CRST International’s earns a 2.6-star rating from 50 reviews, showing that the majority of logistics service clients are somewhat satisfied with their transportation solutions.
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What it all boils down to is that many of these big trucking companies like CRST get $11, 000 from the government for each person they send to a driving school that graduates. So they offer to send you to school and pay for it under the guise that you will work for them under a contract for 8 months in return for them sending you to school. The school charges them roughly $3, 000 and they pocket the remaining $8, 000. The recuiter has a vested interest in making sure you make it through the school. In my case, when he called I told him I had a problem with my employment/driving record and he assured me that it was so long ago that it would not be a problem (I had tested positive on breathalyzer back in 2000, no conviction). So I spent 3 weeks in the driving school even though I already had my CDL to get the required hours behind the wheel to make me ok to hire. So I go to the terminal in Oklahoma City for orientation and at 14:00 on the second day they told me I had falsified my application and was free to go. Suddenly my recuiter could not remember the conversation where he assured me everything was alright. Evidently all he was concerned about was the fact that they slicked me through the school, got the government money and he got his comission. It is a real shame that I was 100% straight up with them from the beginning and they played me like that. The guy that sent me packing said they got the report at 09:30 to let me go yet he waited til' 14:00 to tell me so I had to scramble to evacuate the sleazy hotel they put me up in and make it to the bus terminal, and yes at my expense. I am not one to piss and moan about the small stuff but there were other drivers on the bus with me with almost identical stories. I know that here are bad seeds and people who lie on applications but I am not one of them.
crst is a scam
I can only warn the potential truck drivers that are concidering going to work for crst. The first clue is the unorganized and slum of a training center. Why? Its run all by workers comp people that have either wrecked or been in a wreck with the company. I dont believe they have but 1 or 2 people on payroll for the training center. I went thru the drill, truck school then one week of orientation. Was immediatly dispatch with a trainer. So far so good. I knew and completely understood what i was getting myself into including pay. 50 dollars aday while on the truck in the 28 day training with a lead driver. I do believe that turns out to be less than minimum wage. There are days you might work as much as 14 hours (Legally). Figure that out for dollar per hour. But as a newbie you must put your time in. Reader digest version of my experience. I ended up with two trainers, both i liked very much, both very different, but good drivers (Safe). They were both owner ops, and the truth, doesnt matter to a trainee cause you make 50 dollars a day driving or sitting. So i had to bug my dispatcher hard my 28 days are up and im ready to team up and make more money, i do have a family at home, which is not iowa, its florida. I knew that i needed to make it a couple months without really counting on a good paycheck. 50 dollars a day and dont forget you must eat on the road and buy items required for you to survive. You need to do laundry and stuff like that. Soooo... I finally team up with my co driver and get out truck and pick up our first load, by the way, here is where gut instinct come in. If you dont feel comfortable with your co driver, get out. After three weeks, while i was asleep in the back, i woke to my head and elbow being bashed upside a cabinet, thinking i was going to die, i curled up into a fetus position. After all the comotion ended i crawled out of the wreck.In shock and disoriented i sat down in the middle of the highway, dont worry, we were in the middle of timbucktoo... Noone within sight. Police and ambulance show up and take up to hospital. Later that day was released. Walked out of the hospital, very sore and aching, 3000 miles away from home. I really didnt want to talk to the driver cause i believe he feel asleep behind the wheel cause he hit another truck from behind. He managed to run over another semi at 65mph on any empty road. You tell me what happen. I called crst and told them i want to go home and that i needed to borrow 200.00 to get home. By the way, every paycheck while on training was short 50 dollars cause they had only paid me for 6 day not 7 days. You cant figure this out cause you paystub is only available online. I was lucky and had access to online while on the truck with my laptop and aircard. It took me four weeks to straighten that out, and when i did, they took back the 200 i borrowed... So i have friends that lived withing 3 hours of the wreck that drove and picked me up. Thank god for them. I stayed with them untill i could find a flight home. Crst wanted me to take a bus... Ahhh no, 48 hour bus ride after a major accident. I flew home two days later. And three months later here i sit... Not a dime since last paycheck, not a dr visit or anything. Crst called and explained how workers comp works. And let me fill you in>>>>> you earn 66 percent of your previous 13 weeks of pay. To spell it out to everyone, you have to go back to iowa and live in military style barracks and survive now on 28 dollars a day, and work light duty. Yes 220 dollars a week, i believe i made 300 a week on unemployment. Pretty funny. Yes they recieve govt kickbacks for hiring so many people. Listen, either you can drive a truck or you cant. Doesnt take rocket science to figure it out if a person can drive or not! I could tell you within 10 min behind the wheel. Crst doesnt care about anything or anybody except making them money. Choose wisely, this is a true story, stay tuned as the outcome as i am suing the hell out them... I have paid for all dr visits, transportation and lawyers... They are gonna hate dealing with me.
Dude, There are things in the grammatical world that are called paragraphs. Hey they also have this new thing call spell check and dictionary.
What a dumb###
stranded in california
DO NOT GOTO THIS COMPANY!! The school part of it was terrific, Kirkwood Community College was terrific, and the orientation and the trainers in orientation although egotistical, some of them, were very proffesional and get you the tools needed to drive 18 wheeler. Unfortunately the companies level of professionalism stops there.. As I write this, they have...
Read full review of CRST International and 6 commentsthey are a scam to wanda green
Dear Sir:
I fill out a application online to crst trucking school training, Jan/2010. and I call to find out my steadies my application, and
they change my employment history. Example they put C.T.S. Security parking enforcement 5431 N. Santa Monica Blvd. suite:300 Piliscsaba, Hungary, ca 90020. they was changing my information my application I put online, they are doing scam on
people application online is not right they are doing this to all the
people. the need to be shut down for good. Wanda Green is helping
the company to do scam and stealing money from people, and she
need to be fired at the job, and never give her a job in california.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Today 7/18/16 at 3.55pm going north on the 5 fwy in los angels California, a CRST truck cut me on the 4 lane. The driver went from the 3 lane we he should not have been in it into the four lane to pass a pick up truck that was moving to slow for his taste. I saw my life passing me by. The signs in the driver door and the container was CRST. What kind of people do THEY employ, criminals?
If you really knew what you were talking about then maybe someone would listen to what you had to say. If you knew anything about the trucking industry then you would also that what you have said is really off the wall. This company has been in business for more then 50 years and take it from a CRST long time DRIVER you are out of your mind. As for Ms. Wanda Green you will never find a better person to do the job she does. She is one of the most awsome people I have ever come across in my 50 something years in life.
driver training
CRST is certainly not the company they advertise to be . I went to work for CRST only because i had a speeding ticket annd they gave me a chance, which i did appreciate. But after getting to Cedar Rapids and meeting some of the instructors i started to immediately feel like a number not an individual. I sat through four days of 10 to 11 hour classes that were long arduous and fairly uninteresting.The content was nothing but a repeat of what one would learn in school but i can understand them wanting to make sure of some things. The lodging facilities, in my opinion were not up to par for housing so many people. the cockroach infested laudry facility was a joke and there was only vending machines to eat out of. There is fast food a half mile or more away if you want to walk in the freezing temps or wait for a shuttle they provide which is very difficult to get a seat on when you even catch it .
