was already paid for) and I just had to press the number 1 to confirm a time - The message said that I was also entitled to a $100.00 cash refund and I could get Disney Tickets also. I pressed the number one and was connected to a salesperson (Kevin) who asked me what I wanted to purchase. I explanined to him that I received the call about a hook up and wanted to know what time. He again asked me what I wanted to purchase. I told him I was called by Dish and told him what the message was. He in turn became very rude and told me that he did not care what the F***ing message said - did I want to buy the Dish package. I told him that he was calling a business and I did not appreciate the vulgar language and he slammed the telephone receiver down in my ear.
I am very upset by this call and the disgusting language that I had to be subjected to and I think you should stop with these misleading telephone calls. I have received other calls from the Dish Network at this telephone number and have repeatedly requested that this number be removed from the call list.

I think this reflects badly on your company that you have to resort to scam phone calls and rude salespeople.

Rosemary Callahan

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2:55 am EDT
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DISH Network overcharging/fraudulent practices

I was charged for two months on my first bill, which stated this was a one-time issue, and that all future charges would occur each month. However, in May I had two months deducted from my credit card account again...then had another charge to my account in June. WHY AM I BEING DOUBLE-BILLED AGAIN, AFTER BEING ASSURED THAT THIS WAS ONLY A ONE-TIME ISSUE? THEN HAVING CHARGES DEDUCTED FROM MY ACCOUNT AGAIN FOR JUNE? I've never been credited for the $90.00 in cash that I paid to the outside-contractors that installed my equipment...the first installer arrived with only one receiver and no HD cable (stating this was our responsibility, which was NEVER communicated to us prior to this time...he told me to not tell anyone that he was leaving the installation "as is", as this would get him into trouble, ) and also told me that I must pay $50.00 to have a second dish installed on the cottage on our property, since the buildings were too far apart (I had made it clear to the rep that we may require an additional dish for this reason, and paid a deposit up front for this second dish...the installer only brought ONE with him, so was not equipped to do the installation as ordered, requiring me to be home for a second installer the following day, which was EXTREMELY inconvenient!) When the second installer showed up the next day, he also told me that Dish Network required an additional $100.00 for the second dish! I told him to forget it, and that I'd like to have my original $50.00 that I had paid to the first installer returned. He offered to sell me one of "his own dishes", which he had in his van, for $40.00, which I agreed to, but neither work order reflects the cash transactions! (I was told by the representatives that the installers had me speak with on their cell phones that they did not have access to my billing information, so could not charge my credit card...I am set up on an "auto pay" program, so still do not understand why all people I spoke with and saw were wearing the Dish Network logo, driving vans with Dish Network logos on the side, and the reps over the phone told me they represented Dish Network.) Since this is the case, I expect Dish Network to resolve this issue immediately, or I will seek legal retribution...also, I paid $318.00 as a deposit for ALL equipment, even though I was supposed to receive TWO receivers for free (as advertised on the website)...I had to pay for the second receiver (as it was not HD like the other one), AND had to pay these additional cash fees for the additional dish. This was NOT represented to me by the person taking my order over the phone, and would appear to be a fraudulent practice.

Two weeks later, I received a letter stating that due to my poor credit history, I was no longer eligible for any of the specials I had signed up for at the time I placed my order...however, this is why I was required to pay the $318.00 deposit, as well as being required to be set up as an "auto pay" customer. Unfortunately, this "auto pay" system is taking liberties with my money, which is unauthorized and illegal.

I expect to see credits made to my account immediately. I am also reporting Dish Network to a Complaints website, as I have noted that there are hundreds more people like me that are very dissatisfied with the "bait and switch" tactics and over-charging that is taking place. For Dish Network to respond with forwarding information of the retailer that is in my area is NOT acceptable...I began placing my order by going to the Dish Network's main website. If I was forwarded to a retailer/outside contractor, it was without my knowledge, and they are not supporting the advertised services that Dish Network publishes on their corporate website.

VERY, VERY BAD FORM, DISH NETWORK...I suggest you contact your retailers and the outside contractors you have representing your logo, as they are conducting fraudulent practices, and I will take this to court if necessary.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Please note, this is the third attempt to have these issues resolved, and there will be NO MORE opportunities for Dish Network to refund my money...that will be a court-0rder if I am not satisfied within the next billing cycle.

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david radnot
May 12, 2011 8:59 am EDT

There is no bait and switch. Sounds like you didn't pass the credit check and the equipment is NOT Free and you'll need to pay for any work that is performed above the scope of the standard installaton.

Instead of posting your ramblings here, why don't you contact customer service and write a letter to them, as the address is on your bill.

It would be better you just pay the addtiional charges, then waste your time suing them, because you will not get anyting accomplished.

5:20 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network cancellation fee/ poor service

I switched from cable to dish network in august of 2008. They are combined with embarq's phone and internet service. When I set up service I set up auto pay to come right out of my account every month. A month or so later I come home all services have been disconected. I called to find out why and they said due to non payment. Aparently they had no record of my auto payments. They were running a free tv for a year special. At that time I was told since I had a disconnect (And they added on a 40.00 charge) that I would not be able to get the free tv for a year now. At that time they said they would be happy to set me up on auto payments! In february of 2009 I moved and needed to have my service set up again at my new place. There would be someone from embarq coming to hook up the phone and internet and someone from dish coming to hook up the television. I called on a wednesday and embarq scheduled to come out the next thursday. They then transfered me to dish to schedule. The operator said they had an appointment open for saturday morning. I said that would be fine. We set it up and he hung up. 10 minutes later he called back and said that they cant make it saturday they would have to come monday between 12 and 2. I explained that I would have to arrange time off work but that was acceptable. Monday at 4 pm still nobody here. I called them and they said my appointment was scheduled for a friday not a monday and it wasn't for another 2 weeks! I said you can't be serious I have taken a day off work to wait for this and you rescheduled without telling me, and to make it worse I would be without tv for another 2 weeks! The "gentleman" on the phone said well if you dont keep this appointment 2 weeks from now then we don't have another one for a week after that. At this point I was getting mad and I said let me speak to your supervisor I cannot believe you are treating an existing customer this way. He yelled at me saying you don't need a supervisor and hung up on me. I immediately called back and explained to the next person what had just been said to me and can you believe they didn't even have a record that I had just called! She told me there were no notes on my account and that I needed to keep the appointment. If I did not keep it and cancelled there would be an early cancellation fee of 180.00. I waited the 2 weeks and kept my appointment. On the next bill I was charged for the 3 weeks I was without tv. I called and was told I had to pay it... Prorated bla bla bla... But they would credit me $10 dollars a month for 5 months for my inconvenience. It is now june and I have not seen 1 credit. To make matters worse the bill that should be only $110.00 a month is over 190.00. I keep calling questioning and I get the same thing... Prorated... After you pay this bill it will go down. It never happens. I have had enough! I called another company and scheduled a hook up. I called dish today to cancel. They say I owe $160.00 cancellation fee. The cancellation fee is $10.00 per month for every month of unfulfilled 24 month contract. My calculations say august to june is 10 months. That leaves 14 months @ $10.00 a month. That isn't $160.00! There were many more problems and phone calls I have not mentioned here. I told the lady on the phone I would pay $500.00 at this point to get rid of them! It is a shame that they can give such poor customer service and charge you whatever they feel like charging and when you say enough is enough they are allowed to charge more for you to get them to stop! Beware of dish network and their poor customer service!

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Disgruntal User
Mar 17, 2010 10:38 am EDT

I have the same issue going on right now with the $5.00 fee. I had my phones switched to digital service and had to get the lines re-routed to the receiver for the phone connection. After talking with the reps at Dish Network they said the fee would be removed and waived from now on. Guess what its still there, now they say there policy has changed if you don't have your money drafted from your account for monthly payments they will charge you a $5.oo fee. The same allocation box and eveything as stated on the bill for the no phone line connection. I plan to file an official complaint with the Attorney General in my state. I suggest everyone else do the same, put a stop to the fees. $5.00 from all customers adds to millions a month!

Lowell, US
Aug 29, 2009 2:16 pm EDT

I have to call Dish about once a month for some fee they've slapped on me. For six months, from January to June, I had to call every month to have the $5.00 "access fee" removed. They claimed my phone line was not plugged into the receiver and it always is. Finally, I talked to someone about the problem who said she would "waive" this fee for my account and I would never be charged the fee again. So far two months and I haven't been charged the fee, but a new one appeared... amazingly... coincidentally, in the same month the $5.00 access fee supposedly was waived. This fee is $5.99 for a Protection Plan I never ordered or authorized. I just call and calmly talk to a representative. They are always courteous and professional, but I have to say that I've come to the conclusion that Dish network is running a scam with all these fees and they are hoping that the vast majority of folks never look at their bill and just keep writing the check.

5:44 pm EDT
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DISH Network selling private information

Dish Network is selling customer credit card information to Telemarketers; info given includes: CRV number, expiration date, cardholder name, address and phone number. Our information comes direct from the Telemarketer who Dish Network, sold our sensitive information too; when asked where did you get our credit card number from? "We got your CC number from Dish". The credit card number in question, was given only to Dish Network.

