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DuckDuckGo Complaints 273

4:42 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo search engine results

Why am I getting nearly 90% liberal and left leaning search results when searching for political topics, reports and stories?

I've noticed an increase in these results in past couple years. I originally chose DDGo with the recommendation their search results were more balanced than more popular search engines.

Not the case. Really seriously getting fed up with this censorship and slant toward search results. Time to do something about this.

Am I missing a Preference setting to control this bias? Would appreciate any suggestions toward uncensored results.

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Update by icfives
Apr 26, 2023 2:27 pm EDT

Resending. No response from initial post.

Why am I getting nearly 90% liberal and left leaning search results when searching for political topics, reports and stories?

I've noticed an increase in these results in past couple years. I originally chose DDGo with the recommendation their search results were more balanced than more popular search engines.

Not the case. Really seriously getting fed up with this censorship and slant toward search results. Time to do something about this.

Am I missing a Preference setting to control this bias? Would appreciate any suggestions toward uncensored results.

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1:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo GainTrade Investment

GainTrade Investment Website hosted on DuckDuckGo is a Fraud. The Webpage is set up to scam unknowing Bitcoin investors.

I know this because in 2020 when I just started looking into Bitcoin. An account on Tiktok with the name Mr. Wonderful and Photos of Kevin O’leary even had a Blue Verified checkmark.

He DM me a number to reach out to him on WhatsApp. I of corse invested over $80,000.00. It wasn’t until I was unable to move funds around did i learn I had been scammed.

Now this scammer also has created a fake Bank website called MoonShell Bank.

Also available on DuckDuckGo.

I feel that your Company has an obligation to remove webpages that are proven to be fake and created to Scam people.

Desired outcome: Both Websites Removed and Banned from being recreated.

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10:52 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo search engine

Your search engine is worthless because it doesn't use a specific search algorithm, but searches for everything in the world that has one of the words in the search string. The results are a waste of my time because it very seldom provides what I'm looking for. You're trying to sell as much stuff as possible, but I only want to see what I'm wanting. The minus sign, parentheses, and quotation marks don't work, in fact they increase the number of incorrect items.

Desired outcome: fix the search engine to to use standard search protocols

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10:52 pm EST

DuckDuckGo Dishonest Phonies, Lied/Fooled People - Tracks and Allows Tracking!

The company prided themselves for years for providing totally “private” services while perusing the internet, while not tracking user’s personal data and search history. It turns out that was a bold-faced lie, as it was recently revealed that the company has been allowing Microsoft’s Bing and LinkedIn services to collect third party tracking cookies, while no one knew this was occurring, according to the Trends Journal. The CEO says he never promised not to do this, but their terms and conditions have said they wouldn't track or sell data for over a decade. Weasel words from a weasel company and CEO in corrupt Philadelphia. I'm no longer using them and will spread the word. Dishonest hucksters have no place in the USA any more! We are fed up with you and aren't taking it any more!

You are just another scam WOKE company pretending to be conservative and honest, giving us conservative and honest people a bad name.

Desired outcome: Stop claiming you provide Privacy and that you are just a browser that captures and tracks people and allows others to also. In others words, be honest.

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1:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo Misrepresentation of official service

I searched for info on how to renew my Eurpean Health Insurance card. This is a free service. When I searched, the top of the list is a websitecalled EHIC card. This is not an official site but appears to be one . In fact they are a company which offers the service of applying for a card on your behalf at the price of £27.

This is effectively a scam.

Out of interest I searched also on Google and note that this company does not appear.

By allowing this (probably not quite illegal) misrepresentation on your search engine you are complicit in taking members of the public for a ride.

The site should be taken down.

Desired outcome: Take this site off your listing

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3:08 pm EST

DuckDuckGo Duck Duck go

I can't even sign into my account because my followers keep blocking me. So how are you supposed to help me if I can't even sigh in? I'd like to drop my account if you can't help me. Your supposed to stop these people that are following me a d you aren't. I would like the names of my followers so I can turn them I to the police. Today is Friday the 19th. [protected]

Desired outcome: Would like the names.of my followers or drop this account I'm paying for

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6:49 am EST

DuckDuckGo Email account with DuckDuckGo

I’m having trouble getting an email account with DuckDuckGo. Love the browser. I was given an email account by DuckDuckGo , but it failed to work . What am I doing wrong? Do you have a help program yet ? How do I contact you ? [protected] I was told my message was too short. [protected] I want an email account with DuckDuckGo. I provided photos of me my daughter and her wedding day. Pictures of nature, plants, wilder flowers to show who I am and what I want. I hope this is long enough. I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get an email account for 3 months

Desired outcome: Get an email with DuckDuckGo leave google behind . Tired of google and their spying. I live in the NE of the Unites States

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10:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo The DuckDuckGo web site (unless there is a DuckDuckGo add on causing the problem.)

