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Metra Rail review: Not the best way to travel 17

Author of the review
6:27 am EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The conductors are very rude, disrespectful, unprofessional etc.I could say (or type) out names but I'll just get to the point.

There was this family traveling to another destination, the conductor was being a jerk and was yelling at them because we didn't pick up our luggage, when someone said to him that he could be nicer about it, he got in his face and was threatening to kick him off.

Even though he was with other people. When this one woman who was going on the train, she was called a chisler by one the conductors because she didn't have enough money. Here's another example, this one conductor in particular was being an @$$ by asking this guy where he was going before he sat down, a passenger has the right to sit down before paying for a ticket.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Vernon Hills, US
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May 24, 2012 11:49 am EDT

Metra has rude employees, especially Conductor Jim B.

When I rode the morning train from the suburbs into the city, the conductor punched my ticket twice. I was using a 10-ride ticket. He punched it when I first boarded and then, as he came around the second time I told him not to do it again, but he did anyhow and then admitted afterwards that he had heard me say 'no' but did it without checking first. That conductor wrote a note in the ticket stating the mistake. He signed his initials.

That evening, I rode the train back home. The conductor on the evening train would not honor the mistake and even said it was "my problem.". So he punched my ticket unfairly for the ride back back home.

The evening conductor, Jim B., was extremely rude and unprofessional. To blame me for the earlier conductor's mistake is incomprehensible.

Sweet dreams
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Dec 28, 2012 11:59 am EST

80% of the metra are rude and disrespectful! I remember this one guy couldn't find his ticket and was trying to explain that the conductor was standing right there by him! The conductor tried to yell at him and threatened to kick him off with no remorse, but bam he found the ticket! Luckily because the conductor was acting out ! I just don't understand why they have to be so rude! Just like today at 10:00 am dec 28 2012 this lady wait until we get to 11 street downtown before finally calling for tickets! Half of the people are already gone! WTF? And the fact they want to go up in price again is ridiculous! I hate metra and i am deeply upset I have to support this system!

Daily commuter.
Lombard, US
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Feb 05, 2013 6:40 pm EST

They are very rude! I'm not sure way considering they have a pretty easy job. Even a geriatric can do it. Today I tried boarding a train to the suburbs and the conductor shut my arm in the door. Didn't even try to help get free just sat there and staired. Anyone who conducts themselves like these jokers do don't deserve to have a job.

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Feb 15, 2013 12:39 pm EST

I've had rude conductors too. Seems Metra really does not care.

The Wrong Rider....
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Sep 03, 2017 7:29 pm EDT
Replying to comment of lporsche

Will post the complaint with the "former Military Serviceman" Conductor on the Rock Island Joliet to Chicago 10:24 02 Sept 2017. THIS clown embodies the poor unprofessional and drama queen filled issues with these conductors. Fortunately for this EMPLOYEE I used ALL of my self restraint against him. Very ignorant, and clearly sufffering from some issues. Above all else what annoys me NO END is when they claim its "their train" have to get OFF that train eventually hard [censor]. Cash me Outside. LOL


