Don’t believe to what the seller from tells you. I have ordered from them and received the email, where the seller informed me that order would be send today. I waited 2 weeks and still no delivery. The seller continued to tell lies and fake promises. Be careful if you order from them and better ask the seller to provide all confirmation emails and details about shipping.
This is exactly what happened to me. I am in the UK, ordered a month ago, they don't respond or refund! very sad
I ordered a dress and some staff
You said its shipped to my apartment at 5/31/18
The office close at 6.00 pm I'm was at my apartment nothing came
I called the customer service in USA no answer!
I sent an email no reply!
How can I contact the customer service .
I'm so upset
Where's my package?
I ordered a size 44 but received a size 46 . Incorrect size
I would like a refund or exchange .
I cancelled my product for some reason
I did not received my refund money yet it's been more than 2 month
When will I get
Modanisa is not even contact me
Please help us
I still haven't received my dress in my address
My order no is [protected]
I received a different size from what I ordered.
I ordered size 12 which is supposed to be 44 but I got size 52.
Please find attached the picture of the wrong sized dress received.
You can contact me on [protected]
Thank you.
The order was in 12/8/2018 and I received an order in 17/8/2018, the acssosires of the bag not complete and one of them missed.
How can you expect to be a good company with respectable customer service when people have to ship to Turkey for a return ? It's awful! I don't recommend this company to anyone!
You boast about returns and the don't mention that Turkey is the only option?
Hi all
Modanisa is scam
Get away from this site.
I read lots of complain no response from modanisa
For those who Fraudulent go to
FBI site
Click SCAMS AND SAFETY and complain
I ordered two shirts in the same size and the same brand, but one of them was perfect and the other one was too small. I have sent an email to the customer service but they have never replied back to me.
Date of incident: June 19, 2017
i request an order. Two of them are shawls and they came with different color. I request yellow one and i received gold one and the other one i requested a purple one with a different material than i received.
Stuff your rubbish company! When will you guys learn and read what people think of you! Its all over the net how bad you guys are. But as i can see you guys dont give a damn! Stay like that and youll probably become bankrupt!
I got a shoe that is very small in size, My size is normally 39 but i tried the shoe is small please can i get a return please.
I got a dress which was torn the first day I wear and customer service just ignored my complaint. Doesn't worth what you pay.
The back was not sawed in at all, it was overlapping each other and the way it was cut it was not symmetrical. also there were glue stains on the back of the dress. I am not a happy with this purchase. I was planning on wearing to my brothers wedding but this is just not gonna cut it for me. Now I have to take it to get it fixed.
I ordered some stuff from the modanisa website and i still dodnt recieve them alsl i tried to send an email and they didnt answer back i already paid for the stuff so i am just waiting them to arrive
My order was supposed to arrive before Eid in 27. june.2023 as promised but it arrived after Eid in 4.july.2023 and the customer service acted like nothing happened and did not even apologize for the late delivery.
Hello I was ordering February this year my items unlikely am not home the time. so they returned delivery so I dnt have my items and my money also . How many times I call you the customer service they say to me we send back your money until now I dnt have anything my money or my items am waiting 6 months I hope everything is ok.