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CB Banks Bank of America fraud, embezzlement, loan modification
Bank of America

Bank of America review: fraud, embezzlement, loan modification 192

Author of the review
6:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Bank of America and BAC Home Loans is the most criminal banking organization on our planet. Their only goal is to destroy millions of lives not help them like they say on their website. This is misrepresentation and false advertising. Quite honestly, the whole banking system needs to be replaced. Many people are standing up and fighting these monsters:

Update by Isabel1170
Mar 17, 2011 7:43 pm EDT

Just so you know, I did pay my mortgage on time and they kept screwingme over. I guess you work for Satan's bank and therefore scouring the internet in defense of their fraudulent practices. I guess you are ok with the widespread fraud that is being committed by Bank of America. People are fighting in wars and losing their lives for this country but no one is addressing the other war that needs to be initiated against these criminals. Then, where is the justice? Crimes are being committed against the people and I guess your ok with it. You better hope that you don't lose your house too. Maybe not if you work for BofA. They already ate Barbara Desoer's mortgage deficit wthout a problem but are screwing everyone else over.

Update by Isabel1170
Mar 17, 2011 8:31 pm EDT

You are a low life and you are very disrespectful by calling me a ###. I am far from being on. It is so sad that a disgraceful piece of crap like you is in the military. No wonder this country is going to the crapper. I guess anyone can be in the military. You disgust me and I refuse to reason with a idiot. Like I said before, I did pay my mortgage. It's not my fault that money was embezzled from me by a company that I am supposed to trust.

Update by Isabel1170
Mar 17, 2011 10:39 pm EDT

I understand Brenda but if the link I posted would have been read, he/she would have known the accustations. I have certain restrictions and I cannot provide every single detail about my case. I cannot understand how someone can scour the internet looking at negative posts about Bank of America and not be affiliated in some way with them. We are in an economical crisis and the banks are the main reason why. And this person "assumed" that I was a ### and that I did not pay my mortgage. Isn't that also an assumption? So who is the one that made the false assumption?

Update by Isabel1170
Mar 18, 2011 1:12 pm EDT

By the way Stealth, you were the one to make the first assumption and I guess you and Brenda failed to see it. You said and I quote: "Pay your mortgage on time each month and you will have no problems." You were the first one to comment on my complaint and "assumed" that I was having all these problems due to not paying my mortgage. You started the war! I was abused by Bank of America and that is it. They are allowed to do business in this country and they need to abide by the regulations. They continue to rob people that have loans with them and bank with them and they continue to issue illegal foreclosures and even foreclose on homes that they do not own and no one is stopping them. They are destroying everything that this country stands for and as a natural born American Citizen I am going to use my rights to the fullest and protect family. You, on the other hand have posted nasty comments that are uncalled for. If I were you, I would not be bragging about being in the military. I am just a hard working citizen who spent her life savings on a home and has disabled children and I do not use vulgar language against anyone. I guess I was raised right and I expect my children to also treat others with respect.

Update by Isabel1170
Mar 18, 2011 8:14 pm EDT

Stealt, it seems that you really did not read the press release because the word "allege" and "alleged" is all over it. Furthermore, if you are in the military as you say you are, you should be aware of one of the privileges we have in this country: Freedom of Speech. If Bank of America blasts their customers and investors publicly blaming them for the lack of loan modifications (they never said allege) then I can certainly speak the truth and speak my mind in a decent and non-profane way. The truth is, I am not here to bicker like you. You have left over 4, 000 comments on this complaint board and it is obvious that you like confrontations. I am not here for confrontations, I am here to educate the public about a company that is not abiding to the rules and regulations of business practices. If anyone breaks the law, they have to pay. That's it. If I would committ only 1% of the crimes that BofA has committed, I would be in jail right now. I do not forge signatures, steal from bank accounts, file false or forged documents through the justice system, embezzle money from escrow accounts, misrepresent services, harrass customers, foreclose on property that doesn't belong to me and so on. That is just a portion of Bank of America's crimes against humanity. We are fighting wars in foreign countries for oil or to destroy terrorists but we fail to fight the financial terrorist right here in our own backyard. What a corrupt system we live in!

Update by Isabel1170
Apr 12, 2011 2:41 pm EDT

Just read Stealth's posts. Just so you know Stealth, my press release DID have the word "allege" written all over it and the "original" was posted on a website the following day that it was created. The only thing I did to that release "after the fact" was make a spelling correction to two words. You obviously did not read my press release the first time as I had stated before. How can you complain about something that you never actually read?

