Famous Nathan's at Molly Pitcher Travel Plaza store ID 4NJNAT45 check #9032
I ordered food at a Famous Nathan's located at Molly Pitcher Travel Plaza store ID 4NJNAT45 check #9032. The food was old and stale, perhaps leftover from the previous day.
I spent $15.10 for food that was inedible. For that kind of money one expects a reasonably good meal. Additionally I drive a big rig so I don't have the option of driving back to address the issues so all I can do is discard the offensive meal and spend more at the next fuel/rest area that sells food.
The HMSHost Customer Care Team apologized but that is not fair. I was cheated out of my money. I could have purchased 2 meals at McDonald's for what I spent. And although I am not a fan of McDonald's it would have been a far better experience.
I grew up on Nathan's but this experience has made it very clear that the quality I experienced growing up in Coney Island is gone. What I received for my money was deplorable and if that is acceptable to the company than I will never again make the mistake of giving up my hard earned money to your organisation.
Allan Joseph