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State Bank of India [SBI] Complaints 538

11:07 pm EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] over due charges

I had availed the SBI credit card no. [protected] facilities in 2003 to 2005. Only once I had used it in August 2003 and paid its dues. I discontinued its use and card was returned to your main branch. Now When I contacted for the personal loan from my salary SBI bank in Dilshad garden then they disclosed that SBI Bank has shown me as Defaulter for the Rs. 1, 000=00 on 30.4.2008. Kindly help me, this amount I do not understand how it has become so. Submitted for the favorable action immediately, but if any out standing payment remains, Pl let me know and waive off the undue interest. I would like to clear it at the earliest, because we are in the process of a personal loan from SBI, Dilshad Garden whose Mangaer has kept our loan up hold due this defaulter name in the name list being exhibted at the Credit Infomation Buereue(India) Ltd. Kindly delet my name from the defaulter list and if any thing due is please let me know and I would happly settle it. Pl feel free to contact me at my mobile.

Type-III Qtr no 9, IHBAS Campus,
Dishad garden, Delhi-110095
Mobile: [protected]

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8:42 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] sbi frauds on prepayment of personal loan

Hi, I took a personal loan of 100000 with 2670 emi for 48 months, i paid for 25 months, and i did a prepayment for another 23 months the sbi bank has calculated entire 23 months outstanding emi + prepayment charge 2%, this will result in 1200 more that what i will be paying in next 23 months, this seems to be unfair. i have closed the loan but fighting with banker for the loss i have to bear, i did not get a paisa benefit by paying the loan amount before time that too about 2yrs before . do you think this is unfaif on sbi, they did not reduce a paisa on the intrest for this 23 months. pls sug

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sebin philip
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Jun 06, 2017 2:48 am EDT

File a complaint to banking ombudsman against SBI. Same thing is happend with me. SBI is looting common people.

1:27 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] cheque book not found

I am having an account holder of sbi new market branch Patna . My A/C Nos are [protected]. I have applied for issue of chque book on dated 20.3.2008. As Yet, not getting chque book.
In this regard, I have complained on call centre of SBI and my complain No. are CC1207387949868. Still no action has been taken by SBI branch manager.
you are hereby requested to issue of my chque book and send on my address as given below:-

Umesh Choudhary
SDE(NS &Computer)
o/o PGMTD, Patna
R-Block, 7th Floor Telephone Bhawan Patna-800001.

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9:08 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] online transactions

There are many things to complain about the service that SBI provides to its credit card holder. But the most annoying things,

1. Type of online services provided. It is ridiculous to sign on for again if you are not able to sign in using your existing log in information. I did it three times but still I can not access my account online.

2. The drop box facility is amusing, just to drop a check you have to travel to Deccan Branch in Pune cause the skypak drop boxes are horrible. You will certainly not sleep until your payment gets credited if drop the check in any one of these.

3. The statements reach you just in time. (Before the payment due date) and you will receive SMS's confirming the dispatch of you statement just in 3-4 days after the billing date to keep you on your toes. Funny it takes 12-16 days for a statement to reach you in bigger city like Pune. I wish none in a small city should have a SBI card.

4. More to this, the statements take weeks to reach you on email. Must be passing thru each and every possible wire!

5. The last and the BEST, even if you do not want to use the card and cut it and throw it? Dont worry. You will receive a same card from SBI soon! :-)

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mohammad khalid
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Nov 12, 2008 12:50 am EST

i want to know how to trasact my money

11:26 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] unwanted charges for promotional offers

These are the mails going on from 30/05/07 but have not resolved the dispute yet and now sbi have started harassing me by sending legal letters for the charges I am not liable to pay.

Tuesday, 4 december, 2007 5:27 pm
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"sonu thaker"
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Feedback. [protected], head. [protected]

Please note that yesterday, I got a letter for collection of dues which was also forwarded to my employer - can I ask why the same was sent to my employer, when the billing itself is under dispute and I have not been provided proofs for the same?

I have certain disputes regarding billing of my credit card for which I am not being provided any concrete proofs even after speaking to en number of people and en-number of mails sent to sbi for the same.

Also I have even asked for details of some senior person and your sbi office address with whom I can speak to and resolve the issue - which is again not given to me till date?

Yesterday I called up your number and spoke to mr. varun chawla (ist line supervisor) and according to him if sbi has sent documents - I am liable to pay for the same - further I was told that he can show me the proofs of pod recd by sbi. on asking for verification of the voice log on which according to sbi I have given my consent - I was told that they cant be provided to me and simply I will have to pay the dues.

My question was the documents were sent to me for my reference and not by my consent. I was told that for sending any doucments my name would have to be registered and that was the reason I gave all my details - that doesnt mean I have given my consent for the policy.

If according to sbi the documents were sent with my consent for the same on telephone - I hereby demand that the voice log should be heard, including myself and sbi officials, and proved that I actually gave my consent for the same failing which I am not liable to pay for any dues

Further I also got a call from sbi gurgaon on 20 or 21st of october that my issue has been resolved and full reversal was made to my account and that the same will be reflected in my next statement... still why I am being sent letters...
Cant that be verifed from your records.

I am again stating that you cannot force a cutomer to take the policy without customers approval for the same and if any billing is disputed the same should be reolved to the satisfaction of the customer - this according to me should be the policy of sbi.

Also till the matter is under dispute please ensure that no more letters are sent to my employer as this again is diminishing my personal standards.

waiting for your early revert.


Sonu thaker

Saturday, 24 november, 2007 10:27 am
"feedback. gesbi"
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"sonu thaker"
24 november 2007

Dear mr. thaker,

Thank you for writing to sbi cards.

This is with reference to your communication dated november 20, 2007 regarding your sbi card account.

Insurance related: we wish to inform you that as per your request we have cancelled the royal sundaram insurance policy on your sbi card account and rs.3, 457.00 has been credited towards the same is reflecting on your statement dated june 17, 2007.

We wish to inform you that as per policy in case the royal sundaram insurance policy is cancelled within a month from the date of debit, then the entire premium amount along with the administration charges are reversed. however, in case the cancellation is done post the free look period, then as per the short period rates applicable only a partial reversal (50% of the premium amount) is given on the account and also the administration charges are not reversed.

We regret the inconvenience caused to you in this regards.

In case of any further queries on the sbi card, we would request you to reply at feedback. [protected] using the same subject line or call our 24 hours, 7 days a week, at our local helpline number [protected] or [protected] (for bsnl and mtnl users).

Yours sincerely,
Manager - customer service

— original message —
From: sonu thaker ([protected]
Date: tuesday, november 20, 2007 10:20 am
To: customer. [protected]@in. (customer. [protected]@in.; feedback. [protected] (feedback. [protected]; head. [protected] (head. [protected]; [protected] ([protected]
Subject: hs00181301000100

Dear mam,

Thank you for your revert.

Please note as mentioned by you and as explained by me again and again, when I got a call from telemarketing person regarding the policy the details of the policy, I requested him that I cannot remember the points of the policy if told to me verbally, hence if there was some documentation that I was provided, I can go through the same & then think whether or not to opt for this policy. here please note that I did not at any point of time gave my confirmation that I was interested in the policy.
I was told that for sending any documents he would have to register me and for that he would require my details and did not at any point told me that I will be receiving any kind of bills for payments and that my policy would start without my confirmation (you can refer the telephonic talk I had with concerned dept)

I gave my details totally unaware of the trauma and the harrasment I was going to face for giving my details for the same.
Again I would here like to add - if I was given a 15 days lookup time for the policy, and if I didnt confirm the same within 15 days - why was I not called up for confirming that the policy has started and I will be receiving the bills for the premiums? what if I was not in town and was unable to contact sbi or royal sundaram? what if I had not recd the documents in time - had anybody called up whether I have recd the documents and gone through it and whether I was interested in the policy in the first place? this doesnt mean that now I will have to take this policy forcibly and make payments for premiums.

Again whatever half reversals or anything has nothing to do with me and it is purely between royal sundaram and sbi and I am not going to suffer because of the goofup made by some person from any of the concerned dept.

I already have suffered and harrased a lot for the issue and my family members have even being threatened for this and if the same is not resolved soon - I will see to it that I will go legal and claim compensation for the harrassment going on from past 8 months now.

I again humbly request you to close the issue.

Sonu thaker

Re:'caseid=[protected]'fwd: re:dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker
Tuesday, 13 november, 2007 11:11 am
"feedback. gesbi"
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"sonu thaker"
Dear mr. thaker,

Thank you for writing to sbi cards.

This is with reference to your communication dated november 07, 2007 regarding your sbi card account.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused to you and for your displeasure whilst you felt our service levels did not meet your expectations.
We wish to inform that we have referred the contents of your communication to the concerned department for necessary action at their end. we shall shortly get back to you on the status of the same.

