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Allied Universal / review: awful company 61

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9:16 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Allied Barton Security pulled me from the John H. Winters Building for supposed negligence of duties without first properly training me on those duties. They just assumed that I knew everything there was to know about my site. On top of that time and time again they failed to properly pay me correctly.

So when I received my paychecks they were short forcing me to wait until the office received the corrections then I had to show up in person at the office in order to get what I should have already received. They have the audacity to call themselves one of fortune 500's top ten companies.

Most if not all the security officers that work for this company are lazy and incompetent because thats the vibe that is given amongst all it's employee's. It' like lets see how much we can get away with and still get paid.
I bet you I could walk into my former site at the John H. Winters building right now without being noticed. Thats how laxed this company is.

I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't trust them with my life. For one they don't treat their officers like actually human beings more like pieces of meat. They really could careless about anything that goes on from site to site just as long as an officer doesn't compromise their contract so they can continue making all their money. One thing about the uniforms is that they cost $200 which consists of 3 shirts, 3 pants, a windbreaker, and badge.

First off the pants aren't hemmed it's the officers responsibility to pay to get them hemmed and second you have to provide your own footwear and belt. If you ask me this should all be covered within the $200 deposit. If they were to treat their officers better I believe that they just might have a little more pride in their Job.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Alvin, US
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Oct 29, 2011 12:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I worked at a site for over 15 years. allied barton won the contract recently and after that it was downhill. they hired me as account manager because of my 15 years at the site. I had no disciplinary actions against me ever and didn't when I was october 2011 they called me in an office and told me that I would no longer be account manager because they were replacing me with someone that was an account manager at another site that lost the contract and I would need to train my replacement. they praised me for my performance and said the client was happy with me. I was 2 months past my probation period with this all my jobs I worked I have never been treated so bad as I was lied to about my pay and vacation, and harassed. beware of ron martel, larry christine and glen schnitzer of the pasadena texas office. this group is by far the worse management I have ever worked for.

john johns
Phoenix, US
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Nov 10, 2011 8:39 pm EST

My wife works for this company in arizona and im not going to mention the site due to she likes the job however what is upsetting to me is this company states they offer competitive health care.
My wife pays 66.00 dollars per pay period she earns 9.75 an hour, after taxes and the health care expense she takes home 619.00 dollars. last week she brought home the new 2012 health care program paper work and to my astonishment her health care cost for a single person rose to 83.00 dollars per pay period (26 weeks x 83.00 dollars = $2138.00 a year for coverage) I work for a competitor security company and our health care is free and most of our sites pay 12.00 an hour. see is going to be leaving due to 1. health insurance 2. hourly pay.3. this piece of # company does not give a rats # about retaining good and qualified people. I guess its just the culture of upper management there as to why there is such a revolving door and a constant recruitment campaign even during this time when a lot of citizen's are out of work.

Aurora, US
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Jan 28, 2012 9:22 am EST

I am a former allied barton emlpoyee. I was with the company for 4 years until very recently. now I admit that I f*ed up: someone saw me dozing and apparently notified the client, who in turn notified my supervisor (who also relieved me at the end of my shift that night). my supervisor gave me a final written warning (also with the "termination" check-box marked) and informed me that the client (no name[s] specified) wanted me removed from that site immediately. ok, so far the supervisor did his job, right? here's where things get interesting: the supervisor said I was probably fired, and advised me to call-off for the remainder of my workweek. he also advised me to request an immediate transfer, which I did the following monday. he also told me that since he "was trying to help me," that he was not going to send the write-up in to the district office. a week after that, I went to the office to check on the status of my transfer request and to speak to h. r. about what happened. the human resources representative I spoke with had me give a formal (in other words, signed) written statement of my recollection of those events, action taken at the time of occurence, and naming the person(s) involved, to the best of my knowledge. I was told by human resources after I was finished preparing my statement that the matter would be investigated, and that I would be contacted. 3 days ago (wednesday), I received a call from the human resources representative asking me to report to the district office on friday (yesterday) to meet with an operations manager. when I went into that meeting, I was told that I was being terminated for falsifying information, and I saw with my own eyes, a copy of the very write-up that my supervisor said he was not going to send in. I believe the supervisor knew that an investigation was being conducted, and simply chose to cover his own #, leaving me to tak th fall. as such, have since lost any reason to trust anyone from allied barton ever again. my opinion of that so-called "fortune 500 company" is simple: piss on 'em, and while i'm at it : f* you very much, allied barton!

