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CB Fast Food Chains McDonald's Made my 15 year old daughter afraid of work

McDonald's review: Made my 15 year old daughter afraid of work 129

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My 15 year old daughter had got her first job at mcdonalds. They say they work around the kids schedule. That was a lie. They scheduled her to work a closing shift 2 to 3 times a week on a school night. She was told if she didn't work them she would be let go. So they let here go after working there a year. They said she didn't show for a couple of shifts, but we always watched our daughters shifts. Mcdonalds lies. Now my daughter is having a hard time finding a job. Now she's afraid of work. Thanks a lot mcdonalds.

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May 14, 2007 9:42 pm EDT

What state hires at 15?

p sunshine
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Oct 09, 2018 2:19 am EDT
Replying to comment of pal

none you have to be at least 16 due to labor laws and some can't work until 18. If they do they are breaking Labor Laws

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Jun 13, 2007 1:40 pm EDT

McDonalds does. They hire at 14 even. They are a bunch of lousy ### and i am ashamed to say that i work there to cover all the ### my parents want me to buy. I told them i didn't want to be on shift before 4 o'clock in the afternoon during the school year. they put me on at 4 and then [censor]ed at me for being late. Now what kind of ###ed ### is that?

Call the Waaaambulance!
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Oct 11, 2018 3:02 am EDT
Replying to comment of stryker

Your parents want you to be responsible, and work for the things you want... THAT is great parenting... To bad they raised an ungrateful little brat.

They put their schedules out in advance... WHY didn't you TELL your boss tha tyou could not come in at 4:00. Frankly, it sounds like you think you can work whenever you want, and everyone else has to work AROUND you. That doesn't happen in the real world, kiddo, and I suggest you adjust your attitude soon, because you are going to be working the next 50 years.

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Jun 24, 2007 8:26 pm EDT

All fast food jobs suck, so deal with it. Why would your daughter be afraid of work? I know McDonalds isn't quite a prison camp.

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Sep 03, 2007 1:58 pm EDT

Poor baby. Many years from now maybe she'll grow up. What are you saying, ... she has a job phobia now. Get real! McDonalds didn't make her work there. You don't like it, Leave! You act like the world owes you a living. With your philosophy towards life no wonder she acts like an idiot.

Boston, US
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Sep 27, 2007 12:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On September 27, 2007 @7:20am myself and, my husband went into the Mcdonalds @ 702 Washington St., Boston, MA for breakfast after we ordered our breakfast My, husband went to pay for it with his Debt card when the person working there said the machine does not work. So, I had cash on me. But, after about 10 mins a guy comes in and use his debt card with no problem. So, I seen it and went to the person working and, said why did you let that man pay for his with a debt card and, she said I did not know how to work it. First of all me and my husband being of color and, the guy that paid for his breakfast being a white man I was so upset. Not that I am prejustice it is the principle. My money spends like everybody us.

Thank you for your time!

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Oct 02, 2018 11:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of

Donna58 did not mention anything about "being prejudice"... she said "prejustice". Get it right, will ya!

p sunshine
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Oct 09, 2018 2:22 am EDT
Replying to comment of Donna58

oh here we go's always a black -race "i've been discriminated against to can take a seat...can't you post anything WITHOUT placing race on it? you lady have all the rights in the free world now, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , another closet racist remark ...sick of it

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Oct 12, 2018 2:27 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Donna58

So, ...some dumb kid not knowing how to work a machine (& obviously figured it out by asking someone after you left the counter) & being afraid to tell you why (& then admitted as much when confronted) means ''she's a racist!'' YOU ARE THE PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY. Since you hate it so much why dont you just get the f### out already. You stupid c###.

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Sep 28, 2007 12:07 am EDT

Why does everything have to come down to color? I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with race. It is ridiculous the way that everything these days has to be because of color.

