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FedEx Complaints 1759

2:32 pm EDT

FedEx fedex never delivered packages according to the time and date as they told me

I am a customer of Fedex... waiting for packages... but Fedex never delivered them according to the time and date as they told me... and keep me waiting for whole day, never come nor call...

below you could read the whole story!

I waited for the whole day last Wednesday (meaning from 9am-8pm) because the telephone automatic tracking told me that the driver was coming on Wednesday. But he did not show up in the end, what he did was left me a door-tag on Thursday afternoon.

Then, Thurdays night I started my first email to Fedex, and one officer told me about 9:30pm on Thursday that the driver would be coming again on Friday (1 Sep), and I requested it to be in the afternoon. I did check from the telephone tracking again on Friday about 2pm, the message from the automatic response was that the driver attempted to deliver on Friday (1 sep) at 8:40pm.

I was wondering what happened and called the hotline again, and I talked to an officer, she told me that it was the computer failure, and she told me that the driver was coming from 3pm-8pm. As a result, I waited from another half a the end, the driver never showed up again.

I called again about 8:40pm on Friday, the officer told me that she did not know about the delivery in Miami, and transfer me to another officer from the Miami Office. I talked to that office from Miami office for less than a minute, and she said she would check for me and ask me to hold the line. I waited for her on the phone for 10min until I gave up.

Is your company trying to waste my time and my credit on my cell phone. How many more time do I need to email or call in order to get my packages. Usually the driver or the company would comfirm a delivery time, (let say 1-3pm), not like what you did was trying to keep me home and waste my time for the WHOLE day, and your driver NEVER come! I think FEDEX should compensate both my loss in time and cell phone credit and never make your service to be such inconvenience to the customers.

"Please let me know at least by Tuesday night (10pm) if your driver is coming on Wednesday or not!"... till now... I still never got an answer from them! Hopelessly waiting!

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Orlando, US
Jul 14, 2010 2:39 pm EDT

Normally you don't have to wait for the package to arrive unless you have to sign for it or you live in a ghetto neighborhood.

5:30 pm EDT
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FedEx feel scammed

Had to have a replacement phone shipped to us from Verizon due to faulty equipment. No problem there, but we are supposed to ship the defective phone back using the return label that was supposed to be included in the box. First problem: no return label in the box. So off we go to the Verizon center near us, wait our turn, get the label and then have to take the box to the FedEx place to ship it. Problem number two: FedEx tells me, "This isn't packed properly so if it gets lost, Verizon will charge you for the phone because I have to check that it wasn't packed properly when it was shipped". I'm like, you have to be kidding's packed exactly as the new phone was shipped to me. She's like...they don't care...if the phone gets lost in sending it to you, they just send you another one but if it gets lost when you send it back, you're out a couple hundred bucks. However, she 'kindly' offered to pack it properly for me...for 3 bucks and some change (for a couple of sheets of plain brown paper). Had I not been in a hurry, I would have taken the box back home and packed it myself.
Makes me wonder if Verizon and FedEx don't have a little agreement going on where they ship phones packed inadequately and when the customer shows up at FedEx to ship it back, they get pressured into paying to have it 'packed properly' under threat of getting a big charge from Verizon if the phone gets lost and wasn't packed properly. Is somebody getting a kickback?

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1:07 pm EDT

FedEx rotten customer service

Have been waiting for a delivery to my business via FedEx for a few days, understood that with the 4th of July it would be delayed a bit, expected delivery date of July 7, 2010. Our business hours are CLEARLY posted on the front door, the driver showed up before we were even open, left a tag on the door and left. We came into the office and called right away to see if we could get it delivered as it is something needed for work, was told they would try to call the driver and call us back. 2 hours later with no return call, we called back yet again and were told the same thing. 3 hours later we called back, asked for a supervisor and was told the driver was already home for the day and still had our package with him at his house. If we needed it, we could call him and see if it was ok for us to drive there. 35 miles one way of driving and poor customer service on everyone's part we finally got our package. Needless to say, not very happy with FedEx and they have probably lost a customer for life. I will also talk to our corporate office and discontinue using them at all 457 locations we have across the US.

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10:01 am EDT
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FedEx failure to resolve payments made

Fedex has a horrible billing system. Beware everyone who do business with fedex.

**** IF you make a payment by Bank Bill payment without a invoice (electronic mostly ) then your money is lost.
fedex simply take your money and will not apply to your account, fedex will not refund you, You have to spend
months, years to get that money back, if you can afford go to Court ****

in brief here is my issue

**** fedex kept money - it neighter apply to any invoice nor refunded. I submitted all evidences and proof from my bank statements and each single payment sent to fedex proving that i sent payment, but after 4 weeks still fedex has money but suspended my account and sending collection notices **

Take a look at this detailed proof of payments. ( i have the detailed report sent to fedex billing department and no action was taken to resolve this)

For one customer like me this much money is in air, what about millions of customers? is this the practice at fedex? if a payment is made without a reference to a invoice, means fedex will keep that money? what should i do?

My fedex account number - xxxxxx
i am a good customer overpay my bills.

** Contacted fedex and all i hear is we are researching this is the answer i got since 3 weeks will it take 3 weeks to research billing issue **

*** Main issue with my fedex account is - i made payments to fedex without reference to invoice which fedex did not apply the payment to any of open invoices. which resulted in $5000+ payments up in the air ***

** just one simple question, when i mail a payment to fedex without a reference to invoice, and if fedex is unable to apply to a invoice, why fedex is keeping my money since 2 years it is happening ***

for being a good cusotmer fedex penalized me and put my fedex service on hold since 4 weeks.

not only fedex held my money, but sending collection notices, stopped me from using fedex.
This is not only me with many, i am the victim.

Since i opened my fedex account i paid total $25000+ dollars to fedex and still fedex has credit.

i sent several emails to fedex corporation but no use

spoke to several people, but everyone telling we will research.

So this is my last attempt to resolve this, if not i guess i need to go to the court to resolve this.

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2:54 am EDT
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We have a regular fedex delivery driver that reeks of alcohol and red eyes every time he comes to our facility I just dont understand how fedex can employ a drunk driver when so many good drivers need a job. One of our employees saw the guy drinking a 40. Oz from a paper bag in the parking lot. Un-believable! I know his name is "jon jensen" but goes by...

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4:50 pm EDT
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FedEx lazy drivers

So, we ordered a 46 inch tv. The window of delivery was 6/23-6/28. FedEx's tracking showed the package at our local hub on the 23'rd, with a delivery date of the 24'th.

