I am actually a user of Mashreq Bank Cards, in all instances one time in a person life he hits the bottom neck of his life financially. I did. But not to the extent of Running Away or completely skipping of not paying my debts.
I am a minimum pay office worker. Mashreq has offered me a credit card (2) years ago of credit Limit of 5500.
(3) months delayed payment before the end of 2009 and (2) months on the other card. 2nd week of 2010 I went to meet one of Mashreq Bank Collection Officer for a Installment Settlement Plan facility they have.
He have agreed on assisting me on the cards, he provided me contact details on one person that will handle my account. We agree to meet again in the office by following month providing to bring the check book. As discuss on the phone with the person he provided. I should pay my minimum amount in cash to the bank. So I did on the same branch where the collection office is sitting. After was instructed to deposit (6) checks to the collection officer. So I did. Collection Officer received the check and confirm in his system that the cash payment is done.
He said he needed to forward the check to their Dubai office to have the installment starting they will call me again for the fixed monthly amount that I need to pay as I ask for (3) years to (5) years Installment so the amount will be minimal and I can meet it monthly.
There's is one card for recovery which I have constantly asked for the status of that card and how to have the settlement on that card as well. He promise to help and check with the correct person that can provide me convenient payment. We exchange numbers just to get a faster reply on this status. But the case is as I ask assistance for installment. the Collection Officer have asked me same time of my personal details. If I am single and can be invited out for a meeting for coffee or chat.
I provided my contact number to him manly the purpose of getting updates on my debts. He made calls and invited me out to meet up with him on one of the weekends. I never meet up with him. Several times he tried during the week. I answer his call as I was in the impression my case is being resolved less the personal interest or so called “friendship” he is offering.
The worst part is that since I did not go out with him. Not meet him or given him any chance to involve anything personal both cards installment plan was kept on hold. I was in the impression that the amount I have written to the check was already being collected and the installment plan is already on going as in any law says verbal agreement is a contract. Since for me its verbal but the collection officer is doing it official in his computer. I have already agreement of payment. This month is already February
My next concern was the other card. I have called him to have the status of this card. I was ask immediately to meet him in the office to received all my (6) checks. And he have sent me to go to Dubai to discuss my installment there instead. As he mentioned I need to meet the person taking care of my account.
I went to their Dubai Branch and look for this person. He meet me and he was completely un aware that I should be meeting him.
He instructed that my case is not in Dubai rather in Abu Dhabi and needed to be attended by the concern department in Abu Dhabi and that month was already end of March
Frustrated and confused I returned to Abu Dhabi.
I requested the person in Dubai to Sort this issued out for me and direct it to the concern person and would be waiting for their call. From that period till last month I have not heard anything from Mashreq. Avoiding circumstances of meeting the Collection Officer again I never volunteer myself again to visit their office just I am waiting for the bank to call me.
Last month I received one mail from my facebook account. Saying I needed to settle my accounts in Philippines and Mashreq Bank have filed legal charges against me already for non - payment of credit cards.
The part I don’t understand is that Mashreq Legal department has an affiliation in Philippines and contacting me on my facebook account which I found irrelevant and fraud so I don’t pay attention as the contact details provided is in Philippines.
Another point is why in Philippines when I took the cards in UAE and I am still working in UAE and they have my contact details as I have provided it to the collection officer and it was in their system
Locally Abu Dhabi Collection Department send me to Dubai Branch on March to settle my plans there but Dubai mentioned it should be done in Abu Dhabi. Now it is extended to Philippines.
I am admitting my delinquency of Payment. I came to their office for settlement and the service I received is rather inconvenient to me after the bank itself has drag the delays for 3 months.
As i am legally staying in UAE and I have my debts here in UAE, i have no problem having it settled in UAE. Supposed im needing an answer to Mashreq why someone from Philippines is representing them for collection with out me being informed here in UAE. Should my case be first settled here. I believe there are legal advocates in UAE and there is law as well in UAE that is taking care of this matter.
I am more willing to have this settled legally as the delay is involving their collection officer, since the bank is having the records of all conversation and transactions dealt in their office. As I am in UAE. I can be reach in UAE. Officially Mashreq can contact me both on my existing number which is provided to the collection officer and my email. I don’t think facebook is the office site to mail me of legal charges.