After I finished my orientation i had to wait for a trainer. I was told by the person in charge of training that I had a trainer and a dispatcher on the last day of orientation only to find out that it was not true. I then waited three days for a trainer and when i finally got one it turned out to be some wet behind the ears 21 yr old kid who only had 6 months experience. His training skills were terrible, and he only just went through the CRST driver trainer program which takes maybe 2 days and that made me his first trainee .When I met him he seemed like he was very immature and intimidated by me. We started talking and I sensed immediately that he didnt have a clue about anything. I decided to let him know about my experience and my history; whick consisted of driving for 30 years and driving semi dumps back in the 1980's.Instantly he got defensive and got an attitude with me for reasons I can only guess and made me feel like I was intruding or invading his space on the truck The boy couldnt even drive well. He could not shift to any gear without grinding and downshifting was nonexistant. He quite often disregarded any rules or regs that crst just spent four long days telling about and about how they strictly adhere to these rules and regs. For example, him, as a "lead driver", was not to be in the sleeper birth while I was driving and he was .Second, when he drove, he consistantly listened to headphones, texted on his phone and ate all at the same time WHILE DRIVING!.I tolerated only so much of that because he would weave all over the place. Icould not sleep while he drove for fear he was not in control. I finally asked him to please stop with all those bad driving habits and when I did he became immediately hostile toward me and became less involved in my training to the point that would not pay attention to anything would do while I was driving. I felt completely abandoned by my trainer and felt like i wasnt getting the training promised to me by CRST . I t had been over 20 years since i drove a combination vehicle so I did feel like I needed some instruction. I had an accident making a sharp left turn (without any help or instruction) and received a violation though if the officer would have done an investigation he would have determined it was not my fault but thats how it is with cdl holders. I am no longer with the company because CRST, contrary to what they tell you, does not care about their drivers beyond how much money they make with you . I feel like i was shafted by this company and w ould not recommend anyone drive for this bottom tier company.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I thank CRST for the license and road experience I acquired, If you do your job in a professional manner it pays off. It is totally up to the individual to succeed. Thank you again
will they let me go wane i was on jury duty they gave me the run a round to get me job back so said f it and want on Unemployment and they try to stop it i won the Unemployment case but now they trying to make me pay for the school now it true they don't care about there Employee be cause they get new Employee every week
Girlfriend you need to get a GRIP, CRST did not break your marriage up YOU DID. Looks to me like you were looking for an excruse. You posted ME ME ME ME ME What about your husband. Hes the guy away from home, family friends and a LOVING WIFE. Times are hard all over but they are getting better. You would do better to SUPPORT YOUR MAN and SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE. You are giving us WOMEN a Bad name.
my husband just got on with crst and so far its a night mare i hate it he isnt making any money he is always in the hole he is doing the lease purchase program and i dont know how much more of this i can take we have already split up and we have been together for 7 years and its all being throwed away for another crst company driver, its a shame he went there for a job to benefit our family and in the month he has been there he has made 39 $$$$ to the good and behind again not to mention the other truckdriver
they lie to the drivers
I can say as the wife of a truck driver this company is full of bull. They get the drivers to the training facility and then do nothing but lie to them and their families. You are basically stranded for two weeks are more. They do not pay you for orientation, feed you or put you up in a motel.These are thing they tell you they do but when you get there it is not true. If you have no money or way to get home you are screwed. They do not care about their drivers or the families at home. They lie about the pay and where you will be going if you even get a truck. I have heard what they tell the drivers and then go back on what they said. The recruiter lies to you and it is even worse when you are at the facility. I have been the wife of a truck driver for 22 years. Most of my family has drove a truck at one time or another. I have never seen or heard of a company that does what they do. It is time for someone to step in and shut this company down and help the drivers who have been used and lied to from this so called trucking company.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Crst is the worst trucking company in the United states period, they lie to potential drivers free on the beginning they will not pay u after you drive across America thinking your making big bank well not at crst they deduct your pay check down to nothing my first check was $32. My second after driving from Wisconsin to California was a negative $191. Meaning i owed them money the next week. Don't ever ever ever work for these crooks
I am the wife of a CRST driver and ooooh the fabricating that this company has done and still doing is astounding. From training to bonus. From paid miles to just getting paid this company is only interested in one bottom line. Their own. This company reminds me of the regimes of Stalin tell them whatever to keep the employees coming in but when they get here show no mercy. No to everything the people want which is usually basic needs and to be able to consistently provide for themselves or their families.
My husbands nightmare started as a dream. Like many others he wished to see the country and gain experience in a new trade. My husband found CRST and he thought his dream was now coming to fruition. He was promised training, housing, money for incidentals (personals, etc.) and a chance to learn a new trade. Lured in by sultry lies about a bonus for vets and top pay for vets he happily left. And ooooh how the lies begin unravaling. They didn't pay him for tolls, scales, sitting in customers lots, food. They gave loads and took them away for smaller routes. They used my husband for nothing more than a trained slaved. Stay away from this company. Unless you love being lied to. Nothing but one lie to counter the other. Home time? Haha! Where they do that at?! My husband puts in his home time to spend time with his daughter and I as I am expecting triplets and he want to see the ultrasounds and hear the heartbeats of the girls and what happens? Lies, missed appointments, and he misses the graduation of his daughter from high school. I guess they figured there is always Skype. Nothing is more important to my husband than family. For them its the all mighty dollar. Dispatch Oh My Gawd! Is there a dispatch prerequisite that you MUST be mentally inept and intellectually ###ed? I have seen more collective intellect from a package of soup mix than from dispatch. My husband calls me all times of the day and night complaining about dispatch. Can we at least demand these people have a understanding of the English language and a high school diploma? Please? CRST your business practices are wrong and just like Stalin you will drown in your own failure.
Yes I work for CRST. My average pay is is less then 200.00 dollars a week 7 days. This company has got me so depressed. Been driving since September. My contract is over in June. I haven't had home down time since middle of December. I put in request for time off never get it. Keeping a co driver is hard with this company, because you don't know who your getting in the truck with. Been sitting a lot at truck stops or there terminals. They have lied to me so many times. Since day one I called them. No money to eat on. They think we have no bills or no family to support. This is what gets me. There building a brand new 13 stories building downtown in cedar rapids. The thing is the are funded by the government. They don't care about there drivers or human life. They have a revolving door. New students to replace you. They don't care if you quit. With unprofessional drivers. They do not train very well at there school. Three weeks and your on the road. Bottom line this company is unprofessional. There is a lot more to my story and what I been through. Just ask. James
I am currently a Crst Driver. I researched this company got everything in writing and continue to do so. Truth of the matter is when starting from the bottom there's nowhere to go but up. They may not be perfect but they are willing to give people a chance when no one else will and yes my paychecks been messed up but an easy fix for that. It's what you make of it your first six months are the hardest but after that it's a lot better
I will call the CRST main office this morning to report that incident that happened on June 15 on I-85 S around Charlotte.
At 6:19 Monday, June 15, 2015 on I-85 S between Charlotte, NC and Belmont, NC, a CRST driver deliberately tried to run me over.
A CRST driver tried to cut me off today!
Joseph, a registered sex offender used his 18 wheeler to destroy my lawn and refused to fix it.
People from all over, Crst is the worst trucking company you will ever work for... If your not homeless now you will be soon.. They lie about everything.. Been here five months... You are a slave if you are under that contract.. Go get your cdl through your home state at a community college. .. most states will pay for your training... Do not work for this company... There are so many better companies out there.. you also run a high risk of getting into a roll over accident, 75 percent of the people that work for this company should not be behind the wheel of a truck...