Before I left for work yesterday, the tv was "out for delivery". Had someone wait at home for them to show up. Checking in on the tracking later, we had a Delivery exception: No attempt made, delivery scheduled for next business day.

But, because it was still inside the delivery window I didn't call them to complain. I gave them the benefit of the doubt that perhaps the truck it was on broke down. Not that a lazy driver didn't want to attempt to lift the box.

Waited around today for them to arrive as well. Didn't ring the doorbell, didn't knock. Just looked outside at around 10:30 am to see the tv sitting at our front door, easily seen from the roadside. We have a sign on the door to make all deliveries to the back porch (which is out of sight from the road, and safe from weather)

The kicker is what it said on the tracking "9:49 am - Left at back door. Signature Service not requested." Apparently the driver thinks that the "back door" actually means the "front door." Thankfully none of our neighbors saw the tv in time to steal it.

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Apr 22, 2011 12:13 pm EDT

Every time I have a fedex delivery, I have a problem. I never have trouble with UPS. This time the driver dumped a 52 lb package on the front porch of a multi-unit dwelling and didn't attempt to let me know it was there. I had no way of getting the package up one flight of stairs to my apartment. Why couldnt he bring it to my apartment door?I complained, and for the second half of my shipment, several days later, they promised me it would be delivered to my door. It was, but the driver didn't even bother to knock. I had to struggle to get a 115 lb box 2 feet over the threshold and lay it down flat. Several cuts and bruises layer, and a scraped wooden floor, I'm pissed.

Your mom, US
Jun 25, 2010 6:52 pm EDT

I would just be happy you got your tv within the time frame they promised. Just call your local depot, ask to talk to a supervisor, and let them know you would appreciate it if drivers read signs about where to leave deliveries.

5:37 pm EDT
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FedEx payment of the fees stolen

So that I receive my trunk box of Fedex express diplomatic courier service Benin-Republic with my name and addresses (msittef abdelhakim.43 rue badr el kobra apt.11 v.n 50000-meknes, morocco)i board paid on May 19, 2010 my fees of US$180 cash in a letter with address below that DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD but since it with received my payment it has STOP to contact me and not send me my trunk box and my traicking number.Below its last message with its address postal.I requires of you to oblige DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD with to send me my trunk box and to give me my traicking number urgently, thank you
its last message:



You are welcome to FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD with world wide delivery at its best. We are pleased to be at your service. FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD is Regulated and Stipulated by the Delivery Service Authority(DSA), the delivery institutions that REGULATES all delievry activities in the Benin Republic.This office has been Notified by your partner Mr.Goerge Udo about your Sealed Mettalic Consignment Box deposited in our door step.

Dear Customer,
I write to inform you that i receive your new address you gave to us also assure you that as soon as you send the money to the address given to you, i shall commence on delivering of your trunk box to your door step.

You are so lucky because your trunk box is among the boxes mapped out to auction last year before we later stop the auction.

Make sure you send the money as you promise or else i will not respond to your mail.

Do inform me as soon as you send the money so that my in law will be at home to pick it

Send the money with this address as stated below.

Name: Hodonou Rodrigue
My house Address: Lot 91 ave Senande Apkakpa
Country: Benin-Republic
City: Cotonuo

Await to hear from you.


As soon as we Receive the courier charges, Our international Diplomat agent will depart Benin with your CONSIGNMENT BOX and your Shipment Airway bill will be sent to you immediately to track your Cargo to your given address within 48 _ 78 Hours . Our Diplomat agent will call you on arrival to your country to hand over your Box to you.


The information contained in this message is confidential. This message is intended to be read only by the person named above. The unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or alteration of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this mail and did not request for it please discard with urgency. This mail was sent on behalf of Consignment box delivery in FEDEX delivery code of Conduct. Registered Trademark

CALL ME +229-[protected]

Regulated by the Delivery Services Authority-

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João carlos
Nov 01, 2019 10:57 pm EDT
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Explique porque tenho que pagar pela encomenda, pois apenas a remetente me pediu pra receber e guardá até ela chegar da Líbia. Agora vcs ficam me cobrando? Vou pagar nada pra vcs!? Cobrem da Oficial Palacios.

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João carlos
Nov 01, 2019 10:51 pm EDT
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Me explique porque tenho que pagar?

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João carlos
Nov 01, 2019 10:46 pm EDT
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Uma oficial do exército americano me enviou uma encomenda e agora recebi um e-mail da fedex pedindo para eu fazer o pagamento para poder receber a encomenda sendo que a oficial pagou lá na libia pra enviá a encomenda.

abdelhakim msittef
Nov 20, 2018 4:41 am EST

So that I receive my trunk box of Fedex express diplomatic courier service Benin-Republic with my name and addresses (msittef abdelhakim.43 rue badr el kobra apt.11 v.n 50000-meknes, morocco)i board paid on May 19, 2010 my fees of US$180 cash in a letter with address below that DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD but since it with received my payment it has STOP to contact me and not send me my trunk box and my traicking number.Below its last message with its address postal.I requires of you to oblige DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD with to send me my trunk box and to give me my traicking number urgently, thank you
its last message:


You are welcome to FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD with world wide delivery at its best. We are pleased to be at your service. FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD is Regulated and Stipulated by the Delivery Service Authority(DSA), the delivery institutions that REGULATES all delievry activities in the Benin Republic.This office has been Notified by your partner Mr.Goerge Udo about your Sealed Mettalic Consignment Box deposited in our door step.

Dear Customer,
I write to inform you that i receive your new address you gave to us also assure you that as soon as you send the money to the address given to you, i shall commence on delivering of your trunk box to your door step.

You are so lucky because your trunk box is among the boxes mapped out to auction last year before we later stop the auction.

Make sure you send the money as you promise or else i will not respond to your mail.

Do inform me as soon as you send the money so that my in law will be at home to pick it

Send the money with this address as stated below.

Name: Hodonou Rodrigue
My house Address: Lot 91 ave Senande Apkakpa
Country: Benin-Republic
City: Cotonuo

Await to hear from you.


As soon as we Receive the courier charges, Our international Diplomat agent will depart Benin with your CONSIGNMENT BOX and your Shipment Airway bill will be sent to you immediately to track your Cargo to your given address within 48 _ 78 Hours . Our Diplomat agent will call you on arrival to your country to hand over your Box to you.


