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Windham Professionals

Windham Professionals review: Rude and seems like a scam 103

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11:18 am EST
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This company has been calling me non stop for a few yrs now, claiming that I had a student loan that was in collections that I never paid. I was young, stupid, and just got out of college and I didnt know any better. So, I started making small payments here and there regarding it. The only statement theyve ever sent me is one that is from their letterhead. I thought I consolidated all my loans with Chase Student Loans Services but they insist on me having these loans from the MA Board of student loans. One guy from there who has called me claims to be Billy Vasil or Milly Basil. He slurs his words and when I told him I was making monthly payments of $50 and thats how it was gonna be to stop calling me, he got very rude and was somewhat insulting. I dont put up with anyone talking to me like that, nevermind some guy from a collection agency. So i decided to do some research since he keeps calling and leaving harrasing messages. I was just curious what my rights were, how can I find out if this is a scam, and what can I do? How can I make the calls stop?

Thanks You

Frank Rubino

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Nov 25, 2008 7:32 pm EST

I totally agree they are a scam. I just got off the phone with them and the only way they will set up payment arrangements is if I give them a bank account number. They don't accept money orders or cash at the office. They are insisting on a bank account number, which I refuse to give to anyone! I'm going to look up the better business bureau number and call them tomorrow. I'll update here with what I find out.

Gallatin, US
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Jan 26, 2009 8:53 pm EST

I am a collection agent for a competitor of their's and i have to say that most of the things i am reading are standard practice. If they or my company recieve your loan it has usually been in default for SEVERAL years, and been garunteed out by a state or federal department of education. While i don't know about their specific payment arangements, my company only accepts secured payments for the first payment. Let's be honest most people will promise the moon and stars to get a bill collector off of the phone. Maybe we are just expecting to be treated like customers, not like people who owe thousands of dollars. most education accounts at this level are large, and the info they have is old. it is very frustrating to have to hunt someone down to get them to pay their bill, and state departments of education can garnish, usually without a court order, so many collectors have a very no nonesense attitude. We have collectively heard every sob story out there, so a new one doesn't phase us...The moral of the story, just because we don't like what they have to say, doesn't mean they are a scam. A defaulted loan is due in FULL any other arrangement is a courtesy.

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Feb 03, 2009 7:48 pm EST

I on the other hand am being billed incorrectly and contacted a number which then this company transfered me to these so called professionals. I spoke to a woman by the name of Crystal and explained to her that these charges are incorrect and she tells me why am I calling her? That's what their records show and then she started talking loud which was not called for. I was in total shock at this point. They have no right talking to people in that manner. I was under the impression they didn't feel like working. I just think that if they answer the phones in that manner it makes it obvious they hate their job. I feel sorry for them.

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Mar 05, 2009 12:25 pm EST

Today I got a call from Windham Professionals. I told them that all of my student loans were consolidated with Sallie Mae and that I was paying them $300 a month. I am also unemployed and can not afford to add another payment to the monthly rotation. He went through my list of expenses with me and suggested I try to reduce the amount we pay monthly for our medical costs and to put our cat down. Our cat has asthma and we have to by a monthly inhailer and medication for him. Are you kidding me?! At that I said I'm really sorry that we don't see eye to eye. Not paying you at this time is not going to result in your death. It could in my cats. He said well once you are finally working again I will need to garnish your paychecks. I said Sound Great! Have a nice day ###. I am so angry.

Portland, US
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Mar 12, 2009 8:35 pm EDT

I have yet to speak to anyone at this agency, but they've been calling me for a week now & leaving me a message for my husband on my cell phone. They say it concerns a "business matter, " which made me curious. I called the number back & got the agency name, & discovered that they were an educational loan collections agency. Funny thing, though-- my husband has never taken out educational loans! So, I freaked out and immediately went online to the govt. loan site to see which one of MY loans - if any - were in default. I've been paying off my student loans for a year now - even while in school - & found no evidence of default. What's going on? Why are they harassing me? What can I do?

