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International Delight

International Delight review: New Formula - French Vanilla 48

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4:54 pm EST
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International Delight changed the formula for the french vanilla coffee creamer and it taste awful! It taste like the fat free version and leaves a yucky after taste. I've been using this creamer for years and always loved it. Now I'm forced to look for another brand of french vanilla creamer that taste better. So disappointing!

Update by frenchvanillalover
Apr 22, 2010 4:02 pm EDT

It's great to hear someone else agrees! I also thought that it was a manufacturing error at first and e-mailed the company a few months back. Then I got the awful news that they changed the formula. I use other creamers now and haven't bought another International Delight creamer since!

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Monkton, US
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Apr 14, 2010 7:37 pm EDT

OMG, I'm so glad someone else is complaining "out-loud!". I called International Delight today to complain about the change. I thought they were having bottling issues and were putting the fat free in the "regular" bottle. I've already tried 2 other brands because I DO NOT like the new formula. Its like when Coke changed to "New Coke." I've even posted my dismay on my Facebook page!

Baltimore, US
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May 07, 2010 1:45 pm EDT

I totally agree... I usually make coffee at home but I ran out of splenda this morning. I stopped for a cup from my local quickie mart and was really caught off guard... I thought the quickie mart had watered down the creamer then finally another customer informed me that they changed the consistency... SUCKS big time we don't get what we pay for anymore.

Janet O
Warren, US
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Jun 11, 2010 7:08 am EDT

I also totally agree... I alway look forward to that 1st cup of coffee in the morning, but with new formula it sucks and just as bad tasting as carnation. To0 watery not creamy at all and funny taste with barely any flavor. I always bought international delight because it was as creamy as half and half with great sweet vanilla flavor. So it looks like I will be going back to half and half..
Internation delight shame on you, I bet you have lost a lot of customers. Go back to the old formula and I will come back until thenhalf and half for me.

Jayne Dough
Little Elm, US
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Jul 11, 2010 8:20 am EDT

I am also having issues with the plastic bottles leaking the product down the side, anybody else?

West Branch, US
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Aug 02, 2010 1:11 pm EDT

Dear International Delight,
We have been using your product for several years and have preferred it over other brands: ex. Coffee Mate. However, for the last (2) purchases, we have noticed a color and taste change in the Belgian White Chocolate Macadamia that has made 2% milk taste almost as good. What have you done to your product that has reduced the quality and flavor so radically? If we don't see and improvement, we will be looking for another alternate coffee creamer. I hope this has just been a mistake in manufacturing. Please let me know what has happened. Thanks.

James Home
Lake Oswego, US
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Jun 18, 2012 9:32 pm EDT

Thank god I found this site. I searched for "new international delight creamer sucks".
Here's the message I just sent them:
"My wife and I love the French vanilla coffee creamer... until now that is. The new label obviously came with a new formula, and it sucks so bad we are going to have to switch to Coffee Mate. We are severely disappointed. Your new recipe seems thinned out, not creamy, and the result is an inferior cup of coffee when compared to the old product.

If this is some genius bean counters idea of a way to save money, it won't, because your sales are going to suffer greatly. "

Let's flood the in box at:

Winnipeg, CA
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Jul 23, 2013 6:08 am EDT

I unfortunately had my first experience with the "new" formula yesterday. Disgusting! And the customer service rep Doris, basically brushed off my complaint. I have been using ID for years, but not any more. White, thin, tasteless...they can keep it! They have removed the transfat, and switched to palm oil. She said there is a slight color change and small flavor change. I still have the after taste in my mouth.

Surrey, CA
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Jul 27, 2013 10:05 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I totally agree. I've been a fanatic for years now even stocking up before vacations and taking a cooler full on trips because I am so addicted and don't want to risk not having it. New formula is terrible. Very little flavor and bad aftertaste. I won't be buying it again and am very sad.

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Jul 28, 2013 8:45 am EDT

OMG, tastes aweful. Been drinking the fat free French Vanilla for years in our coffee, two days ago dumped out the entire newly purchased bottle thinking it had spoiled at the store or something. Went to a different store last night and purchased the small version of the same product, GROSS. Sorry, won't buy this product again, waste of money as now another one goes down the drain. Can't even tolerate to get through one cup of coffee. Sorry

missing good flavour
Delta, CA
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Aug 04, 2013 12:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Not very impressed with the new taste in the French Vanilla creamer either. If I wanted to purchase the non-fat flavour, then I would, however, if I choose to drink the full fat flavour, it is because I want to enjoy my cup of coffee without that awful after taste. Should it not be our choice as the consumer who chooses to buy the full fat version of this creamer instead of having it crammed down our throat about trans fats in the product? I choose to buy this International Delight creamer because it is my one vice for the day and I want to enjoy my cup of coffee. I am tired of the government mandating, once again, that we have to give up more flavour by changing the formula just so it doesn't have so much trans fats in it. Please change it back to the previous formula. There are quite a few of us that will be looking elsewhere for a decent creamer to enjoy in our coffee. Don't really want to change from the International Delight brand because I also can't stand the Coffee Mate version, however, you don't give us much choice. A very unhappy long-time customer.

