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Kampgrounds Of America [KOA]

Kampgrounds Of America [KOA] review: Stan & Linda Roller 14

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

We stayed at the Springfield, IL KOA. It was a nightmare. During our stay we were sitting at the table in our camper and I turned off the Air Conditioner as I was talking on my cellphone. We were eating lunch and the TV was NOT on. The TV started to smoke so I quickly unplugged it. The breaker box started to smoke so I shut off all the power. I went outside to see what was happening the power had been shut off and then restored and it surged our camper. It was raining so I waited until it stopped and then I went up to the office to talk to the owner. When I approached him and told him what had happened he said it wasn’t his problem that he only had to supply electric to the campsite. He sent one of his people over to check electric at our site. By this time it is back to normal. He said it was at normal power. Then our neighbor drove up and shortly they came out and said that their TV was blown. The man, the owner sent over took our TV up to the office to see if it was working. In about 5 minutes the owner came back and told us our TV was working and he needed the remote. So I gave him the remote and then he took the man next door and his TV up to the office. When we got up there our TV was working. Our neighbor’s TV wouldn’t work. The owner drove us back to our campsites. I told him we had lost power in all of our electrical switches, our microwave, stove fan & light. He told me that I should go to a RV dealer and that they would pop in a new breaker and it would be fine. That night as it was getting dark our lights began to dim and I realized that it was running our battery down and not charging. So we had to shut all of our lights off the rest of the evening.
The next day I got a man to look at our camper. He checked all the circuit breakers. He found them to all be okay. The battery charger that charges our campers’ battery was blown. We had one fuse blown. He bypassed the battery charger and we got our electrical switches to work. (He loaned us a lamp so we could have some light.) When he replaced the fuse the fan and light on the oven was working. He found that the microwave and the camper battery charger were blown.
The whole time the owner never made any offer to help us in anyway. If anything he avoided us. The next day we were washing dishes and I noticed that the hot water stopped and then a few minutes my neighbor on the other side knocked on the door and told me that they hit a water line and the water was shut off. I shut off my gas on my hot water heater. Nobody from the campground ever notified us that the water was off. After it was off for several hours I went to the office to ask how long till it was on and Linda the owner’s wife said it would be back on in an hour.

When we called about this campground they never told us that they were under major construction and that we would lose power and water from time to time. They also told us that they provided WIFI and this was a told joke as you could never stay on the internet for very long as the connection was VERY POOR! One of my neighbors told me that he had to go elsewhere to use internet because he couldn’t get on at all.
In the shower rooms they had a sign that was in total bad taste. It stated to keep shower to ten minutes. We were paying campers and they are telling us to shorten our shower time because it was a family business and it was their main source of income. I can understand being considerate of the other campers and not using all the hot water but to cut down on shower time to save the owner money seemed in bad taste.
This was our first visit to a KOA. We had been considering getting a KOA value card and using KOA more but this visit put a bad taste in our mouth. We spoke to several other campers in the area and they were very disappointed in what was going on as well.
We spent over $14,000 for our camper in 2003 and we still owe money on it. We expect that this owner will pay for the necessary repairs to make it right.
When ever we stayed at other campgrounds previously to this, (they were not KOA), we never had a problem like this. There was a time when the power went out and it wasn’t the campgrounds fault but they notified us and offered to refund some of charge on our bill. We told them no as we knew it wasn’t their fault. The important thing was they tried to make it right. They checked on us to make sure we were okay and offered us refuge in the clubhouse during a storm.
We trust that this matter will be made right.

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Frank Weiss
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Oct 26, 2006 6:43 am EDT

We cannot recommend KOA Kampgrounds to any of our users. We have found this to be totally true and we have had others contact us with complaints about this same KOA Kampground.

Jacob Armstrong
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Apr 02, 2007 11:07 am EDT

My Tellico Plains KOA Experience

After some last minute plans, I decide to make a reservation with the KOA campground in Tellico Plains, TN. We will be paddling the next day and this is the closest accommodations to the river. I make the call and inquire as to the availability of the two room cabins. The lady, whom I will refer to as Joy, says, “Let me check”. She then informed me that they were indeed available and goes through the motions of explaining how I could gain access. During our conversation, I inform her that we will arrive late and I also inquire about late night access. I was then informed that a key would be located in a box on the porch. Joy explained that the combination is $%#^ and then repeated the number just to make sure that I had it recorded. I was careful to write her instructions down as given and included the lock box combination. Danny and I set out from Memphis and headed to Tellico Plains.