Oxnard, US
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Apr 14, 2009 6:51 pm EDT

This company has an employee name Ken Houle who has given me absolute hell! He called the office I work for to collect a debt that the company owes. I told him that I would get back to him once I find out an arrangement. I called him the next day and had to left a message, the following day I had to take some time off of work due to a family emergency. I finally got back to work today and while I was at work they sent someone to my house, taking pictures of my house, looking in my spouses car and asking my neighbors about me. Mind you this debt that they are collecting is NOT against me it is against the company I work for. The lady then served my spouse with papers on this debt. This is totally unacceptable. I have talked to a lawyer and what they did was completely illegal. Aren't debt collectors supposed to know the law?

Derry, US
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May 04, 2009 4:35 pm EDT

First of all slypup, when you type in all caps it means you are yelling. secondly, if you work for this company, and anyone else for that matter who works for a collection agency: try being nice. I know its a crazy thought, right?! people who know they are drownding in debt, dont always get there on purpose. having someone harrassing you isnt really going to want them to pay you. if you are calling for your money, other companies probably are too. have some respect for the human race and treat people the way you would like to be treated if you happened to fall on unlucky times.

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May 05, 2009 5:45 pm EDT

Hello Everyone!
When one of these people call you...laugh at them. Tell them to give you their address so you can send a cease and desist letter. Tell them you only deal with the people you owe the money to, not these vultures.
Collection agencies are parasites, they create nothing, they live off others misery. Tell them if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have a job, and most of them can't get one elsewhere.
Remember...laugh at them.

Gallatin, US
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May 11, 2009 5:58 pm EDT

Just so everyone knows cease and desist letters will only delay these types of debt, and in most cases the lender will just hire a new collecton agency, and add more collections fees (student loan prommissory notes state the borrower will pay collections)... and for the record unpaid student loans are backed by the federal government... my tax money and yours, so I personally want them to get this money back, as far as i'm concerned it is stolen money and they should prosecute, don't misunderstand me I have money problems like anyone, but I make arrangements and pay my bills as well as I can, and when I find out I have a bill I didn't know about, I don't cus the person telling me and insult their entire profession, I just look for a way to protect my credit and my childrens well being, you see more and more jobs are not hiring people with bad credit, because that is a temptation to steal (to pay there bills) and untrustworthiness (the didn't do as promised/ kept money they were supposed to pay back)... has anyone thought if bill collectors could get the money without acting like this than maybe they wouldn't... it usually is nescessary because people try to get out of paying, by lying about their income, or anything they can... seriously if everyone was nice and and honest there would be less scare tactics and more friendly bill collectors

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May 28, 2009 2:44 pm EDT

They threatened to take my husband's army rank away by reporting him to his co and he's deployed right now too! this is a federal offense! please, people... report them to the attorney general of nh and the fcc and your local da... what they are doing is highly illegal if they threaten you in any way, shape or form... you can do the fcc report online.

Gallatin, US
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May 29, 2009 2:54 pm EDT

even though i hope this is not true, i have to agree, if you are threatened by any 3rd party bill collector get a lawyer, and fight it, but know that there is a fine line between aggressively informing and threatening, it is only a threat if they CANNOT follow through, e.g. they can garnish, but could not report someone to their C.O. in the military, feel free to msg me with your examples and i will tell you what i think

Metairie, US
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Jun 02, 2009 11:46 am EDT

I have a Perkins loan that I defaulted on and it is only $250. I had overlooked it, I suppose. But, nonetheless, it has been placed for collections through Windham Unprofessionals. I received a call earlier today and the caller (who did not identify himself, only that he was calling from Windham) told me that I must be a drunk and that is why I was unable to make the payment. He then later told me to go screw myself. When I called back to complain, Windham had no record of any calls being placed to my number. Unbelievable.

Windham Girl
salem, US
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Jun 04, 2009 3:52 pm EDT

I think it's amazing that these people who allegedly can't pay their bills, find time (and money) to have internet access, and spend their time posting on these sites that have no relevence.