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May 21, 2008 3:08 pm EDT

On 5-21-08 I went to McDonalds and ordered the chicken sandwich combo with fries and coke. This was the all white meat chicken, but it was so terrible, it had no taste whatsoever, cooked too brown, and the fries, you could not even eat. I ate this sandwich but I would appreciate you sending me a refund or a certificate for another something to eat there. I will never eat a chicken sandwich again from your place. Also, it was so bland that my dog would not smell it.

GM Ballistic
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Oct 23, 2018 1:02 am EDT
Replying to comment of

He should get free replacement because of reasons you would never understand unless you lived in Memphis, TN. I am not joking. The city and residents are utter trash at every molecule of existence.

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May 28, 2008 9:16 am EDT

Today I decided to try the new country style chicken sandwich from Mcdonalds as usual with all Mcdonalds sandwiches it was way to salty, nevertheless I proceeded to eat while i was driving home. As I was about to take the last bite, i realise this grey things was hanging from the what is suppose to be chicken. It this grey rubbery skin none like I have ever seen before. Immediately I had an upset stomach, wondering what in gods name did I just eat.

I would like to get whatever it is tested to see what it was, if anyone has any suggestion as to where i can go about getting that done i would appreciate it.

No more mcdonalds for me.

maryann cox
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May 30, 2008 9:33 pm EDT

i am a 40 yr old woman, i went to mcdonalds with my girl and a friend of hers. she is 14. i had a very very bad day and i wanted to get out. we had our dinner and sat for awhile tyring to figure soemthing to do i dint want to go home. I was deciding if i wanted ice creame i was still drinking my sada my girl and i shared. the manger came to our table and told my daughter and her friend had to leave they were not eatin, and looked at me and said you too. she just kicked out about 4 kids unserpervised. i left but very upset. i went back in and asked her why i had to leave. she replied too ma ny k ids sit around. if your done eatin get out. i said i wanst i had a soda. she said the kids were. i said ther were with me. i am there mother. she said, if your done they need to leave. too many kids come here and hang out. i said i dont understand. i am an a dult. the kids are at my table and i was drinking a soda and i was trying to talk them into have ice creame. i leift. i will never eat in there or there again .. who the hell are they, its a publice place and i paid for food. how could the owners want this to behappening in there store.

Call the Waaaambulance!
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Oct 11, 2018 3:06 am EDT

OH MY GOD... YOU BRED!? Are you REALLY a MOTHER, with Spelling and grammar like that? HOW do you help your kids with Homework?

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Jun 26, 2008 12:18 pm EDT

The mc donalds in lexington tenn (the only one in lexington now) is the nastiest dirty restaurant, I have ever been in! The workers are rude mean and must not like there jobs or the public. They also are dishonest! And don't do there jobs well! My son and I had an order yesterday with them and we were charged 7.00 dollars for two plain burgers and didn't get our drinks or fries with our order the sack of burgers were sat on the counter and that was all! That is what happen when i went into the nasty stinking bath room that had no clean any thing in it and NO Tissue paper! I was so disgusted I just left. I will never go back there again I don't care if I am starving to death ill never order or eat there again they wont steal from me ever again.


Calgary, CA
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Jun 26, 2008 3:29 pm EDT

If it is that nasty why would you place a food order in the first place? Take you fat lazy ### to the store by food and go home and prepare it... Or at least leave and go to a clean FAT FOOD resteruant...

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Aug 18, 2008 5:22 pm EDT

I work at McDonalds in Australia, and that type of thing is completely forboden! When I was in school, they refused to let me work those shifts. Why didnt you report it to the union or something? Threaten to sue for unfair dismissal? i dont know what it is like at other stores, but the othernight two girls threatened a customer but could not be fired because A. it was not caught on camera, and B. they threatened to sue for unfair dismissal

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Aug 28, 2008 9:22 pm EDT

It's McDonalds! What more do you want? Seriously. If you want excellent service and food then just open your wallet a little more and go somewhere good!

Mrs Joan Jopson
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Sep 10, 2008 3:25 pm EDT

Hi, Ordered 3 chicken and bacon legends with mayo. when order arrived one burger missing from order, got home the legends had no bacon and had salsa on them not mayo.