All the hidden fees and deceptive marketing practices are another sore spot. Dish keeps getting busted and keeps committing the same crimes when it comes to telemarketing fraud.

Dish DVR's are also subject to being disabled pending court ruling; Dish has been found guilty of patent infringement for stealing TIVO'S
system for DVR recording.

The government needs to step in and keep both Dish and DirecTv on a short leash; to many people are getting ripped off by both companies.

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Update by radiobrandy
Mar 12, 2011 7:55 pm EST

I'm re posting this because the website added a bunch of symbols in the text making it hard to read. I hope the time works better!
It's called fraud in the inducement; which Dish is famous for. Don't feel bad; after we lived out our contract, Dish sent us to a collection agency for $650. Keep in mind we lived out the ultra deceptive contract; but Dish is still trying to rip us off! Dish Network is owned by the LDS (Mormon) Church; so the government is not going to touch them and Dish knows it!
Look up Dish Network on Wiki; you will see that you are not alone. Best thing you can do is spread the word! Tell everyone you know; get even!
You are right about cable; and the picture is much better! I did an A-B comparison between our cables digital picture and Dish. It is like comparing an old VHS tape with a DVD; the difference is startling. Picture was much more detailed on cable and I get far more channels.
I'm sorry you are another victim of Dish Network; make sure you put a not on your credit report so it does hurt you.

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Fairfax, US
Mar 12, 2011 5:17 am EST

I have been a victim of Dish network's deceptive marketing strategy. And this only occurred last year in July 2010. Can anyone provide me with assistance what to do about this ? They have taken an unauthorized amount of money from my CHECKING ACCOUNT. I recently lost my job and had to move from my home. I am now living in a place where the dish is not allowed. I was explained by the Sales representative that if such a situation would ever occur - I would be able to cancel my Dish network without incuring fees. This of course was not the case after we read the contract. And of course because this is in black and white they have the right to their fees. However the SALES REPS have NO RIGHT to deceive potential customers into thinking that such is not the case. My case is unfortunate and I have no other mechanism to vent other than to file complaints with various agencies - FCC and BBB and share my experience with others. Please BE WARNED to NEVER obtain Dish network services. Getting into a contract is VERY RISKY in our economic environment of today. No one can gaurantee whether tomorrow he/she will be employed or have a home etc etc. Just please please please be careful in making a decision with this company - I really suggest cable is the BEST service one can get. These satellite companies should be thrown out of the market forever...they are NOT to be trusted.

NAshu, US
Jun 04, 2009 8:47 pm EDT

I am somewhat of a class action junkie. I know there are laws protecting this type of information, but your contract may allow for its sale. Sucks I know. Check out my site Lots of class actions against DirectTV for a variety of really bad practices. Not sure if there is one for selling private information. It may be worth passing the information on to some of the law firms there. Good Luck. Very curious to get an update on this one.

12:19 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network no rebate as advertised

I went on line to see about dish tv service and they had an ad running that said 9.99 a month for 100 chanels with a $300.00 dollar rebate for your food and gas for the next three months. It also said free stars movic channel for one year for one penny and up to 4 tvs for free. When I went to get my rebate they said go to this web site and you will get it that you qulify. I went to the web site that they told me to go to and it said that to get my rebate I had to order silver or above. It never said anything in the add about this. Also now they are chaging me for stars they said I had to auto bill pay to recive this. Another thing that was not in their add. I paid my penny for the year free but I am still charged $5.00 a month for the service that I was suppose to get for a year for a penny. They also are charging me for a dvr that I did not get and a second tv witch was supose to be free. On top of all of that they are charging me for local channels that I do not recive and out of the 100 channels that I got for the 9.99 pluse a month which was only suppose to be 9.99 half are food channles or shopping chanles there is nothing to watch but the paid channels. To top it all off when I called them back and asked for my rebate they told me that they where not responsable for the add that a marketing company was doing it for them. I tell you this if you advertise something in your name and then tell me your not responsable for it it is fraud. Also in the add it did not say anthing about a two year contract. But after they came and spent two hours installing a dish on my house and setting up my service the last thing they made me sign is a two year contract. Now I don't want there service any more I can get a better deal with cable for less money with real channles that I will watch. What can I do?

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Fresno, US
Sep 02, 2010 9:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had almost the exact thing happen to me. I called this dish service company online for the $9.99 deal for six months +.01 penny for a year for cinemax. I was told that I too would receive $300.00 in food or gas card. During my conversation with this company representing Dish I ask some specific questions: Like, are there any other charges that I don't know about? What will be my actual bill for the first 6 months, and after that? I wanted dollars and cents and I wanted exact. I explained that I am on a tight budget and was allocating funds for this Dish. When they came to my home to install the dish I was told that to get the movie channel for a penny I had to have bill pay; thus giving them access to my bank account. I even had to sign a 2 year contract with them. Believing that people tell the truth, I gave them what they asked for.
One and a half years later, endless phone calls, pulling of hair I have gotten nothing promised me at all. When I never got the $300.00-Dish laughed at me and said " Do you really think we'd give you$300.00 to join Dish?" The other company that is representing Dish said that they never had a promotion like that during the months I got Dish. My Bill Pay from Dish was always over $50.00 or $60.00 dollars a month. That's roughly $40.00 or so dollars over what I was told. Not to mention all the other charges they have put on me. I have told Dish on several occasions to come and get there Dish and there DVR's etc before I stick it someplace where the sun doesn't sine. They informed me that they have access to my checking account and they will charge me over $200.00 + for canceling my contract. This was 3 months ago. I have thus stopped Auto pay and am considering canceling Dish anyway. If they charge me $200.00 it's still cheaper than the Dish itself. Besides, your right, it's all shopping networks, ppv, infomercials and a whole lotta crap. I was wondering- Since I made a contract with a company Dish says does not represent them and they do not have to go along with what they promote. Than my contract is not with Dish but with a fraudulent online company misrepresenting the Dish Network. I know that's bull, but I'm willing to try it at this point.
Dish and all these other companies when they knowingly misrepresent themselves are guilty of fraud, and theft. Last time I looked at the law books, these things are illegal and punishable.
DO THE CRIME-DO THE TIME. In my case I believe I deserve a refund from Dish, and monies from their so called non representative online company. Anyway, thats my story so far on this Dish Mess. They lie, they cheat, they steal, than they laugh and humiliate you while they talk down to you as if your head was full of dust.
Sorry for the ranting-=this was=-is my first written complaint on this sight.

9:52 am EDT
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DISH Network charges w/o services

I moved from 1201 w. Turner road to 1312 leeds avenue sometime ago. I have not been able to take avantage of the services because as can be evident, I have never received the “smartcard”. According to your records, it was mailed to the previous address. Since I expect this to be a short term move, I do not wish to use the services until I move back.

I have spoken to several of your representatives, jeff @ q18, alexis and others without resolve. I do not owe any payments to dish on any account and I only purchased a temporary card to establish services which I was not able to enjoy. Upon my return to 1201 I do expect to restore services and that way I will not have to enter into another contract, just activate the existing service.

You may forward a label and box to the 1312 leeds st. Address for the equipment to be returned so that I will not be charged anything and your inventory will not be short.

Further, I am unemployed and attempting to restructure my expenses.

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7:26 pm EDT
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DISH Network no show for installment

I called Dishnetwork on Wednesday 5/13/09 for an installation for their Internet with Wildblue. The CSR said they could come between the hours of 8 to 12 am. So I set it up for Saturday 5/16/09. I recieved a call from the hub manager at 8:30 on the day of the installment and she said we had to reschedule the appointment because their was only one installer in our area and he didn't work weekends. I told them I had took the day off of work because the homeowner has to be present at the time of the installment to sign the contract. I was on the phone with different CSR trying to get my dish installed when they told me it be. Over 4 hours on the phone with rude CSR and still no luck. Had to reschedule the installment and the soonest would be 5/18/09. So a day of lost wages and no dish and will have another day of lost wages just cause the technician doesn't work weekends. They could have told me from the beginning instead of misleading me and could of called the day before to let me know at least I could have went to work.

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Denver, US
Aug 31, 2010 2:47 pm EDT

Dish Network sucks IMHO

4:47 pm EDT
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DISH Network scam and cheating

I contacted dish on Friday, April 10, 2009 to inquire about service. I was told I would get certain equipment & service for a pre-paid amount. I told them I had to go into town & get the money & would continue with purchase. After I got money I called them to continue purchase. I verified equipment & service then gave them my cc numbers. When getting ready to set up time & date for installation I reverified equipment & service & was informed that they were mistaken & I had to pay more money for equipment & service I wanted. I told them I did not want service then. My cc had already been put in a hold status so I requested the money to be put back on. I spoke to 2 different agents then & was reassured the money would be put back within 24hrs, not 48 or 72. 24hrs later the money still was on hold so i called and asked to speak to a supervisor who then told me the reversal had NOT been posted yesterday due to a clerical error. I called back and was then informed it would take 7-10 business days but that they could expedite it to 3-4 days and my phone battery went dead. I switched phones but by then they had already hung up. It didn't take even an hour for them to post the payment but it has taken way longer then the 24hrs. I was promised for them to release the amount. To date, April 12, 2009 it still is in HOLD status. After being lied to several times I do NOT trust Dish Network to give me my money back at all. I feel as though I've just been mugged. You would think a big company such as Dish Network wouldn't have to resort to such scam artist practices as these.

