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EasyJet review: terrible service! 50

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12:00 am EST
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As with most companies nowadays, the European airline, Easy Jet, provides sub-standard customer service. My complaint with this airline has to do with a double-booking I made because, when I went online the day before my flight was to depart, I could find no record of my booking in my itinerary on their website. There was information about a different booking, but none about the following day's, which made me think that it had somehow not been made. Since I was concerned about getting on this flight, and, being in France, had difficulty reaching an English-speaking customer service rep (though I did have my sister call the London office that day, only to be told that I would have to call them), I decided to make a second booking. I assumed I would be refunded once I explained what had happened.

When I spoke to an Easy Jet rep at the Nice airport the following day, I was assured that all I had to do was go online when I got home and there was a form I could fill out and be refunded. When I tried to do this there was no such form and in fact their policy indicated that they only made refunds in cases of sickness or death. Nonetheless, I made my case by email, still confident that my money would be refunded, as the confusion had originated with their online booking system. After waiting 3 months for a response I finally received one, telling me that I was only entitled to a credit, for the price of the first booking, which was considerably less money than the second, and made no sense to me, as the second booking was the redundant one.

When I called and spoke with a customer service rep I was told that my complaint didn't qualify as a duplicate booking because it didn't meet their definition. The person I spoke to was sure I had no case for a refund due to the time that had elapsed between the two bookings, regardless of any responsibility Easy Jet may have had for the initial confusion. To me their definition is overly rigid and (conveniently) doesn't take into account the reason for the initial confusion--a problem with their website. The rep had no interest in hearing that this might be something they should look into.

I feel I haven't been heard, that Easy Jet hasn't accepted responsibility for their error, and that the credit they've offered me (which I won't be able to use as I won't be going to Europe in the 6-month time period they allow) is for the wrong booking, though clearly the one that best serves them, since it is 1/4 the dollar amount of the duplicate booking. I am steaming mad and feel potential customers should know about the problems they may encounter and the response they may get if they use this airline.

Apparently nowadays discount means sub-standard.

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Aug 25, 2007 4:03 am EDT

I work for easyjet at luton airport, I wanted to complain that there are few staffs who take cash payment over the checkin desk (goes in pocket) and don't send passenger to sales desk. Also ask for box of sweets or any gift for not charging excess baggage. I am sure that the manager, supervisor and cog know all this but do not bother. Who will check this then?

Phil Blinston
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Sep 07, 2007 11:32 pm EDT


I have flown with easy jet for years till yesterday. I was on a flight with my family. I'm an Airport Fireman so know very well how to open the exit doors and told the steward also. I also displayed to him how to do open an exit door on the command of the Captain. The Steward then made a point of targeting me. Not other older passengers who had not read the emergency info, and also when I asked then didn't know how to open an exit door. This is a concern to me, because my job is to save life and not pay lip service to rules. However the steward for some reason complained to the Captain. The Captain came to speak with me. He was in my face as they do to see if I'd had a drink . I had not, so that idea failed He then said he didn't like the way I'd spoke to his steward. I told him that I'd not spoke to him in any way but to disagree. No shouting, nothing. They went away and came back 10 mins later. The captain asked me to the front of the plane. He said his steward wasn't happy to fly with me. I told the captain, I wanted to get home with me family that is all. The captain said personally he thought it was a clash of personality but his steward didn't want to fly with me so I had to be taken off the Aircraft. I was aggressive. I displayed again and explained in great detail how to open an exit door if needs be. The Captain said I had to quote, (pay lip service) and pretend to read the emergency card, even though I told him other people had not and even though I told him in detail that I knew what to do, because of my profession and more over when through the procedure with ease. This still wasn't good enough, and he insisted again, that I had to pay lip service to it in order to stay on the Aircraft, and also now apologize to the Steward as well, and more over if the Steward did not accept my apology I would still be removed from the Aircraft. They had me over a barrel so as to speak. I wasn't alone flying. My partner and 2 kids were also on the flight and I would have been stuck in Spain. I did be grudgingly force my apology and shook hands with the Steward who loudly accepted! And I was allowed to stay on the Aircraft. I did say it takes a bigger man to apologize and I note that there's no apology from the Steward. I told the Head Steward on leaving the flight, to check their data base, and they will see I have flown with easy jet for years and never once had any problems with Stewards, and in fact they were pleased that an Airport Firman was sat at an exit door.

I know it all sounds quite mad. Maybe a sign of the politically correct times when they apply rules and don't care so long as people disregard them so long as (lip service) quoting the Captain is paid to those rules. As I life saver it is more important to know what you’re doing rather than being dependent on someone who does not, but that's OK because he s lied and says he read the emergency sheet. I did ask the other passengers in the exit seats to display to me seeing as they had so called read the sheets to display to me if they knew how to open the exit doors. The Captain said I had no right to ask them that, and indeed they were angry at me.

On the 737 Airtours incident at Manchester people died piled up behind exit doors. I wonder if the first passenger nearest the exit door knew how to open the exit door. He may have paid lip service to it as the Easy Jet Captain said to me. No one will ever know.