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Jun 26, 2017 9:46 pm EDT

Aw. So sad.

peggy norman
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Sep 19, 2008 11:43 pm EDT

Just recently My two friends and I went to mcdonalds for a burger. What a disaster ! One employee was asleet on the table, another two employees were making out at a table. The place was filthy and flys were all over the place. I really did not want to eat what I have ordered after just looking around. What a shame. Colonial Heights VA needs new management.

Doreen Cassie
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Oct 03, 2008 10:53 pm EDT

First of all I never complain about anything but mcdonald at victoria pt needs complaining about. I have been there a number of time and found that you can not get an ice cream as the machine is either broken or just not available. it is not just once but it seems to be a permanent sign that they is up saying ice cream is unavailable. also today I had the new burger with bacon and seasoned avocado and guess what, they forgot the bacon. the lady behind me had the same order and they forgot the avocado.

Nancy Alexander
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Nov 15, 2008 6:08 pm EST

We ordered 30 biscuits for the Dublin Methodist Church and was told we could have a discount. I stopped by at Dublin McDonalds and was given the biscuits which 15 were sausage and 15 ham biscuits. I was told the bill was 63 dollars and some cents. I asked if he could give me a discount and he said that it already was included. I can"t believe that amount was correct, and I would like to know why .

Atlanta, US
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Dec 30, 2008 9:17 pm EST

You people act as if this complaint is over your heads. The minute your child or someone close to you has a problem simular you're going to be ready to go to war. You shouldn't judge the situation so harshly. I mean most of us are on here for a specific reason. (remember the rocks and glass house story?)

Temple, US
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Feb 02, 2009 2:27 pm EST

OMG! I really didn't realize how cheap McDonalds has actually become! We only have ONE McDonalds in this area, as it is a rural community and any other McDonalds is over thirty miles away in Douglasville Georgia! So.. not only are people getting laid off in this terrible economy...we NOW have to deal with INFERIOR products! My husband went to this McDonalds and ordered 2 biscuits with bacon, egg and cheese... when he got them home, I opened mine and it had just ONE HALF of a piece of bacon! I asked him to open his, as mine may have just been an oversight perhaps. Lo and behold his was exactly the same, that one little PITIFUL HALF PIECE of bacon! Now really, do you expect people to think that was a mistake? I know this sounds like a ridiculously little thing but it sure makes me NOT want to go to ANY McDonalds anymore and as you know... word of mouth spreads much faster than ANY advertising campaign, therefore you can be quite assured that I will be speaking against the McDonalds in Temple Georgia.
Signed Disilliusioned in Georgia!

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Mar 23, 2009 9:09 am EDT

I know. It is the worst McDonalds I have ever been in. The lunchs are tollerable, but the suppers are horendous. A comment was made about how bad they was to an employee, and they replied they didn't care, it is McDonalds and people will come back. It is bad when you live in a small town and the choices for food is minimal and you have something like this. It is just a waste of real estate space if you ask me.

Orlando, US
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Apr 13, 2009 6:47 pm EDT

you should never send your kids to work at mcdonalds, itll ruin their lifes, i know bc i work there. serving people is hard and if they are not satisfied they can make you feel worthless, i know bc i come home crying after a day of work. i started working there 2 years ago soon as i turned 16 and i hate it soo much and i work everysingle holiday which ruins holidays for me.

