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Nike review: football boots 58

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3:00 am EDT
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Because he loves Ronaldo we bought my son a 2nd pair of football boots.
The first pair he had to stop wearing because of the smell - like really strong cat pee.
But guess what after playing a football game in really wet weather the second pair stink exactly the same - terrible, unwearable!
Don't buy - Junior.

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Aug 24, 2008 4:37 am EDT

I totally agree with you. My son has had his T90 for four weeks now and we cannot keep them indoors anymore because of the horrible smell. Socks his has worn in them have adapted the smell too, and the smell does not disappear after washing them several times.
What to do? Does Nike do anything about this?

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Aug 24, 2008 6:54 pm EDT

Same thing with my son's boots, another neighbout confirmed her daughter's boots smell like cat urine as's disgusting! Hopefully Nike will send a credit for a new pair?

charlotte Capps
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Sep 15, 2008 9:50 am EDT

Oh my goodness! I have just spent half a day soaking my son's Nike total ninety boots in vinegar, I've put them twice through the washing machine and have all but given up on getting rid of the horrible cat pee smell. I thought the cat had peed in them. I'm going to make some sounds at the Nike shop now...

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Sep 18, 2008 2:45 am EDT

My son has Nike T90 boots and the smell after getting wet is unbearable - a tom cat in the house would smell better!
Four players in his team have the same problem as do several players in a friends team (all witn Nike boots). Players with other makes of boots who have played the same matches are fine.

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Sep 23, 2008 6:21 pm EDT

We are also suffering with nike football boots smelling of cat pee! It is quite dreadful.

Is there a solution? What are Nike doing about this?

Michelle Pearse
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Sep 24, 2008 3:44 pm EDT

Also have Nike 90 and the stink! Just like cats wee. Another Mother had the same problem with her sons and she took them back to the shop and had a huge problem changing them.
Any response from NIKE!

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Sep 25, 2008 9:44 am EDT

Don't bother trying to get Sport & Soccer to take any action. Their attitude is tough luck, indeed thet tried to make it seem that we were not looking after the boots properly. Spoke to the Customer Services Manager, who had clearly been told to just stomewall any complaints.

Suggest no-one buys boots from them or their related companies.

Wrote to Nike, who have suggested sending the boots back for them to inspect. Can't believe they are not already aware of the size of the problem.
At least they were more sympathetic that useless SPORT & SOCCER.

charlotte Capps
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Sep 30, 2008 9:06 am EDT

just an update - sent two emails to Nike customer relations now and no response just some automated email response saying they are experiencing lots of emails and will get back to me. What terrible customer services! I will try the shop now where we bought them...

charlotte Capps
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Sep 30, 2008 11:18 am EDT

Had a reply from Nike. Have been told to take the boots back to the shop.

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Sep 30, 2008 12:54 pm EDT

Had reply from Nike - suggested I try shop or return to them. We are going to return to Nike - am also going to sent copy of all above comments! Think it could take a while to get any response but think returning them to shop could be difficult.

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Sep 30, 2008 3:10 pm EDT

Just want to aggree with all of the above comments, my son's boots have the same bad smell and so do several of the boys from his football team. A company the size of Nike can afford a recall or pay the consequences as myself and the other parents have decided not the buy Nike Football boots again

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Oct 03, 2008 3:20 pm EDT

We have gone through 3 pair just for spring and fall soccer. All 3 pair stink to high heaven. Makes you want to gag. Most of the kids on our select team have the same issue. We have owned the old total 90's and did not have a problem with the smell at all. I think Nike changed the kind of synthetic leather (Soft PVC-free synthetic leather "maybe they should put the PVC's back in") they use and I'm guessing they are well aware of the problem but don't want to fix it

. I'm trying to find exactly what the old 90's were made out of, to compare the shoes. It is a shame that many of us long devoted Nike fans will be switching to Adidas. Nothing wrong with Adidas, Nike is one of our sponsors and I hate to switch but we all have to breathe fresh air. Sorry Nike. Fix the problem and I’ll be more then happy to come back. If anyone knows what kind of leather the old shoes were made out I’d love to know.

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Oct 08, 2008 9:34 am EDT

I have just come online to find out how to complain to Nike about this dreadful smell! Glad it isn't just me! The first time they wore them and left them in the porch I thought a cat had got in! They reek to high heaven and nothing can get rid of the stink! I have two boys with matching boots and it is awful. Any suggestions on who to call?

julie blackwell
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Oct 14, 2008 11:04 am EDT

i would like to say also my sons football boots stink of cats pee they cost a 100pound and only had 4 weeks .How do i get rid of smell.Thanks

michelle a
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Oct 14, 2008 3:11 pm EDT

Just come on the computer to see why my sons football (Nike) were smelling and stumbled upon a thread dedicated to the smell... stinking the house out but have to leave them here in order to dry them - I can tell you however that immersing them in a bucket of water containing fabric softener doesn't help the smell!

charlotte Capps
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Oct 14, 2008 4:22 pm EDT

Hello again.

