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National Football League [NFL]
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National Football League [NFL] Complaints 647

8:21 pm EST
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National Football League [NFL] half time show

Shakira's outfit was fine and her dancing was very good...but the crotch and butt shots were over the top. Jennifer Lopez was worse. From her S&M outfit to her stripper routine to her crotch shots...what the heck NFL? This is degrading to women and has no place in a half time show. Clean up your act! Middle America is sick of this trash!

Suzanne Guilfoyle, mother of 5

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7:50 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl halftime show

I've watched football since I was a teenager, I remember the very first Monday Night Football game so that was a while ago. The Super Bowl has become an American happening, for weeks prior the build up to the game is intense. This year the GAME was fabulous and it was nice to see some different teams than the usual suspects. But the halftime show was disgusting. What message are you trying to send? Men on the field demonstrating their talents playing football while women's "talents" are limited to overtly sexual gyrations while wearing extremely revealing outfits. The "dancers" looked like demons from Dante's Inferno writhing around instead of actually performing. The portion where a stripper's pole was used was particularly grotesque given that real strippers are trafficked, abused and exploited. Surely there was something more appropriate, particularly given watching the Super Bowl is often a family event. Please reconsider having this type of "entertainment" in future years.

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6:32 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl liv halftime show

In the words of Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, "The Super Bowl Halftime Show was not only pornographic — it was an internationally televised sexual grooming session." (

Why would you allow such filth to be performed and broadcast? And on prime-time television, no less! Your complete disregard for public decency is both stunning and sickening.

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6:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

National Football League [NFL] halftime show

Our family quit watching the Super Bowl many years ago because of the ads, which have so much agenda-laden nonsense that we could not watch with our kids and did not want to expose ourselves to it either. The children are now out of the house, and so I tried watching, even though my husband left the room before the halftime show, knowing it would be objectionable. I found it more than objectionable. It is clear that it is designed on purpose to be objectionable and worse. If I ever see that it has been cleaned up, and that is advertised heavily ahead of the Super Bowl, I may watch that game again. Until then, I'm out. Again. The thing is, it was done on purpose, and you all know it. You know it.

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3:32 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] nfl super bowl halftime

2020 Super bowl halftime show should give good model to display to everyone (family friendly or godly families with children). You< NFL and Pepsi should be ashamed to allow the "sexual expolitation" of every women on stage towards children and families! Halftime looked like giving a free strip show that is NOT PROPERLY. Very disappointed and disguisting to watch! You need to consider seriously how to pick the right theme in halftime, not sexual actions.

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2:26 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] nfl halftime show

I know NFL is not responsible for enforcing moral standards or any standards ..but please discontinue the disrespectful and tacky influence you provide in your halftime shows. Just because a 50+ year old child-woman enjoys being an exhibitionist does not make it ok to display to families, who chose to watch TV during prime time. This should have been a family gathering that instead turned out to be an embarrassing show of poor character by your contractors - Shakira n no-shame Jello

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12:00 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl halftime show

If you are going to have this type of provocative (R rated) entertainment for the Super Bowl half time, you need to advise viewers before hand that the content they are about to see in the half time show is not appropriate for younger viewers and has a R rating. I can't believe the NFL allowed this to happened to all the family's watching the Super Bowl. I have young granddaughter's that were watching. Please NFL explain to these young girls that this is just adult entertainment and they should not try to emulate this behavior. It can't be unseen... Really, Family's have to turn off your there TV's for a super blow half time for Pete Sake. Unbelievable and unacceptable on the NFL's part...

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9:30 am EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl halftime show

Dear NFL,
I love football. I loved the Super Bowl. I loathed the Halftime show. What should have been a celebration of music, sports, the human spirit, America, Latina culture, and fun turned out to be an embarrassing booty and crotch revealing pole dancing sex exploit. I am so embarrassed that this is what our nation had to view as family entertainment. I am sickened by it. As a teacher, a mother, and a proud United States citizen, I would have to say that this was one of the worst Super Bowl halftime shows I have ever seen.
Every time you have a woman headlining I always hope and pray it doesn't.t turn into a sex show, but it usually does. Why? Where are your standards?
A stripper pole? Really?!?!? A fifty + year old woman on a stripper pole! I couldn't believe my eyes.
I hope that next year you will choose someone who has morals and who actually cares about the children and families who are watching. You have to do better!
Thank you.