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May 24, 2012 3:45 am EDT

This is an email I received from the account manager, my driect boss. "never underestimate me. I may wear a dress suit and slacks, but I will never allow anyone to get in my way of my career, family! never take my kindness for weakness! you said everyone has a bad side! I do have a evil side one that goes beyond the imagination! I like to prune trees with a chainsaw get rid of the limbs that suck the life out of you! lmao! I am one that really do not forget or forgive until I get revenge. I love revenge don't you? it brings sweet satisfaction! yes the real *xyz* is back! that is the most recent, dated [protected], sent to me at work as well as my personal email address.. i've began printing off each email, good or bad & have also contacted an attorney as I consider that last email threatening in more than one way. so tell me how"great it is to work for allied barton" again? I really enjoy the work itself, but the management sucks more than I can put into words.

Anita Man to Hug and Kiss
Madison, US
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Jun 20, 2012 10:10 pm EDT

Allied barton at vanderbilt is so corrupt, charles d france runs everything. what does that mean, it means he hooks up loser friends who sleep on the job and do nothing in which they were supposedly trained to do. if you ain't them, then watch out cause if you aim to do right they don't. oh they says all the right words, but nothing matters except them having buts in the seats and thats all the supervisors care about. beware or nick armstrong he's a dog, a real sack of #. they use people only as
Long as needed, then throw you under the bus! look elsewhere honey!

One Woman One Voice
Nashville, US
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Jun 28, 2012 4:36 pm EDT

I totally agree that allied barton at vanderbilt should be investigated, they promote unequal training, great benefits, and that they screen each worker through vupd. nothing could be further from the truth, poor training and terrible leadership for several years. new faces everyday, when will vanderbilt and allied get called out for the way they treat people? I also agree that charles defrance is mostly to blame, he really gives some rotten people jobs at allied. some day someone should stand up a speak out about what is really going on at vandy! it a shame that a company can claim to be tops in their industry and do people the way they have for years. it's going on across the country allied sells their security accolades to university's across the country based on the job they do at vanderbilt. those university's should take a long look at what's really going on!

San Jose, US
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Jul 16, 2012 1:07 am EDT

To [randaround the thought] I must thank first. god bless you.
I worked for allied barton as well, and was assaulted at work! my ankle was hurt and everyone including their hr director was treading me as if I had a minor spring ankle till I paid out of my pocket to see a specialist and mri to find out my bone was chipped and there are 2 fragments lose in my ligament!
I sent many strong emails to even hr vice president, but no one bothered to take any action. finally for a no good reason I was fired!
Allied barton is the worse company to work for, the only reason they have so many jobs is the clients are too lazy to put time and investigate them! allied barton has many employment issues in the federal and superior court. their staffs are people that have no understanding of humanity; they are a bunch of sleazy, corrupt and 2 faces.
Forget about their inadequate training, or their half decent investigation!
I do not fear them and every single word I say here I have back up for it. I have more respect for [dog poop] than allied barton!

A guy who has been around
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Jul 29, 2013 6:42 am EDT

Allied barton barton, securitas security services, apex3 and the rest are all bottom feeders who only employee the desperate, uneducated, inexperienced wanna be cops.
They want everything and offer nothing but a check and some on line training and a few pins and buttons as the chicago area many clients are savy to crappy service they offer. securitas has hundreds of unemployed guards from lost accounts, allied is losing account hours left and right in the chicago area resulting in guards being cut. they all compete with gas stations in the same pool of the chicago area guardian and abm pay the best and treat employees pretty decently.

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Dec 24, 2013 9:29 am EST

Allied Barton presently has an hard of hearing officer on contract at the Corporate site. The supervisors have been made aware of this by many of his fellow officers but nothing is being said or done. There is constant talk among the officers concerning their safety. Allied Barton has told many full-time officers if color that they can't go part-time and many officers has left as a result but there is an officer (Caucasian) that recently was given the opportunity to go part-time and he is working for the contractor for who Allied Barton is contracted for (part-time) How fair is this? Would this fall under a conflict of interest? Certain officers are being late to their post and nothing is being done or said by supervisors. There have been times where an officer has worked 16 hours on a shift and more than 80 hours a week. Burning the officers out and endangering the officers. Allied Barton promised incentives upon the transition to the contract and the officers has not seen nothing.
There are other issues but I can't speak on them at this moment.