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Tim Meyer
Grand Rapids, US
May 21, 2009 8:30 pm EDT

I am so sorry that you are facing this with DISH Network. Have you tried calling your credit card company, and complaining that you have attempted to cancel the order, yet DISH won't do it? I believe you can request that they stop payment to DISH, and it could result in DISHs inability to charge on your card. You will probably have to have a new credit card number, and have them issue you a new card (as they will freeze this one), so that DISH cannot put any other charges on the card. I know it may be a hassle to do this, but it may save you some money. Just a thought ---Tim

4:24 pm EDT
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DISH Network billing errors

Dish Network charged 2 "all day" PPV movies to my account on a day when I wasn't even home. Easter Sunday of all days. Called them, got the run around and pretty much was told "too bad". Customer Svc rep could barely speak english and at first refused to let me speak to a supervisor. I finally was able to leave a message on the supervisors voice mail. Still waiting for a call back.

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Aleknotfor dish
Feb 08, 2011 1:01 am EST

I'm if process ( another month) to straight up billing from Dish, frustrated and upset by their practices. Is only 4th month I have service, seriously thinking quit this [censor] provider and move on. Just another co-comcast rippof co.

2:39 pm EDT
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DISH Network charged my credit card without authorization and now not owning up

I recently called into Dish Network to make a payment arrangement. The woman over the phone understood everything and then confirmed it all back to me. Moments later she processed the payment and said that she did it now instead of later so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Once I told her very sternly that it was not supposed to be withdrawn now and that she had to unpost the transaction, she hung up on me.

I called back and spoke with two other reps, one being a manager and neither would refund it to me credit card seeing as though there wasn't an actual "credit" on my account, meaning I hadn't overpaid. Now I too work in customer service in a call center and I know full well that there is always a way, you can unpost the transaction or at the very least send a message to your accounting department for them to put it back on the credit card. Never the less, Dish just would not fess up and own their own actions.

Moments later I called my bank and they said I either had to file a dispute with my bank and have my account on hold for several days and be issued a new credit card or talk to dish one more time to see if they were willing to settle it without involving anyone else. Either way, I called back and got a nice representative that did go ahead and put it thru to go back on my credit card. She also stated that if I had any overdraft fees to call back and have them at the very least put that credit on my account with them.

I called back today once everything was put thru, the credit, and the charge to inform them of the 4 overdraft fees I currently have on my account. They were unwilling to do anything at all. I spoke with a regular rep, a supervisor, and their supervisor, the leader of the department. All of them were unwilling to do anything. They said that they had done their part by putting back the funds into my account and there as nothing more they could do. So now I am left to pay the $120 in overdraft fees that have incurred because of them.

I am so livid at all of this that I just want to close out my account and call it quits with them. I am only 20 years old, live on limited funds, have other bills to pay, and medical issues that I have to worry about as well. And due to my account being in the bucket over the last week, I had to scrounge up change to pay for parking in the Dana Farber Cancer Institute when I went to a doctors appointment. I mean seriously people, do you have no souls?!?!? As soon as I can, I am closing my account and getting another service. They just aren't worth my time and troubles.

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Update by threadsofvinyl
May 02, 2009 2:34 pm EDT

Well first of all, its a ###ing recession [censored] bag. and second of all don't pass judgement on me. You don't know that I'm only 20 and the breadwinner in a family where both my single mother and brother have been laid off. Maybe you should keep your arrogant comments to yourself. I was aware that this website was to show how some companies are shady and that is what I did. So go take a long hard look in the mirror before you come back and be a ### to a 20 year old girl who is doing the best she can to make ends meet with what she's got. @$$HOLE!


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Canaan, US
Nov 13, 2009 7:46 pm EST

dear bobcockburn
are you a complete ###ing ###... the girl ran into problems with money.. what are you some rich snob that runs to daddy for help? get real ###, people all around the country are having money issues and a lot of GOOD people are doing what they can to pay there bills ###!

boise, US
May 24, 2009 6:35 pm EDT

tv is a privledge, not a need, if you cant pay your bill due to this "recession" maybe your priorities are in the wrong place

boise, US
Apr 25, 2009 1:37 pm EDT

pay your bill on time and you wouldnt have to make "arrangements"

11:59 am EDT
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DISH Network awful company

I recently was ripped off by a Dish Network retailer called Mini Dish Network. I was working at a county fair in Benton County. At the time I was helping a Chef for Kitchen Craft Cookware. I spoke with the Dish Network rep and he told me he knew someone I knew in the business. The person I knew was a christian guy who didn't drink and fairly honest. I had sold Dish Network door to door through this other agency . The dish Network company at the fair was called Mini Dish Network and operates out of Portland, Oregon. The owner is Brett Driver his brother pretends to be the owner his name is Troy Driver.

Troy Driver was who I spoke to at the fair. He had a business card that said Owner on it. I assumed he was legitimate because of how he told me he knew my friend I had worked with before as an agent of dish network. This Troy Driver guy told me I could call him anytime and he would get me out selling dish network contracts.

After a few fairs with kitchen craft I was in need of employment because the job was temporary. I called Troy Driver and he told me to come over to his house. He operated out of his garage. He told me he would start training me that day. When I arrived he told me he would not be able to train me because of another fair and he had a sales agent who was top notch and could train me. Then the other sales agent suddenly quit and was no longer working with Troy. They had a dispute over paperwork honesty. Troy told me I could stay in his garage for a few hundred dollars until I could get a few contracts . He said he wouldn't bother me All he needed was three contracts a month from me for the garage space. I had just stopped working at fairs and needed a few weeks of work to get into another place. I accepted the invitation.

I hadn't been able to get a hold of my friend who's supposed friendship with troy made it seem safe to me. As soon as I brought my bags to Troy's he changed like jeckyl and hide. The next day I was locked out of the house and had no access to the toilet . Then I was yelled at and told I had to do yard work and house work. Then I was told I had to help work at the state fair. I didn't leave right away because I figured I could stomach it until I got a few sales. He told me each day he would find someone to train me . He finally found someone . It was someone who was ripped off by another retailer and quit Dish Network for a year. He said he was ripped off 5000 dollars in commissions. I was started to get the picture.

I had no bad experiences like this prior with dish and couldn't get a hold of my friend I worked with before. I was yelled at each morning and told I had to drive people to the state fair . At night I had to drive home because Troy was a heavy beer drinker. He yelled all day and night for people to do everything his way. At the end of that fair I had a few sales pending and was getting the hang of it. I had no real formal training or even been walked through any sales .

I was given an ultimatem to go with Troy to the next fair in Puyallup washington. He told me I couldn't stay at his house after telling me he would leave me alone all he asked was 3 sales a month. now I had to goto puyallup. He was talking to me about contracts and how he got started in Dish. He had sold dish for several years but he never filed his taxes for 10 years he told me. To hide from the IRS he had his brother put the business in his brothers name. . I needed to get out of the situation but I had only a few minutes of the day to do anything . He would yell and scream at me and then say I love you Ed really I'm a good guy you just have to work around here we need some sales out of you. Or words to that effect.

I had to drive to Puyallup because he was drinking. He yelled at me as soon as we got there. He was drunk and harassing me. I had detective training earlier in my life and could put on a straight face and understood he was drunk I had to humor. I had to open at the fair everyday and stay until close. He would arrive late afternoon sometimes early noon. Then he would leave a few hours before close and get drunk. He was hardly there and I had no training or experience. He agreed he would give me a 50 dollar commission on every sale at the fair.

All I had to do he said was bring people back to the booth. He told me he expected 300 sales from the fair. We weren't getting very many and he was yelling and screaming every day and night. I would get 5 or 6 sales and he would yell for me to get more and call me names and call people names behind their backs who would come to the booth and leave. The sales people in booths next us noticed how he behaved and a manager came over to me and told me he would let me sell hot tubs and the first hot tub I sold he'd give the commission right then to help me get home and not have to go through Troy driver anymore. He embarrassed me and those around him everyday and night. he drank every night and sometimes in the day. I had to be designated driver every night because at the end of each night he was drinking.

I was about to leave and he told me he would pay me 5000 dollars if we just get 100 sales before the fair ends. We had about 35 and 10 days left. I thought it was possible. A few days later he put his laptop on my shoulder as we were walking to the car after closing time. I told me to carry it to the car. I carried the laptop and set it down next to him when we got to the vehicle . I told it was there. He was on his cell phone and told me I am driving he's been drinking.

