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Reliance Home Comfort Complaints 360

2:38 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Reliance Home Comfort misrepresenting themselves / supposed upgrade

In August this 2011 a home inspector knocked at my door saying that he was in my neighborhood checking the hot water tanks and gas lines. I told him that I was not interested and that everything was fine and I did not want to change anything. He said he was not a salesman and he will only inspect the tank because it was around 10 years old and it could be something wrong with it. At this time I had already let that gentleman in to see my water tank. After inspecting the tank he informed me that there might be some rust and he can arrange for someone to change it for a new and more efficient one. Again I told him I was happy with Direct Energy and I didn’t wish to change my provider or have increase in my rental payments. He said he was actually doing check ups on behalf of Enbridge and it will be only simple upgrade and
will not change anything. Because he said he was doing this on behalf of Enbridge and I pay Direct Energy through them I agreed to it.
Next day two men came to change the hot water tank, I asked them if there will be a change to my account they answered that they wouldn’t know because they were subcontractors and they gave me job order to sign.
At this point I was not aware that I changed providers, no one informed me that change of the hot water tank would result in changing providers and from that date I was Reliance customer. If I was informed of that I would never agree to it. I was lied to and misled by this sale representative. I kept paying to Direct Energy for the next two months. When the bill from Reliance came I was shocked and called Reliance customer service immediately to resolve this situation. I explained what had happened and that I never intended to have an account with them. I was told that I can do whatever I want and leave anytime. The next day after speaking to Direct Energy I called Reliance to get a cancellation code, which I was given and after checking my account I was apologized for this and informed again that I can leave. I was given the cancellation code. I was never informed at any point that there might be any charges for leaving.
Direct Energy came and changed the tank. A month later I received another bill from Reliance so I called again and explained again and again. I was apologized for this misunderstanding and I was told I did not need to pay anything,
Next reliance send me bill for $2188 for breaking the contract. I did not signed any contract so I didn’t have there water heater terms and condition but I did get it from there web side and there it says that
for leaving Reliance they will charge $200 if the tank is one year old or les.
It is $2000 difference according to there own terms.
Since they lied end misled me I should not be charged anything
My letters and calls are ignored but they still harass me with there phone calls and threaten me whit Collection agencies

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R Massingham
Toronto, CA
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Feb 06, 2012 2:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello Darek, I sincerely apologize for what has taken place and would like to do my best to assist. Please contact me at and I will work to get this resolved. Thanks in advance. RM

5:04 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort false representation

I asked for a supervisor because they keep pestering me for 5 straight days without let up and the agent after waiting for almost 20 minutes pass me to he said he is a manager - mike almirante. I complaint about the unwarranted calls but the manager seems confused why the agent put him on the phone. So I asked who owned the company and he mentioned nate mowrey. I checked with the some government agencies and the same person has been put on negative feeback because of numerous complaints of bouncing check, estafa and running a boiler room for his airduct business.

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8:10 pm EST
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Reliance Home Comfort over payment

I accidently over paid my june bill by 401.00 on june 27th this year. I have asked 7 times for a refund and they keep telling me they will pay it back and it's the week of christmas and I have no christmas money to buy food or gifts. I have an 11 year old boy who deserves a christmas and they keep giving me the run around... Wrong bank information twice... Check leaving this moment. The problem stops here and I will take care of this back in september by a supervisor and yet nothing.. .3 weeks ago they started calling with a bill for dec that I refused to pay since they have my money and they confirmed that it was there but just not indicating a credit balance on my bill, they said they would take care of it then and yet still nothing. I beg you what can we do about these practices.
After waiting yet another time all I get for my troubles is some guys voice mail, what am I supposed to tell my son.

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London, CA
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Aug 14, 2012 3:32 pm EDT


R Massingham
Toronto, CA
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Dec 21, 2011 7:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm terribly sorry to hear about the delay in getting this issue resolved. Please email me at and I will work to get this issue rectified quickly. Thank you. RM

2:34 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort breach of contract and false advertising

Reliance home comfort fails when you leave my whole family, especially my 15month old son in the cold winter without heat. On their webpage it said " think of it as peace of mind when it matters most. ". Okay, now where is my peace of mind when it matters most?
Sunday morning around 3am I discovered that my heat doesn't seem to work. I called reliance around 4am. They couldn't get anyone to fix my furnace until monday 7-11am. I have been paying $17 a month for years after years for the home comfort plan. I thought that with this plan I will never have problem like spending who day and the cold winter night without heat. They have not deliver that promise. I have call them many times and complained. All I got was i'm sorry, I understand, but there is nothing we can do. Fail fail fail! Reliance is not reliable. I am going to check with some legal people to see if I have any ground for sue reliance for breach of contract and fales advertising.

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Nov 16, 2019 4:21 pm EST

Nothing has changed in the 7+ years since this review/complaint was entered into this web site. Reliance Home Comfort is still spending huge amounts of money on flashy TV ads portraying their service level as near instant. In a recent TV spot, several Reliance employees are shown seemly going about their private business activities (wearing their Reliance uniforms?) when their smartphone receives a text message. They immediately stop what they are doing, akin to a volunteer firefighter, to answer a customer's support call! How can they in good conscience or legally, deliver the message that they are ready to help at a moment’s notice! Reliance's current company slogan is "When you need help fast, Call on Reliance". Are there not government agencies that investigate false advertising? It's truly unbelievable what they get away with!

When I bought my first house, there was a water heater already installed. It was a rental from Union Gas. I remember asking if I could simply buy my own instead, but the builder told me it was too late since the unit was installed and under a rental contact. It would have cost me to break the contact and so I simply paid the never ending quarterly rental fee. Water heaters are fairly reliable appliances and I did not have any issues till around the 13-year mark. I called Reliance, who now controlled the rental contact, expecting fast service and this was my first taste of the real service level they offer. They came the next day within those dreaded 7-11am or 1-6pm service windows. Right off the mark, that will make a customer irritated. For this particular service call, it was just a "flame sensor" that needed a light (30 sec) cleaning by the tech. A few years later, again an issue and a call for service. Exact same routine. Years later when the heater finally totally failed, I found out not only did I have to wait for the next day appointment, I asked if the tech deemed the unit had to be replaced, the tech would not have the unit on their truck. Instead, they would have to enter a request in their system for a replacement and that would require another visit and another day... Now with all this said, consider the financial side. The unit died after 21 I bought it multiple times over. Reliance was supposed to proactively replace the unit apparently, after the 10-year point. Never received any communications from Reliance on any such replacement. They were far too happy to squeeze every last cent out of my rental unit is appears. At the end of my rental, they were charging ~$95 a quarter ($380/yr). So ~$31/month. An equivalent water heater from Home Depot (CA) runs $950+tax and installation. So, let’s say $1300 installed. Based on the Reliance rental rate, I would pay for that unit in a little over 3 years. A new unit has a typical warranty of 6 years. So, if it only lasted 6 years (which is highly unlikely to be so short lived), that’s $18/month. Right there, you can clearly see it makes zero sense to rental a water heater from Reliance. Like many homeowners, I just paid that quarterly bill and did not think much of it other than hey, if it breaks down or fails, its not my problem and Reliance will make it right in short order (naïvely buying into their marketing wank). All that money paid to Reliance for really nothing…and I feel bad that I did not snap to reality sooner however that’s how they maneuver it. Get that water heater in the new home and it's too late for the new homeowner…

This posting really should be taken as advice to new homeowners, watch for the Reliance “trap”!