There is no point complaining to anyone in so far as my problem is concerned. Experience tells me and again to quote their Captain, I am sure they will pay lip service to me, no more than that.

Instead, I strongly urge people NEVER to fly easy jet again. I am 52 years old and have never been treated so badly on an Aircraft as I was yesterday 7th September 2007. Lip service appears to be the easy jet catch phrase. They won't get another chance ever to pay it to me! Philip Blinston.

I am proud of what I do. I have been involved in saving life and was awarded Employer of the year at Manchester Airport once upon a time. What’s the point though? They weren’t interested in what I knew, who I was. The plane took off and all was well. There may well be a time when it does not. I don’t want to be on easy jet when it does not! Thank you for reading.

Philip Blinston. (

dadi shroff
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Sep 17, 2007 4:29 am EDT


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Oct 14, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I recently booked a flight through easy jet for me and my friend for paris, we were to book it online. We got to the confirm page and confirmed my details as well as my credit card and the page froze, not sending me a confirmation email. We waited and did it again as we were keen to get the flight, again same problem.

Easy jet has now taken the amount out of my credit card twice, and i am not booked on the flight. I no have to wait 28days for the money to be refunded as they have stuffed up.. What a joke... Also i now have to make a case to the head office to get all my fees and charges back. I am on holidays and now $800 out of pocket on my 4 week holiday! Never again!

Jacqueline Thomas & Gail Walmsley
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Dec 13, 2007 12:00 am EST

4th Dec to 6th Dec: Liverpool - Amsterdam ED148X4
First of all I would like to mention that the aircrew are not at fault here and did the best they could with the little information they were given.
My husband and I are from Australia and are currently working in China, we heard that my sister was having a bad time due to medicaly diagnosed depression and had been so for 2 yrs. As we were already half way it was cheaper to visit her from China rather than from Australia.
With a quick thought of taking her away on a quick trip to Holland I booked a flight for both of us, the trip out was ok, except that I have never in all the years of traveling had to BUY food on any flight EVER.
The return trip however was a nightmare...Flight was delayed, then delayed again and again and finaly cancelled at midnight we were finally bundled onto a very crowded bus and many had to make thier own way by taxi and were taken to the wrong hotel. Arriving at the hotel 1 staff member had to deal with booking in more than 60 people. We were finally allocated a room at 4am, just enough time to shower and get back on the coach to return to the airport. The hotel staff did the best that they could with the amount of notice given and treated all with a nice cup of coffee and breakfast in the morning (at no extra cost to us I may add) At the airport we were shuffled from desk to desk, I assume this is because the ground staff had not been informed properly. I personaly was "told" that I had to re book again at counter No. 28, after being up for 24 hrs my nerves were frayed I had had enough so went looking for a staff member who could advise me of what the hell was going on. The counter that I need to get to was ribboned off and I had to make it plain that I needed to get to the easyjet counter NOW! When I arrived at the counter I was totally ignored by the staff member in the mean time I was called by my sister who had by then been advised that we were NOW being borded at another counter. I have to tell you that I have NEVER been through such rubbish in my entire life of air travel and it certainly did not do my younger sister any favours in asisting toward easing her depression. Up until the return trip my sister started to show signs of easing up a little. In the intrem I heard many of your customers on the same flight mention that they had been able to get "cheap" flights, this did not make me feel any happier as the flights I booked were full price. In conclusion I will tell you that this is the first time I have used your airline and as long as I am able I will never use your airline again, that I am not looking for COMPENSATION of any kind, but request that the cost of our flight be re embursed. My e-mail address is attached and would appreciate a confirmation that you have at least taken the time to read this complaint. Jacqui Thomas

Rabia Belatoui
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Dec 19, 2007 3:43 am EST

I agree and easyjet need to be stop doing that, the best option is to contact the Air Transport Users Council CAA House
45-59 Kingsway
Phone: [protected] (Consumer advice line Mon to Thurs 9.30am to 2.30pm)
Fax: [protected]

Rabia Belatoui
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Dec 19, 2007 3:48 am EST

Easyjet mean easymoney for the company, they create the online service and the phone line to make money only, they don't care about the customers service.

What easyjet do is to create in easy wealth and now easyjet need to be stop doing that.

Please contact the Air Transport Users Council CAA House
45-59 Kingsway
Phone: [protected] (Consumer advice line Mon to Thurs 9.30am to 2.30pm)
Fax: [protected]

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Feb 14, 2008 12:00 am EST

My wife and I made a point of taking advantage of the "speedy Boarding" facility for our flight from Bristol/Alicante and return. REF: ECV442D. This was very important as I have a very real fear of flying, and getting aboard quietly and getting a window seat, are extremely important to me. before the usual surge pours in.

Going out was no problem. However, we checked in at Alicante for our return flight, used the "Speedy Boarder" check in desk and were given our boarding passes. All appeared well until the call came for the Speedy Boarders to be admitted, and we were turned away because the check in desk clerk had marked our boarding passes with a B,despite the fact that all our paperwork listed us as speedy boarders..
None of the Easy Jet staff on the gate were the least bit interested, despite the fact that we were able to show them our paperwork. Not only were we not allowed to join the speedy boarding party, but there was even an "A" group getting aboard before us!