We left the parking lot and noticed his laptop didn't get into the car. I assumed he put it in the car. He threatened to kill me beat me called me every name he could then when we arrived back to get the laptop it was gone. I told the police about his behavior. He blamed me for it yet it was his job to keep track of the laptop and his laptop. He was drinking not me and I set it down next to him. He was unable to speak to me he was belligerent and verbally abusive. I went back home on the bus.

I got a ticket from family and his brother played the innocent owner who really wasn't involved and I had to get my money from Troy. Troy decided I owed him for the lap top and then after a few weeks I called him and told him I was going to file a law suit and call the IRS. He told me he would pay me in 10 days from that time a small portion of my sales. a week past that 10 days and he still wasn't paying me. I decided to just take him to court and sue him.

Nearly every word out of Troy's mouth was a lie or some word to prepare himself for another lie.

Troy's deceit put me on the street for more than a week with no place to stay!

Luckily I met a truck driver who would hire me to be a lumper and teach me to drive truck.

I still have a few days to start that job so until then I am still injured from Troy Drivers business Deceit and Dish Network is absolutely how Troy Driver could do it. So Dish and TRoy are guilty to me I'll have to see in court. The least Dish could do is not let Troy use their company to do business his way.

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Oct 17, 2008 9:15 am EDT

All I want to say to future customers is STAY AWAY FROM DISH NETWORK, NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEY SAY IN THE ADS -it's a scam.

Here is my experience after nearly 12 month of service: First they locked me in a contract for 18 months. Then, the first month bill showed numerous hidden charges (took me several hours of phone calls to dispute them off). Then after a few months, they increased monthly fee for several dollars more (while the contract is still in effect), and shamelessly explained that it's required by your state. After further confronting, they changed the reason to "due to increase in programming fee" and insisted that in the contract, they have the right to change the programming fees and charge you more. What a joke!

Feb 19, 2009 12:59 pm EST

I reported on these unethical, scheming and ultimately illegal tactics on 11/17/2008 and am here again with an update.

Once the dish network people made it clear that they did not care if they practice ripoff tactics, and after finishing talking to Gilbert Lopez at corporate dish network offices in Colorado, I decided to try to protect myself and my paltry checking account.

The first thing I did once I was 'disconnected' from my conversation with Gilbert was to call my cu and cancel my debit card. So far, this has saved me from any unauthorized, stealing, ripoff withdrawals from my account. Thaaank you jeeezus!

I have no idea how I can get out of the bogus contract the 'installers' in Mill Creek WA screwed me into. Gilbert sent me a copy of the 'contract' which was NOT a part of the original paperwork provided me by the Mill Creek, WA 'installers'. The 'copy' I received from Gilbert has my initials but I had no copy of the contract when the installation was 'executed'. He (Gilbert) simply added my initials to this 'contract' via electronic defacing. The 'installers' verbal assurances were nothing but a fart in the dust. Those guys should be extremely ashamed of themselves. Haven't we ALL had enough of the enron.

My only hope is that word travels well enough in 2009 to keep unsuspecting people like myself from being scammed into a bogus contract. Dish Network from what I see in the media is slowly 'passing away' Thaaank you jeeezus! The ### deserve to be refused by every major and not-so-major television network out there and I truly believe they will faaaaade away. The sooner the better.

DISH Network when you die I will piss on your grave.

Mar 02, 2009 12:20 pm EST

Signed up for Dish Network in November, by telephone, promised a free Home Theater System. Nothing mentioned about having to go on line within 30 days to receive supposed Voucher. No internet address given. I called them back because I did not receive a voucher in December and they told me to go to and down load claim form and send 3 months paid dishnetwork bills to receive a voucher for the system. I did so, I called February 19, 2009 and they told me they never received the claim form, I am going do everything in my power to make sure DishNEtwork and go out of business for false advertisement. I'm stuck with a 2 year contract for nothing!

Jan 19, 2010 12:34 pm EST

I called Dishnetwork to make a payment by phone as I always do. This time however, they have a voice automated service. It is the poorest most disgraceful service I have ever used. You not only have to listen to stupid pay per view adverstisements, they can't get your information correct. I gave my card number and the voice repeated back some ridiculous number I never said, I have to punch in the number. The voice asked whether or not I wanted it to be activated throught the AMT and I said no but the voice kept saying I can't understand you. Would you like me to connect you with an operator, however it will be a $5.00 charge. This went on and on. It took about 3 or 4 times before they got it right. Each the voice asked me if I wanted to be connected to an operator but it would be a $5.00 charge, I answered no. I do not have a speech impedement, nor am I incapable of following instruction. I do a lot of phone payments and this is the worst I've ever encounter. The audacity they have in threatening to charge you $5.00 for connecting someone to a operator because of their poor service is amazing to me. My time is very valuable to me. This procedure took me a total of about 15 minutes. I think they should pay me $5.00 for my time.

Feb 04, 2010 1:24 pm EST

I am a dish customer who resides in the syracuse n.y. area. i made the switch over to dish a few months ago. the gentlemen i talked to from customer service told me that i would have cbs in high def. i still do not have that service. if i would have known that i would have never made the switch. i would like to know when that service will be available.

Portland, US
Jun 17, 2011 12:54 am EDT

The Only time I ever get upset at all and I allways try and be professional is when a customer agrees to sign up for Dishnetwork Service and they break there contracts which in return creates a chargeback to our company which can range all the way up to 1000.00 per cancellation. the customer doesnt stop to think before they cancel who else this can be hurting which in this case is me...I try everything possible to allways resolve any and all customer complaints and issues...we happen to be the only retailer in the United States that gives the customer a free gift for giving us there business and staying with there local retailer for Dishnetwork...if for any reason if a customer did not get a free mini laptop from us its because either they have broken there contract or broke there agreement to stay on Autopay or they never paid there shipping fees...even then if any customer would just call me and allow me to work this issue out I would immediatly resolve the issue and make sure the customer is happy...I wont lie and tell you that there has been a couple episodes where I defended myself on the phone when threatened which I may have used not so professional words but let me ask you this...if your physically threatened and yelled at how would you react and again even then I try the best I can to be polite and I allways try and work the problem out with the customers but unfortunatly you cannot make everyone happy as much as Id like to...this customer that wrote about me in the last blog If I remember correctly broke there contract and avoided my calls at all costs and left his equipment with his mother (satelite equipment receivers etc) and they were not willing to give us back our equipment or pay there bill so I can honestly say this customer is a dead beat and thief and If I only new then what I know now about that particular customer I wouldnt have ever allowed this customer to sign up EVER...people like this is why alot of retailers go out of business and as a retailer I really need to screen every customer the best I can before allowing that customer to sign up with us...this particular customer is never welcome to sign back up again with Dishnetwork again and as far as ever allowing myself to ever be there to help anyone Ive stopped because no matter what you do to help people out because you honestly feel sorry for them and you wanna try and help them they allways end up making you look like the badguy but in the meanwhile im the person being used and taken advantage of and once I finally realize these people you cant help I make it known that I cannot help any longer since they dont wanna help themselves and I explain Im not gonna help someone that doesnt wanna help themselves they turn it around like they have here and Im the badguy...for all of those people out there please take it from me and never trust anyone that you try and help...they are down and out for a reason more then likely becuase they refuse to try in life and burn every person that tried to give them a helping hand...I sincerely feel sorry for these type of people but I will remain at a distance and never allow myself to help anyone personally again because its clear here it was never appreciated...anyways enough said from me. you can believe what you want to believe but I have no reason to lie...I gain nothing from lying . I am a Very Honest retailer and nice guy but only become unhappy when a customer ends up costing me thousands of dollars because they couldnt be grown up and work a issue out with me with there service before they break there contracts. I can only Pray that Dishnetwork goes after this type of customer since they limit us to what we can do other then taking the customers to small claims court which even when we won in court they wouldnt pay regardless so whats the point...we just take yet another loss because of customers that cant pay there bills and fullfill there agreements.

May 30, 2011 10:26 am EDT

This troy guy is a horrible buisness man! He promised my mother a laptop she still has never recieved and ive heard and read horrible things from this man everything from threats to customers blackmail and foul language! someone needs to get him away from the public!

Englewood, US
Feb 06, 2011 2:09 pm EST

Hi, this is Alicia Brink. I'm with DISH Network. I apologize about the confusion with the charges. When a customer opens up an account we require a debit or credit card to be placed on file, in case the account is closed and the equipment is not returned or if there is a cancel fee. We would have had to collect the card number and authorization from the card holder. When the account is closed the equipment must be returned within 30 days. The account will be charged the equipment fees if the equipment is not returned in that time frame. Once the equipment is returned we can credit the account. If you have any other questions please let us know.

Lee Silverline
Clackamas, US
May 27, 2010 3:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've experienced the same type of behaviour from Troy Driver also. It seems like he surrounds himself with people who are down and out on their luck, gets them dependent on him, then treats them horribly.

