This website calimed their Tiffany items were genuine and purchased from Tiffany Hong Kong distributor with much cheap price. In fact, the products they sale are only cheap tatty replicas. When I found out the products are fake and ask for return, they refuse to refund me with excuse of having no quality problem with products.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. is a scam. They sell cheap replica Tiffany jewellery. If you read their FAQs you will see how misleading their answer is on the section that asks whether the jewellery is genuine.
I bought some earrings from and the pins of the earrings did not fit into the clasp nor were made evenly when I put the earrings side-by-side. Very poor quality.
I emailed very politely to request a refund as they were clearly faulty earrings. Their reply was that they apparently "triple-check" all their products before sending out and therefore would not offer a refund.
If that is the case, then they need not have a refund policy seeing as they refuse to give refunds due to their claim that they "triple-check" everything. Very disappointed with the quality and service.
Buyer Beware!
Before you buy anything on the web that is not a reputable well-known retailer, google the company name with the word "complaints" after it.
A big clue that you will get very cheap replicas is if the grammar on the website is way off.
Here is one example from TiffanyOnlineStore:
"It is popular that choose the Letters symbolize your name or whose name that you shopping for as a perfect gift. "
Read the complaints and comments before you buy!
I learned my lesson when I was scammed out of $100 last Christmas from an UGG boot scammer.
We bought a Tiffany's Tag Heart bracelet, from Westfield London store
Sample was shown but not the actual new product as it had been packaged and ribboned, and as it was a birthday gift we did not check and did not feel to seeing it being a reputable store.
Upon being open that evening we discovered the bracelet was very tarnished and scratched
Today at the store the manager stated this bracelet has been worn and wasn't sold in this condition so we can not exchange or refund. He offered a polish service quoting this was only because of his good will and wouldn't accept that we we're given a sample or display model. As tension levels were increasing I politely asked for matter to be reviewed at a higher level so I'm hoping we will get a positive resolution soon despite the manager saying he doesn't think we will be give an exchange.
Whatever the outcome due to the stress would not recommend Tiffany to anyone :( It seems quality control seems to be a repeat complaint despite their claims of double and triple checking all products)
I bought a princess cut .5 carat engagement ring form Tiffany. Well by the time my payment was due I had some unexpected bills come up and couldn't afford the payment at that time. I should also mention that nobody told me what the monthly payment would be, just how much I had to put down. When I called to see if I could lower my payment or extend the contract by one year...the first girl was extremely rude and didn't help me in the least bit. She then sent me to COLLECTIONS (my bill wasn't even due for another 18 days) This twit was even more rude, condescending and just tacky. He said why did you buy something you can't afford? WTF? I said nobody told me how much the payment was going to be and besides THESE WERE UNEXPECTED BILLS THAT CAME UP. He then said and you couldn't do the math to figure it out? I won't go into the other insults he spat at me because I don't have the time but the conversation soon escalated and I asked to speak with a manager who was also an arrogant jerk. These people need to know they just work for Tiffany. I don't care if this place is LUXURY. They still do not have the right to belittle their customers. I am not trash on the streets just because I asked for help.
TIFFANYCLEARANCE.COM just popped up today... went to look around n it was all very cheap. no leads on company/office/genuine product or not. anyone has any idea ?