The information contained in this message is confidential. This message is intended to be read only by the person named above. The unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or alteration of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this mail and did not request for it please discard with urgency. This mail was sent on behalf of Consignment box delivery in FEDEX delivery code of Conduct. Registered Trademark

CALL ME +229-[protected]

Regulated by the Delivery Services Authority-

Fedex Express Diplomatic Courier Service Benin - Republic
Fedex Express Diplomatic Courier Service Benin - Republic

NB:allah the eternal to give us life so we must also give or allah we quickly resume our life

mohamet el mame daour tour
Sep 24, 2015 8:51 am EDT
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Elise gereiro m'a envoyé un collier et j'aimerais savoir comment je proceder pour le recevoir

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Nov 15, 2014 12:16 am EST

hallo my name is kalsoom iqbal i leave in pakistan i wait my parsal but my parsal is not reach me plz tell me in which day when my parsal come my home in pakistan plz [protected] its my call number call me and sma me thanks

Oct 07, 2014 8:30 am EDT

well if you want a good and safe courier and messenger service and same day delivery you should try ontimemessenger-losangeles.com26770

Jun 11, 2011 4:53 pm EDT
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Its been 30 days since my parcel has been shifted to FedEx Benin from GPO Pakistan. It is not delivered to the destination yet. I have got complaint from my client. The information about the parcel is as follows:
Sender: Tufail Qazi, Pakistan, Receiver: Adda Williams, Benin Republic, Tracking number given by GPO Pakistan: CA000012152PK.
I hope that my problem will be resolved and parcel will be delivered to the address without any delay.

Tufail Qazi
Tel: +[protected]

8:41 am EDT
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FedEx payement des frais de livraison volés

So that I receive my trunk box of Fedex express diplomatic courier service Benin-Republic with my name and addresses (msittef abdelhakim.43 rue badr el kobra apt.11 v.n 50000-meknes, morocco)i board paid on May 19, 2010 my fees of US$180 cash in a letter with address below that DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD but since it with received my payment it has STOP to contact me and not send me my trunk box and my traicking number.Below its last message with its address postal.I requires of you to oblige DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD with to send me my trunk box and to give me my traicking number urgently
its last message:
Dear Customer,
I write to inform you that i receive your new address you gave to us also assure you that as soon as you send the money to the address given to you, i shall commence on delivering of your trunk box to your door step.

You are so lucky because your trunk box is among the boxes mapped out to auction last year before we later stop the auction.

Make sure you send the money as you promise or else i will not respond to your mail.

Do inform me as soon as you send the money so that my in law will be at home to pick it

Send the money with this address as stated below.

Name: Hodonou Rodrigue
My house Address: Lot 91 ave Senande Apkakpa
Country: Benin-Republic
City: Cotonuo

Await to hear from you.

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Update by msittef abdelhakim
Jan 01, 2011 3:21 pm EST

Complaint Rating: 50 % with 2 votes
FedEx express diplomatic courier service Benin-Republic

My name is msittef abdelhakim so that I receive my trunk box money by Fedex express diplomatic courier service Benin-Republic with my name and addresses (msittef abdelhakim 43 rue badr el kobra 11 v.n 50000 meknes morocco)i board paid on May 19, 2010 my fees of US$180 cash in a letter with address below that DR.DEXTER JOHNSON (BENIGN FOREIGN DELIVERY DEPARTMENT FEDEX) FEDEX COURIER COMPANY LTD but since it with received my payment it has STOP to contact me and not send me my trunk box money and my traicking number.Below its last message with its address postal.I requires rich people and givers because i'm poor to compensate me by check urgently of $1000.000.00 with my name and addresses (msittef abdelhakim 43 rue badr el kobra 11 v.n 50000 meknes morocco) and to give me my traicking number urgently with my émail(

its last message:
Dear Customer,
I write to inform you that i receive your new address you gave to us also assure you that as soon as you send the money to the address given to you, i shall commence on delivering of your trunk box to your door step.

You are so lucky because your trunk box is among the boxes mapped out to auction last year before we later stop the auction.

Make sure you send the money as you promise or else i will not respond to your mail.

Do inform me as soon as you send the money so that my in law will be at home to pick it

Send the money with this address as stated below.

Name: Hodonou Rodrigue
My house Address: Lot 91 ave Senande Apkakpa
Country: Benin-Republic
City: Cotonuo

Await to hear from you.

FedEx express diplomatic courier service Benin-Republic

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Mar 28, 2016 5:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bon soir, moi ce graumtaw jeunes yenga, ma correspondante ma envoyé un coli depuis venant de Londre que je doit recupéré en passent par le Benin moi je reside au Cameroun c'est ta dire a Bandjoun c a l'ouest du cameroun mon numero d tet est le suivant [protected] ci vous pouvez mes joindre avec SVP merci pour votre compréhensoin.

Nov 26, 2014 4:28 pm EST

Bsr moi c Mr seini abakoura, ma correspondante ma envoyer des colis depuis canada en passent par Benin moi je reside au Cameroun cet a dire a Ebolowa c au sud du cameroun mon numero d tel et le +[protected] ci vous pouvez mes joindre avec svp merci pour votre compréhension

Libreville, GA
Feb 27, 2014 11:28 am EST
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Svp pourer vous me dire combien reste t'il exactement
et j'ai besoin du contacte personnel du Directeur

Libreville, GA
Feb 27, 2014 11:14 am EST
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Bonjour je me presente Mr fairly je vien par ceci reclamer mon colis qui ma été envoyer depuis la SUISSE en passent par le BENIN je reside au GABON
Voici mon adresse
le traking de mon colis est 9686Y
Merci de me contacte au numero suivant +241 [protected]

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Libreville, GA
Feb 27, 2014 11:07 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Bonsoir je me present fairly depuis le Gabon
en effet j'ai un colis qui ma été envoye depuis la SUISSE passent par le BENIN svp prier de me contacte a l'adresse
+ [protected] .

3:50 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

FedEx customer service

I ordered a Nokia Shade from Verizon Wireless for a 2 Year upgrade. I had regrets in ordering the phone and decided to get the Omnia 2. The excellent folks at verizon (Non Sarcastic) told me that there will be no restocking fee just refuse the FedEx box when it comes and it will go right back. That was several days ago. Verizon has yet to get the phone back. I called customer service at FedEx and a very RUDE lady told me that it would ship out in an hour. That was 2 Days ago and it still sits at FedEx and they refuse to send it back. I am done with FedEx. UPS seems much much better and actually care about there customers.

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5:36 pm EDT
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I have paid extra to have my package ship on time to my house. I stayed at home all day to wait for my package. No one came and yet status updated with delivery attempted and "custemer not available or business closed". I called Customer Service and they said they don't have the driver information, they can't contact the driver, that I have to wait for...