Further, we would like to share with you that your card account currently stands inactive for usage.

In case of any further clarification, we request you to reply at head. [protected] using the same subject line. you will receive a response within 3 working days.

Yours sincerely

Avp - customer service

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Friday, 9 november, 2007 2:57 pm
"customer services"
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Pic19690. jpg (49kb)
Dear mr. thaker,

Thank you for your email dated november 07, 2007.

Further to our email dated november 07, 2007, the enrollment for this
Policy was done based on your confirmation provided to the telemarketing
Team of sbi credit card division.

The inception date of the policy was from february 28, 2007. as a process,
We provide a 15 day free look in period to review the policy document from
The time you receive it and get back to us for any clarifications. based
On the request from the bank on may 30, 2007 to cancel the policy issued to
You, the policy was cancelled on short period rates as per the policy
Terms and the refund amount of rs.3457/- (50% of the paid premium having
Been retained and the balance 50% refunded) was sent to the bank (sbi cards
And payment services) for necessary reversal into your card account xxxx
Xxxx xxxx 4904 on june 08, 2007.

Hence, we regret, we are unable to refund further premium. we request you
To contact the bank for further assistance.

The short period rates of cancellation are as follows:

(embedded image moved to file: pic19690. jpg)

Wishing you and your family, a happy and a festive diwali. assuring you of
Our best service always.

Yours sincerely,
Irudaya mary
Customer services
Royal sundaram alliance insurance co. ltd.

Other products we offer are health, accident, home, travel and car shield

'caseid=[protected]'dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker
Wednesday, 7 november, 2007 1:29 pm
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"sonu thaker"
Dear sir / madam,

Thank you for writing to sbi cards.

We acknowledge the receipt of your email and we shall revert to you shortly.

We would request you to mention your sbi card account / card number in all your correspondence to enable us to process your request at the earliest.

Assuring you of our best services at all times.

Warm regards,
Sbi headcards team

— original message —
From: sonu thaker [[protected]]
Sent: wednesday, nov 7 2007 1:26pm
To: feedback. [protected] [feedback. [protected]]; head. [protected] [head. [protected]]; customer. [protected]@in. [customer. [protected]@in.]; [protected] [[protected]]
Subject: dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker

Dear sir / mam,

It seems you have not gone through my mail properly. firstly where you have mentioned as "speaking to your telesales person and post your confirmation" - I want to know when and how I have confirmed for this policy? do you have any papers with my signatures confirming the same? or any phone conversations wherein I have confirmed to opt for the policy?

Also please note you telesales person described the features of the policy over the phone and I had just asked him to send me documents for the same so that I can go through the same and then decide whether or not to opt for the policy... and that doesnt mean that I wanted the policy. please note I didnt confirm that I wanted the policy and your telesales guy also didnt tell me that sending me the documents, I will be billed for the same.
Infact I was informed that you will have to revert back after some 15-20 days if you want to opt for the policy - hence my question is why was I not been informed or called before debiting any kind of charges on my card?
Also you are not doing any favour to me by reversing half of the charges as I want all my charges to be reversed as I didnt confirm the policy and have not made any other transactions on sbi card.
Where you have stated that my card is blocked - I want to inform you that I have already cut my card and have handed over to sbi representative on 09.06.07.

You just cannot force anyone like this and sell your products and compell him to pay amounts for which one is not liable for.

Anyways further this is to inform you that I am not going to make any payments unless I am not provided with the explanations and proofs that I have asked for.

Or else send me name and address of your senior person / legal person with whom I can discuss this issue in person.

Thanks & regards,
Sonu thaker

Ps : by the way wish your team a very happy diwali.

Wednesday, 7 november, 2007 10:13 am
"customer services"
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Dear mr. thaker,

Thank you for your email dated november 05, 2007.

We wish to inform you that the enrollment for this policy was done by the
Sbi cards and payment services pvt ltd. and the inception date of the
Policy is february 28, 2007.

This policy has been despatched from us on march 06, 2007 (through first
Flight courier vide airway bill number c05712755) and we understand that
You have received the same on march 09, 2007.

As per the request received from state bank of india, reference number
Sbi/2007/25320, your policy was cancelled and the amount of rs.3457/- (50%of
The premium) had been sent to your bank for the necessary reversal in your
Credit card on june 07, 2007.

We request you to liaise with state bank of india (credit card division)
For further assistance.

The reference number for this interaction with us is spa/ 2007/12ac529.
Please quote this reference number while interacting with us on this
Subject in future.

Assuring you of our best service always.

Yours sincerely,
Padma. s
Customer services
Royal sundaram alliance insurance co. ltd.

Re:'caseid=[protected]'fwd: re:dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker
Tuesday, 6 november, 2007 12:37 pm
"feedback. gesbi"
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"sonu thaker"

Dear mr. thaker,

This is with reference to your communication dated november 05, 2007 regarding your sbi card account.

We would like to inform you that as per your telephonic discussion with out telesales executive and post your confirmation, royal sundaram insurance was been booked on your sbi card account.

We would like to inform you that rs.3457.00 towards royal sundaram insurance has been reversed on your sbi card account. the credit for the same is reflecting in the statement dated june 17, 2007.
Please note that as your request was received post 30 days of the transaction and as per the terms and conditions of the royal sundaram insurance policy we regret our inability to provide you with more reversals on your card account and also the administration charges are not reversed.
Further we wish to share with you that as against the outstanding balance of rs.6268.92 billed in your statement of account dated july 17, 2007, please note that we did not receive any payment before the payment due date, thereby your card account was levied with finance and late payment charges.

Kindly note that in case the payments are missed or outstanding on the card is received less than the total amount due, then interest charges are applied on the balance amount, thus the payment starts revolving on the account, this is also applicable on all the fresh charges incurred, in the same month by the cardholder.

Hence, we regret to inform you that we are unable to reverse any charges levied to your card account. as on date, your card account holds an outstanding balance of rs.8478.33 payable to us and we would request you to send in the payment for the same at the earliest, to avoid further charges.

Kindly note that as on date your account is temporarily blocked.

In case of any further clarification, we request you to reply at head. [protected] using the same subject line. you will receive a response within 3 working days.

Yours sincerely

Avp - customer service

— original message —
From: sonu thaker ([protected]
Date: monday, november 05, 2007 11:41 am
To: head. [protected] (head. [protected]; feedback. [protected] (feedback. [protected]; customer. [protected]@in. (customer. [protected]@in.; [protected] ([protected]
Subject: fwd: re:dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker

Dear mr. ajay bharti,

Further to your mail dated 31/05/2007 regarding resolving of the issue in the below mentioned mail for policy for royal sundaram – please note the following –

There was one representative sent to my residence on 09/06/2007 for payment collection that too without calling me or contacting me. on asking reason to mr. sanjay chougle (officer collections) for sending the person directly to my residence I was told that your number was not available or busy whereas I had recd en number of call on that day. anyways on explaining him the whole issue he told me to send the copies of the mail sent to you alongwith a request for cancellation of my card. the same day I had handover the mail copies and 8 pieces of card’s (mine as well as my wifes ad-on cards) to the representative after assurance that the matter will be closed off.

Months later after the above was done, I again started getting calls from sbi for payments. on asking again I was informed that only half of my charges were reversed and I still have to pay half of the amounts plus the interest levied. here even I was not notified by any sbi rep or mr. sanjay chougle that only half of the amounts are reversed and the reasons for half reversal and was told that the same has been printed on the account statement sent to you.

Thereafter I was told to make complaint to sbi once again for the issue and on 24.09.07 I made a complaint for the same and had a talk with ms. preeti and the complaint number is - [protected].

My complaint is –

Why wasn’t I called for confirmation of the policy before debiting the charges to my credit card a/c - did sbi or royal sundaram at any point of time gave me a call for the confirmation of the policy? – if so please let me know the proof of the same.

Please show me any proof bearing signatures on any of the documentation regarding the policy?
- as according to the talk with the representatives it is not possible to debit any charges without having the same.

I was told that you would be getting a response regarding the complaint within 10 days. but again I have started getting calls from sbi regarding payments. but after calling your number again I was informed that nothing can be done on the issue and you will have to pay outstanding dues.

Over and above this for en number of calls I have made on this issue I was never been transferd to any senior person whom I can contact and resolve this issue.

On 25/10/07 again I got a call from sbi andheri midc branch and spoke to a so called senior person mr. deepak roy (tel no. [protected]) and explained him the whole story again. he assured me that he will be looking into the matter and resolve the issue. but again when I contacted the branch I was not made to speak to him and was told that he was transferred and in a very rude manner was told that this things will go on if you don’t pay your dues.