My wife and I have tried this company twice and you are so right. They treated my wife as a second class person no respect whatsoever. They set her up for failure. I quit because I don't want to drive without her. We are a team and want to stay that way. We are also retired so we don't need the job. It would have been nice to travel together and make a little extra money. But our marriage is not worth the bull the people of CRST try to put you through. Avoid problems down the road don't work there.
I recently graduated a truck driving acadamy in Ohio and was looking for a cdl driving job but every job said they need 2 yrs experince until I got a call from a CRST RECUITER and told me things that sounded pretty good well they sent me a bus ticket to Cedar Rapids Iowa and the first words out of the instructors mouth at orientation were you cant go home till 28 acual drive days that could take 2 months or longer to get because of economy ect.NOT WHAT I WAS TOLD! it went on and on if you go over a certain mph they gave a company fine up to $300.00 they said you have to pay for the tolls and they will reinburse you as long as you have your receit ever herd of e-z pass ?THIS IS A TRUCKING CO. RIGHT? they said you would make about $250-$350 a week for 7 days driving ARE YOU KIDDING ME! for being a teem drive operation! then I talked to some of there drivers and they said its all about GOVERMENT GRANT MONEY about $6000.00 for every person they run thru there orietation (Obamas create a job) and they make more doing that then hauling freight and I talk to several guys sitting at terminal for 2 weeks for a truck WITHOUT PAY and if you leave you lose your spot in line! me and several other guys talked and figured out it was a SCAM so I paid my way back to Ohio they wouldnt
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Went there this place is a scam for goverment money as soon as I got there the story started changing from what the recuiter told me I could go on and onplan and simple its a scam
WOW ! Today is Jan 10, 2012 some of these comments are two and three years old.. This has been going on for a while. And it is all making sense now.. Are you guys saying They have been doing this since Obama passed that create jobs act or whatever it is.. I have to agree with WordOmouth82 something needs to be done.. We all have similar complaints What I do not like is the fact that those Recruiters tell you all kinds of lies over the phone. Then once you get there it is a different story..No one remember telling you anything. I have posted what happen on my experience with CRST and it is a very similar one. They left me stranded when I had a family Emergency at home.. Guess they were angry they was not able to push me through 28 days and gain whatever money they are suppose to gain off of me. In Cedar Rapids IA there are other that are done with their CDL and are just sitting there waiting on what they call phase III. in the mean time CRST is stacking dollars up against them. When they do take a OTR run they will be in debt to them. Therefore, still not really bring in a decent income. WOW! CRST is burning the candle from both ends.
Just got off of a government website. Just seen where CRST got a grant back in Jan. 2011 for 2 million dollars for bus tickets for students and people going to orientation. CRST takes ticket cost out of your pay! Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Gonna blow the whistle on this crap!
So I am a bit confused as to why no one is smart Enough to go to the DOJ with all these incidents going on for such a long time at CRST. I would go to the head labor board and SUE the pants off these guys. it would be a lawsuit so big, that they'd end up going out of business. What a greedy [censor] company.
I agree. Just came from there. In fact, I seen some pretty SAD things. Two guys got hired and were two days away from taking there Road Test for their CDL. Well, the recruiters stopped them and told them they had to have a licenses for 3 years and they only had it for 2. That's supposed to be a requirement before you are enrolled. Why didn't CRST see that before? I know why. Because now that they both went into their school, they get stuck paying the $3, 000 for the school even though they didn't get their CDL. What a scam. It's such a shame. They bring people there and they say they care about the drivers, but they don't.
otr driver wannabes
Ley me say this, the trucking industry is full of belly achers. It is a way of life and if you are not strong and smart enough to get paid by your company, go find a different job>I worked for crst and others. I have never had a problem getting paid. I drove my # off but I got paid. I have been driving since 1975. Crst was with malone back then and it was a job. I am with a different company now but out of location not the company. You guys who bad mouth trucking companies and have odd ball theories should stop trying to make the easy buck and go to work at the truck stop. Matter of fact, go cook my eggs boy, sunnyside up and bacon too. Lots of coffee and some gravey on them there biscuts... Ah ha ya hear? Trucking is a very hard life and harder work. Think it's easy to sit on your # and make money? Think again> tell em thunder sent ya...
Thats Right!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
rearch shows, as with this industry or any other, if u cant handle the heat, get out of the kitchen!
I agree with what you guys are saying. I went to work crsr exp. I spent 2 day in orientation at 13 hrs a day.. an after orientation they did not even have the truck there an not ava. so they sent everyone home to wait. as for me I missed and accident on my application. so I was told I had to find my way home. I got no orientation pay that was promised and the lunch they paid for was like rubber. you stayed at the location in iowa. with nothing in walking distance. I don't know about malone.
Rolling thunder, you have been a trucker for a long time. you are old as dirty and that is a way of life for you.. remember you are going to be to old to drive soon, therefore, the next generations of drivers need to be trained and trained with honesty and with a caring company. not a company that is about banking off the trainer. I have to agree with ronnie get your head out of the hole thunder and know that used to be truckers were respected and respectful. all I am saying is crst recruiters are lying to people. they are getting them to their schools and if for whatever reason they do not like you or want you they will strand you there. they are not telling the people the truth. u talking about some young kids going away from home and is stranded to get back home on their own. not to mention people with familes and who may have a family emergergency at home and need to get back home. they will strand you. crst even lied about feeding luch to their trainees once they got to their school. at least the one in iowa. therefore, why lie to a person, what is it that you really after money from the gov or from the person you have lied to? they really did not appear they was interesting in maken sure you were ready to become a wonderful truck driver as yourself. as you stated you worked for them when they were malone. did they have a name change or did they malone sell out? perhaps when you were with marlone they were good to their drivers. we are living in a different time now. the world is about greed. the people that are truly being prade upon the most is the unemployed. there are day to day scams out there. crst proved to be one of them.
well rolling thunder pull your head out of CRST's [censor] and realize that this company does screw your fellow truckers
So nice that you demean truck stop workers. No wonder you truck drivers have such a lousy reputation any more. Used to be truckers were respected (and respectful).
YOU couldnt have said it any beter!
fraudulent company
I don't have a lot of time to go into this issue here. The purpose of this report is to expose the reality of how things go at CRST.
I went to a CRST sponsored class A driving School. Two weeks and no more than about 10-15 hours behind the wheel, it's make or break training. After I graduated and passed the DMV Exam I was Assigned to a 28 day over the road driver trainer. This person was highly intelligent, and competent but also had nothing good to say about CRST. I was required to drive 11 hours a day then attempt to sleep the remainder in a moving truck while my driver trainer drove, not an easy task. Most days I was on the verge of falling asleep at the wheel. Moving on to the subject of pay, in a nut shell you don't get any pay. So if you have rent, car payment etc, you will default on all these obligations as the company does not accurately and clearly state how much and when they are going to deduct. Furthermore the 22 cents per mile split pay is equivalent to minimum wage, and keep in mind you will need to eat at truck stops which is fairly expensive. The plan they offer is OK if you are homeless, have no bills and want to live in a truck. Remember you cant just walk off the job when your in a unfamiliar state, with no money, as you have no pay coming from CRST. So your traped. CRST has no interest in providing a income for anyone, there game is to make them money, and to exploit the ignorance of persons interested in becoming big rig truck drivers. You might ask how I can say this...well lets start here. If I own a company and hire employees out a of a certian state, say california. I know the cost of living in that state, I know most persons need to make a definite amount of money each week in order for them to meet there financial obligations. So part of my responsibility would be to offer a pay schedule that met the need's of the employee.
