I was a beyond loyal employee to Sears Holdings for about 3 years. I was so loyal that I pratically had Sears tatooed on my forehead and I even got my boyfriend a job there.
I was wrongfully terminated from the meadows mall store in Las Vegas. Their claim was that I had filled out a fradulent time punch.
I had worked for a previous Sears in Colorado for 2 years and had a blast! I loved the people, I loved the company, the policies, the dedication and overall I loved my job and the corperation. That all changed when I transferred the the Meadows store in July of 2009. I entered unknowingly into a high risk store that had a turn over rate that was so high that I never even bothered to say hello the the new hire ons because I knew they would be terminated in a months time.
There were two female employees, one my HR and the other my ASM who did nothing but harass and bully me the WHOLE year I was in the store. It was so bad that I would go to work crying because I was hat miserable.
I made numerous complaints to the LP and to my supervisors with no action being taken to stop the abuse. I was being ignored and accused of things left and right, and written up it seemed like on a weekly basis. I called the ethics lines until the phone melted it was that bad.
Now I wasn't a troule employee, I had a squeeky clean record in my other store and had nothing but perfect references for my preformance. Even in this hell hole store in Las Vegas, my preformance was always above and beyong company standards and I recieved praise from my immediate supervisor on a regular basis, but when it came to me needing to speak to him about the two girls' behavior towards me I always got the 'uh-huh I will look into it' speech and it never happened.
These girls went as far as to trying to break up me and my boyfriend ((mind you we live together and moved together to las vegas)) It was so bad that my boyfriend's manager even went up and litterally got into screaming matches with the two girls and other managers about leaving me alone. They were claiming that he was beating me, which was deffinately false. But thatwas just the begginings of my problems.
After about a whole year of the abuse and harassment and ridiculous write-ups and threats, the two girls had a major altercation with me and stated that I needed to stop calling the ethics line and complaining. I had asked if we could have a sit down talk to discuss the matters and the issues the two seemed to have with me, and they denied me that and said I would not be talking to 'anyone anytime about anyone's behavior'
Three days later I was terminated, they stated that I filled out a fradulent time on a punch correction. When I called the LP to review the time and dates of my entering and leaving the store, they told me the cameras were off by 1-4 mins. I was terminated over 4 minuets, and that 4 mins cant even be calidated because the cameras are off by 1-4 mins.
After weeks of calling the HR and ethics lines to have this termination looked into, the response I recieved was that the company as a whole would not re-employ me since the paper work submitted by the HR girl who was harassing me was already reviewed and decided that I would be terminated even though no one bothered to call me or sit down with me to talk about the alligations to find out what was going on.
I asked if work place retaliation was considered, and what about the harrassment and all the issues I had had with the girls, and I was told there is no law in NV that protects employees against harassment unless is was pysical and violent.
What a crack of crap right?
And when I asked about the fact that I was terminated after the fact that the HR girl told me to stop calling ethics, and that to me that was retaliation, they stated that since she had filed the paper work that day to terminate me, there was nothing to be done.
So what about my rights? What about my voice as an employee? Am I forced day in and day out to be subject to the name calling, the finger pointing and absolutely ridiculous rumors two manager girls put me through? In the end, to be terminated because I refused to quit?
So now I have lost my apartment and my boyfriend and I are about to lose our car, all because two females decided to play 'let's pick on her cause we don't like her and we will see if we can force her to quit, and if not, then we will find some boguss excuse to fire her'
Obviously Sears does not protect their employees from work place retaliatoin or harrassment. It saddens me to look at it this way because I loved the company that much and enjoyed my job every day, but te truth is, sears doesn't protect their employees.
So now that I have been wrongfully termiated, I cannot claim unemployment, and I have lost jsut about everything. I am only 19 years old and my employment record is permanantly destroyed and has a mark saying that I time frauded a company. Lies lies...
Im planning to go to the media about the whole thing, it's wrong. And maybe their should be a law about harassament and creating a hostle working enviornment.
Go to the Media and take their ### to court!
Every buisiness has a right to protect their employees and to also give said employees a chance to defend themselves against those who would accuse them.
To me it sounds like the LP and Supervisors were either really lazy or were playing favorites where they chose those two girls words without giving you a single chance to defend yourself.
I hope you find a new job soon and a fair shot at a place where you can be appreciated.
Also do not be afraid to ask those who care for you for help as these are tough times and we must all do what we can to survive, even if we have to swallow our pride to do so.
Hopefully you can change the way the law works in Nevada to where all workers are protected from harrasment in all of its forms, not just the physical.
Sending you prayers and hope things get better.
I also was Terminated from Sears for selling a washer and dryer on Black Friday after the sale was done. But wait that s right I was told by the lead person it was o.k. and the store Mgr. approved it. However the Lead person did not even know what the sale was. GREAT LEADER! The store Mgr. insisted I was after the 1% commission. What a joke. I hope Sears goes out of business sooner rather than later because either way it is not if they will but more so when!
The supervisor should not be there at all he is responsible for everyting that hapends in his department, and the two girl can go to hell they are doing there job wrong and dont let this stop you you are to young to deal with these ### HOLES!
I am sorry that you went through that and I believe everything you say, I was a manager and walked out after 4 years of employment because of the hr person, I did nothing wrong but was just fed up. One of my incidents was I was physically assaulted by a receiving employee at work twice he is male I am female. Turned him into hr and wrote a statement, I even had a witness, he was brought in and asked if he did it he said no. Guess what nothing was done about it. I guess sears condones women being hit
I am so angry. My husband is a hard working man with years or experience. He worked as a service tech for Sears and was highly praised by his customers. He recently got awards for his work. He was a hard worker and showed up for work on time day after day. Few people have the expertise in this field and are as reliable as my husband. Sears terminated him for wearing open back shoes that he wore when it was about 94 degrees outside. He told his boss that he would never do it again yet he was still terminated and was never given a letter of warning. I don't think I will ever shop there are recommend this company again. This is a merciless act on the part of Sears. Sears has the greater loss.
worked at sears for 41 years and terminated after making comments about sears ceo, who ran sears into the for both greed and getting control of stores at low cost. I was told I was treat to and fired 12/14/2018. I saved this company millions in being plumber. electrical, networking rtv, pmt, truck unloader, mpu and list too long too go on. I was praised every day by mangers and even had pictures of my work areas across the nation. This was my family and is left almost in suicide depression. I also had bad bad back problems and other problem that are work related. Sears had records as I do of theses problems yet was put in harms way both body and mind. texas TWC even said that my firing was questable . I also was force to work off clock during lunch to help women in mpu during lunch. I am going to make public of dirty things that sears has done in past that are so bad I will not release now . 41 years you see and a lot .Charles E Szedeli Start date at Sears 8/17/1977