London, CA
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Aug 14, 2012 3:40 pm EDT

unfortunately Reliance is worthless. \she they bank on the fact that they think you people think that they are the only ones to call when you need heading and cooling issues dealt with. that is b3cause the last genereation uses them and the generation before that even uses them back when the where called UNION GAS. Well stay away. they cost a fortune yet they sell cheaper knock off parts and equipment buy yet try to charge doulbe what they are worth. get a estiamate fron them on a replace of a furnace and then call us AIRE ONE at [protected] \\\\\and what and see how much less expensive it is. not just $100 less but more like $1200 less. every time anywhere. keep us in mind.

11:34 pm EST
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Reliance Home Comfort seniors/young children - no heat in winter for 5 days

I have noticed in prior posts that this thread is monitored by reliance home comfort personnel, please forward the message below to mr rossi, as the message appears to have been rejected as being undeliverable.

Dear mr rossi.

My name is marco pizzolo, and it is now 1.5 days that we are now
Without heating, and with seniors and young children in our home, we
Are being told that we will have to face another 3 days/nights without
Heat. We are current customers of reliance home comfort, and are
Paying for your maintenance contract on our furnace and air
Conditioner. We are in need of a simple part for our furnace that
According to your technician is a common problem, yet your support
Lines indicate that there is not a single replacement part in their

I've offered to drive to any location in order to pick one up, but
Your support team did not even have the courtesy to follow through on
Their commitment to call me back after speaking to the operations
Manager for my area.

Calling back to escalate the problem resulted in further failure, as a
Supervisor told my father that he didn't see value in putting into an
Email the commitments that reliance would make to address our problem.

I've attempted one additional communication in order to reach a
Manager immediately, explaining the complete failures of prior
Attempts, and that failure this time would lead to a lawsuit.

At no point did anyone in your organization offer any means to remedy
The situation, such as:
- reimburse me if I could source the part elsewhere
- put my family up in a hotel given the temperatures and ages of the residents

I can only presume that as the leader of this organization this
Behaviour is either condoned, or unknown by you, thus I am trying to
Make you aware of how your customers are being treated.

If you believe you can remedy this problem today, I welcome your response.

If my issue is of no consequence to you or reliance home comfort, then
Please disregard this email, and I will look elsewhere for a voice
That will listen and pay attention.

Kindest regards,

Marco pizzolo

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Nov 18, 2018 9:56 am EST

I'm in the same boat, 1.5 days no heat, total screwup, now I'm being told it will be 5 more days before they can even get someone to look at it!

Arnprior, CA
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Feb 20, 2012 5:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Marco, did you need to pursue legal action? Did you get any service, finally? How did you resolve this? I want to know! s.

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Nov 30, 2011 5:30 pm EST

Congratulations for no longer renting a hot water heater from these clowns. If I were you, I would find out the name of the boss three levels up from the next person that you talk to and invite yourself to visit that person in their office. They won't want to have to deal with you issue, but it should help in expediting the delivery of your refund.

2:28 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort unacceptable service and charges

We were set to move on October 29, 20ll. We have been making payments on a hot water tank from Reliance since we moved into the home in 2001. On Monday, October 24th, we woke up to no hot water. We called at 6 a.m. and were left unsure whether a Reliance repair person could come out that day; that we would get a call back. No call came. On Tuesday, a Reliance truck showed up with no call, no notice. Lucky for us, our son was home to let them in. We were told that the whole unit would need replaced. The subcontractor used was not told how long we had been without hot water and were unable to come until Thursday, October 27. At no point in my brief phone conversation with Reliance was I told that we would incur any costs. Finally, after 4 days without hot water, and on a tight schedule to move, we finally had hot water running through our home. We now are in a new home with our Reliance account now closed only to receive a bill from them for $160 for a part that was supposedly not covered under our contract. This is abominable service and must be stopped. Not only did we give Reliance around $3000 for the years of payments we made, but then to receive such shoddy customer service and be surprised with a bill! We were told by the Reliance phone agent that collections will be after us if we refuse to make payments. Absolutely abominable. We will spread our distaste far and wide...

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another reliance victim in Ontario
Kingsville, CA
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Feb 09, 2012 7:20 pm EST

A few years ago I needed a repair on my hot water heater and was told it would cost almost $200.00 - I pointed out that the sticker on the hot water heater said that ALL LABOUR & PARTS are included as per my rental agreement. I was told that this particular part was not covered. Two days ago the hot water heater was leaking heavily and when the guy showed up he said he would have to replace the hot water heater and it would cost almost $200.00. I again pointed out the sticker claiming I would not have to pay anything and I got the same story. I told him to take it out that we would buy one and end our contract with Reliance. I called a plumber who was thankfully in the area and could stop in and see what we needed to give me a price. The guy from Reliance said he was closing the door to the area where the hot water heater was because a door to the garage had to be opened to remove it and he wanted to keep the heat in the house. Half an hour later the Reliance guy came in and told me I would have hot water in about 20 minutes. I asked him what he was talking about - how can I have hot water without a tank. He stated that I had told him to replace it and that is what he did. He stated "I've been working for 1/2 hour and what did I think I was doing? I called the plumber and explained what had happened and since he was already on my street he wanted to come and see me anyway. The Reliance guy was still in the driveway when the plumber got here and he spoke with him for a couple of minutes. When the plumber came in he was laughing and said he has run into this guy before and I was the 3rd person he had done this too. (that he knows of) . I don't know if the guy figured we would just stay with Reliance because he put it in but our plan is to buy one, have it installed and be rid of Reliance - the sooner the better.

7:56 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort water heater rental

On April 27th I received a credit on my account for $287.65. This was to recover my costs for a water heater that I no longer rented from Reliance but was paying for more than a year. My account was finally closed, so I asked for the refund to be sent via cheque, as a credit on a closed account was pointless. I was told this might take 4 weeks. In June I placed a follow up call to see the status of the refund, again I was told 4 weeks. I was also told the cheque was cut on May 13th. It is now October 26th and I still have not received the refund. I have been sending out monthly emails and contacted the BBC, but for some reason my issue is still not resolved. I have now filed a case with the Ministry of Consumer Resources...

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7:46 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort lien on my house

We had a sales rep. from reliance come into our house to show us what comfort systems (a/c and furnace) they had and the price. He spend over 3 hours, showed us 3 in total and each one was 10K and over. As we did not have any idea how much they sell for we trusted Reliance to be compatable with other companies. We got a system and 2 months later we received paperwork for it. We had a choice to buy it out after 12 months of "renting" at 160/mth. or we can keep renting at that price forever! lol crazy!
The plan was to get a line of credit to pay it off at 12 months. So we went to our bank and were SHOCKED to find out that Relience had put a lien on our house! 15K !
So as you can imagine our line of credit is not happening and we are stuck with a lien of 15K on our home!
I am considering taking a law suit again Relience. This is just not acceptable.
If we know that there would be a lien...we would NEVER get the system as our old was was working. We would ge the line of credit first and then purchased the system. But now we are stuck and can't do anything!

Has anyone had this happen to them?
We would never know if we did not go to bank to try to get the line of credit.


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Jul 27, 2022 9:38 am EDT

We refinanced our house last year only to be informed by our lawyers that a lien was put against the house by Reliance. Imagine how livid I was. They lifted it to allow the refi but low and behold my boiler is on the fritz yesterday and now needs a part which of course is not in stock so no hot water. Of course the tech says it should be replaced and Reliance is calling me to setup an appointment with a sales person to visit. I’m having it out with the sales guy about the lien and he confirmed it would still be applicable. Shady [censored].