Winnipeg, CA
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Aug 08, 2013 6:51 pm EDT

I have written to them lately and told them exactly what I think of their new formula. What bothered me the most is that they tried to sneak it on the market. No advertising of NEW just a different label color and not a big change there either.. Any commercials or ads about it? No.I understand they had to change the formula but why didn't they make it obvious that it was a new formula for their customers. I felt ripped off and felt that they didn't care about their consumers. Did they taste it? I doubt it because it tastes like crap to me. I purchased 2 of them @ 3.49 each and threw them out. They cared nothing about the consumer; bottom line is they got my money one last time. I am a very unhappy long time user. No more International Delight garbage for me.

Men oi me
Toronto, CA
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Aug 10, 2013 7:10 am EDT

Like everyone else, a few days ago I poured myself a nice cup of hot Jo and added our favorite French vanilla creamer, went outside with my family to enjoy the sunny morning and all of us in unison wailed out a a big ewwww. Of course it couldn't be the creamer, it had to be the coffee...Nope. After several remade pots of coffee and numerous trips to different grocery stores buying French vanilla international delights we were all duped by the corporate doe heads who not only tried to pull a fast one, but thought we were all so dumb that we wouldn't notice. Well, doe doe birds we did notice. What a bummer. Oh well, thank God I live in Canada and have Tim Hortons. If any of you corporate airheads care, the gig is up, this new creamer sucks and no one with taste buds is going to drink this goop.

Winnipeg, CA
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Aug 12, 2013 12:18 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Agree with what everyone is saying. Mine was with the hazelnut flavor. It was bad. Called them and left a message on there answering machine and they won't return my call. So after a week i sent them an e-mail. Still no response. Very disappointed.

Calgary, CA
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Aug 13, 2013 9:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought the French Vanilla flavour a couple of weeks ago, and noticed there was something off about it. I thought maybe it was bad so I got rid of it, and bought a new one from a different store, but it had the same disgusting taste! I've been using this product for years and I'm so disappointed that they would try to trick their customers like this, thinking we would not notice a packaging and recipe change. This is for all you ID French Vanilla lovers:

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Aug 13, 2013 10:24 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is what I just posted on fb:

So I'm a HUGE fan of the French vanilla flavor, I drink it every morning and so did my husband, but as of late it tastes different somehow. At first I thought I bought 'sugar free' or 'fat free' because of the off flavor, but no, I bought the regular creamer. It's been 3 bottles and still tasting 'off'. (I keep thinking maybe it was a bad batch?) lol My husband won't drink it anymore and I have seriously considered trying another brand. Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm in Canada so maybe we got the change later than some? This is brutal. The government allows cigarettes (I'm a past smoker), but won't allow trans fats? REDICULOUS. And shame on ID for trying to be sneaky. I will definitely be brand shopping (or making my own, there are some recipes online)!

No Longer an ID Fan
Powell River, CA
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Aug 13, 2013 1:30 pm EDT

A couple months ago I too bought a large bottle of French Vanilla and thought they made a mistake in the bottling department. I have been using ONLY ID creamers for my coffee for almost 6 years and I thought "mistakes happen, we are only human". I emailed ID to inform them that they must have accidentally put the fat free into a regular bottle. No response. Then I went to their Facebook page and saw other complaints from fellow Canadians and ID's response was that they had changed the formula to keep up with our Governments standards. Really?! How can you change the formula without labelling it or advertising it? Were they hoping we wouldn't notice? So I commented on their Facebook page because I was upset that they tried to be sneaky about it. Again no response. ID went from the only brand of creamer I would spend my money on to something I will never, ever waste money on again. I've tried all flavours, all are just as terrible as the last. My absolute favourite Chocolate Mint Truffle now smells like soy milk and tastes even worse! (soy milk I can handle, the new flavour of these creams I cannot). I posted on their Facebook again yesterday to tell them I was moving on because the change was just too drastic and finally got a response... "We're sorry you feel this way". I'm pretty sure every Canadian with adequate taste buds feel this way! I have started using La Bona Vita flavoured syrups with a bit of half&half cream, it's the closest I've gotten to the old ID flavours... and the best part is, it's a Vancouver Island company!

wapella, CA
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Aug 13, 2013 11:27 pm EDT
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So, that's what's wrong. Have been complaining bitterly about the awful French Vanilla that I am totally addicted to. Thought perhaps something had gone wrong in production, threw out bottles and went out and bought some more of the same awful stuff. Unfortunately didn't know about the unwise change of recipe.

