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CB Web Design and Development Value Plus Do not let this company scam you!
Value Plus

Value Plus review: Do not let this company scam you! 375

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12:00 am EDT
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I can't contact this company to stop this and the only reason I figured this out is because it made my account balance over limit. I am careful usually and I don't even use this card anymore because the interest is ridiculous. Has anyone out there figured out how to contact them and set them straight?

What kind of products have people out there ordered before they discovered that this company started showing up on their credit card statement? I know myself I ordered Lens Dr the liquid eyeglass repair stuff that you fix horrible scratches so you don't have to buy another pair of glasses. Since figuring this out I have probably spent that much because I didn't notice these charges until now. They are charging me 16.95 and have been since Feb. at least. I am so mad it is ruining my mother's day with my mom. She is sitting in the other room while I try and figure out how I can fix this problem but because it being Sunday no one is answering any phones even my credit card company. So I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to flip out all over again.


If you order something just order that product when they ask you if you want this and that say no. No special speedy delivery or anything besides the product at least that is how I think I got this charge on my account. Who knows I will never order anything online again.

Which stinks because I don't drive and this comes in handy occasionally.

Thanks for listening,
New Bedford, MA

Update by Kim Mc.
Dec 06, 2006 11:45 pm EST

I just got this value thing in the mail yesterday and I left it on the table. My husband picked it up and asked about it, so I put the address in the computer and came to this. I called [protected] and got it cancelled before I was ever charged thanks to my nosy husband. I am so glad I came across this board first.

Sorry to all who didn't catch this in time


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Aug 22, 2006 12:00 am EDT

I keep getting charged 14.95 for WC VALUE PLUS [protected] MN. I found out that they are, but I dot know how to contact them regarding taking the charge off my bill. Did anyone have this similar problem and/or know how to fix it?

Don Gillett
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Aug 07, 2018 4:23 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ryan

Try calling [protected]. I got through, gave my name. The gal looked me up and found that I had an active account in this "coupon club". I asked to cancel because, as I put it, the telephone purchase I made of a product from an on air ad was a flim-flam that hooked you into the stupid club. She said that I had already been charged for one month in the club at $24.95 but that my account would be closed and the $24.95 refunded within 5-9 business days.

Luis Bravo
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Oct 30, 2019 3:27 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ryan

[protected] this is the number you need to call

Brendan O'Connell
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Feb 28, 2020 12:58 pm EST

Hello from the future! Thank you for this. My senior citizen Dad got signed up for the same amount, every month for over 2 years. Just was able to cancel it with this number. THANK YOU.

Send a message
Aug 30, 2006 11:41 pm EDT

HEY! i called that number, thank you so much for providing it. Apparently you can be signed up for this even without knowing it. I called and canceled and they are refunding my money. aparently it is some type of discount service.

Send a message
Sep 01, 2006 6:45 am EDT

Hi, i have recieved numerous amounts of money tooken from my checking account by WC VALUE PLUS and WC EXPLORE US

Rachel Vogel
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Sep 05, 2006 12:03 pm EDT

This is happening to me also, I tried to call that phone # but it doesn't work, what do I do? Please someone help me!

Terry Newkirk
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Sep 07, 2006 8:28 pm EDT

Budget Savers
DMK Vacation Passport
Value Plus
Membership Services

All of these names are under WC *VALUE PLUS [protected] MN. I was did not realize it was a scam untill I saw this site and I seen how much money I was being charged. For those who need a solution try to call
11100 Wayzata Blvd
Suite 680
Hopkins, MN 55305
Telephone: [protected]
Fax: [protected]

Original Business Start Date: March 1986
Principal: Mr. George S Richards, Pres/CEO
Customer Contact: Mr. Michael Murphy - [protected]
Entity: Corporation
TOB Classification: Mail Order & Catalog Shopping, Internet Services
BBB Membership: This company is not a member.

Send a message
May 14, 2019 2:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow I guess this is still going on they got me too. I caught it out of my bank 3 months later for 24.95 each time and they will not refund my money either. I have talked to 3 different people and got NO WHERE, they are not willing to listen to anything and just keeps telling that I am the one that signed up and I NEVER SIGNED UP FOR ANYTHING. I dont even know who this company is! I never used anything they have. They are a SCAM AND VERY UNWILLING TO HELP YOU DO ANYTHING NOR DO THEY HAVE EXPLANATIONS. They just kept saying you signed up.. your sign up! NO I DIDNT! All of these are 2006 and now its 2019 and they are still doing the same scamming.. How do we stop this damn company? HELP!

