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Marlboro Complaints 679

1:35 am EST
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Marlboro fsc cigarettes

The new "Fire Safe Cigarettes" are a violation of consumer rights. Spare the lectures about smoking. A product is made for smokers to enjoy and large amounts of money are charged for these cigarette products. The FSC products interfere with the enjoyment of the product. I protest! Please make us normal cigarettes again!

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Jun 28, 2020 9:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Been fine while still smoking the non fsc cigarettes till about a year ago when I couldn’t get em overseas since then o have consistently been getting sicker and tightness in my chest I never had gotten this before with the non fsc cigs I’m only 40 and in good shape I do think they are hiding what they put in these and are way more toxic than the old non fsc smokes

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Jan 21, 2020 1:26 am EST

I smoke Marlboro Special Select Shorts Gold Pack, Every cigarette I smoke I have to relight 4 or 5 times as I'm smoking it if I sit it in the ashtray they burn up every time seems like the opposite of what the fsc is suppose to do doesn't make any sense I hate these Fsc cigarettes it gets old relighting a cigarette I'm smoking but if you sit it down its burns up

Chef Carol O
west wareham, US
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May 06, 2021 12:44 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Chogs22

same here

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Feb 01, 2018 4:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've seen more people die from smoking more in the past 10 years than ever..And I MEAN EVER! It's because of the "FSC" cigarettes. I know this is a fact for I've seen it with my own eyes. The fda or anyone can argue how there has been less home fires due to the fsc change but more people are dying from smoking than in any house fire etc. My point is underatood im sure. I may feel like I'm wasting my precious time saying anything at all because look at all the complaints...has anything changed? Has there been any impact on anyone who's behind the fsc cigarettes? I say NO! Yet, here I am, like the rest of the unhappy smokers complaining and complaining, trying to get my point heard and taken if "WE" the masses voices matter! Everyone has a voice, we all should be heard so listen up. TIME FOR A CHANGE, TIME TO MOVE YOUR LAZY CORPORATE MONEY LOVING ONLY BUTTS AND CHANGE FOR WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT. You can love money all you want but know that money stays when we die can't buy nothing in the afterlife. Point to rhis rant of mine is make the cigarettes the way they used to be before the fsc.

Columbus, US
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Nov 23, 2009 10:36 am EST

I have been a Marlboro Light smoker for 16 years. I can't stand this what is it going to take to go back to the regular cigarettes? I will not continue to smoke this brand. There are others out there that don't have the FSC yet. Come on they are taking our rights away to smoke in bars, don't come with another stupid idea.
If they are trying to save people from burning down their house then they should stop selling Kerosene heaters and things like that in the winter. I'm sick of this stuff.

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Mar 20, 2016 8:39 am EDT

Get rid of Fire safe cigarettes. Cigarettes are bad enough and got addicted about 50 yrs ago, but now to put extra harmful chemicals on them is even worse. GET RID OF THIS. WE ARE CHOOSING TO SMOKE AND IT IS NOT FAIR FOR YOU TO PUT ADDED UNKNOWN CHEMICALS ONTO IT.

Marlene Kowalski
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Feb 11, 2016 4:54 am EST
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I recently purchased a carton of cigarettes. I opened a couple of packs from the carton to find that some of the cigarettes in each pack were broken and had discolored cigarette paper. Needless to say I was very disappointed. I have purchased the same cigarettes in the pasted and haven't had a problem before. But this time, it was a different story.

Daisy Jones Riley
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Feb 10, 2016 9:37 pm EST

The government is full of S..t! The best thing anyone can do is quit smoking. Find the way to quit, your life is more important than smoking toxic cigarettes. It is absolutely crazy for anyone to keep smoking this crap especially knowing what is in them. I quit, the hell with them, I feel so much better now. If they won't agree to ridding the cigarettes of that carpet glue, then STOP smoking their poison. Go to vapor cigarettes until you can quit for good!

Jamilyn Huston
Dayton, US
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Aug 09, 2015 11:56 am EDT

I just bought a carton of cigarettes and when I opened the first pack there was a beetle in it that had been eating the filter of one of the cigarettes. This makes me weary of smoking the whole pack.

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Dec 20, 2015 9:29 am EST

I bought a pack of Marlboro Gold Beyond. I popped the mentholated bubble and it still tastes like a normal cigarette. I only smoke menthol this is disheartening and disappointing as it's the only brand I smoke.

Monique Gray
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Dec 21, 2015 11:26 am EST

I just sent a complaint about all of this on Saturday and thought I would do research and found this. I had a flu shot and phemomia shot this year and thought I have been coming down with bronchitis and ear infection. The dropping cherries are so dangerous. I have been smoking about 35 years and never burnt anything until lately. I have a hole in my couch, two in carpet, clothes, chair and now sick. Very angry with out government.