Upon arrival at the campground, we proceeded directly to the cabin. I unloaded my bags and proceeded to the porch were I looked for a key box. I was a bit shocked to find no lock box. I retrieved a light and continued my vain search for the missing lock box. After a bit of frustration, I decide to visit the headquarter building and attempt to locate a key box. I notice a box on the building just next to a sign that’s entitled, “Late night registration” I read the instructions and it gaves every reference needed to camp at this facility except getting into a cabin. It also does not reference a key box. At some point during my search a police offer on his nightly patrols pulls through. I ask him if he is familiar with any key box and he says, “No”. He decides to assist with the search and looks on the front porch of the facility and around the cabins. Neither he nor I can locate the key box with the combination lock. Thoroughly frustrated, we decide to get a hotel room 12 miles away in Madisonville.

The next morning we are up bright and early and I decide to visit the KOA to ensure that my credit card is not charged. Upon arrival, I am greeted by a lady at the registration desk whom I will Marge. I inform Marge that I had a reservation the previous night and we could not locate the key box. She explained to me that it was on the front porch and I would feel dumb if she went out and got the key. She proceeds to the front porch and points at the green box located next to the night registration sign. Please keep in mind, this box has no lettering, looks like a comment box, and has a brass padlock on the bottom. She then lifted the lock and dialed the combination. I will admit, at this point I was feeling sort of dumb but the instructions given were not clear enough to figure out that this was the box or that the padlock had a combination on the underneath side. I was expecting a real estate box type dispenser on the porch of each cabin. Marge casually reached in and pulls out the keys and paperwork. She then tauntingly shakes them in my face. At this point I’m getting fairly angry and can’t believe that any business owner would treat a customer such as this. We go back inside were the lady proceeds to tell me what instructions that Joyce (the reservation lady) gave even though she did not witness this event take place. I asked her to stop talking to me as if I were a child. I also informed her that I wrote the specific instructions down and the location of the box was not clearly explained. I also suggested placing a sticker letters on the box that would read,” keys”. Marge grew ruder by the moment. She then asked “What do you want”? Before I could answer, she exclaimed, “Your money back?” I said, “That’s right”. She then exclaimed, “And you’re never coming back right”? I said, “You are right about that too”. She then said, “Good, because we don’t want people here that can’t follow simple instructions”. Now I am thoroughly pissed off and inform her of her poor directions. She beings to get louder and louder. At this point she’s shouting and I’m fed up! I loudly exclaim “Don’t shout at me”. She jumps back in surprise and is obviously startled. After about a two second pause, she begins screaming for me to get out and to never come back. I respond, “Gladly”.

There are 4 customers on the front porch, one of whom is reading the ambiguous sign located next to the green box. One guy on the porch tells me that these folks don’t have their act together. Marge sees the conversation and runs out the door screaming, “Get out or I will throw you out”. I calmly ask her, “How are you going to do that”. I leave without further incident.

Looking back on the entire situation and trying to evaluate it from there perspective and mine still draws the same conclusion. The instructions given over the phone were not specific, the box on the front of the building is ambiguous and does not look like a key box, the lock does not look like a combination lock, and the lady was down right rude. I would not encourage this facility to anyone under its current management.

I called the credit card company today to dispute the charge and they informed me of the procedures to take. I called Marge today to see if she had charged my card and she says I verbally assaulted her and she was considering pressing charges. I said, go right ahead. So there may be a warrant for my arrest in Tellico Plains! Fun Fun!

Erik Roller
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Aug 12, 2007 11:31 am EDT

I agree, the Rollers have not cared about there visitors. The only thing that the Rollers care about is the money and not the quality of service that they should care about. I would not stay there.

Waco, US
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Mar 19, 2008 10:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am very new to RV'ing, and I am stunned at some of the policies many RV parks have, ... such as credit applications. I walked out of a KOA in Lodi CA for just such a reason. A credit ap with a $20 charge for a pay-as-you-go arrangement? I don't think so. I will not stay at ANY rv park that requires such a thing. I have a feeling it's a California thing too.