In summary, while aboard the above noted train, a physical altercation happened between a male white passenger and 2 male black passengers in the car ahead of me. This occurred at
2318 hours as that was when I made a 911 call to Chicago Police for assistance. during the course of this conversation with Chicago Police I was informed by the Police Dispatch to tell the conductor (described as male black, medium complexion about 6'4" and about 260 pounds, no other identifier other than uniform) to stop the train so the Police could intervene in the situation. I asked the dispatcher if this was a police order and was informed that it was. Due to my professional licensing, I am legally REQUIRED to carry out that order. At this point, I got up from my seat and approached the doorway/ exit door area where the above described Metra Employee was along with one of the 2 parties involved in the fight. I opened the door so as to make verbal contact with this employee. Upon opening the door I told this employee that I was on the phone with Chicago Police and they asked that you stop the train so they can handle this situation. At this point your employee stated, " Im not stopping this train go sit back down". This was stated to me in and abrasive and aggressive, condescending and unprofessional manner. At this point I responded to this statement by saying, "ok hero then handle this yourself tough guy" and returned to my seat.(note here that I am retired private law enforcement and my reason purpose and intent of even approaching your employee was to assist your employee in restoring peace and insuring HIS safety) I remained in phone contact with Chicago Police and this statement was RECORDED as it was made. I informed the Chicago Police Dispatch that the conductor is refusing to stop the train for police assistance.I was asked by dispatch if the party was injured or if there were weapons and I informed them that there were no apparent injuries nor were any weapons visible at the time. The phone call with police ended at this time. Upon arrival to Lasalle street station, I entered the Metra Police Office and informed them of the above incident so they were aware of it.(As I am legally required to do) The officer assigned to the desk informed me that no one on the train had called in or told them about any fight on that train. At this point the above described conductor entered the police desk area, I turned to him and gently, non threateningly and politely tapped his shoulder and was attempting to apologize to him for my statement made after he initiated aggressive verbal contact. At this point this employee jumped back flailing his arm and in a loud voice said, "Dont touch me" so as to make it seem I was trying to cause harm. As stated, my action was NON aggressive, non threatening and could not at any time be interpreted as an aggressive action towards your employee. I then, after this employees out burst stated, " you need to chill out with that bud" as he clearly appeared to be in some state of mental distress. No further statements were exchanged and I left the police service counter going to another area of the station. At this point, I was approached by 2 uniformed Metra Police Officers, and asked for ID. I questioned why I need to show ID and was informed that the conductor complained to them about our verbal exchange (that HE initiated)After checking my ID the Police Officer informed me I was banned from riding that conductors train.I was given NO document stating this or made to sign any acknowledgements. At this point I asked how I could apologize for my statement and was offered this complaint page. What also needs to be noted here is I am disabled, cancer, and MUST take that train to Joliet so as to continue treatments with my oncologist. I was further informed by the Police Officer that this conductor just completed 2 tours in the Military and that I should "respect" him. This service has NO bearing whatsoever on respect during the contact detailed above and the conduct of that employee. What this service DOES indicate and based on this employees aggressive and abrasive conduct is he MAY be suffering PTSD or other minor psychological issues that may need to be addressed. I do NOT wish any actions taken against this employee either legally or for policy violations at this time, but it may be in Metra's and this employees interest that he is spoken to informally about this conduct. At no time was my intention to do any thing but offer assistance to this employee. I would like this "ban" on ridership(as he stated on "his" train)voided immediately as taking this train is paramount to my medical condition and treatments.(three times a week one day being Saturday) I would like to receive written notice that the ban has been voided as well if thats possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Griffith, US
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Apr 27, 2013 8:14 am EDT

If you don't like it, drive !

Furious is Glen Ellyn
Glen Ellyn, US
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Nov 25, 2014 10:51 am EST

I talk the UPW train into Ogilvie from Glen Ellyn. Today I had to take the train at 10 am, which was supposed to board from the opposite side of the tracks (takes 1-2 mins to get across). Surprise, surprise-train is 6-10 minutes behind schedule due to traffic issues (always something with these guys; can't remember the last time I was on a metra train that arrived on time). 6-10 minutes later, they announce that the train is operating 10-15 minutes behind schedule. People have been waiting outside in the cold for 20+ minutes, babies are crying and screaming because it's too cold, and the station house is on the other side of the tracks, from which the train normally comes. 10 minutes later, they announce that the train has been stopped at College Station (1 stop over) due to personnel issues or something. I decide to wait on the other side of the tracks in the station house. Halfway across, I hear the train bells meanwhile the announcement of the train still being stopped at college station continues. I decide just to run back over just in case. The train arrives and I continue running to it. The conductor sees me running to it and the door closes on my face! He signaled while I was running that everyone's on and does nothing to keep the door open! He just watched me and then turned around and ignored me while I banged on the door. What kind of operation are you guys running Metra! What kind of staff do you hire?! You should be sued and put out of business, if you didn't have a monopoly over the suburban rail system. Today I was not not only disappointed in Metra, but very angry...angry enough to write a complaint. Wish I could sue these guys.

Regina Dandridge
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Jan 12, 2017 12:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I so agree, I wish that there was another way to get to work from the suburbs.

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Mar 14, 2016 12:58 pm EDT

Irish day March 12 from Waukegan to Loop @ 10:10 train and back to Zion @ 9:30...
A total vile loud animal trip, hell in a cell train ride, surprised they didn't have strippers on board. No conducters ever intervened or quieted them down, I mean there is inside and outside voice!

And just because it's "Irish Day" that doesn't give people the right to disrespect their neighbors, it was like a demonic show, and makes my view of the Metra rate the lower, even the sarmed security acted like little scared girls...

