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Samsung Complaints 1668

4:21 pm EST

Samsung washing machine

We purchased a Samsung washer and dryer from Home Depot in October of 2018. It was delivered to our new home on November 21st. For the first two months we were pleased with how it performed. The washer then began to fill with water and agitate but would not continue to the spin cycle. It would take 2 to 3 hours for a load to finish. It finally would end at the fill and agitate cycle and would not spin at all. We ran the required diagnostic to see what steps could be taken to correct the issue...Nothing. We then called Customer Service who had us complete the steps 3-4 additional times. This did not correct the issue. A Service Tech was then scheduled to resolve the issue.
The first solution was the electrical board had to be replaced... Nothing
The second solution was that a part had to be repaired within the internal float valve...Nothing
The third solution was that the water floats had to be repaired...Nothing
Two technicians and 4 four service calls nothing has been repaired (both technicians spoke very limited English and could not understand questions or explain what issues they were trying to correct)
After 3.5 weeks we are still without a washing machine. I have spent over $100.00 at the laundry mat.
Today I contact Samsung Customer Service and they provided an alternate company to make the repairs, but now we begin from the start in trying to find out what is wrong with the washer.
• The washer is not 3 months old and running into these issue
• The Customer Service agents with Samsung have no understanding of what is taking place when they assign the technicians to make the repairs
• The technicians to date do not seem to know how to make these repairs
• After almost three weeks we are now starting over with an alternate repair company due to the first not having any idea on how to make the repair. At this point a refund was approved
Week 4:
Numerous forms are sent and a request for a copy of the sticker located on the washing machine is required. This information was submitted 7 times. On 3/2/19 we receive confirmation that the forms have been received and the refund it being processed.
3/6/19: We receive a call from Samsung asking if the washing machine was billed to a credit card. The answer was yes. It was billed to our Home Depot credit card. We are then told that Home Depot must now process the refund. After a three-hour conversation with Home Depot - the Home Depot Warranty department - and Samsung there is not resolution on who is responsible for the refund. We were then given an alternate number to contact. A recording was received "due to high call volumes, please leave your telephone number and you will receive a call back within one hour." It has been four hours and we have yet to receive a call back.
Week 5:
No one will take ownership of the refund and this has gotten out of control. We speak to Samsung and each agent has a different request. When those items are provided Samsung now shares it is the responsibility of Home Depot.

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8:11 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung lost of mobile on flight no sq 256 dated 20 feb 2019.

I am Prem Bahadur Shrestha. I had traveled from Brisbane to Kathmandu with my family of 3 members on 20 Feb 2019. My grand son left Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime mobile set on seat No 45 H of Flight No SQ 256 dated on 20 Feb 2019. Please check and inform me on [protected] I had complained information counter Singapore and lost and found counter Silk Air Kathamandu as well. If it is found please arrange to send me in Kathmandu. My mobile no is 977 [protected].

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3:31 pm EST
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

We purchased a Samsung suite of kitchen appliances from Home Depot. The Dishwasher model DW80K5050US is less than a year old and it won't turn on now. I noticed there are numerous complaints of the same problem for over a year. I called Samsung to resolve the issue and was advised they don't have any service centers in my areas that I would need to wait up...

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9:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung dryer

I purchased my dryer from lowe's on 10-7-15 with the additional warranty and have had the dryer serviced because it stopped heating... Now 4 months later it's doing the same thing... I paid $760.50 for this dryer and now it's not heating and I can't afford to pay $150 for service plus parts... I'm on a fixed income and now i'm having to go to the laundromat to dry my clothes... This is very unacceptable to only last for 3 years!
Very disappointed! 😡

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12:04 pm EST

Samsung warranty issue on a 65 inch tv/ terrible customer service

I bought a 65inch Samsung TV and this was what happened to me.

I contacted Samsung on January 22nd 2018 because my TV had a cloudy white object on my TV scene.
on Jan 24, 2018 at 3:07 PM They sent me a ticket # [protected] and listed it as under warranty and service tech on Jan 24, 2018 at 3:07 PM was coming out. They came out and looked at the TV and told me that this could not be fixed. Instead Samsung request that they replace the screen. They came out 3 times and each screen was worst. The last time the tech stated that Samsung will be contacting me because they was going to replace the TV. I waited for a call and no one called me.