I almost laughed out loud, while at my work, windham professionals, when someone stated that we sent people out to spy on their property. I mean come on, are you that desperate? the first thought that came to my mind, if you're guilty right there. you're probably breaking the law, and thus investigators, law enforcement, was sent after you.
It's a shame people are this ignorant as to think we actually have the ability to send out "investigators".
Bill collectors know the law.
Apparently you don't. and as one other person said, in essence not paying defaulted loans is stealing from the government, thus you are not only ignorant of the law, you are breaking it.
Have a great day!
P. s. this is a communication from a debt collector, and an attempt to collect a debt. any information obtained will be used for that purpose, this text may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance.

Gallatin, US
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Jun 10, 2009 6:58 pm EDT

You know I know that regular folks say some bad stuff about bill collectors, but I don't think insulting people is helping, come on act like adults, why would you say someone is a drunk it is none of your business, not to mention you are giving our company a bad name, not that is wasn't bad enough, you know you can be firm without being mean, honestly, would you talk to your mother like that, how about your grandmother, your preacher, or god (who is supposedly always watching) you are a travesty to our business and are no better than the bottom feeders that people say we are, I am ashamed to say I work with people like you, why don't you go be a l. a. cop if you wanna be mean, you might make bigger bonuses if you could talk to people

Gallatin, US
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Jun 10, 2009 7:05 pm EDT

ALTOUGH th fdcpa script was f***in' hilarious

Gloria Anzaldúa
Mission, US
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Jun 11, 2009 3:22 am EDT

I had a defaulted student loan that was sent to Windham Professionals for collection. I don't remember how many times I tried to rehabilitate my loan through the TX Dept of Education but they wanted a huge down payment before I could be eligible to make monthly payments. A year later I decided to give it a try one more time. I called TX Dept of Education again and they told me my account was already in collections. So after they gave me the phone number for the Collection company (Windham) I prepared myself for the worst but I was decided to do whatever it took to rehabilitate my loan. I was unemployed and recently divorced at that time. I called Windham and to my surprise, they were the nicest, more courteous and professional collectors I have ever had the pleasure to talk to. I didn't have to give them any money down. They set me on payments of $130.00 a month. I gave them my checking account and they started withdrawing payments every month, the same day. 1 year later, I'm back in school. My loan rehabilitated and I am the one that always calls them to make sure everything is ok because they NEVER call me, why? Because they don't have any problems collecting the money that I OWE. Thanks to them I'm back in college and I am still paying my debt. They are real, they are not scam, they are just doing their job and they are VERY Professional.

Windham (Sucks Ass) Girl
hendersonville, US
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Jun 16, 2009 11:54 pm EDT

This company is ridiculous. I recently quit Windham due to extremely pathetic conditions and shady dealings between management.
There is a lot of favoritism and sneaky tricks going on in the Hendersonville Office and the would be wigga manager (no not Matt) the fat redneck with purple hair, is the most corrupt and has the worst poker face of all. The H'ville office can't keep an employee.
Ever since I started there has been a constant turn over. People are leaving Windham to work ANYWHERE else they can.

teeest, US
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Jun 19, 2009 12:26 pm EDT

These people are ###. Received a voice mail this morning from one of their reps telling me I NEEDED TO CALL HIM back in a very rude way. For some odd reason I thought it was a recruiter calling me. Come to find out this place is a SCAM job and they were looking for the wrong person. Not sure how they got my cell phone information so I asked them and they asked me for my number and disconnected me. This place is a "Boiler Room" except for the Vin Diesel. Stay away from these crooks! They need to be shut down immediatly as they have sensitive information on people. I'm reporting them to every govt agency I can file a complaint to.

Jeff in MD
Costal Heights, US
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Jun 28, 2009 4:05 pm EDT

Why on earth would anyone take a job in collections? I guess the people who do have hardships or can't find an easier, less stressful occupation. In the past, I treated bill collectors as a challenge - someone who has engaged me in a battle of will and wits and to whom I was hell-bent to "out irritate". It was almost like a game of telephone chicken to see who would hang-up first.