When using DuckDuckGo and trying to access My Verizon, I keep getting the message SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_SERVER_KEY_EXCH The only way I could find to reach the Verizon website was to switch to Microsoft Edge! I have had the same problem with several other web sites, What do I need to do to access web sites using DuckDuckGo? I chatted with you earlier and was sent to another site with a $!.00 charge! I am not paying to have a problem with your web site corrected when I can cancel DuckDuckGo and use Edge!

Desired outcome: I would like to continue using DuckDuckGo but not unless the problem is corrected at no charge!

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9:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo I am requesting this be removed from your site

American National Party

Aug 17, 2022Molly Marie Heckard, Trustee. Trustee name. Legal Notices. State of. Pennsylvania. NAC. 8KLQ5 PPRJJ. Resident ID. Verified. Published on 08-17-2022 by the NANP NEWS. Published on 08-18-2022 by the NANP NEWS. Published on 08-19-2022 by the NANP NEWS. PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE within The United States of America.

I want my information removed from this site. This information is false and this needs removed. Its the 7th of October.

I Molly Marie Heckard, request this information be removed.

Signed, Molly M Heckard


Desired outcome: This removed, this is false. I am no part of this cult.

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7:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo Search engine

Your search seems not to recognize the minus sign. That’s fine if that’s the intention of its design, but we should be told rather having to continue scratching our heads on the apparent tradeoff of privacy for having Amazon show up in every goddamn search despite my attempts to exclude it.

There’s a reason, I’m sure. This is not an accident.

I’m going with Google. It’s hardly perfect but it’s damn sight better than what you’re offering as regards this issue.

Dave Boyce

Menlo Park, CA


Desired outcome: Tell me WTFi is going on with the minus sign and spell out exactly how we make nuanced searches, if that’s even possible.

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7:51 pm EDT

DuckDuckGo Pop ups

Please tell me why you block legitimate sites like Tryit product testing? I'm not able to submit my review of a product because you have prevented it from co.ming up. Thr tryit site error comes up tgat reviews cannot be submitted because of you. I don't want to uninstall ddg just because of thus. Your ad blockers block everything including the good sites!

Desired outcome: Allow pop ups from legitimate sites.

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4:22 pm EDT

DuckDuckGo Your Search engine

I run a business here in Pace, Fl 32571, and sitting at my own desk at my office, if I search my business type, I don't even show up in your lists ... I am a computer repair service and when I search computer repair near me, I do not even show up ... I have been in business here since 1994, and if I go to and do the same search, I am all over the page ... Please fix this situation or I will be forced to stop recommending your browser to my customers ...

Thank You

Karl L Albright Sr.

Owner / Karl's Computer Service

Desired outcome: fix the problem

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7:56 pm EDT

DuckDuckGo Duck Duck Go Privacy and Advertising Settings - RESETS EVERY 2 WEEKS!

Hello, I am a longtime DDG user on both my win computer and IOS device.

I like DDG, BUT, every couple of weeks my settings get reset automatically:

1) Turns on all advertising options

2) Turns off "open links in new tab"

3) Turns on DDG installation, stats reporting, privacy reports, and short cut keys.

Clearly those are your default settings, and WHY?

While Duck Duck Go advertises itself as the "private" search engine, the default settings for Ad's is turned on and prioritized to display at the top of the returned URL's from the search. Then, every 2 or so weeks, whamo, the settings reset to default and one has to set them again.

This is the behavior of a predator search engine, not a benign one.

I have sent 3 or 4 complaints to DDG over the past year, and never received a reply other than the regular resetting of my settings. Thank you


Desired outcome: When I save my settings, I expect them to be saved until such time that I reinstall your extension in FF.Or change the defaults to advertising switched off, then you can reset at will. That is the easiest fix!

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3:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo Email redirection

I had a email address. My G-Mail account was suspended and then restored and since then my email address has not been forwarding any emails to my personal account. I have emailed support and tweeted but no response, very frustrating as they don't even have the courtesy to acknowledge my problems.

I was a big fan until this happened, what's going on?

Desired outcome: Reinstate my email and forwarding.

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4:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo Duck Duck Go browser

I had two problems this week. One ( 7/30/22 at11:31am) I was trying to change an automatic monthly order before it shipped. After changing it and updating it, it deleted the changes 3-4 times. I finally called their customer service and had them change it. They asked if I used DuckDuckGo and they said other users experience problems when using your browser.