We finally joined the rush of the "remainder", did not get a window seat, and were extremely lucky to even be able to sit together. Under the circumstances the whole flying experience was extremely traumatic.
I consider that when we went to so much effort to get things right, some level of common sense should certainly be expected from the airline staff. I am very annoyed by the whole experience and consider some form of compensation fully justified.

Hugh Jordan
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Feb 27, 2008 3:50 am EST

I had a problem with easyJet's speedy boarding at Budapest in February. As in when the flight was called, there was no call for SB, followed by SA, A and B in that order.

There was just a general scrummage.

I asked EJ for a refund, but they say that SB is non-refundable.

I believe they are in clear breach of contract and I want my money back.

Trouble is it costs time and money just to get a couple of quid. Wonder if there are sufficient fellow sufferers to work togther?

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Mar 04, 2008 2:25 am EST

EasyJet took over GB Airways, a wholly owned subsidiary of British Airways as from January and many people booked on flights booked through BA have been re-assigned flights on EasyJet from end of March.
We booked specific flight times to accommodate (a) our son's having to be in-school for an exam, and (b) my husband's need to be in a meeting by 9am on the day of our return. When we were told of the takeover we were assured that all bookings would be honored: nothing was said about any alterations being made to days or times.

Emailed EasyJet at the time (January) to make specific inquiry about our booking - no reply. Emailed again two weeks later - no reply. Emailed for a third time - got automate reply that "all bookings will remain the same unless we notify you of a change". In other words, any sane and reasonable person would think that flights and times would remain the same, right? WRONG!

Eventually got something through from EasyJet (and they use the smallest font size imaginable, something like a 5 ot 6) and the only bit in easily read type was the bit "Do you accept flying on EasyJet" - so of course, having been reassured that all flight times and dates would be the same we said yes. Now we discover that the flight out is nearly 5 hours earlier - so school permission needed for child to miss classes, and we've just been refused. Then husband's flight back is now 12 hours later so he can't make meeting.
Have spent at least 40 minutes trying to contact EasyJet by phone for 2 weeks - have never made it through to an operator. Have tried dialing number before the official opening time, get straight onto hold and call never taken. Have resorted to hanging on for as long as it takes - longest was over 3 hours on hold, then cut off as their working day had finished.

Have tried emailing them asking for reply - NOTHING.
Have tried emailing them to ask them to call - NOTHING.

Have tried to contact their HQ - all you can get is a 'customer experience' line - eventually got through to a real live body (nearly dropped phone in shock!) but after some pleasantly accented platitudes he then told me he couldn't do anything about bookings!

BE WARNED: The EasyJet 0905 numbers are cosed at 65p per minute and upward. The 0871 numbers are costing you 30p per minute. God knows how much the 0800 number costs. Easy and Stelios should be ashamed of themselves. British Airways should take some responsibility for the shameful treatment of what were THEIR customers and sort it out. Fly EasyJet? Never willingly. I'll sell the holiday home if the only way to get there is by using this appalling "airline".

Stelios, get your act together. Get off the TV promoting yourself and do something constructive, like sorting out the augean stables that is your administration and customer service operation.

mary hinds
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Mar 05, 2008 5:28 am EST

I agree, I have been trying to get through to easyjet to complain
that I paid £278.06 for my flights to Malaga with meal BA. Now I have been put on an Easyjet flight with no meal flight costing £205.92 and no one wants to credit me £73.00 I am furious each time I ring I am left on hold and eventually the lines goes dead. This airline should be banned from operating.

mrs pauline montgomery
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Mar 26, 2008 12:53 pm EDT

My friend and I booked priority boarding each way when we flew from Edinburgh to Krakow on the 10th March returning on Friday 14th March. This was because I had a bad leg and had to use a stick. This was ideal in Edinburgh as we just had to walk onto the plane but on returning from Krakow we had to board a bus out to the plane. We had priority going onto the bus but when it came to the plane there was no priority boarding it was a stampede whether you had priority boarding or not. Those with priority boarding should have been able to board the plane first as I understood this was what we had paid for each way.

kim billington
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Jun 12, 2008 1:27 pm EDT

my niece weny to cyprus 9th june 4 two wks to see her fella who is posted out there.she arrived in paphos airport 6months pregnant to find they had lost her luggage she was told it would take 3 days to find the time of sending this she still hasnt got it.she was given no help no money towards getting anything.its disgusting how they have treated soon as i get the correct e mail add they will certainly b hearing from me.

Taylor Gillespie
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Jul 20, 2008 6:01 pm EDT

I will never fly with this airline again.
I tried to book our Christmas vacation as every year but now they put in extra charges for your baggage, sports, taxes, and many more.
This is just not what this airline was all about to start with offering low cost, easy on-line bookings with no frills.
I am afraid the days of easyjet are now numbered and we will be booking with other companies in the future.
This company was sold out at the right time by Stelios as it cannot supply what its name suggests -EASY.
Try booking and you will see what I mean!