May 09, 2010 2:22 am EDT

Read terms and conditions before placing any type of service then later act surprise when charges appear. I recently Order dish network service from and I'm very satisfied with their service. Highly Recommend this company. their customer service reps were very friendly and explained clearly their service terms. posted by frank, Los Angeles, Ca.

1:01 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network cancellation charge

Our house and everything we owned was blown away by hurricane Ike. There is nothing left but a slab. The satellite equipment is at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. We were forced to move in with our daughter i Indiana. Since we cannot return the Dish equipment, they are going to charge our credit card $500. Cannot believe this company is so heartless. Don't know where to turn next. Please help. Reba Nale, 3940 N State Rd. 39, Lebanon, IN 46052

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Mar 03, 2010 9:33 pm EST

I would suggest you email
He is their legal representative

9:36 am EDT
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DISH Network new bizarre charges

The DISHNet bill reveals amazing charges they never tell you about. These people have gone mad. Are they fighting off bankruptcy? Is someone skimming the profits? In addition to substantial charges for the channels we subscribe to, there are these additional monthly charges, with a new one added every few months:

"Solo receiver" (new name) for each converter box $5 (HD box $7)
DVR Service $5.98 (not honest enough to say $6)
Failure to have a land line telephone connected to your box $5 (really!)
"Protection plan" for voodoo economics service discount $5.99 (not $6)
HD enabling fee for NOT subscribing to HD programming $5 (really)
"Service Access Fee" to allow you to buy specialty programming $6 (what in hell is that?)

PLUS 1-time "Transaction fees" to make account changes, to wit:
$5 to remove programming
$5 to order a PPV (+ the PPV charge!)
$5 to pay your bill by credit card
$9.99 to pay your bill by phone, (not $10, oh no)
$10 to remove adult programming

I dug into this when I contemplated upping my Classic Gold 250 service to HD, and tried to find out how much that would cost per month. Forget it; that information is available no where. Their attitude is subscribe, pay whatever we ask, and shut up.

And after discovering charges like $5 for NOT subscribing to HD, and $5 for NOT having a landline, I'll be canceling DISHNet. I have Comcast cable. On cable, HD is free, DSR is free, I don't have to buy any equipment, replacements are free if things go bad, and service calls are free.

One other difference: here in central Virginia the Comcast service technicians know what they are doing and are very good - and are free. The DISHNet people (the 5 I've known) are poorly trained tyros with little experience - and cost a bundle to bungle the job.

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Oct 28, 2009 6:58 pm EDT

I just got off the phone with the Idiots and malcontents from Dishnet.
These people (term loosely applies) should be 1) ashamed of themselves, 2) be investigated by the FCC, the Fair Trade Commission, and the BB. Their business practices are horrible.
I cancelled their service and they send boxes for return of their euipment. I have recieved 2 threatening calls from the demanding the return of thier equipment within 7 days or they would charge me for them. (They were shipped back to them via UPS 8 days ago.)
I called an talked to an agent name R_se. I informed her rather infatically that 1) I am disabled, 2) the law does not require me to uninstall and send back anything anyone else delivers and installs. They ar eresponsible for thier own equipment, but as a courtesy I returned it. At that time R_se informed me that they have recieved the equipment to which I demanded to know why I was recieving threatening calls from them if they already had the stuff...? No response.
I informed r_se to let them know that any further communications would be deemed as harassment and dealt with appropriately. Any additional charges would be unpaid and if attempts to collect it were made by them I would take legal action. I have paid 5 dollars a month on each piece of equipment to cover damages etc. so there can be no added charges.
Bottom line is that this corporation needs to be more regulated.
Neosho, MO.
Not a DishNet Fan.

7:07 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network dish network phone rep/service

I contacted dish network on 3/16/09 to inquire about their packages and pricing. The rep who answered my call was possibly named stella. She was very difficult to understand and hard to hear due to all the background noise (Sounded like children laughing and playing) and I frequently had to ask her to repeat herself during our very long conversation. I very clearly told her from the beginning of the conversation that I was not ordering dish network only inquiring about prices. She told me that I would need to give her my social security number and a credit card number. I told her there was no reason for her to need a social security number or credit card as I was not ordering just inquiring about pricing. After repeatedly insisting that I would have to give her this information so she could verify if I was even eligible for dish network service she finally did give me base prices. Then I asked if I was eligible for any of the special pricing and promotions that were advertised on dish network's web site. She told that I possibly was eligible for special pricing and promotions but that I would have to give her my social security number and a credit card number for her to verify my eligibility. I again argued that I did not want to give her this information and that there was no reason for her to need it since I was only inquiring not ordering. She insisted that without my social security number and a credit card that she could not verify my eligibility for dish network service let alone tell me what special pricing and promotions were available to me. Like a fool, I finally gave her my social security number and credit card and she did tell me that I was eligible for dish network service and gave me the prices including the "return customer pricing and promotional pricing". The prices appeared to be reasonable but I told her I was not ready to order as I wanted to discuss the prices etc with my husband before I made the decision to order or not. She told me she understood but then the next thing I know she's trying to schedule the installation for the next day! I again told her I was not ordering and that it would probably be sometime in april before I made a decision. She said that was fine but did give me a "reservation number" that she said I would need if I did decide to order. She also had me set-up a password and gave me an 800 number [protected]) to call if I decided to order the service. I expressed concerns to her that did not like having to give her all this information just to get prices and that I was concerned that I would be billed on my credit card for services that I had not ordered. She assured me that this would not happen and that nothing would be done unless I called to actually place an order. We ended our conversation.
The next afternoon, 3/17/09, I get a phone call from dish network telling me that they had been here in the morning to do the installation and no one answered the door to which I responded that I did not order the service and had not scheduled any installation. I was told that I had ordered it and there was some kind of misunderstanding. Dish network came to my home to do an installation that I did not schedule for services that I did not order. On 3/16/09, their phone rep badgered me into giving her my social security number and credit card. Now i'm concerned that I will be billed for an installation and services that I did not order not to mention that I was stupid enough to give the phone rep my social security number and credit card. For all I know I have set my self up for identity theft!

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Jun 06, 2018 2:26 pm EDT

As a Sonic Internet customer, I saw a promotion for DISH TV, and called. The rep was polite but said I would have to pay 500 dollars to avoid having my credit pulled and giving my social to a total stranger over the phone.

My credit files are frozen solid, so I gave him the SSN and he said, "OH, I can't get your credit." this was after I told him my credit files are locked up tighter than a well diggers butt.

Anyway...I am going to smash my TV at this point. There is never anything good on TV anyway.

girlie H
sandiego, US
Apr 12, 2014 2:53 am EDT

My contact with a dish rep occurred recently, about a few days ago to be exact. The woman asked for my personal info, credit card information, which i gave to her willingly in hopes of signing up for the service. Then she asked for my social security number which I made clear to her that i wasn't comfortable giving. Needless to say that her tone was somewhat condescending. I told her that I wasn't comfortable giving my social and she responded by saying "you gave me your credit card information, it's just like your social security number so you shouldn't be hesitant" I was shocked by her response. I replied by saying "well the difference is i can cancel my card anytime, not my social security number so those are two different things". She then asked for the last 4 digits of my social to see if i qualify (i mean who needs to qualify for tv service for crying out loud? She made it sound like i was applying for a credit card, which i gladly told her). Anyway, i gave her the 4 digits and she returned by saying the system didn't allow her to process the info so i would need to give her my full social security number. I was NOT about to release that information. She tried convincing me by saying all kinds of things like "your information is safe", "we have millions of customers and NO ONE has EVER refused to give us their social security number" (which i found to be an absolute lie!). I told her that i didn't feel comfortable doing so as it didn't make sense to me to give my social security number for a service. Heck i don't need to give it up for utilities which are necessities. Anyway, as we went back and forth with the conversation, i could tell that she was getting irritated with me because she wasn't getting her way. Then i told her that i'm assuming she's frustrated because this doesn't make sense to me. Her response was a big fat EVIL laugh which i found to be highly unprofessional. I mean i couldn't believe she was laughing that loud. How unprofessional. She told me that she wasn't frustrated and i said she was because i could tell it in her voice and she was coming off rude. She LOL again and i said she needed to better manage her tone because she is coming off rude. Bottom line is i didn't give her my social. She called later that evening and i ignored her call. I didn't think they were allowed to do so. Anyway, that's my experience with them as of April 2014.

