Windber store has been under a remodel for weeks. Every time I walk in store it is very dusty and cold due to the front wall missing and plastic seal not held in place. I complained to managers many times only to be told nothing could be done. Today when I noon walked in I was greeted by construction workers using waffer wheel cutting saw with sparks and plaster dust flying uncontrolled. The dust and smell of burning wood and steel was very thick in the air. Hard to breath and eyes watering badly. Your food prep station and deep fryers are not covered letting dust coat every food surface including coffee soda machines and all cup we use daily. I feel dept of health needs to be notified of the health risks. Your contractor should be using air hepa filtration system to protect inside of store and seal off work spaces to protect your customers . This complaint need your attention as soon as possible. I have already called dept of aug food service about these problems. Please do something, thank you