On 03/11/07 I got a letter from sbi stating if I didn’t pay the dues they will be contacting my employer and i’ll have to face the consequences.

After all this mental stress and harrasment I have now decided to go legal if the matter is not closed down and I also hereby inform you that I may sue sbi for the mental harrasement given to me from such a long period of time and including my family and my employer in the same and defaming my character.

Please go through few of the following points which are imposed by rbi ombudsman for credit card grieviences –

Interest rates and other charges :
The bank / nbfc should not levy any charge that was not explicitly indicated to the credit card holder at the time of issue of the card and getting his / her consent. however, this would not be applicable to charges like service taxes, etc. which may subsequently be levied by the government or any other statutory authority.

Wrongful billing :
The card issuing bank / nbfc should ensure that wrong bills are not raised and issued to case, a customer protests any bill, the bank / nbfc should provide explanation and, if necessary, documentary evidence to the customer within a maximum period of sixty days with a spirit to amicably redress the grievances.

Right to privacy :
Unsolicited loans or other credit facilities should not be offered to the credit card case, an unsolicited credit facility is extended without the consent of the recipient and the latter objects to the same, the credit sanctioning bank / nbfc shall not only withdraw the credit limit, but also be liable to pay such penalty as may be considered appropriate.

Fair practices in debt collection :
In the matter of recovery of dues, banks / nbfcs may ensure that they, as also their agents, adhere to the extant instructions on fair practice code for lenders (circular dbod. leg. no. bc. 104 /09.07.007 / 2002–03 dated may 5, 2003) as also iba’s code for collection of dues and repossession of case banks / nbfcs have their own code for collection of dues it should, at the minimum, incorporate all the terms of iba's code.
Banks / nbfcs / their agents should not resort to intimidation or harassment of any kind, either verbal or physical, against any person in their debt collection efforts, including acts intended to humiliate publicly or intrude the privacy of the credit card holders’ family members, referees and friends, making threatening and anonymous calls or making false and misleading representations.

Redressal of grievances :
If a complainant does not get satisfactory response from the bank / nbfc within a maximum period of thirty (30) days from the date of his lodging the complaint, he will have the option to approach the office of the concerned banking ombudsman for redressal of his grievance/s. the bank / nbfc shall be liable to compensate the complainant for the loss of his time, expenses, financial loss as well as for the harassment and mental anguish suffered by him for the fault of the bank and where the grievance has not been redressed in time.

According to the points imposed by rbi, I am very much liable to get compensation as I was not at any point of time given any valid proofs, documentations etc and was not satisfactorily answered for my complaint raised with sbi instead am threatened to pay dues for which I am not liable to pay.

This is the last time I am mailing to sort out the issue once and for all and send me a letter stating no dues from my side.

Hoping a favourable reply from you end as well as from royal sundaram regarding this issue.

Thanks and regards,
Sonu thaker

Re:'caseid=[protected]'dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker
Thursday, 31 may, 2007 10:55 am
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"sonu thaker"
Dear mr. sonu thaker,

Thank you for writing to sbi cards.

This is with reference to your communication dated may 30 2007 regarding your sbi card account.

Insurance related:
We have taken note of your request regarding cancellation of royal sundaram insurance, and would like to assure you that the same has been forwarded to concerned department. we would be intimating you shortly on the status of the same.

Collection follow up:
We would like to share with you that collection follow-ups were done on your card as the account was past due. however, we would like to apologize for the inconvenience that may have been caused to you.

Please be advised that the information communicated to you through our representative was intended to keep you informed about the outstanding balance on your card account, in order to prevent any further charges being levied on your card account.

We understand the disappointment, which may have been caused to you. however, we would like to reiterate that the communication was sent to you in good faith and to keep you updated on the outstanding balances payable to us on your card account.
In case of any further queries on the sbi card, we would request you to reply at feedback. [protected] without altering the subject line or call our 24 hours, 7 days a week, at our local helpline number [protected] or [protected] (for bsnl and mtnl users).

Yours sincerely,

Ajay bharti
Avp - customer service

— original message —
From: sonu thaker ([protected]
Date: wednesday, may 30, 2007 07:09 pm
To: head. [protected] (head. [protected]; feedback. [protected] (feedback. [protected]
Cc: cutomer. [protected]@in. (cutomer. [protected]@in.
Subject: dispute for card no : [protected] - sonu thaker

Dear mr. ajay bharti,

My name is sonu thaker and my credit card no is [protected]. I am writing this e-mail to you in regards to the issue I am facing from your collection team regarding insurance charges from royal sundaram.

Some days after I got my sbi card, I had got a call from your executive regarding this insurance policy that you were offering. the executive told me many things about it and was too lengthy to remember each and every point about it. hence I told him that if possible can I get some documents regarding the same so that I can go through it and then decide whether or not to opt for the policy. your executive told me that for documents to be sent, he will have to register me for the same and I gave all my details unaware of the problems and the trauma I will be facing. after getting the documents I called up local number and instructed that I don’t want to opt for the policy and not to send me any bills regarding the same.

After some time I got a call from executive regarding the minimum amount that is payable for the bill sent to me. I told them that, I had already instructed not to send me any bills and hence wanted the charges to be reversed. but after talking to en number of executives and supervisors the same thing was not resolved. earlier even nobody was aware of what these charges were for and they just kept on telling me that you have made some purchases and you will have to pay the money and we will be sending our persons to collect the same. even after requesting them to transfer the lines to some superior person with whom I can speak to.. I was always told that you can speak with us and we will be resolving the same.

I am getting calls on a daily basis for the same thing. most of the names are neha, gagan deep singh, anup, rudra pratap singh etc etc etc…. once I also had talk with pravin who claimed that he is the supervisor and he assured me that he will look into the matter and resolve the same and I will not be getting any calls from sbi.

From last one month I have been getting calls from your collection department practically early morning each day – to my mobile as well as my residence number.

On 29/05/07 (yesterday) I got a call from rudra pratap singh who is an executive at your gurgaon or noida office (tel no from which I receive call is +[protected] / +[protected]). he started the conversation that – “oh you are the same person who has disputes regarding the policy” – I had got several calls from that guy earlier and he very well knew what the issue was. I asked him if you know the issue why are you calling me up again and again and irritating me – doesn’t you bank cost anything calling up a guy in mumbai from delhi – his reply was that it is free for us. that answer hit me and I told him that because you have free calls to make you keep on harassing us – his reply was “ aapko shoukh hai outstanding rakne ka”.
That very moment I lost my temper and gave him bad words (I am really sorry for that – as it was just out of frustration for receiving the same calls again and again on a daily basis) as he was not ready to keep the phone and was arguing illogically. seeing this my manager who was also aware of this calls being made to me daily also got frustrated, snatched the phone from my hands – gave bad words and told him to close the call. he also told him that “ did bank gave you bad words before issuing the card to you “
After I disconnected the call this guy again called up and asked me to use bad words and told me that he was enjoying it. I again disconnected the call after fulfilling his request.

After this rudra pratap singh called my residence number and threatened my parents that he will be sending some guys for collections and that you son will not be spared. after this call my dad (who is also working in bank of baroda) who has just been through a bypass surgery was so tensed and his bp rose to a very high level that he needed medical attention and he also didn’t go to work.

Sir…this came as a real shock to me and now I have also decided that if this situation continues, I was also go for legal help. I am also a senior officer in collections dept in an nbfc firm. I also know how money is collected …. but certainly not in this manner…what has my family to do with this issues…why are they being threatened and harassed?
As far as I understand.. if premium has not been paid the policy gets automatically dissolved and I am not supposed to make any claims on that …you cannot force anybody to use the policy if they don’t want to!

I am using icici card / hsbc card for a very long time now and am a regular payer. you can check the same if required. since my brother (who is an asst manager in centurion bank of punjab) is using sbi card and that there are a lot of good things that the card offers I opted for this card. but now I am cursing myself and the day when I chose to go for this card.

My only reason to write this big mail is that there are some systems and process and sbi as the name is enough doesn’t seem to follow it or maybe executives like rudra pratap singh are spoiling the name of such an esteemed organization.

I want an reply on the above issue and also for your as well as the company benefit …I would prefer some strict action is taken against executives like rudra pratap singh.

I have already called up you customer service number again and have informed them of the incidences and have instructed them to cancel my royal sundaram policy and my complaint numer is [protected].

I am very much upset about the whole issue and am very much frustrated with the way your guys speak to cutomers…once again I am requesting you to instruct your collection dept not to call up my residence number as they already have my cell number and can speak at any time with me in person. I was looking forward to use sbi card and to use the great offers that they give but the above incidence has not left me with any other alternative then to cancel the card.

Expecting a favorable response from you and customer service team.