Thousands of company's operate this way, and retain employees for years. This is not the case with CRST, they fail to disclose at the at the outset of employee employer talks the true and accurate pay you will receive as a driver. By doing so... this causes the applicant to make a decision based on misrepresentation. If your family is at home waiting on a pay check to pay for, food, rent, etc. you will be in dire need of help and your employer will have no interest in you problem. I could go on and be more specific, but... your better of working at a fast food joint for 6.50 an hour, at least you will gat you pay at the end of the pay period. I would like to invite CRST to a meeting to discuss how they get away with this fraudulent practice. Luckily for myself, I had several other trades I had experience in, I am also a Emergency Medical Tech. so I had a way out. I took the job offer based upon making more than the 750.00 a week I was earning as an EMT. What I got was about 1/3 of that a week minus expenses. Less than minimum wage.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I went to crst for refresher training.i got screwed. The recruiter said i would make 400 tp I 709 a week. after 5 months i made the meantime i could not keep up with my bills.i broke contract got another job and made 25000 in 6 months.i already had my they want 6500 from me.i have over 10000 in debt that needs to be paid first.they better get in line because i will go bankrupt before they get a dime.
So csrt is a great co.pany to work for?
A class action lawsuit against crst in 2015. the law firm of ares law group. address: 23 corporate plaza suite 150, newport beach, ca.92660 phone [protected]
crst will rip you off every chances they get. save all your qualcom conversations, mileages, etc. it will be useful to nail them.
Crst is bull crap not worth anything I went to the school and went through orientation I was at cedar rapids for three weeks after orientation and they refused to send me a lead driver I had three one in orientation on the fourth day they made me lose him cause I was going home for thanks giving five mins after I lost them they hire me hmmm then two leads in okc was waiting on me and wouldnt send me to them so I lost two more two weeks later nothing so I went home got a call telling me to find my own way to tro Illinois to a lead driver I said no they can come to me I am right on hwy 40 I get a call from a lead this is my fourth lead ok he said ill come to you if dispatch says ok next morning angeala the student coordinator calls me saying I dont wanna work cause I wont do there job and pay my own way to my lead driver it not my resposibility to get to a lead driver its theres ive called 20 times to her boss for my hours of completion or im getting a lawyer ive been home since 11/23 and they still havnt got me a lead and the rooms up there are bad bed bugs people sick and refuse to get meds people with scabies the bathroom shower I used had a mushroom growing in it the place is a health hazard
sounds about right
Once you make it past the contract at crst it gets better and better. We're company drivers and make double house payments on what we earn. Miles are better miles are between 6-7000 a week. Crst does this to weed out the namby pamby whiners that come into this industry with eyes shut expecting a million dollar a year job with no effort. I'm glad y'all quit or decided against coming here cuz i sure as hell don't want to work with some candy assed cry baby
I have been in operations in the trucking industry for over 30 years, there is good and bad at every carrier.If its that bad at CRST leave .Do not bad mouth them, chalk it up to experience and move on.If I interview you and you rant on how bad CRST or any other carrier was, guess what I will not hire you, man up and move on!
Been with CRST for almost 2 months now as a lease purchase driver. I was routed by my house the middle of March to grab a few things I needed. Since that time I have had 4 34 hour resets and made a whopping $500 take home. Last company I was with I brought home about $1200 a week average, usually more with $2200 being the most. Not sure if I'm not kissing the right butt or what. Stay away if you need an income.
When do crst drug test? The 1st week or the 1st day you get there?
My fiancé left for crst trucking school in cedar rapids about two days ago. when he talked to his recruiter before going up there, we were told he would get paid $800 a week for the 3 weeks he is in school, and that he would be paid 33 cents a mile when he's on the road.. well, today he found out that he will get nothing until he is on the road, and even then its 26 cents a mile not 33. he was making more at the job he left to go there! not only is he at school with out much money for the next three weeks, but now I and his baby have to find a way to survive for the next 3 weeks. this company is a scam. if you're thinking of becoming a truck driver, go with another company. their recruiters will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you to come to iowa, even pay for you bus ticket, but then you get there, you find out the truth, and you're stuck in iowa without a ride to get home.
terrible experience
Had written a long sour grapes complaint, but was wiped out. Driving for these pig farmers for 13 years, I let them rip me off, lie about me, refuse to get me home on time and endanger my safety. Safety used to run the company, but now it's corn farmers, dumb blondes and family.
It really goes on and on how, they've changed. Driving with two mental ###s with autism (couldn't see and hear at the same time), I was given drunken lead drivers and crack smokers in the truck. They had two codrivers with mongolism-one black and one white with the big heads and the crossed eyes.
If they can pass the tests, they have to be hired.
I had just gotten my six year pin and was cited for professionalism and punctuality, when they put relays' lateness on our record. They tried twice to run us with illegal equipment and log violations. All bad reports are understated and good ones are company shills... 1200%turnover rate? That means each member of their entire driver payroll is hired and gone within one month as an average.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Your driver seen me and still pulled out in front of me and my kids almost causing a huge crash at the exit ramp at maquoketa,ia. He was going to family dollar warehouse if that helps and I got the trailer number he was hauling. The trailer number 49265 I hope something is done about this.
My family and I was traveling east on I40 on 6/9/2023 at approximately 5pm. When we was ran off the road by a driver for CRST. The man was a white male and his trailer number was 180956. I had 3 grandbabies in my vehicle with my daughter and myself.
I was disqualified from Crst training after one week. They said they had a copy of my background and told me I was fine to start schooling. They told me I had a fine background and After a quiestionaire they drop me from the school with no bus ticket. Her name is Emily Arbore. I'm stranded in Southern California when they bussed me from no cal.
CRST is hands down one of the worst companies I have ever worked for. I worked for a septic company, sweatshop factory, janitorial, been deployed to Iraq twice, but CRST really takes the cake. CRST stands for Can Really Screw Truckers! They lie through their teeth every turn. If you are under contract from them, Im sorry, make sure you count your fingers before you leave.
Dispatch, Recruiters, Payroll, all liars and crooks. They wont pay you for layover pay, tolls, scales, def, any reimbursements. You have to fight them tooth and nail. If you get Austin Filer as a Dispatch ask for a different one. He is a lying sack of pig [censored]. This company does not know the difference between their ### and hole in the ground. Night shift dispatch is a bunch of ###ed monkeys. I asked their comdata to department to set up direct deposit 3 months ago, I gave them my routing number and call them several times. They refuse to do it. Now they are taking more deductions from my card which they have been doing to me since start.
I am on the verge of taking this company to court for lying and stealing from me. I could list a mile long letter of complaints with these crooks, worst company ever!
A finally thought, CRST is Preying on the UNEMPLOYED . STAY CLEAR OF THEM. You do not have money to throw away with them.. They will have you in a bigger hole than you are already in if you are not careful.. They are not worth it!
Every comment that is posted above is true. My boyfriend is on his way back from Cedar Rapids as I post this. He left 1/10/12 and will not be home until 1/12/12. Due to a family Emergency he had to head back home. When he approached the staff at CRST he was told he would have to find his own way back home.. That lying Sarah S. assured him before he left for Iowa that if there were a family emergency at home, they would get him back home. They got him there and he was STRANDED! They also lied about the lunch feeding.. There were no lunch feeding.. Sarah S lied about that too. He left home Sat to go there and was only there from Sunday until Tuesday. Going through that dumb Orientation mess. What he did not like about was that they had the group to sign some papers and refused to give them a copy of what they signed..