I suggest the following customer service person should be contacted by everyone on this forum.

Don't get excited, this person at Nike UK will send you some cut and paste response along the lines of .."We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable feedback regarding the performance of the item you have purchased. It is through such feedback from our customers, both positive and negative, that we can continue to introduce as many quality measures as possible to combat such issues in the future", ...blah blah.

They will finally tell you to go back to the shop or Nike will 'inspect' them at their UK office if your shop won't take them back. This person is aware of all the complaints on this site as I directed her to it and yet surpisingly the company is not recalling its faulty footware or giving immediate refunds to customers. Poor skills really. By the way Tracey endeavours to get back to you withint 24 hours of your email being sent. Good luck!

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Oct 15, 2008 4:59 am EDT

its not just nike... got 2 sons whose boots both smell of cats pee, one are nike the other adidas... washed them still stink!

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Oct 15, 2008 7:59 am EDT

OMG (OH MY GOSH!) I though I was the only one who's sons trainers smell so disgusting.

I have two sons with these trainers and both pairs smell as bad as each other! I certainly won't be buying total 90 trainers again. I agree with another poster, I never used to have this problem with the older style of toal 90's.

Having looked, the old style were made in Vietnam and the newer style is made in Indonesia although I cannot see on either of the styles what fabric has been used. Whatever it is, it is certainly to Nikes detriment!

I have sent an e-mail to Tracey at Nike. Let's see what is suggested that's if I even get a reply.

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Oct 15, 2008 9:57 am EDT

We are also having to suffer the same dreadful smell and the boots have to live in the shed. If Nike are unwilling to respond to these complaints then I'm afraid it's goodbye to Nike for ever. There is plenty of competition out there and of course I will be telling all of our friends about our experience of Nike after sales service.

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Oct 15, 2008 10:11 am EDT

Here is the reply that I got from Tracey of Nike... not really that much help.

Thank you for your reply and the details you have provided. The correct email address for advice and information regarding Nike products or information about Nike UK is . The address which has been posted on the link you kindly provided is my personal email address.

Here at Nike UK Ltd, we do not have an onsite inspection facility, therefore do not receive product back directly. We entrust all our retailers to adhere to the guidelines set by trading standards with regards to returns, and any feedback with respects to quality and performance is reported to Nike via the retailer through the defectives procedure in place.

As a consumer your legal contract is held with the retailer. However If you have tried to return the footwear to the retailer already or if it is not possible for whatever reason, you can send certain products directly back to Nike for inspection.

If you wish to return the product to Nike, please return it to the address below using Special Delivery and ask the post office for a certificate of posting. If this service is not used Nike cannot be held responsible for goods lost in the post. We regret we are unable to refund postage costs.

Nike Returns

PF Box 184, Newcastle Depot

Unit 3A Princesway North

Team Valley Trading Estate

Gateshead NE11 0PS

In addition, please enclose a brief letter detailing the problems which have occurred with the product and any proof of purchase you may have. Please note that we need you to send both shoes.

On receipt by us, an external inspection team will inspect the product. Please allow 7 – 10 working days for this procedure. If the product is found to contain a defect, an alternative replacement will be issued. If however, for whatever reason, this is not possible, we will issue a credit which can be redeemed via Nike’s Consumer Affairs Department. The amount of the credit will reflect the age and wear of the product returned. Please note that we are unable to offer refunds. All refunds must be obtained through the original place of purchase only.

Please further note that the following cannot be accepted: -
· Products evidencing excessive wear, misuse or alteration.

· A size, fit, or style selection complaint.

· Products older than 3 years from the original date of manufacture. The manufacturing date can be found on the tag inside the shoe.

· Seconds or other B-grade product, which is clearly indicated at point of sale.

Products purchased through a Nike Factory Outlet Store should be returned to the original outlet store or another Nike Outlet Store.

Finally, for your reference your legal contract is with the retailer.

Yours sincerely

Tracey Mitchinson

for Nike (UK) Ltd.

Erika Tick
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Oct 16, 2008 4:57 am EDT

Thank goodness it is not only my son's Nike boots which smell of cat pee!
His previous pair were Adidas and did not smell bad at all. He has only had his present pair of white Ronaldo style boots for three weeks but they are already unbearable and will have to be kept outside from now on.
I am really angry that Nike obviously are aware of the problem but are not doing anything to rectify it.
I am tempted to take them back with the receipt to SportsWorld where they were purchased, but I doubt very much they will change them - and plus my son really likes these boots and they were a birthday present.