Lizzie T
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Aug 03, 2008 7:35 am EDT

I have had similarly bad experiences with easyjet. They are exploting the the vague term of 'extraordinary circumstances' to ensure compensation is almost never required. It is perfectly clear that short turnaround times is something they chose to do to maximise profits at the expense of reliability for customers, and the vague legislation is convenient.

I will not use easyjet again.

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Sep 11, 2008 10:56 am EDT

I would like to know if anyone can explain why easyjet flights are consistently delayed. I have attempted to establish the root cause of this problem, but with no success.

In line with Philip Blinston comment, I strongly agree. The calibre of easyjet employee's is worrying to say the least. Their aircraft appear to be crewed by juveniles; I do not feel confident that anyone of them would react in an appropriate manner in the event of an emergency.

My experience was sat at the front of the aircraft on a return flight from Cologne to be faced with junior staff who were more interested in making it back in time to get down the pub for last orders. I found this very unprofessional. Additionally, there appearances (uniforms) were shoddy and the smell of cheap scent was overpowering.

What is this speedy boarding all about? I have never witnessed such a farce in all my life, it is like a bunch of savages racing for the pot of rice in a refugee camp!
The problem of people pushing a shoving could be solved so easily. Please two lines of barriers, one for speedy boarding and easyjet plus passengers and another for standard passengers. If you have joined the wrong queue, tuff luck you go to the back of the correct queue! As stated earlier, with the calibre of their staff this would be beyond their capabilities to sort out.

I have boycotted the airline and now drive from the UK to Geneva rather than place one foot on another of their aircraft.

David Rossi
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Sep 17, 2008 4:54 am EDT

I went with Easyjet on 11 Sept to Krakow from Luton. Due to my own stupid mistake I checked in the wrong bag(don't ask).
When I brought this to the attention of the crew, Keri(sic) team leader went into action and alerted the Pilot who responded immeadiately and correctly.
The bag was removed from the aircraft, causing a delay, but at no time were the crew anything other than tolerant and understanding.
They also kept the other passengers informed about the delay without at any time blaming and identifying me as the cause of the delay.
As the Pilot pointed out Easyjet take safety very seriously and the date was also relevent!
My thanks to the crew.

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Sep 30, 2008 2:48 am EDT

You, like us found out the hard way its just a rip off to get more cash out of you, we paid one year only to get pushed to the back, will never use this feature again

Laszlo Nagy
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Oct 02, 2008 12:12 pm EDT

I have found it very difficult indeed to find the telephone number of your customer service (not to say costly ) to make an inquiry.
The person I spoke to, whilst tried to be helpful, was not able to and suggested to write an email to put my case. However, the direction she gave did not lead me to the desired email address of yours.
Thus would you, please, let me have such an email address of easyjet by which I could inquire in respect of a payment I made to esyjet.
Sincerely L. Nagy.

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Oct 06, 2008 1:21 am EDT

I booked 2 different legs of a flight via easyjet. The first was from Casablanca to Madrid. The second from Madrid to UK. The 2nd leg was charged in euro currency. I paid by visa electron to avoid payment fees. The transaction was straightforward. On the Casablanca leg, again I paid in local current - Moroccan dirham. However, I was charged a booking fee although I paid using the same card. This happened again when I paid to alter the flight. I contacted easyjet - via email as no other method available. The response was shawdy and dismissive advising "As a low cost budget airline we don't offer refunds". I wrote again, advising that there is a mistake on their website that does not permit financial transactions other than fee charging debit or credit cards and enclosed a screen print as evidence. Again, a similarly dismissive response. Many emails have been exchanged and this company seem wilfully obstructive and ignorant to honest service standards and are seriously lacking in basic business ethics.

This case is now being escalated and the company investigated. I am confident of a positive outcome and refund of the money basically stolen by this company.

It is important to beware of the cowboy mentality operating within this company.

Bindi Rai
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Oct 10, 2008 8:53 am EDT

Easyjet what a joke. I flew with them in August 08 from East Midlands to Malaga our flight was delayed by 8 hours due to a part being brought over from Stanstead and then a new crew being put together as the old crew cannot work after so many hours. We were given forms so we could claim compensation. I wrote to the in sep 08 as I just had a confirmation email and nothing else I phoned them and was told I was entitled to nothing as I had boarded the delayed flight. I will say this as this is what the customer services advisor said although I do not know how true it is- basically the minimum time I would have to sit at the airport after an easyjet flight is delayed is 5 hours I can then board a competitors airline and fly to my destination I will then get compensated by them. They will hold any compensation in an account for me for a period of time and I can use that to pay for another flight with them- I lie not!

New York City, US
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Jan 28, 2009 9:13 pm EST

If anyone knows whom to contact to deal with an EasyJet complaint, please let me know at jim AT monk dot com. I am furious. They were completely dismissive of my situation (see below). There is no way to find any customer service email or phone on their site. They are totally NOT interested in helping. Typical crappy airline service.