Melissa Wynn
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Sep 18, 2006 4:13 am EDT

I keep getting this on my bank statements too! How did they even get my bank account information? I wonder if this is linked to my visa checkcard, because I have had a lot of people call me about winning sweepstakes thru my visa debit/check card!

Ron Replogle
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Sep 18, 2006 7:17 pm EDT

I too was scammed. They Valueplus promised a $4o gas savings card by going to their website at . "There is no such site listed", is the response I recieved.

Eric John
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Sep 29, 2006 2:50 am EDT

if you call [protected] they will cancel your subscription for you

Joel Diaz
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Oct 04, 2006 10:13 pm EDT

Those ### cancelled my subscription but they did not want to give me a refund... I guess it is because it was too late when I found out. They have been charging my account for the last 3 months.

North Tonawanda, US
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Oct 05, 2006 7:37 am EDT

I called and canceled within two weeks - did not trust them. I felt that I was pressured on the phone to purchase this "great" discount program. I tried to clain my free gas savings card and I also got a message that there is no such site listed.

Be careful of what you agree to purchase from sales people...

Jose Bravo
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Oct 06, 2006 5:29 pm EDT

Same thing happend to me except i coudnt find a number to call or anything about this company till i read these complaints. thnx!

jackie hoops
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Oct 11, 2006 9:11 am EDT

Jerks... Me to I was taken. tried to stop payment but have to wait until tomorrow. I was happy to see of your complaints. I was told they worked for my credit card com. Even had my card # on hand. Has anyone reported them to the better business burro yet?

Lisa White
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Oct 12, 2006 9:22 pm EDT

Hi Everyone,

I ques that i've joined the list of being ripped off by this company and a few more along with this proccess. I joined what was called myster shopper's and i ended up paying with my visa card to do this. I never found anywhere on the so called shopper sevices to sign on to my account. Now this is making sense to me. I called them to recieve help and they never retuned my call. I called 3 times and asked them to cancle my account. this week I recieve 2 letters to sign on to and to recieve my free gas card and a free shopping card each for $25.00. Now there is no such site for ether to claim my gift card's. I hope some one has reported these so called businesses to the better business burro?

George Thornhill
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Oct 14, 2006 11:37 pm EDT

I thought this was a rip off when I was first called but I thought I would check it out an now I see from the complaints that I was right. The company does not belong to the Better Business Bureau so calling them will do no good. If it was a ligimate company they would have a email that you could contact them on. As soon as thy answer their phone I am going to cancel my account.

Carol Le
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Oct 17, 2006 4:58 am EDT

Hi my hubby called for a trial sample of a item from an infomercial on TV--to help with diabetes. He was billed $6.95 for the sample. Tried it --and cancelled it. Then the credit card comes in with 3 charges for a total of 18.95 in addition. Called the credit card company and they advised to call the number on the statement. Did so-and demanded that the charges be removed and no further billing take place. I told them I felt it was fraud because the only purchase made on the phone from an infomercial on TV was for a natural herb to reduce blood sugar. They said they were only the billing agent and these charges are trigged by buying on line or on TV. They agreed to credit the amounts and stop charging. Called the credit card company back and they advised they will block further charges--if any--from this WC-VacationPassport. This is the only purchase made off of TV/internet that we can see on the bill. If it wasn't the trial of the natural herb that triggered these billings then I don't know how someone billed these amounts to us! Be careful what you order on the phone. Period.

lester billie
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Oct 21, 2006 7:03 pm EDT

I just looked at my bank card statement and noticed a charge of 19.95 + 1.00 from WC VALUE PLUS. Who are these people? They are associated with Shopping Essentials there # is [protected]. They also charged to my account in the amount of 1.00 + 14.95. I remember getting a call also and they had my card #. But when i canceled the shooping essentials I spoke of another company they had sign me up for and the guy acted like he did't see another company I was signed up for. Watch out I wonder if we should call the bank to see if our information has been given out.

robert evans
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Oct 23, 2006 5:52 pm EDT

they are scaming everybody. there should be a law

William Reynolds
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Oct 24, 2006 4:56 pm EDT

I got caught in this scam too, never heard of value plus and shopping essentials untill they appear on my bank statement. I can't seem to get in touch with them by email and I am in jamaica so phoning them would be very expensive.

Look out for charges from "" they're another set that take your money then try to convince you that you agreed. One person told me I agreed by email and another told my wife she agreed on my behalf

june nielsen
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Nov 01, 2006 12:11 am EST

I was scamed also. I was promised $40 in gas rebates at and there is no such adress. I can only watch and make sure they don't keep charging my credit card. We all need to go to the Better Business Bureu. I called [protected] to cancel but they did not credit me for what they already charged. Keep Watch on cc for this.