Liz Brown
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Oct 16, 2008 12:02 pm EDT

I too have had the same problem with my 12 year old sons nike total 90 football boots, from the first time he wore them we had the cat pee odour, I have tried everything to get rid of the smell the only thing that sort of works is bicarbonate of soda in the boot it doesn't eliminate the smell compltely but it's not as accrid.

John Z
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Oct 16, 2008 2:57 pm EDT

I'm in the US. Same problem with Nike soccer shoes after they get damp. I received the same "sympathetic" but really uncaring response from Nike USA with a disclainer from Nike that "it will be almost impossible to prove the smell is a defect in the product." Guess whose shoes I'll never buy or recommend again?

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Oct 25, 2008 9:06 am EDT

Very interesting... I have the same problem with my sons football boots and yes the are Nike . I was looking on the internet to see what we could do about it but I won't bother as it looks like it's the boots rather than my sons feet I will take them back to the shop any try another brand... I have always purchased Nike for myself and my son so it look like they will be loosing another loyal customer. I won't bother to write to Nike as looking at these posts it seems they are not interested in customer service.

greeter did not do job
Esko, US
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Nov 02, 2008 3:58 am EST

I'm glad I found this thread, I'm reassured at least that a cat hasn't wee'd on my football boots, as until stumbling across these posts I was 100% convinced that when I left them outside after the first time I wore them that one had!

I had tried a number of things, the smell does not go. Not only that, but the smell is so powerful that if I leave them indoors to dry the whole place stinks of cats wee, its unbeleiveable?!?

They are actaully are very good boot, but at £120 should they really make my entire house smell? No.

Nike need to officialy make some response, they must be aware of it, although realistically I can only see them changing the next range of boots, however if they don't publically make reference to the problem ot try and offer a solution how many Nike buyers will not have already switched to adidas...

It is unacceptable that my house should smell, even in a bag in cupboard you can smell it when you walk in the room?! and it really is so very very like the smell of cats wee!

Not good enough Nike.

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Nov 05, 2008 4:36 am EST

i thought Nike were the problem aswell so i bought my son addidas but still suffering the same tom cat smell! At my wits end dont know what to do !

John Z
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Nov 07, 2008 3:18 pm EST

I bought new shoes as well here in the US. The new shoes are Addidas and are fine. It would appear that the manufacturers have found the problem and switched to a better material.

Simon Paul
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Nov 08, 2008 8:05 pm EST

I've had this problem for a few weeks now and I'm reassured to find this thread - which I will be showing to my girlfriend who has banised the boots to outside and probably thinks I am a disgusting specimen of man!

I bought a pait of Adidas boots earlier this week simply because I wanted some "blades" rather than moulded studs anyway, but I'm glad I did, and I reckon I'll be binning the Nikes.

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Nov 10, 2008 9:04 am EST

Thank goodness. My son's and daughter's boots and trainers absolutely hum! as does the whole house. I think it's criminal that Nike don't care as it is blatantly obvious that there is a fault somewhere. It's ok for pro footballers they can afford a pair a game and wouldn't keep them at home anyway! I too have always bought Nike (although we have had some Adidas ones that smell of cat wee too) and will no longer be buying them - can't wait to explain that one to the kids, teenage tantrums all round!

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Nov 11, 2008 1:44 pm EST

Same here, nike, adidas, football boots the worst, same cat pee smell, same shoddy customer service here in ireland, to hell with them, never buying again, reebok ok, umbro ok, spread the word

Judith Parry
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Nov 13, 2008 6:24 am EST

Thanks goodness it's not just us! My son's boots are a real problem, I can't bear them in the house for 2 minutes, they have to go straight outside. Was just wondering if putting them in the washing machine would make any difference (or ruin them ...)? Will definitely complain to Nike but it doesn't sound like they are prepared to do much about it.
Has anyone had any luck with a refund or getting rid of the dreadful smell?

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Nov 15, 2008 3:34 pm EST

Glad that we aren't the only family with stinky cat's pee-smelling football boots. But don't just blame Nike - my son has 2 pairs of Adidas stinking out our house... I wish I knew why they smell like this...

Lee James
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Nov 16, 2008 10:53 am EST

Its not just football boots, its nike trainers as well, and this has been a problem since at least 1994. My mum was convinced the cat pissed in me and my friends trainers all those years ago. Usually trainers last me around 2-4 years. Ive had a pair of Air Max 95's less than a year and they 'kick' its VERY embarrassing, not to mention i paid £110 for them!