Sabrina Ray
Frederick , US
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Apr 20, 2009 4:35 pm EDT

Well, I have been working for Mcdonalds for 8 years. I have never seen such things happen. I am now a store manager and kids still in school can never close during the week. So what ever Mcdonalds was doing that is illegal and needed to be reported. But don't allow one mccdonalds to ruin it for all. And you should not have your kids thinking mcdonalds is a bad place to work cause they will use that with any job not to work cause they know mom or dad is going to take up for them. A job is a job and thats why they are sent out into the real world to learn but if we take up for them and talk bad about jobs they will never be responsible. Mcdonalds is a great place to work and got me a townehouse a new car and my kids never want for nothing.

molly ward
Cwmbran, GB
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Apr 29, 2009 5:44 pm EDT

i have 2 disabled grandaughters they r 4 . alisha is deaf and ellie is unable 2 walk. i have 2 use a large double buggy 4 them. today i took them 2 mcdonalds the electric doors would not work. these r there 2 help wheelchair users, i had 2 struggle . then i wanted 2 use the high chairs .ellie is unable 2 sit on ordinary chairs she has 2 b supported .and her legs r stiff .i was unable 2 put her in one as the trays donot lift up she had 2 sit on my lap. while her sister sat in the highchair, this upset ellie . i thought mcdonalds catered 4 families that should include families with disabilities so they can enjoy eating out and being able 2 fit in. i also have a son and grandaughter who have ceoliac disease they cannot eat wheat or gluten maybe u should look at catering for people with dietry needs.

North Platte, US
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Apr 29, 2009 5:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As far as your first complaint goes, the doors not working, you can probably speak with that store's manager to get that resolved quickly. The other two complaints, the high chair and the special diets, probably won't change anytime soon. The high chair issue can probably get resolved but the special diet issue is a HUGE corporate decision. Write to them directly so that they know the demand is out there.

Dartmouth, CA
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Jun 12, 2009 9:39 pm EDT

I have been a long term customer of MacDonalds and wondering why it costs me extra to get mac sauce on my burger but if I get just ketchup it costs me nothing!?! Some places charge 25 cents for a shot of mac sauce and then I was told they can't put it on a single burger anymore, but they have the time to put it in a cup for me. I don't understand the concept of time management on that one. You would think it would be easier to put it on the burger than put it in a cup. also lately I have noticed the customer service in this area sucks. When you go you end up with a teenage immature worker who has a bunch of friends hanging around and they mess up the order or they don't even care that you are there they continue to talk to their friends while I am giving my order. also the salt content has been a bit much lately. I have had to throw out numerous orders of fries and have complained to management at these places and it ALL remains the same. I find it extremely disturbing that MacDonalds would get a customer service award, it should be taken away immediately!

Toronto, CA
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Jun 22, 2009 8:19 pm EDT

You can request fries without salt and then put your own on if you find them too salty. Each person salts things differently.

You will only ever find teenagers working there. It's a minimum wage job and an easy way for a teen to make some cash. You don't need many skills to work at McDonald's. Let's face it, not all responsible adults want to work a drive thru.

As for the sauces. Anytime you order any sauce or condiment that does not already come on the sandwich, you will get charged for it. I.e. If you want mayo on your quarter pounder, you will be charged extra. If you ask for Mac sauce, sometimes the grill staff thinks it goes "on the side", mainly because the window staff don't communicate.

McDonald's is cheaply priced and cheap tasting. Why would you expect anything but the lowest standards?

Orlando, US
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Jun 25, 2009 9:32 pm EDT

working at mcdonalds teaches a lot of rsponsobility though, and some mcdonalds are rally nice while others can be hell

Call the Waaaambulance!
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Oct 05, 2018 5:08 am EDT
Replying to comment of liu

...But wait... didnt McDonald ruin your self esteem, per your previous post. Now you are defending the place
What's up?

Denver, US
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Jul 17, 2009 12:04 am EDT

Dear ###s,

You people are all ###s and need to get a life.

Yours Truly,

The Burger King

Sidney, US
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Jul 29, 2009 7:10 pm EDT

Less than a year ago Macdonalds served me a large hair ball which almost chocked me to death. For my unplesant visit they gave me coupons for three meals, which I gave away.
I had not eaten any fast food since then, until last week. After a busy work week my co-worker stopped at Macdonalds after check on a job and bought me a crispy chicken snack wrap. He thought I might need something to eat because we were working so much. I was surprised it tasted as good as it did being fast food. On the third bite I bit down and screamed "what the f___!" My poor coworker jumped and asked what happened? I pulled a large very sharp piece of bloody hard plastic. It was shaped like an arrow head and the razor sharp point had stuck me in the upper gum where I had had a tooth removed. It also felt like I had cracked the tooth next to my gum. I called the manager and complained . I called again a half hour later and was told he could find no other pieces in the prep area. I will never eat fast trash ever again even it is offered by a friend.