I heard his recruiter Sarah S over the phone tell him that their would be lunch served he was had to handle his own breakfast and lunch. I also heard Sarah S tell him about any emergency situation that may come up at home, how they handle that. "We will get you back home" Instead they Stranded him. There were other traines that came in like @Angry CRST driver said during my boyfriend couple of day stay there, who had the same problem as the person he mention had. They too were STRANDED.
They told my boyfriend that he was cleared to come there, they did his background over the phone. He was fine. The day my boyfriend left to come back there were about 13 other traines on their way back home. Each for varies reason. Unlike my boyfriend, his reason for leaving was Family Emergency. I have been talking to my boyfriend for the past two days on his way home and he only had horror stories to tell me.. He said when he arrived there Sunday night, he walked into a very HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT. He was only hearing all of the bad things about CRST, he tried to stay clear of it all, but everywhere he turned the conversation was going on. . First, of all when he spoke to the recruiters the day before he left. Sarah S. assured him that she would see him when he got in.. He never saw her and she made no effort to see him. The only time he saw her was when he went across the parking lot where she was housed and seek ed her out. Then to tell her about his family emergency that he needed to leave. Sarah then told him that she received the call on her phone about the emergency, but never once did she try to find him and made sure he was aware of it.. Thank God, he left her contact information with me alone with other information that she promise him would be. Thank God he had a cell phone with him too.
CRST made no effort what so ever to get him home or notify him of his Family Emergency at home. As a matter of fact they delayed him getting out of Iowa. That is the reason it is taken him two days to get home when it only took him 1.5 days to get there. When he had not picked up his ticket, I called CRST back and tried to speak to Sarah S, Instead I got a Stephanie on the phone who said that he got the message and they would not be sending him back home. He had to get back on his own.. (STRANDED) I said fine. Ticket paid for he needs to get to the bus station. they told me a shutter would take him. This was at 8:30 there time. There were a major delay in getting him to the bus station to catch the bus.. There were only two times that the bus was leaving Iowa 9:30 am and :2:00 pm. The shuttle got him at the bus station at the nick of time for the 2:00 departure. I had to call back and asked why is it that he had not left yet. I was given the runaway. I spoke to a Kim, who after I could not get Sarah S to pick up her phone. She told them what was going on. They only told her to tell me he got the message and will be leaving. I called back about three times when I checked and he had not been ticket yet. I was told they did not know where he was. She transferred me to what she said was the training area. There I went into a voice mail. I called back and told the dispatcher that I was going to call the police to come there to find him, because he needs to be on the bus on his way home for a family emergency. When I said that someone went to to see have he left and came back and told me that he left 10 Min's ago. It was 1:35 pm I was bothered when they told me they did not know where he was. Knowing that he should be on his way to the bus station by shuttle. Someone should have know if he was or not.. At least his recruiter. Oh I forgot, she never made an effort to know who he was.
CRST claim that they are about Family and Family come first. They proved that to be a lie. CRST is about MONEY! by there being not much work for OTR, they are staying in business, by Scamming people, lying to people and bringing people to their CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA telling them that they are cleared for school and once they get there they tell them that they are not and STRAND them with no money, no place to stay, no food. For that person who went there and committed a crime I feel sorry for him. I truly do. That man perhaps was at the end of his rope with trying to get his life together.
I know that my boyfriend was very excited about the opportunity of going to CRST for his CDL. His dreams too was crushed while he was there. He walked in a VERY HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT from day One. God intervene in what was going on around him there, and made it possible for him to get back home. Although he lost money going there and it was a WASTE of time. Unlike most of the people who has complained about their experience at CRST in Cedar Rapid Iowa, he did not get but half of day Orientation. That was them having them sign some papers and collecting it really fast and refusing to give anyone a copy of it. Telling them it was for their use only. Never heard of such! I told him what sense do that make. Anything you signed you have a right to a copy of it. They can take what you signed and alter it. That within itself sound fishy to me. I know I am going on and on. But my boyfriend gave me detail about that madness going on at CRST in CEDAR RAPID IOWA. So many people there very Unhappy.. My boyfriend said CRST in IOWA felt like you were in a PRISON.
Update, remind you he is still traveling as I write this. on his way home he spoke to another driver from another company who has just retired from trucking and has driven over a million miles That is because he is still interested in getting his CDL. . Who knows about CRST and the scam they are running in CEDAR RAPID IOW., This retired driver, told my Boyfriend he went the wrong way! I wish so much that we have did all of this research before hand and read some of these complaints before he took that trip. We would be 700.00 richer today. He wasted time and money dealing with those lying recruiters at CRST CEDAR RAPID IOWA.
My boyfriend said they do not care about you there. You are only a number to them. Any company helping you to cheat to get your CDL you need to stay clear of them anyway. Any company milking you while they make you wait for trips so you can make money. You need to stay away from them. Any company who Strands you, You need to stay away from them. I hope and pray that others read these comments, before making a decision to go to CRST in CEDAR RAID IOWA for CDL. This will save you a lot of headache in the end and money. Something I wish My boyfriend would have done before he JUMPED to CRST Sarah S. recruiterss Lies..
@angry crst driver if you know of anyone that is pushing a class action law suit against CRST, know that we are in. The lies they told to uproot my boyfriend there and strand is unacceptable. I will go as far as to say they are Obtaining business by False Pretense. For everyone that goes there you are business for them. Like I read one complaint that said they are not making money on trips so they are making it with the traines they are bring in from all over the country. I also read that the Gov paid them so much money for bus tickets and to bring people in to train them. But it appears to me that they are using that money for the bus tickets, but they are getting the their money back. I really would like to know more about this Job ACT that was passed by the President for certain companies.
Kelli Boyle does work at the Dancers Ranch there in Cedar Rapids, IA.
She works there on Friday and Saturday Nights every weekend!
She gives Great Lap Dances!
Just say you are a employee from CRST!
DO NOT GO TO THIS COMPANY! The people there will lie to you. The inside recruiters like Kelli Boyle is nothing but a lieing [censored]! She told me that everything was going to be ok and my background check was done and everything. Well all that was a LIE. CRST does not do any background checks or anything until you are in orientation. What kind of sick ### would sit there and lie to the drivers. When you call she does not pick up. When you talk to her if you don't flirt with her like you are her pimp she is rude as hell with you. She is rude with everyone that has delt with her. My girl friend almost cursed her out because she heard this [censored] flirting with me like I was her pimp and boy friend. She asked me if I was married or single and that I sounded really cute and she wanted to meet me at the hotel that I was staying at, not knowing that my girlfriend and I were in the same room. My girlfriend wanted that [censored] to come ouver so there would be a good reason to have this [censored] arrested for being a prositute and [censored]. Kelli did say one time she was a dancer at a strip club several years ago and she is dancing on the side since she does not make a lot of money at CRST and if CRST ever found out about her second job they would probably fire her. She said that the drivers tip her really good and she gives out free lap dance to a few CRST drivers. She is a real [censored]. She is not a recruiter she needs to put her ### back into the strip club and dance around like a [censored]. Once a [censored] always a [censored]. I wonder if she is married and if she is does her husband know what she does while at work and at her other job. I think if her did know he would leave her dumb ###. My best advise is to stay as far away from CRST a possiable. This is a living nightmare. The school part of it was terrific, Kirkwood Community College was terrific, because these people had nothing to do with CRST it was seperate from the trucking company, and the orientation and the trainers in orientation although egotistical, some of them, were very unproffesional and they get you the tools needed to drive 18 wheeler and then you are pretty much on your own and unfortunately the companies level of professionalism stops there..