When the collector called, there was never any chance that I would pay on the spot and no amount of threats or intimidation could change that and this is still true today. If a rude or arrogant collector calls, the possibility of any meaningful dialogue evaporates instantaneously and it quickly devolves into a battle royale.

Technology has now given the consumer an increased advantage over the collector to some extent in the form of caller-id and online databases like this. From these, you can now get a sense that you are not alone and can gage an idea of how a company is going to deploy its strategy in attempting to collect the debt. Sort of makes you feel that you're not the only victim of these silly tactics and a forum like this gives you a voice to let these people know you are not going to take it.

Another advantage of the technology age is that you can have more than one phone number and that number may or may not listed in your name i.e. a spouse or relative with a different surname, a company name, skype... When you sign-up for a purchase or a loan, think about the possibility that you may become delinquent at some point. Think about saving yourself the aggravation of having a dopey collector bothering you by letting him/her call a number you use exclusively for sales or "junk" calls and rings somewhere far from earshot (or not at all like a voicemail only number). Never give a cell phone number or work number. As an aside, set up a second or third email account and list that one on sales or loan forms as well. In other words, the collector may EVENTUALLY find you but why make it easy.

Talking to these people also requires a little forethought. They are not your friend and will use tactics to find out more about you - other phone numbers, addresses, email, aliases or anything else of use in order to collect the debt. Give them NOTHING!

Don't let these people scare or bully you. They can't get you demoted at work or have you put in jail or anything else they claim they can do. In the cases I've read about them taking pictures or intimidating you, call the cops!, let these fools explain to them about what exactly they are doing.

If you're like me, you most likely DO OWE the debt they are attempting to collect. You know it and they know it. In my case, nine times out of ten I had simply put the bill on a pile of papers somewhere and forgot about it. I make a good income and have no reason not to pay it. The only reason its not paid is disorganization and lack of momentum. This is where I have my NEW philosophy on bill collectors.

When they call (unless they're rude or nasty) I now thank them for making me aware of the delinquent bill and thank them for their time. They almost always want me to take care of it that moment and I always decline and say I will contact the company to whom I owe the money and pay them directly. I usually get several responses to that: "Your credit rating will be affected..." or "we will continue to call even though you said it will be taken care of..." Both probably true but I still decline and usually hang-up. There may be a commission for them if they get the actual payment and since they have irritated me, "no commission for you!" Then, I really do pay the bill. Usually online or by mail directly to the company. eventually, the calls stop and that's that.

If some bill collector is going to tell me I should clean-up my act and pay bills on time especially since I am fortunate enough to have the ability to do so, I would say look at your own lives and put your own house in order first. Quit giving me a holier-than-thou lecture. You're basically just a voice on the phone who has no power or control over me whatsoever so, shut the hell up and go away!

No thanks Windham Inc
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Jul 03, 2009 3:53 pm EDT

I got a letter from this agency yesterday for a debt owed to my university that I've been paying off in installments.
On the $4100 principal amount, Windham has added $55, 300 in interest and $16, 700 in collections. So you can imagine my reaction when I received a letter from them stating that I owed them $76, 000+.
Needless to say, I won't be dealing with this company, and have taken it up with the university directly. I wonder if they know what kind of company they have representing them?

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Jul 03, 2009 8:57 pm EDT

These are some of the most hilarious comments I have read in a long time! The agency sounds like a bunch of people that are sad to have their job--or people obsessed with Italian mobsters! There is never a reason to be rude. People don't pay loans back for several reasons, but anger will never make people pay more or faster. Anyone who suggests putting a cat down to save money has obviously not a clue about compassion --which is what the world needs more of! I only looked on here to see what comments were posted because my girlfriend received a very rude call regarding a student loan she had forgotten about...from years ago. I am glad I read these before she had to call back and be harassed...she will be taking a different avenue. Good luck all.