I contacted Samsung on 03/03/2018 through chat transcript ID [protected] and was told that "TV exchange is approved, and the ticket is in open status and someone will be calling me. Once again I did not hear anything.

I contacted them again on 05/10/2018 and was told that my ticket has been escalated to the higher team. They provided me with another number and I called them and they said that someone will be calling me again.. I told them how I am very disappoint that this has been going on for months. They stated that they will make sure that someone call me.

I did not hear from the company until On Sep 21, 2018 from Matilde Samsung Case Manager and they requested that I send in my receipts. I did that same day and never heard anything back from them.

I contacted them again October 2018 and was told that they canceled my ticket without a replacement. I was so upset because they never called me or assisted with a replacement. How do you close a file and not assist the customer. The agent said that he will open another ticket and have them call me. I said I heard this all before. he stated that they will call from higher up. Once again I fell for the bull crap.

I call them back on January 2019. Almost a year to the day that I called in for service. They told me that they canceled the ticket again stating that they tried to assist me with service within a 30day period and that I was out of town and they closed it. I told them that I am not requesting service but where was my replacement. They said that they was going to open another ticket and get someone out to assist me. Well, I got another ticket # [protected] for service that the canceled right after. On the ticket is stated that this equipment was out of warranty and to call them. I called them and the lady stated that if I wanted service that I will have to pay due to this TV is out of warranty. At this point I am beyond upset but pissed off because they have no clue what they are doing. I hung up the phone. I call the Samsung department again but this time I opt for a text. I explained to the lady of what happen and she stated once again that she will get me over to the executive people and they will handle this. I told them that I need a replacement and they have the worst customer service every and that I am now being forced to take this matter to my lawyer and use other channels to get the word out on had bad they are treating their customers. The agent did not text me back or say goodbye. Just never responded back. Sad. A whole year has past by and I have been without this TV for a whole year.

I then sent an email to the president of Samsung in English and Korean stating that I want this matter resolved and I want compensation for half of the year that was wasted due to they never assisted me on a warranty issue. Someone name Lataisha Wells| Office of the President Samsung Electronics America, Inc. contacted me and stated that they can offer is a depreciated refund or an exchange and a $100 gift card that I have to spend at Samsung. I was insulted. I am a loyal customer and requested service under a warranty TV and had to suffer for a whole year to note get anything and this is all that they have to offer me. I am disgusted that a billion dollar company will treat their customers like this. I am going to seek all the advise that I can get and blast them on every site that I can and seek legal advise on this matter. It is not like they are paying for my replacement out of their pockets. This TV was under warranty. All I ask for was to get this TV replaced at they stated that they would do. This is the worst service ever. I look around my home and most of the things I own is Samsung. Terrible service. I will not stop until I get better service.

나는 65 인치의 삼성 TV를 샀다. 그리고 이것은 나에게 일어났던 일이었다.

2018 년 1 월 22 일에 삼성에 연락했습니다. TV에서 TV 화면에 흐린 흰색 물체가 있었기 때문입니다.
2018 년 1 월 24 일 3:07 PM 그들은 [protected] 티켓을 보내고 2018 년 1 월 24 일 오후 3:07에 보증 및 서비스 기술을 기재했습니다. 그들은 나왔다. 그리고 TV를보고, 이것이 고칠 수 없다고 나에게 말했다. 대신 삼성은 화면을 바꾸라고 요청합니다. 그들은 3 번 나왔고 각 화면은 최악이었다. 삼성이 TV를 교체 할 것이기 때문에 저에게 연락 할 것이라고 기술 담당자가 말한 마지막 시간. 나는 전화를 기다렸고 아무도 나를 부르지 않았다.

저는 2010 년 3 월 3 일에 03/03/2012에 채팅 기록 ID [protected]을 통해 삼성에 연락하여"TV 교환이 승인되었으며 항공권이 공개 상태이며 다른 사람이 나를 부르겠다"고 들었습니다.

나는 2010 년 5 월 10 일에 다시 연락을 취했고 티켓이 상위 팀으로 전달되었다고 들었습니다. 그들은 다른 번호를 제공했고 나는 그들에게 전화를했고, 누군가는 나를 다시 부르겠다고 말했습니다. 나는 이것이 몇 달 동안 계속되어 왔음을 매우 실망시키는 방법을 그들에게 말했습니다. 그들은 누군가가 나를 부르는 것을 확실히 할 것이라고 말했습니다.