As I write this, they have me stranded in Fontana California miles away from my vehicle in Iowa.
Now I met many bad attitude drivers in my time with the school and the orientation, so let me clear the air in the fact I was not, am not one of them.. Read on to learn more..
After being assigned a "Lead Driver" the person responsible for your next 28 days of driving, I was dispatched by Greyhound bus to Nashville Tn, to meet with him. I chose to rent a car at my own expense, both for time, and for personal safety and reliability. I met with my driver at a truck stop, and instantly upon seeing the truck, which is his thru the owner op program they have, it was gong to be a long trip, but I had prepared myself mentally for this by accepting certain people in this profession is why the industry has the stigmata of dirty truck drivers.. So I get into the bacteria crusted vehicle and load my stuff up.. The "lead driver" jokes that he had just had a lot lizard in the truck, and the smell in there confirmed my suspicion that it was a brag, and not a joke.. The next morning we take off to finish his load that he has in the trailer, and are then dispatched by our condescending dispatch, lets just call him Phil, to pick up another load and head to Florida. We get just south of Atlanta, Ga, when we call it a night, and he wants to go to a particular truckstop in Jackson, Ga, because it has a bar, and he knows some "women" there.. While we are there we find that there is a truck headed to where we were in Florida, so we are told to relay the load and head to Atlanta to pick up another headed to North Carolina.. He wants to hang out untill the next day in Jackson because he had been drinking all day and the night before, but I am eager to get the load to where we need to be, so that is our first argument. We pick up the load in Atlanta, where he has a fued with what he refers to as "his people" meaning black, and that I am white, so I can not comment on it.. I drive my 10 hours to our destination to deliver the load the following morning, and we are dispatched again, also again to his dismay, to California. He was wanting to turn down the load and hold out for one going thru Alabama and Texas so he could see more of his "people" while passing thru. The entire time I drove he would sit there talking on the phone, or in the back sleeping. My driving skills were such that after 2 days, which by his own admission, were such that we would be classified as Team Drivers, instead of student. I handled all the tasks put upon me, and drove my entire shifts while stopping only for a 15 minute break for days on end. He would drive for 4-5 then wake me up either by his reckless driving and constant stabbing of the breaks, or by slamming things around to get me up to come keep him company while he drove. All the while lambasting the company " CRST" while driving.. He stated many of the other companies he drove for, and pointed out how and why each one was better than this one, and even offered to give me contact names to use as references, should i decide to change companies.. We arrive in california after I had driven all night, roughly 650 miles, and I went to sleep. 3 hours later I am awoken again when I am tossed out of the bunk by his driving and encroaching on other vehicles infornt of him, he prefers the 1 second following distance, and heavy use of the brakes.. We deliver our load and pick up another headed to Florida.. I drive 5 hours out from Fontana, and decide it is not safe for me to continue driving without coffee and something to eat.. Hoping that some food will give me the fuel needed to continue. Once I fill his truck up with fuel I proceed to drive out of the fuel pumps and park to run into the truckstop to get some wendy's.. At the most 10 minutes.. He pokes his head out from the bunk area, and starts screaming that this is not the time to take a break, and to either get going down the road, or get the " f****" out of "his" truck. I calmly say ok, and call dispatch. I speak to a manager, Dave Turner, who politely and proffesionally makes me feel assured that everything is fine, and that once they rescue the load, I will ride with this lead driver back to Fontana to meet up with a new lead driver. I check into a hotel for the night, and upon waking back up my truck is gone.. Thank God I had the foresight to get all of my belongings out of the truck beforehand! Now I am stranded in Ehrenburg, AZ and have to take a taxi to Blythe, then a Greyhound bus back to Fontana, future unknown.. I talk to my dispatcher, Phil, who has been nothing but condescending since I called and introduced myself to him on day one. I have to follow up, which means 33 minutes on hold on the phone, to get my confirmation number for the bus, which he said he ould call back and give me.. At this point I just know I am headed to Fontana, thats all the info given.. Upon getting to the bus terminal in San Bernadino, Ca, I pay someone I was on the bus with $25 to give me a ride to the yard, only to find out once getting here, I could have not spent the money, and the hotel would have came to get me.. I had no idea what hotel they use here, but I guess that was my fault due to no telepathic ability.. I sit here in Fontana now for 4 days, unpaid, which is only a measly $50 a day while going thru the 28 day program, stranded. Im sitting at a picnic table, waiting for my mother to open my new credit card so I can book a flight home, as since I have technically "quit" I have been told repeatedly I am on my own.
Now I understand some people may have had positive experiences with this company, but after being around the yard here, and in Iowa, no single driver has had a single good thing to say about this company, period... Beware if you choose this company, as you more than likely may end up in this same situation.. I was fortunate to have money as a back up, as this whole expierence to date has cost me almost $4700 for my girlfriend and I.. Nothing is free, and nothing was cheap.. Goodluck, and beware of CRST and the recruiting department and that lieing [censored] Kelli Boyle. She sits there and does pretty much nothing and milks the clock for 40 hours a week. Her co workers hate her, they have to pick up what she does not finish. She is one piece of ### person and I hope the get rid of her and fire her stupid hill billy ###. It is said that she blows her boss in his office. I guess that must be true since she does not get her work done. She does screw most of the drivers over when she gets them all up in Cedar Rapids and then you are sitting there in orientation and then she starts doing the background checks. She calls you and you have to go over the application and when you tell her you already delt with this with your recruiter she says those stupid outside recruiters don't know what they are doing and all they do is bring us the drivers and we do the recruiting. They only scout out the good drivers for us. She also told me and a few other people in my class that if we decide not to pay the outside recruiters for scouting out drivers for us we don't have to as a company. If they don't like it too bad. I thought to myself what a ###ing [censored] and what the hell did we get ourselves into. Just do your 8 months with the company and get the hell out of this hell hole ### hole company.
I have been trying to contact this frigging Kellie Boyle since Aug. 27 2011. Have called and left numerous messages to no avail! I am supposed to receive 1000.00 sign on bonus (500 at the end of orientation and 500 after 60 days)! Even left a message for her boss (Jim Chapman) to call. I am starting to get a bad taste in my mouth with this effing company! All the loads that I have been given so far are a money losing hauls. WTF! The POS truck I had assigned was not ready (an extra four days in Carlisle PA)! I had to eat and spent my own money on food. The truck still sucks. I have a friend at PA State Police that is coming over to look at it and put it out of service so it will have to be fixed before it is moved again. F**k CRST! You have made my life a living hell!
