I'm absolutely disgusted. We have had our twilight mattress for just over 4 years now - yet the earrsnty is 20. King size so as you can imagine very hefty price about $1700 at the time not including protectors. We bought the total encasement plus a fitted protector. All of which we were pretty much bullied into buying and told if we didn't our warranty would be worthless.
Anyway fast forward to today, we have a new bed being delivered. So not only do I have to wash the sheets but I wanted to check the protectors. I notice a stain on the fitted one so I took it off to wash. Then noticed more on the total encasement so I began to investigate. I decided to take it off because I never have and figured might as well. As I flipped the mattress up to take it off, I'm absolutely stunned to see the entire bottom has big mold spots all over. But even worse, it wasn't on the outside of the protector, it seemed to be inside on the mattress itself. If you have one of these mattress, you know the mattress has a cover that unzips (not the additional protectors)So I slightly unzip it to reveal the bare foam and see that the mold is growing from the foam. Internally.
My husband has been having severe allergies for the past 2 years and it's always the worst at night. When we stay other places its not an issue. I can only imagine this has contributed. Not only do these protectors do nothing but clearly it's a common thing as I can see many people have also made complaints.
Claimed loss: Total cost of mattress plus sheet protectors
Desired outcome: Refund or replacement. Ideally refund because I don't trust another mattress won't mold just the same.