Dec 30, 2011 9:49 pm EST

I just called DISH to inquire pricing and possibly schedule an installation. I was baffled when the gentleman who was helping me requested my social security number. He said, just like Directv, DISh will need to do a credit check for the services. "Credit check for cable" I said? Are you serious? He sure was. I tried to get off the phone with him without having to just plain hang up on him, but he kept talking and reasoning with how this is standard for all satellite cable companies and if I ever had satellite cable, I should know. He started getting pushy and rude. He kept telling me things that made me feel like I was crazy for feeling uncomfortable about giving my social security number. So, while he was talking, I googled DISH is requesting my social security number. I only had a brief moment to review what popped up, which was a lot, on Google. I told him I am okay, I will think about it and call back because I needed to do some research and find out since when did we all have to give our social security numbers for cable... He quickly responded well we can do it with the last four of social security. Long story short, I ended up giving him my last four, then he requested my credit card number to, HOLD A DOLLAR...what?!? I'm an indiot and I got took, I gave my number and he came back on the phone with some pricing and such. But man! I can't even believe I just got took like that! I asked if he would be sure to discard my information as I didn't even know why I gave it to him and he responded, "well, yeah, of course, I mean, I can't do anything with it if you don't order anything." ARE YOU SERIOUS! ? Who in the heck trained these people? So I said, "wow, cable people are kind of rude, what is it with cable people?" He responds, "hey, I'm trying to help YOU out." Oh my goodness. My jaw dropped. Then I found this online, and so I am writing my little spill, because it looks to me that these companies are just full of crap trying to take business rather than earn it. I don't need cable THAT bad... And, he also said, (gotta share with you all as I am amazed of the comments!) "We don't have 4 million customers for nothing." WOW! Wow! Wow is all i have to say about this, WOW!

PhillipC@DISH Network
PhillipC@DISH Network
Englewood, US
Dec 26, 2010 2:17 pm EST

Hi. This is Phillip Chang from DISH Network. I would first like to apologize for any bad experience you may have had with enquiring about our services. I can assure you that we do value your feed back and continue to strive for best in class customer service to our potential and existing customers alike. I would like to ensure that everyone's concerns are addressed, if you would like any clarification on anything mentioned about please contact me at Thank you for your interest in DISH Network, have a great day!

Valdosta, US
Apr 27, 2010 3:55 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You haven't set yourself up for identify theft. Ease your mind on that point at least. What happened is that the agent wanted the sale (they get paid by commission) and lied to you in order to increase her paycheck. It didn't matter to her that the installer would come out for nothing. It didn't matter to her that she fraudulently created an order. All that mattered to her was that she got a sale. More than likely, she's out of an overseas office with very lax rules and almost no repercussions for this type of behavior. A lot of people think that it's cruel to lump up the entire overseas phone rep service into one negative stereotype, but the fact is that cultural differences do play a large role in why the service from these places stink so badly. Free thought is limited by language barriers and their idea of "business-like" conduct is very different from how it's approached here and in other Western countries. I grew up and am a part of this culture. I'm not just saying this to be some kind of a bigot. It's more of a barter system over there with little emphasis on customer satisfaction and more of a bottom line mentality with no shame for getting one over on a consumer. In fact, that type of cut-throat wheeling and dealing is actually prized. Not saying American reps can't be just as callous but whenever I've seen this type of thing happen (I work for a satellite company), it's been with an overseas rep.

Sep 16, 2009 3:43 am EDT

Dish Network has the worst customer service I have ever dealt with and has made me feel guilty for feeling prejudiced toward non-Americans because I have such a hard time understanding their customer service reps on the phone! That aside, when they dumped my local ABC network in December because of a contract dispute with Fisher Communication, that was the last straw! I switched back to cable with Comcast and got a great "dish buy-back" deal. On a side note, Dish Network sent me boxed to return the equipment in and expected me to go up on my roof to actually remove the dish to send back. Yeah right, like that's going to happen! What losers -- if you are reading this, PLEASE dump Dish Network. They are a useless company!

4:26 am EDT
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network ignorant representatives, overcharging and scamming my account

March 13, 2009

CEO Charlie Ergen, Phone: [protected]
Dish Network
P.O. BOX 7203
Pasadena, CA [protected]

Re: Defective Box 625 and unprofessional representatives and vulgarity, overcharging my account

These problems with Dish network are three fold: Phone: [protected]
1. I have been contacting you since August of 2008 for overcharging my account,
2. Defective box 625 and
3. Incomprehensible and abusive representatives.

I don't owe you any monies ($150, $277 or $430 according to your statement) except for March 2009 which should be $68.00...You have been overcharging me since December 2008 and I would like an executive representative to contact me at [protected] concerning this matter. I have been on hold for nearly two hours going back and forth trying to speak to an educated and professional representative, but none exists.

It appears you have people that are running a scam on customers and I have contacted the FCC to report this problem. I have asked numerous of times for this ongoing problem (statement charges) to be straightening out and so far NOTHING has been done. I mailed your non-working box to you on 3/9/09 thru UPS with a tracking number of “1Z 72V [protected]” with a receipt. I suggest you confirm that number and remove any and all charges on my account including the above charges I do not owe.

Right now I am having problems with:
1. Recordings, which will not allow me to record two programs at the same time but yet YOU are charging me for "dual" recordings.
2. The recordings initiate itself (ever since the smart card was allocated), without my scheduling any programs.
3. The recordings are initiated by me (speaking in the past tense) it will not "stop recording" when pre-scheduled to STOP, or manually imposed to STOP
4. I called this morning and argued with "Charlotte Backer" in executive office, she's a total waste of good time.

She is so ignorantly, uneducated due to the fact that while I was on hold she answers the telephone with: "WHO IS THIS?" I was appalled by the way she announced herself representing your company, instead of presenting herself professionally. She and I argued but I requested that I speak with her superior and I left a message for him. "We will see if he returns my call."

I also spoke with a representative name Darrel who refused to identify himself with his ID number or last name and also a character name Dave ID: B6B is what he claims his ID was. It appears this character "Dave" sound 'highly intoxicated or drugged' on the telephone. He was screaming on the telephone and used profanity to me as well. Your company is a total mess and some of those employees should be 'fired' due to the fact they are not there to assist the customer or remedy any problems. Your representatives are there to ARGUE and use vulgarity.

I also spoke with a rep. from India in the so-called technology support dept. because I had trouble recording two programs. I explained the box would only allow me to record one program not two although I am being charged according to my statement, for 'DVR' recordings instead of 'basic programming. The supervisor in India stated, I could only watch one program when recording and I could not switch back and forth if I'm recording two programs. That is an absolute lie because since I had this "god forsaken service (dish network)" I was able to switch back and forth and watch either or recordings.

Lastly, These are the types of people you hire for your company, what a 'damn' shame that you are forced to hire the 'lowest' and dig at the bottom of the barrel for the dumbest.

Ms. Sha-Ron Durant
PO Box 231686
Anchorage, AK 99523

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Denver, US
May 02, 2012 5:08 am EDT

mj e,

It would be my pleasure to help you get that straightened out as I can see how that can be rather aggravating. Since your post is from a couple of weeks ago, have the boxes arrived yet? Let me know and send me your account number as a private message so I can look over your account regarding your concern with any charged fees.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!

mj e
Pearland, US
Apr 21, 2012 2:21 am EDT

I have been trying to contact dish network about them sending boxes for the return of receivers and remotes. I was told i would be receiving the boxes in 7-10 days from my call on March 28, 2012. As of April 21, 2012 I have not received the boxes. I was able to contact an agent on April 12, 2012 and she assured me not to worry the boxes will be delivered the following week and guess what. No boxes. I want to make sure that there are no fees attached with the delay of getting your equipment back to you because I have not received the return boxes from you.

Washington, US
Mar 03, 2011 11:07 pm EST

i 100% agree, they are rude and disrespectful, and lie and scam you into contracts where you have to take what they throw at you, or take the chance of messing up your credit. i have only had them for 5 months, and i wish i never would have done it!

7:48 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network false advertisement lies, etc.

I signed up for Dish and was promised a free I Pod and $100 gas voucher it cost me $30 to sign up. I never received the voucher or the I pod and have been lied to numerous times by Dish and their affiliate's. Then I began being charged a higher monthly rate then I agreed too. I sent in a dispute and didn't pay the additional charge Dish began taking away my channels and then charged my credit card $600 and $200 charges. Needless to say it has been a nightmare. I had to pay a $25 re connect fee and pay for 2 months with no TV to get the fees taken off my credit card. After I paid the fees I called to have the charges removed from my Discover card and the guy at Dish said they would be refunded in 2 to 3 days Well it took 3 months to get the 690 back the other money I haven't seen. I hate Dish I haven't been lied to and cheated to so much since me and my old lady broke up! In short it has cost me hundreds of dollars to for a FREE GIFT that I never have or will receive.

Don't get DISH NETWORK THEY'RE A SCAM. Please write your Senator, BBB, BArack Obama, Congress etc. We need to unite against these companies that scam good customers.

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Bellevue, US
Jun 03, 2016 8:33 am EDT

I was completely lied to by Dish Network Sales, while requesting cable, internet and phone services. I was told we were going to have unlimited local and long distance minutes on our land line. We then received our first bill with charges for long distance. When i called to complain about this the agent told me they "do not have an unlimited plan at all, so there is nothing we can do". I am not in the process of trying to get the charges removed. During this time, I have been told by two installation techs, a customer service agent, and a customer service manager that they have been having a bad time with their sales department "telling you whatever you want to hear, to get you to sign up (which i never signed ANYTHING), and then once you get your first bill, it's too late to cancel." I think my next step will be to record a call to sales with the promises of unlimited minutes, and post it all over youtube and any other place i can get it heard. How can they outright lie to you, never give you a contract to review what you are getting into, and out right lie to you? You may pay more with Direct TV, but we checked them out prior, and atleast they are upfront with you about the services they provide.