Thanking you,

Sonu thaker

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Update by Sonu Thaker
Apr 28, 2008 10:56 am EDT

I have being wrongly levied charges for promotional Insurance offer given to me without my consent of opting for the same.
I am being sent legal letters and am being threatened that my matter will be taken to court for charges which i am not liable to pay. There are no proper responses given and senior officials as well as the tele calling reps have a rude attitude.

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Oct 15, 2008 11:53 pm EDT


Today I saw your complient division and I want to make one complaient and some insurance bills are adding to my account which I rejected long back. If it so I am not going to paying to pay the same.Except the bank amount only I am goin to pay. I am not having phone number to make complient, so I am sending the information through you.
My card Number is [protected] .
So please do the needful help .

Thanking you Sir.

Yours truly

Cell no; [protected]

jagdish hiraman chaudhri
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Sep 20, 2008 1:24 am EDT


jagdish hiraman chaudhri
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Sep 20, 2008 1:23 am EDT

unwanted charges for promotional offers.

8:08 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] total anomallies in cr. card account-non receipt of statements & nonresponce from service provider

Inspite of repeated cmmunications on phone.& in writing sent thru' Speed Post & Regd Post A/D, the company remains totaly elusive to requests to send my Card Statements for the last ONE year .On the other hand Recovery Agents are contiuouskly harrassing me on phone though I have been making Regular payments over the yyear -April 07 to April 08 a toatal sum of Rs. 43, 541/00 paid.
I am at complete dark as to how my payments have beencredited & adjusted agianst my dues each month over last one year

Please help me out. Thanks

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Anil Supanekar
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Jul 23, 2008 11:39 pm EDT

My experience with SBI Cards is similar. They don't send monthly statements in time some times for months & then demand late payment charges.

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May 22, 2008 5:28 am EDT

am holding SBI credit card & Card No >the way Customer care handles terrible for this i can give few incidents.
>1. when i opted for balance transfer in the month of DEC 07, i was promised that "balance Transfer cheque will be delivered to my Office Address on 4th of DEC 07" as per your usual time line 10 days but on request it was promised for 7 working days. When this commet meant was happened i was clearly informed due date is 5th DEC 07 if at all you can deliver with in that then i will go for BT other wise no. she commeted it will be delivered with in due date & that was not happened.
>When i called on 7th DEC 07 Ms Hemapreya give's me Currier details with sorry for Delay & actual time line is 10 working days.
>i try to call up Currier people the do not have clear track where the shipment is & they pass on another no to contact no.
>To get the shipment on seventh itself i spent minimum of Rs 50+ Finlay i could not manage to get delivered only i got promise that it will be delivered by next day.
>Even that day is also not happened. so i called on 11th Dec 07 to hafeez to check & i given all incident details.
>Because of Commentmet by SBI Customer care i was relaxed.
>after due date i was really fed-up with this service & i arranged fund from other source after due date & very next day i got massage from ICICI there was cheque transfer.
>I checked with ICICI customer care they provided with details of bank.
>because of delay payment they charged Rs 675/- in the next month statement, this was happend purely because of SBI Commitment.
>after giving the feedback to SBI Customer care, no body bother to come back with any info.
>Customer care executives are playing with terminologies which customer can not understand.
>Every time when i drop the local cheque it is taking 7 to 10 working day's. Because of the SBI cheque Clarence delay customers is finalizing.
>If i drop Cheque for CITI Bank Credit card it will be cleared with in 2 working days. I have very much confident on it, in Case of SBI really my all late payment charges are depends on SBI wish.
>I called today i e 12th April 08 to SBI Customer Care one Mr Gopinath he suggest to file a case against SBI Because you facing problem from SBI Credit Card DEP & PROCEED WITH LEAGEL LY IN THE COURT FOR Rs 675/- SBI CUSTOMER CARE CAN NOT BE DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT & for getting clarification on this month statement i was got reply, saying i need to count the 90days from the date of the cheque for BT where in i do not have cheque details, except general info i e bank name & transfer date from ICICI Bank Customer care.

5:50 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] no response to rti application


Harsh vardhan tiwari
Assistant manager
United india insurance company limited
(a government of india enterprise)
Regional office
136 feroze gandhi market
Ludhiana 146001
Res: 1599 sector 7-c, chandigarh-160019
Phone no [protected]®
Offic phone no (d) 2771867, 2771638, pbx [protected] (f) [protected]
Mobile no [protected] email [protected]
[protected] march 14, 2008

State bank of india cards
Sco 110-111 second floor sector 34 a

Dear madam,

Information under right to information act

Case id=002-455-833application no [protected] for sbi card

I am to state that I had applied for state bank of india credit card on 12th january 2008 vide application no [protected]. I telephoned sbi toll free no [protected] in regard to the status of my application and I was told that my application has been rejected on 20th february 2008.

The rejection of the application put me to great shock and disappointment, my financial creditability had come to stake. therefore I sent an email to sbi cards dated february 28, 2008 to know the reason for the rejection.

But in their reply to me I was informed that sbi decision of not accepting my proposal for issuance of card is a business decision. and that their business decision was taken in good faith and they reserve their right to enter or not to enter into a business relationship with any person and any decision in this regard, being prerogative of the bank and does not call for any explanation. they instructed me to write an email to
avp, customer
Head. [protected]
Credit cards section head. [protected]

But I got a similar reply from there. I am to state that sbi is a public sector organisation and I am also working in a public sector organisation. sbi cards does not issue cards in good faith and every decision has a solid reasoning. I am not satisfied with their reply and would like to know the reason for rejection of my application.

I have an account in sbi no [protected] (sector 7-c) chandigarh branch
I want to know if my application has been rejected on the grounds that I am listed as a defaulter in the list of credit information bureau [india] ltd (cibil) which bank has posted me as defaulter if sbi has taken decision based on their report they being member of cibil can provide me the copy of the report or the information as to which member bank has posted me as defaulter

. the bank should inform me the reason of rejection of my application.
I am enclosing bankers cheque no 667956 dated: 14.03.2008 of state bank of india sector 7 c chandigarh for rs10/- as requiste fee under right to information act.

Thanking you,

Cordially yours,

H. v. tiwari
sbi cards is not replying to my rti application dated 15.3.2008 sent by registered post please advise me whom to approach

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Sep 23, 2008 3:27 am EDT

The Chairman

Dear Sir,
As per my complaint send to you through e-mail regarding scrutiny of my transaction in the period of 2005 and 2006, due to which my Rs 45, 200/- sum of money has gone in vain, I am not satisfied with the statement which you have send to me on 19th Sep 08 because of the following reasons :

1)You have mentioned the same ATM Card number for the two account numbers, i.e.A/c no:[protected] have ATM card number 2985 as well as 35050, .
But, infact A/c no11094091259 have ATM card no:[protected]
and A/c no:[protected] have ATM Card no:[protected]

2) Now, the problem lies in the time of withdrawal . According to your statement, you have mentioned that, the money was withdrawn at about midnight which is impossible for me . i.e. Rs15000/- withdrawn on 21st Apr2005 at 21:35:29 hours, next, Rs10, 000/- was withdrawn on 15th july 2005 at 23:39:16 hours and finally, Rs 5000/-was withdrawn on 7th May 2005 at 23:44:31 hours .

3) If, money has been withdrawn, then you should have been given the names and branch of the ATMs . Then, I would have inquired it.

Please look up the matter very Seriously from your side, and please convey to the higher authority because its the matter of my HARD EARNED money .Please give due respect to it and I expect some positive results at the earliest.

Yours faithfully
Accounts in : PHUSRO BAZAR, PIN:829104, Dt:Bokaro Steel City
Phone number:[protected]

8:52 pm EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] fraud and always deliver wrong information

Business associates of sbi card called me several time, offering Encash amount on card.On their undue pressure, i accepted.They sent me the charges different from told by bank.
Although, i paid excess amount of total unbilled amount well before time.Then also, they penalised me and charged late fine at next statement.I told them that my account statement shows much balance at advance, they argued badly and told to pay more and the advance credited amount could not be have to spent on purchases the credit amount.
Is this not a fraud? I paid rs 4000 instead of rs 2000 in advance of next EMI.Then also levy interest charges on my adavance amount from me.This is a great "GUNDAGARDI"

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Jun 22, 2009 5:53 am EDT

some hacker used my card online to book online tickets & phone bills. I sent a written request to look in matter, reverse charges but these so called GE people who manage the SBi card are use less its been a month and they have done nothing.

moreover since past 2 weeks these chu***s are calling me eevery morning at 8AM, Im spite of telling to call after 10 these idiots dont understand, sometimes if 1 idiot is not enough other calls - seems they have no work but just call. they cant even talk properly and dont even have specific point.

