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CB Fast Food Chains McDonald's I got a food poisoning eating their food

McDonald's review: I got a food poisoning eating their food 160

Author of the review
6:28 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

On or about June 21, I stopped and got my daughter a Happy Meal from Mcdonald on Skibo/Morganton in Fayetteville, NC. After driving for a few minutes. I told my child to give me the milk so I can open it. She had already drunk the majority of the milk. I asked how did she open it, she said it was open. I then stopped to check and there was not a seal on the milk at all. I said a prayer over her and waited to see if anything happened. By 1 or 2 am she was vomitting everywhere, consistently. I took her to the doctor, who agree that she had been food poisoned. I contacted Mcdonald and was told the manager was in a meeting and then hung up on. I went to the store. I talked to a supervisor who seemed like the only person to care. She went to get the manager and was sent out with a number to give me. I told her that was not good enough and I wanted to speak to the manager. The manager finally came out and I realized when I pulled up, the manager was standing outside laughing and giggling with a person outside. She didn't want to tell me who the owner was or be helpful. I finally got a phone number out of her to corporate. I proceeded to call corporate and was basically ignored for a two weeks after speaking to Jorge who seem all too concerned. NOT. on July 27th after sending my daughter doctor papers 2 wks prior, I was offered free food for my inconveniences at any McDonalds in North Carolina. What kind of compensation is this? Who's going to compensate me for my daughters pain and suffering, for my doctor visit, for the daycare time that I still had to pay for even though my child was home sick, for the time I took off work due to this situation, and for the rude service from the majority of McDonalds workers. If I had went in that store and was treated like I was someone, then I would have settled for some coupons and reimbursement of doctor bills. McDonald's need to work on their people skills. Have anyone else been food poisoned by mcDonalds and treated like it was nothing?


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jan 29, 2007 12:00 am EST

I recently visited one of your restaurants located on State Avenue In Kansas City Ks. I have never been treated so poorly from any of your restaurants.

I have visited a lot in my time.

All employees were either black or hispanic. I have no problem with that, but when you have your order taken you would like to get it. I ordered a Big Deluxe Breakfast. The cashier never asked if I would like a drink. It was 9:45 A.M. when I ordered this. I waited 10 minutes at the counter for my ordered. During that time there must have been at least 25 blacks and or hispanics come in. They placed their order and received it in a very timely manner. At the 10 minute point the manager just happen to come by, I told him what I order ,how long ago, and that I would like my money back. The manager Made no attempt to make it up to me. Never asked me anything just reached into the money drawer and gave back my money.

In my personal opinion about that restaurant is. If you are not black or Hispanic do not go there. You will never get your order of food. Yes I am white and I try to treat all man kind the same.

I will never go back to that restaurant and I will tell other people about the incident.

Thank you for your time

Debbie G
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Jun 01, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I visit the McDonalds in Pittsburg, Ca on Bailey Road frequently. Each and every time I have ordered the Asian Chicken Salad they never put the almonds in the bag until I check and ask them where they are. Two times the staff did not know what I was talking about because they didn't know English. The drive through has a window that is suppose to display the confirmed order & price. It does not display either. The staff, in other locations, tells you the total before reaching the collection window. This did not happen. The price varies from $4.83 to $5.19... go figure. Today was $5.19. There was mostly iceberg lettuce (over 80%) which has not been usual for this salad. There were no bell peppers and the sliced carrots were two pieces the size of a nickel and thinner than siran wrap! The chunks of iceberg lettuce where so big that they resembled 1/4 to 1/8 of the whole head of lettuce (again unusual for this salad). Had I not visited other locations as well and found them consistently the same, I would have nothing to compare this to. Whoever cares about this location should make an effort to correct some of these issues!

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Jul 29, 2007 10:30 pm EDT

Wow, aren't you overly literate over something as simple as a SALAD. 80%, 1/4, 1/8, size of a nickel. Food comes in different shapes and sizes every time you order it. Deal with it.