저는 2018 년 9 월 21 일 Matilde Samsung Case Manager로부터 9 월 21 일까지 회사로부터 연락을받지 못했고 영수증을 보내달라고 요청했습니다. 나는 그날 같은 날을 보냈지.

나는 2018 년 10 월에 다시 연락을 취해 그들이 교체하지 않고 항공권을 취소했다고 들었다. 나는 결코 전화하지 않았기 때문에 화가났다. 어떻게 파일을 닫고 고객을 돕지 않습니다. 요원은 또 다른 표를 열고 저에게 전화하라고했습니다. 나는이 모든 것을 전에 들었다. 그는 더 높은 곳에서 전화 할 것이라고 말했습니다. 다시 한번 나는 황소 쓰레기에 빠졌다.

나는 그들을 2019 년 1 월에 다시 부른다. 나는 일하기 위해 거의 1 년을 일했다. 그들은 30 일 이내에 내가 서비스를 도와 주려고했는데 내가 마을을 벗어나서 폐쇄했다는 것을 다시 표를 취소했다. 나는 내가 서비스를 요청하고 있지 않다라고 그들에게 이야기했다. 그러나 나의 치환은 어디에 있었다. 그들은 다른 티켓을 열어 누군가 나를 도와 주겠다고했습니다. 글쎄, 나는 바로 그 티켓을 취소 한 다른 티켓 # [protected]을 가지고있다. 티켓에는이 장비의 보증 기간이 만료되었으며 전화가 걸려 온 것으로 명시되어 있습니다. 나는 그 (것)들에게 전화하고 숙녀는 나가 나가이 텔레비젼 때문에 지불해야 할 서비스가 보증에서다는 것을 원하는 경우에 진술했다. 이 시점에서 나는 화가 났지만 화가났다. 왜냐하면 그들이하는 일에 단서가 없기 때문이다. 전화 끊었 어. 나는 삼성 부서에 다시 전화하지만 이번에는 텍스트를 선택합니다. 나는 일어난 일의 숙녀에게 설명했고 그녀는 그녀가 행정부 사람들에게 나를 넘겨 줄 것이라고 다시 한번 말했고, 그들은 이것을 처리 할 것이다. 나는 그들이 대체품이 필요하고 그들에게 최악의 고객 서비스를 제공한다고 말했고, 나는 이제이 문제를 변호사에게 가져 가야하고 다른 채널을 사용하여 고객을 대하는 것이 나쁘다고 말했습니다. 요원은 나에게 문자 메시지를 보내거나 작별 인사를하지 않았다. 다시는 대답하지 않으 셨습니다. 슬퍼. 1 년 내내 1 년이 지났으며 나는이 TV를 1 년 내내 보냈습니다.

그런 다음 나는이 문제를 해결하기를 희망하며 삼성 전자의 한 국장에게 전자 메일을 보냈습니다. 보증 문제로 절대로 도움을받지 못해서 낭비되는 절반의 비용을 원합니다. 누군가 이름 Lataisha Wells | 삼성 전자 미국 지사의 사무실에서 저에게 연락하여 삼성 전자에서 소비해야하는 감가 상각 환불이나 교환 및 100 달러 기프트 카드를 제공 할 수 있다고 밝혔습니다. 나는 모욕 당했다. 저는 충성 고객이며 보증 TV를 통해 서비스를 요청했으며 일년 내내 아무것도 얻지 못하면서 고통을 겪어야했습니다. 그리고 이것이 나에게 제공해야하는 전부입니다. 나는 10 억 달러 규모의 회사가 고객들을 이렇게 대우 할 것이란 진절머리 나게 생각합니다. 나는 내가 할 수있는 모든 사이트에서 그들을 얻을 수 있고 폭파 할 수 있다는 조언을 구할 것이며이 문제에 대한 법적 조언을 구할 것이다. 그들이 주머니에서 내 교체를 지불하는 것과는 다릅니다. 이 TV는 보증 기간에있었습니다. 내가 원하는 것은 그들이 할 것이라고 진술 한 바에이 TV를 교체하는 것이었다. 이것은 최악의 서비스입니다. 집 주변을 둘러보고 내가 가지고있는 대부분의 것들이 삼성입니다. 끔찍한 서비스. 나는 더 나은 서비스를받을 때까지 멈추지 않을 것이다.