You do not want to work for CRST. They have bad management first of all. They work you to death. They don't care about the driver at all. They will in fact LIE to you about everything. They will all tell you what you want to hear only. I just left their training and orientation in Cedar Rapids, IA. Those people in the recruiting department are dumbbell as hell. None of the people there knows nothing. They say you are approved but you are not approved. I seen what they did to those drivers in 2 weeks. They sent well over 175 drivers home. They left a few in truck stops. One driver who was left out with no hotel, no food, no money nothing. He had to get home to Jacksonville, Florida where his home is. CRST LIED to him saying he was APPROVED TO BE HIRED ON FOR THE SCHOOL TRAINING AND HAD A JOB. That was nothing but a BIG FAT LIE. I think he had a outside recruiter but the sad thing is his recruiter did not LIE to him. It was the stupid inside recruiter processor that LIED to the driver. They did not run a complete background check on this driver at all. What is stated they didn't run the complete check like they were suppose to. So what the ###s in the CRST recruiting department did, they told this driver he was approved which he was not. They brought him up all the way from Jacksonville, Florida to Cedar Rapids, IA they told him they would cover his meals which they tell everyone which is not true whats so ever and then after several days in training orientation they said you are not qualified and you have to go home. Then they pull his hotel pass so he has no where to sleep or nothing to eat. Well after a few days he gets really tired and he is PISSED OFF with every ###ED RECRUITER AT CRST, for being homeless and yes CRST will do this to you. They toy with their drivers like they are puppets. He had a knife on him and he went to the Howard Johnson or Red Roof Inn and pulled a knife on the manager and held the knife to the managers throat and demanded money. Well this driver was desperate to get something to eat and sleep and get home back to Jacksonville, Florida. Well he left with no one getting hurt. Well the hotel called the police and they got his picture from the security camera and made copys of it. Well the manager figured out this guy was a student or driver from CRST so they went to every hotel in the area and found out if a person matching the description got a room. Well the police did intact find this driver and he really did not put much a fight up with the police. Now because of those ###S AT CRST RECRUITING DEPARTMENT this driver is in some deep trouble with the law now because the processor never did their job or proper background check on this DRIVER. He is now in some deep shut. CRST is 100% responsible for the well being for their drivers and students since they are suppose to be the professionals in their business, in which they are not at all professional in what they do. Now this driver had nowhere to sleep, nowhere to eat or no transportation and he was told by the recruiting department that it was his damned problem. NO it is now not only his problem but now it is CRST PROBLEM. The family does have a lawyer and I hope they go after who ever that stupid ###ed recruiter and processor was and make their life a living hell just like how they make every one else. Now this driver did in fact request for CRST to get him home the way they got him up there and the recruiting department said no way. That is your problem. My best advise for every driver before you go to or think about going to CRST please read this report and every report and driver story on this and every site out there about CRST. DO NOT TRUST CRST. DO NOT TRUST ANYONR FROM CRST. DO NOT TRUST ANYONE FROM THE RECRUITING DEPARTMENT AT CRST. THEY ARE ALL NOTHING BUT ###ED LIARS THAT ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES AND NO ONE ELSE. If you try to get anyone on the phone that is so called in charge of the recruiting department you get nowhere. CRST is on their way out of business. People do read this information and what is on this site is so unreal on how a company like this can be operated like this. CRST loves screwing their drivers over. They said to my wife and I we were approved. Come to find out they did no such checks on anyone. They all wait until all the drivers are there and then they start the process in checking drivers background. We seen enough for the time we were up in Cedar Rapids, IA. We felt like the trucking world needed to know this. There is a lot more whit that is going on at CRST that people don't know but I am glad that people are posting here on the Internet page. I hope they fire every person in the recruiting department. CRST IS NOTHING BUT TROUBLE AND EVERY RECRUITER WHO WORKS IN THE RECRUITING DEPARTMENT IS NOTHING BUT TROUBLE AND I HOPE THEY ARE ALL WITHOUT JOBS AND A PLACE TO LIVE AND THEY HAVE NOTHING. CRST DESTROYS PEOPLES LIVES. THEY BREAK UP PEOPLES RELATIONSHIPS AND HAPPY HOMES. THERE IS A MAJOR CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT WAITING TO HAPPEN AGAINST THESE CROOKS.
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CRST International phone numbers+1 (800) 736-2778+1 (800) 736-2778Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 736-2778 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 736-2778 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 736-2778 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 736-2778 phone numberGeneral Inquiries+1 (800) 553-2778+1 (800) 553-2778Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 553-2778 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 553-2778 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 553-2778 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 553-2778 phone 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Driver Recruitment+1 (855) 273-3007+1 (855) 273-3007Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (855) 273-3007 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (855) 273-3007 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (855) 273-3007 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (855) 273-3007 phone numberCRST Malone, Sales+1 (800) 443-0940+1 (800) 443-0940Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 443-0940 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 443-0940 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 443-0940 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 443-0940 phone numberCRST Specialized Transportation+1 (877) 377-0958+1 (877) 377-0958Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (877) 377-0958 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (877) 377-0958 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (877) 377-0958 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (877) 377-0958 phone numberCRST Specialized Transportation, Driver Recruitment+1 (800) 234-2788+1 (800) 234-2788Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-2788 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-2788 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-2788 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-2788 phone numberCRST Specialized Transportation, Sales+1 (866) 325-2778+1 (866) 325-2778Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (866) 325-2778 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (866) 325-2778 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (866) 325-2778 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (866) 325-2778 phone numberDedicated Services+1 (800) 234-3112+1 (800) 234-3112Click up if you have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-3112 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-3112 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-3112 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached CRST International by calling +1 (800) 234-3112 phone numberSpecialized Transportation
CRST International emailsinfo@crst.com100%Confidence score: 100%Supportcthomas@crst.com91%Confidence score: 91%tara.yeager@crst.com89%Confidence score: 89%brandon.hoskins@crst.com89%Confidence score: 89%anne.youngman@crst.com89%Confidence score: 89%sean.kolbe@crst.com89%Confidence score: 89%
CRST International address201 1st St SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52401, United States
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I attended CRST in 2017. Trust me, it's a scam. Their only priority is to get you to Cedar Rapids and sign the forms and get commission, get you in debt. After that, they will let you know of any discrepencies with your driving record history and let you go. But oh, you're still on the hook for the debt and you have to pay your own way home (happened to my friend after he passed the exam). I met a girl there, young, 23 years old. She told us she has been with CRST for 7 months. Passed the training, exam and graduated, but barely gets paid. Sometimes she said they would only give her 150 to 200 a week(keep in mind, you're suppose to be making 400). Sometimes they don't pay her at all, miss a week or 2 and rolled over into the next. I asked her why is she still here then, why not leave? Well, she's been homeless for several years and CRST gives her a roof over her head, free food (the trainee building and truck ), and she doesn't have anywhere else to go. So the moment I heard that, I had to leave before I get any deeper in this spider web. Unlike the other people that didn't get a ride home, they actually paid for my ticket back. I can't remember exactly what I told them to pay for my ticket, but it seemed to have got them scared. I thank god I got out of that hell hole.
Advice: DON'T do any of these trainee programs issued by trucking companies. Go to an actual school locally, get finanial assistance from your local government. Do local driving for a small company to get experience, then move into OTR.
I have been with CRST for 5 months and my weekly paycheck has never been more than $300 dollars. I have been let go for what they say driving without doctors note I was told to get off the truck. Now looking for work company's are telling me that CSRT will not allow them to because of there contract at the same time they will not talk or let me make payments. Been through so much with this company now they are putting unjust hardship on me and my family. I had problem with my paycheck and I have proof and paycheck stubs. I either spent days at a truck stop or at a terminal waiting on truck a load .The worst was waiting 5 days for a repair. I spent a lot of money at truck stops just for basic needs.
I attended CRST in December of 2015. Prior to that never ending bus ride from GA to IA, the application was filled out with full disclosure of my driving record. The recruiter knew I hadn't made the three year accident free requirement and sent me anyway. After a month I was told that I had to go and now I have $6000. delinquent loan on my credit report. Horrible.