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3:44 pm EDT
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FedEx delivery

I have to complain, because Fedex still don't pick up my package.They don't know where are front door to my building, they still leave the pick up form on the rear door, which are close all the time.The front door are open(and inside is signed form).I told them but they do what they want, and they came between 11am-1pm.Who is at home in this time?.I'm so disappointed. This is the worse delivery company.

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Home Delivery
Nov 20, 2010 4:43 am EST
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leave the door tag where they left it last, place a written note next to it informing the driver to go around your house and pick up the signature form

don't call the 800 directly since most of the time it may not reach the driver in time since these are sub contractors

or just leave a more permanent note on your residence stating you want deliveries/ pickups at a certain area of your house

they don't get paid by the hour, and following a pre-set turn-by-turns may not get to your home the same time everyday

7:45 am EDT
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I recently went to this location to have some certificates printed for competitions my organization is holding, and the rude, nasty person at the counter refused to print them. He told me they don't print certificates. It is not in writing anywhere on their website that this is their policy. I will never go there again to have anything printed or shipped.

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4:19 pm EDT
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FedEx unprofessional

What a crap company. not reliable, poor customer service, totally unprofessional. DO NOT TRUST FEDEX HOME DELIVERY. Trust fedex express.

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Home Delivery
Nov 20, 2010 4:39 am EST
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like any other company out there,

... your mileage may vary...

based on the driver servicing your area

3:16 pm EDT

FedEx bad delivery service

On Thursday I discovered 2 door tags (tried to deliver) on my door for the same item. First off, if the delivery person had ANY sense they would have put the second tag elsewhere as noone saw the first tag.

Friday I call FedEx & their representative told me everything was delivered & didn't know why I had gotten a door tag. End of story, or so I thought.

Friday night come home & there is another door tag. Call again & this person tells me there are 2 packages that need to be signed for. So I find out where I can pick them up (I happen to work "near" their facility) & tell them to hold the packages, i.e. don't try to deliver them on Monday.

Monday I call to verify the packages are still at their facility for me to pick up (I was assured they were there).

I get there at noon & was told by the security guard they have specific pick up hours. Not one of my previous 3 phone calls was that mentioned.

On my way back to my vehicle I try to call FedEx to complain & was promplty hung up on by their representative "Michael".

My packages are now held hostage until I figure out how to get them "at their convenience".

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1:42 pm EDT

FedEx scam

I order car parts online alot. IN the last year I have only received parts shipped fedex on 3 occasions. The first time their website tracking info said my package would arrive on a Saturday. I was pretty happy because I thought it was going to take until Monday. Well Saturday came and the website said it was on schedule, Saturday evening came and my package didn't arrive, on top of that the delivery date dissapeared and didn't reappear until Tuesday when it said it would be delivered that day. I thought it was a mistake, but it seems to be common practice at fedex.

Last week I ordered some more parts and they were shipped fedex. Three packages were scheduled to be delivered on Saturday which sounded great, just a few days after I ordered! So I stayed home Saturday waiting for the packages, and no packages were delivered. The delivery date dissapeared yet it was still on schedule... And then Monday evening a new delivery date for wedensday was set. Well at least those packages came on wed. This recent order was to come in two parts. The second part was shipped two days after the first (Friday 30th) it immediatly had a delivery date for the 5th (today) and surely enough my package wasn't delivered and the delivery date is gone.

I called fedex and spoke to a rep. I told him the situation and asked why it happened and when my package would arrive. He said he didn't know and that my package would be here tomorrow. I guess we will see about that!

Moral of the story is that if you want to track your packages don't bother with fedex, and most importantly don't trust their delivery date.

I will be trying to get my money back and avoid fedex at all cost in the future.

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Vancouver, CA
Apr 14, 2010 8:44 pm EDT

My wife received a gift package addressed to me, just before lent and delivered by FedEx.

More than TWO WEEKS after the delivery, I received a bill from the company charging me about $13+.

As sure I was that it had been paid for, I called the company's 1-800 number to inquire about it.

At first I was told it was a tax imposed by the government for the gift I received. (The bill says it was 'advancement fee') . I was given an improptu lecture on the subject of taxation on the phone. I agreed I will pay the "gift tax" but first since the guy on the phone is knowledgeable on the specific tax, I asked for the copy of the law, and the basis of the amount they imposed on me.

I repeated a lot of times I was willing to pay as long as they give me the basis of computation for the tax, why the tax is almost the same as the amount of the gift.

IT TURNED OUT, IT IS NOT TAX, BUT SERVICE FEE. I told the person on the other line I am not paying for a service I did not ask for. I called my nephew who sent it and he told me it he paid for sending it.

5:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

FedEx being punished for reporting non-delivery

Fed Ex Ground claimed to have delivered a package. As luck would have it, I was home at the alleged time of delivery, which I learned about when I tracked the package later that day. I reported the non-delivery immediately. While I received a telephone call the next day asking if I 'found the package". There was no other contact from FedEx.

The next week, i called for a status and was told the driver said it was delivered, only the delivery location was changed from what was originally reported. Since the driver said it was delivered - it therefore was - according to FedEx Ground. My statement that it was not was not important.

To punish me for being a little irked over being told I was a liar, FedEx Ground has been holding subsequent packages hostage (too late to cancel 1, and the second one I was told by the vendor would be through USPS not FedEx).

Because the driver did not deliver a package, I can not be trusted to receive packages unless I am available for a signature. I already lost time from work over one package, and I can not do it for the second one. Because of FedEx Ground's handling of the lost package, I can not trust that they will leave subsequent packages, instead, maybe not deliver again just to stick it to me. After all, the driver who did not deliver is apparently the only driver for the area. If she doesn't deliver and says she did (which is what caused this mess to begin with), Fed Ex sides with the driver - customer be damned!

The funny thing about all this: We have recived countless FedEx's for 15 years at this address and never had a problem . Wouldn't one think that if we were scammers that we would have done it long before now?

I guess the moral of the story is: FedEx ground is great as long as they do their job. But if they make a mistake, it is the customer's fault and FedEx will spare no effort in making that point clear

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Angry in Brooklyn
Brooklyn, US
Dec 30, 2010 8:22 pm EST

I'm having the same problem with fedex. They said they delivered a package and when I got hone there was no package. They claimed that they were doing an investigation but the driver was stalking my home leaving notes saying to sign if we received the package. After weeks of not hearing anything from radio shack ( the shipper) or fedex I decided to contact them. Radio shack said fedex denied the claim and fedex is saying radio shack never filed a claim. How is it they didn't file a claim but the driver was stalking us about the package? Then fedex says well it was denied because the driver verified my house was where he left the package. How are you verifying anything by looking at the house where u think u left it? If there is no package what are u verifying? So basically fedex is saying that since the driver said that he delivered it to your home there's nothing else we can do. When I asked to speak to a supervisor or manager, the woman I was speaking to told me she didn't know of anyone who would handle this call. She didn't know who was supervising her that day. Come on now. I will never deal with fedex again. Their customer service is horrendous.