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Aug 11, 2009 7:53 pm EDT


Sue Tucker
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Oct 03, 2009 4:02 pm EDT

Saturday like so many other days they have about 5-6 people making the food and they mess up the sandwiches every time all day long. Also had one cashier going with three managers there. Taking five minutes for each person is to long to punch a registar. We ordered after standing in line 10 minutes and they over charged after telling the lady 4 times what we wanted...waited another 7 minutes while the manager tried to get to the regerstar to refund the money to us. Then I had to ask 2 times for our drink cups from the manager.Also asked for a plain cheesburger and got a cheeseburger with everything on it. Hubby got a Big Mac little lettuce and he didn't get that right either. After we sat for another 10 minutes the manager brought out the cookies for our g-daughter as there was none made and I had to ask for my g-daughters chocolate milk that we didn't get. While eating obsevered a gentleman with 2 little kids and he also didn't get the hamburgers that was suppose to be in the Kid's meal...he had to go and get them. We counted 4 people who went and tried to get ketcup out of the pump and there was none...the manager gave them packs of ketcup and after 15 minutes she finally told the guy who was supposly cleaning tables to check the ketcup. he did but after he checked it by changing something he squirted ketcup in a small pile on the plate under the pump and left the pile of ketcup. This happens every day ( 2 times a week) when we go there. As of today we no longer want to return to an unorganized resturant where you have to wait for fast food and always getting our order wrong. I have complained several times this year to the manager ( different ones ) and it still is not imprroving. I think these Managers and workers need a good meeting and told if not getting things done right...there ARE other people who are looking for a job. This does make people go to other buisnesses as it will us. Thanks for your time and hopefully something is done to improve this store as it is heading downhill instead of uphill like it should. Also a smile would not hurt from them either.

Brad moore
Chandler, US
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Oct 17, 2009 2:49 am EDT

Lol, Mcdonalds is a good place for a first job. Endure and learn a bit from it and then move on. I like it. Got a nice staff, etc.

Really are you serious
orlando, US
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Jan 06, 2010 9:23 pm EST

you think Mc Donalds is bad try working at Save a Lot! there your pretty much a slave!

brandon smith
Everton, US
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Jan 21, 2010 11:26 am EST

i orderd at the window asked for and payed for a #3 and a 6 peice nugget got my bag and i drove 4 miles down the road to eat and i opend my bag i had to go back to the window with my reciept to get my nuggets. 2 weeks prior to this at the same mc donalds i got a half frozen breakfast burrito. and 3 weeks befor that i had a 15 min wait with one car ahead of me in the drive through and my coke had no ice in the cup.i will now pass that mcdonalds and go on into springfield mo to get my food this store has rude employment and very poor service ive been eating at mc donalds since i was a little kid and never been treated like this get it togather

vincent piller
Sydney, AU
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Jan 23, 2010 6:03 pm EST

i was waiting in the drive through for 10 mins then directed to the waitng area for another 10 mins then approached the counter asking how much longer the reply was it will be another 5 mins what was your order. i said how do you know it will be another 5 mins when you dont even know what my order was... i then asked for a refund...the drive through is supposed to be a speedy service well i beg to differ that resuarant is always slow and stuffing up the orders if your staff cannont forfull the job description well other staff should be hired that can do the assigned tasks

Lansing, US
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Jan 24, 2010 4:48 pm EST

Try getting out of the car and going in to the restuarant. You will get better service, and if for some reason they do not get the order right, you will be able to complain to someone who might just care.

