New manager Brandon is the worst manager this location has ever had.
He is abusive to the staff there, yelling and screaming behind closed doors, and more than a few times within earshot of customers.
We are long term customers and are speaking out for the well being and safety of the staff.
No person needs to go on a prescription for stress solely to do their work due to being mistreated by anyone and that's what has happened there since his arrival. The previous managers were a blessing to Oakville.
Brandon is certainly not, not remotely.
We have heard several recordings of him losing his temper and shouting at someone for what would be a relatively small error. Our son-in-law has converted those files so they can be uploaded to YouTube, so the public can hear the truth about the abuse from this individual.
Those same recordings of Bandon's abuse will be sent to contacts at the labor board later this day.
Seeing cashiers and other staff members openly weeping due to his abuse are unacceptable at any level.
FoodBasics, are you reading, listening and applying what is being said about your Kerr Street Location manager Brandon?
This individual has no business being in a management position, it's clear to all concerned, staff, cusotmers and their families that he isn't fit for the job mentally on any level.
It turned out that the person making this post was fired from the company for SA of a female coworker. They are making up lies.
This is a fabrication, likely by Brandon.