Shirlene George
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Nov 01, 2006 2:35 am EST

I received a voucher with information that I would receive $40.00 in free gas. I did not enroll in this and do not know how they got my account information other than my Visa Check Card. Immediatley after reading these comments, realized what a scam this was. I called the number that was provided and cancelled. They said I would receive my confirmation via e-mail of the discontinued membership. This is not right, something needs to be done to stop this.

detra smith
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Nov 07, 2006 5:01 am EST

I received the letter in the mail. I called the number as soon as I received the letter. I called the number [protected] and ask them to cancel this lie. After I cancelled then I went on line to try to get the free 40 dollar cash for gas. After I read all the complaints I called them back to make sure they cancelled this lie. I told the person what I thought about this lie and told him if he charges my card I will sue them.We live in a world full of deception.Please be careful.I will look on my bank statement and will call the bank in the morning to make sure they stop any transaction by these terrible people.

sue tanner
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Nov 09, 2006 12:43 pm EST

Hi, just wondering if anyone has any experience with "", and if so then what has been your experience? they charged 49.95 to a co-workers debit card. They are in Hamra, Lebannon. Thanks guys.

Send a message
Nov 10, 2006 7:38 pm EST

Alot of these scams have been showing up, luckily i have canceled in time before i am charged. the latest for value plus, i have a [protected] to cancel and monthly charges will be discontinued. out of all the "free" cards and trial offers, I have only recieved one by mail. be careful out there folks!

freddie owings
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Nov 14, 2006 2:38 am EST

My story ,i purchase cardigen and operator pressured me to get this great deals for 1 dollar each both 25$ gift cards and was charged on my credit card, also there is no website to log to at or

Send a message
Nov 14, 2006 8:29 pm EST

For whatever reason I haven't been paying close attention to my VISA bill. I did today, saw this $14.95 charge from WC* VALUE PLUS and called them. Told them I had no idea what this was and to cancel the charge. I was told it would be cancelled and confirmed with a follow-up e-mail. I then went back into my statements and found this started in February. I called them back and told them I wanted a refund from February through this month. I was told I'd need to complete form that they would send to me, return it, and I would be refunded. We'll see.

Cheryl Casher
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Nov 18, 2006 2:34 pm EST

I am appauled at the manner in which this so called company (Value Plus) has taken advantage of all of us and no legal action has been brought against them. These human impersonators have been billing my account as far back as June 2006 for $14.95, supposedly membership dues. I too was told about the $40.oo gas card that subsequently does not exist after being told to go to that website. I work with attorneys and I am definitely going to inquire about the legal options that I may have gainst
these folk.

Carol J. King
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Nov 19, 2006 1:54 am EST

I, too, have been charged since March 2006, beginning with $1.00 for WC*Value Plus and WC*Explore USA, each. Then I was charged $14.95 each monthly to the month of November. I'm usually very carefully checking the charge accounts monthly, but somehow this one slipped through. A total of $239.10 in all. I'm glad I checked online to find out about the scam. They'll be getting an earful very soon.

Michael Chan
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Nov 23, 2006 1:57 am EST

I got a letter fro Value Plus. I have no idea where it came from and they said that I have a 25 dollar gift card and I can claim it on and I can see the form there and when I download it per instruction, I cannot print it out to be filled out and send it. That is a good trick. I have Arobat too and can see it being downloaded but just cannot print it.

I will call them immediately and cancel this scam. Is there any government agency doing anything about this?


Woody Tidwell
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Nov 23, 2006 8:08 pm EST

There is no website I will be calling to cancel this as I feel they will be taking $16.95 a month for nothing. Someone needs to look into this matter!

Vu Luu
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Nov 30, 2006 5:07 am EST

Hell yea, oh ### ### scam lol, i just called and cancelled too lmao

Edna Lee
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Nov 30, 2006 6:48 am EST

We as consumers should hire a legal representive to recover all our money from this company. I should have the "right" and the" free" process thru my bank to" stop payment" on items such as this or wrong-full charges on my credit card. The "system"encourages the use of these bank cards. And charge us to stop payment on our own money. It is all part of a system designed to releave a hard working citizen of thier earned pay. It is my sincere guess that is one of thousands of electronic scams in action across this country. Imagine the figures involved ,and whose pockets are they lining?

clay roush
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Dec 05, 2006 4:42 am EST

I too was promised 40 in free gas. But found no such web site. I am so sick of these sales people taking advantage of me and others, something needs to be done to these jerks so it stops!