Mike Sheraden
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Aug 03, 2007 2:39 pm EDT

Exactly, maybe you should look at your salad b4 leaving, it may help you out in the future and most places have a board that lists prices.

Burgundie W.
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Oct 18, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My spouse decided to stop at the McDonalds on Broadway and Granville Street in Vancouver, BC tonight to grab us something to eat. With it being rainy and all you dont really feel like cooking. So she asked what I would like and I told her that I would like a Big Mac with a large fries and a coke to drink. We're in to playing the whole monopoly thing. I was on the phone with her when she went up to order as she was making sure she got the order right. Right after she ordered my Big Mac the server told her that the McDonalds was out of meat. HOW CAN YOU BE OUT OF MEAT?! so we discussed for a minute what we would like and both decided on the McGrill or whatever its called. By this time i was a little peeved. How can a fast food restaurant be out of meat? Shouldnt they be prepared for something like this? So my spouse ordered the McGrill for us, and as she was ordering I was hollaring out that they should serve it to me in a Big Mac box so that I can get my pieces. no chance of that. if we wanted chicken then we would have to wait close to ten mins. We decided to not eat at mcdonalds after that because there were busses that had to be caught and the rain was coming down harder. How the hell can mcdonalds be so unprepared? If they're such a big franchise serving over a million people a day how do they run out what they are supposed to be serving?

oh and to boot, the website doesnt even offer an email address that you can send complaints in to. There's no way that we can tell them to better their service or anything like that.

amanda betar
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Jan 19, 2008 12:00 am EST

I have been a regular patron of macdonalds cafe since it has opened here in broken hill love the coffee. Yesterday morning at 8.04am my husband had called into the restaurant to buy a coffee & croissant, placed his order waited for 25 mins but didn't receive his coffee & croissant. Then at 12.25pm me and my husband made our way over to the plaza and called in to macdonalds for a coffee, i placed my order got given a number and waited outside for our coffees to arrive 20mins later one of the workers had come outside to give someone else there order by the way come much later than us when we asked where our coffees where the young girl snapped and said that the order had already been taken out, so i asked for my money back and proceeded on my way to go shopping. NOT VERY HAPPY I MIGHT ADD.

Shalonda Sampson
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Feb 01, 2008 12:00 am EST

I went to McDonalds on January 31, 2008 and purchased the chicken selects and an order of fries. The French fries contained a substance that caused severe abdominal pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, comatose sleep. I believe i have acquired a bacterial infection because of it. I've been experiencing extreme pain. This is not the first occurrence with this company. There seems to be either a toxic substance in the salt thats placed on the fries or the oil in which the fries are being cooked.

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Mar 23, 2008 9:26 am EDT

This message is from the Mcdonalds CREW Employees... we need to know why we don't get enough hours?... there is 3 managers that do our schedules... there is a lot of kids that go to school and need to save for college. Other kids like ME don't have fathers... but need to help our mothers... there is a assistant manager that swears at us and call us ###s and dum ### mother f**kers and his name is SHAUN... after this message we do not want the store manager or anyone else to threaten us about who wrote this... if we do... we are still going to complain... we only want one manager to do our schedule not all of them... in that store the assistant manager only depend on people that kiss A*S.

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Apr 14, 2008 1:41 pm EDT

Your grammar is terrible. What are you getting in HIGH SCHOOL English? You won't make it through the college placement tests with your english skills anyway.

Savvas Savva
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May 13, 2008 5:07 am EDT

I had gone to eat at Mcdonalds in Parkmore Shopping Mall, Johannesburg, South Africa and waited 30 mins for my order by which I had laid a complaint with the staff for taking so long, I was told "if you dont want to wait then f*ck off" of which I replied I would complain to head office, I was ignored. After 45 mins of waiting I complained again and was told "If you dont like it here then leave" I replied yet again to see the manager and was told that the manager refuses to see me, either I wait or leave. I left horribly disgusted with the situation and I was not the only one, everybody had a bad taste with their non existing service but they just laugh it off, talk to each other and ignore the clients.

