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Jagex review: I can't play runescape anymore 59

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12:33 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

i'm so angry that because the jagex company upgraded runescape because i really liked playing it and because they upgraded it my computer's not good enough to load the game code and now i can never play it again. GOOD DAY

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May 11, 2008 8:42 am EDT

Ican't play runesape any more becuz its so stipid now wildy has changed and i hate bounty hunter but clan wars is a prity good idea thoue could jagex please change wildy back like it was before or at least complete runescape3 so that we can play the old runescape. Over 300 milion people would like to complain abaut the wildrnes chainging and bounty hunter so for the seak of 300 milion people please change the old wildy back and cancle bounty hunter or at least change the new wildy to the old wildy so that we can fight in wildy not only in bounty hunter becuz 300 milion people think runescape sucks just becuz you chaingd wildy.Thank you for your cooperation, and wee would be wery glad if you would make this come true. =)

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May 11, 2008 8:49 am EDT

Hello!I want to complaint abaut willdernes chainging. we would like(Im speaking for 300 milion people)the old willdrnes back and fight in it not just in BH (bounty hunter) since in bounty hunter you get skulld imidietly and weaker people die in an instant.A nother isue is that in old willdrnes we had a lot more fun than in bounty hunter and did not get skulld imidietly.So please for the sake of 300 milion people change wildy back to the old wildy. Thank you for your cooporation.=)

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May 11, 2008 8:51 am EDT

Hello! I wantet to say this abaut the limit in trading. This is a big problem since you cant lend money to your friends and any thing. So please cancle this limit in trading so that we can resume the old trading please.Thank you for your cooporation.=)

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May 23, 2008 10:45 am EDT

I don't like playing runescape anymore becuse if you do somthing wrong they only give you one chance to appel and that is it and half the time they say it is your fault when it could be your freinds fault or someone in your house finding your name and password and that is what i hate them for because it is so rude and most of the time they dont read over it first from both sides if someone says that they say bad word they belive them without looking at the other players reasons and then they find themselvs banned.

tutorial island bad
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May 29, 2008 1:34 pm EDT

Jagex, you should really put a Crafting Instructer in Tutorial Island! And you should put instucters for member's only skills but not get any exp for them though!

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Jun 30, 2008 11:22 am EDT

You suck.

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Jun 30, 2008 2:18 pm EDT

This complaint makes no sense what so ever. The requirements for RuneScape are ridiculously low, to the point where nearly every computer used today can play the game (unless you happen to have a ZX80). With regard the new graphics updates, JaGex have stated that the old detail modes will remain next to the new ones enabling you to play the game even if you have an older machine. Having said that, a computer required to play the next version of RuneScape could be purchased second hand for less than $200 (£100). By current standards of computer power, the requirements to run the new RuneScape high detail are still low.

In regard to Mike, 300 Million people do not play the game, the figure for active accounts is closer to 5Million+. JaGex have also stated many good reason for removing the old wilderness, the main one being to stop item trading. Removing this and the unbalanced trade issue not only stopped that, but help fix other problems. They have also stated that they are working on an item lending system .

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Jul 01, 2008 7:59 am EDT

Good day to you too...

Melodrama melodrama... Princesses nowadays... Sigh.

May I suggest the low-something detail mode? You be able to... play?

The new beta version is optional. OPTIONAL.

Personally I adore the beta version. It has a few lagging problems and glitches but it's BETA. It's fabulous for beta.

I applaud Jagex for a game with such minimal requirements to be able to play.
The Beta version is just an added on treat for a few.

I never liked the Wilderness... but never mind that... Lots of people still bemoan its loss. I bid it good riddance.

As for the trading limit and not being able to help your friends - Jagex did state that there would be a 'lending' feature for all the good Samaritans out there. So - a little patience is required...
This trading limit prevents you from being scammed - and there is always the Grand Exchange...

It is a GAME. Go find another game with such variety, freedom and minimal requirements.. Sheesh.

This falls short of being a complaint - it's more of a princessey rant (to be ignored, of course).

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Jul 02, 2008 8:21 am EDT

i hate the trade limit! its stupid that i cant even give stuff and money to my frineds anymore and now you cant even give them more than 30k! i have no idea why they did this! im thinking of quiting and never playing again!

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Jul 06, 2008 1:35 am EDT

Jagex, if you read this PLEASE LISTEN!
Now that you updated the graphics, I can't play it!
I've even went on safe mode and the normal mode. I can log in on that one sometimes but it constantly freezes because of the graphics. Yes its the old version but thegraphics have changed even on it! Please have an option where EVERYTHING is COMPLETELY NORMAL AS WAS for people who choose that.

I love runescape and want to be able to play it again without worrying if i can go to the abyss without freezing and getting hit by a reverant. PLEASE!

Or at least tell us what we can do to make our computer better.