Gallatin, US
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Jul 08, 2009 9:58 pm EDT

Look why avoid a debt, it is just going to make uor life harder in the long run, so you can listen to people who tell you "tricks" to avoid collectors, i'll even give you a few, but in the long run that attitude is why you have collectors calling you. As for the person stating that windham added 50k to their 4k loan, that is patently untrue, all fees are added by windhams client(state departments of education) so i would suspect you just owe more than you think, seriously that would be illegal adding that kind of fees, all state have laws stating that collections fees must be reasonable, and i don't think anyone can think 1, 000% is reasonable, so maybe calling windham or their client will shed some light on that

Loan Laden Girl
Antioch, US
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Jul 18, 2009 4:16 pm EDT

First, I would like to say that I do indeed owe a debt for a student loan and would love, love, love to get it rehabilitated and on track and paid fact, I have (for years) been paying a small amount on the loan from month to month ($300 - $650); whatever I could at the time. I was working with a nice company and things went smoothly. then out of the blue, I received a vm from jessica robinson at windam wanting a return call. I don't run from these. I am trying to clear all my debt. I returned her call and it started a relationship with windham filled with turmoil. I can't remember every word of the conversation but basically, she told me her company had the loan and that the payment was due in full (over $30, 000). I advised her I did not have $30, 000 to pay. this seemed to frustrate her (I guess she was expecting me to just write a check for the amount) and she reminded me over and over that I owe the debt. (yes, thank you jessica, I know this.) I tried to advise jessica that I would love to work with them to pay this loan but the only other payment jessica was willing to accept was a "down payment" on the loan to show I was sincere in paying. she advised me the "down payment" would be 1/3 of the total amount (a little over $12, 000).

Basically, after three weeks and several phone calls, she finally understood that I do not have that type of money nor do I have a way to get (although I am trying - talking to some cu's about a loan, etc.). this morning, she informed me b/c I couldn't pay that amount, I would have to speak to her supervisor, jason. it was the same story. at first he was pleasant but as soon as he figured out I could not give $12, 000, he became terse, aggressive and demanding (this is putting it midly but I am trying to remain a little professional and adult myself). I did offer to pay him, immediately, $400 which he refused, saying my payment was due in full. I want to be clear on this point - they have only been in contact with me for about a month and they are demanding $12, 000, the full amount, or nothing. then jason said he could accept the $400 and that it would put the account "on hold" until wednesday (three days) when I would once again be asked for the down payment of 1/3 of the loan. now my husband and I were at the end of our rope. giving the $400 would tap us financially until our next paycheck (our air conditioner blew up about 2 months ago and ate our savings). jason said that without the $400 now and the downpayment in three days, he would be forced to "just push one button and send you to litigation". at this point, jason was threatening and did not seem to want to work with us at all. my husband got concerned that if we gave over the $400 and then tried to obtain a loan that we would not have enough in our accounts to qualify. as we were trying to work out what to do, jason hung up on us (without saying anything). I called him right back and he admitted he hung up on us b/c it took too long. then after a few more questions, he got very loud and angry and told my husband that if we didn't want to pay this loan that he would send us on (to litigation i'm assuming) and then sarcastically said "good luck".

Once again this morning (after this call), I visited my cu and tried to see what I could get in terms of a loan. now here is the absolute amazing part: I was asked by the credit union to obtain something that showed it was a "student" loan or money I had for college to help get me some sort of loan. I called back to jason, got his vm, then called jessica. jessica stated that neither she nor jason could provide me with any documentation that stated the loan amount or that said I owed the money b/c my account was under "review". the cu is now skeptical of even working with this without documentation.

Again, i'm not saying I don't owe the money. i'm not even saying I do not and cannot make some payment to it but i've never even been giving the slightest hope of making any type of arrangement for monthly payments (no matter the size of the payment). i've only been given three options: $12, 000 down, the full amount or nothing. I would love to get in contact with someone like gloria talked to or even you, dlow (and I agree with you... the script at the p. s. was hilarious... I actually did laugh out loud at windham girl for that).