SBI should sack out the GE guys and get some one better to mange the cards bzi, else just drop it all together. such ###edup backend support and mostly idiots talking with no end in sight.

6:45 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] I did not receive monthly statement

I have a problem with the monthly bill statement. Earlier I used to receive couple of days before the due date. However I used to pay the amount to avoid late payment. But this time it is ridiculous I paid the due amount but till now I didnot receive my monthly statement. If this gonna happen again I will deactivate my account. Earlier I lodged complaint stating that am not receiving my monthly statement on time. However your executive person assured that he will not repeat it again. But still there is no change infact it has become worst.
Hence I kindly request you to send statement as soon as possible.

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Dec 01, 2008 8:18 am EST

Dear sir,
I am sorry to say that i have received amounting Rs30, 000/- offered by you interest free for a month.On Telefonic confirmation taken by your representative, I ask for made EMI for a year because i had refuse to take this offer.Latte your representative deputed for collection of payment received payment regularly on their sweet-well but i did not receipt any statement bill since March, 08 to July, 08.Then i sent an E-Mail .
On my reqest made by E-Mail i have received statement Bili on my E-Mail.While going through bill it has noticed that Little amount credit in my sbicard.Latter wherever your representative ask for payment i told that please in corporate EMI for a year but no response received back.Then i given feed back ot GE but action found in vain.
You are requested to please stop this unfair practice and act as per RBI Act, and adjust my amount paid w.e.f March, 08 to till date.Other wise i will compel to raised this dispute before consumer form and responsibility well rest upon your shoulder.This may treat one month advance notice.

Yours sincerely

rakhi wadhwani
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Oct 14, 2008 2:20 am EDT

not reicieving the statement.

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Apr 25, 2008 5:27 am EDT

I can not recived statment of my sbi card .So please send on my e-mail id

11:40 am EDT

State Bank of India [SBI] slow working of employees

dear sir,
with due respect i want to state that i have deposited a Axis bank, Bhagalpur branch's Demand Draft into my State bank of India, burnpur branch(code-0049) on 20th feb, 2008. but the money is not encashed. they have sended the reminder so many times tothe state bank of India, Bhagalpur branch but they are not entertaning on the reminder.
it is my kind request to you to please look into my matter and solve it as soon as possible.

yours sincerly,

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Jan 10, 2011 3:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Non-revision of State Govt. Pension (Madhya Pradesh Govt.)

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Oct 03, 2010 6:36 am EDT


My ATM card is transaction. please do the needful.

Dr.jitendra Rao
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Apr 20, 2010 9:03 am EDT

Very worst service all over india

krishnanand anvekar
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Apr 02, 2010 6:31 am EDT

lost atm card at Karwar. a/c no : [protected], navanagar branch, kudal, maharastra.

ajay k sharma
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Jul 18, 2009 9:52 am EDT


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May 07, 2009 6:43 am EDT

sbi charges high

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Dec 01, 2011 3:05 pm EST

SBI sucks, i was having 3000 in my account, it was my month end, when i try to withdraw money from other banks ATM, all the ATM s are saying, unable to process, but my 3000 got debited, my account sent to 0 balance, now i don't have even single money on hand. Just make a visit to any branch of SBI, they are not employees, they behave like street sweepers, they think that they are the king of the SBI empire, no one is there to ask questions, they will not respond, Finally SBI sucks...

ramesh yadav
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Oct 11, 2011 10:04 am EDT

Respected sir/madam,
I am customer of SBI branch sharda chambers, near to dhobi ghat, pune.I have complaint of one of your employee Mrs. Jayashree Padalkar.She doesn't co_operate with customers.Due to her many people get headache.She thinks she is so much smart.One day, I will take video shooting of her work and upload it on net.Please mam improve your self.Everyone is busy, so give importance to their time also.Your problem is that you never listen any one problem and say to wait only and doesn't give detail information of any query.According to my knowledge, every one is not related with banking, so they don't have idea how to take loan or how to proceed and such a oversmart personality is sitted there.

Madu Prakash
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Sep 23, 2011 10:07 am EDT

Date: 21.9.2011
Grievance Cell

Respected Sir,

Sub: Deletion of my husband name from the Joint Account with SBI
bearing No. [protected]

This has reference to my letter dated 17th September 2011 & my husband letters 8th Sept & 12th Sept. 2011, respectively, regarding deletion of my husband name from Joint S/B Account No.[protected] to enable me to get my pension from the Provident Fund Commissioner NOIDA.

You are requested to kindly look into the matter and do the needful at an early date, as my pension is already delayed a lot due to your not acceding to my genuine and simple request and being a senior citizen lady of 60 years of age, I am facing hardship to my survival in these hard days, as I do not have any source of income, except pension.

Needless to mention, I have contacted the Branches of other Banks as well as Private Banks, they all opined that this is a genuine and simple request and the SBI, the largest bank in the country and looking to the needs of his customers, should have no difficulty to accept this simple and genuine request of a senior citizen, since you are neither asking for ATM Card/ Debit Card, nor any loan, Housing Loan or transfer of money etc. but are simply asking for deletion name of your husband from the Joint S/B Account, which you are having with your husband to get your hard earned pension from the Provident Fund’s Office for your survival, being the senior citizen of 60 years. Moreover, when the Provident Fund Commissioner looking to your olden age, sufferings & ailments has been kind enough to instruct his staff to send your pension immediately in your account and advised you to get deleted your husband name from your Joint S/B Account, since opening of a new account will unnecessarily create problems of lengthy procedure such as filling of new P.F. Forms 18 Form 10 & Form 5 & Form 6 A etc and getting it attested by the previous employer and photos etc have also to be attested again and as such pension will be definitely delayed.

It would not be out of place to mention that all your services such as Customer care service, Grievance Cell and sending SMS on [protected] with the words ‘UNHAPPY’, have failed, I didn’t get any positive response to my sufferings. You are, therefore, humbly requested to kindly accede to genuine request of an old lady of 60 years, who is suffering from several ailments send your favourably reply on my Mobile Nos. [protected]/ [protected] or mail at my address given below

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

95/8A D.D.A Flats
New Delhi -110091

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Sep 16, 2011 6:38 am EDT

Speed post/Registered Post

Dated:- Friday, September 16, 2011
From :- Prakash Chandra Singh Correspondence Address
Village - Parsa, Prakash Chandra Singh
Post Launa 5/521 A, Ist. Floor,
Via Tarapur, Indra Colony,
Distt. Munger SONEPAT – 131001
BIHAR 813221 [protected], [protected]

The Manager,
State Bank of India,
Collage Road, Tarapur,
Munger, 813221

Dear Sirs/Madam,

I am sorry to inform you that we have fund transfer from our saving account Bank of India, Hawali Kharagpur Branch, to our Saving account State Bank Of India Collage Road Tarapur, Munger, Bihar vide cheque no. 398001 dated 24.02.2011 Rupees 15000/- deposit State Bank of India in our saving account no. [protected] as on 05.03.2011 but seven month passed not credit my account till now, after than we have connect Bank of India Kharagpur Branch and trace out of Bank account and Bank statement clear showing Rs. 15000/- Bank of India debited my S/B account as on 09.06.2011. we want knowing that your no responsibility wherein cheque long time or no putting record.

Therefore request that please trace out of above cheque which account credited and transfer to our account along with interest immediately,

I shall be great full if the same

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

S/B A/c no.

8:29 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I have a SB account with SBI-Redfields Branch, Coimbatore. I used SBI atm card in Canara bank and Punjab National Bank ATM machines in National Games Village, Koramangala,Bangalore on 1st Feb,2008 around 7.00 PM to retrieve an amount of Rs.3,200/-. The transaction has been declined in both machines, but the amount of Rs.3,228 has been debited from...

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6:16 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] fraud at sbi

This may be weird, but this actually have happened and guess who the "bad boy" is - yes the SBI's. One fine day during November '06 I got a phone call from SBI that a transaction have been made on a card owned by me. I immediately showed them a surprise as the card they were talking about never landed to me. Needless to say they registered a case of Fraud in the cards fate.

I immediately wrote a mail to "feedback.[protected]" and "head.[protected]" providing the information in written. Again to the surprise, except for the automated replies not a single reply came from there end till date.

During the start of the year 2007, I contacted few of their so called "supervisors" and expressed my Grievance that inspite of not having the card and a so-called fraud case going in its name, why should I receive a statement every month. Their reply was to ignore such statements and continue with them for some time as long they can settle the matter.

Starting mid-of-the-year the real pictures was unfolded and their so-called recovery agents started calling me. Literally at some point of time I actually had to spoke the same story for 2-3 times a day.

On conveying this to the SBI heads once again, told me to once again ignore such calls and they will put up a inter-office notice on the issue.