What a stinking blowout...shame, same, shame Metra, all that high fare, with such low service!

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Jun 07, 2016 2:20 pm EDT

Rode the Metra for years and their price and rudeness are factors keeping me off. $202 dollars for a monthly from Barrington to Downtown and the prices are going up even more. They never added the WiFi service based upon the tax increases a number of years ago. What did they do with the money? The trains are the same. And the conductors are the same. The conductors are egotistical, self important, give me a uniform and give me power. I can only count a few of the conductors over 10 years of taking Metra that were nice. Only a few. To the person who said don't ride anymore. Well, I'm not. Good riddance. Enjoy being treated like a cow on the train to the slaughter.

Regina Dandridge
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Jan 12, 2017 12:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Today, January 12, 2017 is a very icy day and all of the Electric line trains are running behind. I left home early to assure that I did not miss my train. I normally catch the 7:53am train #758 from the Riverdale station. Today all of the trains were running behind as expected. A train finally came around 8:15am, which does not stop on Hype Park, so I caught his train to the 115th station with hopes to catch a local or a train coming from Blue Island which can take me to Hype Park where I could catch a local train to McCormick. The next train which pulled up I asked what was the next stop, the conductor told me 59th street, so I got on, thinking that this was my normal train, which is normally behind the 7:40am. My normal train stops at 59th and then 51st - 53rd Street Stations. No announcements were made on this train at all. I stood there after 59th Street to get off at 51st - 53rd, but the train continued on to 11th Street. I understand that you expect the passengers to know what train that they are on, but with all of the delays, why would the conductors not say where this train was making stops or as it was approaching 59th, transfer here for your local trains. I have complained to about this in the pass, but this morning made me extremely angry. With all of the trains being behind and all of the people on the platform, does Metra expect the riders to know what train they are on? There are no train numbers on the side of the train, unless you on in a certain spot on the platform, you will not know what is the train number. Please keep in mind, most people are trying to stay inside the station with this weather, so at a station like 115th, you will not see the front of the north bound trains when they are pulling up. Is there a reason why the conductors do not make announcements? Is there a reason why the audio voice to tell you that a train is approaching the station does not tell you what train is approaching? Considering that I am older and my eye site is not perfect, I can easily misread the train number. I do understand that probably 90% of your passengers are headed downtown, but not all. This is EXTREMELY inconsiderate of Metra.

EG Vickery
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Jun 02, 2017 9:21 pm EDT

The crews on the NW line are terrible, regardless of the car that i sit in they always attempt to make sure that that car ends up not at a platform, they know that I have a handicap, i have previously sat in the last car and when i do that that car isn't lined up with a part of the platform, it is to far for me to step off of the train without discomfort to my leg without being at a platform, and I'm sick of it, because they do it deliberately.
When the platform is there it isn't such a long reach, but without the platform it is difficult and painful, for the space is to large of a gap, between car and platform.
Today I was in a middle car, because that was the door that opened at my starting point. At the end of the trip it was stopped in the middle of the street. making it difficult to deboard once again..
Thus, I'v been compelled to write you about the situation. Plus, others who have written to you about lousy attitudes of conductors and crews are absolutely correct. Given the lousy preformance records of these conductors, , it is long over due that they be terminated.

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Mar 06, 2018 4:01 pm EST

Actually, it is very humiliating to ask passenger to remove their stuff.
I think conductor did a right thing.

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Mar 27, 2018 11:45 am EDT

Metra conductor C. Wilson is very unprofessional, rude, and insecure. Insecure people always want to go on a power trip whenever they get a chance. I asked a question and he almost yelled in reply. I couldn't understand why he replied that way. He told me he could throw me off the train for no reason saying "because I can."

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Jul 27, 2018 6:11 am EDT

Heritage corridor line is breaking almost every day
No one cares

chicago homeowner
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Aug 11, 2019 6:16 pm EDT

metra has vastly increased loud metra train horns over the

last two years. all evening, all weekend, affecting chicago

residents near vincennes avenue. this is severe noise

abuse. lower the volume and placement of these horns.

Briana Nelson
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Aug 13, 2023 1:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was on the 7:29 train from Oak Park Marion to Chicago OTC. Train was delayed from 7:52-8:43, making me more than an hour late for work. Completely unacceptable. Spent $100 on the monthly pass only for the train to be late and delayed every morning. Do not bother riding this garbage line.

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