At this point, I guess the only thing I can do is file my complaint on the company for what I feel like is slight harrasment, call my student loan company to let them know (in case they care) and hire a lawyer (sigh!). I feel like this company is very rude, aggressive, berating, harrassing and moody. I believe they push the ticket on every point of the fair credit act and that they are not interested in working with me to any reasonable extent. one positive note: I did (in my research of them) find a link to an advocate at the company. I think I will send an email to him/her to see if they have any words of wisdom but am not holding my breath.

Gallatin, US
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Jul 20, 2009 5:52 pm EDT

I never know what to say other than my profession pays well if you can produce, and given the money involved i'm not surprised that some collectors are EVIL, me personally i am a mediocre collector because i can't be this rude. the industry is built around trying to get money from people who are not usually as forthcoming w/ their payments and as such many of us get very aggressive, or perhaps they never learned the golden rule... whatever the reason i fully sympathize with this story, i have a bill collecter who acts very similar to this and am only answering the phone so they can dig the hole deeper, and my lawyer can bury them

Almost Relieved
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Jul 22, 2009 2:10 pm EDT

First let me state that my loan was DELINQUENT. To improve my credit and get rid of all my bad debts I started to repay my creditors and collection agencies. In doing so, I was enrolled in the rehabilitation program with Windham Professionals and was told that once I made 9 consecutive (on time) payments, my loan would be sold to a servicer, a new payment arrangement would be made, and there would be a positive reflection on my credit.

I missed one payment and was told that I had to re-enroll into the program. Since it was my fault for missing a payment (no matter the reason), I re-enrolled into the program again. This is now my 13th month in the program and I was still being told that there is no servicer for my loan. I called Ed Fund and was told that there is indeed a servicer for my loan and it has been some time. Ed Fund assured me that they will take care of the misinformation since Windham Professionals is their contractor.

I feel much better now after talking with Ed Fund. However, after learning about their devious practices, I will retain a lawyer. It won't be that expensive as this person is a really close friend. Even if it did cost a bit, I don't think anyone should have to go through the lies and deceitfullness by collection agencies once they have committed to paying off their debts. For the affore mentioned reasons and the reasons below, I am posting these comments and seeking legal representation.

For the last 4 months, Windham has been giving me the runaround stating that it takes days for my paperwork to be processed. I was also told that even though there's a grace period, if I don't make my payment on the due date, I would not get a servicer. I kept telling them that I have a house payment and don't get paid weekly or even bi-weekly but I will make the payment during the grace period (which I did), however, they kept calling me all the time for their payment.

El Paso, US
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Jul 22, 2009 6:16 pm EDT

I got a call from these people saying that I owe Sallie Mae for my private student loans which I do agree to. I told them that I am in payment arragements with another collection agency for my Sallie Mae Federal Loans and that I could set up payment arrangements with them but couldn't afford to pay it in full. Mind you I only owe like $7, 000 in Private loans. They said that their company does not accept payments and that I have to pay in full or they will take me to court. I find this outragious because i have never heard of a collection agency not being able to take payments. They wanted me to go apply for loans just to pay them off and I told them I can't because i do not have good credit. Also, this company has had my file since Aug 2008 and didn't bother to contact me about the matter until July 2009. So I feel that they purposefully let my account collect interest for close to a year just to get more money from me. This company is a joke and should be reported fopr their practices.

Inbound Collector
Lincoln, US
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Jul 22, 2009 11:05 pm EDT

I happen to work with a company that uses Windham Professionals and guess what? Default fees can be up to 25% of your original loan balance and that will not show up on NSLDS. Because of people like you scamming the system and borrowing money that you will never pay back, this country's debt problem is worse and the economy gets worse, and because of your idiotic, stupid mistake the country is now in dire trouble.

They will garnish wages. If it is too hard to pay the bills now, imagine what it would be like with 15% off your wages.

Maybe you should get a refund on the money the original company loaned you because you are obviously TOO STUPID to have earned any sort of degree.