Question Reference No: [protected]
Summary: My name is James Marshall Crotty. I am a travel writer for ... Category Level 1: I had a bad experience with easyJet Category Level 2: my flight was disrupted Category Level 3: it was cancelled Date Created: 12/01/2009 10.57 AM Last Updated: 12/01/2009 10.57 AM Status: Unresolved Flight Number: 462 Booking Reference: ef3v4xr Flight Date: 04/01/2009
 Discussion Thread  Customer (James Crotty)12/01/2009 10.57 AM My name is James Marshall Crotty. I am a travel writer for Monk Magazine, the Frommer's Mad Monks Guides, Lonely Planet, and I recently had a very bad experience with easyJet, which I plan to turn into a major story about poor customer service on easyJet. Every step of the way my complaint was dismissed, with no attempt at a solution whatsoever. Per my conversation with an easyJet phone representative (the number of which was very difficult difficult to locate on the easyJet website or on the Internet), I am writing to you in the hopes that you will fully appreciate my situation and completely refund the money spent for my flight from Berlin to Geneva at 15:00 on Sunday January 4, 2009.

Here are the details of the complaint. First, I arrived at the Berlin Schoenefeld airport with 90 minutes to spare. By the time I reached the counter I had 45 minutes to spare. Maybe the gentleman at the counter was looking at a different time than me because he said I was late. We argued. After a delay, he called upstairs and asked if I could still get on the flight. They said no, but the man at the counter said I could go upstairs to the ticket counter and ask them to let me on the flight. I waited upstairs. The woman there said no, but that I could go back downstairs again and talk to the airline supervisor. I waited 10 minutes more for the supervisor to arrive. She listened and then said No, saying it is easyJet policy not to let passengers on with less than 40 minutes to go. When I said I was at the counter with more than 40 minutes to go, she didn't seem to care. I went back to the counter. I asked if there was another flight I could catch. He said no, but that I could take a flight to Bern. This was out of the question since my friend was waiting for me in Geneva. NO ONE SAID I HAD TO GET A REFUND RIGHT THERE AT THE AIRPORT. NO ONE SAID I HAD TO REAPPLY THE EASY JET TICKET RIGHT THEN AND THERE OR I WOULD GET NO MONEY BACK AT ALL. No help at all. I had never taken easyJet before. By the time I got to Geneva a few days later (by train) I pursued a refund to no avail.

It seems to me that given I did not violate easyJet timing policies, it might behoove easyJet to ameliorate this situation in a more favorable way than you have done so far.

I fully realize that airport personnel are under great stress these days and that, when under stress, can cling to their understanding of rules at the expense of more cordial and reasonable customer service. But I also in my business try to follow the principle that "the customer is always right, " even when I think the customer is wrong. In the long run it's not worth the bad will and enormous negative publicity all for the sake of 239.51 Euros. In any case, in this case the customer was completely correct. Which was why I am requesting a refund or credit.

I am willing to look at this is as a one-time slip-up on the part of easyJet and look forward to using your services again in the near future with a more positive result. Should there be no refund or credit towards a future flight, I am certain you will lose me and my friend, a regular EasyJet customer. Furthermore, I will continue to pursue action regarding this slip-up plus articles about the experience in various publications, both online and off.

Thank you for help.

I am sure we can resolve this to the satisfaction of all.


James xxxxxxxxxx

Dear James

We would like our Customers to have a speedy response to their enquiry, with this in mind we have looked at your email and have provided you with some suggestions for an instant answer to your question. We hope you will find these helpful.

If we have not found an immediate answer to your question, we aim to respond to your question within 12 hours.

Yours sincerely

easyJet Customer Experience Team

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Mar 13, 2009 5:32 am EDT

I alwyas fly easyjet they are the most reliable, efficient and friendly low cost airline i have flown with and must better than any more expensive charter flights i have experienced. Some of the above comments are to be expected if you pay so little for such a service! They transport us round Europe and further i dont think you would be able to do it so conveniently for suchg a low price and i have been able to see so many beautiful places because of their low fares otherwise i simply wouldnt have been able to afford it and because of that i thought i would leave a comment to stand up for the airline and ask others to spend that little bit more if they expect extra!

Content Easyjet customer :)

PS Juveniles operating the aircraft i think is a very petty complaint as they have the same trianing as everyone else and who has the right to say they couldnt cope in an emergency anymore than an older flight attendant humph!

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Mar 19, 2009 7:35 am EDT

This is what I wrote to easyjet for a trip back to Geneva after my mother's funeral;

I would like to draw to your attention an irregularity in your sales support. On 4th March I unfortunately missed my flight from Bristol to Geneva at 1350 through no fault of yourselves. I asked your sales representative if I could go on the next flight out from Bristol.
I was informed it was not possible as the flight was full. The lady then offered me the 1820 from Gatwick to Geneva on the 4th, but I decided it was too tight, so I asked her when the next flight would be. She said 0615 on the 5th. I chose to take this and paid an excess of 35 GBP.
However when I arrived in Gatwick, the lady at the sales desk founs a flight on the 1955 from Gatwick to Geneva which I took. The representative at Gatwick told me that there had been a place available all day on this particulaer flight.
My questions is, why did the lady in Bristol not point this out to me when I was in Bristol. I had sufficient time to get to Gatwick from Bristol by 1955 . What would I have paid if I had originally taken the 1955 flight whilst in Bristol instead of the 0615 on the 5th?
I have been proposed a refund of 35 GBP, but in view that I had paid 150 GBP I think this was paltry.
easyjet also use intimidation if people don't do as they want it. I remember an overweight juvenile in Bristol airport shouting very loudly in front of everyone that "this one " had a Brazilian airport to her supervisor about 20 yards away from her guichet. When my wife suggested that this was an inappropriate the overweight juvenile got the hump and proceeded to give us a hard time.