This is the third boiler in our house since it was built in 2007. They keep putting garbage in

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Jun 19, 2022 11:23 pm EDT

I have this issue with them, I actually got my system when it was called secure home services. The rep was very convincing and since I was recovering it sounded like a great deal. I was told I could pay monthly for 3 years which he wrote on the paper and when I called to verify I was told the same thing or I could buy out the system for 7,000 both Furnace and AC. Later on I saw on tv this company was a scam and reliance took over. Also over the years the price went up. Each year was 3.5% . I have paid over 18,000 for these equipment that cost just over 5,000. Now I’m being told to buy out its still 8,000 and if I don’t buy out when the term comes to and end I still have to pay $400 to own it. Who the hell pays over 30-40,000 for these equipments. I’ve asked that they show me any company that charges this much. I’ve asked them to take into consideration that I’ve paid over 18,000 on these equipment and they won’t budge. They said I have a contract which I’ve never seen. I’ve sent them the papers I’ve signed and which shows what the reps said and notes I had made when I’ve called. It is ridiculous that no one sees an actual contract but all of a sudden after many years they appear when you question them. Anything that I signed at the time was based on the papers that were in front of me and was told the others is just explaining the service. It was one of their service guys who mentioned that even after contract is over and paying thousands of dollars it’s not yours unless you pay more. So for the last few years I’ve paid for my furnace and quite a few ppls own. Reliance needs to be shut down.

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Apr 13, 2022 11:05 am EDT

Reliance is so dishonest that I am completely sick over the whole thing. They have zero right to do this to homeowners.

How the hell can the consumer protection of Ontario allow this to go on. It's been going on for years.

I am losing my mind because how the hell am I going to sell my house now.

I was told that the new homeowner that bought my house would just take over the contract for the rentals in the home, and that was told by the salesmen that made the contract in the first place.

I am reading a lot of class action lawsuits happening against Reliance, but yet they are still putting liens on homes.

I am guessing that the lawsuits are not scaring them too

much because they are still putting liens on homes.

I am one of these people and I can't even start to tell you how P***ed I am at the whole thing.

Can anyone tell me what I can do or better yet how can I start to defend myself against BULLSH**?

A Sick Homeowner In Hamilton

St. Catharines Home Owner
St. Catharines, CA
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Apr 15, 2022 5:38 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of mackanyn

As homeowners we were also shocked three years ago when we went to get a line of credit and were turned down because of a lien Reliance put on our house. We had no choice but to pay it off, which was a lot of money! We got a lawyer and it was discharged by a person named Varya at Home Reliance. It's been three years and we went to extend our line of credit two months ago to find out that the lien was never taken off! ! Apparently, the Land Titles Registry Office doesn't have to tell homeowners when this happens so the owners could still have a lien even though you have a discharge. What happened was the Land Titles Registry sent the incorrect paperwork back to Home Reliance to complete properly. Maxium Financial was the company Home Reliance went through to put a lien on the house, but Maxium Financial had changed their name to a numbered company. This had to included in the discharge papers from Home Reliance. The Land Titles Registry Office gave them 5-8 days to fix this paper work in order to take the lien off and they never bothered. Here we are three years later and we now have two lawyers trying to contact Varya, the person who is in charge of this at Reliance and she won't return their emails and calls. We are now discussing court action at this point and possibly CHCH media. If we have enough people who this has happened to and are willing to share their story, Fifth Estate said they would be interested in our story.

Chris Kivari
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Jun 26, 2022 4:16 am EDT

I also have a $10000 lien against me from 2014 I didn't know about. We should contact marketplace/fifth estate, better business bureau, local courthouse and form a joint lawsuit. The contract specified it is a no lien rental agreement and we are "caretakers" of equipment. It's illegal to put a lien on someone who hasn't broken contract and also fraudulent. I'm not getting equipment regularly serviced either and that is another breach of contract.

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Apr 13, 2022 10:49 am EDT

How can Reliance put a lien on my house without telling me before hand i agree to the contract for a furnace, A/C and water heater rental.

I fill I have been trapped by them and their dishonesty with this contract. I don't know many people that can buy their furnace, A/C and water heater all at once right out, that's why most people rent all these things for their home.

Reliance has no right to do a lien on my house. I am renting from them but that doesn't give them the right to take the right control of my life.

How can the consumer protection of Ontario allow this to happen to homeowners. How many class action lawsuit have to be filed against Reliance before they stop taking everything in peoples lives.

The other thing that bugs my ***, is if or when you want out of the contract, they make you payout way more then the furnace or hot water heater is worth. They state that they only want the value of the product, which now we know that's not true. They charge so much more to get out of the contract, which again I feel that it's stealing for homeowners.

How do we get help for the wrong doing Reliance is doing to homeowners?

Milton, CA
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Jan 14, 2022 3:09 pm EST
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Same here. Did some refinance on our property and discovered the reliance Lien. It’s so dishonest and should be illegal. To think this can happen in Ontario in 2022. I’m going to spend as much time as possible telling people about this and spreading negative publicity about reliance. Also will be speaking to our lawyer.

Nicole Anagnostou
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Feb 08, 2022 4:03 pm EST

Hi there. Did you ever get this resolved? We too just found out there's a lien on our property and I keep getting the run around every time I call Reliance.

Ram Gobinath
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Feb 17, 2022 8:20 pm EST

Did u sort it out?

St. Catharines Home Owner
St. Catharines, CA
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Apr 18, 2022 9:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Were you able to get the lien off, now that it has been a few months? Just check to make sure they did the paper work correctly on Reliance's end. The discharge we got is null and void because Reliance did not return the paper work with the corrections the Land Titles Registry Office asked for. Three years later, after thinking our lien was off the property because we paid it out and we owe nothing, we were turned down for a line of credit when our basement flooded and we needed to fix it because they NEVER took the lien off. No one will respond to our lawyers. Always ask for a PIN sheet from the Land Titles Registry because you will be surprised to find out that they never took the lien off! My son has spores in his lungs from the mold growing in basement that we can't fix without our line of credit. If you're interested in going to the media with this, I am on board!

Kingston, CA
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Jun 08, 2022 10:56 am EDT
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absolutely. How do we reach each other?

Ms Savva
Toronto, Ontario, CA
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Dec 15, 2021 8:23 pm EST

Good evening, my dad just found out through his lawyer he has a 4600 lien on the house from Reliance without any notice. My dad is still paying rent on the heater. How can this be legal. Can someone please call me to give me some type of direction on how to proceed. [protected]

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Dec 14, 2021 11:13 am EST

My elderly dad got roped into a furnace. It wasn't reliance directly it was a now bankrupt company called Eco Home or something.
We paid the furnace off after a few years and what an [censored] raping that was. 13k total..
Fast forward 3 years, he sells his house, there is a lien on it for the paid off furnace.
Lawyers have seen the paid receipt and it been 3 months and the company dealing with the bankruptcy of the ECOhome refuses to discharge the lien..

The worst part. The lawyers withheld 25k from the house profits, and they said its in case they have to fight this in court.. Im like 25k for a 9k furnace. That 9k was the buyout after a few years but the total was 13k.
Lawyers says it could cost 15 to 25k to fight this in court? Wtf is that [censored]?
We proved the thing was paid off.

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Jul 05, 2021 2:03 pm EDT

That is such bad business practice ... shame on you Reliance!
I was shocked to find a lien on my property from 6 years ago with no prior notice.
In communication now with them but I am finding people I dealt with are no longer there.
The challenge continues.
Warning - Don't buy from Reliance!

