I have just opened my first packet of cigarettes with the newly branded packaging and I am disgusted to find that the cigarettes have significantly reduced in size! The filter is a third larger than before and the taste is not as pleasant!
I have been smoking this cigarette for many years and feel totally cheated that with the introduction of the new packaging the cigarettes have suffered.
I will be seriously considering which brand of cigarettes I change to!
Is bright gold meant to be the replacement for smooth gold because, if so, I agree with this comment. Filter is longer, the tobacco lower quality.
Is there any confirmation on this either way? Wasn't sure if the new standard packaging had confused the assistant at the supermarket and I'd been giving wrong cigarettes or if Lambert & Butler have taken the chance to pull a fast one on their customers. |These Bright Gold are unpleasant.
These cigarettes are disgusting the extra length of filter doesn't bother me that much but they definitely are not the same tobacco, to make matters worse the plain packet doesn't even tell you the strength of the cigarettes, going to go to a supermarket and buy 200 of old stock smooth gold and ween myself off them. Well played government you win. £3000+ a year better off in my pocket
Couldn't agree more with Ricord's comments. My wife has been smoking L&B Smooth Gold for many years but, when introduced to their so-say replacement BRIGHT GOLD brand, is firmly of the opinion that the tobacco in this revised brand is most certainly different, bordering on being unpleasant, and also burns much quicker. In respect of this, we are left totally in the dark as to the properties of the tobacco that is now being used. Whilst we know that L&B Smooth Gold contained 5mg Tar and 0.5mg Nicotine we know nothing about the Bright Gold version as such equivalent DETAILS ARE NO LONGER DISPLAYED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE CIGARETTE PACKETS. We have obviously not moved with the times as we were under the opinion that this was previously a Government requirement. So, Imperial Tobacco, any chance you could at least provide this information to confirm that the swop from Smooth Gold to Bright Gold really is a like-for-like move... rather than a big con!
As all the above say please give use the facts what is the nicotine and tar contents
And the tobacco is different
I will be changing brand
Is it a policy NOT to answer the Actual Complaints. I'm totally with the 1st post.
They are smaller and certainly disappear very quickly and the absence of tar and nicotine content looks very suspicious as to what you are now smoking.
What are the nicotine levels lambert bright gold.. why can’t you tell us..? I suspect government intervention possible trouble... why would you want to hide it if you have nothing to hide...!