1:22 pm EDT

FedEx provides terrible service

Kinkos provides terrible customer service. The last time I went into Kinkos I tried to print on the design work station computer color printer, but it did not have page tiling. I proceeded to have it printed at the front desk, but the color printers were down. I had to drive all the way to another store to finally get a simple color print out. I was given the print outs for free, but was told that it would not be free if it happened again because it is not Kinkos fault that the printers were down. How about comping the print outs because it is good customer service? Kinkos offers printing services, so shouldn't it work when you go there. And if it does not work, then, yes, it is your fault.

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MaximoMassely, MD
Beverly Hills, US
Jun 28, 2011 2:27 am EDT

I'm surprised people continue using Fedex ... This must be the worst company of all! They were supposed to deliver an envelope to a friend's apartment last week; this envelope contained a new Credit Card. The envelope was never delivered although Fedex promised day after day that they would deliver it ... and then stated that they were there and nobody opened the door... BS... nobody came... Well, thank God we called the bank on time and cancelled the account - they advised that the Card had been activated...LOL... Unbelievable! Hope the whole country could read this post!

4:59 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

FedEx avoid this joke masquerading as a business at all costs

On March 15th, I ordered a package from an online retailer who I won't name here, lest they sue me for defamation for being associated with a company as horrible as FedEx. Due to a glitch, the package ended up heading to my old address, which had been on file with them. I emailed customer support and they corrected it before the package even went out. "Awesome, " I thought, "Customer service that's both fast and effective". Obviously, though, that's where this retailer and their shipping company, FedEx, differ.

The package was shipped on the 16th and reached Salt Lake City, where I live, on Thursday the 18th. The estimated delivery date was the 21st, a Sunday, so I hoped it would come the following day but would understand if I received it on Monday the 22nd. Nope. It sat at a hub here in Salt Lake until the 23rd, whereupon it embarked towards Denver, Colorado. Denver is more than 370 miles from here. 4 days later, the package had returned from its detour to Denver. That was a Saturday, so again I assumed the package would be delivered on Monday. Again, I was wrong, because on Monday it left for Denver. Again.

I was obviously a little perturbed, so I sent a quick e-mail to FedEx customer support asking them to fix the problem. They assured me it would be forwarded to the appropriate department and the problem would be taken care of. Later that day, the package returned to Salt Lake. I figured that, having complained to them, I would receive the package the next day or the day after that. I must be stupid to assume these things, because guess where it's headed again? That's right, Denver.

Here's a fun fact. Did you know that by the time it gets to me, the package will have traveled over 1/10th of the Earth's circumference on an increasingly ridiculous series of totally unnecessary trips?

Last night I sent them a second e-mail asking why the first didn't solve my problem, and demanding that they overnight it to me as soon as it reaches Denver. I threatened to boycott their service and spread a lot of ill will if they didn't. They haven't contacted me yet, and I have yet to see if my package is going to eventually get here, but I've changed my mind. No matter when (or if) the package arrives, I'm refusing to use FedEx again and am leaving complaints on every site I can think of. Avoid this joke masquerading as a business at all costs.

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11:07 am EDT
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I had to ship documents - 4 sheet of paper, less than 1 ounces - to Brunswick/GA. Addressee wanted FedEx shipped. Printed label online, FedEx Express 2Day; DebitCard charge was $14.35 ...they said. Then I brought the papers to their shop, ask for an envelope, got a receipt march 1. 2010. March 9 they sent an email "regarding shipment for correct piece...

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9:47 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

FedEx fake e-loterry winning

Fedex express service
Customer/delivery services department
Address of head office: fedex international
3b houghton way, st james centre, brighton, sussex, bn1 7dx, england, m171ttuk.
Client service manager fedex,

Dear rana durga,

Welcome to fedex express service (Fedex) we are a courier company that ensures a safe, sound and secure delivery of your parcels, making sure you get them when expected.

Your particulars have been received in this office. This means that you have been officially cleared for payment of £715, 000.00 (Seven hundred and fifteen thousand great britain pounds). By the verifications dept. At the headquarters of the uknl. Winning cheque, original copy of your winning certificate, together with a covering document (Money laundering protection and letter of affidavit for claims) from the british government stating that the money was obtained legally through their uknl promotion will be sent to you as soon as you choose from any of the option stipulated below.

Kindly provide us with the information requested below accurately to help us deliver your package as the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning package will be shipped to. When this is done you will be issued a tracking number with which you will be able to monitor your package online.

Contact name:
Residential address:

Postal code:


Telephone.:... Package contents: cheque, winning certificate and security documents.
Delivery time :... (time of recipient's availability)
Service options: you are required to select a service option below.

The options, together with their associated conditions
Are presented below:

Fedex express delivery (Same day parcel delivery)
Vat (5%)...£034.00
Total...£569.00=$1, 074 usd

Fedex premium service (Next day parcel delivery)
Mailing &n bsp;...£75.00
Vat (5%)...£038.00
Total...£463.00=$875 usd

Fedex regular service (3working days)
Mailing ;...£60.00
Vat (5%)...£019.00
Total...£379.00=$ 715 usd

The charges are a little bit high because of the hardcover insurance policy we have undertaken incase of loss, damage or theft of your highly sensitive document and funds. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities and we don't deliver on cash on delivery (C. O. D) because we don't accept cash.

This is in accordance with section 13 (1) (N) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd july 1996 by the constitutional assembly. This is to protect winners and to a void misappropriation of funds.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges, stating that it is against their professional policy towards ensuring the safe delivery of the cheque to you, that if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, that we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the fund as stipulated in the cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing. With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out. Meanwhile, you will be issue a tracking number to monitor your package online after chosen any option which is suitable for you for payment.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.

Good luck and congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Best regards,
Mr. Ryan gibson,
Client service manager
Fedex courier service.
Open 7days-24hrs-365days.
Tele : (+[protected]

Read full review of FedEx and 7 comments

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valley park, US
May 22, 2012 6:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I received the same thing but i send him an e-mail telling him that i work for the missouri police department and i also told him he was famous and to go on the link of this website.