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2:46 am EST

Samsung heat pump tumble dryer

After sales is dreadful. I'm sure this post will be deleted as Samsung are trying to salvage their after sales reputation. We have a dryer which was 2 months old. It stopped working. Two separate service engineers came out and didn't even look into the machine to check it out. It's a larger dryer which they don't see often. They told Samsung it was our fault and we damaged it. However it's not. After three months of phone calls, issuing a report, we've had no response from Samsung. They hang up on you when you're on the phone. They don't reply to live chats. Today we paid for an independent service engineer to check it out. He wrote a report and we phoned Samsung. We got to level 2 customer care and the service engineer was ready to tell them his report. After waiting 30 minutes on the phone, they just hung up on us. The service engineer we used has 30 years of experience and said the new company Samsung are using in South Australia are unskilled and lack knowledge in the different ranges of tumble dryers.
The actual problem with the dryer is that the gas leaked, therefore there was no heat being generated. Hence the clothes couldn't dry. He said it's an internal fault which we couldn't have influenced.
If Samsung are reading this, please treat future hard working, honest people better. We will never buy from your company again. Stick to making phones.

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8:51 am EST

Samsung microwave oven

Complainant was lodged for repair of the product. Service engineer visited and did some repair work on 25/01/2019. But the product did not become functional. Again we contacted the service engineer who advised to lodge complainant again calling at customer care toll free number. But the number is not reachable by calling from BSNL/AIRTEL/IDEA mobile phones. When again contacted to service engineer he told that the toll free number is not reachable by these mobile networks. Further I am not getting any on line site also for lodging the complainant. Then how the problem will be solved?

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8:28 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung buyer beware - horrible customer service

HISTORY: Up until this incident, I had no complaints about Samsung. I have been loyal consumer and repeat customer. I own multiple Samsung products: cell phones, tablets, TVs, and large appliances.

ISSUE: A week or two before Christmas I ordered a smartwatch and a charger directly from Samsung's website. When I placed my order Samsung's website said that both products were available and on sale. I placed my order and received notification that my order was being processed. After Christmas, I was notified that my order was backordered but not given a new projected delivery date. I contacted Samsung's' customer service multiple times (approx. 7 calls, emails and chats) over the course of a month, every time I received a different answer. At first I was concerned the problem was a language barrier, but after repeated attempts and speaking with different agents each time, believe that the agents are only as good as the information that they are given. Samsung's website would say that my order has shipped, the agent would tell me my order has shipped, but FedEx confirmed that Samsung has only sent a shipping label. Oddly I received the charger for the smartwatch via USPS (not FedEx), but never received the smartwatch. On my last call with Samsung, I told the agent that they needed to check with FedEx on their shipping issue rather than making me do their job. The only suggestion I received from Samsung's agent was to cancel my order and reorder in hopes that reordering would fix the issue. However, by cancelling the original order I would lose my discount and be required to pay full price, when they already received payment for my order six weeks ago! Outraged, I told them to just cancel my entire order. At that time, I was informed that I was unable to return the charger for the smartwatch due to their company policy. When I asked the agent what good the charger would be without a smartwatch, she was unable to answer. I informed the agent that had I known Samsung would fail to complete and fulfill my purchase order, I would have returned the charger on time, but since Samsung has failed to complete my order their return policy would not apply.

WARNING: The quality of Samsung's processes, procedures, policies and customer service is fundamentally flawed! I placed my order over a month ago, and every time I called, used the chat feature, or emailed I received a different answer. Not once were my questions or issues addressed, answered, or resolved. Repeatedly being told to contact FedEx in order to locate my package, when FedEx clearly shows only receiving a shipping label with no further progress for over 3 weeks. The only option I was presented with was to cancel my order, lose the discount I received when I originally ordered, and pay for my order again (while they process a refund)! To add insult to injury, Samsung refused to return the watch charger because Samsung's return policy for items that they ACTUALLY deliver is 15 days! I fail to understand Samsung's logic behind their return policy, if I order a smartwatch and its specific charger, and Samsung sends the charger but fails to send you the smartwatch, the charger is useless!

I have worked in customer service as well as been a customer for years, I have never been treated with more disregard than I have with Samsung this past month. Never once did Samsung or their agents address my calls or complaints, I was never offered anything for their error, or my trouble and inconvenience. Samsung had my order and money for over a month, and as the customer I'm punished for their lack of customer service and inability to track and ship their own products. Words do not describe how disappointed and disgusted I am with Samsung's service! Guess it's time to switch to i-[censored], at least they have customer service skills.