Another problem is with another monthly subscription for a different company ( 8/1/22 7:44pm). They don't recognize my email and I cannot get into the account. At this point, all I know to do is switch back to my previous browser and see if the problems go away.

Desired outcome: To know if this is common and if there is a fix for it because I like the idea of using DuckDuckGo.

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6:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo Security

I use DDG on my laptop (no issues) and also on an Android Smartphone, where I am repeatedly hacked on my Android by which is somehow able to turn off my McAfee VPN, open up DDG and insert this URL into my browser. This subjects me to various threats about the security of my system, quoting erroneous statements about my internet behaviour which are distressing to me. It then invites me to install a product claiming to clean my 'phone of these supposed viruses which is available on Google Play. These spurious threats, however, are not detected by either McAfee or Malware bytes. I dread to think what malware will accompany this download were I tempted to install it.

Meanwhile, you provide no facilities to block internet sites, only some vague expectation that this might soon be forthcoming.

Until you can assure me that this threat has been neutralised, I plan to wipe DDG off my Smartphone. Also, I think it is incumbent on you to look into this issue further and report Google as being complicit in this FRAUD.

Desired outcome: The facility to block unwanted websites to be prioritised. Google & this company to be reported to the internet watchdogs.

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12:12 am EDT

DuckDuckGo search association

every day i read fox breaking news everyday its highlighted as if i had searched it yesterday today [protected] i type in news and my highlighted page is gone i scroll to next page again gone i had to type in (fox breaking news) to get the page does this mean you have sold out to the left and no longer a viable search engine, do i need to change it if i wanted to be force fed bullcrap i would use google ,again i thought this search engine was non bias non political i choose fox because i can`t stand what democrats have done to this country and other media outlets are just a right hand of the liberal dems i want truth not lies and propaganda i am a homeowner about to be homeless because of the current administration taxes to high economy in shambles i have to go without days before the end of the month i can barely afford internet. whatever you changed in your algorythm its not working.

ps. 149mil people voted 80+81=161 how do you do your math?if they would audit the truth would shock the american people. ch

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3:27 am EDT

DuckDuckGo Search engine fails to go to correct url

If you enter "Art Quill Studio" in DuckDuckGo search engine you do not reach the url site "" instead it goes to secondary sites such as Pinterest and other sites that are not the primary URL. This does not happen if you employ Google as your search engine. Our company - Art Quill & Co Pty Ltd - education division is Art Quill Studio .

Desired outcome: We would like DuckDuckGo search engine go to the following url - - when people using your search engine enter "Art Quill Studio".

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1:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo not showing our political party from their search engine

To Whom it May Concern

We are a legitimate political party registered in Australia. We have contested at 4 elections in the last 6 years.

However, it has recently been brought to our attention that when you enter our party name into DuckDuckGo search engine, in 3 different ways, our webpage does not come up. Why is this please?

If DuckDuckGo have restricted us from being found, that we would like to know why? It should be left to the people to decide on whether they wish to vote for us and not DuckDuckGo to repress us based on their own personal preferences.

Searches for example:


- IMOParty

- Informed Medical Options Party

None of them come up in the search engine. Wikipedia and Facebook were amongst some of the searches, but not the webpage. And the webpages that do come up have no similarities to this name, except for i-mop on one of the searches.

Desired outcome: Please ensure as a matter of urgency that our party website appears in the search engine as the first option. That is: www.imoparty.comThank you & RegardsMonicaIMOParty Teamemail: [protected]

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8:45 am EDT

DuckDuckGo Search Engine Going Woke

Unable to search Abraham Lincoln or other historical figures. #GoWokeGoBroke.

Desired outcome: Reestablish all information whether you feel that it is incorrect or not. Freedom of Speech does not start with companies or government, but the people.

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About DuckDuckGo

Screenshot DuckDuckGo
DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that aims to reduce online tracking. It offers search services without user profiling, providing the same search results for everyone. The company also provides a mobile browser and a browser extension to block trackers across the web.
How to file a complaint about DuckDuckGo?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against DuckDuckGo on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one to proceed.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue you have with DuckDuckGo in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with DuckDuckGo. Mention key areas of concern, transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, etc.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure you follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint against DuckDuckGo on

Overview of DuckDuckGo complaint handling

DuckDuckGo reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 13, 2014. The latest review Unable to download was posted on Feb 26, 2025. The latest complaint I want the dead links that reference cases that were expunged removed was resolved on Mar 22, 2024. DuckDuckGo has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 292 reviews. DuckDuckGo has resolved 7 complaints.
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    Feb 27, 2025
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DuckDuckGo is ranked 12 among 309 companies in the Web Services category

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