Andover, GB
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May 28, 2009 3:13 pm EDT

My husband and his work colleagues had to visit Belfast for the day. They had no luggage so were able to check in online. On their outward trip from Bristol they went straight to passport control and were able to board the plane. When they arrived at Belfast in the evening to make the return journey they went straight to passport control. When they got to the gate they were told they had to check-in manually even though they had printed boarding cards from the internet and were taken back through to the check-in area. They joined the queue but Easyjet closed the gate before they and several other people had checked in. Easyjet staff weren't interested at all when they complained and said it wasn't their problem! It was thanks to the inadequacies of the Easyjet staff who were working too slow that made everyone miss the flight and they wouldn't hold it for anyone. Now they've got to try and get a flight tomorrow morning.

When we travelled with Ryanair to Italy passengers (including us) were still queuing at check-in over half an hour after the flight should have left but they held the flight because it was their staff who caused the hold up so WHY CAN'T EASYJET DO THIS!

Bedford, GB
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Jun 09, 2009 11:46 am EDT

My husband and I flew with Easyjet last weekend...coming back the flight was delayed by over and hour, in this time we had no advice or anything from anyone at Easyjet to let us know what was going on and when we did finally get to the gate, even though we had gotten to check-in 20 minutes before it opened we were still in the last boarding group (!?!?! I dont get this- i thought it was supposed to be first come first served?!?!) so of course (thanks mostly to the oh-so helpful stewards who you would think would ask people to sit together!?!?!?) we werent sitting together and were each sandwiched between 2 strangers...who it turns out were together anyway! (and proceeded to talk across me the whole flight!?! weird!) But anyway, when we FINALLY got there we collected our bags and found that my beautiful (and litterally brand new!) Louis Vitton holdall had been completely ruined! (see picture) and stupid Easyjet only cover damaged items up to £800! So even if they do get back to me and say they will cover that (which i highly doubt they will...will keep you posted!) I am still £600 OUT OF POCKET! and through no fault of my own! at all! in any way! how is this fair?! I am totally disgusted by Easyjet and will not be flying with them again and will be letting everyone know how imcompetent and basically just totally rubbish Easyjet really are!

gemma bell
newcastle, GB
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Aug 19, 2009 2:42 pm EDT

easyjets lot my sons bag 5 days ago and dont no where it could be, hows that?all his gifts in it, trainers, all good new clothes, and he is due 2 go away again in few days, i have 2 buy all new at the last min, i can aply for £75, no more, its a joke, its there error.all the money they make, and thats there attude, never again easyjet should change there name

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Oct 16, 2009 11:16 am EDT

I have flown many times with easyjet from various locations and a common problem I've noticed is their lack of check-in staff. I suppose I put it down to the no frills experience and the reason they charge less for flights but I've seen me queue for over ninety minutes and end up checking in when boarding is supposed to be starting. Not good enough regardless of price and how about a free cup of tea or coffee on the flight at least!

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Oct 29, 2009 4:58 am EDT

TERRIBLE Service, there is no way to contact them. very very bad service, i will not fly with easyjet anymore

Hemel Hempstead, GB
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Dec 21, 2009 6:13 am EST

EasyJet should be rebranded to Lemon Airline “guaranteed to leave a sour taste in your mouth “