11:08 am EST
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I have smoked Marlboros Blend No. 27 for a while now, as have all my friends. With this new FSC cigarette, 75% of the people who smoked them that I knew became violently ill. The people who were around that did not smoke did not get sick. One person I know got so sick from them he quit all together. I got sick too and came very close to quitting. We are...

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5:12 am EST
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Marlboro cigarettes won't burn

I have been smoking Marlboro cigarettes since 1972, and paid .38 a pack and have paid the increases over the years, and although I can't afford the price you put on them, I still smoke them by choice even if I have to cut back on food and other luxurys to be able to. About the last week or so, I have burned holes in everything I own because they won't burn. When I light them back up, the paper flames up and then falls off on wherever I'm sitting, and before I can take another drag off of it, it goes out again. When I put the cigarette out, I want another one as soon as I'm finished, because I didn't get to smoke the first one. I heard the government put something in them so they wouldn't burn. That's like making food you can't eat. What's the purpose? I quit for three months cold turkey when I turned 43 because I wasn't getting to go walking to counteract the cough and congestion. The nicotine habit isn't hard to break. It only stays in my system 7 days so I don't get the joke on companys making 1000's of dollars by taking advantage of smokers. I chose the habit when I was 13 and I still choose it at 50 except now I can't smoke because they won't stay lit. I don't feel that anyone has the right to say how I smoke. I have invested many dollars on Marlboros and Marlboro products through promotions and other oppurtunities. I already can't smoke in public. I had to go to a designated area at work before an 18 wheeler pulled out in front of me and broke my knee in 4 places, broke my ankle off and had surgery to put 2 screws in my ankle plus it crushed my heel totally. I had three surgerys. I couldn't smoke in the hospital and I've been on the couch with my leg elevated for 5 1/2 months to keep it from swelling. Since I can't work and all I can do is lay around, I smoke even more than I did before. I've already used up a can of butane from having to fill my lighter up everyday because of having to light each cigarette 10 or 12 times. It is very aggravating. I'm paying $5.00 a pack or $45.00 per carton to have my luxury of choice. I made 1.65 an hour when they were 38 cents a pack. Now I make 8.00 an hour (or was before I was injured)and they are 5.00. That alone is rediculous, but now I'm paying that and can't even enjoy them. I don't know who's idea it was to add an anti-burn ingredient to a product that is supposed to burn, but it has definitely devestated me. At this point until I get better, my quality of life is laying in pain, watching T.V. to distract myself from it and smoking. I have an air filter that creates a natural ozone in my home, so it's not like I'm inconsiderate of others around me. I'm very considerate of others every where I go because I realize it's my habit and I have great respect for those that don't smoke, including my daughter. I already put up with having to clean nicotine off of everything in my home because it's my choice to smoke, but I believe that someone is determined to put tobacco companies out of business by making this change and it's been around since the beginning of time when it came from a seed that God put here for people like me. Instead of spending $200.00 + per month in the future to buy them ready made from whoever is messing them up, I'm having my neice take me to the tobacco store tomorrow to buy a pound of tobacco and the tubes with filters on them and I can roll 3 cartons for $20.00. I'm happy about the savings but I'm very disappointed in whoever made the choice to screw up a commodity. I remember when Santa Claus advertised Winston on T.V. I hope enough smokers complain and the economy will suffer worse than it already is so they will have to go back to the way they were. If not, I've got 2 sleeping bags, a tent, multiple keychains, lighters, T-shirts, beach towels, and other items with the Marlbore logo on them that I will not use anymore. I hope they don't start putting additives in sugar or coffee or a million other things that makes America turn everyday by making them undesirable. They've already got the planet to where we can barely live on it as it is, because no one can afford anything of their choice if they have an average job and didn't have the money to go to college. I don't mean to sound rude, but my dad fought in World War II and risked his life so that the Country could remain "free" and I have worked hard since I was 13 and now I'm 50, can't work because of someone else's lack of paying attention and couldn't afford to go to the Doctor or Dentist when I was able to work so I think they should leave cigarettes alone for Pete's sake. For what it's worth, THANK YOU! J.Y.

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Marietta, US
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Jan 09, 2010 11:00 am EST

I called the company, and they said that if you put your pack of cigarettes in the Microwave for 4 seconds, they will not go out like that. (: I hope this helps you.

south haven, US
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Feb 06, 2009 4:06 pm EST

Give'm hell Jeanne! You hot babe.

10:37 am EST
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Marlboro marlbor light cigarettes

I bought a carton of Marlboro Light cigarettes and they did not burn properly. They would go out almost immediately after lighting. If I wasn't puffing constantly, it would go out. It was also hard to puff the cigarette, like it was "clogged" or something. Very bad and a waste of my money. I was very disappointed. I had to go out and buy another carton.
The UPC # on my bad carton of "Flip-Top Box" Marlboro Light Cigarettes in [protected].
It would be nice to be reimbursed.
Thank You,
A loyal Marlboro smoker for 7 years.