Update by Isabel1170
Apr 12, 2011 4:55 pm EDT

Sure, TheLove Fist. Here is goes...

Update by Isabel1170
Apr 12, 2011 7:06 pm EDT

TheLoveFist II, you are obviously not aware with the amount of money that these banks are making on foreclosures. Many people do not. Do not take my word for it, do some research and you will clearly see the truth. All I know is that I can sleep at night because I am not fabricating a web of lies as these banks have (ie Bank of America). The government allowed this system to operate in Wall Street for may years and now the homeowners are the ones who are getting screwed after they all made billions upon billions of dollars. Most mortgage assigments are forged as well. Mine sure is. Again, don't take my word for it. You can watch it yourself:;photovideo#ixzz1IaCUSE4D

Update by Isabel1170
Jul 25, 2011 3:32 pm EDT

No one should expect a loan modification from Bank of America. It is a trick to make you default and take your home. They make much more money that way. They could care less if you are dying, got an operation, lost your job or any other unexpected inconvenience that might happen in your life. Do not fall for their traps. This is called F-R-A-U-D! They need to be exterminated like a bad roach infestation that has corrupted this country's economy. They are committing "widespread" fraud. When you "lead" millions of people to believe that you are going to help them (with their own tax money of course, i.e. bailout) and even make them miss payments in order to get a loan modification, that is called fraud:

Bank of America is a Racketeering Enterprise! Please read my article here:

Bank of America must be held accountable under RICO for Racketeering. Please sign this petition:

Do whatever you have to do to stop this Mafia from ruining your lives. Get an attorney, join a class-action or even sue them yourself (pro se). We need to stop this Monster called Bank of America before more lives are destroyed. Don't let them STEAL your home, fight back. Bank of America wants you to give up and the statistics show that most of their victims do. Don't be a Bank of America Victim any longer!

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Tamara Thompson
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Apr 16, 2008 3:16 pm EDT withdrew monies from my account without my consent.

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Aug 21, 2008 8:53 am EDT

I sold BAC shares and the investment services took like 10 days to credit my a/c.

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Aug 27, 2008 7:09 am EDT


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Nov 25, 2008 5:48 pm EST

Rest in peace Dianna Wells we love you and will miss you deeply.

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Mar 16, 2009 5:47 pm EDT

Rates are high and their returns are too low.

Patricia Campbell
Kennewick, US
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Aug 12, 2009 6:45 pm EDT

They want to put ten million dollars into my account with my Bank of America account

Melissa L
?, US
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Sep 07, 2009 7:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband called Bank of America back on the 4th of April to close his credit account. No problems there. The account was paid off, so he figured that was that. A few days ago he did a check on his credit report to see that under Bank of America the account was filed as delinquent. Turns out somehow a transaction went through on the 19th of April even though the account was closed weeks prior. This charge, which we have no idea where it came from was basically just sitting there, gaining interest without us even knowing about it. Thankfully when he called Bank of America again to find out what happened, they didn't know, but did clear the charge and "reclosed" the account, if that makes sense. So now we're just sitting back waiting for that to go through so we won't have that delinquent account anymore.

Bank of America helped us in the end, I guess you could say. They did manage to fix their mistake. Hopefully that's the last we have to deal with them.

Debra Deason
Cathedral City, US
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Mar 22, 2010 3:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The ATM did not give me my money

melissa verhage
franklin, US
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May 12, 2010 8:39 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

they are garnishing my check after 7 years, i thought there was a limit on this?

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Jun 17, 2010 1:17 pm EDT

I went to Bank of America in Laurel to open a safety deposit box, and I sign in to open it. After waiting 30 minutes I went to ask did they call my name yet, they said one more person is ahead of me, then they call that person. After we waited another 30 minutes and then she served another costumer and another (two total. They said they had a appointment, then she said she can't open the safety deposit box? First of all that isn't what I said I needed to do. After waiting ONE HOUR? Then she tell us? A bit late...So we got mad and my dad, he have a very loud voice naturally, he told them we waited one hour and no service. Then we walked out, and she followed us and told the police/ security that we were loud? Then the police/ security say if we are loud in a bank we can get arrested? I thought this was Bank of "America"...Freedom of Speech? Maybe they should put on the window..."If you are loud, you get Arrested." So, she walks back in and we told the security we waited for one hour and no service and he told us WAY MORE than the people inside. The security did a way better job than the people inside.