First one email i received was: Dear Frankie Chiclana,

In all your correspondence e-mails to me, your email has been verified by this office and i'm pleased to brief you a little on the notification that you received. In the UKNL monthly draw that was held recenty in the UK NATIONAL e-LOTTERY BOARD, Your email address ( which was randomly selected along with others from over 24, 000 website on the Internet was attached to a ticket number [protected]) which subsequently won you the lottery.. Meanwhile, your e-mail was among the seven (7) Lucky winners who won £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand GreatBritain Pounds)

Please note that your Certified Winning Certificate signed by our International Coordinator along with a bank cheque of £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand GreatBritain Pounds) has today been dispatched to our courier service affiliate here in England, for onward delivery to your home address. Below is the contact information of courier service:

To contact, please use one of the methods below.

Fedex Express Service Worldwide(Uk)
Mr. Ryan Gibson (Contact Person)
Product Mgr Special Services

When contacting them, you are required to quote Order Number below for this reason as subject on your email while contacting the courier service for your parcel to be honored and given instant attention.

Order Number: D57252

PLEASE ACT ON THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO YOU BY THE COURIER SERVICE and also Keep us updated always on your dealings with Courier Company so that we can guide you further as your fiduciary agent. Please kindly accept the necessary instructions given to you today and act fast as instructed to ensure that you receive your prize before the two (2) weeks DEADLINE FIXED.

In your best interest and also to avoid mix up of numbers and names of any kind, we request that you keep the entire details of your award strictly from public notice until the process of remmiting your award has been completed. Congratulations once again on your winnings!

Best Regards,

Mr.Adams Bradford
Remittance Dept Officer

Second one email was: FEDEX EXPRESS SERVICE
Customer/Delivery Services Department
3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK.
Client Service Manager FEDEX,

Dear Customer,

Welcome to FEDEX EXPRESS SERVICE(FEDEX)We are a courier company that ensures a safe, sound and secure delivery of your parcels, making sure you get them when expected.

Your particulars have been received in this office. This means that you have been officially cleared for payment of £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Great Britain Pounds).by the Verifications Dept. at the HeadQuarters of the UKNL.Winning Cheque, Original Copy of your Winning Certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British Government stating that the money was obtained legally through their UKNL promotion will be sent to you as soon as you choose from any of the option stipulated below.

Kindly provide us with the information requested below accurately to help us deliver your package as the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning package will be shipped to. When This is done you will be issued a tracking number with which you will be able to monitor your package online.

Contact Name:
Residential Address:
Postal Code:
Telephone.:... Package Contents: Cheque, Winning Certificate and Security Documents.
Delivery time :...( time of recipient's availability)
Service Options: You are required to select a service option below.
The options, together with their associated conditions
are presented below:

EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
Vat (5%)... ...£034.00
TOTAL...£569.00========$1, 074 USD

FEDEX PREMIUM SERVICE (Next day parcel delivery )
Mailing &n bsp;...£75.00
Vat (5%)...£038.00
TOTAL...£463.00========$875 USD

Mailing ;...£60.00
Vat (5%)...£019.00
TOTAL...£379.00========$ 715 USD

The charges are a little bit high because of the Hardcover insurance Policy we have undertaken incase of loss, Damage or Theft of your highly sensitive document and funds. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities and we don't deliver on cash on delivery(C.O.D) because we don't accept cash.

This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD july 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to a void misappropriation of funds.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges, stating that it is against their professional policy towards ensuring the safe delivery of the cheque to you, that if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, that we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the fund as stipulated in the cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing.With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out.Meanwhile, you will be issue a tracking number to monitor your package online after chosen any option which is suitable for you for payment.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.
Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Best Regards,
MR. Ryan Gibson,
Client Service Manager
Open 7days-24hrs-365days.
TELE : +[protected]

Last one i received was: FEDEX EXPRESS SERVICE (FEDEX)
Customer/Delivery Services Department
3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK.
Client Service Manager FEDEX,

Dear Frankie Chiclana,

We have receive your email. Thank your for your continued interest in our services.

I am in receipt of your email you have choosen the EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
is £569.00 needs to be sent by you Winner and cannot be deducted from your prize money.

EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
Vat (5%)... ...£034.00
TOTAL...£569.00========$1, 074 USD
You are hereby requested to make payments for the choosen option via Western Union Money Transfer immediately to our accounts officer.(Larry H. Livingson)

Name of receiver: Larry H. Livingston
Address of reciever:3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK

Immediately payment is made, do send us the information such

1.Name and address of sender
2.Name of reciever
3.Amount sent
4.Control number(MTCN)

Money Transfer Control Number{MTCN}{10 DIGITS}: And you are also advice to send to us a scan copy of the payment slip for verification.

Immediately payment is comfirmed, your package which contains your Winning Cheque, Security Documents, Winning Certificate will be dispatched to the address below.

Contact: Name: Frankie Chiclana
Address: 435 Benton St.
City: valley park
State: Missiouri
Postal code: 63088
Country: United States

Immediately payment is comfirmed your package will be delivered 24 hours after payment.

Also scan to this office your driver’s license or any valid Identification document (international passport/identification card)it will be needed upon delivery.

I shall await your prompt reply.

Mr.Ryan Gibson
Office Tel:+[protected]

Wednesbury, GB
Jul 23, 2010 11:36 pm EDT

so glad i searched my ryan gibson lol :@)

Welcome to FEDEX EXPRESS SERVICE(FEDEX)We are a courier company that ensures a safe, sound and secure delivery of your parcels, making sure you get them when expected.

Your particulars have been received in this office. This means that you have been officially cleared for payment of £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Great Britain Pounds).by the Verifications Dept. at the HeadQuarters of the UKNL.Winning Cheque, Original Copy of your Winning Certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British Government stating that the money was obtained legally through their UKNL promotion will be sent to you as soon as you choose from any of the option stipulated below.

Kindly provide us with the information requested below accurately to help us deliver your package as the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning package will be shipped to. When This is done you will be issued a tracking number with which you will be able to monitor your package online.

Contact Name:
Residential Address:

Postal Code:


Telephone.:... Package Contents: Cheque, Winning Certificate and Security Documents.
Delivery time :...( time of recipient's availability)
Service Options: You are required to select a service option below.

The options, together with their associated conditions
are presented below:

FEDEX EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
Vat (5%)... ...£034.00
TOTAL...£569.00========$1, 074 USD

FEDEX PREMIUM SERVICE (Next day parcel delivery )
Mailing &n bsp;...£75.00
Vat (5%)...£038.00
TOTAL...£463.00========$875 USD

Mailing ;...£60.00
Vat (5%)...£019.00
TOTAL...£379.00========$ 715 USD

The charges are a little bit high because of the Hardcover insurance Policy we have undertaken incase of loss, Damage or Theft of your highly sensitive document and funds. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities and we don't deliver on cash on delivery(C.O.D) because we don't accept cash.

