I have gone numerous times to your shops in the uk and I have never once experienced the customer service I tend to receive often from your branch in Cyprus. The sales assistants refused to take down a jersey which was in the new collection and was on the doll for me to try it. Although they knew it was the only size they received of the jersey. the mannequin was not on their window display but rather inside their shop. So they could have easily given me the size I needed and swapped sizes on the mannequin but they refused to do this. I did try the bigger size and loved the jersey so I even told them I wanted to buy the smaller size but they just had to remove it as that's the size I needed but they refused. I found that completely disrespectful especially as I informed they I would buy it and it was the only one they had.in my opinion it was pure laziness of them. They've also been rude to me on countless of times for taking photos to ask for someone's opinion or for even having a bottle of water in my hands. I'm sorry, your shop does not come close to the prices of Gucci or Prada (both shops I have shopped at) and those shops have allowed me to take pictures and even offered me a glass of champagne or hot chocolate which I could drink while shopping! Not a bottle of water!
Overall, I'm not impressed with this branch and if the customer service in that branch does not change, I guarantee you I will not be the only customer you lose. I have never had any other problems in any of your other branches that includes, Ukraine, Greece and the UK. I am informing your company, so that you can bring this up to them because even the manager at this branch didn't seem to care.
Just because you did not get your way does not mean that they were rude . Grow up child.
Also you save no right taking photos without permission . If you do not use your phone properly mommy may take it away. Also greedy pig no one is required to give free water, hot chocolate or champagne. If the water is theirs PPAY FOR IT. If they do not like food or drinks in the store they have every right to tell you without you being immature and accusing them of being rude . Grow up child . Telling you not to do something us not the same as rude.
Clearly you are the child, as you feel the need to insult someone you do not know. Also, you certainly did not understand the complaint or what the shop sells as you cannot buy a bottle of water from them. I wish you the best of luck in your life with such an obnoxious character. And a customer who is asking to pay for an item, has every right to pay for that item!
I can see you and F’U work together on these forums as you reply to every thing this person has posted. Please do not post lies, and go read a book to educate yourself.
I was so angry at these people that when I heard a baby crying I yelled at the mother to make it stop. When she would not I threatened to take the baby from the stroller and throw it in the garbage. I then yelled at the baby to stop crying. I was told to leave the store. I refused.They called security who forced me out of the store.
Get a life enececypede.
another of your fake accounts. just stop enececypede. no one cares.
2 different usernames, but the same before I changed mine. reply back with the vix225 one, I dare you!
You're so immature. live behind a screen because you have no one who cares about you.
I am glad I threatened that mother with her baby. The baby was asking for it.
Okay fine I have a confession to make I am Lexi.