Returned an article of clothing that was to small for another that was a larger size, but that wasn’t the problem the problem arise from apparently your policy of giving back to your customers ONLY a gift card which is not what I wanted. I wanted it put back on my bank card and the manager Tina said they couldn’t do that because your policy changed back in September she said, but where it was posted you wouldn’t see it on the glass counter top because that’s where you lay your clothing when they’re being scanned to be purchased. I was not even offered an option either so I guess your refund policy is you way or the highway which I’ say is a “piss poor” way of doing business. So I left the clothing there, the receipt and the unwanted gift card they wanted to give me. So I know your not going to change your Policy on that & that’s fine but I don’t have to use your store again either and I know you won’t correct the problem either but can can post all over social media the way you do business to so between that & word of mouth maybe enough people will use other alternatives out there because I certainly know I will.
Claimed loss: Sweat shirt 4.99 + tax
Desired outcome: Put payment back on my bank card that I used to pay for it originally.
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