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Jan 29, 2010 6:30 am EST

We are taking our fight to ban fsc cigarettes to all 50 Statehouses

We Won't Be Your Fools
STOP FSC Fire-Safety Cigarettes Sells
Thursday, April 1, 2010
7:00am - 10:00pm
Statehouses In All 50 States

2:51 pm EST
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The last carton of cigarettes I got did have the FSC above the barcode. While I do see a purpose behind the new laws that mandate cigarette makers to use less igniting material in their products, I feel that in the case of Marlboro, Phillip Morris has taken things to far. The cigarette will not stay lit unless you a constantly puffing on it. Some of them go...

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9:35 pm EST
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Marlboro cigarette sucker

wholly crap! I didn't know these cigarettes would stop burning! I smoke Marl. Menthol ... ran out ... bummed one from hubby. Damn thang kept going OUT! Asked my husband if he had any to do that!? He said "yep, it's a safety issue". A safety issue? How can that be if I had to light it in the first place? Now, I have to keep LIGHTING it! Hmmmmm, now I figure, if you have to relight your cigarette two more times per ciggie on average, then, that means I will NOW need EXTRA lighters. Better buy stock in lighters! Reckon Marlboro owns Bic lighters now? LOL But, if I had bought these cigarettes at say ... Walmart ...could I return them because I'm NOT satisfied? What is this new comment on the side of the pack? Nothing reads "may cause cancer". Reads contains carbon monoxide! Maybe this is the key to which packs are slow burning and which are not. I am soooooo pissed! First I can rarely smoke in public, as my rights were taken away, can't ride with kids in the car if I smoke (in some states) ... (glad I do not have kids), then in Texas I pay $1.00 State Tax per pack. Now when I am in the privacy in my OWN home I can maybe take one or two puffs before it goes out. Well, why quit now? My mom smoked for 30 years, quit 12 yrs ago and died of LUNG CANCER 4 months ago. Believe it! But now, allow me to do drugs and I can be high anywhere in public, I can do any kind of drug in any restroom and I don't get the evil eye anywhere. I'm not taxed, (glad I'm not in Atlantic City where the italian mafia WAS charging taxes for illegal activities). The way I figure and this is just plain common sense, there are more people that are slaves to drugs that create more thefts and burglaries than people who smoke and leave a cigarette burning ...that burn down a building. Look at your local newspaper. How many fires did you read abt. that were caused by cigarettes? How many robberies? ... okay you got it! Here's the other part I can't figure out ... when a person is smoking ... is that person holding their cigarette or is it laying somewhere burning? In General? BTW, has anyone noticed that you had to suck harder on these cigarettes? or is it just me? Do they still seem to satisfy the nicotine addiction? Just curious. Okay, I'm done [censor]in.

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sdafdff, CA
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Jan 25, 2009 1:46 am EST

here in canada when they forced companies to add chemicals (not carbon monoxide, that is a byproduct of incomplete combustion) in their ciggarettes there was an obvious change in the flavour. It has been a few years since they made that change here, but I do recall how utterly disappointed in the chemical taste that myself and my friends were experiencing. i feel your pain, but unfortunately have no solutions... though i suspect buying rolling tobacco may be a way around that, but then again they might still spray whatever chemical on that stuff too

10:39 am EST

Marlboro fsc

Why change now? I have smoked marlboro for years-now with this (fsc) thing going on, which someone told me about through the grapevine, im think it's time I quit — not that I want to — but I think I could save a lot of money if I go to the basement and chop up some old t-shirts and smoke them — it about what phillip morris and the government have come to.. Now they are either going to kill the remaining smokers off or make you quit — smoke free world! Yeah lets do it

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Pasadena, US
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Jan 07, 2010 5:23 pm EST

I am extremely disappionted in the fact that I no longer have a choice, regarding cigarettes. As a tobacco consumer I pay more federal and state taxes than non smokers. We are being treated like second class citizens as well as criminals during the middle ages. The FSC cigarettes not only destroy the taste but they are making all of us sick. I am being forced to quit due to the addition of these chemicals. Regardless of the reasoning behind this, I would love to know the statistics of cigarette related fires.

Angier, US
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Jan 24, 2010 7:23 am EST

I unexpectedly purchased a pack of FSC cigarettes. Upon smoking one of the aformentioned cigarettes I became sick to my stomach, accompanied with dry heaves that led to violent vomiting. The chemicals in these FSC cigarettes need to undergo further consumer consumption testing before being exclusively sold.

marlboro coupons
Ashland, US
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Oct 23, 2011 6:42 am EDT
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to whom this may concern. i have been smoking marlboros for 5 years now and i have signed up for cupons sereveral times and still have not received anything... i am seriously thinking about switching brands do to expenses...