Pompano Beach, US
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Jun 14, 2008 11:13 am EDT

6/14/08 - McDonalds

On their Menu Board they list their Bac, Egg & Ch Biscuit for $2.79. Upon looking at the reciept - they charged $2.99. When I questioned it - they quickly handed me .20 cents . . . . like they knew . . . .

They kept the .02 cents "Eat In Tax" they charged me on the overcharge though . . . .

McDonalds didn't used to give you a receipt . . . . .

I wonder how many others overpaid . . . .

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Jul 03, 2008 3:25 am EDT

I believe this to be the worst rip-off by McDonalds to date. It far surpasses anything concerning cold food or poor service. This said location plus another I visited in N.C turned out to be the same. Most everyone orders a value meal at the counter, gets there food, pays the bill, and sits to eat or leaves the drive thru window. Sometime you receive a receipt, sometimes you don't. If you do get one take the time look it over closely and use a calculator. When purchasing a value meal, on the sales slip you are charged for the sandwich and fries for one price and the drink is separate. In every McDonalds the prices for value meals are posted behind the counter. In both restaurant I have visited, I added the two prices on my bill to the price on the board. Not to my surprise they were different. On my bill I was charged 10 cents more for the meal than it was advertised on the board. These were two different restaurants in two different states. How many others do the same, I don't know, but I bet it's more than you think. At 10 cents per value meal sold at each location over the course of a year or longer is a pretty good chunk of change. That's why I think this is the mother of all fast food rip-offs just because no one really thinks to check the receipt, and there all getting taken to the cleaners 10 cents at a time.

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Jul 03, 2008 9:29 pm EDT

I work @ m.d, in louisiana! The customes can be a pain in the butt, and they are very rude. We have to be nice, and show respect. Drive through is for people who know what they want, we dont have time for "ughs, wait a sec. or i dont know yet" it holds up the line, then to top that off you want it fresh! So we do it and you complain because it's taking to long!We try our best to make everyone happy. If u dont like it, go to BK, AND meet the KING! I work in rayne, so it's accros the street! The one thing I hate about working there, is that the manergers have their people picked out! Yea! They are mesy ### hell. It's pretty bad too me. Md dont care about no one but them selfs! What about the employees? THEY ARE MESSY ###! I H8T TO WORK WIT 3 people b.c i cant put up wit all the mess that they say! But to me, our service is good, and sometimes do all we can to make out customers happy!

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Jul 18, 2008 3:30 am EDT

So i went to this Mcdonalds like i do all the time and i order a chicken sandwich and fries. When i am asked would i like any sauce i always ask for honey mustard. On this particular night the lady told me that i needed to pay 11 cents extra for the sauce. This was kinda surprising to me because i have all ways been getting it for free. The sign on the window clearly states that all additional condiments are extra. I wasn't getting an additional condiment, i was just getting a regular souse that i thought was free and came with meal. The lady was very rude to me and stated that i could not have it unless i gave her 11 cents. I paid the 11 cents because i didn't want to sit their and argue with that woman.

This McDonald will not receive my business again because of their rudeness, if their is a new policy regarding receiving condiments it needs to be posted somewhere in clear view that you can not get honey mustard sauce unless you pay 11 cents extra.

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Aug 05, 2008 6:59 pm EDT

I had the crispy chicken salad with Newmans ranch dressing at !2:00 Noon. At 6:00 P.M. I became bery nausous with abdominal cramping. Since 7:00 P.M. Until now at 10:00 P.m. I have had 6 extreme diahhra and vomiting and still going. I may have to go to the hospital! . I believe it was bad bacteria on the salad. I believe this is the same Mcdonalds I got this before about 1 year ago. That's the last straw. No more Salad!

Tomaso G
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Aug 19, 2008 8:53 pm EDT

Friggin "BigMac" is anything but big! I've waited years for them to increase the size of the patties, and amazingly, only the price as increased! Hey McDonalds! If you're actually reading this, how's about actually put in beef patties that are actually "big" in them "BigMacs". I like everything about the sandwich except the frigging beef patties are pathetic!