Dallas, US
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Sep 24, 2014 9:03 am EDT

I have been employed with allied barton for a couple of years in dallas, texas and never have I been around a more racist environment in my life. the manager there (john lee) called a black man a # and he still has his job. they hid this and even promoted the man. they say it was long time ago and people can change, but the man is still a racist and it is plain to see. he was just a supervisor when he did this but he has since been promoted to manager of the site. allied barton is full of #. they hide things like this from their clients. at the very minimum he should have been removed and place at another site. how do they now expect the black and hispanic guards to feel about him? how do they expect the black and hispanic guards to feel about allied barton? allied barton has a federal contract with aafes/exchange and it is against the law to discriminate based on race, but they allow this racist john lee to remain at this site. he tries hard to hide it, but you can tell when you are around him that he is still a racist piece of #. he has developed a crew who bows down to him and instead of this being a place to work, a professional setting, it has become his private club. whomever john lee dislikes he slanders, makes up false evaluations and spread rumors about you to predjudice other guards against you. he is a real smooth racist because he pretends to like a few blacks so no one can see that he is really a racist. allied barton was a company I used to take pride in, but now watching how they covered john lee's racist rant up, I have lost all respect for this company. what's the use of giving your all to a company that condones racism in it's ranks and even rewards it with a promotion? if we are supposed to be a team then this sure as hell does not seem like a team at all.

Am Orland park Ill
Chicago, US
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Dec 10, 2014 2:47 am EST

Allied barton is a great company. maybe will get better reviews if things turned out the way people want them too. the facts are; #1 this is a job not restaurant, you can not have it your way. you are expected to work and not complain about polices that are enforced to help run the company. there is no fine print when accepting a job offer with alliedbarton. everything is black &white. #2 there are benefits and room for growth within the company but if you only desire to be a security officer than that's just where you will remain. i've work for abs for a little over 9yrs i've seen a lot of people come and go. mostly for abusing the company policies. as stated before there has to be rules enforced to control worksites etc... above all I see is people who have works for abs now complaining about poor management etc. abss orland park illinois staff/officers are the best. the morale within there office is 100%. talking bad about a company you work for is not good motivation for the team. abs is very open to employees opinions etc.. maybe if you took the time to address your concerns with the company or site management team your experience would have been better. you cannot down grade a company based only on your experience. im sorry abs did not meet your own levels of expectations. but to be honest the team makes the company. the value of their work, the levels of commitment within the force. abss account manager orland park chicago.

alliedbarton accuser
Lynnwood, US
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Apr 05, 2015 8:31 am EDT

I agree that alliedbarton is the absolute worst security company I ever worked for — they are incompetent and utterly unethical. I had the misfortune of working for them for just over 3 years, first at an unarmed google account and then at an armed boeing account. I should have heeded the red flags — incredible turnover of account managers, supervisors, human resources, and managers. instead, I transitioned into their newly formed boeing account, and was that a mistake!. they know nothing about management, and the turnover of supervisors and account managers was hard to believe. they had the audacity to remove me from the boeing account for being proactive about security and doing my job! it was just b. s. politics, and the corrupt regional director and a-hole account manager at the renton boeing site did not stand up for me at all, when I questioned a boeing security manager (no one bothered to ever tell me who he was) why he was parked in our parking lot. turns out he was taking a tour with some vip witch from back east who forgot her badge and complained that she didn't get it fast enough when I had multiple security duties to perform at the front gate before I could issue her a temp badge because she forgot hers. anyway, they came up with a b. s. reason why they were removing me from the boeing site, and that was the thanks I got for never calling out once in over 3 years. I would caution anyone who wants a career to think twice about contract security because gs4 and securitas are complete imbeciles as well, but alliedbarton is in a class by itself when it comes to unethical treatment of their employees. the way they treat veterans is an absolute travesty of justice. I would suggest only working for them if you need a paycheck while you look for real security job, like hospital or campus security. I now work for a wonderful organization with great benefits and who doesn't treat you like you're just a body to make them money for their contract. I consider it a blessing that I no longer work for such a corrupt organization like alliedbarton. I will not be surprised if they lose their contract with boeing for their unethical conduct

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Dec 18, 2015 6:10 pm EST

I worked for the RTC account in Las Vegas Nevada, the pay was not bad, the benefits are bad, you get no sick leave and have to put up with abusive account manager if you call in sick. They treat there employees like yesterdays garbage. If you are looking to work for a company that treats there employees fairly and like human beings then this company is not for you, don't even wast your time. I turned in a 2 week notice and was told by the account manager 2 days before I was suppose to resign that yesterday was my last day. I gave them at least 2 weeks to find some one and they found a replacement and replaced me before I resigned. So I turned my uniforms in and the account manager was in his office and was afraid to face me. i told him that I hope that karma does not come back and bite you. Every one deserves to be rewarded for the work that they do. This account manager put out a memo stating that 40 percent of the employees at the RTC account are over qualified. This company is not one to work for.