Nicolas Martinez
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Apr 28, 2021 5:56 pm EDT

Let me know if someone starts a class action lawsuit! No notice of a lien, and we were just informed as we’re going through a refinance. Totally shady business practice. Will be paying this out and will never deal with Reliance again!

Stacey Young
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Jun 09, 2021 11:46 pm EDT

We are experiencing this as we speak. We found out because we are renewing our mortgage. We are on board if someone starts a lawsuit. This company totally lacks integrity and morals. We have to payout over $6000. Will never use again or recommend

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Dec 08, 2020 9:56 am EST

I'm experiencing the same thing! Still! This thread is almost ten years, but they are still alive...I want to sue them as well.

Jeannette Kervoelen
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Mar 02, 2021 4:38 pm EST
Replying to comment of jj蛀牙

Same issue never notified of the lien till the bank called us - this is fraud

Jeannette Kervoelen
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Mar 02, 2021 4:41 pm EST
Replying to comment of jj蛀牙

Has anyone started a class action

Karen Simons Koehler
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Feb 15, 2022 8:20 am EST

Same thing happened to me. I went to remortgage my home and now I can't because of the lien placed by relience

5:27 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort shady billing practices

I switched over to another water heater company and had them return the water heater to Reliance. Reliance refused to take the tank back for 3 months without a return number. Once they had the return number they still did not take it back for 2 months. It has been 4 months since Reliance finally took the tank back and they continued to call and bill us for the rental, claiming that the tank had not been returned. Luckily I had a copy of ~their~ return form that proves they have had the tank in their possession that whole time. Each time they called, they pretended that they had not received the tank until I could state the date that the return form was filled out, the date ~I~ had to fax their own form back to them, and the date ~I~ had to email it to them. Only then would the return form anf tank suddenly appear in their possession. It still took them over a month to adjust the final bill, in the mean time they would still call asking for payment up to today's date, claiming the tank was not there.

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N Stewart
Owen Sound, CA
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May 10, 2014 9:37 am EDT

Without my knowledge or authorization, I had been paying Reliance for a home protection plan. I did not request this, nor do I want it. In February, 2014, I contacted Reiiance, and was assured that this was their error which they would correct by applying the overpayment to my current water heater bills, backdated to January, 2013. At Reliance's request, I sent a letter detailing this issue, which they said would be attached to my file. This month (May, 2014), I began receiving calls, threatening to send my account to a collection agency.
On May 7, 2014, I again contacted Reliance, and was assured that my letter was there, but because it was after 6:00 p.m., I would have to call during daytime hours to reach the billing department. The Reliance person said she would extend the due date for regular water heater rental for two weeks, as it "often takes time to sort out these things". I reached the billing department on Friday, May 9. Gerry, to whom I spoke, said there was no letter from me nor any 2-week extension attached to my file, and passed me to her supervisor. Up to this point, every contact I had had with Reliance people was courteous and helpful; the "supervisor" was abrupt and rude, especially when I requested that she listen to the many recorded conversations. She simply kept insisting that I owed the money; I said I would not pay, and the conversation ended.

Rob Matic
London, CA
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Apr 21, 2011 12:34 am EDT

3 weeks ago I received my bill in the mail. It included a new charge for a protection plan on our Furnace and Air Conditioner. No one authorized this charge and since we purchased a new furnace and air conditioner from another company I didn't see the need to have protection on those two items. They told me that the protection plan was indeed authorized by someone in my home. I asked them who and they could not tell me. I asked if the calls were recorded and they said yes, so I asked them to listen to the calls and to call me back with who authorized it. They said they would and in the meantime they would remove the protection plan. Today I have still received no phonecall, and my new bill is here with the protection plan on it. I called once again and asked to talk to a supervisor. The person from reliance said there was no need to talk to a supervisor, I said there was, and I asked 5 times to speak to a supervisor, each time I was denied.

stay away from this company at all costs!

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Jan 20, 2012 5:56 pm EST

OH my goodness we are having the SAME problem! We are now a year later and they
have sent a FINAL notice for payment? NOW I'm getting really pissed.

Ottawa, CA
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May 08, 2011 4:37 pm EDT

I managed a 6 unit rental and my name was listed as the the contact for access etc. The apt building was destroyed by fire and all was lost... including the 6 hot water tanks from hydro. Apparently Hydro had sold the contracts for rental tanks to Reliaance. After the fore I was sent bills for 5 and 10 year old tanks demanding up to $900 for each old tank, lost. I refused, stated thye were old and worth nothing, they should insure their old tanks, I am no longer employed and the company sent them a letter to confirm this. They sent $4000 plus in collection agency agaonst me and they cannot produce a contract with my name on it, nor conform their entitled to lost profit on the tanks. Collection agencies are also frustrating and difficult. BEWARE and AVOID RELIANCE at all costs.

Cambridge, CA
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Apr 27, 2011 5:48 pm EDT

I myself have been paying for a Home Protection Plan on a 2 year old furnace and air conditioner. Since I was new to the city the 140.00 / quarter payment I thought was for the water heater rental only. Now a friend has told me that was too high so I called them finding out that the protection plan was on it. They also told me, like you, that I authorized it. First they said it was a telemarketer on Aug 10. Impossible because the phone was not connected and I lived out of town at the time. Then they say a service person was out to the house. This is very possible since we took possession of the empty house the day before. But I was not in the city on this new day Aug 8th but the painters were at the house and probably let them in. I've sent them an email, as requested, and I am told that it will take 6-8 weeks for them just to cancel the service that I DID NOT ORDER in the first place. Does anyone know where to complain. They don't seem to have an ombudsman.

5:49 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort misrepresenting themselves as having purchased direct energy home services rental water heater contract

I received a call from who I thought was Direct Energy Home Services on a Sunday afternoon. They said that they were checking on the water heater exchange that has recently occurred in my house. I said I already had a technicion coming regarding my furnace & could they not check at the same time.
The long & short of the story is that the individual (Marita Lepinski) who came to my house indicated when I questioned another exchange of my water heater & being Reliance Home Comfort & not Direct Energy that Reliance had purchased about 3 months ago, the rental water heater contract from Direct Energy. I said I wanted written confirmation of the change because my recent Enbridge Bill still indicated Direct Energy.
Upon calling Direct Energy today to confirm whether they has sold off the water heater rental contract, they said NO.
BEWARE - Reliance has your name, phone #'s however many you had on your work order for the original exchange, and call you before arriving on your door step - without a clip board.
They are lying about the rental water heater contract & about who they are - Marita even went on to say that the person I was talking with on the phone regarding the setting up for another water heater exchange that the person on the phone must be in training because she didn't know about the rental water heater contract being assigning to them
Lies Lies & more LIES BEWARE
I am concerned HOW they obtained all my information & knew that I rented a water heater, had it exchanged recently & had all my information (home address & phone #'s)

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12:57 pm EDT
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Reliance Home Comfort supposed upgrade; theft of my ozz rental tank by reliance