At nearly 4 dollars I can't believe anyone eating more and more of them. I know I don't!

Anyone? Thoughts?

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Aug 29, 2008 5:17 pm EDT

I went to the drive thru to purchase a Southwest salad and the price of the salad on the board said $4.40. When the cashier who was taking my order entered it onto the outside screen the salad was listed for $4.50. I informed him that the price was different on the outside. The cashier went on to say its $4.50. I thought this was unfair, I know that it is only a dime, , but what about when i wanted another dressing with my salad, that was an extra 30 cent. So why should the fact that i was charged another 10 cent not matter? UNFAIR MCDONALDS>..

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Sep 01, 2008 3:37 am EDT

Boo Hoo. 40 cents. Prices go up all the time.
Nobody's making you buy the stupid salad. If you don't want to pay the price- don't buy it. Simple.

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Sep 14, 2008 7:43 am EDT

Sadly not all of the stores are like that, some actually try their hardest to serve you (service with a smile), being sworn at is a huge no under their own rules and regulations. You should pass it onto their head office and hopefully by next week they'll be looking for a alternative employer.

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Sep 14, 2008 11:34 am EDT

I'm happily going to eat in a BK, at least a whopper flame grilled is twice the size of a Big-Mac.

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Sep 14, 2008 11:41 am EDT

manergers - (managers), mesy ### hell - (messy as hell) them selfs - (themselves), H8T - (hate), WIT - (With), 3 (three), b.c - (because)...

English isn't your first language is it? If it is I am not surprised your working behind that counter!

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Sep 29, 2008 11:35 am EDT

some mornings. in the month. I go to mc donalds place a order. and the people do not listen to me. most of the time I get the wrong order. now you my think that this is not enough to make a big deal about. well it is what i get 9 out of 10 times. is something that i should not eat.and when i try to tell the people about it . they are like so. if you get sick it, s not are fault.but it is! i, m paying for one thing . and getting something in my case that is bad for me! can you help me with this problem!

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Oct 04, 2008 9:07 am EDT

I was parked at a McDonalds parking lot when I stepped out for two minutes across the street. I came back and as I was placing the order in McDonalds, the towing company guy told the manager that 4 cars were towed. I had to call the police and ended up paying 200+ for my car. The police told me to file a complaint against McDonalds and the towing company, this was so unfair. However, something is for sure, that McDonalds is going to loose more money from my packet than the 200+ I spend getting my car back, because I will never go there again!

Layla J
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Oct 14, 2008 1:45 pm EDT

I used to work at mcDonalds of Georgetown and i used to have to beg for my break time. the air conditioner was always broke and South Carolina has really humid areas. Even whe i did take a break for 30 minutes, they'd make me clock out, which is against the law because i should have been able to take paid thirty minute breaks. the head manager, always acts like she has a stick up her rear end and is unbearably rude. i hated working there. they never keep employees because of their horrible managment practices. Once, there was a seawge problem, and everytime someone flushed in the women's toilet, feces and urine would come up through the drain behind the front counter. they made us walk through it and continue to take orders. they said that they "couldn't put a sign on the door." That was the most horrible job ever, and I don't eat anything from McDonalds anymore.

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Oct 19, 2008 8:44 pm EDT

I took my daughter to macdonalds so she could play in the play area after we ate. After ordering our food we headed to the play area, it was filthy so we took our food home to eat. When i got home i found that the bun on my quarterpounder was incredibly stale so i ate only the burger. I had ordered my sandwich with no cheese and no onion, that part was correct, but as i was looking at the bill i noticed i was billed for extra cheese. Filthy-overcharged-and stale food, i will not return to that macdonalds again.

jeffrey halliday
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Oct 23, 2008 2:41 am EDT

waiting in line one day i noticed an employee drop an entire box of cheese on the floor. she picked it up wiped it off and continue using the cheese. we brought it too their attention and they looked like they didnt even care. tonight i went back and went thru the drive in and went back in to get refills before we left and were rudely yelled at acroos the room that we had to pay for the refills. we told them we just went thru the drive in and just got dirty looks. my god mcdonalds what happened to the customer! a freaking soda can you spare it?ill never go back to this mcdonalds every