Raleigh, US
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Feb 20, 2010 9:46 pm EST

As if it's not enough that you @#$% addicted us to your product, now you have ruined the flavor and enjoyment of it by requiring that it be constantly relit or "huffed back to life". I strongly suggest that you take the same route that Coke did, admit you blew it and offer the "Classic" version to your DIE HARD consumers. Thanks for nothing!

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Jan 24, 2010 9:47 am EST

Have you tried quitting smoking? that oughtta help ya...

shawn fyler
largo, US
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Jan 06, 2010 8:20 pm EST

I have smoked marboro's for almost 20 yrs. now all of a sudden I am having serious pains in my head since the new
F.S C. has been used. I have not done anything different and am wondering if anyone else is feeling the same. Not sure who to turn to or what to think right now, But I am very concerned. Does anyone really no if this is really safe or not?Let me know please. Shawn M. F

Mary Wolverton
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Dec 05, 2009 12:03 am EST

I have been having issues with coughing and headaches since smoking the FSC cigarettes, so when are we the consumers going to filled in on what exactly is in these cigarettes? I have checked your website for the ingredients that have been added, but you will not display these for fear of competitors getting the information. So I was wondering how the FDA approved any changes and what long term studies they and you have done as to the harmful additives that go in these type of cigarettes. Where can I get a copy of this report? I know that smoking has health realted issuses that go along with usage, but I'm telling you that more and more people are going to start having health issuses with this new paper. I as a smoker of many years have continued to smoke regardless of cost or health risks but now I'm rethinking that position. So I guess what I should say is thank you for giving the reason to finally stop. Your revenues are going to suffer, your consumers are going to suffer, and I hope people start to look into the additives that you are using.

Soon to be former smoker,
M Wolverton
4180 Janet Dr.
Dorr, MI

akron, US
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Nov 02, 2009 11:27 am EST

These new FSC cigarettes which are designed to reduce the risk of burning down your house are more dangerous than the old non-fsc cigarettes. Almost every time that I smoke one of these new FSC Marlboros the cherry falls off or the ashes just spontaneously fall off on me. I never had this problem with the old style. We actually burned a hole in our couch the other day because the cherry just fell off for no reason. This is not the only complaint about this new formula, besides the safety issue, these cigarettes burn out all the time and have to be re-lit, they taste terrible and they throw white sparks off of them occasionally as though they have been dusted with gun powder. Find another way to make them idiot proof instead of making them worse...or better still, let people take some responsibility for their own actions. If you aren't careful enough to not burn down your house with your cigarettes, then perhaps you shouldn't be smoking them in the first place.

Kennith Patton
Fort Gay, US
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Oct 17, 2009 11:45 pm EDT

Me and my wife have been smoking Marlboro for years and we were able to buy them until today with out the fsc we had to pay more for the original Marlboro now we cannot and I cannot smoke them they make me sick not minor they give me head aches and extreme sinus problems and a sore throat it is awful now we have no choice but to quit i hope that Marlboro is being paid good by the government for this but me and my wife and and all my family father mother brother grandmother and a quite of few friends now they have lost a lot of business I sure hope that some one in Marlboro reads this and realize that this is about the worse business move they have made in their history every business owner and retailer and any one that ever has done any kind of business
knows its not what u sale its what the consumer wants and i have not met anyone that has liked this move made by this messed up move like i said i hope that Marlboro really has thought this through and reconsiders like a saying i always have heard if its not broke don't fix it leave it alone and another thing is we are responsible to decide to smoke but we are not responsible enough to put our own cigarette out

Kennith Patton
Rt. 1 Box 123A
Fort Gay, WV

Greenfield, US
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Aug 20, 2009 9:44 pm EDT


8:12 am EST
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i know if u smoke cigarettes they take time off of your life. Changing the paper now to burn slower, doesnt that make you suck on the cigarette harder when taking a drag? they need to notify smokers when they do this stuff. it sucks. i want my old cigarette back

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11:26 am EST

Marlboro bad service dirty office

The office was dirty and the office staff rude and lazy. I waited an exuberant amount of time in their nasty waiting room and finally went in to see the doctor. I wanted a flu shot and I spoke with him about another issue. He did not want to give me a flu shot and told me I had allergies without even testing me. He did, although, charge me my office visit. I found out from another doctor that it was not allergies and was a far greater problem Thankfully I changed my primary doctor and went to someone else! I was then billed for $25.00. I contacted my insurance carrier and they told me to have the doctor resubmit the claim. I spoke with the office manager Jamie and also Janine. Both too lazy to call and take my word for it. Actually Janine hung up on me. Contacted BCBS and filed complaint and they told me they would handle. I am now going to make several complaints to Consumer Affairs and whoever else I can complain to. All over lazy people and $25.00 such a shame. I would never ever recommend anyone to their offices

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G.W. Miller
Brick, US
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Aug 08, 2012 7:15 am EDT

I've been with this group 17 years. They have never let me down, have always followed my medical issues start to finish even while hospitalized for 16 months. Frank Mario & Steven Ingato are the best in NJ for complete medical care ALL ISSUES. G. Miller

Bayville, US
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Jan 26, 2012 8:07 pm EST

I've been going to Medical associates of Marlboro four years. I also was a patient long before the new group took over. My only complaint is when I go for a well check up. I end up sick a week later and then it goes into my asthma. I would like to see some circulation of the air in the office during the winter so the well people have half of a chance staying well.