Then we went to the Bank of America in Beltsville, our usual one, to open safety deposit and they did a great job, they told how many people were ahead of us, and how long we needed to wait, and that person also offered if you wanted to have a appointment, if you didn't want to wait.

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Jun 28, 2010 1:07 pm EDT

Two years I asked for help! Mainly just to stop paying my principal so I had money to pay my credit cards off. I made 1st payment on property taxes in 09 but fell behind. I was able to catch back up in 2010 and made 1st payment again. In March I get a notice that BoA paided off 09 taxes without telling me and then they escrowed the next two years taxes into my loan which took my loan from $800 to either $1205-$1600 depending on how I wanted to pay them back. Hello I needed it to go down no double in price. Once again I started calling to see whats going on and try and get tempary help. Guess what they told me EVERY TIME? That because I wasnt DELIQUENT they couldnt do anything to help(also income). So I took their advise and stopped paying my loan. Shortly after the first missed payment my phone started blowing up! Two days after they didnt get the 2nd payment they send me a letter (NOTICE OF INTENT TO ACCELERATE) meaning that I better pay of they will foreclouse! Now this is after only 1.5 months they start threating to take my home. When I own 50% of the property. After receieving this letter I call finally to talk and see if their able to help. Well finally after getting someone the spoke english the first words out of their mouth were are you making a payment. No remorse to try and find out if they could help me. I've never felt so walked on in my life. This coming from someone whos been robbed by family, cheated on by friends and loved ones and just plain chewed up and spit out by others! PLEASE TAKE MY ADVISE AND THAT THESE PEOPLE DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT THERE BOTTOM LINE. REMIND THESE'S COMPANIES THAT IF IT WASNT FOR US THEY WOULD HAVE NO BOTTOM LINE SINCE WE HELP THEM GET THREW THOUGH TIMES BUT THEY WONT RETURN THE FAVOR! HOPE THIS HELPS ANYONE FROM MAKING THE WRONG CHOICE!

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Aug 11, 2010 6:11 am EDT

I lost my Bank of America ATM card in China. I called Bank of America Emergency Services and gave them the address of my hotel in China. Bank of America Emergency Services promised to send a new card to my hotel in China within 5 business days. Approximately seven business days later my card still hadn't arrived so I called Bank of America Emergency Services to find out from them that they "accidentally" sent my card to my home address in the US. A representative from Bank of America Emergency Services apologized profusely for the error they made and promised to send a new card within 5 business days to my new hotel, also in China. Approximately seven business days later I still had no card so I again called Bank of America Emergency Services. I spend an hour and half talking to Bank of America Emergency Services and Bank of America Customer Service trying to get the tracking number for their second attempt to send me a card in China. Finally, a supervisor at Bank of America Customer Service admits that Bank of America never attempted to send my card a second time. The supervisor told me that it is too dangerous to try to send a card to me in a foreign country, so they simply never tried. The supervisors statements confirm that I was lied to twice by Bank of America Emergency Services when told that I would receive a card in China within 5 business days. The supervisor then suggested that I have someone at my home address fish my Bank of America card out of the mail and try sending it to me here in China. This suggestion suggests to me that Bank of America would rather someone else take the risk of mailing an ATM card internationally than attempting to do it themselves. Bank of America's actions left me stranded in a foreign country for approximately two weeks with no knowledge that the cards I was waiting for were never sent.

mrs. Pags
Bloomfield, US
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Aug 17, 2010 4:24 pm EDT

bank of america doesnt care about there customers, you shouldnt sit back you have to contact the credit buers or it will stay on your credit. get something in writting from boa explaining what happened. but it will take at least 30 days

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Oct 20, 2010 6:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Where is the complaint that I wrote about Bank of America?

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Mar 18, 2011 3:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

we all know that the banks are a hugh prob, read the papers or check the news sites on the web they are all over it and their lying ways they have screwed everyone from bank fees to foreclosure and protecting their own with out any consideration of the people that gave them the bailouts, they knew this was coming since 1997, and they have been trying to cover their ### ever since. they are crooks ! they have applied $3600.00 to my account for insurence even though my insurence company has sent them the proof (3 times) that i already have insurence ! they lie ! now they are trying to blame everyone from the president to the consumer for their fraud, come get a grip !THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN ! time to fix it and the banks need jail time and hugh fines! otherwise this country is in for the biggest failure yet ! you could be next military man !

