My partner and I have always used Fairy Non Bio and it has been great, however we thought we would use the Platinum for the one fact that its was supposed to better, all be it more expensive.
On using it after a couple of weeks, washing bedding, underwear and everything else from our clothes to our towels we both came up in rashes that were and are still now incredibly itchy. Not knowing what was wrong I made and visited my GP! Unfortunately my partner who was at sea could not do so.
After what is now near on two months I've had to rewash all of our clothes, bedding and towels etc weighing on my personal water and electric bill to try and dry items as its now December and I cant hang things outside so had to use the tumble dryer.
On top of that when my Partner was in from sea we have managed to spend over £100 just on medication alone, trying anything that would work. The suffering has eased but not gone some 2 months later!
This has also interfered with our private life to which we slept separately through pure scratching, itching and what felt like a heat rashes. I believe washing all ours smalls did not help this matter.
Right on Christmas I also have 3 daughters that rely on me so will not be using your Platinum experience again...I am now just hoping with the loads of rewashings I have and am still doing I can solve this problem.
Claimed loss: £100 (Stirling not Dollars) as I live in the UK for the medication for which I have receipts for. Electric and Water £200
Desired outcome: As above......this has been a very distressing time.
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Fairy Non Bio Platinum by Procter & Gamble has caused significant physical harm as well as loss. Defend your case by contacting customer service while detailing your medical expenses, bills and harassment which you have already suffered. At least ask for the reimbursement of these damages.
If they fail to address your complaint adequately, escalate it to your country’s consumer protection agency and mention how their product harmed you. Look for an established hypoallergenic detergent in the future because you should not sacrifice your health over any home product.