All was going right till yesterday when I got a call from a SBI lawyer (Serior advocate Mr. K L. Pradhan - [protected]) that they are putting a case with the police about the whole thing. I told Mr.Pradhan of the year long story once again. To my surprise once again, he was not aware of the proceeding and told me that he is going to look into the matter with SBI headoffice. I immediately talked with a SBI "supervisor" (Mr Milind this time) and pressed him to look into the matter unless I will have no option other than to approach the media or consumer court.

Mr.Milind assured to solve this within the next two days.

Need advice to what to do.

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Nov 13, 2008 3:40 pm EST

what to do if i hav credited the money in somebody else's account :-) would i be able to get my money back

Anik Roy
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Aug 08, 2008 8:34 am EDT

Dear Sir,
I, Anik Roy a permanent resident of Barovisha, Dist.-Jalpaiguri, WB .I secured 71% in 10th standard, 55.3% in 12th standard and 71% in graduation(B.C.A, 2008 passout).

Today when I went to SBI Barovisha, P.O-Barobisha, Dist-Jalpaiguri, WB, PIN-736207(Branch code 07144) to get bank loan to pursue MCA in Manipal University, the bank manager refused to give me the loan.If I don't get this loan my dreams of getting higher education will be crushed.
I, will be highly obliged if you could instruct the bank so thet I can fulfill my dreams.

Thank and Regards,
Anik Roy

9:29 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] non payment of pension

This is regarding SBI Heerabagh. I am a central pensioner. The Central Processing Cell has not processed the ourpensions so far from January. About this already I have registered a compalint here. So far no action has been taken either by SBI or this cell. I request that immediate action may kindly be taken to solve the problerm of ours to see that by end of this month atleast we may get out pension. About this I have already sent to you on 7th of this month. Immesiuate attention is solicited -- K. Santosh Kumar.

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Sep 12, 2011 6:46 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear sir,
I have posted my comment to adjust my service pension & pay arrears to my pension A/C .Regret to inform you that no action has been taken in this regard.please do needful expedite prompt action ant acknowledge the comment.
GK Khandelwal

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Aug 25, 2011 9:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear sir,
This is with reference to your letter CPPC/07/[protected] dated 19/5/2011, My case for counting of Boys/Apprentice training period towards pensioner benefits have been finalized vide letter no.DP/BOYS/202899K & I have received a copy of corrigendum PPO bearing No.Corr/09/97/B/S/9243/10 dated 27/10/2010, same it has been forwarded to you for your action.The arrears of difference is not paid to my pension A/C NO.[protected]. it regret to inform you that no action has been taken to settle my arrears and my pension also not adjusted accordingly to 6CPC .I request you to expedite prompt action in this regard.
Yours truly

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Aug 25, 2011 7:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear sir,
This is with reference to your letter CPPC/07/[protected] dated 19/5/2011, My case for counting of Boys/Apperntice training period towards pensioner benefits have been finalized vide letter no.DP/BOYS/202899K & I have received a copy of corrigendum PPO bearing No.Corr/09/97/B/S/9243/10 dated 27/10/2010, same it has been forwarded to you for your action.The arrears of difference is not paid to my pension A/C NO.[protected].I request you to expedite prompt action in this regard.
Yours truly

v sekhar reddy
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Jul 27, 2011 5:48 am EDT

my name is v sekhar reddy i have been waiting for my pension since many days i request kindly to credit my pension as soon as ppo no is [protected] and you can reply to email id

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Feb 05, 2011 6:35 am EST

i am mishreelal birle retired from border security force after complete 21 years of service . i am receiving pension from SBI branch dhakalgaon dist khargone MP . my ppo no [protected] and account no [protected] . i deposited my live certificate in the month of nov. 2010 but till date due to careless of branch manager till date my pension is blocked last 2-3 month and he in not interested to do this type of work .many time i reported at branch office in bank. also i 2-3 times connect at CPPC bhopal centre but they return me and told that this will done only by your branch manager by hid ID and password .but the brabch manager doed not do this . he is not interested .return again and again also in that branch other then me more then 20 pensioners suffering this problems and again and again quarrel with branch manager . now i what will do i am thinking for consumer cort for this case . kindly suggest me to solve this problem i am suffering finincial. i hope as soon as solve this problem

thanking you

mishreelal birle

rajendra singh s/o late I.P Singh
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Sep 22, 2010 8:10 pm EDT

I, Rajendra Singh, no. 165186-Z, Rank -EX PO, retired from Navy on 31/07/2001. Vide LRDO NO-07/2001/PART-3 SI. No. 069 Dt. 01 JUl 2001, And holding the PPO NO.09/97/B/S/1656/2001dated 21/06/2001. From 01/08/2001 to 31/07/2008. I was getting my service pension on regular basis through state bank of India ADB Jhinjhak Kanpur Dehat, U.P. Branch Code- 6589.
But from 01/08/2008 onward my Pension was stoped without any prior information/ notice.

When, I came to know that my service Pension is stopped. I had written an application to Pension A/C Bank branch Manager. In reply he told me, that your Pension File was dispatched to
special cell S.B.I Allahabad by mistake your pension File was missplaced/ lost. after that Bank Manager has written a Letter to C.D.A (Navy ) Mumbai for issue of new P.P.O as per above Pensioner.But we have nil solution found from your end. I have also written an application to Staff Officer ( Pension ) CABS Mankhurda Mumbai to resolve our pension issue but he has also not given any reply. Kindly, investigate the matter and if required issue new P.P.O as soon as possible. because non receipt of Pension, education of my Children is being disturbed. My personel and Bank details are given below.

Rajendra Singh S/O Late Indrapal Singh
Rank- EX PO
P.P.O No.- 09/97/B/S/01656/2001/dt 21/6/2001
Length of service.- 15 yrs
Bank A/C No. [protected] (new )- old [protected].
PMT Address
Vill- Ratanpur
P.O- Ratanpur ( via Rasulabad )
Dist- Kanpur Dehat (U.P )

Your's Siicerly
Rajendra Singh
Ratanpur, Kanpur- Dehat ( U.P )

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Aug 25, 2010 7:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sir(s), I have gone through all the complaints. I appreciate the SBI because there is no any single complaint booked on souther Regions of SBI. I really proud of the work done by the Souther Region SBI officers and staffs to work promptly to their best. Wishes to Souther Region SBI staffs and officers. I am also a pensioner from SBI Chennai.

Rupesh Kumar Mishra
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Jul 04, 2010 12:44 am EDT
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I, Rupesh Kumar Mishra, Ex Hav of Indian army had made a complaints regarding non receipt of exact pension. Reply on the above subject still awaited. My email address -

An early reply on the above subject will be highly appreciated for me.

Thanking you,

Rupesh Kumar Mishra
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Jun 22, 2010 11:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

No 6391695H Ex Hav Village - Parastarai
Rupesh Kumar Mishra Post - Dharsiwa
Police Station – Dharsiwa
Teh & Distt – Raipur (CG)
Pin - 493221

The Manager
State Bank of India
Centralised Pension Cell
Regional Office, Bhopal (M.P.)

The Manager
State Bank of India
PB No 29/61, Raipur
Distt – Raipur (CG)

The Manager
State Bank of India
Industrial Estate Urla
Distt – Raipur, 493221



1. Please refer to PPO No. S/056723/2008 (Army) dated 12 Dec 2008 and corrigendum PPO No. S/CORR/216481/2009 dated 26 Nov 2009.

2. I, Rupesh Kumar Mishra have been retired from Indian Army on 30 Nov 2008. As per PPO No S/056723/2008 (Army) dated 12 Dec 2008, I was granted basic pension Rs. 2659/- + DA as admissible time to time. Prior to the receipt of corrigendum PPO, I was getting pension of Rs. 2659/- + DA correctly. As per sixth-pay commission, a corrigendum PPO No S/CORR/216481/2009 dated 26 Nov 2009 was issued by Principal CDA (Pension) Allahabad, which was forwarded by ASC Records (South), Bangalore vide their letter No 6391695/Pen/REV CELL/NEPG dated 08 Jan 2010 addressed to The Manager, State Bank of India, PB No 29/61, Raipur and copy forwarded to The Manager, State Bank of India, Industrial Estate, Urla, Distt – Raipur, in which the following amount have been granted to me: -

(a) Arrears of gratuity - Rs. 22, 506/-
(b) Arrears of Commutation of pension- Rs. 1, 08, 206/-
(c) Enhanced rate of ordinary pension- FOR – Rs. 2659/- READ – Rs. 6955/-
(d) Normal rate of ordinary pension- FOR – Rs. 2093/- READ – Rs. 4173/-

3. According to above corrigendum PPO the amount of arrears of gratuity and commutation of pension has correctly been credited in my account on 22 Mar 2010. However, pension credited in my A/C during last three months are as under: -

(a) Mar 2010 - Rs. 1472/-
(b) Apr 2010 - Rs. 1472/-
(c) May 2010 - Rs. 1844/-

4. The above amounts of pension are not understood. In addition to above, the arrears of pension from Dec 2008 to till date have also been not credited in my A/C.