Pasadena, US
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Jul 23, 2009 8:06 pm EDT

Windham unprofessional I hate this agency very rude and crude collection people. first off I want to say I do owe and is in default of my student loan which is about $5, 900. everyone has their reasons about why they are in debt and cannot pay their loans. my dad was diagnosed with cancer and he is in his final stage. he is now in a coma and the doc is telling me that he will not survive. my family is poor we live in the ghetto I am the first generation in my family to even go to college. obviously my family couldn't afford to pay for all of my tuition so that lead me into taking out a student loans.

Anyways I received a phone call from a girl name keira (very rude/crude) from windham she told me that if I didn't pay for my loans they would garnish my wages. I told her my situation and about how I have to pay for some of my dad's medical bills, I can only make small payments each month and if she didnt believe me I can send her proof of my bills and my hardship. she told me she didnt care about my dad's condition or my situation and that "this is an attempt to collect a debt" blah blah blah (how can you say that to a person whose father is in his death bed!) I cried when I heard her tell me that, so I just hung up on her.

The next day I received another call from windham, this time I didnt pick up because of how rude keira was. I was in no mood to argue with her I was already in a stressful situation esp. w/my dad in a coma these people had no sympathy for anyone. she left me a message saying that if I didnt pay they would either garnish my wages or take me to court.

I talked to my mom about the situation and she loan me about $500 so I called windham and ask to speak to another person besides keira. they transfer me to another person name michelle that sounded and was as rude as the first girl keira. so I made arrangements to pay $210 a month and michelle threathen that if I didnt pay by the 25th of every month she will garnish my wages. she kept repeating that which was just so annoying!

12mos went by everything was just fine. no harrassing calls from windham. then on my 13mos into the program I received a phone call from a girl name betty (she was nicer and sweeter than michelle/keira) she told me that windham was having a problem with my checking account that it kept coming up decline. so I called my bank to check my balance I had enough $ in my account. I called them back to tell them to run my card again. this time betty ask me if I can give her my card number again which I did. I ask her maybe someone might of did an error and one of the numbers might be different. I ask her if she could let me know my checking acct # on their file. she told me she couldnt access that information. so they ran my card everything was fine.

The next month they called me again and said the same thing they ran my card again everything went august I went out of the country to brazil for vacation. I was on vac for 1month which I was super excited and had so much fun. my cellphone was broken 2wks after my arrival in brazil. so I lost all of my contacts phone #'s and couldnt receive any calls.

When I got back to work I received a voice message from windham saying that there was a problem with my card again and that I am now out of the program because I didnt pay in august. to make a long story short they told me I had to make another $500 down payment and that my monthly would be even higher which is $340 monthly (increase by $130) wtf I was pissed. I feel like they are doing the whole thing on purpose. I told my boyfriend about the situation he told me to just consolidate with another company and that was what I did. my payment was much lower and they were nice and easy to deal with. windham unproffessional can kiss my #, i'm done putting up with their crap and disrespectful approach to people who are in tough situations. karma is a # and I hope they experience all of the hell they put people thru.

The one 211
Las Vegas, US
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Jul 23, 2009 11:45 pm EDT

I work for Windham and will agree with all of your comments. We are rude, crude and whatever other adjective you want to use. The fact is we are paid for a service and that service is to obtain the money owed to our client. Now you can liken us to mobsters or other evils in the world, but the fact remains that you owe this money and you have owed it for a LONG TIME. Imagine you owed money to a friend and you refused to pay that friend for few years or so. Do you think your friend would still be cordial? No way. At first he would ask nicely, then his kindness would slowly but surely sway to rudeness. These accounts are not DELINQUENT, they are DEFAULTED. They were delinquent years and years ago. So please stop with the sob stories about your hardships because I am sure you have received money here and there that you could have thrown at your debts, maybe this one in particular but chose to spend on meaningless materials. Or how about a tax return you got one year that you chose to spend on a coke and hooker binge (I know you are freaks out there), fact of the matter remains, YOU OWE THE DEBT! If you want puppies and flowers then pay your bills when they are days delinquent not years! Sleep tight and have a great night!