This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD july 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to a void misappropriation of funds.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges, stating that it is against their professional policy towards ensuring the safe delivery of the cheque to you, that if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, that we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the fund as stipulated in the cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing.With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out.Meanwhile, you will be issue a tracking number to monitor your package online after chosen any option which is suitable for you for payment.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.

Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Best Regards,
MR. Ryan Gibson,
Client Service Manager
Open 7days-24hrs-365days.
TELE : (+[protected]

Wednesbury, GB
Jul 23, 2010 11:34 pm EDT

yes i had the same email yesterday lol so glad i searched ryan gibson fedex lol

Welcome to FEDEX EXPRESS SERVICE(FEDEX)We are a courier company that ensures a safe, sound and secure delivery of your parcels, making sure you get them when expected.

Your particulars have been received in this office. This means that you have been officially cleared for payment of £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Great Britain Pounds).by the Verifications Dept. at the HeadQuarters of the UKNL.Winning Cheque, Original Copy of your Winning Certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British Government stating that the money was obtained legally through their UKNL promotion will be sent to you as soon as you choose from any of the option stipulated below.

Kindly provide us with the information requested below accurately to help us deliver your package as the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning package will be shipped to. When This is done you will be issued a tracking number with which you will be able to monitor your package online.

Contact Name:
Residential Address:

Postal Code:


Telephone.:... Package Contents: Cheque, Winning Certificate and Security Documents.
Delivery time :...( time of recipient's availability)
Service Options: You are required to select a service option below.

The options, together with their associated conditions
are presented below:

FEDEX EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
Vat (5%)... ...£034.00
TOTAL...£569.00========$1, 074 USD

FEDEX PREMIUM SERVICE (Next day parcel delivery )
Mailing &n bsp;...£75.00
Vat (5%)...£038.00
TOTAL...£463.00========$875 USD

Mailing ;...£60.00
Vat (5%)...£019.00
TOTAL...£379.00========$ 715 USD

The charges are a little bit high because of the Hardcover insurance Policy we have undertaken incase of loss, Damage or Theft of your highly sensitive document and funds. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities and we don't deliver on cash on delivery(C.O.D) because we don't accept cash.

This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD july 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to a void misappropriation of funds.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges, stating that it is against their professional policy towards ensuring the safe delivery of the cheque to you, that if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, that we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the fund as stipulated in the cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing.With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out.Meanwhile, you will be issue a tracking number to monitor your package online after chosen any option which is suitable for you for payment.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.

Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Best Regards,
MR. Ryan Gibson,
Client Service Manager
Open 7days-24hrs-365days.
TELE : (+[protected]

Jul 08, 2010 1:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

~Heres mine:

Customer/Delivery Services Department
3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK.
Client Service Manager DIONE,

Dear Sir/ma,

Welcome to Dione Security/Courier Service Worldwide(Uk) We are a courier company that ensures a safe, sound and secure delivery of your parcels, making sure you get them when expected.

Your particulars have been received in this office. According to the ORDER number you provided; You have the Following Packages Ready for Delivery.
1. UKNL.Winning Cheque of £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Great Britain Pounds).
2. Original Copy of your Winning Certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British Government stating that the money was obtained legally through their UKNL promotion.

We shall be Delivery This Winning Packages to you in your location, But first you have to choose from any of the option stipulated below. Immediately after you choose an option we shall then assign a delivery agent to have it delivered to you.

Kindly provide us with the information requested below accurately to help us deliver your package as the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning package will be shipped to. When This is done you will be issued a tracking number with which you will be able to monitor your package online.

Contact Name:
Delivery Address:

Postal Code:


Telephone.:... Package Contents: Cheque, Winning Certificate and Security Documents.
Delivery time :...( time of recipient's availability)
Service Options: You are required to select a service option below.

The options, together with their associated conditions
are presented below:

DIONE EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
Vat (5%)... ...£034.00

DIONE PREMIUM SERVICE (Next day parcel delivery )
Mailing &n bsp;...£65.00
Vat (5%)...£034.00
TOTAL...£129.00========$187.20 USD

Mailing ;...£50.00
Vat (5%)...£034.00
TOTAL...£114.00========$ 165.44USD

The charges are a little bit high because of the Hardcover insurance Policy we have undertaken incase of loss, Damage or Theft of your highly sensitive document and funds. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities and we don't deliver on cash on delivery(C.O.D) because we don't accept cash.

This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD july 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to a void misappropriation of funds.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges, stating that it is against their professional policy towards ensuring the safe delivery of the cheque to you, that if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, that we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the fund as stipulated in the cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing.With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out.Meanwhile, you will be issue a tracking number to monitor your package online after chosen any option which is suitable for you for payment.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.

Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Best Regards,
Client Service Manager
Dione Security/Courier Service Worldwide

Jul 08, 2010 1:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Have you ever paid it? i have the same letter!

Jun 11, 2010 5:06 pm EDT

Now working under a different name - Dione security/courier express services. Same letter and address!

March, GB
Mar 30, 2010 1:28 pm EDT

COURIER COST/CLAIMS OPTIONS‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏
From: on behalf of FedEx Express Courier (
Sent: 27 March 2010 12:38:04

Customer/Delivery Services Department
3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK.
Client Service Manager FEDEX,

Dear Teresa Rayner,

Welcome to FEDEX EXPRESS SERVICE(FEDEX)We are a courier company that ensures a safe, sound and secure delivery of your parcels, making sure you get them when expected.

Your particulars have been received in this office. This means that you have been officially cleared for payment of £715, 000.00(Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Great Britain Pounds).by the Verifications Dept. at the HeadQuarters of the UKNL.Winning Cheque, Original Copy of your Winning Certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British Government stating that the money was obtained legally through their UKNL promotion will be sent to you as soon as you choose from any of the option stipulated below.

Kindly provide us with the information requested below accurately to help us deliver your package as the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning package will be shipped to. When This is done you will be issued a tracking number with which you will be able to monitor your package online.

Contact Name:
Residential Address:

Postal Code:


Telephone.:... Package Contents: Cheque, Winning Certificate and Security Documents.
Delivery time :...( time of recipient's availability)
Service Options: You are required to select a service option below.