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Dec 18, 2015 7:37 pm EST

I worked at allied Barton security company in Las Vegas nevada. It was the worst experience in my life. I worked for them less than a year. Thank god I came to my senses The account manager was a complete a hole. He yells at his employees and talks down to them when you call off for your shift. The pay is good, but I caution anyone that works here the pay is the same even if your there for 5 years, no pay increases. The account manager put out a memo stating there is no over time and maybe if we are good boys and girls we might get a raise in march. Really what is wrong with rewarding good work with a raises now, the managers all got there end of the year bonuses, but the people that do the work got nothing. Thanks Allied Barton Security for the worst experience in my life. Well enjoy the bonuses that you took from the money left over from the accounts and I hope all of you have a merry Christmas with it. I already put my complaints in to the labor board, about there hostile work environment. So I end this with a happy note have a wonderful new years, because I know I will. Moving on to better experience on my new job. If you want to work here think twice, terrible company to work for.

Michael Hinz
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Apr 27, 2016 7:27 pm EDT

I would like to add my two cents about what I found while working at Allied Barton. You do not want to work with these people, period. They don't care, one way or another, about their employees. They care only for their work schedules and it doesn't matter to them how badly they put out their employees. They don't give a **** about their employees. Please notice how disparaged and unhappy are the others that you work with. We all hate it and the inconsiderate [censored]es that are in what passes for management. They hire children for management, snot nosed, arrogant, and incompetant children who wouldn't know how to manage a trip to the restroom. Yes, I'm angry, because I wasted three months trying to explain common decency to ###s who couldn't spell that word. In my twenty years of working in the security business, Allied Barton is the worst, and that's saying a lot since they all suck, to one degree or another. If you stay with these people, you'll wind up unhappy and endlessly complaining to your coworkers about how screwed up things are. Move on, please, there is nothing to gain from working at Allied Barton and you'll regret it while your looking for another job.

Deah Powell
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Aug 21, 2016 11:49 pm EDT

They allow their employees to sleep on the job site. I reported this supervisor gave them a pic of him sleeping and they must don't care cause he still working at the Springfield mall in pa

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Deah Powell
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Aug 21, 2016 11:56 pm EDT

This supervisor works at the Springfield mall in Springfield, pa... I've complain about him sleeping a number of times to our mall management you think they care... no he's still employed at that site! If i can sleep and get a check i need switch jobs cause he's wining

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Mar 09, 2017 6:14 pm EST

Allied Barton downtown Chicago office does not have the best managers around, except one manager has to be the worst supervisor-manager that allied Barton has ever hired. Her name is Diane Guy Randolph. Diane Guy Randolph has worked as a supervisor-manager at the University of Chicago as well as Dominican University and other well known institutions. Diane Guy Randolph has to be the worst manager that Allied Barton has ever hired. Not only is she extremely rude to staff, students and parents but also very unkind to people, and should not be in the security industry in my opinion. That is all I have to say at this time.

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Gadsden, US
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Oct 28, 2020 6:11 pm EDT

I'll say this allied universe guards at the gadsden colonial mall, gadsden Alabama mall are a joke. these guys are lazy and sit in the office and play video games on their phones, I guess the company never checks them out. Plus their uniforms dont even fit them . They look like clowns. You would think the company would set a dress code for them to have to go by. Plus have training for them. Their pitifully.

Gadsden, US
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Oct 28, 2020 6:14 pm EDT

The gadsden mall in gadsden Alabama has clowns for allied universe guards. They sit in the office and play video games. Instead of doing their job's. And lie on their reports.

Gadsden, US
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Oct 28, 2020 6:17 pm EDT

If allied universe would at random check in person at the gadsden mall they will.find out a bunch of children playing video games instead of doing their job.

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