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Jul 24, 2009 8:47 pm EDT

So, did I understand right, that RoseMary Ann is "poor" and from "the ghetto" (her words, not mine) but took a "vacation" to Brazil?

tempe, US
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Aug 17, 2009 1:48 pm EDT

I have been working with Windham Pro's for quite sometime to help clean up my debt. They are not a scam. I have knocked about 8, 000 off my loans and now I am out of default and waiting for the loan to be transfered so I can defer them since I am a full time student. They have been courteous and polite and have helped me clean up some credit issues that I had no clue how to handle. They have also given me advice, support and encouragement to keep going with my plan of debt rehabilitation and my pursuit if an education.

Thanks WP for all the help!

Santa Monica, US
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Aug 24, 2009 9:32 pm EDT

windham girl is a ### so shut up ###

North Easton, US
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Sep 02, 2009 9:09 am EDT

Hey Slypup, I was making paymenrs, and am now in a position to pay the whole thing off.

Why is it that when I called and asked for a detail of my payments, someone told me that they don't do business that way. You want me to pay, but refuse to give me a detailed payment on what I have payed.

Okemos, US
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Sep 22, 2009 2:14 pm EDT

Always put your disputes in writing. Debt collectors routinely break the law and the way to prevail against them is to put forth your proofs, i.e. written communications. Document all communications copiously. Note the date, time, name, address, and conversation. Follow-up by confirming the conversation in writing. Inundate them with written correspondence and make them work!

Visit (a free site with no ads) under the debtor/creditor link to find out what collectors can and cannot do and how to prevail against them.

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Oct 06, 2009 4:51 pm EDT

Actually, I have been paying off one of my student loans with them and they have been SUPER nice to me and my sister (who also is paying off her student loans). In fact I was trying to get a job that ran a credit check ... WP actually sent me a letter tp prove I had made all my payments in full and on time for the past year. Because of that letter I was able to get the job! They have never been rude and ALWAYS been very helpful and accomodating... actually of all the "debt collectors" I have calling me they are by far the most friendly!

Wahoosville, US
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Oct 13, 2009 2:12 pm EDT

We just received a letter from this company for a debt we paid off almost a year ago. Say away from this company and do not give them any personal information. Scam!

rbs, US
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Oct 21, 2009 1:22 pm EDT

i would have to say this if you peolple at windham professionals can not seem to send the paper work on all the dept owed and the payment arrangements made. then what do you do all day? why am i takeing out another loan to statify you and when it comes down to it the real issue people get upset about is no matter what we pay the balnce never goes down and we are left paying and paying and paying. we are all having hard times including filling bankrupt losing our homes and still trying to feed our children. and i must agree if you was to ever be on the other side of the phone line then you will understand how it really feels to be in our shoes. i'm left now paying out more than i make a month due to you people. if i don't have money for gas to get to work each week then what not have a job all because you think we can afford a big sum of money as if it grows out our ears...

Versailles, US
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Oct 31, 2009 12:25 pm EDT

Hey (not as dumb) how's the "hope and change"working for you, youre right about the fact that cheney and bush had failed pollicies which led us to "hope and change" which has destroyed the future on americans and you can bet there will be more people defaulting on loans because of the condition of the economy. this is brought about by people like you that are looking for a hand out from from government and when you get it you are now part of the obama private army which will keep the democrates in power, but it has been so progressive that your plan will surely backfire. as for (slypup), he is a low life like everyone else who works for or trys to defend a collection agency. I am sure that your father is embarrested about how you turned out to bet such a looser and has disowned you. you 're the one that needsyour # kicked, i'm sure that (slypup) can do it for you. if not I would love to make the trip and do it myself.

Abbeville, US
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Nov 02, 2009 9:18 pm EST

This company is such a scam. take it from me. I know somebody that used to work there... never call windham professionals!

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Nov 04, 2009 4:31 pm EST

Why don't we all get even by calling windham's toll-free number [protected] repeatedly, then hang up, so that they have to pay all the toll costs? in fact, I just called them 12 times. p. s. I don't have any student loan pending whatsoever, so this is really a scam!

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Windham Professionals - PHONE CALLS
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