Don S. - Pennsylvania
Bucks County, US
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Mar 18, 2011 6:41 am EDT

One of the only reasons I'm piping in on this is to respond to "Stealth Pilot." Harsh words from an individual that's supposedly in one of the most highly respected positions in the military, as well as someone who is supposedly highly educated. Well my friend, it is readily apparent that you are in no way educated on the nationwide ponzi scheme unfolding before your very eyes. What were you trained in? A T-6? And when you stepped into the cockpit didn't you have a bit of background on the aircraft before you did? Perhaps you should apply the same discipline to this subject before you bruise your fingertips banging out things you know nothing about. Personally, I am well on my way to a Master's Degree (or MEI license if you like) in the subject of these bank scams after nineteen months of study and deep research, which I have been forced into out a sense of survival, yet taken to heart. I've been struggling long enough with this particular "yoke" to fly circles around you. You are simply wrong in your assessment, my friend. In a nutshell, there is literally ... not theoretically ... an active [yes] conspiracy to confiscate as much private property as possible in this supposedly free constitutional republic in order to turn a maximum profit in the shortest possible time ... right now ... as we type to each other. It is real and it is happening. Sadly, it's not the only "conspiracy" at work these days, since the liberties you put your life on the line for (supposedly) are being eroded by a corporate and governmental agenda unparalleled in human history. So ... "Stealth Pilot" ... take your head out of your ### and look through the canopy. You're about to get a bird strike, and it ain't no bird ... (and is that my Florida Isabel? A TRUE American Patriot?) - Don S. - Pennsylvania

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Mar 18, 2011 6:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh yes they did take money bailout money AND tarp money yes they paid it back but they made millions off of it. are you really that stupid to believe that there were no strings attached? they were given that money to USE to help struggling homeowners... which they helped themselves to. It was NEVER written as a loan it was written as bailout money ! it was called HAMP and for your information, the program is a failure because the banks never wanted to help anybody. they wanted to use the money to make themselves money...which the record shows they did make a LOT of money from it. you need to educate your self on the realities of the truth.. and maybe chase down some of the links provided for you to KNOW what your talking about!

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Mar 18, 2011 7:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

you have posted many opinions here, i looked at your profile seems you like to complain about everything !
I do have an opinion on the military cause my father, brother and husband won your freedom too,
freedom to complain about any dam thing i want. your military command makes the decisions not you so dont come here acting like your special. you just take orders. here's an order young man EDUCATE yourself before you open your big mouth.

Don S. - Pennsylvania
Bucks County, US
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Mar 18, 2011 7:30 am EDT

Interesting. Such classic rhetoric. Sadly, you take your training too far and let it bleed into your personal thoughts. Chiming in again is a great pleasure for me, since now I consider myself to have another (psychological/emotional) notch in my belt over you merely by reading your rhetoric, as well as further understanding your untenable position. You used the magic word ... "deadbeats." That's the center stick to every other maneuver you have, but it's flawed. In fact, it's not flawed, it's false. The percentage of "deadbeats" in this nationwide confiscation and [yes] conspiracy is MINUSCULE and the banks are even going after people with credit scores in the seven and eight hundreds. They simply don't care. Just an INQUIRY makes you a mark, then they lead you down a road that crashes-and-burns your credit, self-esteem, savings AND trust in the institutions this civilization was built on. And they LIE to do it ... research, research research. It's out there. No, "Stealth Pilot" ... you're at 40 thousand and your HR Infrared shorted out. You're flying blind. Your com chatter has been pumping garbage into your highly disciplined brain cells and you're spewing garbage right back out. Again, please, for your own sake and for the sake of the country you (allegedly) protect ... get your facts straight ... or shut your yap.

Revere, US
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Mar 18, 2011 7:39 am EDT

Bank of America Corp. was the second biggest recipient of federal bailout programs in the financial crisis, according to a report issued Wednesday by a congressional panel.
The U.S. government had total exposure of $336.1 billion to Bank of America through eight major programs, including the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according to the final report by the Congressional Oversight Panel. Citigroup Inc. had the largest exposure at $476.2 billion. The tally includes $45 billion in TARP funds that Bank of America has paid back. For seven other Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. programs, the Congressional Oversight Panel counted the highest monthly amounts of loans and debt outstanding.