Mashriq Bank is known in uae as loan sharks & thieves, you are already hooked up for now, you have two solutions:
1. Get out of uae & your problem is solved, they cant do anything to you in phillipine or any other country, just dont come back to uae as there will be a case on you & you might be jailed for it. they cant place a case on you in phillipine because of credit cards you used in uae.
2. to pay all what they want from you if you insist staying in uae. cost is high & most likly problem wont be solved as they wont let you in peace even than. if you choose this option ask them to reduce the intrest, or let the case reach the court & the judge will ask you how much you can pay the bank monthly? you tell him 200 derham only, the judge will ask you to pay 250 derham, & he will drop the intrests of you, & you accept rule, this way you will piss off mashriq bank & you will have a good solution. just remember to drop some tears for the judge & makeup some story about how hard is your life.
Good Luck
Hi Kat. Im facing the same problem right now and i would like to contact you on what steps have you done so far to resolve the issue. Thank you and your quick respons will be of great help to me.
in 2008 i have mashriq credit card that time in my accont ithink 7000 some thing balance .unfortunatly suddenly i lost my job from uae.till 2011 i was in india.when i was in india many timee i contacted by email to mashriq bank. iam trieng to comming back uae.when i will reach uae i will pay that credit card amount.but now i reach in uae i calld in mazhriq bank ccrd department they are saying morthan 33000 thousand need now.how will pay this . for me this is very very huge amount. i told to them 2008 what is in my amount that i will pay in install ment everymonth i will pay 500 dhs beacause my slary now only 1500 iam working as a office boy.but they are not agreed.give some know any solutions plsss give me a replay
Now is 2011, Just now at 17:30 Oct.6 2011 some agent came to see me regarding my loan from mashreq bank how the I have this loan hence when I left Abu Dhabi in year 2000 I paid my loan in Hamdan street Abu Dhabi and I sign the clearance, and I'm going in and out of U.A.E. for more than 10 years, I'm living in the Philippines for more than 11 years now and suddenly someone came and telling me I have loan from Mashreq bank, this is really incredible.
Some people are making scam to make easy money..
i believe there a scam in mashreq, my husband loan a 4500 dirams and 9months cut a 280dirams monthly in atm provide the company of my husband, then 2009 terminate my husband because of global crises, the balance is 3200 dirams only, and know that balance is shoulder of insurance bec he terminate of company, and last october7 someone in enzi give me a legal notice from enzi corporation, feelin shock becauce all iknow is shoulder of insurance like the explain of guy who offer a loan, , and now we settled the 15.786 dirams to4500 dirams. i sent money to my relatives and talk to russel, then she paid my relatives in electronic, the big thing that i dont understand why the credit card in master card, that they said have a balance 15thou dirams, not activate why have a debt?.even the visa card not open or activate they said have 36thou dirams easy loan, , how can i make a easy loan, i dont activate or open, that why i said have a scam in mashreq, i pay 4500 dirams, den said russel give me a clearance, but when my relatives paid, russel said theres another one, , , a big question only the 4500 dirams and i pay already a 9months cut nin my salary, , , , , pls give some answer in this problem?im in abroad BUT NOT IN DUBAI, HAVE STOP OVER IN AIRPORT IN DUBAI THATS WHY IM SCARED, , WHY THE TWO CREDIT CARD NOT OPEN HAVA A LOAN?
i am planning to apply one credit card in Mashreq, now that i read all your comments, i said in my mind that better to look for another bank which no thieves are happening. this is embarassing. all of us come abroad to help our family in home country and not to put ourselves in trouble abroad.
As a general practice, UAE banks sell you account to debt recovery agents (collection agents) in India. These collection agents will give a great headache and nuisance to the defaulting Indian by visiting his house and abusing in front of neighbors and friends, and there will also be quite a lot of phone calls, all kinds of abusive language will be used by such collection agents. If you are intended to pay, you may please contact the UAE bank directly without involving the agents. In such case you may clearly tell the agent that you are in touch with the UAE bank concerned. However, if you are not intending to pay (in case if you dont have adequate money), then you may bluntly tell the collection agent to 'keep away' from you, and you can very well file a complaint against the collection agent who is harassing you.