-letter sent to reliance detailing our complaint/ordeal with a supposed upgrade~

First and foremost I want to let you know that my wife and I are former employees of Union Energy/Reliance Home Comfort. Together we gave 17 years of service and left amicably due to maternity and voluntary lay-off.
We were renting a HWT from OZZ rentals and my wife asked me to call OZZ to see if we could buyout out our tank when we first moved into our new home. The buyout price was absolutely TOO expensive so we backed away from the deal. After talking to some friends who still work at Reliance we heard that Reliance acquired all of the OZZ tanks.
We received a call from Reliance, around June 2010, for a protection plan and I inquired about the purchase of the OZZ tank by Reliance and was told that yes that did happen. I asked if my tank was with Reliance and she told me that it was . I was asking for an upgrade to a tankless and was told that such was possible. I was then advised that I would have to pay a higher rental rate and any excess installation charges if applicable. I was informed that Reliance was happy to keep me on as a rental customer and that I would be well taken care of, all of the rental benefits were reiterated to me. I was glad because I really wanted to rent a tankless water heater. Hot Sauce the service company came to my house and removed the former OZZ rental and replaced it with the Reliance tankless heater. This took place on July 20 2010. They turned off our gas and forgot to turn it back on, then tried to charge us for a service call and were ready to put us into collections when it was their fault! By October 2010 I noticed that both companies were drafting money from my account. I called Cathy Barry, at Customer Relations for Reliance and she told me that she could get me in contact with Gladys, who handles the OZZ rental acquisitions. I called her and she told me that she was sorry for this inconvenience and that I would surely be getting a refund cheque.
In the new year we still hadn't received a refund cheque from OZZ so we called them and were told that they were still working on it. ...? We waited and then called again. Juanita returned our call going on about some Maxium company and how there had been a huge screw up and someone had to pay and we most definitely would not be receiving any kind of refund...we would be paying them! She followed up stating we owed for the "asset" $1637.78 which is what they had stated was the value of the asset when we moved into the house back in 2007!

I called Ravi (Reliance Cust. Relations) he told me not to worry he'll get me the refund cheque and straighten everything out.
About a year later from the anniversary of the beginning of this nightmare I'm getting calls from OZZ saying that we STILL owe them money from the buyout we APPARENTLY requested. I didn't request anything from them as all my dealings were with Reliance, whom I was told had acquired my tank and have been happily taking my money !
I spoke with Ravi Sharma and he told me that according Leslie Larosa, his manager, that their hands are washed of this and they could only offer me half of the buyout amount because they feel sorry for us (being former employees).
I am aware of how Reliance's system works...the difference between a buyout and an upgrade. I would never have asked for a buyout and I am under record of refusing to do so. We are a single income family, a buyout is just not possible and that is why we never agreed to such...but it seems corporate entity wants to wring us dry and make off with our old rental tank so that we can kiss our once manageable/head-above-water lifestyle goodbye. $2000.00 is a big hit on one income.

Today I received a letter from OZZ stating a lien has been placed on our home, for the asset, now valued at $1965.20! Only a month ago it was $1637.78! a year later we get hit with a prior paperwork/signatures/signoff..nothing from the company. The letter says that "as a result of our failure to make the requisite monthly payments", they were drafting us up until October...and then told us sorry, we'll be sending you a refund...and now this?

Right now our original tank is somewhere in the hands of Hot Sauce while there is a lien on our home and a tarnished credit rating... all because I was scammed by a former employer. So much for parting ways amicably!

I expect that immediate action will be taking place. I've already started the ball rolling and placed a compliant to the Ministry of Consumer Services and prepared to contact the media if there is no resolution to this matter in a reasonable time.

A tankless tank really isn't worth this mess. Every step of the way has been an annoyance/headache, we were told this was an upgrade...we feel totally downgraded and trampled by you and your affiliated companies.

Unhappy & Waiting for refund and finally wash our hands of this mess,

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12:46 pm EDT
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Reliance Home Comfort upgrade to tankless

-letter sent to reliance detailing our complaint/ordeal with a supposed upgrade~

First and foremost i want to let you know that my wife and i are former employees of union energy/reliance home comfort. together we gave 17 years of service and left amicably due to maternity and voluntary lay-off.
We were renting a hwt from ozz rentals and my wife asked me to call ozz to see if we could buyout out our tank when we first moved into our new home. the buyout price was absolutely too expensive so we backed away from the deal. after talking to some friends who still work at reliance we heard that reliance acquired all of the ozz tanks.
We received a call from reliance, around june 2010, for a protection plan and i inquired about the purchase of the ozz tank by reliance and was told that yes that did happen. i asked if my tank was with reliance and she told me that it was . i was asking for an upgrade to a tankless and was told that such was possible. i was then advised that i would have to pay a higher rental rate and any excess installation charges if applicable. i was informed that reliance was happy to keep me on as a rental customer and that i would be well taken care of, all of the rental benefits were reiterated to me. i was glad because i really wanted to rent a tankless water heater. hot sauce the service company came to my house and removed the former ozz rental and replaced it with the reliance tankless heater. this took place on july 20 2010. they turned off our gas and forgot to turn it back on, then tried to charge us for a service call and were ready to put us into collections when it was their fault! by october 2010 i noticed that both companies were drafting money from my account. i called cathy barry, at customer relations for reliance and she told me that she could get me in contact with gladys, who handles the ozz rental acquisitions. i called her and she told me that she was sorry for this inconvenience and that i would surely be getting a refund cheque.
In the new year we still hadn't received a refund cheque from ozz so we called them and were told that they were still working on it. ...? we waited and then called again. juanita returned our call going on about some maxium company and how there had been a huge screw up and someone had to pay and we most definitely would not be receiving any kind of refund...we would be paying them! she followed up stating we owed for the "asset" $1637.78 which is what they had stated was the value of the asset when we moved into the house back in 2007!

I called ravi (reliance cust. relations) he told me not to worry he'll get me the refund cheque and straighten everything out.
About a year later from the anniversary of the beginning of this nightmare i'm getting calls from ozz saying that we still owe them money from the buyout we apparently requested. i didn't request anything from them as all my dealings were with reliance, whom i was told had acquired my tank and have been happily taking my money !
I spoke with ravi sharma and he told me that according leslie larosa, his manager, that their hands are washed of this and they could only offer me half of the buyout amount because they feel sorry for us (being former employees).
I am aware of how reliance's system works...the difference between a buyout and an upgrade. i would never have asked for a buyout and i am under record of refusing to do so. we are a single income family, a buyout is just not possible and that is why we never agreed to such...but it seems corporate entity wants to wring us dry and make off with our old rental tank so that we can kiss our once manageable/head-above-water lifestyle goodbye. $2000.00 is a big hit on one income.

Today i received a letter from ozz stating a lien has been placed on our home, for the asset, now valued at $1965.20! only a month ago it was $1637.78! a year later we get hit with a prior paperwork/signatures/signoff..nothing from the company. the letter says that "as a result of our failure to make the requisite monthly payments", they were drafting us up until october...and then told us sorry, we'll be sending you a refund...and now this?

Right now our original tank is somewhere in the hands of hot sauce while there is a lien on our home and a tarnished credit rating... all because i was scammed by a former employer. so much for parting ways amicably!

I expect that immediate action will be taking place. i've already started the ball rolling and placed a compliant to the ministry of consumer services and prepared to contact the media if there is no resolution to this matter in a reasonable time.

A tankless tank really isn't worth this mess. every step of the way has been an annoyance/headache, we were told this was an upgrade...we feel totally downgraded and trampled by you and your affiliated companies.

Unhappy & waiting for refund and finally wash our hands of this mess,

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3:30 pm EST
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Reliance Home Comfort unauthorized entry

We recently had a person claiming to represent Reliance come to our house in Markham stating they needed to verify the water heater labels to ensure they were valid. This person asked to come into the house and do an inspection. We declined stating we had no notice of this in writing and were informed we would have seen a notice on our last bill. When we asked to see identification the girl pulled a Reliance badge out of her pocket and said she represented them. Here's the thing we don't have a Reliance water heater or any products or services with them. Word of caution if approached by a Reliance sales agent to do inspections.