Barrie, CA
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Aug 19, 2013 10:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ahh and there was me thinking I got a bad batch, it tastes nasty since the change, the regular version (non-fat free) still tastes the same, but the fat free is way too sweet and sickly.

Barrie, CA
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Aug 19, 2013 10:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Lol i just asked on their FB page and they removed my post.

Barrie, CA
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Aug 19, 2013 10:33 am EDT
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" ID Canada recently changed the recipe for whiteners in Canada to meet the Canadian government's new requirements to remove trans fats. ID now offers 0 grams of trans fats per serving, and in order to achieve this, the taste profile did change. We really appreciate you reaching out. It's unlikely that we will be able to match the exact same taste as before due to the removal of hydrogenated oil, we'll continue to look for ways to fine-tune the recipe"

Unhappy shopper2
Merritt, CA
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Aug 22, 2013 10:15 am EDT

The new product is horrible... Switching to coffeemate product now. I thought I had accidentally bought the fat free version, which I cannot tolerate or there was a mix up in packaging. You would think there would have been a label on the product saying "new" so that customers were aware. Rather, they add the lactose free label, which all along it has been lactose free, but was just displayed in smaller print. It sounds like many customers had many similar thoughts as to why it tasted so bad. A simple label showing new taste would have been simpler! Then we would have instantly known why it tasted so horrible instead of wasting money buying a new bottle or going to a different store, etc.!

Springbrook, CA
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Sep 10, 2013 3:01 am EDT

I've been is of this stuff since it came in cardboard cartons like 12 years of the same cream and now I have to find an alternative cuz the new stuff is gross
You can tell th new stuff because the green label on the side that says lactose free
I travel for work so hav been hitting up every store buying old stock but I think it's all been replace with crap. I hate it. ! Change back I bet your noticing sales dropping saputo arnt you

Vaughan, CA
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Nov 29, 2013 12:41 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have 2 French Vanilla and 2 Hazelnut that are undrinkable. Phoned got answering machine, now I removed the label dumped the liquid will try calling again but have severe IBS can't handle all this stress. I got 2 from my mom and 2 from my son for my birthday I have no income this was my stress reducer but now it's my poison. Don't think it's fair what they get away with these days. No extras for me can't even afford 10.00 shopping this week-end. This is not the end of it. I'm just so angry what a waste. Couldn't even return them without the receipt. Going back to the Dr. next week messed up my intestines. Something is very wrong with the product. Chemical taste lingers and burns.

Abingdon, US
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Mar 06, 2014 8:03 am EST

I posted a complaint on their Face book page this is what I got back... International Delight Hi Joanne, thanks for your message. We are so sorry to hear about your experience. We’re proud to offer a gourmet taste guarantee, so if you don't love it there's no need to worry - we'll buy it back! Please give our quick and friendly help line a call at [protected] between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Central) Monday-Friday and they'll be delighted to make note of your experience and mail you coupons as needed. Hope this helps! – Nicole ID

Indian land, US
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Aug 17, 2014 10:17 am EDT

I thought there was a mistake in the bottling as well. The regular International Delight french vanilla tastes like the fat free and sugar free. I actually get a stomach ache every time I use it and the pain lasts for hours! The stuff is gross tasting. I understand the trans fats (oil) was removed but what was it replaced with battery acid? Will never purchase it again. Sad because we probably spent more than $30 a week on ID. Bye bye International Delight!

whocares, US
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Sep 09, 2014 10:00 am EDT

The large container taste bad but the individual creamers taste much better. My complaint is that the box states you get 24 when there are only 18 creamers inside. Misleading and overcharging.

Auburndale, US
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Jun 04, 2015 7:55 am EDT

I use the sugar free French Vanilla because I am a diabetic. I had been unable to find it for a few weeks, and bought CoffeeMate but was not a fan of their French Vanilla. Found the sugar free Sweet Cream was pretty good. ID has changed their sugar free to fat free as well. It has a terrible taste. It is thin and watery, but more so it just tastes bad. I used at least two bottles per week as we drink a lot of coffee. I will be returning three bottles I bought on sale tomorrow, and returning to the CoffeeMate.

11876 dunes road, US
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Jun 23, 2015 8:55 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We always use the sugar free French vanilla. Surprisingly we have found it to be sweeter than the regular. Could not find any locally for almost a month and suddenly the bottles were back. But this time all labeled fat free sugar free. The taste is really off. I totally agree with all the other reviews. Very bad marketing plan. Give us back our sugar free option. We are trying different brands now to find a suitable replacement. What's the point in changing the formula if no one will buying?