I have not been doing this very long, ... but I found more friendly RV park operators (and reasonably priced too) in TX than in CA. I guess it is a matter of supply and demand. We RV'ers need to let them know what we object to and what we prefer. No deposits, no 'credit checks", no pay for WIFI. We are a pay-as-you-go market and credit checks are unnecessary. When they advertise WIFI and don't tell you it is not free, that is misleading, in my opinion. Deposits, ... for what? Leaving a mess? RV'ers don't generally do that. Run out on a charge? I don't think so, ... we usually pay up front. Pet deposit? For WHAT? We, as a rule, pick up after our pets. All these things are efforts to exploit financially, and we should not put up with it. I notice many RV parks don't take credit cards, ... check or cash. That is so you cannot dispute the charge when you are treated badly. I hope we start telling them what we are willing to do, rather than listen to them tell us how it's gotta be. We don't do credit checks. We don't do deposits when it's pay as you go, we clean up after our pets, so there is no need for a pet deposit, etc etc. TELL 'em, or we are going to find it harder and more expensive to pull in and get a space conveniently.

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Jul 31, 2008 8:33 am EDT

I stayed at the KOA in Forsyth GA this week (July 2008). I encountered a horrible bedbug infestation. I am covered from head to toe in horrible welts from these bloodsucking insects. I complained and was treated rudely. Trust me, I have graduate degrees in entomology, and I know what bedbugs are. They refused to refund my stay or my dry cleaning for my expensive sleeping bag. Furthermore, I know they know they have bedbugs because the girl who answered the phone indicated that pest control operators know how to find and treat bedbugs and "they know what they are looking for when they come here". Bedbugs stupid! I am so furious at the rudeness and lack of any care whatsoever for my legitimate concern and digust and also the ugly welts all over my arms, chest, back, rump, and neck. Disgusting. And they dont even care. I told Ken to sleep a night in there. I know he wont because he knows I'm right.

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Aug 25, 2008 1:38 pm EDT

My overall concern was the hospitality of the campground. I understand that they have a non-refundable deposit for cancellations. However, our family had an uncontrollable work circumstance come up and notified the campground 1 month in advance. We were so disappointed that they did not even ATTEMPT to fill our spot when we knew there was a waiting list of people wishing to take our reservation. How disappointing that hotels are more cooperative with refunding money. We ended up paying for a cabin rental we could not use. I believe this is a reflection upon the service and care of the owners. Very disappointing. In society today you just wish people could be NICE and UNDERSTANDING.

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Sep 01, 2008 5:03 pm EDT

We stayed in the only deluxe Kottage at the Lake Hartwell/ Anderson SC KOA in April 2008. The Kottage was infested with Bed Bugs. My family, including my two year old daughter, was eaten alive. I brought it to the attention of the management and they were neither shocked nor surprised. I was told that the Kottage was probably due for a treatment, that bed bugs don't feed every night, and that she knew more about bed bugs than she cared to. Unbelievable! I was refused a refund because I didn't give them the opportunity to correct the problem. I suppose they would have put us up in one of their other infested kabins or hold our breath after the Kottage was fumigated. I wanted to get my family the heck out of there.

unhappy Camperr
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Sep 16, 2008 11:07 pm EDT

I have until recently had good experiences with KOA camp grounds. That is till I got to the Louisville Metro KOA. The owners are rude and care more about money than they do about the campers. My husband started a new job in Louisville. Since wee had no home there we were forced to stay at the local KOA. Since we are long term renters (we pay about the same as you would to rent a small apartment) we are less then dirt. They treat you like you are purposely taking money from thier pocket by occupying an rv spot. Why they even allow monthly rentals if they hate it so bad I dont know. They lied to me about which was the better wattage for an RV (told me 30 was better then 50) when I told them I wanted the better one and would pay for it. When I tried to express to the owner that I was not happy with being given the incorrect information and that I would like the higher wattage sight I was told "you will go where I put you" as if I was a little child. I was talking to the owner in a calm adult voice, he however was acting aggressive and snarling at me when he spoke. the nightmare continues but until I buy a housee I have to bite my lip and take it from these people. Please spred the word, dont give your business to the Louisville Metro KOA.