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Oct 26, 2008 1:25 pm EDT

Please call yourself lucky, some McDonalds charges 23 cents for one sauce, and in Germany they pay for their ketchup, I think I called myself very lucky somethings are still free. You must remember the suppliers prices are also went up, it is a small fraction but sauces are only given if you have chicken nuggets or strips

Jason Tillo
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Oct 27, 2008 12:27 pm EDT

You will never go back to McDonald's every. If I were you I would at least check my spelling before submitting a letter.

Rocky Mutz
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Nov 07, 2008 6:01 am EST

I visited the new ihop in yukon ok. this morning to see how it was.
I found the menu confusing and hard to read.
I was looking for my favorite eggs, bacon and hash browns and had to settle for (2) pancakesd, '(2) strips of bacon and hot tea as I never found the other.
everything ok, and I mean "just ok" so far.
I finished and ask for the bill.I was prensented a bill for $9.25!
I dont know who if anyone will be reading this but I bet that bill will sound rediculous even to them!
I ask for a menu to see if that was even possible.I only had to look at the very first item under pancakes to get peeved.Two or three meat sides and all this other stuff and $2.00 less expensive than my (2) pancake Rip off!
You dont have to worry about my business again, but you might want to coach your help on alittle more consoling response than "sorry"!

steve collins
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Nov 29, 2008 2:56 pm EST

always the same, all the time every time whenever i go to my local macdonalds on blackpole rd, worcester, uk. the milkshake machine is allways out of order, which is no exageration, and can't blame the staff although the manager or area manager or even people higher up should carry some responsability. As most people choose to go to macdonalds souly for having a milkshake. think this not acceptable, roll on kentucky fried chicken opening right by mac d's january.

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Dec 08, 2008 3:15 pm EST

I ordered two big breakfast meals, sub with bacon, orange juice and one bacon egg cheese bagel through the drive through. When I got home there were hotcakes and potatoes missing. I called the store manager whose name is Donny or Donnie and he told me that it was policy not to give me what I claimed was missing. Then he claimed that the potatoes are not included with the meals after which he retracted and said that it does. I�ve always choose to go to this location because this rarely happens here.

Sorry to say I was too upset to even go back and complain in person.

deer park, AU
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Dec 29, 2008 7:54 pm EST

I took my kids through the drive through McDonalds on the western ring rd for lunch, while i was waiting for my order i notice every child working had their hair all over their face and not tied back.The manager herself was a child and as she was standing over the chips she was scratching her head and then fixed her hair.If this was not enough, a boy walks past shaking the broom used to pix up things off the floor.All this was happening where the food is being prepared.I was given my food, they could not tell me whitch of the drinks were diet. when i asked i was told to try them all because she could not remember. As i drove off i stoped and through my whole meal in the rubbish bin. I then took my kids to KFC on Ballarat rd, deer park. I would hope this would be looked in to.

La La
Grand Prairie, US
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Jan 05, 2009 12:06 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was standing in line at a McDonald's located inside a Wal-Mart on Thursday 1 January 09 to pay for a cinnamon pretzel. After I paid, I moved over to the side to wait. I then noticed a young hispanic male employee eating chicken nuggets in front of me so I was really hoping he was not going to be the one making my pretzel. After eating the 2 nuggets, he then begin to dig in his ear. He of course was the employee who would be making my pretzel. Without washing his hands, he placed the pretzel in the microwave and took it out of the microwave with his bare hands tossing it up in the air suggesting to me it was very hot coming out of the microwave. After sprinkling the butter and the cinnamon on it he gave it to the manager to give to me. I immediately told her I was not eating that pretzel after "he" was found eating nuggets and digging in his right ear. She (the manager) said something to him in Spansih that caused him to walk over to the hamburger counter and begin making another customer's hamburger. That customer heard me complain and refused to accept his order as well. Then and only then did the female manager say something in Spanish again that caused the employee to eventually wash his hands.
I will be filing a complaint to the local health department as well as the corporate office.