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9:32 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort hot water heater (scare tactics)

Reliance Home Comfort and Direct Energy are simply trying to steal each other's customers with promises that people will exchange the other's old tank out with a newer more efficient one. The bottom line is that we are the only place in the world where people rent these items and the longer we have them, the more money they make on them. Do your research and buy your own, finance it if you have to. These appliances very rarely break down and it is far cheaper over 10 years to service it a few times to ensure it is in working order. Watch out for D2D salespeople who are telling you your tank is not efficient or NOT energy star...These people come from National Home Services, Reliance Home Comfort, Enwise and Direct Energy amongst others...National Home Services will show you pictures of the inside of tanks rusting and corroding...Reliance won't do this because they are worried these pictures will get into the hands of their 1.5 million customers who will want a new tank if their 5 year old tank looks like the pictures...Bottom Line...Do not rent your appliances! These businesses make money renting because it makes financial sense for them to do so. Their service is not a priority, the environment is not a priority but getting their monthly rental fee from you is, this is how they afford to stay in business...By promising service but forgetting to tell you the parts that aren't included in your rental (Comfort Protection Plan) insurance contract...

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Pete E.
Brigden (Moore), CA
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Sep 30, 2011 12:23 pm EDT

I cannot understand how this company remains in business. They are very creative in all aspects of their services, and unfortunately, you find out the hard way after you "sign up", just how creative they are. Beware, or better still, don't deal with them and save yourself the mess you are going to get into. Signed by Pete E. ( One who has been there)

Kitchener, CA
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Apr 04, 2011 1:27 am EDT
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I went through a Reliance Home Discomfort abusive billing as well. They called out of the blue a year or 2 ago asking if I was interesting in a home furnace service assurance for a nominal service charge which would be covered by a rebate for the first 6 months. Fine. The bill was so first. It slowly increased the following year and then I was sent multiple bills at different prices. I called them and tried to cancel and was told I had to send them a letter in the mail to cancel. Good enough...after digging through their paperwork there was no apparent address to cancel so I called them back and they told me I could cancel by sending an email. They gave me an email address and I sent off my cancellation.
In a short period I received a MAILER DAEMON indicating the email address did not exist. I called back and became belligerent enough that I was referred to someone that only gave me his first name and when he started going through the same spiel about having to mail them I told him to stop feeding me ### and cancel my account and the creative billing.
He then got hold of his supervisor and I finally got a cancellation authorization number.
The following month the bills kept coming with different values that could not be followed so i had to go back to their billing department to stop any collection agency from destroying my good name. I went through 4 levels of being put on hold with the same lying crap and would not get referred to a "supposed" higher person until I started swearing about their criminally insane abusive behavior. When the last guy finally got on the phone after about 15 minutes on hold I had finally figured out that I should be able to go on their website, sign up for my account number, and unsubscribe on their website...THE WEBSITE DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO MAKE A PASSWORD TO ACCESS YOU ACCOUNT!@%$?.
The last guy on the phone tried to make it go away if I just paid the last bill from the time I made the first complaint and after explaining that the bill was paid in full at the time and I had a bank record to prove it and that I wanted his last name and location of his office so I could sue, he sent me an e-mail verifying the account was cleared and it actually had his full name and a reliance logo.
I think this is what the dragons on Dragon Den call squeezing the customer for more money.
These guys should be in jail.
We consumers need protection from this.
I suggest anyone that has had to deal with this company or any other creative billing ( Rogers perhaps or Bell?) should contact their politicians during this election and have these thievery practices obliterated !

4:47 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort shoddy customer service

Consumer Beware! This protection plan apparently does not cover damages incurred while replacing a leaking water heater.
In short, sub contractors sent to fix a pressure problem days after the burst heater was replaced, damaged first the water heater then my home pipes. After creating a problem that did not exist, they tried to blame the condition of my relatively new homes copper pipes. During three separate house calls they smashed and banged the pipes until the house shook. Only after they showed me the water leak in the pipes did it occur to me that something was not right with the installers. They refused to fix the leak and took a powder as fast as they could while I was calling Reliance. This was 11PM and had to shut the water off until I could find plumbers at a cost of $400 to come and repair it.

This was bad enough, but the customer service was worse. Ten emails and several phone calls later, they continue to ignore me. No returned calls, NOTHING! At first they said they would reimburse me, then repeated what the sub contractors tried to sell me. As far as Reliance is concerned, the customer can be lied to, ignored and above all, believe what the sub contractors say because the customer can't be believed. After emailing me that they were going on the sub contractors word, total avoidance. They hope I will just fade away. Not on their lives. They need to realize that poor service will cost them customers. If I can help with this, then I will. This is the second time the heater has burst. We called them several months before this one went and they sent someone who said it was fine. Then it flooded my basement AGAIN! Then there is the yearly rebuilding of my furnace because of the poor installation, but that for another time. Lets see if anything happens when I complain to every consumer advocacy group I find. Lets see how long they intended to avoid doing the right thing.

So customer be forewarned, damages caused by Reliance will be your responsibility. And be prepared to be avoided if you encounter problems caused beyond the performance of their equipment. It’s in the contract you will sign when renting and paying for the COMFORT PROTECTION PLAN.

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Kitchener, CA
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Apr 04, 2011 1:35 am EDT
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I went through a Reliance Home Discomfort abusive billing as well. They called out of the blue a year or 2 ago asking if I was interesting in a home furnace service assurance for a nominal service charge which would be covered by a rebate for the first 6 months. Fine. The bill was so first. It slowly increased the following year and then I was sent multiple bills at different prices. I called them and tried to cancel and was told I had to send them a letter in the mail to cancel. Good enough...after digging through their paperwork there was no apparent address to cancel so I called them back and they told me I could cancel by sending an email. They gave me an email address and I sent off my cancellation.
In a short period I received a MAILER DAEMON indicating the email address did not exist. I called back and became belligerent enough that I was referred to someone that only gave me his first name and when he started going through the same spiel about having to mail them I told him to stop feeding me ### and cancel my account and the creative billing.
He then got hold of his supervisor and I finally got a cancellation authorization number.
The following month the bills kept coming with different values that could not be followed so i had to go back to their billing department to stop any collection agency from destroying my good name. I went through 4 levels of being put on hold with the same lying crap and would not get referred to a "supposed" higher person until I started swearing about their criminally insane abusive behavior. When the last guy finally got on the phone after about 15 minutes on hold I had finally figured out that I should be able to go on their website, sign up for my account number, and unsubscribe on their website...THE WEBSITE DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO MAKE A PASSWORD TO ACCESS YOU ACCOUNT!@%$?.
The last guy on the phone tried to make it go away if I just paid the last bill from the time I made the first complaint and after explaining that the bill was paid in full at the time and I had a bank record to prove it and that I wanted his last name and location of his office so I could sue, he sent me an e-mail verifying the account was cleared and it actually had his full name and a reliance logo.
I think this is what the dragons on Dragon Den call squeezing the customer for more money.
These guys should be in jail.
We consumers need protection from this.
I suggest anyone that has had to deal with this company or any other creative billing ( Rogers perhaps or Bell?) should contact their politicians during this election and have these thievery practices obliterated !