Also, Having a place where we can message ya'll would help greatly! That way we wouldnt have to go to these sites.

Denim Francis
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Jul 14, 2008 11:13 am EDT

i cant play runescape anymore cuz of the detail change i think they should make sumthing that u can play runescap without high detail so evryone can play still.if anyone knows how to play runescape without high detail then email me plz at thanl you evryone!

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Jul 15, 2008 7:29 am EDT

I cant play runescape anymore even on the low detail because it has changed alot too. like 1 time i went out to kill green drags and my computer froze and i lost 5 mil from a revent! all that i am asking is to e mail me some ways to get the game to work better! aand thank you for your coeporation.

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Jul 16, 2008 9:36 am EDT

ok i hate the new graphics update and the thing bout wildy u guys make me sick the only reason i play runescape cuz its fun but im really sick and tired of the updats

A real nigga
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Jul 19, 2008 12:56 pm EDT

Hey. I have several things to say: 1. can u please change the wild back to its original form.2. can u take the limits off of the trade? me and my friends would like to give each other money. I don't see the problem lending people money. I know you guys and girls did that because of all the scamming but can't you make up a program that catches them when they're doing it. you can just log them out and banned them.3. Back to the wilderness, the trench was a good idea, its not our falt that we wanna fight but if someone walks in there we are going to attakc if we can. so all of the complants about oops i walked into the wildernees and lost all of my valuable items is their fault, so please bring it back. thank you for reading my complaints i hope you change everything back with some improvements. thank you =)

Wichita, US
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Jul 19, 2008 1:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh, wait... I have an idea. Instead of complaining about a game, do what I am doing and GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY. Do something with yourself or friends to raise your mana regeneration rate to +100 instead of sitting on your butts, eating cheeto's, and debating about whether Picard was better than Kirk. Then the girls/guys will like you better, you won't be seen as a freakin geek, and you might get into a shape other than a potato.

Denim Francis
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Jul 19, 2008 7:42 pm EDT

can someone plz email me and tell me if they know any ways to play normal runescape and if u have any tips for runescape email me as well my email address is or even go to my website at

dylan ohlsen
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Jul 22, 2008 8:23 pm EDT

Runescape used to be my favorite game but now it is not.
Because of the new Runescape my computer won't let me play.
i am pretty mad about it that you have to install software in the new Runescape.I hope you will change it so you don't have to install software.


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Jul 27, 2008 12:15 pm EDT

ok, i HATE that the wildy has been changed, why did you do it? well anyway, i think that now it's not as great and you will lose a lot of customers, thanks a lot

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Aug 09, 2008 7:32 pm EDT

new runescape sucks because i cant get in because our bloody graphics card isnt high enough so change it back!my user nam is blb198 and im paying for member bvut theres no point if i cant play

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Aug 09, 2008 7:33 pm EDT

because you guys changed it and besides that runescape people and everything else looks GAY!

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Aug 09, 2008 7:58 pm EDT

earlyer today I gave someone my password i did not know I would get band why did you band me can you plz get me back on im not that happy. im not that bad of a person im may have called people names that stars showed up but pretty much every one does that at least once but this person sounded (lol) pretty nice so i gave that person it and i logged out to change it and i got band when i logged in. so ya. im not the happyest person right now . >>>>=( ill be extra good if you let me back on and you reply back as fast as you guys can because im leaving back to vernon bc from vancouver bc dont band me for that. =)...

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Aug 11, 2008 6:19 am EDT

"Runescape" is the best online game in the world.
No one has the right to complain about the game.
If you are unhappy with the changes in "Runescape" then don't play.
I'm 17 and have played "Runescape" since "Runescape" classic and i have never played a game that comes close to "Runescape".
grand exchange is the best update ever and it makes trading considerably easier and faster.
the new trading limit is there to help fair trading in the worlds of "Runescape" without it people get scammed and lose money and items. trust me i know. i know every scam available and i have scammed many people in the past and the new trading rules prevents that and encourages the use of skills to earn money.
the new updates have changed the game of "Runescape" making it fairer and a better game overall.
the new wilderness is not as good a previous wilderness's but it is better for lower levelled accounts as they do not get killed by a pure as they explore the game. if every time you entered the game you got killed you would not play the game very often and "Jagex" have just made the game easier to learn. the usual fighting can still be done in "bounty hunter", "duel arena", "castle wars" and "fist of Guthix" so players are not really losing out on the fighting opportunities.
i still play "Runescape" and i will continue to for time to come.
you people just need to learn to play the game properly then you will stop crying about little flaunts and use them to your advantage.
if anyone needs help in the game email me on ""
with you name and i will add you and give you any help you may need. (NO I DON'T GIVE OUT FREE STUFf SO DON'T ASK)

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Aug 11, 2008 7:56 am EDT

wtf jagex y did u hange runescape u had over 1 million people online at the old runescape but now when u upgraded to new graphic almost 90 thousand people play runescape now because there computer are not capable of running the graoohic needed for runescape i think this is horrable almost 1 third of 1 million players oare member and u are also losing money so the next time u r gioing to cahnge runescape make sure u think ...and i hope u cahnge it back to the regulare

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Aug 12, 2008 12:32 am EDT

300 Million?

You guys dont even know what your talking about, theres never more than 300, 000 playing at peak times, so I dont know where you got 300mill from.