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Jan 15, 2009 11:30 am EST

I was out at the local shoppes when I developed an appetite. I was more thirsty than I was hungry as I recall, but still could go for a little bite. I Ordered 2 burgers and a medium diet cola beverage. I was confused and bewildered (I am elderly) when they handed me an empty cup, but I guess these lazy whipper-snappers decided it would be cheaper and easier to make you get your own drink. I think it was some smiley faced brown-haired white-face

So that's my thanks for fighting in 2 wars. Getting my own damned drink. Well, I had originally wanted a diet cola beverage but then I saw to my surprise that iced tea was an option. I poured it with spite and took down the bitter brew. I spewed it out that instant, a cone shaped spray actually, it tasted like floor. I smelled the cup, and it smelt like mop water

I talked to "Peppe" or some strange person, they claimed it was fresh and good. I told him to smell it and he vomit wildly, in a cone shaped spray directly into the frialator.

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Jan 23, 2009 8:31 am EST

I understand that you are upset about that, it sucks having your order messed up and getting all the way home before you realize it. You called and hoped that maybe you could get it replaced, because they genuinely effed your food up. But they have a policy forbidding that - because not everyone that calls in complaining about a messed up order actually had one, a lot of people call in "claiming" their food was messed up merely looking for a way to get free food. Obviously this had been a problem at that store otherwise they wouldn't have that policy.

Vancouver, CA
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Jan 31, 2009 1:41 pm EST

I would strongly advise against dining at this establishment. On numerous occasions i've witnesed MANAGERS violate health regulations, touching cash than directly preparing food. Maybe it's not public knowledge, but it is fact that there is more fecal matter and urine on money then on a public toilet. When I complained to the manager who violated the foodsafe policies, she replied by saying "we cook it it anyway" regarding putting hashbrowns in the fryer directly after touching cash. If you are going to cook it or not it's unexceptable. If you frying hamburgers is it okay you just through them on the floor first. People forget that they are serving the public. What you find exceptable at your home is fine. but don't expect the everyone else to have be subjected to your low standards.In addition, there is horrible customer service, it seems employees social lives are more important then serving the customers. Again don't eat here, if you want a burger go to splitz, at least they care about the health and safety of their customers.

hangers, GB
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Feb 15, 2009 5:14 am EST

I knew it! I was at McDonald's and I saw a young woman scratch her lower back and you could see her scratching inside her knickers and then she handled my chips (fries) I told her to scrap them and that I was not coming back. It was 2 years and I still haven't gone!
Laura the disgusted

sherrard, US
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Feb 18, 2009 8:34 pm EST

This training facility is worthless. Every time you go to this place your order is going to be wrong. I dont know how this place stays in business. Today i ordered two snack raps and one large unsweet ice tea. (Drive trew). I receive a medium ice tea, i think, i dont have time to go back threw, so i can live with it. I take a taste and it is sweet tea. So im getting over change for a medium that i did not order its not even the right drink. I want to thank mcdonalds for all the good years, but i will not spend another dollar or dime in any of your restaurants. Ill just tell my family and freinds no thanks and take them some where that will take care of there customers. Rick sherrard

Robert Lawrence
Cape Coral, US
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Feb 26, 2009 6:24 pm EST

My wife a I just ordered take out from McDonalds on Del Prado in Cape Coral, store #6247. We asked that they put mayo instead of ranch at the order board and all seemed fine. As we pulled up to the first window, the cashier told us that the snack wrap doesn't come with mayo so we said fine and to leave it dry, no ranch or anything. when we arrived home my wife bit into a large wad of ranch. Both of her snack wraps had been filled with ranch. What is your employment requirments at McDonalds, the abbility to flip a buger? We have had issues with this store before, but this is totally and absolutly illresponsible.