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4:50 pm EST

Samsung refrigerator 25.5 cu ft 3 door

If it were simply the case that the unit was defective and samsung fixed the problem, I would not be able to complain. Unfortunately, the samsung refrigerator never worked properly and after 8 phone calls and 14 hours on the phone it still did not! Samsung customer service is totally worthless. I received contradictory information and meaningless promises. Samsung did not ever honor a commitment to call me back. Specifically I was promised at the end of each of the 8 calls to samsung service that I would be called back to check on status. Not once did anyone from samsung do so. Based on this horror show, all I can say is that samsung products and service are totally contrast, costco's service has been superb. After I explained my "samsung" experience to costco, they worked out a solution where I returned the "samsung garbage" and bought a different brand refrigerator. I cannot recommend anything samsung sells and I will never buy another samsung product ever again!

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10:07 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Book 12", model number SM-W720NZKAXAR from Microsoft in March because my phone and many othee products were also Samsung. After a few months the keyboard cover stopped working, together with the sound, all of the sudden and for no good reason. I completed all necessary troubleshooting steps and the sound came back but the...

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9:43 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung samsung note 9 purchase

OCT 14, 2018
I decided to order the new #Samsung #Note9, order #VRC9C80VX, for my birthday. Samsung sold me the phone for $999, less "up to a $300 trade in", amount to be determined later after Samsung received my phone?

The worst deal you could ever make…worst deal I've ever made! Samsung dropped the price 3 days after I purchased my phone to $599… a $400 difference-No Trade In!
Well, I was sure that the company would price match the phone since I had 14 days to return the phone.

Samsung flat out told me "No!" and that in order to get the new promotion, that I would have to return the phone, at the company's expense, and re-order the phone.

I still can't find the logic in this business decision, because I promptly boxed up the phone and returned it, at Samsung's expense.

I patiently waited for the phone to reach Samsung and for my money to be refunded.
After 10 days I called and asked customer service (call 3 or 4 at this point) if the phone had been received and when should I expect my refund.

I was ready to re-order the phone (now with $300 worth of freebies as an incentive to purchase.) I was told that I should get my refund the next day.

The next day, the same Note 9 was at my doorstep with a note stating the phone could not be returned because it had two scratches on the screen. I never used the phone because I hadn't purchased a case for the phone as of yet and know better.
WOW, an hour-long phone call telling me everything was in order and then I receive the phone the next day! Unbelievable!

A longtime customer with at least 4 Samsung phone purchases (I have 6 lines) lost forever and fairly pissed off at this point.

Long story short:
1. I took photos of the phone for review and to get a return label
2. Upload and wait for confirmation and return label (1 WEEK AFTER UPLOADING PHOTOS.)
3. Found out there is a price matching department and I DIDN'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS PROCESS AT ALL! (1.5 HRs)
5. 4th ticket issued and return label sent Nov 30th
6. Phone received by Samsung ON Dec. 7th 2018.
7. Radio silence. No phone, No Money. Aggravation!
8. Called #Verizon to tell them to not add phone balance to my bill because I don't have the phone. (Verizon was helpful, but couldn't resolve the issue, 1.5 hrs x 2 calls)
9. Third joint call to Verizon & Samsung, still no resolution; promised a call back from #Samsung

I still don't have a phone, Jan 23' 2019, or my money, and Samsung is still trying to charge me for the #Note9, that I don't have in my possession.


Add another 40 hours (38 more to come) of my time wasted typing this article. I've been pretty tolerant up to this point, but enough is enough!

Now, you have a man obsessed with spreading the word to:
1. #DontbuySamsung
2. #Samsungarecrooks
3. #tellyourSamsunghorrorstory
4. #Samsunghorrorstory
5. #DonttrustSamsung
6. #Samsungfraud
7. #SamsungCustomerService
8. #SamsungCustomerServiceSucks
9. #SamsungNorthAmerica
10. #SamsungNorthAmericaSucks
11. #SamsungSucks
12. #Samsung
Telling the world about my experience and collecting stories from others that have had similar experiences with Samsung Customer Support.