The following video is less than 5 min. long, extremely educational and easy to understand; even Stealth Pilot should get it :)
Congressman Michael Capuano nails WallStreet Crooks via @youtube

Don S. - Pennsylvania
Bucks County, US
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Mar 18, 2011 7:50 am EDT

Obsessing a bit aren't we Stealth? I sense a bit of fist pounding. The fact remains that the paradigm you perceive is not the paradigm that exists. Frankly, we NEED you ... and people like you ... to understand this, despite your relentless pursuit to "convert" us. WE understand it, having lived it. However, the water is right in front of you. We can't shove your face into it. If, in fact you are pounding a fist, it's in vain ... since facts is facts. Sleep well.

Revere, US
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Mar 18, 2011 7:52 am EDT

Recall the TARP fund? It was a $700B bailout to the large banks and particularly AIG. AIG was/is an insurance fund which insured all of the mortgages in the structured investment vehicles against default and foreclosure and because these mortgages had been sliced and diced seven ways for Sunday, each mortgage was actually insured four or five times over. When the mortgages started to default and foreclose, the insurance companies ended up paying 100 cents on the dollar on these insurance policies they wrote to companies such as Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and others.
It was the TARP money, the taxpayer’s money passed through AIG which bailed out the banks.

Don S. - Pennsylvania
Bucks County, US
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Mar 18, 2011 4:19 pm EDT

Having slept on this, it came to mind that I should probably mention something ... and to all posters, not just Stealth. Generating shouting matches and name-calling is playing right into the hands of these powers. "Divide and conquer" is never more true than today. If we are one nation, we should behave like we are, and self-educate, not ridicule, belittle or demonize each other. Sure, we should have healthy debate to pull things out in the open, but the simple fact remains that if all we do is bark at each other, we let these insidious powers behind the curtain maintain control. For Stealth (that is if "Stealth" is your real name ... *smile*), his life is literally structured by "authority" he has no control over, up to and including being told kill people. He has to accept the authority ... but we don't. We can openly question and challenge it. However, as long as we fight amongst ourselves, venting our emotions on each other, these "authorities" win ... not us. That's BACKWARDS ... and even upside down. Stealth ... you have every right to speak your mind ... and we (I'll be bold enough to speak for the American public) shouldn't silence you with phrases like "shut your yap." I would only caution you to have your facts straight and set an example of wisdom coupled with knowledge rather than emotional venting or even rhetorical regurgitation ... which is advice we can all relate to. I hear a LOT of fist-pounding online, and from all sides. But it's a complete waste of time ... AND ... plays right into the hands of those who would rather see us in chains ... not physical chains ... but the chains of senseless bickering. Educate each other folks ... and stop throwing emotional stones. Otherwise we're lost.

Seattle, US
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Mar 24, 2011 3:13 am EDT

I was recently laid off from the bank. They are shipping the computer jobs to India and then claim they are an american bank. I called up to get information on my 401k but could not remember my password. Got someone in India. I was told I could not have my password since I did not work for the bank anymore. I told him I was considered a retiree. All I could get from him was a "you dont work for the bank so I cant give you your password to get to your 401k" at least thats what I thought he said but could not really understand everything he was saying. So am still trying to get to my 401k but everytime I try I get someone from India who cant speak english and wont help. Moving my money to Wells Fargo.

Seattle, US
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Mar 24, 2011 11:06 pm EDT

I did not work in a bank I worked in a computer center. I have never worked in a bank and no I dont know why american jobs are being shipped to other countries while CEO's are making millions. While I worked at the bank the CEO made over 200 million. So if your job goes to India you wont be surprised. I am a veteran and worked with other veterans who were laid off and watched their jobs sent overseas.

none, US
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Mar 24, 2011 11:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh that is okay "I like cookies, " as I have made the same mistake before by posting before I proof read. We all do it :)
Well, in Isabel's defense, why has everyone automatically concluded that she bought a house that she cannot afford, simply because she applies for a modification? This is the problem here, simply because the banks have put out a press release that said "The people are just as much to blame as the banks, " people are repeating that very well planned press release.
The fact is that what the banks did hurt the masses of people who could afford their houses, by giving the ones that could not afford their houses a loan they could not afford. This is the old argument of who do you blame? The drug user or the drug dealer? I can tell you right now that the majority of those people were led to believe they were going to make equity on the house by these banks, while the banks new they were going to lose their equity. So these people were not irresponsible, but were "investing" into something that was being presented a good investment by the banks, but all while the banks knew that what they were saying was a lie.
These people are not to blame as much as the banks. The banks must be held accountable for their crimes, and comparing what these people did to being the same as what a criminal did, simply is not correct.
So that knee jerk reaction that says "the people are just as much to blame, " is simply not a true statement, if you study the dynamics of what these banks really did to these people.
John Wright

San Diego, US
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Mar 25, 2011 3:42 am EDT

Wow Stealth! You comment on a huge number of posts(and it is your right), but you got your ### handed to you on this one!