John C Nuss
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Dec 05, 2006 7:38 pm EST

Add me to this long list. It is a shame, and of course it is re-enforcement of the adage "let the buyer beware." They got me on some program for consumer discounts. Told me I would be sent vouchers for various discounts. I never received anything except a $19.95 charge to my c.c. Called the 800 number and cancelled the representative was more than happy to cancel. When I asked her about not receiving vouchers as promised she said I had to respond to a letter sent to me and sign up for service via e-mail. I believe this to have been deceptive at the least, she did not agree. I believe there is in this case a connection with my cc company First National Bank Omaha. AS EVERYONE ELSE HERE I WAS ROBBED. $20 WAS TAKEN FROM ME THAT I WORKED HARD FOR AND RECEIVED NOTHING IN RETURN.

Rachel Corvus
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Dec 08, 2006 6:28 pm EST

I just got "the call" yesterday, after making an online purchase from what I thought was a reputable company! After I hung up (sure $40 in gas is worth $1!), I googled the 800 number (which, luckily, I wrote down), and it led me here. I called to cancel my bank card this morning and report this scam to my bank. What a major inconvenience to have to have a new card reissued (7-10 days) right before Christmas, but it's better than getting charges.

I called the 800 number to guessed it...I'm not in their system, and call back next week. I was told it takes 4 days to get into "their system", and I'll still have 14 days of trial before I'm billed (I was told 30 yesterday). My bank assures me that they can't bill anything to me since I cancelled my card, unless they have my bank account number, which will be a whole different story.

I am LIVID right now, and have emailed the company that passed along my information. I won't be doing business with them again! They're the only online purchase I've made in eons, so it's pretty certain they're the ones.

Thanks to everyone for their stories...that saved me money, and I hope and pray that those of you who lost money will get refunds. Who is supposed to be out there protecting us from this crap?

Crystal Drakes
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Dec 09, 2006 2:33 am EST


WC Value plus is the biggest scam I've ever seen. To date, I've been charged over $2000 from these people. I'm trying right now to cancel my credit card and get back the money. Be warned!

Send a message
Dec 11, 2006 1:34 pm EST

I'm an international student and for me 14.95$ is a lot money and I didn't even know what WC *Plus was since I had a transaction on my check card.

Is there any way that I can cancel this payment? I'm scared to call them because several things happened to me because of my bad English...they will probably just confuse me!

Does it mean that my bank account number is not safe? And anyone can charge money? Somebody help me.

Thank you

Send a message
Dec 13, 2006 3:54 am EST

I ordered something off a tv ad. they then sold me value plus with a 25 dollar gift card to walmart absolutely free just to try their service. when you log on to get your gift card you get this website posting all these complaints and still no way to get your gift card.
This is ridiculous. How can these scams continue?

Send a message
Dec 13, 2006 2:49 pm EST

when you approach us to join in the scheme,you have malayali i need a malayali staff to clear my doubts in my account.i am trying from yesterday to contact a malayali staff to clear my doubts.
i want to discontinue sbi life suraksha premium.please cancell my credit card also.i want to close my flexi pay amount INR06 .please inform me my balance amount.

yours faithfully,


Rebekah Jean Krumnauer
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Dec 13, 2006 4:09 pm EST

I, too am getting charged 16.95 a month from WC Value Plus, as well as 10.95 from "My Auto" AND 15.50 from a "Shoppers Direct!

Jennifer Balt
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Dec 15, 2006 10:43 pm EST

This is Bull! I was recently pressured into getting this Value Plus and Explore USA and was told I would receive a $25 gift card. The website given wont even pull up for me. I called [protected] and cancelled this so called membership savings I was supposed to be receiving. Now I just have to wait and make sure it actually went through. The last thing I need is for my CC to be charged with some ridiculous amounts for something I'm not using or even worse, don't know what it is. Is there some one we can go, some one we can talk to to seriously complain? Perhaps the BBB? Any suggestions.


  1. Value Plus Contacts

  2. Value Plus phone numbers
    +1 (866) 314-2418
    +1 (866) 314-2418
    Click up if you have successfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (866) 314-2418 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (866) 314-2418 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (866) 314-2418 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (866) 314-2418 phone number
    Confidence score
    Customer Service
    +1 (800) 475-1942
    +1 (800) 475-1942
    Click up if you have successfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (800) 475-1942 phone number 7 7 users reported that they have successfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (800) 475-1942 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (800) 475-1942 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Value Plus by calling +1 (800) 475-1942 phone number
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  3. Value Plus emails
  4. Value Plus address
    PO Box 5265, Hopkins, Minnesota, 55343, United States
  5. Value Plus social media
  6. Stan
    Checked and verified by Stan This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 13, 2025
  7. View all Value Plus contacts