Expedia failed to book resort then did not reimburse me for the additional cost I incurred totaling over $1000 Canadian
My Children and I arrived in Mexico at the resort we booked and paid for only to find out Expedia failed to book the room we had paid for. The resort charged us $700 USd to stay one night while we tried to get a hold of Expedia
Expedia has removed all Phone number and email addresses as a form of communication to them only providing AI chat. When trying to resolve the issue via Chat the Typing was disabled.
The concierge desk at the resort contacted their Expedia agent finally providing a contact number for the Expedia Canadian customer service [protected] over 3 hours on the phone with them standing at the concierge desk at the resort
Placed on hold and being hung up on multiple times they moved my kids and I to a different resort
Expedia refused to reimburse me for the first night’s stay at Sandos only reimbursed a portion.
I also had to return to Sandos for the wedding Feb 28, 2025 costing $100 USD per person
I am only asking to be reimbursed the amount I was charged from Expedia’s error
I never agreed on the amount reimbursed ( half the price of the room) and stated I would call when I returned to Canada
I never agreed on the amount reimbursed which was half of what I paid and stated I would call when I returned to Canada
CEO and entire Board of Directors have disabled communication. There is no way escalate anything further once you have reached the horrendous Customer service department
Recommendation: Do not recommend Expedia