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Jul 29, 2015 1:00 pm EDT

Thank you ID for removing .5g of trans fat which at our rate was 2g+ a day for the last 7 years. Coffee mate advertises 0g trans fat per serving but who really uses a single tablespoon. They are still at .5g per "serving". My hdl and ldl levels should normalize now that all trans fat is removed from my diet, it took some digging to find real content information. I'll take the slight taste difference or add a bit of milk to my creamer any day.

Kalie Belanger
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May 04, 2016 5:34 am EDT

I've used this product for the last year and have loved it. I just bought a bottle yesterday and this morning and so confused by the new taste. I checked the expiry date thinking it had home bad. It's left a terrible after taste and am disappointed with my morning coffee. I will not be buying this again. So as I'm reading they have changed their ingredients? That's really too bad. I loved it before.

Leon Chapman
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May 29, 2016 4:16 pm EDT

I knew as soon as I poured and stirred something was different.I hope WAWA doesn't cave also. I spend $80.00 a month there.

Mary Fors
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Aug 18, 2016 10:59 am EDT

I"m so disappointed with the new flavor. I have hooked a several friends on the vanilla ID creamer because they all said that i made the best coffee ever. Always had two or three in the freezer door, (they fit perfectly.), so I'd never run out! When I saw the new container, I was upset because i could no longer put them in the freezer and then found that they're harder to handle. I also thought that it had spoiled so poured it out. Bought two more and finally realized that that bad taste wasn't the coffee, it was the creamer! While sitting at the computer with a cup of coffee, (yuk). i decided that I will no longer buy my ID. WAKE UP >>>You are losing customers.

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Dec 29, 2016 5:41 am EST

I do not find an issue with the taste as we just switched from another French Vanilla product so I do not know what it taste like before, however I am really disappointed in how hard the seal is to get off the top of the creamer. We always have to get pliers to get a grip on the metal seal to get it off. Also if you do not get it all completely off the rim it leaks down the side of the container and makes a sticky mess every time you use it, (took me a little bit to figure that one out). Any one have any tips on a better way to get the top off. Very frustrating!

Peter Hagedorn
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Feb 05, 2019 2:45 pm EST

I've also been using the sugar-free flavors for years. Recently, in the last 2 years, I would occasionally get a French Vanilla with no flavor. I complained twice but all they did was issue me coupons. Recently it happened with Hazelnut sugar-free. I am about done with this brand. Price has increased as well. I'm moving on!

Peter Hagedorn
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Feb 05, 2019 2:46 pm EST

I am in South Texas by the way.

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Jun 04, 2019 2:58 pm EDT

Dear International Delight,

I.D. French Vanilla Creamer, along with my down feather pillows, have been, for years now, the only two passions for which I indulge myself on any regular basis. But, alas, International Delight has betrayed my loyalty by discontinuing that elixir that brought me so much pleasure. They replaced it with something comparatively vile. In the past couple of months, I have spent well over $200 trying to replace that forlorn creamer. I have purchased every similar competitive product available locally, as well as a wide variety of vanilla syrups, buds, pastes and extracts, various egg yolk liquids and powders (to get the "French" into the vanilla) and an assortment of plain creamer products. No combination of those has fulfilled my craving. I just discarded them all and I await delivery of the new down pillow I ordered to indulge myself. What else is left in this downhill spiraling world? 'Tis a sad day in Mudville! The International Delight team has struck out! Hence, I think I shall drink tea with honey! ...NOT! Please, International Delight, atone for your failings and come back to us ! ! ! When I see "Original Recipe" on your new packaging, I shall return! Me thinks that many of us shall return! Until then, Y’all, Peace and love! The Vidger

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Aug 17, 2019 3:46 pm EDT

I purchased the creamer on Monday, it is friday and I'm finally using it I poured it in my coffee and there are chunks of white(assuming its creamer) floating in my coffee that will not dissolve. I followed directions to shake well and the more i shake the worse it gets.

Traci Andrews Mann
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Oct 02, 2022 3:09 pm EDT

I can not find it in any stores, the only creamer I like, this is not right I'm very upset with your company

Richland, US
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Oct 29, 2022 11:31 pm EDT

Am unable to find the International Irish Creamer that I have used for over 30 years. What has happened to it? I remember buying in the pint cartons...Please bring back...Have always bought at Wal-Mart or Winco. Have looked high and low for it...See the other flavors so why not my Irish Cream...Thank you

Linda and Mike Stinnett
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Nov 05, 2022 6:59 pm EDT

Has this flavor discontinued? We have searched at Wal-marts, Targets, Kroger, and Meijers. Everyone is out. This is my husbands favorite flavor.

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New Formula - French Vanilla
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