You should stick to the Fast Food category and Walmart complaints.

Again, just my opinion. lol

none, US
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Mar 25, 2011 8:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am still trying to understand how Isabel putting the word "alleged" in a press release is to be interpreted as her trying be more creditable (lol)? Nevertheless, why would it not be interpreted as Isabel trying to get the word out about her lawsuit? Therefore, I suggest that Stealth has no evidence at all, if this is all they have to say at this point (lol).
I also do not think that anyone here is interested in trying to change Stealth, but I do think they have come here to expose that Stealth likes to speak about all things they know nothing about, while they appear to be nothing other than bully.
In the end, I think everyone here agrees with the fact that it does look like Stealth might have brought a knife to a gun fight (wink).
John Wright

none, US
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Mar 25, 2011 10:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You are clearly a very emotionally disgruntled person Stealth. However, you are apparently incorrect again, because it is readily apparent that you do care what I say. Otherwise, I would suggest you might not leave such an emotionally disgruntled statement. I knew you would not be able to resist responding, which is exactly why I had left the comment. You see, this is because each time you leave a comment, my people get closer and closer to finding out where and who you are. I am sure you do not believe me, but I am also sure some of these people here have actually seen me do it before. This is because not too long I posted seven people's names, phone numbers, addresses, pictures, work address, work phone numbers and even their check numbers. That is always the fun part too, because all the sudden ### talking seems to stop, simply because you are nothing other than fake Stealth. A fake who hides behind their computer, while you try to bully decent people. You are probably not much to look at either, which might explain a lot of your unhappiness.
It also appears that you are wrong again with your facts about people caring about my site too. You see, I have displayed my sites tracker on my blog. This tracker displays that the House of Reps, United States Senate, Bank of America and 37, 000 other people seem to disagree with you. If you are talking about the people in this would be wrong again. This is because who do you think brought them here stupid. You see, they come to see the show, but you do not even realize that you are the star yet do you? However, I like to play with my food before I eat it.
If you are so right, why are you so miserable and I am so happy?
I will say it again:
In the end, I think everyone here agrees with the fact that it does look like Stealth might have brought a knife to a gun fight (wink).
John Wright

Alpine, US
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Mar 25, 2011 4:45 pm EDT

I agree John, you always hit the nail on the head. If he was a smart person this Stealth, we would clearly see the truth of all the information you are able to obtain on anyone! But, there are those out there like Stealth that always opens mouth and inserts foot. And those like Stealth who just talk the talk and loves to hear himself talk. So Stealth, what does a couple do that bought a home they could afford lost their spouse now living on a fixed income, Medicare won't even pay the cost of that spouse's illness nor the supplemental insurance cover the cost? And Stealth if you don't give a sh--t about John says, why do you always have to post something after him?

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Mar 25, 2011 5:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been reading the comments from both sides and its pretty clear to me that mr stealth, loves to stir the pot. I too, have had my trouble with b of a. and since he like the "facts" i will give you some. in 2001 i bought a house, then when to economy started to slide in a downword fashion, my income started to go the same way. I work for myself as i have for 30 years. my income was very good. I started to notice that i was taking a little more out of my saving each month to afford the same standard of living i was used to, and believe i was NOT living that fancy! I was told to call b of a, that they were willing to help people in my posistion. so i called them, they told me that in order to get help i HAD to stop making my payments ! so i trusted the bank and did what they told me to do cause we are supposed to BELIEVE what the banks say right? well as it turns out thats not so true anymore, i can remember when you knew your banker, you delt with them all the time and had a relationship with them. not anymore. so please stop telling us that "if you paid your mortgage on time" crap. its sounds like a poor excuse to me now that i KNOW the banks lie. read the papers, listen to the news millions of foreclosures cant lie. the system is broken and needs to be fixed NOW. and we need accountibility from the banks and from the officials who are supposed to represent US... remember "by the people, for the people"...