Update by GonzalesW
Jan 23, 2019 6:07 pm EST

You should never write anything out of anger and I amend my #hashtags in an effort be a little more civil. Thank you.

Amended #hashtag list:

1. #DontbuySamsung

2. #tellyourSamsunghorrorstory

3. #Samsunghorrorstory

4. #DonttrustSamsung

5. #Samsung CustomerService

6. #SamsungNorthAmerica

7. #Samsung

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6:42 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung solid state hard drive

Ordered hard drive and given shipment date of 2 weeks. 2 Months later still not shipped and still not being told when it will be shipped. Gone through automated chat, online chat and various other attempts to resolve. Even asked if they would ship me a SSD with more memory for all the delays and they will do nothing in return other to say they will send request to another department which typically means nothing will be done.

I am done forever buying anything from this company. NO TV's, Phones, Hardware, computers etc. They are so big they forgot who the customer is.

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10:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung galaxy note8

I got this Samsung Note8 from Costco in Dec 2017. It came with an accessory package. One of them was a small adaptor that connected to the smaller ports and made it possible to connect them to my phone. This small piece of adaptor soon became so loose that couldn't be used any more. I thought it is from accessories. I contacted them and they said it comes with the phone. I called Samsung support early or mid dec 2018 and gave them all the info and they asked for proof of purchase, even they knew (in their systems) the exact purchase date. I forgot to send and no action happened by Samsung support (like a reminder or follow up). After two weeks (Dec 27th) I called in for the follow-up and they said I didn't send the receipt. After lots of argument and spending time, they sent me an email and I replied back with the receipt in PDF attached.
Nothing happened till I remember again after two weeks and called in again asked for a supervisor. It took ages till I got one and same story. They said I didn't send the receipt. It made me nuts and screwed up the guy and finally he said someone from Customare care will call me on Monday (Jan 14th) between 9am to 9pm. Guess what? Nothing happened and no one called me till Friday (Jan 18th). The lady repeat the same old story that I haven't sent the receipt and Samsung cannot send an adaptor for 800 USD phone without proof of purchase. It means if you lost your receipt, then goodbuy and no support. Strange was that they said has received my email but nothing was attached!
Anyway, after 30 minutes arguing, the lady sent me another email to attach the receipt. I checked my emails and found the previous email with attachment. I forwarded that email to her and also attached the receipt to her email and sent.
After this I got emails with tracking. More than one month back and forth and 3 long and annoying phone call and arguing for just one adaptor. Now imagin what [censored] you would get if something more serious happened to your phone and you needed it to be fixed. Samsung is just a big empty name. When you need them, you are all alone. I loved their Note Edge (Note 4) when I got it in Feb 2015 but this Note 8 was just a crap! and with their awful support, it even feels crapier.

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3:27 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Samsung samsung range

8 mth, new black series line. We bought 3 New Appliances for $4000. Paint is chipping off on Oven Door around Handle, Samsung won't do Anything about it. Says Cosmetic damage, , , , , We did nothing, its their product flaw, So if this happens to our Oven, , , , then all Future Customers, , , , Beware, the same will be coming your Way! No more Samsung for us, unless you send us a new door or something, , , , besides Just NO.

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10:15 am EST

Samsung mobile

Mukund Bhaskar Gadgil,
3, Visawa,
Dr.Rajendra Prasad Road,
Dombivli - 421204.

Date : 01.12.2018

Dear Sir,

Your reputation also depends on how your service stations behave. You will not know about it unless your customers tell you. Hence, this letter.

I am a Samsung customer for many years. I had given my mobile (model No.) for repairing in your Service Centre at PP Chambers, Dombivli, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra . Keeping in mind that you always give best quality, I had full faith in your Service Centre. However, I received totally bad service and they completely ditched me like a roadside repairer. The problem of my mobile is that it is not getting charged and if charged it is immediately discharged within a minute or so. Your service centre told me that mobile is o.k. but battery is faulty. So they told me to change the battery which I did promptly. They gave me a new battery under their invoice no. __________ dt. ______________. But, to my utter surprise the problem was not at all solved and your service centre executive told me that battery is o.k. and the fault is in mobile. The repairing charges will be Rs.5000/-. They also refused to take back battery which I had purchased from them at their advice. This is nothing but cheating.

Please refund me Rs. _______ which are unnecessarily paid for battery.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Mukund Bhaskar Gadgil.