5. In view of the above, you are requested to recheck my corrigendum PPO and do the needful to credit my outstanding amount as per details mentioned above.

Thanking you,

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Apr 26, 2010 7:25 am EDT
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The Manager,
State Bank of India,
Centralised Pension Accounts,
CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai

Dt. 26.04.2010


My father Shri V.P. Naidu who was working for Central Railway On Solapur division, retired from Railway service and he was drawing his pension from SBI Daund Branch, Dist. Pune. His original PPO No. is CR/10718/155438 and his Pension Account No. is [protected]. He went missing from Mumbai from 3.9.2005. My mother has applied for family pension to the Railway Authority i.e. Divisional Railway Manager (P) Solapur Division.
Sr. Divisional Accounts Officer vide their letter No.A/SUR/SETT/RG dt. 25.11.2009 has asked SBI Daund Branch to return the original PPO so as to issue family pension to my mother. And have further asked the Daund branch that if the original PPO is not traceable a undertaking may be submiited to their Office. I approached Daund branch on 20.2.2010 who stated that the original PPO is not available in Daund Branch and the certificate which have been asked by Sr.DFM SUR| cannot be given by us. and therefore SBI Daund Branch have written a letter to your bank on 26.02.2010 and sent by speed post which has been stated by Mr. Tamboli of Daund Branch. I have approached many times in the Belapur Branch but till date your bank has not received the letter. It is surprising to note that such type of delaying tactics are being played by your staff with we poor people. It is the question of a poor women for her further survival.

I view of the above I would request you to look into the matter personally and solve the problem by giving justice to my poor mother.

Thanking you,

yours faithfully,

Mrs. D.P. Naidu
RB/II/9/13, C.Rly. Qtrs,
GTB Nagar,
Mumbai - 400 037

3:16 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] sbi card payment


I regret to inform you my experience with SBI card. This is complete unprofessional.

From long time I was interacting with SBI card officiate for reversing the wrong entry and payment from my account and initially there was no response.

Suddenly, i have received on letter dated 7.7.07(Copy Attached herewith) from SBI about one time full and final settlement of Rs.4397.66/-. i was advised to pay this amount for closure of the case. I was also advised to withdraw all dispute in the case.

Accordingly, on 7.7.07 itself I have paid Rs.4398/- in cash (receipt is attached herewith).

Now the case is after the payment also I am receiving payment statement. I have contacted your local office in nashik and mentioned to them this concern. I got the answer saying that the office takes time to settle the account in the system and I need not to worry about this statement.

This month also I have received the statement including all late charges and tax payment.

I consider this as cheating to the customer. This is not acceptable.
I can't believe that your system takes one years time to get data updated.

I hereby advise you to stop sending payment statement as the matter is settled and closed.

If I receive next statement I will take the matter to the legal appropriate authority including police case putting specific names included in this dealing.

All copies are attached herewith for your ready reference. Pleas get back with immediate action and close the matter.

Ajay Ambewadikar

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Jun 22, 2009 5:52 am EDT

some hacker used my card online to book online tickets & phone bills. I sent a written request to look in matter, reverse charges but these so called GE people who manage the SBi card are use less its been a month and they have done nothing.

moreover since past 2 weeks these chu***s are calling me eevery morning at 8AM, Im spite of telling to call after 10 these idiots dont understand, sometimes if 1 idiot is not enough other calls - seems they have no work but just call. they cant even talk properly and dont even have specific point.

SBI should sack out the GE guys and get some one better to mange the cards bzi, else just drop it all together. such ###edup backend support and mostly idiots talking with no end in sight.

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May 02, 2009 3:44 am EDT

About SBI credit card services.

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May 02, 2009 3:44 am EDT

I am just new to SBI card and I was surpraised to get the first month statement with some stupid charges to pay, even before the card delivery. SBI just does not care customers. Looks like SBI sole purpose is to grab money as much as possible by unethical means. I am sick of the card within a month and got it cancelled. My sincere advice is please be away as much as you can from SBI sick services.


9:58 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] kindly reverse the money that I was paid for delay payment


My card no :[protected]

i am relocated from madurai to chennai, as before i have informed to
change the address new one as mentioned below

22/13,Bunder garden IInd Street,

Still the address was not updated, i have dialed your help line number multiple times
they are note the address, but not update the same. Because of this i am not
receive the monthly statement in time , I have loosed so much of money due to this problem.

One fine morning, i have received the call from direct SBI CARD Guys regarding
sbi new insurance policy, I have explained my situation clearly to that guy ,
he also accept to reverse the money that i was paid for delay payment and he provided the new insurance policy.I remember that,the guy name was Grirs and i have received the call from 044-[protected].( SBI office )

still my address is not updated to new one.

My card no :[protected]

From september 2006 i have paid the money to sbi card from citibank chennai mount road.but still the monthly statement went to the old address( madurai ).

Kindly reverse the money that i was paid for delay payment and update the new address.

if you are not able to do my requirement, kindly provide your address to talk face to face.

With regards
22/13, Bunder garden IInd street,

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dinesh mangla
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Sep 19, 2008 2:37 am EDT

SBI card authorities,
This is complaint mail regarding your bill delivering and your helpline executives.
My sbi card o. is [protected]
Bill for the month of august I have not received at my address. But on your system it shows that it was being delivered at my house & received by my family member. On that time I will paid the Rs. 5500 before date due to expenditure ideas. Whereever the bil was Rs. 5640. In that case Rs. 140 will be unpaid. On this amount your bank wil charge approximately Rs. 74 as financial charge. For this I have contact your helpline but they refuse to make the reversal of that amount. Now I want the reversal of that amount i.e. Rs. 74. Kindly make the attention on my previous record and I am more than 3 years old customer of card.
Please send the reply as soon as possible so that I can make the payment in time. You will inform me my mobile number which is [protected] & [protected]. you will also inform me on my e-mail id which is
Thank You.
In hoping and waiting for the reversal

Dinesh Mangla
H.No. FCA 72/A, Shyam Colony,
Near Pathwari Mandir, Ballabgarh.
Faridabad. Pin-121004
sbi card o. is [protected]
Contact no. [protected]; [protected]
E-mail address:

dinesh mangla
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Sep 19, 2008 2:34 am EDT

SBI card authorities,
This is complaint mail regarding your bill delivering and your helpline executives.
Bill for the month of august I have not received at my address. But on your system it shows that it was being delivered at my house & received by my family member. On that time I will paid the Rs. 5500 before date due to expenditure ideas. Whereever the bil was Rs. 5640. In that case Rs. 140 will be unpaid. On this amount your bank wil charge approximately Rs. 74 as financial charge. For this I have contact your helpline but they refuse to make the reversal of that amount. Now I want the reversal of that amount i.e. Rs. 74. Kindly make the attention on my previous record and I am more than 3 years old customer of card.
Please send the reply as soon as possible so that I can make the payment in time. You will inform me my mobile number which is [protected] & [protected]. you will also inform me on my e-mail id which is
Thank You.
In hoping and waiting for the reversal

Dinesh Mangla
H.No. FCA 72/A, Shyam Colony,
Near Pathwari Mandir, Ballabgarh.
Faridabad. Pin-121004
Contact no. [protected]; [protected]
E-mail address:

4:21 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] mis-guide & mis-comunicating to customer

This is the Incident of March 13th 2007, where as I received a call from SBI Chennai Collection department (Namely the person is Mr. Kartick A)to make the minimum payment against my O/s. However I agreed to make the minimum payment & also I request him to convert the balance ammount in EMI whatever the O/s or dues remain after making this minimum payment. At that time my O/s was Rs. 21,062.77/-

We both were agreed on the condition that I have to pay Rs. 1265/- till one year whose total will come Rs. 15,180/-. Further I ask him that "if I pay Rs. 15,180/- through EMI then what I have to do with the remaining balance from Rs. 21,062/-". He replied that "You can pay that balance amount at any time in that particular year".

After discusion he gave me his contact number which is [protected] Extn. 151 and [protected] and also suggest a name (Mr. Vamsi) to contact in future if I face any kind of problem in this regards. He also give a me a PIN number [protected]) to quote at Customer care for future communication.

I was very happy that the SBI understand the problems of the Customer and its a best cards in India.