I agree 100% I saw it 1St hand any company who will pay for your ticket and have you travel 500 miles to go to their school without doing a background check 1St, they make you think your safe to leave,
but after you get there and been in school for a couple days they do a background check and tell you, you have to leave and find your own way home they're a scam. Why else would a company not do all the necessary steps before you travel 500 miles? Their goal is to get you in the school and they will lie to you to get you there. I found this place on snagajob the worst mistake . Now my husband is stuck in Idawa over a warrant that he had before he even left and wasn't aware of he talk to his recruiter over a month period and never did she say anything he traveled 26 hours on a bus to Idawa and settles in and on the 2nd day when he pass to get his permit they call him to tell him he have to leave the school because he have a warrant. Good thing he made some friends he stayed with them over the weekend until our lawyer contacted the judge to have the warrant removed it was for something minor having a open container in Ocean City back in 2015. The dumb recruiter still says he have to leave but at his own expense Never will he go to this rip off school again. And they lie in there ad and say you get paid to get your cdl and will get paid $400-$500. He already have his driving permit from the state we live in. They're full of it!
Why wouldn't he disclose that on his application in the first place? Then you avoid having the background check come back with anything CRST doesn't already know about. Then your husband wouldn't have been stranded in "Idawa".
I agree 100% I saw it 1St hand any company who will pay for your ticket and have you travel 500 miles to go to their school without even doing a background check 1St and after you get there and been in school for a couple days now do a background check and tell you you have to leave and find your own way home is a scam. Why else would a company not do all the necessary steps before you travel 500 miles? Their goal is to get you in the school and they will lie to you to get you there. I found this place on snagajob the worst mistake . Now my husband is stuck in Idawa over a warrant that he had before he even left and wasn't aware of he talk to his recruiter over a month period and never did she say anything he get to Idawa and about to get his permit and now they call him to tell him he have to leave the school. Good thing he made some friends he stay with them over the weekend and our lawyer contacted the judgehad the warrant removed it was lt something minor having a open container in Ocean City back in 2015. The dumb recruiter still says he have to leave but at his own expense Never will he go to this rip off school again. And they lie in there ad and say you get paid to get your cdl and will get paid $400-$500. He already have his driving permit from the state we live in. They're full of it!
I think your husband is the dumb one here because he is the idiot who was drinking in public. He should have paid the ticket then there would never been any alledge warrant for a unpaid fine. You are more stupid for defending a drunk.
Just be thankful you didn't get physically raped by one of their trainers.
I would like to respond to a few of the issues I read from the initial complaint article, as well as the follow-up comments. Please read to the end before you throw me under the truck. Many of the arguments are spot on correct, however, I do think some attention should be paid to a larger issue the commercial truck driving industry is facing. Yes, government tax money has become a very real part of the recruitment/hiring process. Yes, the initial pay rates are VERY low. Yes, there are quite often issues with employment/driving/legal histories the applicant may not even be aware of on their own until the background checks are performed. These (as well as many other issues involving housing/food/personal essentials/etc.) are very real unfortunate details, but, this is where it becomes even more muddy in trying to understand and/or resolve these issues. First, these complaints do NOT apply only to CRST, they apply to any major company. To get your foot in the door with commercial class A trucking, unless you have a personal connection with someone who is willing to take a chance on $200, 000 worth of equipment with a new hire locally, you must go through the process of earning your way via the long haul system. That typically means finding a large company with deep pockets - that can support the logistical costs of wrecked trucks, accident/product recovery/personal liability costs, and so on. Trucking companies try to protect themselves by weeding out applicants (no matter what any recruiter tells you) throughout the hiring process. Many of the things listed above can be (in many cases) simply a way to thin the herd. I'm not saying I approve of it all, but I do know a little bit about it. Any new hire into the trucking industry needs to be aware that someone is going to check EVERYTHING about them that can give it the edge. The prospect of making $50, 000 a year from the start (as printed on the sides of most of the truck driving school trailers around the United States) is another huge lie. Whether you get half of the truck's miles (team drive set-up), or a start up trainee pay rate, don't expect to see much more than $300-$350 (before tax) a week for probably the first 8 months to a year. Don't expect to go home (unfortunately - even for family emergency situations) any more than once every couple months, and expect it to be on your dime. Remember, these are basically feeder companies, hiring newbies, who exist primarily on the subsidy moneys they receive. Think about it, if a company has a turnover rate of almost 100%, they don't keep enough drivers long enough to get a large return on their investment. It may not seem so, but these large companies do spend quite a large sum of money on the housing/feeding/training of their new hires, only to lose almost all of them usually within the first calendar year to attrition or the advancement of the new hire to a more stable long-term type of employer. I personally wish the very best to anyone who becomes an OTR truck driver. This industry has been VERY good to me for a long time, and I still enjoy the life on the open road. Just remember, do as much homework on ANY company you apply to as a brand new CDL A driver as you can. Hang out at a local truck stop (if nearby) and talk to drivers - be sure to check first and see if they have a couple minutes (please keep it brief - sometimes we really don't have any extra time right then). Whatever you are told, expect less - you are the new puzzle piece in a system that has been around for a long time - it takes time to figure out how things really work in any industry. Take care and be safe! Oh, BTW, I worked for and trained for CRST for quite a while, worked rather closely with their recruiting and fleet supervisor departments, have since moved on to opportunities better suited to my desires, and actually do have many happy memories (as well as a few that still make me cringe) of my time with that company.
crst is a joke and their drving schools.their recruiters will promise and lie to u so fast, , my recruiter lied to me, they just want to get ppl in and fool them, i was told after I left my trainer and got with co driver we be making 50 cent split per mile and all the miles we wanted, i never saw that, my average check was 200 dollar a week.then your dispatcher want u to drive with they want and not the one u want to team with, i had 2 co drivers, first one I knew front school, he couldn't drive or back or do the paper work, i got rid of him, then I got another one, he was mental patient I guess, didnt care how he drove or anything, drove with him 3 weeks and got back to the riverside yard as I getting out of the truck the boy punch me from behind went I reported it to crst nothing happen, that show me crst hire anyone, they fired me, then send me a letter stating I owe them 6000 dollars for school and all, it stated if I go back as rehire and finish my contract up I wouldn't owe nothing, come to find out they will not rehire me, so that telling me they can fired anyone understand and want them to pay them for the contract, they are ripping ppl off and messing up their credit
I have been with CRST for 5 months and my weekly paycheck has never been more than $300 dollars. I have been through so much with this company that it has burned me out over OTR driving. I have proof and paycheck stubs. I either spent days at a truck stop or at a terminal waiting on truck repair or a load .The worst was waiting 5 days for a repair. I spent a lot of money at truck stops just for basic needs.
Just left today from CRST in Iowa do to a family Emergency, Family and I went over all of this with the Recruiter Sarah S before Left to go there for Trucking school. She was asked in case of a Family Emergency what happen? . Sarah S stated "we will get him back home" A family emergency came up two days of being there. I went to Sarah S and plus she received the phone call from home. She stated "I can not send you back home, you will have to get back home on your own" There I am stranded in IOWA, not knowing anyone there, my family was already over budget sending me to CRST in Iowa trucking school. Then I am told "get home on my own" you are right about CRST stranding people that they bring to their training centers. That is very sad. I know Inmates when they are released from prison are given bus fare or some sort of transportation back home. To say the least the place in Iowa felt like you were locked up in a Prison. No windows on the windows. Let me add the lunch lie Sarah S told my family and I. Sarah stated that "you will be responsible for your breakfast and dinner. CRST provide you with Lunch. Came lunch time yesterday. There were slips handed out and if you did not have a slip you had to buy the lunch that hey had there for the group that had slips. (another lie that was told). There is more, but I have already posted what my experience was like going with CRST for my CDL. I can assure you that you live and you learn. NEVER again will go back there once my family emergency smooth over. I will be looking for another company.