Denver, US
Nov 17, 2012 7:54 pm EST


I've gone over your post and can understand your frustration from that! If you could please send your account number to me in a private message, it would be my pleasure to take a look at it and see what I can do to get this resolved for you. I hope to hear from you soon and appreciate your efforts!

Denver, US
Nov 17, 2012 7:49 pm EST


I've reviewed your post and definitely want to get it looked at for you and resolved! Could you please private message your account number to me so I can have a look? Thank you very much for doing that and I'll look forward to the opportunity of assisting you further and getting that taken care of!

Denver, US
Jun 03, 2016 8:33 am EDT


I saw your post and found it interesting! Allow me to assist. Could you please private message your account number to me so I can take a look at everything and see what's going on? That way, I'll be able to gather all information to gain the best understanding of what happened. Thank you very much for your efforts and I'll look forward to speaking with you!

Gerald, US
Aug 28, 2012 4:50 pm EDT

I was a costumer of Dish Network for 9+ years. (1993 till 2001) I dropped Dish Network after being told to upgrade I had to buy the receiver and then lease it. I dropped service and went to Direct TV. In 2009 I relocated my dwelling. (same address) Dual TV receiver. I constantly had trouble with the program guide. I would have to download it every time I turned it on. I also was told I'd have to pay for a service contract for 15 months. In May of 20012 I niticed this charge was still being put on my bill. I called and was told I had to discontinue it. When I tried to get my money back for the year of the service contract. I was told I couldn't get it back. In June 2012 I cancelled service. They sent me a box to put the equipment in and returned it. I paid what I thought was the last bill in July. Two months later I receive a bill for $18. I called because I was told I had paid off the account. They said it was for the box to return the receiver.I will nit pay this amount and will make sure it is not removed from my credit card it debit.

Aug 03, 2012 2:51 pm EDT

I have never, in my life, come across such a low life pack of deceptive, evil liars. It’s as if they just have to lie with each breath. Not even a godless politician lies as foul and as much as the trash at Dish Network. That’s why I changed my credit card number and do paperless billing with these lying terrorists. Why would anyone trust such a load of godless liars as these with your credit card number? You might as well give your number to, Satin or any other type of politician. And NEVER, EVER call these lying trash ### because with each call, you automatically set an upgrade in motion that you play hell getting off.

These ### are the lowest form of puke on the earth. Even lower than politicians and Bill Collecting Nazis.


Denver, US
May 05, 2012 4:23 am EDT


Thank you for choosing our service; we very much appreciate you giving us a try! Blackouts occur when certain networks haven't obtained broadcast rights to certain games. They happen most often with national networks, like MLB Network, and Pay-Per-View packages because they lose broadcast rights in the area where a team is located to those local networks. The local networks have privileges over the national ones.

What area do you live in and what programming packages do you have on your account? I would encourage you to send me your account number in a private message so I can take a look at that and give you some information. I'll enjoy the opportunity to further assist you!

Anaheim, US
Apr 19, 2012 1:07 am EDT

I was lied to by DISH Network, When we called we were assured that we would receive ALL Angels games. After the installation and a 2 year contract, we now know the home games are blacked Out! LIES.Now I'm stuck with this POS!

Geelo Ubuntu
Feb 05, 2011 10:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dish Network "authorized reseller" told me that my price would be 42.99 a month for the first year, then 57.99 a month for the 2nd year. Then they told me that I would have "no other service charges" at all. Not only did Dish Network increase my charges for the first month, they also "double charged" me on month. Then, they increased my the first month of the 2nd year to $73.00 dollars, instead of the $57.99 like the Dish Network "authorized reseller" said in the beginning of the contract. I also was charge for hardware services that were suppose to be "free". I tried going to the BBB and the only thing that they did, is had a Dish Network Rep call me. The Dish Network Rep said that they are "not responsible" for their Dish Network "authorized reseller" ! Can you believe that? Dish Network contracts these companies in regards to selling their service. The Dish Network Rep told me over the phone whatever price package that the Dish Network "authorized reseller" sells to a new customer, that does not matter because Dish Network can change the "agreed upon" price just like that. Nice huh? So if you agree to pay for example $40.00 a month, dish network can jack that price up to $80 dollars, even if it is just the first month of service! Can you say bait & switch, deceptive sales tactics? Dish Network also hides behind a contact that you sign when the dish and equipment gets installed, however the service tech makes the illusion that this is just for "work" that he had completed. Again, deceptive sales tactics. Now here is another kicker.. Dish Network was liable back in 2003, for this sort of deceptive sales tactics, but the BBB will still not back me up on this. Check out the attorney general office web site in Colorado in regards to this:
If you got taken like I did by dish network, please write or call to the Colorado Attorney General's office and demand another class action reimbursement like they did before. Also please keep telling everyone you know on what a lying and dis-honorable company they really are. Thank You.

Panama City, US
Jun 08, 2010 1:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been lied to from the very start from Dish TV. I did not receive the 3 months free of HBO and I was chargesd by Dish to my credit card without my knowledge. I have never received the 24.99 a month billing since I have been a subscriber. If anything goes wrong with the shoddy equipment they put in your home they will charge you outragious prices to fix it. This has been a scam from day one!

10:27 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network price increase to existing customers who have contract

Dish Network increased prices for 2009.They have right for this no comments.But they should not increase for their existing customers who have 24 month commitment with old Effective date of price inrease should be after 24 month contract period for the existing customers.For the new customers they have 6 month promotional price .When I called customer service no proper answer and say I have to pay cancellation charges if I wish to cancel their service as there is a 24 month They try to impose military dictatorship rule.Does any one knows governing body like State Public Utility commision.Unfortunately PA PUC 9 say they donot handle Satellite & Cable TV complaints.I feel there will be lots of customers who took in the last 12 months will have same problems.Can all such victims can file class of action suit against DISH Network bad business practises.

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Denver, US
Jan 15, 2014 4:47 pm EST


I'd like to take a look at your account information as I've reviewed your post. Please private message me your account number and four-digit PIN so I can pull it up. Thanks!

Norco, US
Dec 22, 2013 10:38 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm really at a budget the last 5 years, especially the 2013 was the worst for me income-wise ever. Yet early 2013 Dish raised my family package rate from $20 to $26 roughly and now I just got a charge (without advance notice!) on my card for $31.88! That's almost $32 for limited amount of channels, without movie channels and only few months ago they added local channels for me, but charging me $6 more for that. Every dollar counts today and I've already quit important things like home insurance, street pole light and now I will quit Dish Network, which will save me $26 or $32 per month and that is fine, as I don;t watch TV much, mostly internet. Even on my TV I watch a lot of Youtube, movies etc. And I less and less spend time behind PC and TV as the commercials are on the increase and I'm tired of waiting through the commercials by muting them. Bye-bye Dish! Your dish on my house's roof will remain for a while I guess and I will not sign up with anyone else. Consumer Revolution! Minimize spending, except food, clothing and hobbies! This fight is also revenge for spraying us with chemtrails and committing the horrendous Inside Job of 9/11.

Denver, US
Feb 28, 2013 12:47 am EST


Thank you very much for your support; we appreciate it!

Jan 20, 2013 4:33 pm EST

The price increase is just a matter of tv providers raising the price by roughly 10% each year. Dish Network hasn't had a price increase since febuary 2011, while DirecTV and all other providers have continued to go up each year. You need to understand that prices are going to go as their prices go up. Definately understand having to pay more for something you have had and are still in your two year commitment with nothing else. Keep in mind though dish provides the free previews and things like that. I myself am excited about the blockbuster movie mania thru febuary and march.

Denver, US
Aug 11, 2011 1:54 pm EDT

I came across your posts, Murthy, DISH=FOOD=TOEACT YOUR MONEY, mercerlab, Lasp1221, spindermans, helpless generation, sabhi, Pissed Off Cougar, PConley, Fight dish, and Kurt Bu! I understand your concerns and how it can become aggravating to not have them addressed after awhile. Please let me know if you've gotten a chance to speak to someone about these issues or if they have yet to be taken care and I'll look forward to the opportunity to further assist you!

Kurt Bu
Millcreek, US
Mar 19, 2011 5:52 pm EDT

I fortunatly have only 3 months left on my dish 1 year contract. Last month (Feb.2011)
I noticed the increase of over $5 without notice. Some contract! I also been charged $6 a month for a service plan I never asked for. The install guy asked me if I wanted the equipment service and I declined. Sure enough, on my first bill was the service plan charge for $6. I spent a 1/2 hour contacting dish to have the service plan removed. Yesterday, for the third time in one year, I spent another 1/2 hour of my time with customer service to get the service plan charge removed. Mean while, I climbed up a 25 foot ladder onto the roof in a snowstorm to clean a skiff of snow off Dish Networks dish at least 20 times this winter. Not good. Cant wait till my contact with Dish is done. I guess back to cable. Ive had issues with them as well but at least I dont have to risk my life going up a icy ladder to have a premium Tv service.