Our Beautious
Williamsville, US
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Aug 27, 2011 3:56 pm EDT

We have had good experiences with KOA in general until this past week. We recently left Tall Timbers KOA in Dayton, OH. We called and spoke with the campground to make our reservation and they assured us that they are big rig friendly... NOT... the roads are very narrow and on each curve or turn they have fencing or boulders to "keep the children safe" as they put it. Not sure why they only feel they need them on the curves and corners to keep the children safe, not to mention you are going so slow anyway how this would have anything to do with it, in our opinion it is because of such narrow turns many were unavoidably cutting the corners and driving on the grass, evidence of tire tracks show it. The fences and "rocks" appear to be well used as we saw many scrapes on the fences and "rocks"... Well at night they are close to impossible to see and one in particular is hidden by bushes, it is a very dark campground and even during the daytime it is hard to know where to turn and how to get to the sites... and the sites... very very narrow. For big rigs with multiple slides you have to do a lot of manuvering so you can open your slides and your awnings at the same time. Pretty campground, yes, big rig friendly, absolutely not. The sites may be long, but they never thought to consider that the longer a rig, the more slides... trees, fences and slides don't mix and it doesn't make for a very comfortable stay if you can't open up. If you have a toad, forget it... you will have to detach before you even get to the office to check in. All in all, its a great place if you have a pop up or a travel trailer no longer than 20'.

travelers 2
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Dec 23, 2011 4:58 pm EST

Koa in Gaffney South Carolina. Where to begin is a problem. My husband and I travel construction full time across the US, I have stayed at all kind of parks including other KOA's, We have stayed at the Gaffney KOA for 16 months never causing any problems, but then came the new camp workers after a change ownership I must say the new owners are very pleasant people, but if you should dare put a small bag of trash outside for pickup you will be cursed out told off harassed without any care or concern, I just cant believe he can get away with telling the people off that pay your wages Its only the one camp-worker guy that has a problem. It was my understanding that its was a courtesy to get trash pick if wanted or needed, I don't always put it out for pickup since I know what will happen with this one guy, and I think its a shame to point the finger at the park, when in reality its one man cussing out me the park owner and god knows who else, other people have had trouble with the same person being hateful. M. y blood pressure is so high because of this person making our continued stay miserable. I would not recommend a very long stay or even a short one unless you don't ask need or want anything at all, Iam actually fearing to stay alone while my husband is working. It is such a shame one person can destroy a places reputation as this one man has done.

Valerie Behnke
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Jun 05, 2016 6:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

June 1 and 2, 2016, we stayed at the KOA in Flagstaff AZ. We had a brand spanking new Forest River R-Pod and the first time we connected to the electricity (30 AMP) it burned out our plug and ruined the connecting cord. Our first night of camping and second etc, was done without benefit of electricity. FYI the elderly couple in the campsite next to us in and brand new Winnebago Bus also had electrical problems. And the elderly couple in the next site in a new Jayco fifth wheel also had electrical problems. Now I see a pattern here and I think it's an issue with the with amperage which can cause a fire and burn a camper up. The cost to me will be considerable.

Fifty-five years ago I was a young secretary for the attorneys in Billings, Montana, who started the incorporation of KOA. I have stayed in many KOAs over the years and the one in Flagstaff is a disgrace. It really has to be seen to believe how bad it is. I know this is not the standard for KOA.

I have pictures on my i-phone I could send to an email address or to an iPhone number.

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Aug 13, 2018 10:11 pm EDT

It is truly sad to see the campground now after knowing how nice it was in the past.

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Mar 27, 2019 7:11 am EDT

I overheard a KOA employee named Krista who works at the Wytheville VA campground tell another individual that she sells crystal meth at the campground and that her employer does not drug test the employees at this location

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Jun 09, 2019 3:48 pm EDT

I have been informed that at the Costanoa site i have been charge 5 dollars conservation charge fir 1 night stay. They have already taken the money from my card without permission. I want the money back.
You should ask permission or inform people prior to booking that the charge is there. WHAT A RIP OFF

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