Apart from going with the collection agents, the UAE bank may report you to police (for your Cheque bounce) which will lead to your travel ban to UAE. Under escalation, even Interpol may be involved. Interpol may write to India to extradite you to UAE to face the trial. But Indian Government's sanction is mandatory for any extradition. So it involves political thing in india. Extraditing our own Indian citizen to another country for "cheque bounce" offense will badly affect the image of the country. So such extradition will never happen.
"Cheque bounce" may be a criminal offense as per UAE and Indian law. But certainly it cannot be considered on par with terrrorism. You see, the cheque bounce was a crime by the bank bcoz knowingly the bank allowed the cheque to bounce (they are very certain that the cheque will bounce due to inadequate funds). "cheque bounce" is a bank tactic to add pressure on the defaulter. It was a recovery process without legal sanctity. Bank clearly knows two things:
1. At the time of collection of the security cheque from the customer, the Bank knows that the cheque cannot cover the full amount as they possess copy of bank statement.
2. The defaulter is unable to pay even monthly instalment due, so the bank knows that the cheque cannot cover the required amount.
So knowingly the bank makes the cheque to bounce, so Bank is the main culprit and criminal.
First of all, the bank should prove before law that they are not collecting secruity cheques from customers at the time of processing CC and Loan application. Banks cannot. Because security cheques as an unwritten rule, are mandatory in bank process for loan and CC. However, as per UAE law, collection of post dated check is illegal.
Bank process is illegal. So Bank have no moral right to seek legal remedy against defaulting customer. Best thing a defaulting expat can do is to run away from UAE after the cheque bounces.
I was a mashreq card holder before and I have settled my payments last September 2012 and yet I'm still receiving messages and statements from your bank for my old account number [protected]. I decided to transfer my account to another bank after they issued me clearance certificate on your bank. It irritates me because all I know everything is cleared and settled, from the moment I received messages from your bank I started to call your agents and clarify the problems why I have payable for the mention account number? They all answered me that my account its clear and they also said it is a system ERROR, they also said that they will fixed everything and do the needful for me but unfortunately I didn't hear anything from them about it that's why I decided to go to Al Ghurair branch in Dubai, after checking in the system clearance has been issued to me. My question is do you think I can transfer my account to another bank without paying my debts? Now one of the legal department called me to pay for my outstanding of 2, 143.79 dir hams. How this was happen if your bank issued me a clearance certificate? I want this problem will be fixed ASAP and will not happen to any of the mashreq card holders.
mashreq is nothing but a big fool, , bank in the planet..
mashreq is created by a big gang's robbery in UAE, who used to stole money from thier customer, , , i was one of the victims of this scammer bank..i had one credit card from theme with the cash limit of 3000 dhs..and i pay it monthly reguarly as what agreed upon, ..its been long time of paying this credit card and yet my oustanding balance is remain and getting high as compare to my credit cash limit, , its all about 9, 000, dhs, , i already paid against this credit card but yet my cash limit has reach to..19, 290;00 dhs, , could you imagine how it was possible to reach that amount? and now all their stupid agent are keeping on calling me, my mobile was almost to explode because oft their calls..i dont understand these people they dont have heart to feel the difficulties of thier customer when they are askin for the payment which you never used of enjoyed...may ALLAH swt..guide their staff as well as their mnagement to the right path, , , Ameen, , ,
i was one of the victims of this scammer bank, , and now i realy do feel the hurt of thier harrasment on me...mashreq is nothing but a big foo
l bank, , it is created by a big gangs of thiefs people...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yesterday, I got an anonymous call from Mob. No.[protected] stating that he was calling from Mashreq Bank and that I had given some reference/surety for grant of personal loan to someone (name I don’t remember) and further that the said borrower has defaulted and asked me to make payments.
Please note that I do not know anyone (to whom your bank appears to have given loan on a fictitious entity/documents), nor l have ever given my documents, or ever got or responded to any verification call or inquiry from the bank regarding anyone prior to grant of loan etc.. There is no question of giving any surety on behalf of stranger for loan etc. .