Marlboro, US
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Nov 08, 2011 5:55 pm EST

Please note that since this posting, the Bayville office of Medical Associates of Marlboro is under new management, and has drastically improved its office conditions. MAOM is constantly striving to put our current and future patients first, and value our patient's opinions and suggestions.

4:46 pm EST
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Myself and my boyfriend have smoked (Marl reds) for a long time now. We buy them a few packs at a time each, approx. 2 x's a week. About a month to a month and a half ago we started geting bad ciggs and its remained that way ever since. I began buying from different stores but it didn't matter. Its like that everywhere I go. I do not know what would be...

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10:51 am EST

Marlboro burning of cig

I just bought a carton of Marlboro Menthols and EVERY cigarette I have smoked has either put itself out or the cherry has fallen off. I have smoke Marlboro's for years and this is just insane. If I am paying $50.00 a carton I want the damn thing to smoke the way it is supposed to. This smoker is very upset with the quality.

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Seven Valleys, US
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May 21, 2010 9:05 pm EDT

Not only am I unhappy with the way the burn, but Ive been getting a lot of sore throats since they changes! I feel like im smoking Cat nip!

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Mar 13, 2009 8:00 am EDT

i feel sorry for you bro

but im wondering, im smoking marlboro menthol lights and they dont do the same thing


i live in the philippines

Ross Vender
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Feb 22, 2009 1:21 pm EST

same thing sorta happened to me... but i dropped my ash in my lap when i was naked.. and not only did i burn all the pubic hair on, and around my penial region.. i also burned the tip of my shaft... THANX MARLBORO!

Texas Smoker
Hockley, US
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Dec 31, 2008 12:45 pm EST

And Oh be careful driving ! I almost took out a mailbox putting the cherry out that fell in my lap, now how is that safer? Burning buildings decline car accidents on the rise! Nice going marlboro..

E. Keisling
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Dec 02, 2008 8:20 am EST

I don't normally smoke MM's, but my local grocery has had them buy one get one the last week or so. I'm having the same problem, but I think I've found the culprit. I live in PA, and here (I'm sure this will be true in all states soon) the state gov'mt has decided that all cigarettes must be "fire safe." Apparently a lot of fatal fires have been caused by people falling asleep with a lit cigarette. The cigarettes snuff themselves out as to not catch fire if the smoker loses the cigarette for some reason. All I know is that these new cigarettes snuff themselves ridiculously fast, and drop ash everywhere. I could deal with that, what has me godsmacked is that the cherry falls off and I've burned myself and my carpet more in the last week or so than I have in years. It's insane!

12:28 pm EDT
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I bought a pack of marlboors today at the local Eccard pharmacy just like I do pretty much everyday. When I lit the first cigarette, smoke wouldent come out of the filter, only this black ooz tar would keep seeping out. The whole pack was like this.. The store won't do anything so im forced to quit marlboros and pick up Newports. Ripped off..

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6:53 am EDT
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I bought 2 packs of marlboro cigarettes and when i smoked them they would either stop burning and go out or the cherry of the cigarette would fall off. Ive been smoking for a while and if this keeps happening i will end up changing brands.

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9:39 am EDT

Marlboro quality

I have strong complain for the new cegarett in egypt now made by your comp the teast for it so pad and I dontlike it and I smok for 30 years and its the fiest time I feel like this I think I will change my cegareett kind to onther kind if you not do some think to solve the teast. I want you to answer me back in my e-mail soon and I want know how the man in charge for this kind of Marlboro lights in egypt

Its so bad teast and all my friends say the same Why?

Ayman El Fouly

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Oct 12, 2008 11:32 am EDT


wael refaat
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May 08, 2013 4:50 am EDT
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الاسم - وائل محمد رفعت السيد مصطفي
تاريخ الميلاد [protected]
المؤهل الدراسي - ليسانس حقوق جامعة الزقازيق
الاقامة محافظة الشرقية
الدورات - 1 - محاسبة امريكية
2- دورة مساحة
3- دورة لغة انجليزية
4 - دورة في صيانة الكمبيوتر
الخبرات السابقة
1 - موزع معتمد لشركة الصفا لخدمات الكمبيوتر والانترنت من 2002 الي 2005
1- العمل في مكتب محمد جادو للاستشارات الهندسية حيث كنت اعمل مساح من 2005 الي 2009
ا3 - العمل في شركة علي حسن الدهان للاواني المنزلية بالمملكة العربية السعودية حيث كنت مندوب كبار عملاء من 2009 الي 2011
4- العمل في شركة ينيليفر كمندوب مبيعات من 2009 الي 2012
5- العمل مندوب مبيعات بشركة سنيوريتا للاغذية الخفيفة مندوب مبيعات