The options, together with their associated conditions
are presented below:

FEDEX EXPRESS DELIVERY (Same day parcel delivery )
Vat (5%)... ...£034.00
TOTAL...£569.00========$1, 074 USD

FEDEX PREMIUM SERVICE (Next day parcel delivery )
Mailing &n bsp;...£75.00
Vat (5%)...£038.00
TOTAL...£463.00========$875 USD

Mailing ;...£60.00
Vat (5%)...£019.00
TOTAL...£379.00========$ 715 USD

The charges are a little bit high because of the Hardcover insurance Policy we have undertaken incase of loss, Damage or Theft of your highly sensitive document and funds. We assume all responsibilities incase of any eventualities and we don't deliver on cash on delivery(C.O.D) because we don't accept cash.

This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD july 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This is to protect winners and to a void misappropriation of funds.

This company declined reverse payment for these charges, stating that it is against their professional policy towards ensuring the safe delivery of the cheque to you, that if a reverse payment is made, and something goes wrong, that we/you cannot sue the courier company or insurance company to recover the full value of the fund as stipulated in the cheque since payment for insurance cover was not made at point of mailing.With the above reason, reverse payment is ruled out.Meanwhile, you will be issue a tracking number to monitor your package online after chosen any option which is suitable for you for payment.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the three options above.

Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

Best Regards,
MR. Ryan Gibson,
Client Service Manager
Open 7days-24hrs-365days.
TELE : (+[protected]

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I then recieved another email asking me to pay to western union the amount of £379.00 to receive my cheque see below

PAYMENT INSTRUCTION‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏
From: on behalf of FedEx Express Courier (
Sent: 30 March 2010 06:25:38

Customer/Delivery Services Department
3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK.
Client Service Manager FEDEX,

Dear Teresa Rayner,

We have receive your email. Thank your for your continued interest in our services.

I am in receipt of your email you have choosen the FEDEX REGULAR SERVICE(3working days)
is £379.00 needs to be sent by you Winner and cannot be deducted from your prize money.

Mailing ;...£60.00
Vat (5%)...£019.00
TOTAL...£379.00========$ 715 USD

You are hereby requested to make payments for the choosen option via Western Union Money Transfer immediately to our accounts officer.(Mr. Robert H. Livingson)

Name of receiver: Mr.Robert H. Livingston
Address of reciever:3b Houghton Way, St James Centre, BRIGHTON, Sussex, BN1 7DX, ENGLAND, M171TTUK

Immediately payment is made, do send us the information such

1.Name and address of sender
2.Name of reciever
3.Amount sent
4.Control number(MTCN)

Money Transfer Control Number{MTCN}{10 DIGITS}: And you are also advice to send to us a scan copy of the payment slip for verification.

Immediately payment is comfirmed, your package which contains your Winning Cheque, Security Documents, Winning Certificate will be dispatched to the address below.

Contact Name: Teresa Rayner
Residential Address:2 Bronze Street, March, Cambs.
Postal Code: PE15 8UJ
Country: UK

Immediately payment is comfirmed your package will be delivered 72 hours after payment.Also scan to this office your driver’s license or any valid Identification document (international passport/identification card)it will be needed upon delivery.

I shall await your prompt reply.

Mr. Ryan Gibson
Office Tel:(+[protected]


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About FedEx

Screenshot FedEx
FedEx offers a range of shipping services for both individuals and businesses, including overnight, express, and ground delivery. They also provide freight services, logistics solutions, and e-commerce support. Customers can track shipments and manage deliveries via the FedEx website or app.
How to file a complaint about FedEx?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account to proceed. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the required personal information and verifying your email address.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with FedEx. Make it specific and clear, such as "Delayed Delivery" or "Damaged Parcel."

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with FedEx. Mention key areas such as delivery issues, customer service interactions, package handling, and any discrepancies in billing or charges. Include relevant dates, locations, and any communication with FedEx representatives. If you attempted to resolve the issue, describe the steps you took and the responses received from the company. Clearly articulate how the issue has impacted you personally, whether it be inconvenience, financial loss, or other negative effects.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents such as receipts, tracking information, correspondence, or photos that support your complaint. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy or security.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to quantify any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the issue with FedEx. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it be a refund, an apology, or corrective action from the company.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is factual and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.

8. Submission process: After reviewing, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint. You will receive a confirmation that your complaint has been successfully submitted.

9. Post-Submission Actions: Stay active on to monitor any updates or responses to your complaint. Engage with any replies from FedEx or other users to provide additional information or to follow up on your complaint.

Overview of FedEx complaint handling

FedEx reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 26, 2006. The latest review Efficient and reliable printing service was posted on Jul 11, 2024. The latest complaint Paid for overnight shipping- didn't deliver/said business closed or customer not avali was resolved on Jul 20, 2022. FedEx has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 1779 reviews. FedEx has resolved 164 complaints.
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  2. FedEx phone numbers
    +1 (800) 463-3339
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    +1 (800) 003-3339
    +1 (800) 003-3339
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    800 733 339
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    New Zealand
    1800 535 800
    1800 535 800
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    800 033 339
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    South Africa
    800 988 1888
    800 988 1888
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    +1 (800) 209-6161
    +1 (800) 209-6161
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    120 003 200
    120 003 200
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    +1 (877) 339-2774
    +1 (877) 339-2774
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    Canada, Tech Support
    +44 345 607 0809
    +44 345 607 0809
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    United Kingdom
    +44 247 670 6660
    +44 247 670 6660
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    United Kingdom
    +61 132 610
    +61 132 610
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    +55 112 169 7000
    +55 112 169 7000
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    +54 810 333 3339
    +54 810 333 3339
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    +43 800 123 800
    +43 800 123 800
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    +32 27 527 575
    +32 27 527 575
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    +45 70 233 332
    +45 70 233 332
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    +358 10 800 515
    +358 10 800 515
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    +33 140 855 660
    +33 140 855 660
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    +49 61 076 840 660
    +49 61 076 840 660
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    +39 199 151 119
    +39 199 151 119
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    +31 800 0222 333
    +31 800 0222 333
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    +47 63 940 300
    +47 63 940 300
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    +351 707 244 144
    +351 707 244 144
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    +7 495 788 8881
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    +34 915 209 060
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    +46 40 169 160
    +46 40 169 160
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    +41 448 744 160
    +41 448 744 160
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    +90 444 9339
    +90 444 9339
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    +966 122 329 999
    +966 122 329 999
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    Saudi Arabia
    +971 42 183 860
    +971 42 183 860
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    +852 27 303 333
    +852 27 303 333
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    +65 67 432 626
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    +82 23 338 000
    +82 23 338 000
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  3. FedEx emails
  4. FedEx address
    Three Galleria Tower 13155 Noel Road, Suite 1600, Dallas, Connecticut, 75240, United States
  5. FedEx social media
  6. Stan
    Checked and verified by Stan This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Aug 26, 2024

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