Under the circumstances, your bank appears to have entertained fictitious reference and documents, if any while granting the loan etc. I am unnecessarily being harassed by calls from the aforesaid mobile number making illegal demands on your behalf. Please look into the matter and direct the concerned to stop such illegal calls immediately, otherwise I would be constrained to approach the appropriate enforcement / statutory authorities to look into the malpractices being made on your behalf.
Yours faithfully,
Hi there,
I just checked my last month statement and found I have been charged AED 50.00 for monthly fee-elec device mashreq max bundle charging. first of all what is this charge for?who allow you to charge this amount every month from my account without my knowledge?
I need a proper answer for this hidden charges and you are requested to revise total amount that you been charged me what ever month its may.
hope to receive a reply asap.
I have also faced the same issue as what Omkar as faced and I have faced another issue regarding the Over Draft Facility.
I never ever know what is use of OverDraft, when I opened my statement I say AED 200.00 has been charged.
So I called Customer Care for Clarification, they said I have to go to nearest bank to cancel this OverDraft Facility and they are unfit to answer why this was charged. How dare they can do this. Without any intimation or any alert message, they have charged this amount, they are doing robbery in our money.
I really want this issue to be taken to the court
I have been a customer of Mashreq bank for so long, it all started when I was offerd a free for life card by Mashreq for a 40, 000 limit .It was free for nothing, you guys have recovered more than your fees with one claim of delayed payment.Your arm twisting tactics of making customers pay up at any cost even though it could be be a genuine mistake is giving you a reputation so bad accross shores that no one wants to bank with you.My problem stated when I didnt recive a statement as usual and I nothified the call center about it .On talking to them they said theminimum payment has not been generated so you dont have to make any payment.I waited for few days and forgot about it in busy day of life.One fine day i received a a message saying I had a fine of 600AED for non payment.I was shocked, after long chats and endless meeting your guys agreed for a proposal of 4000AED worth of purchases this month in exchange for the waiver of fine .I went ahead and took cash for that 30, 000AED .I went back to them for reversal they said its not possible as its cash transaction .Its simply so much of cheating, arent you earning same interest isnt it aainst the card what more .Now new problem while making a payment this month I typed in the amount twice to be transfered but now Mashreq is refusing to transfer back my money saying if it was from same bank it would be not be possible from different bank.I mean what kind of a bank is this that can act so self centered and cant give my money back.So if by mistake i receive money from mashreq by mistake i should not give it back is this what you guys mean.Please check you policies before you get wiped out.You can be strong today but remeber a small ant can make a kindom fall and times change .A very wrong prescient is being created no one should return any money which comes to you by mistake and you are not the owner of it.Hope you will do something to resolve.my no is -[protected].Regards Sam
Customer care service of Mashreq bank is very poor and worst we cannot believe on them word. They telling ok sir ok but not doing any thing for customer. telling lie and confuse the customer.
Dear sir,
I already cancelled my credit card on June 15, with all payment done because my visa cancelled.
I talk with your customer care regarding cancellation. They told me it cancelled. So now why I have to pay?
Even card cancelled time i paid all payment and extra i paid 1248 AED which one i dont know why bank charge on my one of card 0775 last digit. That card i never use but that time i was leave UAE so i paid without any issue. But i asked question to your customer care service, Can you send my 1248 AED statement of card 0775 still i did not get.
After 3 month suddenly i got message from bank regarding my due payment. i called to customer care and asked about my card they told me your card already cancelled. than again after few days i got call from collection department regarding my due payment than i explain to him this issue than they told me no need to pay but you inform customer care. i again inform to customer care.
After i stopped my UAE number. again after one month i got mail from bank for my due payment. Again i called to customer care from my international number than she told me this payment for you paid one day delay. means late fees. than i told her all story again and asked her for 1248 AED statement and i give my international number than she told me we will call u. up to now i did not get any call and statement from bank.
only i get regular due payment message with multiply amount. Than several time i call to customer care and tahseel but they are confusing me but no body give me solution. now they told me 4600AED due payment because of bank customer care mistake and misguide. i really unhappy with mashreq banking. from now i never want to become a customer of mashreq bank . May be i have to pay this amount for which card(0775) i never use. i already paid 1248 AED without use this credit card.