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Sep 10, 2011 2:53 am EDT
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ارجوكم يا جماعه انا محتاج معرفة عناوين او ارقام تليفونات عملاء شركة مارلبورو فى القاهره

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Sep 08, 2011 8:14 am EDT
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Hello sir I want to contract with agents of the company in Cairo, I do not know the address and phone numbers please give me phone numbers and addresses in Cairo
please send me to :

osama fouad
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Jul 04, 2011 11:31 pm EDT
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السيـــرة الذاتيــــة

البيانات الشخصية :
الاســـــم : أسامه فؤاد حنا متى الجاولي
تاريخ الميـلاد : 21/10/1968 م
محل الميــلاد : كيما - أسوان
العنــــوان : 21 ش مسجد الرحمن – خلف نادي المعلمين سوهاج . ج. م. ع
التليفــــون : [protected] -[protected]-[protected]
الحالة الاجتماعية : متزوج وأعول
الموقف من التجنيد : تم أداؤها بقدوة حسنة
الايميل :
المؤهــــل الدراســـي :بكالوريوس تجارة – شعبة محاسبة – 1992م جامعة أسيوط فرع سوهاج
المهــــــــــــــارات :
- اللغة : العربي : اللغة الأم الإنجليزي : جيد .
- الكمبيوتر : حاصل علي دورات في : Windows – Word – Excel
- دورة في مهارات التسويق من هيئة اليونيدو.
- دورة في معايير ضبط الجودة والتقنيات الإحصائية للجودة (9001/ 2000) من ايكو تراست.
- حاصل علي شهادة الأيزو في المبيعات والتسويق .
الخبــــــــــــــرات :

- مندوب مبيعات - مصنع عزيز للبسكويت والمكرونة بسوهاج في الفترة من 1/6/1993 إلى 15/7/1995 .
- مشرف مبيعات بالشركة العربية للمنتجات الغذائية – شارع النصر بسوهاج في الفترة من 1/8/1995م إلي 15/6/1997م.
- باحث تسويق بشركة الشرق الأوسط لأبحاث التسويق – 58 شارع جوزيف تيتو النزهة الجديدة بالقاهرة في الفترة من 30/9/1997م حتى 1/5/2003م (فرع سوهاج) ...
(تقوم الشركة بعمل أبحاث التسويق لجميع المنتجات الغذائية مثل البسكويت والشيبسي والسناكس والشيكولاتة والسمن والجبن والمياه المعدنية والسجائر وغيرها ... إلخ ، وتقوم بأبحاث السوق لبعض الأدوية واكسسوارات الصيدليات) .
- مدير تسويق بشركة مصر العليا للبويات (يوباكو) في الفترة من 21/5/2003م حتى 7/7/2004م.
- مدير عام مبيعات بشركة (يوباكو) في الفترة من 8/7/2004م حتى 31/3/2006م.
- مدير عام المشروعات بشركة (يوباكو) في الفترة من 1/4/2006م وحتى 31/12/2007م
العمل الحالي :مدير فرع طهطا بشركة ريفى لخدمات المشروعات الصغيرة
الهوايات : القراءة والرسم والشعر 0 محرر صحفي بجريدة العالمية
مقدمة لسيادتكم ،، أسامه فؤاد حنا متى الجاولي

Agent Shavers
Williamstown, US
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Jun 16, 2011 11:12 am EDT

Sdalton912 - I agree! I was on a retreat, I was bumming smokes for awhile until my Salem 100's arrived from a friend. I was smoking Marlboro red 100's. One drag, big deep drag like I take with my Salem's and I inhaled deeply in my way, and I got an instant sore throat. The smoke was harsh, hot, tasteless, and nasty. I would rather inhale a cigar, in fact it was like inhaling a cheap, thin cigar. I never liked Marlboros anyway, but I never remembered them to be that bad. Later that day, I bummed a Marlboro light short, and I got a nasty headache and nausea. Now since I was temporarily bumming smokes, "beggars can't be choosers". But I would quit smoking if the only cigarettes available were Marlboros, and I love to smoke either Salem 100's, Newport 100's, or B & H Menthol 100's full flavor. In my opinion, they are using "wet tobacco", and hanging it in the drying silos way to long, so It stales off. They are probably spraying it with too much ammonia to increase the nicotine release. But I have learned that nicotine has a property that will stop headaches. I don'y know, but people have been hospitalized from smoking these new Marlboros. Switch brands until they start getting more feedback. I recommend Winston 100''s full flavor, which are a good fresh, smooth smoke for non-menthol smokers. They use fine tobaccos, and are made my R.J. Reynolds, and company that produce Salem brands. Or go ahead and just try a pack of Salem 100's green label, full flavor. You won't be disappointed! Buy for now, I would stay away from the big Reds if I were you as well as their nasty light partners in the evil white pack. God, I hate Marlboros!