none, US
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Mar 25, 2011 8:30 pm EDT
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Dear "I like Cookies":
I would post it for accountability purposes. This is because it appears that Stealth harasses people online, while they hide behind an anonymous screen name and abuse people with their bad language and threatening tenor. The others that I had posted were actually paid to come out here and talk about me, but I have no problem diverting my recourses towards someone who I find to be harassing the true victims, such as Isabel is. This is why Stealth should be careful, because they do not always know who they are talking their ### to. However, if they are going to talk ###, I suggest they better be able to back it up. This is because there is a new sheriff in town, and I have every intention of backing up what I say. This is also because I am not using a fake bravado, such as I assure you Stealth is.
Contrary to your feelings, Stealth is the one that is harassing victims with their abusive tenor, language and attitude. They are by no means a victim themselves, unless they choose to be (wink). Though I like healthy debate, I have concluded that Stealth is nothing other than an abusive bully, which is exactly why Isabel has asked for us all to come here. This is why Stealth should reconsider using such strange amounts of effort to harass people on complaint boards, while appearing to be nothing other than a complaint troll, who leaves hit and run statements that challenge peoples character without cause. This is because my team might conclude that this is the finger print of someone who might come up on the radar as working for Bank of America, in which I assure you will trigger a series of events that might catch a dolphin in our tuna net now and then, but will have immediate consequences. Though I have not concluded that Stealth works for Bank of America, I have concluded that they have the finger print of someone that is working for some kind of agenda, while they have their friends click the positive and negative responses on these comments we all leave. This is a silly tactic on Stealth's behalf, after you consider that I have a thousand member blogger hit team that could light those positive and negative comment responses up like Christmas tree. The simple fact is that Stealth is an amateur, and my team tends to eat ### like Stealth for breakfast every day. I assure that it is war they cannot win, but we nevertheless see Stealth as target practice for what are agenda we might have.
With that being said, you would be incorrect that it is illegal for me to post publically obtained information, unless Stealth is under 18. Nevertheless, have I mentioned that I am fighting the largest bank in the world? This would clearly suggest that I have many resources accessible to me, while one of them is being that I have 25 attorneys. Clearly, I stand ready to defend myself from any legal threat brought to me by Stealth, while I assure you that Stealth serves no legal threat to me at this time.
My message is clear: "In the end, I think everyone here agrees with the fact that it does look like Stealth might have brought a knife to a gun fight." End of story.
John Wright

Houston, US
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Mar 26, 2011 12:06 am EDT
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Freedom of speech only applies in government matters, dingbat who doesnt pay their mortgage ontime. What the hell you think slander is, no-nothing idi0t. Educate yourself. Your stupidity is killing me.

Homer Glen, US
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Mar 26, 2011 12:55 am EDT
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Oh wahhhhhhhhhambulance.

Either way, I had BoA as my personal banking account for almost five years, no problems, then BAM! my debit card was stolen, and when I say stolen I mean my entire purse was stolen from me. Set it down on the counter at a local resturant, and then looked over after I had paid with cash and my wallet and purse were gone. I called BoA, told them my card had been stolen and to close the account. Guess what? They didn't. I went home later that night after work, checked my account and over $300.00 had been charged to my account. I called again and this time I was in tears. Now... if I had called not only about... um, 5-10 minutes after my card was stolen, and they supposedly had "cancelled" my card, all of a sudden I had these charges? All my other cards I called after cancelled my account right away and sent me new cards and set up my new accounts on the spot for me not even having to lift a finger. So how is it the biggest bank supposedly, in America cannot do a simple task such as close an account when my card was stolen?

Oh, the fun doesn't stop there either. After I called there, in tears, telling them what happened, the lady was not only rude to me, but stated I was LYING. Uh... lolwut? Of course I was lying about my own card being stolen so I could go spend money at Sears Auto and Shell Gas Station, oh and not to mention at Express for Men. Well, it was sent to the fraud department after about 3 calls to different people and 2 "managers". So afterrrrr that, I called up again after a week to see how everything was doing, they told me everything was going fine, and the investigation was underway, I thanked them and went on my merry way. Four weeks later I get a bill in the mail for $351.76, I will never forget that number, that's how much BoA said I owed to them in charges. I almost threw the drink I was holding I was so angry. I called again, this time not as nice as before, and FINALLY someone told me the fraud department said they found no foul play. NO FOUL PLAY!? Not only had I cancelled the card, I had cancelled it TWICE, went to fraud, talked to everyone I could and now they wanted MY MONEY!? You can only imagine my anger and frustration, I felt bad for the poor customer service girl on the other line who only sounded about 19 years old.

