Paid off loan turned over as charged off. Will file a lawsuit against you. Made 48 payments of 609.10 ending in 2019. Paid this to lending club, paid 48 payments of 609.10. Borrowed 27000. Paid 29236.80 back. Said they charged off, wrong. Filed in court now have a civil summons. If not resolved in 10 days, I will retain attorney and file a lawsuit against them.
Desired outcome: reverse civil suit you filed within 10 days
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LendingClub has improperly managed your account and this may be tarnishing your credit history. Assemble any and all records of payment or payoff to support your case. Send an official fax to either their collections or legal department concerning their civil summons, requesting them to take action on it without delay. If they do not comply with your stipulation, go ahead and file a lawsuit for damages and for public vindication. Do not allow them to intimidate you with fake accusations.