Good Luck!

Christian Enge
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Oct 19, 2010 7:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

In the moment the raised the price and the Marlboro Red smells and taste like [censor].

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May 05, 2010 6:53 am EDT

I think its the FSC, and here in Egypt they didnt print the FSC logo on the box, I have a terrible caugh now and will change marlboro red for sure after 20 years of smoking it.

Wood, GB
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Jan 21, 2010 3:52 pm EST

I have just come back from Sharm El Sheikh and bought back Malboro Lights from my hotel which have the health warnings on which taste like they are laced with something... They really hit the back of the throat and taste rather disgusting. I was warned that the ones without the health warnings are from China and a hell of a lot cheaper, so i stayed well clear of those ones. However when I was at the airport I bought a couple of cartons which don't have a health warning picture just arabic writing, these taste a little better. Does anyone agree? Which are the original Malboro's in Egypt?


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Oct 23, 2009 6:23 am EDT

I'm complaining regarding the new Marlboro (ultra light) in Egypt, i spoke 2 packs a day but i got a serious problem, with all of it.
The cigarette is not glued around the filter properly, and it's leaking air in like hell.
And I mean all of it
Thanks and hope u do something about it
Morad George

12:00 am EST

Marlboro terrible quality product!

I have been having issues with Marlboro cigarettes for years and it seems to be getting worse. I bought a carton of Marlboro Lights on a cruise ship in October of 2000. The quality was not what I expected, it felt like I was drawing on a down pillow. Absolutely felt nothing in my mouth or my throat. Not only that but they made me slightly light headed, and produced an extremely mild headache, albeit short lived. (until the next one). I also noticed it left a peculiar taste, or sensation on my tongue, as if I had just smoked a menthol.

I spoke with Marlboro customer service and I was told that these particular cigarettes were manufactured for over seas sales, and that the quality and paper colors were different, not quite to the standards of the states. I then switched to Marlboro because I got no satisfaction from the lights and I was always leary of buying cigarettes for fear of obtaining inferior packs.

Well this is still happening today with Marlboro. I buy and toss out cartons because of the same reasons I listed above. I know it is not just me. It seems that whenever they have a campaign with promotional materials sealed in the back of the packages, or the "If you want to quit" promotions, the cigarettes are fine, and are what I expect.

But as soon as the promotion is over, the market is then flooded with the cigarettes that have no taste, can not feel them when you draw on them, or inhale. Same light headedness, same light headache. It is a crap shoot when I go to the store. The people at my local stores think I am nuts when I ask to see the back of the packs, then ask them to see if they have cartons with the same product code as is on the bottom of the pack, should they be one of the promotional packs that is.

Believe me I can tell the difference between these cigarettes. I would offer myself to you if you think I cannot.

I am angry and frustrated and want a good cigarette. But I am stuck with these lousy ones until the next promotion.

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Feb 01, 2008 7:04 pm EST



12:00 am EST

Marlboro bad cigarettes!

I have been smoking Marlboro Cigarettes for 14 years and the last month all the packs of Marlboro Smooths and Menthol lights in 100's have been bad. The cigarettes have been going out in the middle of smoking them for no reason. Pluse the cherry is falling off of the cigarette in the middle of smoking it. I have never had this problem before it is very weird. This is very annoying and has burnt wholes in closes and my couch. This is happening to the packs my husband has been purchaseing also. You just sit there holding the cigarette and the next thing you know the cherry has fallen off and is on the cough or burning your pants. Plus the whole go to take a drag off the cigarette and nothing cause it has gone out while you are sitting there holding it. Is there something that can be done to stop this why is it happening. I don't want to change cigarette's but if this keeps happening i may have to try something different cause it is costing me money very annoying.

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Tracy Moore 1960
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Dec 14, 2021 2:21 am EST

I bought 2 cartons of Marlboro Black/ Red 100 every time i smoke I have to relight several I am ready to change brands. I have burn hole in my couch and carpet over that, You have changed something in the way its made

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Apr 24, 2017 9:20 am EDT

I smoke Marlboro Red Label 100's and my husband smokes Marlboro Black Label Kings and we both are having the same issues. I have smoked a variety of Marlboros and have found that all of them have these issues. The 3 main issues we have are:

1.) The Cherry always falls off near the end of the cigarette and sometimes even the middle.

2.) The cigarette randomly goes out for no reason.

3.) There have been sticks and/or tears and cuts through the paper making some cigarettes unsmokable.

Now I understand that that issue #2 ( randomly goes out) is to help prevent fires by making the cigarettes go out when not being continuously smoked but this does not work all the time and even when it is being continuously smoked they tend to go out anyway.