Needless to say, unless I wanted to go to court, which I have no time for or patience, I basically told BoA to shove it where the sun don't shine, closed my account and once that bill went to collections I hired an attorney and basically had them deal with it. Luckily, I kept my T-mobile bill showing I had a 5 minute conversation that day because it proved I had called BoA and told them to cancel my card. It's obvious they didn't give a crap about me, or my money, or well just... about any of their customers. I would never go back to that bank if my life depended on it. If I put money up my bum and walked around with it half sticking out that would be about as safe as it is in BoA's hands.

none, US
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Mar 26, 2011 12:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi "I like Cookies"
Thank you for taking the time to write me :)
You are absolutely correct that her actions are completely protected under the first amendment right, in which I am a big believer in. Even considering, I am certain that I can have her statements completely removed, after having my people reviewed some of the policies of this site. However, I did not ask to have them removed, but simply suggested that there would sever social consequence and accountability for her actions, if she expressed herself in an abusive way to myself or the people of my cause. This is because I have zero tolerance for a bully.
With that being said, I am saying that she has every right to put that metaphoric middle finger in my face, but she should not be surprised if I should respond in a way that suggests where she can stick that finger of hers. Though she might even have the right to put that middle finger in someone's four year olds face, I am also suggesting that it will not be tolerated without social consequence. This is because I also have a first amendment right, in which might involve me expressing myself back, while I also exercise my version of freedom speech.
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
John Wright

Homer Glen, US
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Mar 26, 2011 1:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

When it comes to Stealth, you should just do a signature "Umadbrah?" because obviously she is. Or just tell her that her boobs are saggy and that's why she's so mad. *shrug*

Good luck though to the writer of this post, may your fight with BoA go as smoothly as mine did...

Livingston, US
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Mar 26, 2011 2:00 am EDT

Stealth Pilot, if some one forged your signature, fabracated closing documents and tried to pass them off as the "true copies", you might not think so highly of BofA. And what is even worse, it was done so badly. Or how about returning your unemployment check because "account closed" ...the state closed there BofA account? And BofA waiting 3 months after the deposit to take it back out of your account, leaving a ton of NSF fees for items you had out, and then tells you it is not there fault. It took over 2 weeks and the help of the state faxing there ledger page to prove the account was still open and the check CLEARED! And it that is not enough...they do it again a week after that for another unemployment check deposited 2 months earlier. The dumb bunnies had sent that check to 3 states and even had an endorsement from Wells Fargo. Now if they can't even keep the smallest of checking accounts in order, how the heck can they do a good job of safe keeping our loans and the loan documents...answer, THEY CAN NOT !
And their loan mods...a joke. They do not want to help people, and keep their homes. And for the record, my family has been in every war in this county since it was founded, fought for freedom and rights, and many lost their lives doing so. And from what I see, our rights here at home are going in the trash. Maybe you should start fighting for America Rights here, at home, were it really counts instead of putting down all those who are finding themselves in the middle of legal and human rights beening trashed.

none, US
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Mar 26, 2011 2:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Regardless of your feelings, there is still a new sheriff in town.
Some of these women in here are so crude. I am betting they look exactly the way they sound too. What's is next? Are they going to scratch their balls and spit?
So Crude.
My name is John Wright AND I AM FIGHTING BACK!
John Wright

Homer Glen, US
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Mar 26, 2011 2:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am going to have to agree with John, on this one. Most girls who seem to have something mean to say just have an underlining problem themselves in which they take everything out on everyone else because of their ingrown hairs or something. Trust me, I work in an office in a customer service job. Women's biggest enemies are not men, it's other women.

Destrehan, US
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Mar 26, 2011 2:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Stealth Pilot, I have no doubt you are working for BOA and your job is to disagree with everyone telling the truth about BOA. The best thing we can all do is IGNORE YOU! GO BUY SOME BALLS AT THE NEAREST MARKET AND GLUE THEM ON...maybe and maybe then you could write at John Wright's level! WE ARE FIGHTING BACK WHETHER YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE...AND UNITED WE STAND!

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