Let me explain what happened and has leaded me to make the above statement.
On the 18th December 2009 my friend was book on a flight from Luton London Airport to Belfast. This flight was cancelled fine I accept you have no control over the weather. She was told to book another flight which she did for later that evening I think it was flight 169. Anyway she waited the whole day at the airport just in case there was an update. Please also note that quite a few times during the course of the day your staff abandoned the EasyJet counter on a number of occasions. This can be simple confirm by checking the log in and out on the terminal servers at that point (The joys of working for an IT company you know about these things). 2 hours before the flight none of your staff or agents were either at the baggage check in or were at your EasyJet counter. Needless to say that when the EasyJet counter was opened we and 14 other people were informed that it was too late and that the pilot refused to wait to load the bags and the plane left with out my friend or the 14 other passengers. Your staff then informed everyone that they need to get on the internet to sort out another booking. Now I need to stop you here surly it was your staff or agents that screwed up why must the customer fix the screw up. By the way you are still responsible for the actions of your agent no contract or action will resolve you of this. On the 19th December 2009 at 8am we returned back to Luton London Airport and stood again in the cue. Eventually We managed to get to speak to your so called agent / staff member Amanda Noo (Something) lady with a lot of attitude and black hair with glasses. She should never have been in a client facing position as she doesn’t have the skills to deal with people. Especially your customers who pay money. Anyway it was explained to her in detail as to what had transpired the day before. She claims she was unaware of what had occurred. I find this very had to believe. She called the so called manager via a mobile phone in the back office and he or she must have brought her up to speed. She returned back to the counter and informed us that she was doing us a big favour and would put my friend on a flight on the 24th December 2009. At this point it was just to much for my friend who broke down in tears. At this point and Amanda will remember me I muttered that We were in a 3rd world country ( How did I come to this conclusion simple (1) Your website was not updated timelessly and didn’t match the Luton London Airport. (2) Staff not on your counter. (3) Customers who by the way you need to remember pay money into your company which allows you to continue to trade not been timelessly updated. (4) Your staff / agent are unable to advise your customers of what was happening. (5) No management staff on hand to back up your staff or Agents with information. In fact I challenge you to travel to South Africa which according to the world is a 3rd world country and find the same amount of incompetency. The public would not tolerate it. Needless to say your staff member or Agent declined to assist us any further and I at that point immediately apologised she was not interested and instructed all staff to no longer assist us and while I was talking to her she walked away (Once again sign of someone who is unable to deal with a member of the public) not willing to understand the frustration and the trauma that we had gone through or the expense. Eventually and hour and a half later we were able to get my friend booked on a flight. My friend who by the way is Miss Christine Mcleod eventually caught a train to HollyHead and caught a boat across to Ireland. I would also like to point out she is from South Africa and is going to be returning back to South Africa with a mind set that EasyJet are totally useless as a Airline. I am sure this is not something that you want. As they say you can spend a heap of money on good advertising and it only takes one unhappy customer to trash that effort.

I would like to point out that I had to travel back and forwards to the Airport in total 56 miles who going pay for that cost wear and tear and petrol? Parking costs in total £15-00 at Luton Airport who is going to pay that cost? 6 hours of my time which I could have being doing business, who is going to pay for that time? Then there is the cost on your clip joint telephone line which is never answered as it was flooded by calls. I wonder if your company is and ISO reg company if so you need to relook at how things are done as you failed on so many levels. I also wonder do you have a business continuity plan? If you do no one implemented it or if they did the staff or agents didn’t know what to do.

Here is hoping you have a great Xmas and let’s hope you do not ruin anyone else day! Please get some professionally trained staff who at least can deal with customers in a manner which leaves the customer with a feeling of being loved not screwed. In fact if you take a walk over to Ryan air counter. You will immediately see a difference from the cowboys you employ. Plus interesting they have a little sign which actually reflects everything that we went through while doing business with your company. I think you would agree that’s very interesting!


Martin Fox

Chester-le-Street, GB
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Mar 19, 2010 9:11 am EDT

Does anybody know details of the 'cancelled' flight from Geneva to Newcastle on the 10th January 2010 that took off and landed at Newcastle with no passengers on board. Easyjet initially denied that it had been cancelled and then when evidence was provided, blamed it on the ground crew. Cover up going on, methinks.

Boston, US
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Jun 15, 2010 10:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Easy jet is by far the worst airline I have ever flown on. I am a frequent flier throughout europe and have never experience the complete disrepect that I received from Easyjet on my flight from Barcelona to London Gatwick. Not only did agent #352 named Estelle treat me like absolute crap, with no help at all and was actually embarassing my family and I in front of the public at the airport, but she charged me twice for the same thing to my credit card. Customer service is not responding to my emails or phone calls. It is miraculous that this service is still running. It is a hoax, and one that I will never fly again. I

Muhammad Irfan Hussain
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Mar 16, 2011 10:12 pm EDT

I want to complain about the only male attendant at the above flight. I believe his name was Cairan.
He was a bit too offensive to me in talking and threw my luggage from the overhead locker when only few people entered in the aircraft.

I was among the first few passengers in the aircraft and put my bag and jacket in the overhead locker and sat at the window seat. This male attendant came to me and asked if that is my bag. When I replied in positive, he took my bag out and threw to the seat next to me and asked to put under the seat. I asked him that it’s a large bag and can not be fixed under the seat and informed him that due to this reason, I stood in the queue for about an hour so I can find some room in the overhead locker particularly when most of the overhead lockers were empty.

He didn’t agree and also took my jacket from the overhead locker and put on the seat again mentioning that he wants room for other passengers.

I was shocked on his behavior that why he’s asking this only to me, as I thought I have the equal right to use the overhead locker. I protested and said ‘Do you also want me to fit under the seat so you can create room for someone you like”. And he replied! “Yes you can go under the seat if you want” and walked away leaving my large bag and jacket at the empty seat.

I can understand the reason of this disgraceful attitude – I am an Asian. He didn’t do this to anyone else, as I kept watching him afterwards.

This attitude is totally unacceptable and I would seriously think before using Easy Jet flights in future unless I am told that this attendant has been questioned and this will not happen again.