Issue # 1 (cherries falling off) is my biggest complaint because considering they are trying to help prevent accidental fires, the cherries falling off defeats that purpose and causes more accidental fires, burns, and holes in clothing, furniture, etc. So whats the point? Every Marlboro does this every time it gets near the end so its not a fluke or it only happens sometimes. It happens EVERY TIME. This is irritating and costly.

Issue #3 (stick, tears, holes, cuts, etc) I have found these issues in more than 1 pack of cigarettes recently. I have even had a pack that had 3 cigarettes with tears in the paper that looked like they were cut by a razor blade and in the same pack I had 2 cigarettes with tears due to big sticks in the cigarettes. What happened to the quality? Where is quality control? As much as a pack of Marlboros cost every single cigarette should be smokable period. When I pay for a pack of 20 cigarettes I want to smoke ALL 20.

These are my biggest complaints and I'm sure there are tons of smokers who can relate and feel the same way as I do.

Please get your $**t together Marlboro! It is not a lack of funds that is preventing you to put out quality cigarettes.

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Jul 04, 2016 3:05 am EDT

Very disappointed. Have been smoking Malboro and beyond since the get go and have come across cigarettes without the bubble! Not Malboro quality and for a hefty price!

Vladimir Kitanovski
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Jun 08, 2016 7:29 am EDT

I Purchese one carton of Marlboro Light 100 Soft pack Carton from Publix Fl.
In every pack had chunk 1" long in the middle of every cigarette- Not happy - I have the Recept of purches- Will send attachment of purchase.?

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Vladimir Kitanovski
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Jun 08, 2016 7:29 am EDT

I Purchese one carton of Marlboro Light 100 Soft pack Carton from Publix Fl.
In every pack had chunk 1" long in the middle of every cigarette- Not happy - I have the Recept of purches- Will send attachment of purchase.?


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May 01, 2016 1:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I sent coupon for two cartons of Marlboro to fifteen friends and I want my coupon for the two free cartons of Marlboro I posted to Facebook and sent the ad to fifteen friends

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Mar 15, 2016 1:32 pm EDT

It is very unfair that they promote a campaign wherein products are available, but the products are out of stock or unavailable for more than half the time the promotion is running. Very discouraging.

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Mar 29, 2016 4:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been smoking Marlboro for quite a while now and i have never experienced such an bad product before. I bought a carton and found that some of my cigarettes are not glued correctly at the filter end which makes it quite impossible to smoke. Please have this complaint look after I found that there's a few of these complaints

Justin van Rensburg
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Feb 22, 2016 2:50 pm EST

Marlboro gold beyond ice ball not changing taste. This has been quite frequent. Not happy with drop in quality.

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Jul 01, 2015 3:20 pm EDT

I bought a packet of Marlboro gold . When I opened it the filter of two cigarettes were damaged sort of broken.

12:00 am EST
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My husband and I have been buying Marlboro Light 100's for about 12 years now. And we have noticed the last carton we bought, the cigarettes don't burn right, you have to light the cigarettes at least four times just to get through one. We are very disappointed in this and will not be purchasing Marlboro's anymore.

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12:00 am EST

Marlboro ruined carton of cigarettes!

Hello i have been a smoker for 7 years, and a user of Marlboro 100's for a few years. I recently purchased a carton of Marlboro 100's while passing through Delware. After smoking the first two packs with no problem i noticed the third and forth pack seemed to be unwrapped from there plastic material. Upon further inspection all but the first two and the last two packs of cigarettes had been ruined. The cigarettes were crushed, and discolored, i was quiet upset. I don't know if it is the manufacture or the vendor...

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Gerald Wheeler
Dayton, US
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Oct 31, 2009 6:14 pm EDT

Fire Safty Cirarettes Really Really SUCK. I have smoked Marlboros for forty years and have enjoyed them very much. But since they changed I have thought about quiting.I enjoy smoking very much and hope you can tell me were I might still be able to buy the normal brand. My email is Thank you Gerald Wheeler age 59

Denver, US
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Jan 25, 2010 7:30 pm EST


Scooter Shak
Mandan, US
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Nov 25, 2009 1:08 pm EST

I have headeaches all the time now and I am not the only one in my area I'm from North Dakota and I'm a die heart Marboro Woman but I'm tried of having headaches

12:00 am EST
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My complaint is from a consumer point of view. I recently purchased a pack of Marlboro mediums and over half of the cigarettes in it were short on tobacco. One was over a quarter of the way empty. I have been a Marlboro smoker for 12 years and don't want to smoke anything else but this has happened a couple of times to me now. Is there anything that can be done about this to make it right? Thank you.

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Marlboro reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Feb 20, 2007. The latest review Wasted points redeemed was posted on Jun 30, 2024. The latest complaint filter caught fire was resolved on Dec 09, 2014. Marlboro has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 681 reviews. Marlboro has resolved 67 complaints.
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