Wilderness fighting has gone, get over it and stop crying.

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Aug 16, 2008 6:28 pm EDT

This is boring now please jagex change runescape back old when I tried to play runescape its like all new and this thing pops up when it loads and you have to install it too it's annoying I like runescape but... it change so make it back old version im begging you soo much please my friends get to play it why not me cause this stupid thing pops up and im not allowed to install it soo last things are too expensive in runescape make it free so we can even get our accounts back!

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Aug 19, 2008 3:52 am EDT

i hate jagex those stupid ### they made it faster so i cant play it anymore dome jagex people

dw bout my name
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Aug 29, 2008 6:34 am EDT

FUK tht, jagex u ###. the trading limit is gay, all the people is the wildy honestly, u will lose lantyof faithful players otherwise and if u arent selfish u will give it bak, fuk the real world item traders, think about the players

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Sep 16, 2008 4:57 pm EDT

i agree. and those dumb ### revs in the wildy killed me, 2 times! and i lost 10 M worth in stuff alltogerther! i really hate! jagex for making a god, awful peace of ### like revs in the wildy.

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Sep 19, 2008 8:49 pm EDT

u guys changed everything my username is wii0999 and i make new ppl and they cant talk because u changed everything now all my friends and me cant make new ppl for new players and thats wat u want right?
well to bad im not telling anyone any more to play runescape because u guys changed everything and made it boring!put tutor island back pls pls pls! and keep the graphics i no u want money but pls let non mems sometimes do mem stuff because we get ticked off if u dont no!
and now let the ppls talk or else im not going to tell anymore ppl to play runescape is stupid and it sucks!and my friends who r mems dont play anymore like yoda2557 well he plays but not as much because it sucks now im telling everyone else who is a mem to stop playing so change everything or else m not playing!:(( and last time i played i forgot about a person i started tutoral island and guess wat! i almost started to cry because i want to have tutoral island back and make more ppl have bfs and gfs AND make sure they dont speak bad words!hmph!

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Oct 01, 2008 7:21 pm EDT

hello, jagex isn't that bad i mean if you really want to talk to them im pretty sure that someone from jagex would talk to you about it, just email them

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Oct 01, 2008 7:46 pm EDT

ok im wii0999 who u guys made me only do quick chat
i no i no i promise ilbe good on runescape i want to become one of those ppl who help im srry i lose my temper i have anger issues but pls pls pls i want to talk to my friends pls...

p.s. i want to make more ppl on runescape and i cant so pls let me talk when i make new ppl oh and another P.S. i was going to become a mem but since i cant talk i cant! and wat lvl r u jagex

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Oct 27, 2008 9:24 pm EDT

i just booted up my old computer, xp 256 mb ram 32mb graphics cars integrated sis crap, very very old
least 5 years, and i can run runescape normal without ANY lag whatsoever. so you kids grow the ### up before you go to these pathetic complaint sites and start ranting bout YOUR problems

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Nov 04, 2008 10:20 am EST

u guys r such babys i dont understand y u want to play runesape so badly i hav an account and i thimk all the new updates r better like if u were a low lvl u wouldnt want to go to the wildy.and carmina y wud u cry about that u must be like 5 yrs old to be crying

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Nov 04, 2008 10:21 am EST

and all of u guys grow up and stop playing runescape

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Nov 04, 2008 10:25 am EST

anyway i cant play runesape anymore cause evrytime i go on the first page it freezes!

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Nov 04, 2008 10:31 am EST

also if anyone of u no me my runescape acc name is miamiheat919

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Nov 05, 2008 8:19 pm EST

i hav to say 1 thing all u guys r noooooobs!

xx 0wn4ed xx
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Jan 09, 2009 1:13 pm EST

look if u dont get back the old wildy we will quit ur stupid game
we want play runesape.. yes
but we want the old duel, old wildy, old trade back
this what we want and plz again plz
(get back the old wildy)!

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Jan 27, 2009 3:37 am EST

i hate the stupid idiot ###ed revs that jegex made its so fukin anoying it attk too far of range i mean it can attk u from across the map! and too much dammage and it also follow u tell to get to low lvl wildy. every time im mining rune ores i always get attked by on. i hope jagex would take out the revs or change the dammage and the attk distance.

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Jan 29, 2009 11:32 am EST

As you upgraded runescape I can't access my old account, so I have created a new game by the same name and password.

My name is still Beserkerx15.

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