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May 30, 2011 6:15 pm EDT

May 14, 2011 from Thessaloniki to Berlin.More than 5 hours of delay due to strikes of the easyjet's employees or partners in Germany.We had to lose the train (prepaid tickets) from Berlin to Dresden and we asked the easyjet representative who told us that we should send by e-mail the train ticket in order to get the money from easyjet.After getting back from Berlin (thank god not with easyjet) we send the ticket by e-mail but the easyjet customer service representative told us that his colleague at the Thessaloniki airport was wrong and that no reimbursement could apply.Really unreliable!Never prepay train, car or hotel when traveling with easyjet!It is so possible that you will just lose your money!It was the first time traveling with easyjet and I would not recommend it!

warfield, GB
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Jun 19, 2011 12:25 am EDT

BEWARE EASY JET - After been stranded for 9 days last April due to ash cloud...I reuqested on several ocassions for compensation. Easy Jet said they would not compensate contrary to EU regulations for reimbursement. I have choosen not to every fly with them again. Advise others to choose a more reputable airline as well particularly when things may go wrong.

London, GB
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Jul 02, 2011 4:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello, I made a booking in December 2010 with Aadam Wilhemina Hotel in Amsterdam inthe web page of easy jet. In that web they said in the policy of cancellation "A credit/debit card is required to secure your reservation at Aadam Wilhelmina Hotel in Amsterdam. There will be no cancellation charge if a booking is cancelled before 10:00 hotel local time 5 days before your date of arrival. If the booking is cancelled later, or in the case of a no-show, the entire stay will be charged". But was FALSE, they took the money from my account in December 2010. Then I could not get the schengen visa and I could not go there. I tried to cancel the booking, and take back my money (154 pounds) but the hotel did not want to back the money, and EASYJET either .
I sent them (Hotel and EASYJET) the screens with the policy that they show me when I booked the room, but stil nothing, I tried to change the dates, and nothing... The Hotel answered "No booking cancelation possible. No changes with the arrival dates or change of room type is not possible. If you still would like to cancel or change the booking then you will be Charged for the complete stay for this period. No refund possible. ".
The address of the policy that They had is :, but they blocked now.
They stole my money and I do not the money of how many oter people, If per each person they took in average 150 pounds, could you imagine how much money they stole?.
I have all the screens and evidence of this, If someone know how I can denunce them to some institution that can take actions in this case, please tell me.
Thjank you very much.

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Dec 01, 2011 2:26 pm EST

I have asked my Grand-Daughter to write to protest about the way I have been treated by your company. I am 81 years old and in all my years I have never been so badly misled.
Coming back from Malaga, after being sat waiting 2 hours in the plane with no information, the pilot said Gatwick was closed but not to worry, we were going to Luton and there would be coaches to transfer us.
When we got there it took three hours to get our luggage, then we were told no coaches had been arranged.
This was the middle of the night and I had to stand in the freezing cold for a bus to the train station, which never came so I paid for a taxi then a train to London. St Pancras was closed so I had to get another taxi to Victoria and another train.
Yet your so-called customer helpline never answers the phone and when I did get someone on they said I couldn’t get the money back on my extra costs. That’s the least you should do. I think it is scandalous and I’m asking again for compensation for all my trouble.
I want Easyjet to apologise and offer me compensation for my troubles.

Ana Catarina Silva
Claygate, GB
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Jul 15, 2012 1:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Flight EZY8720 - today - Lisbon/London Gatwick
Again this company proved that does not take any consideration for their clients and after a second incident, this is the limit for me - Will never fly with them again and will not loose any opportunity to give them a bad name and bad references.
How is it possible that being the passengers ready to board, on the gate, the flight is suddenly delayed for 4 hours ?
clearly they have found other more profitable route where to move this plane and decided to keep us waiting for 4 hours, offering some lousy sandwiches. 4 hours is also the limit for the delay and being obliged to offer us accomodations, so there are no coincidences here. Poor...poor..poor. that no longer sells only cheap tickets. In fact my ticket was quite expensive and I've only choosen it due the convenience of the flight. Never again. Easy jet was already out of my plans for winter flights due to a similar incident in the winter 2010., but now is a full year ban...forever...thanks

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Dec 20, 2012 7:47 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To whom it may concern,

I was charged 50 euros to check in my laptop backpack on the flight from Nice to Geneva because of the only one hand luggage rule. My airfare cost 60 euros. So I nearly paid for an extra seat.
The plane was 2/3rds empty and i could lie down on 3 seats if this hadn't spoiled my trip.
The boarding person in Nice was rude saying she doesn't make the rule as her best line, giving me the distinct impression she was paid on commission if she could nail a passenger to pay a 50 euros fee for checking that second small luggage.
I'm an American citizen and we know customer service. Having traveled many different airlines, in my experience, this second carry on policy is appalling and non adapted to the reality of a flight ie: if a flight is 2/3rds empty, be a little lenient with passengers with a small extra bag (in this case a small laptop back pack). This would avoid people going on a private vendetta to make sure thier company comes across as the worst out there to as I witness many say here.
I will try to avoid them in the future.

Florie Qosja
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Aug 20, 2018 7:04 pm EDT

July 23rd flight was cancelled. they denied all my claims and did not send me my refund.

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