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1:28 pm EST

Samsung oled tv - q9fn

Purchased Samsung qled tv - q9fn series around 8 months for $8000. 3 weeks back we encountered multiple vertical and horizontal lines on the screen, Called samsung support and explained them the issue. a ticket was created and someone named Robert (cell [protected]) from ussi was asked to look into it. Robert requested pictures of the issue, Sent multiple pictures of defects to him and immediately he confirmed that this issue is covered under warranty, parts will be ordered and technician will be sent over to get it fixed.

Robert's txt - "Sorry, pictures received, was on another phone call. All set though, no damage. From here we assign a tech and ship them the parts once assigned. I generally advise 3 to 5 days on parts delivery and then tech will call to schedule"

After 3 weeks the tech, Jason (cell [protected]) shows up at the house with a replacement panel. He mentions that again needs an approval to get the issue fixed, inspite of me telling him that robert has already approved it over txt messages. Whoever the tech called, decline to approve the replacement and gave me a quote of $4000 to fix the screen and even if i want to pay for it right now, it will take another week for them to create a ticket in their system, get another tech scheduled to come over at my house at later date. Avoid samsung at all cost! I'm stuck with $8k tv

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9:40 am EST

Samsung note 5

I have been loyal to and happy with your note series phones since you brought them to market. I have only one com;plaint. The stylus on your platinum note 5 has come apart where the plastic meets the metal. I have replaced it twice, and now carry the broken stylus in my eyeglass case. It looks unprofessional and is an annoyance. It is to the point now that it is uncomfortable and embarrassing with my patients, friends, and colleagues. This is especially disturbing since this is such an outstanding product line. I have been loyal to samsung and its products because they are, in my opinion, superior. Please address this for me. I am frustrated and in conflict about this issue since I d love the phone and will probably upgrade to another note series phone. Sincerely, Dennis J. Massler M.D. my cell phone number is [protected]. My email is [protected] my home phone is [protected]. my office phone is [protected] My home address is 16 Meadowbrook Road Boonton Township. New Jersey 07005 Given that I support your products, I have been reluctant to complain on Yelp, though I am sure that would get your attention. Please respond.

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7:15 pm EST

Samsung 4k samsung tv

I purchased a 4k ready tv 65 inch almost $6000 in 2013. At that time 4k was not ready for all platforms. last year or this year our direct tv was finally ready with 4k channels. they came and installed a new 4k nos. my tv says it's not 4k compatible. I have called Samsung numerous times to only get a different story and we are now out of warranty. at first they told us to call our cable company, we did they came and still had the problem. called again they said we need an evolution system because the TV's back in 2013 were not 4k compatible, the call dropped and we called again, the agent said no we do have a 4k tv and it's not the evolution kit that we need we need a technician to come and look at the tv. but we need to pay for it! Really $6000 later and we still cant watch 4k channels. this is really frustrating and was hung up again by an agent. this is not the way to treat a customer especially when spending so much money on your products. I need this resolved and not keep getting the run around. I will escalate this problem and keep complaining until something gets done!

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11:56 pm EST

Samsung camera failure on samsung s7

This is the biggest peice of crap phone i ha e ever owned. Samsung has bragged about their fantastic phone and how great it is. The color is horrible (orange tones), the camera has failed, been fixed, still failed and wiped out half my pictures due to the camera freezing up when it did eventually work. I will NEVER purchase your product again, and i will let everyone on every social media there is that Samsung does not want to take responsibilty for their poor workmanship. The S9 had an even poorer rating and i will only be spending mega bucks on another crap built, crapware phone. Hello to my new Iphone. Samsung has seen their day and it's coming to an end. Everyone i know has switched to the new Iphones and have been much happier.
Good ridance to bad rubbish!

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1:59 pm EST

Samsung inferior product - terrible customer service

Bought a Samsung Waterwall Dishwasher in November 2015. Picked up from store April 2016 when the warranty starts. It wasn't installed until November 2016. When I tried it, it didn't wash well at all, soap was still in a pile at the bottom of the dishwasher. When I made the first call to them, after trying it several times, it was 2 weeks past the warranty. They refused to offer anything in the way of coverage or assistance. I reached out to them several months later after paying $600+ to try to fix it. The appliance repairman, after researching the error codes with Samsung to me that it required a pump, a board, a cover and a dispenser & the cost to fix would be more than the cost of the dishwasher. Keep in mind this dishwasher has never worked. Samsung refused to help in any way and told me they are closing the ticket and will not entertain this issue anymore. So, I went to the store I purchased it at (Home Depot). Their customer service is fabulous and they reimbursed me the full cost of the dishwasher, to which I ordered another one, NOT A SAMSUNG, NEVER AGAIN A SAMSUNG ANYTHING!