Fight dish
Dover, US
Mar 12, 2011 2:07 pm EST

Write your us congressman and the FCC. You can google both and if you input your zip code you will find your congressman. Tell congress you want a fair contract for telecommunications service.

Mar 06, 2011 10:56 pm EST

I signed up with Dish on 3/15/10. Their ad said LOCK IN YOUR SAVINGS FOR 12 MONTHS and free installation up to 6 rooms. The price for 200 channels was 32.99 What a joke. They did not tell me that each TV over 2 were $14.00 ea. a month until after installation. I wrote on the paper what I was told about cost, I was told it would be $57.99 the first yr and 72.99 the second year. My first bill was $122.92, the next $61.50, then 2 months a little over $63.00, then $70.00, then $75.00 for 4 months, now I got one for $91.11. Is there no end in sight? I am a senior on SS and I sure cannot afford this. It is more than I was paying for cable. I hope somebody does something about it. Oh, and my son had to have them come out and rewire his TVs and they charged him $100.00. Cable does not charge for service calls.

Pissed Off Cougar
San Antonio, US
Feb 26, 2011 7:03 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes I cancelled my service with DishNetwork. They were constantly increasing my monthly bill, the service on TV was horrible (even on a clear day), they were constantly removing channels etc. etc. All of this without any type of Notice beforehand. They contacted me and asked if I would like to have the cancellation fee debited to my c/c? I in return stated if you can provide me with a signed contract I will be glad to. They went on to tell me that there was no signed contract, it was verbal. I in return asked if they could provide a recorded statement of me agreeing to such contract. Needless to say, no such result. They could not provide me with any type of document with my signature on it. Now they have turned this unpaid cancellation fee over to a collection agency CBE Group. They are harrassing me to death. I offered to pay half of this balance with the agreement of Dish removing this from my credit, although I still feel that I am not liable for this cancellation fee. Not good enough! So I have decided not to pay a dime and I am looking to sign up with a class action suit in regards to this matter. I continue to pursue my legal actions towards this company. They will go down...

Feb 23, 2011 8:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes thats right they just increas mine too

8:04 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DISH Network overcharge

In April 0f 2008 I responded to an Internet ad. offering Satellite service for $19.95 per month. I realise for this I only get the basic service, so when I received a phone call from a Dish Network rep. I told him MY requirements which were BBC/America, FSC channel and the ESPN channels, I didn't care about anything else. I was given a quote of $39.95 per month, which after I asked him to confirm, accepted. I foolishly gave him my credit card number to cover a $1 initial charge and agreed to installation 3 days later. The ad. also said there would be free gifts etc. free installation up to 3 rooms (I have one TV) but I have NEVER been offered any of the free gifts.

When the first bill came I found the charge has been raised to $54.95 per month, plus they needed two months in advance which being on a very low fixed income caused considerable hardship to me.

I have sent numerous letters to Dish Network at Denver, (copies retained) have had a few phone calls from them where they insist the rep. made an error, and the last call was terminated when I declined a $10 reduction for 10 months because then the new price would be applied again.

Because of the frustrations they have caused I wrote to a local newspaper, the St. Petersburg Times. where they have an Action column which deal with unscrupulous complaints of this nature. I have written to them 3 times now but it appears even they are too hesitant about dealing with a company as large as Dish Network.

They should not be allowed to get away with it and if there is any group action taken against Dish, they do have my 100% support.

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Update by Ken Budden
Jan 04, 2013 4:45 pm EST

It's nearly 4 years later and I see Dish are still ripping people off. Subsequent to my posting of February 2009, Dish illegally debitted my account the sum of $395 .00 to cover the cost of their equipment...I 'd told them, if they want their stuff back, come and collect, after all their vans pass my house several times a week, I wasn't going to waste any more of my time on them. I contacted my bank, gave them the complete details, forwarded all copies of my correspndence to Dish, and within a few days had the $396.00 refunded. My advice to anyone with Dish problems is, DON'T give in, fight them.

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Loretta Celi
Sep 22, 2008 8:08 pm EDT

Back in July of this year 2008, I called Dish to order NFL season tickedt. The man at that time said O.K. I heard nothing from them or that they do not have NFL season ticket. The first week in September of this year I called and spoke with a girl, she said the season ticket didn't go through, so she said she would take care of it and charge $129.00. On Sunday September 7th I called to complain that we were not getting the NFL season tickets, that girl Jessica said that Dish does'nt have NFL season tickets, I asked that the two previous calls said Dish did. She said I purchased a pay per view event which shows college football. I told her I did not order that, and if Dish didn't have NFL season ticket why was'nt I told that. I would have never ordered college football, all the times I called I asked for NFL season ticket. I said fine please give my account a credit. She(Jessica) told me there are no refunds on pay per view events. I told her I didn't order a pay per view event, I ordered NFL season ticket. She said sorry no refund, I asked to speak to a supervisor she turned me over to David id#TW9, I told him the whole story and his response was the same no refunds on pay per view event, I told him I did not order pay per view event that I wanted NFL season ticket, he said we don't have that. I said then why didn't their employees tell me that instead of charging my account with $129.00. He had no answer. I told him what kind of idots do you have working there. I need this resolved immediately.

Donnie Hamblin
Tupelo, US
Jan 04, 2013 12:17 pm EST

I found Dish on the internet for $34.99 advertised price. When my first bill was posted on my account, it was $59.23. I have spoken to several "customer service agents" and none can tell my why they are running false advertisements, or why they cant get me the 434.99 price. They told me the first bill came out before our conversation, and could not be changed, but my future bills could be brought down to $35.99 a month. Still cant find the $34.99 advertised price! I think the BBB needs to look into Dish false ads.

11:49 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network false information credit report

In 2005, I got divorced and cancelled my dish network account. I asked if I could return my receivers and they said no, I had to mail them in provided boxes. I did so and kept the tracking record. About a month later, they called to say they didn't get them. I told them the tracking number and then they said they did get them.
Several months (7 or 8) passed and a collection agency called me to tell I owed 200.00. They said that they got the receiver but they didn't match the numbers they had on file. THEIR PROLEM>
Now it is on my credit report ( I even paid the @200.00) so that it would get on my credit.
It is so wrong to do this to people.

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About DISH Network

Screenshot DISH Network
DISH Network is a leading provider of satellite television services in the United States. The company offers a wide range of programming options, including sports, movies, news, and entertainment, to millions of customers across the country. With a focus on providing high-quality content and exceptional customer service, DISH Network has become a trusted name in the industry.

One of the key advantages of DISH Network is its extensive selection of programming options. Customers can choose from a variety of packages that include hundreds of channels, including popular networks like ESPN, HBO, and CNN. The company also offers a range of international programming options, making it a great choice for customers who want to stay connected to their home countries.

In addition to its programming options, DISH Network is known for its advanced technology. The company offers a range of features that enhance the viewing experience, including DVRs that allow customers to record and store their favorite shows, as well as mobile apps that enable customers to watch live TV and recorded content on their smartphones and tablets.

Another key advantage of DISH Network is its commitment to customer service. The company offers 24/7 support to its customers, ensuring that any issues or concerns are addressed quickly and efficiently. DISH Network also offers a range of resources and tools to help customers get the most out of their service, including online tutorials and user guides.

Overall, DISH Network is a top choice for customers who want high-quality programming options, advanced technology, and exceptional customer service. With its extensive selection of channels, innovative features, and commitment to customer satisfaction, DISH Network is a leader in the satellite television industry.
How to file a complaint about DISH Network?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with DISH Network. Make it specific and clear, such as "Incorrect Billing by DISH Network" or "Poor Customer Service at DISH Network".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with DISH Network. Mention key areas such as customer service interactions, technical issues with the service, billing discrepancies, contract disputes, or installation problems. Include any relevant information about transactions, such as dates, amounts, and service details. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, the steps you have taken to resolve it, including any communication with DISH Network, and the company's response or lack thereof. Explain how this issue has personally affected you, such as any inconvenience, financial loss, or stress it has caused.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as bills, emails, or service agreements. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information like your Social Security number, bank account details, or other confidential data.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue with DISH Network. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, service correction, or an apology.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is correct and that your description clearly conveys the issue and your desired resolution.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint against DISH Network on

9. Post-Submission Actions: After submitting your complaint, regularly check your account on for any responses or updates. Engage with any follow-ups or requests for additional information to help resolve your complaint.

Overview of DISH Network complaint handling

DISH Network reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 16, 2006. The latest review Supportive team and good career growth was posted on Aug 28, 2024. The latest complaint Services not working as promised was resolved on Oct 14, 2021. DISH Network has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 1350 reviews. DISH Network has resolved 281 complaints.
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    9601 S Meridian Blvd, Englewood, Colorado, 80112-5905, United States
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    Sep 15, 2024
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DISH Network is ranked 55 among 61 companies in the Satellite and Cable TV category

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