According to the discussion I made the payment frquently till five month of Rs. 1200/- aprox. But when I seen my credit card statement I was surprise that it's showing Rs. 19,342.16/- whereas I expected it would be Rs. 15,062.77 or if its add some interest also it's comes Rs. 16,562.77/-.

Well I got some doubt on the statment & I immediatly rang up to Mr. Kartick on August at above mention Telephone Number from Hyderabad where I found that some body pickup the call & put the receiver on hold till 10-15 minutes and thenafter they disconnect the call without any response. I tried this number sevral time but the response was same.

Then I speak to the Customer Care & inform him the full story where he answered me that whatever the discussion was happened with Mr. Kartick on March was not processed. It is rather shocking me.

Well the communication was going on with Customer Care Executive suddenly my cell phone was disconnected due to bad network and I tried to approch that person but I was fail to contact him again.

But again what I seen in my next statement (September), that the Customer Care Executive had converted some amount of Rupees in EMI from Rs. 19,342.16 from his own wish for which I had not been informed or rather agreed.

Till December I made the payment of Rs. 1852/-, 3800/- then I ask for settlement of my Credit card from Collection Department and aslo send a mail to feedback.[protected] as I am receiving a call from them every day to make the minmum payment.

Now its Feb 2008 (In between Dec - Feb) I do spoke with so many Collection Exceutive whose name are Mr. Mahesh, Mr. Imran Khan and many more. They are promising me to make the minmum payment and my account will settle in One Week. Till now I had made the payment of Rs. 2000/-, and Rs. 1850/- to SBI but still now I had not been received any call from SBI for settlement.

But when I speak to Customer Care regarding this they said those who are informed or promised to you for settlement of your Credit Card ask them only to settle the A/c. I had been also tried to approch them from my Cell phone but the thing is only their welcome music is playing while I am making the call.

I had been also forwarded this complaint via mail to head.[protected] & feedback.[protected] on 17th Jan 2008 but still I had not received any response from them also.

This is what they (GE-SBI) are doing Unproffesional & Unfair business with customer.

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Jul 23, 2008 11:38 pm EDT

Dear Sir,

applied for SBI credit Card, one week back I Received application number([protected]) but even i didn't get any information.
i need status about my application.

Please send reply as early as possible

2:50 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] telephonic harrassment even after depositing full payment cheque in sbi drop box

Dear Sir,
I am lodging a complaint through this e-mail about the telephonic harassment by SBI. The current dated cheque No.005468 of Rs34500, drawn on SBI, Main Branch Gondia, Maharastra, for the payment due on 7th February 2008 against my SBI Credit card number [protected] was dropped in the drop box of SBI branch, Malad(E), Mumbai on 3rd Feb. 2008. A week after that , one of my acquaintance, I call him Uncle, started getting 2-3 phone calls a day asking for the payment. I used the same number as my contact number. Every time he told the SBI executive, that the cheque has already been deposited. So far he has received more than 20 calls in15 days. Those executives were unable to tell the status of the cheque deposited on 3rd Feb. and instead asking for one more cheque of the same amount advising me to stop payment of the previous cheque. Presently I am out of country, cant stop the payment of earlier cheque. How can I make the due payment twice. Even if i make the payment in case of misplaced cheque, they should send me an e-mail stating the fact and assuring not to en cash the previous cheque after I issue a new cheque.

I therefore request the grievances cell of RBI to please look into the matter urgently to stop this harassment by SBI.

Thanking you

Vijay Kumar Bisen

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sanjay kumar jain
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Jun 20, 2008 4:41 am EDT

Please send me contact no. (Mobile/phone) for complaint

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Jun 12, 2008 11:28 pm EDT


11:01 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

State Bank of India [SBI] credit card rejected always

I have applied for sbi credit cards two times in a year, they have taken all the important documents, after some days I recieved verification call on my cell and also on my landline numbers etc. After that I got sms that your request has been proceeded, after that I recieved another sms that your card is rejected due to some reasons. I called their customer care and ask for reason but they are not ready to give any reason of rejection. Then again after 7 months I applied and again same procedure happened. They always says that now this time it will be approved and everytime they rejected, atleast they can provide me the reasons so that next time I will take care of that.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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subhash kumar gorai
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Nov 04, 2014 7:25 am EST
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card misplace but till now card is not locked.

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Jul 17, 2012 8:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had applied for sbi credit card and had submitted all the relevant documents to the executive. However the application rejected twice.henceforth let me know what was the criteria to apply the sbi gold card.

i have hdfc credit card from last 2 years and making the outstanding on time and having a good limit of 53000 & even i have several card of scb.

i received the sms on 014/07/2012 stating that your app no.[protected] will be processed in 21 days & speak to customer service IVR line we are unable to accept request for SBI card as it does not meet out internal policy requirements for card issuance"..I do not know the exact reason for rejection.when i called to person who has taken my application and documents is now not lifting or responding to my call.

i am not getting the exact reason, where on othert side my other friend, they are not making there payment on timely but still they offer for the sbi card, iam not understand on what basis u people giving the card .i never make any default on any of the bank & i submitted a proper documents of mine, if u required any other let me know...i can help u on that, but with out any reason u have declined the card twice.

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Sep 28, 2008 2:12 am EDT

sir, my name vishal sharma my Date of brith 15.3 .1979, my mother name shushma sharma, i am living in delhi at shahdara, sir I complaint to u that I may not apply SBI credit card but in few dayes I recive call of your sbi calling centre he ask me, vishal u recvied sbi credit card by currier but i ask him i never apply sbi credit card and i am not recived any annone card but he ask me that my sbi creditcard has been send currier and that person disconnect call, sir I say to u if any creditcard apply to my name plz REJECTED CARD OR A DISATIVE beacouse this is a fake apply any person plz note myproblem and take a action if not action i can not responcible thank, vishal

12:00 am EST
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SBI Online facilities are a completewaste of time. None of their sites, 'onlinesbi' and 'sbicreditcards' work. They proudly announce their site 'onlinesbi' everywhere, but no one can ever log in to their site with the password they give. I have been trying for more than 3 months now since when I got my first user name and password and applied four time...

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12:00 am EST

State Bank of India [SBI] mental torture after payment

Hi! This is a totally disgruntled guy here who has suffered a lot after having paid all my dues to the worst credit card company I have come across-sbi cards and the worst set of people working for it. I have cleared my payment in the month of august 2005 and after all these years they send people home asking for a settlement. I hold cards of all major companies for the past 15 years and this has by far been the worst experience in this regard. I would request people to be careful when you are applying for a card from sbi becoz initially they are very sweet to you later they take the life out of you and your family.

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Nasir Ali Khan
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Jan 23, 2008 8:14 am EST

In response to your Advocate Notice vide no. QL/150/JAN/08/9735 dated 01/08/2008 I would like to bring down various concerns into your kind notice regarding the outstanding dues against my Credit Card No. [protected] which has been communicated many times through your Helpline as well as made it clear when received the call from your office:
(1) I possessed the card on Oct’06.
(2) Till March’07 Statement, the account was clear as all the payments were made on time.
(3) The purchase worth Rs.180 made on 11/03/2007 which was projected on April’07 statement got delayed as I was on tour. The due date was on 26/04/2007.I received the call from your collection agency on around 1st week of May’07 regarding due payment and mentioned that failing which the interest charges will be levied on the same. I paid Rs.190 (Projected on June statement) on the very next day which was collected by one of their lad.
To the surprise of mine the interest charges of Rs.712.25 were levied on the transactions of worth Rs.29569.00 made in between 11/04/2007 to 22/04/07 although the due date of that cycle was 26/05/2007.
After receiving the statement of May’07 I called your Help Line cell for the clarification of such interest charge and since she was also not clear of the same she got it cleared with her senior and informed me. The moment I knew these reprehensible charges I blocked my card immediately as I didn’t want to use such card where the facts were being concealed to the end user and later trying to en-cash the un-ethical charges.
I have following concerns which need to address in the direction to get the outcome:
# Such charges were concealed at the time of collecting the documents and were being informed that the interest will be charged only on the outstanding dues.
# Had been I defaulter my Principal Amount would not be zero. The entire amount projected in your statements is of Cumulative Interest only and there is no single rupee liability on me of SBI.
# If my intentions were being wrong I would not blocked the card and might used it abruptly without paying a single penny.
# Though repeated reminders and asking for the proper justification I could not able to get the proper and satisfactory response from SBI.
# Even your Helpline Cell was not aware about these charges, how could you assume that customer would know about such hidden charges which are quite ridiculous and outrageous.
I was always being a regular payer before this issue and I condemn paying such hefty amount just for the heck of the delay payment of Rs.180.If I will not get proper or satisfactory response from you I shall be bound to go to the court for the harassment and misconduct by you.
I hope for a professional and appropriate response from your side to close this issue ASAP.


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