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Mar 03, 2009 7:53 am EST

This afternoon after school i took my kids (7yrs old & 5yrs old) to Mc Donalds SM CEBU City PHILIPPINES. My 5 yrs old son order a Happy Meal as I was preparing his food I asked him if he can go to the counter to get a gravy refill. So he went to the counter and ask, but then he came back to me and he was crying he said he hit his foot so I said its ok. So I diverted his attention playing with his new Happy Meal Toy. When we were about to leave he told me he could not walk because his foot hurts, I thought he was just making drama. When I look at his foot (the one his complaining that he got hurt) it was bleeding. So I called the Manager and told her what happened and showed her where my son get his cut. She did not react or say anything, I even asked her for a 1st aid kit she called her staff to get if and did not even said sorry. I was really pissed off my son was wearing flip flops that its hard for him to walk at the mall, specially our car was parked at the other side of the Mall Building. I had to carry my 5yrs old boy all the way to the car.
How lame was that! I just hope that the Mc Donalds will do something about it! You should make sure your structures are well placed and secure enough that you cannot hurt anybody specially children.

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    +64 800 539 4303
    +64 800 539 4303
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +64 800 539 4303 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +64 800 539 4303 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +64 800 539 4303 phone number 7 7 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +64 800 539 4303 phone number
    New Zealand
    +43 810 001 212
    +43 810 001 212
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +43 810 001 212 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +43 810 001 212 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +43 810 001 212 phone number 6 6 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +43 810 001 212 phone number
    +45 33 266 000
    +45 33 266 000
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +45 33 266 000 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +45 33 266 000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +45 33 266 000 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +45 33 266 000 phone number
    +33 130 486 000
    +33 130 486 000
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +33 130 486 000 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +33 130 486 000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +33 130 486 000 phone number 10 10 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +33 130 486 000 phone number
    +49 897 859 4413
    +49 897 859 4413
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +49 897 859 4413 phone number 156 156 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +49 897 859 4413 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +49 897 859 4413 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +49 897 859 4413 phone number
    Confidence score
    +353 15 138 181
    +353 15 138 181
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +353 15 138 181 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +353 15 138 181 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +353 15 138 181 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +353 15 138 181 phone number
    +31 205 642 666
    +31 205 642 666
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +31 205 642 666 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +31 205 642 666 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +31 205 642 666 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +31 205 642 666 phone number
    +47 81 556 000
    +47 81 556 000
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +47 81 556 000 phone number
    +351 214 405 300
    +351 214 405 300
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +351 214 405 300 phone number
    +34 917 547 890
    +34 917 547 890
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +34 917 547 890 phone number
    +41 216 311 200
    +41 216 311 200
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +41 216 311 200 phone number
    Confidence score
    +90 444 6262
    +90 444 6262
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +90 444 6262 phone number
    +86 400 920 0205
    +86 400 920 0205
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +86 400 920 0205 phone number
    +852 28 807 300
    +852 28 807 300
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +852 28 807 300 phone number
    Hong Kong
    +91 112 460 4047
    +91 112 460 4047
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number 7 7 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +91 112 460 4047 phone number
    Confidence score
    +63 28 635 490
    +63 28 635 490
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number 15 15 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +63 28 635 490 phone number
    +27 860 000 040
    +27 860 000 040
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number 40 40 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +27 860 000 040 phone number
    South Africa
    +66 26 964 900
    +66 26 964 900
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +66 26 964 900 phone number
    +1 (312) 291-9224
    +1 (312) 291-9224
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling +1 (312) 291-9224 phone number
    United States
    8800 707 4499
    8800 707 4499
    Click up if you have successfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number 25 25 users reported that they have successfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number 13 13 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached McDonald's by calling 8800 707 4499 phone number
    Confidence score
    More phone numbers
  3. McDonald's emails
  4. McDonald's address
    110 N Carpenter St., Chicago, Illinois, 60607, United States
  5. McDonald's social media
  6. Maria
    Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 25, 2025
  7. View all McDonald's contacts
McDonald's Category
McDonald's is ranked 1 among 60 companies in the Fast Food Chains category