7:15 pm EDT
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Reliance Home Comfort non-servicing/billing for non/servicing

I have been a customer of Reliance Home Comfort/Energy pretty much since they first started advertising.
The first year they seemed to do a good job when they did my yearly inspection of my furnace and my a/c. The technician washed down my a/c, checked everything, did the furnace, and I felt he did a thorough job. Little did I know that I would never get as good a service again!
I also have a water heater, at least 15 yr. old that I rent from them and they have never offered to replace or refurbish it, just keep billing me their monthly rental charge.
My compliant is two-fold. First of all, I pay for an insurance, that guarantees me a yearly inspection of my furnace and my a/c., however you never hear from them, once you sign up and start paying for the plan, It is up to you to phone them each year and set up appointments, which, by the way, they have not kept for the last two years that I set these up, and this past year, I have fallen so out of disfavour with them that I don't know where to turn.
By now there have been so many issues with them that I hardly remember the order of all the episodes I had with them.
I work odd hours, so it is difficult enought to sit around and wait for them all morning, all afternoon, or all day--all of which have been the case.
The last appointment that I had they were no-show. When they were already late, I phoned them, gave my acknowlegement # for the appointment and was told they were still coming.
I told them the same thing had happened before but I was assured they would soon be in my neighbourhood to do the job.
I waited the whole day and they didn't show up.
When I called again they were done for the day.
The next day it rained.
I thought they would contact me, giving a reason for the no-show but time went by and I heard nothing.
When I phoned up about it, I got a woman on the phone that informed me that they had been out and done the inspection.
I was waiting home that whole day, and believe me, they were never here.
When I asked for a supervisor I was told the same thing, and I the woman told me if I was unhappy I should cancel the service.
I told her to have them come out so that I could show her that they never left an inspection slip like they usually do.
I was shocked at her attitude and wanted to go over her head but she hung up on me. With that being her final word, I was under the impression that she cancelled my plan with them.
I withheld my payments, until such time that they resolved the matter, but they didn't care, just kept billing me and adding interest upon interest to the bills.
I phoned up and they refused to transfer me to a supervisor, actually they transferred me, now, to collections.
I called back several more times and they kept on saying they couldn't, now, talk to me, the matter was for collections who had nothing to do with the bad service and the no-service I had been experiencing.
I have an illness which is aggrevated by stress and I could just not put myself through any more.
They were only interested in billing me for service I had not been getting, now for 3 yrs or more.
By now commication with them was impossible and they sent me to a Collection Bureau and ruined my credit.
The year before they came out and couldn't do my a/c they said to call back in the spring, so they only checked the furnace.
The year before, they were also a no-show, because it rained and when I called was told they got behind due to the rain.
Each year I missed, they never stopped billing and I paid up until the time that they said they came out, said they had it in their records, but they never did come out and refused to correct their oversight or apologize.
The few years after the first year they would do one service but not the other. I never remember possibly only one occasion where they did the cleaning and inspection of both appliances and it was a really incomplete rush job, the technition was in and out within 15 min. My air conditioner was never fully inspected again, yet their bills, month after mon. charged me for having service for both the a/c and the furnace.
AT this point I don't know how to resolve this.
I called today, and, of course, the customer relations supervisor was not there, while now I am sitting here with a Furnace that needs cleaning and needs to be turned on for th year. It is 60 degrees in my house and getting colder at night.
No one there seems to care, they only want money they didn't earn,
I feel they should not get any money beyond the last time they cleaned both appliances which was maybe 5 yr. or more ago.
Someone needs to fully look into this at their end and own up to the poor service, the billing for services not received, remove the horrendous interest payments, restore my credit.
My next step will be to look for an ombudsman or newspaper column that can help me deal with a place where you never can talk to the same person twice in a row, can never follow up on an issue that you started withanother agent, you are just dealing with a voice on the phone who has the ability to hang up on you rather than really listen and put a customer in touch with someone there that can finally do something!

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6:22 pm EDT
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Reliance Home Comfort misc. billing

I purchased a house 3 years ago. The water heater rental at the time was under $30 per month (confirmed). When I received my first bill the monthly rental was almost $60 per month. We came to the agreement to pay less temporarily (this took months & 7 phone calls), but then the the rate whent back up. I decided to have an electrician put in a new unit & stop dealing with Reliance. The electrician also does service calls for Reliance & took the unit out for us. After the removal I was owed over $80 back from over payment. Reliance sent me a statement with a $40 credit. The rest was kept back for a $45 Inspection & Account closing fee. When I called, they said that it was in the agreement that there was a $40 removal fee. I never signed an agreement, but apparently by paying your first bill you agree to pay this mysterious fee. I asked how much of the $40 my electrician was paid to remove the unit so I could call him to ask if he was paid, the CSR decided it was an account closing fee & that the removal was free with the account closing fee. I asked for my account to be left open. I don't mind if they pay 55 cents per month to continue sending me statements. They would not budge on the $40 &, since I have a credit with them, there is no way to get it back.
At the end of the conversation I asked when to expect my $40 credit by cheque. This was another whole process! Did I want payment by cheque?...well since you are closing my account, yes! If I hadn't asked for it what were they planning to do with it? Then we had to go over what my mailing address is (how about the same one you just sent this statement to?) Why wasn't the cheque just sent out with my statement? We had to make sure we had the correct address...really? You have sent me a bill every 3 months for almost 3 years & I have paid probably have the correct I am so glad to be done with Reliance!

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Kitchener, CA
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Apr 04, 2011 1:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I went through a Reliance Home Discomfort abusive billing as well. They called out of the blue a year or 2 ago asking if I was interesting in a home furnace service assurance for a nominal service charge which would be covered by a rebate for the first 6 months. Fine. The bill was so first. It slowly increased the following year and then I was sent multiple bills at different prices. I called them and tried to cancel and was told I had to send them a letter in the mail to cancel. Good enough...after digging through their paperwork there was no apparent address to cancel so I called them back and they told me I could cancel by sending an email. They gave me an email address and I sent off my cancellation.
In a short period I received a MAILER DAEMON indicating the email address did not exist. I called back and became belligerent enough that I was referred to someone that only gave me his first name and when he started going through the same spiel about having to mail them I told him to stop feeding me ### and cancel my account and the creative billing.
He then got hold of his supervisor and I finally got a cancellation authorization number.
The following month the bills kept coming with different values that could not be followed so i had to go back to their billing department to stop any collection agency from destroying my good name. I went through 4 levels of being put on hold with the same lying crap and would not get referred to a "supposed" higher person until I started swearing about their criminally insane abusive behavior. When the last guy finally got on the phone after about 15 minutes on hold I had finally figured out that I should be able to go on their website, sign up for my account number, and unsubscribe on their website...THE WEBSITE DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO MAKE A PASSWORD TO ACCESS YOU ACCOUNT!@%$?.
The last guy on the phone tried to make it go away if I just paid the last bill from the time I made the first complaint and after explaining that the bill was paid in full at the time and I had a bank record to prove it and that I wanted his last name and location of his office so I could sue, he sent me an e-mail verifying the account was cleared and it actually had his full name and a reliance logo.
I think this is what the dragons on Dragon Den call squeezing the customer for more money.
These guys should be in jail.
We consumers need protection from this.
I suggest anyone that has had to deal with this company or any other creative billing ( Rogers perhaps or Bell?) should contact their politicians during this election and have these thievery practices obliterated !

Burlington, CA
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Nov 27, 2010 12:48 pm EST

Same issue here. The mysterious contract. It turns out no one can supply you with one.