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Nov 17, 2008 11:10 am EST

I too have had the same problem with both my son's trainers and football boots. I sent a complaint email to Nike about 2 weeks ago and received the following reply:

"Dear Customer,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Nike apologises for any inconvenience you have experienced.

We have recently replaced a man-made lining of the upper of a number of our football boots with a cotton canvas layer, but as a result of this we have identified an issue with select models of our boot ranges causing an unpleasant odour after a certain amount of usage.

We believe this issue is isolated to a particular batch of football boots, and we are working hard to rectify this going forwards. This does not affect the performance quality of the boots.

In the meantime, please return the product to the retailer where the shoe was purchased, where a replacement/refund will be offered. If you have purchased with us on or kindly provide us with an order number or an email address.

Best Regards,

Tristy Do"

Last Thursday I took my son's total ninetys back to Sports Soccer, with a copy of the email, and they gave me a credit with no problem.

Today I have just got back from returning his Mercurial football boots to JJB and as soon as I started to speak the Manager knew exactly what I was talking about and said they had been contacted about this problem and that it was being discussed on BBC Watchdog this evening. He gave me a refund, no problem.

I hope this helps anyone, don't forget to watch Watchdog tonight, Good Luck

Cook Family
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Nov 18, 2008 4:12 am EST

Well, we all owe our cat a huge aplolgy! Poor thing has been blamed for weeks! My son's school has banned the boys from having the boots in the changing rooms now, it has gotten so bad! Phoned JJB this morning to be told "You will have to bring them in as there are 2 types of smell! Visions of shop floor workers being forced to sniff hundreds of teenaged boys trainers, LOL!

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Nov 25, 2008 8:10 am EST

Don't bother trying to email ... ...
Funnily the mail box has been disabled...I wonder why!

Adam Matthews
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Nov 25, 2008 8:42 am EST

I bought my bootys specially from the NikeID website therefore they are custom made for me, with personalisation direct from NIKE! Therefore the return to shops saga will not count, im going to email them today and see what response i get...been searching for the smell in my house for weeks..cant beleive its my boots!

Alison Booth
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Nov 28, 2008 10:05 am EST

I recently bought my nephew a pair of Nike football boots and they stink after wearing them only once, we thought the cat had peed in his boots but this was not teh case.
I am unable to find the reciept so will i be able to get a refund.

Kyle of Lochalsh, GB
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Dec 21, 2008 12:28 am EST

My son had a pair of Nike 90 and not only were they expensive but i bought odour eaters, trainer tamer and a shed load of bicarbonate of soda to try and get rid of the cat spray smell not cheep for a single mum.I have only just found out about this problem and like many others "i'm sure" the boots are long gone i couldn't have them in the house and my son wouldn't wear them again anyway and iv no receipt so what can i do ? once again the big man wins Nice one Nike.. Heather.

Brisbane, AU
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Mar 28, 2009 6:38 pm EDT

Only bought a pair of the nike green boots for my son six weeks ago (Jan 2009)and found after they got wet at training they stunk like cat pee. I live in Australia and it is obvious that nike still have not done anything about the problem. When my son wears them it seems like he smells, it is disgusting. My son wanted these boots because high profile league players here are wearing them. I wonder how they feel about smelling like cat pee. Nike should be doing a total recall on all these boots. This is the first and last time we will ever buy Nike. X blades are the way to go.

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    Click up if you have successfully reached Nike by calling +86 800 820 8865 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached Nike by calling +86 800 820 8865 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +86 800 820 8865 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +86 800 820 8865 phone number
    +852 82 122 122
    +852 82 122 122
    Click up if you have successfully reached Nike by calling +852 82 122 122 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached Nike by calling +852 82 122 122 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +852 82 122 122 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +852 82 122 122 phone number
    Hong Kong
    +91 800 100 9538
    +91 800 100 9538
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    +81 120 645 377
    +81 120 645 377
    Click up if you have successfully reached Nike by calling +81 120 645 377 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Nike by calling +81 120 645 377 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +81 120 645 377 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +81 120 645 377 phone number
    +82 15 771 360
    +82 15 771 360
    Click up if you have successfully reached Nike by calling +82 15 771 360 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Nike by calling +82 15 771 360 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +82 15 771 360 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Nike by calling +82 15 771 360 phone number
    South Korea
    +54 810 555 6453
    +54 810 555 6453
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    +55 113 004 5566
    +55 113 004 5566
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    +1 (800) 806-6453
    +1 (800) 806-6453
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    Mar 11, 2025
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