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2:41 am EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl performance-christine sun kim

I wanted to start off by letting you know that I appreciate you showing Christine Sun Kim at preforming two songs at the SuperBowl there was no way for the people at home to watch the performance. This is not providing accessibility for the millions of ASL users who would have loved to watch the songs in ASL. You could have put it in a bubble on the side of the screen or provided a link to the community that uses sign language could access the performance. I am hoping that in the future this will happen to ensure that there is accessibility in place. Thanks!

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12:25 am EST

National Football League [NFL] the super bowl halftime performance

Indecency of the costumes of the performers
Derogatory in appropriate dance styles of the performers
Portraying woman as "objects", "hooker", "the prey of men"
Mixed this indecency with young children performing along with them as if this type of "skanky" entertainment is worthy of children partaking in it.

This entire half time show degraded woman, and subjected men both married and boys watching it to be looking at woman in a way that border lined on pornography.

In appropriate entertainment for a "prime time", f"family viewing"

The NFL should b better than this.

Where are the complaints for the "#Meetoo", movement.

This perpetuates poor male/female behavior

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Mark Sturgis
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Feb 04, 2020 7:24 am EST

I agree. The halftime show was awful. Two women showing off the private parts and humping poles. Perfect for my 12 year old! Get a clue NFL.

10:01 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl liv halftime show

What a horrible half time show to put on in prime time when families are watching the game with young children in the room. That show was better suited for a late night talk show audience. I would go to a strip club if I want to see that kind of erotic dancing and skimpy outfits. Where are your morals ? You have young kids watching the game. Did you really have to put that type of a show on ? I'll be sure to turn the TV OFF for Half Time next year.

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9:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

National Football League [NFL] half time show

I found the half time show for 2020 superbowl really offensive. The NFL has worked hard to be "family friendly" and this show was like going to a strip club. The people I know turned it off or left the room, many are talking about boycotting Pepsi. As I looked at the web, there are a number of shows over the past few years that have sparked a lot of protest. It raises the question of whether NFL really wants to be family friendly... lost a lot of respect, trust and patronage from a lot of people

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8:00 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] halftime show

This 2020 Superbowl Show was very lewd, way too sexually explicit for a program being shown during prime time with families, I am very disappointed that you allowed this to go on, I do not want to see this vulgar display. I'm disappointed in these performers thinking that this is appropriate type of dancing for everyone. There's a time and place for this type of dancing, the half time show is NOT the place. If this was at one of their shows then I would of wanted to see this. Seeing someone's butt and looking like they are engaging in sex is so low class. Please find performers or bands that will entertain us and there are many. You've brought great singers and bands in the past, please stay away from sexist and lewd performers. The only great part of this show was with the children, J' Lo's daughter did great, sad to think she may end up doing this so called dancing too.

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Feb 09, 2020 9:28 am EST

At the bare minimum soft porn is not appropriate for a half time show where kids will be watching. For men to not be interested in demoralizing women and viewing them not as sexual objects this form of disgusting art needs to be eliminated and kept to a gentlemen's club where it is clearly spelled out - not disguised as art for our young people to be assaulted with and have their view of women distorted. Very sad that the NFL would continuously choose this form of artistry for their halftime show - so many talented people in the world and they choose this. No wonder other countries look at the US the way they do...

7:17 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] halftime show

The halftime show was absolutely not family friendly. Strippers, sex and satanic symbolism. Does the NFL have any respect for families? The answer is no. This is the kind of stuff that has child sex traffickers licking their lips. What's the feature of next year's halftime show. Human sacrifice. The people who run the NFL have a lot of soul searching to do today. Beyonce and Jay Z must be removed from being in charge of the halftime show. What do you expect when you put a hip hop artist in of that.

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S Inskip
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Feb 16, 2023 3:08 pm EST

The morality, and lewd dancing. Rihanna stuck her hand in her butt crack, then rubbed her crotch and then sniffed her hand. I am done with any halftime act that has lewd behavior, and sexually explicit behavior. Shame on you!

6:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

National Football League [NFL] half time show

Strippers and pole dancing-JLO/Shakira, sex, hip thrusting, alcohol, transvestites pouring into our homes through television. Human sex traffickers licking their lips. Hide the children's eyes! Children are watching this! American families disrespected. This should never be allowed into American homes! The half time needs to be family friendly and children friendly.

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5:35 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl halftime

Very disappointed in the half time show. This is a family event during family hours and to present a show that is sexually charged is very discouraging. We had a house full of people from ages 84-10 and every person there was shocked that this type of show was presented.
Its family time, , not a time we want to watch 2 women twerk, grind and suggest to us they want to strip for the audience. Come on ..
show some respect to your audience and the young girls and boys watching the show. You can do better than this. Sad

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4:53 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] your whole anti american male side show

I quit the nfl years ago. Long before they thought it was acceptable to take a knee. Btw i understand beonce n her pimp didnt stand for the anthem. I didnt watch 1 second of the superbowl. But my friends kept sending me videos of how "disgusting, politically correct, anti male, anti American" the half time show was. From what i did see i agreed. Who chooses the "entertainment"? Who decides on the act? Do you at least watch a rehersal to see how inappropriate it is for family viewing? Why go put of your way to choose chakira who isnt even American. Im shocked she didnt wear a burka. And lets embrace big butt jlo who looked like a stripper with an exposed pad with her porn moves proudly displaying her P.R. flag! Latinas & women, & kids in cages, omg! You wonder why viewership & revenues are down?! I feel sorry for people who actually sat and watched the whole ghetto porn show.

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4:42 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] super bowl halftime show

I had to leave the room; the halftime show was pure debauchery. Since the majority of viewers are men, the boldness of the sexually thrusting, scantily clad women, to give themselves over to such an evil spirit to attempt to seduce the men to lust was appalling. Shame on you NFL and Fox news. You have too much of a desire to shock the viewer to attempt to normalize such behavior. What do you want our society to become? A place where such behavior is the norm.

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3:19 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] the super bowl halftime show

I had a house full of people to watch the Super Bowl. However, when the halftime show came on and we saw what a degenerate display of (so called) dancing was occurring we discussed turning the TV off. I went to play tennis this morning and everyone (at least 20 people) were all talking about how the NFL could have allowed this awful show. Next year we will turn the TV off at the halftime show.

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2:57 pm EST

National Football League [NFL] superbowl halftime show

I would like you to know how appalling the Superbowl half-time show was.. It was lewd, sexually explicit, and did not showcase the talent of either performer. I expect the Superbowl to be wholesome family entertainment, including the half-time show and am very disappointed and disgusted with the degrading of women into sexual objects during the show. I would like a public apology from Pepsi, Fox and the NFL and a promise to do better in the future.

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About National Football League [NFL]

Screenshot National Football League [NFL]
The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league comprising 32 teams. It offers live games, scores, and news, as well as merchandise through its website. The NFL also provides a platform for fan engagement, fantasy football, and game statistics.
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2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button, which you can find at the top right corner of the website, and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with the National Football League (NFL) company. Make it specific and clear, such as "Incorrect Jersey Shipment" or "Refund Not Processed for NFL Game Pass".

4. Detailing the experience: Provide a detailed account of your experience with the NFL company. Include key areas such as customer service interactions, product quality, service delivery, or any other relevant aspects of your experience. Mention any transactions you had with the company, including dates, amounts, and what the transactions were for. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, including what you expected versus what actually occurred. If you attempted to resolve the issue, detail the steps you took and the company's response. Explain how the issue has personally affected you, whether it's a financial loss, inconvenience, or disappointment.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents, such as receipts, emails, or screenshots, that can substantiate your complaint. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking from the NFL company, whether it's a refund, exchange, apology, or any other form of rectification.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint or review to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure that all the information provided is factual and relevant to your complaint.

8. Submission process: After reviewing, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint or review. Ensure that you have filled in all the necessary fields and attached any applicable documents before submitting.

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Overview of National Football League [NFL] complaint handling

National Football League [NFL] reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 12, 2006. The latest review Refusing to refund was posted on Dec 5, 2024. The latest complaint officiating staff was resolved on Dec 29, 2014. National Football League [NFL] has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 654 reviews. National Football League [NFL] has resolved 9 complaints.
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