We decided to have ours removed and buy one from HD; well HD took it and delivered it to Reliance for no charge. I get a bill where a 100$ is being charged for damage fee; when i called they said equipment was returned damaged- i wanted photos which they said they had; no photos were ever produced; then the story was changed, because i came out of THE contract whcih i never had. After weeks of endless promised phonecalls I took the matter directly to Reliance HQ, guess what the CSRs refused to give me the address of their president or to a senior manager. Some how, either they are continuously on lunch or away from the office. 8_ supervisors could not resolve this issue. Finally, the contract is there embedded deep in their website. It turns out you pay that fee only if the tank is certain years old. In this case it was 14; fees only apply below 10.

With that information, they still would not acknowledge it. I took the matter directly to BBB and they delayed in responding with BBB coming back stating they could not get any verdict back. I gave Reliance an ultimatum of a few days before I take the matter to the newspaper for fraud. They promptly issued a cheque which I never received.

I called them to say the cheque had not arrived; I was asked to call back in 4 weeks to give time. I did and they called to verify the address. Still no cheque. I called them again yesterday; the person is on lunch. Since Oct 11 and today. No one has cut a replacement cheque. Again, i have given them 14 days. Failing this, I will definitely take them to either the Ombudsman as well as the newpapers and report this fraud which they are doing across the board with impunity. Since Sept when i report this and now, they have really been sleeping away.

The consumers have no recourse. I love their claim at the bottom 'misleading tactics'. They truly are a fraud. Why do people not just get their own hot water heats.

An excerpt:
Dear Mr. Rah:

On August 11, 2010, cheque number xxxxxxxxx in the amount of $xx.xx was mailed to your home address.

If you have not received this cheque, I will have to put a stop payment on it, and re-issue.


Employee Number: 2121
Customer Relations
Fax: [protected]
Phone: [protected]
Beware of misleading door to door sales tactics from other rental water heater providers.
Tale or Truth?
Get the Facts -
Call us at 1-866-RELIANCE [protected])
The Right Call. Guaranteed.

8:03 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort unathorized withdrawal

So the "maitenance guy" showed up for 30 seconds looked around and said "sir you need a new boiler, please sign here"... So I did.

2 months later I am still having issues with my old boiler. Called the company 3 times and left a message about the boiler replacement. No reponse...

This morning I woke up to learn that I have been billed $118.10 for the "service" this [censored]bag did...
Unbelivable... What do I do? Small claims court?

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Kitchener, CA
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Apr 04, 2011 1:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I went through a Reliance Home Discomfort abusive billing as well. They called out of the blue a year or 2 ago asking if I was interesting in a home furnace service assurance for a nominal service charge which would be covered by a rebate for the first 6 months. Fine. The bill was so first. It slowly increased the following year and then I was sent multiple bills at different prices. I called them and tried to cancel and was told I had to send them a letter in the mail to cancel. Good enough...after digging through their paperwork there was no apparent address to cancel so I called them back and they told me I could cancel by sending an email. They gave me an email address and I sent off my cancellation.
In a short period I received a MAILER DAEMON indicating the email address did not exist. I called back and became belligerent enough that I was referred to someone that only gave me his first name and when he started going through the same spiel about having to mail them I told him to stop feeding me ### and cancel my account and the creative billing.
He then got hold of his supervisor and I finally got a cancellation authorization number.
The following month the bills kept coming with different values that could not be followed so i had to go back to their billing department to stop any collection agency from destroying my good name. I went through 4 levels of being put on hold with the same lying crap and would not get referred to a "supposed" higher person until I started swearing about their criminally insane abusive behavior. When the last guy finally got on the phone after about 15 minutes on hold I had finally figured out that I should be able to go on their website, sign up for my account number, and unsubscribe on their website...THE WEBSITE DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO MAKE A PASSWORD TO ACCESS YOU ACCOUNT!@%$?.
The last guy on the phone tried to make it go away if I just paid the last bill from the time I made the first complaint and after explaining that the bill was paid in full at the time and I had a bank record to prove it and that I wanted his last name and location of his office so I could sue, he sent me an e-mail verifying the account was cleared and it actually had his full name and a reliance logo.
I think this is what the dragons on Dragon Den call squeezing the customer for more money.
These guys should be in jail.
We consumers need protection from this.
I suggest anyone that has had to deal with this company or any other creative billing ( Rogers perhaps or Bell?) should contact their politicians during this election and have these thievery practices obliterated !

10:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Reliance Home Comfort rental boiler

Numerous complaints towards water leaking of this rental boiler unit since day one – Jan 2008 – when I moved in to this town house complex. All along the same technician named “Scott” – a sub-contractor through “Fannair” came each and every time though not able to fix the problem . . . .

The one time approx. Jan/Feb 2009, Scott eventually identified the problem is “installation” guy did not follow the protocol but missed one part which he said he ordered and 2 months later, he came to install and supposed this is the root problem.

However, water leaking continued and more service calls were placed.

You can imagine this is very frustrating for us . . . . we never know when the bucket holding water will be full and if we are away, then there is possibility that water damage may be a result . . . . .

The last service call we place which Reliance charged us $89.00 in this context I protest: Scott just came in for 2 minutes and gave us a “formed letter” . No indication shows which organization issued this “formed letter” saying water leaking is due to “T&P relief valve”. I never have heard about this and if this is a common problem which your organization or whoever identified, then this formed letter should be MAILED to us prior and not being delivered by this technician and then charge us a service call for $89.00 plus tax.

This is totally a scam! I cannot imagine this is considered a “service call”.

I will not pay and will seek outside help if this is not dealt with seriously on the part of “Reliance”.

Caroline - Aurora, Ontario, Sept 24, 2010

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12:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Reliance Home Comfort hot water heater

Reliance Home Comfort is a scam. Ever since we have gotten a new hot water tank we have had nothing but problems. Not enough hot water, low pressure and now it keeps shutting off and we have to keep manually turning the pilot light on (and I mean every half hour). 3 calls into Reliance and it is still not repaired. Each time they think they know what's wrong...except that it still does not work! Each time I phone, I have to give all the information over again which is ridiculous! You have to punch in your phone number and then they ask you again. Over and over again! I'd like to know what other company I can use. This company is a scam and should seriously be looked into. 3 days and no hot water. Can you imagine this company is still around with all the complaints. Oh and this guy coming today is already...31 minutes late with no courtesy call.

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Steven MM
London, CA
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Sep 20, 2010 7:50 pm EDT

National home service

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Reliance has been providing affordable, reliable home heating and cooling to Canadians for more than 50 years. Our customers know they can count on us for fast, friendly, knowledgeable service and advice – and that’s comfortable!
How to file a complaint about Reliance Home Comfort?

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to file a complaint or review about Reliance Home Comfort on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one on the website.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Reliance Home Comfort in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with the company. Mention key areas of concern, any relevant transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any additional supporting documents that can help validate your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data in these documents.

6. Filling optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses incurred and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint or review for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Submit your complaint or review by clicking the 'Submit' button on the website.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for any responses or updates related to your complaint or review on

Ensure each step is clearly defined to guide you effectively through the process of filing a complaint or review about Reliance Home Comfort on Remember to focus on the key areas users may complain about regarding this company.

Overview of Reliance Home Comfort complaint handling

Reliance Home Comfort reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Nov 29, 2008. The latest review Reliance The Furnace Company - A Trusted Choice for Home Comfort was posted on May 16, 2024. The latest complaint Complaint of Service was resolved on Mar 02, 2020. Reliance Home Comfort has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 362 reviews. Reliance Home Comfort has resolved 34 complaints.
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