CL Shamblin
Muskogee, US
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Jun 02, 2010 9:15 pm EDT

As a friend and I enterned Mcdonalds a employee was putting away trays, She greeted us ( as if we mattered )By the time we were ready to order- she was behind the counter to help with the order. I told her that she was like a good will ambassador- she thanked us again.
We received our food and sat down. Other people came in - she greeded everyone with a smile and a hello, or Hi ! my ~ my, what a good idea.
I did notice that when she was working around other employees that they too were
more polite. Maybe it is contagious. Don't know her name, her name tag just said Cindy. We need more people ( and Employees) with such a pleasant and positive attitude. Thanks Cindy, Thanks Mcdonalds.

CL Shamblin, Muskogee, Oklahoma

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Jul 22, 2010 11:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got a mail form McDonalds regarding McDonalds 2010 Mobile lottery that i won 625000 pounds for a mobile # randomly picked.

is this is true or cyber faurd?

Call the Waaaambulance!
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Oct 11, 2018 3:17 am EDT

THIS IS THE BIGGEST SCAM ON RECORD! If you DID NOT enter to win something, how is Mcdonalds going to pick Sharisukumaram out of 7 Billion People? It's a SCAM. Don't fall for it, and for the love of god, don't send them money... Because they WILL ask!

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Jul 22, 2010 1:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

DO NOT give this "Board Investigation Bureau" your information.

Why would they need your full name and address? They'd only need your phone number and they'd be able to tell. Scam.

13720 Sam Hill Dr., US
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Oct 26, 2010 9:01 pm EDT

Once again I foolishly tried to get a meal at McDonalds, I ordered a fish sandwich with extra onions, I told the girl taking my order three to four times, I did not want the slivered onions, but the diced dehydrated onions used on the hamburgers. Of coure that was wrong, in the seven years that I have lived in Mt. Airy I have yet to have a drive through order from McDonalds in Mt. Airy or New Market to be correct. The clerks look at you and then ignore what you are saying. Honest, I looked right at this girl and said "you understand I want the diced onions, right", she looked right at me and said not a word. She honestly barely spoke English and was unable to count my change back to me, she just rather threw it my direction. I have given her a twenty and the correct change and it took her ten minutes, while taking other orders to hand me a five dollar bill back. When reading all these remarks from other individuals who have had horrible experiences with McDonalds, I guess it is time to give up on eating there any more, Burger King and Wendys can handle extra onions on a sandwich, why McDonalds refuses to serve an order correctly is beyond me. Remember back in the 1970's when you could actually get what you ordered from McDonalds? Not any more. It is sad to realize we won't eat McDonalds again, but as someone else wrote, McDonalds will not care if this one family refuses to eat at their resturant ever again. Maybe Wendys or Burger King or Arbys will be happy to have our business.

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    +47 81 556 000
    +47 81 556 000
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number
    +351 214 405 300
    +351 214 405 300
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number
    +34 917 547 890
    +34 917 547 890
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number
    +41 216 311 200
    +41 216 311 200
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number
    Confidence score
    +90 444 6262
    +90 444 6262
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number
    +86 400 920 0205
    +86 400 920 0205
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number
    +852 28 807 300
    +852 28 807 300
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number
    Hong Kong
    +91 112 460 4047
    +91 112 460 4047
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number 7 7 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number
    Confidence score
    +63 28 635 490
    +63 28 635 490
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number 15 15 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number
    +27 860 000 040
    +27 860 000 040
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number 40 40 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number
    South Africa
    +66 26 964 900
    +66 26 964 900
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number
    +1 (312) 291-9224
    +1 (312) 291-9224
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number
    United States
    8800 707 4499
    8800 707 4499
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number 25 25 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number 13 13 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number
    Confidence score
    More phone numbers
  3. McDonald's emails
  4. McDonald's address
    110 N Carpenter St., Chicago, Illinois, 60607, United States
  5. McDonald's social media
  6. Maria
    Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 25, 2025
  7. View all McDonald's contacts
McDonald's Category
McDonald's is ranked 1 among 60 companies in the Fast Food Chains category