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About Samsung

Screenshot Samsung
Samsung is a multinational conglomerate that has established itself as a leading player in the technology industry. Founded in 1938 in South Korea, the company has grown to become one of the largest electronics manufacturers in the world. Samsung has a diverse range of products and services, including smartphones, tablets, televisions, home appliances, and semiconductors.

One of Samsung's key strengths is its innovation and commitment to research and development. The company invests heavily in new technologies and has a large team of engineers and scientists working on cutting-edge projects. This has enabled Samsung to introduce many groundbreaking products over the years, such as the Galaxy smartphone series, which has become one of the most popular smartphone brands globally.

Samsung's success can also be attributed to its strong brand image and marketing strategy. The company has built a reputation for producing high-quality, reliable products that are designed to meet the needs of consumers. Samsung's marketing campaigns are also highly effective, with the company using a range of channels to reach its target audience, including social media, television, and print advertising.

In recent years, Samsung has also made significant progress in the area of sustainability. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its use of renewable energy sources. Samsung has also implemented a range of initiatives to promote responsible sourcing and reduce waste.

Overall, Samsung is a highly respected and successful company that has established itself as a leader in the technology industry. With its commitment to innovation, strong brand image, and focus on sustainability, Samsung is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come.
Read full overview of Samsung
How to file a complaint about Samsung?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint against Samsung on

1. Log in or create an account:
- If you already have an account, log in to your account. If not, create a new account on the website.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue you have with Samsung in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Samsung. Mention key areas of concern, any transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the nature of the problem, and the personal impact.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure you follow these steps carefully to effectively file a complaint against Samsung on

Overview of Samsung complaint handling

Samsung reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 4, 2006. The latest review Samsung UK – still waiting for promotional earbuds – no response and poor service was posted on Mar 12, 2025. The latest complaint Customer service was resolved on Jun 27, 2022. Samsung has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 1680 reviews. Samsung has resolved 290 complaints.
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  2. Samsung phone numbers
    +1 (800) 726-7864
    +1 (800) 726-7864
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    444 7711
    444 7711
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    1800 407 267 864
    1800 407 267 864
    Confidence score
    1800 228 899
    1800 228 899
    Confidence score
    1800 588 855
    1800 588 855
    +1 (800) 726-7864
    +1 (800) 726-7864
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    +82 222 550 114
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    +353 818 717 100
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    +61 130 042 5299
    +61 130 042 5299
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    +64 800 672 6786
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    +42 800 726 7864
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    +32 22 012 418
    +32 22 012 418
    +45 70 701 970
    +45 70 701 970
    +33805 504 504
    +33805 504 504
    +49 619 6775 5566
    +49 619 6775 5566
    +39 800 726 7864
    +39 800 726 7864
    +31 889 090 100
    +31 889 090 100
    +47 21 629 099
    +47 21 629 099
    +351 808 207 267
    +351 808 207 267
    +34 902 172 678
    +34 902 172 678
    +46 771 726 786
    +46 771 726 786
    +41 800 726 7864
    +41 800 726 7864
    +86 400 810 5858
    +86 400 810 5858
    +852 36 984 698
    +852 36 984 698
    Hong Kong
    +81 363 332 000
    +81 363 332 000
    +63 24 222 111
    +63 24 222 111
    +65 69 161 261
    +65 69 161 261
    +27 860 726 7864
    +27 860 726 7864
    South Africa
    +94 115 900 000
    +94 115 900 000
    Sri Lanka
    +66 26 893 232
    +66 26 893 232
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    +971 800 726 7864
    +971 800 726 7864
    Confidence score
    +54 800 555 7267
    +54 800 555 7267
    +55 800 124 421
    +55 800 124 421
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  3. Samsung emails
  4. Samsung address
    129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (South)
  5. Samsung social media
  6. Nick
    Checked and verified by Nick This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 13, 2025
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Samsung Category
Samsung is ranked 1 among 409 companies in the Mobile Phones category

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