Mahesh Patel
I hold a mashreq card and the payment due was AED 7000 Dirham. I have remitted money INR equivalent to AED 7000 Dirham from my account in HDFC Bank India and opted for beneficiary charges to be borne by SELF (OUR). Will the whole amount AED 7000 Dirham transfer to the credit card or beneficiary charges be debited?
After reading all the above complaints I have realized I am not the only one taken for a ride. Unfortunately the bank has either no moral ethics of banking or has hired dubious characters in their customer care center who are habitual liars. The customer care never provides complete or accurate information and what they say is always contradicting when you make a call back inquiring the same.
I had a pending amount of AED 43 on my credit card from September 2015 and I never received any communication through SMS or email stating there is an outstanding although I had received several calls from the bank asking me to take quick cash as my credit limit was above AED 90000/-. Recently in May 2016 I received a call from the collection department stating that I have an outstanding of AED 507/- and that my credit card was deactivated in February 2016, since I had other credit card I had not Mashreq for a long time therefore did not realize it was deactivated and neither any one from Mashreq bank give a call or send a message that the card will be deactivated on non payment.
I have settled the outstanding amount but the bank refuses to give my guarantee cheque back and are making false statements that it will be issued after fifteen days and can be collected from the branch. Today when I called the collection department a lady by the name of Karen Pateng informed me that it is against the policy of the bank to return the guarantee cheque and they can only give clearance if I visit their collection department.
I have never come across such a bank where openly they are taking the customers for a ride and have no fear of the consequence for their illegal activities.
R.S.B. 8/4/16
Before leaving Dubai for Canada 6 years ago, I closed all of my Mashreq bank accounts and credit cards. After clearing all outstanding balances, my cards; debit/ credit cards were destroyed by the teller in front of me. She gave me a clearance certificate stamped clearing me of all dues, so I could leave the country for good. During exit the immigration officer have even asked for this bank clearance document before cancelling our residence visas. Must be a requirement to avoid leaving the country for those who have delinquent accounts or financial obligations. Fast forward 5 years later (last year in May), somebody from the Philippines (Enzi Corp) gave a legal notice to my parents ( my brother sent me a copy of the notice) stating that I owe the bank 14k AED and needs to settle within 5 days otherwise they will take legal action. I didn't bother as I thought that it must have been a mistake or a scam. Just yesterday a certain Ra Ge from Makati created a group in facebook and posted a message that I owe the bank 41K AED and required me to contact the bank branch in Dubai or the credit card recovery dept. within 72 hrs. Just my thought, really, these crooks are desperate. This fictitious individual hiding through a profile that could not be verified attempted to malign and ruin my reputation. My family and friends were quite alarmed by these malicious and deceptive message. I called this simply a harrasment if Mashreq bank is truly involved. If not, MB should know that someone is using your bank name for fraudulent purposes. I have no intention of contacting anyone from the bank or this Enzi or this Ra Ge. I don't owe anyone anything. I am a Canadian now ( not sure if that means anything). You krooks/ scammers can go and take legal actions all you want . You will just be wasting your time, at the end of the day I will slap you back with the clearance certificate that the bank gave me or might as well take legal measures (damages) if you don't stop or make this right.
hi i have problem with mashreq... due to some financial difficulties.. i was not able to pay them... and now tasheel keeps chasing me and asking me to pay the amount as per their wish.. i told them i need to restructure the same but they said they dont do restructuring.. so how can i able to pay the, m? please advice
Mashreq bank is one of the cheater bank. This bank cheat the customer by its customer care department. If u call customer care Dept they mis guide you. So if possible never open account and don't take credit card from Mashreq bank. Otherwise sure u will get bad experience from Mashreq bank.
yeah ur right such a big mistake. but cant do anything all i need is for them to restructure it. but they cant. :(
Hi Friends,
These are not big issues and can be sorted out easily, if we know about the rules of UAE well. If you need advice on your issues, you can call me on [protected] or [protected].
i received a bill a 100 aed for my mashriq credit card and I forgot to pay do you know how much they charged penalty the very next day
u all will be surprises its 300 aed fine penalty
I am already closing this card and u guys don't take mashriq card they are cheaters
Good Day, In General all banks in the world charge in case if the payment is missed knowingly or by mistake. because its programmed system generated, same way when any customer is getting a cashback points. for further assistance kindly feel free to contact on [protected]
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