Mr. Marquis L. Kimble
HCV Distribution Corporation Inc
February 7, 2025
Ohio Department of Insurance,
30 East Broad Street,
Columbus, OH 43215
Dear Honorable Members of the Ohio Department of Insurance file number-CSD0099008,
We yet are writing to bring to your immediate attention again the disregarded egregious violations of our rights and privacy by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company. We have received a new refusal to resolve amicably response from State Farm's legal representatives, dated February 6, 2025, in which they consistently deny and ignore any accountability for the serious breaches of our corporate policy information.
As you are aware, we have previously reported these incidents to your office, and we have provided substantial evidence to support our allegations, including sworn testimony under oath and video evidence. Despite our ongoing efforts to resolve these issues, State Farm continues to disregard our rights and ignore the Ohio Revised Code.
Specifically, we have highlighted the following serious violations:
1. Unauthorized disclosure of our corporate claim information to an unauthorized third party, leading to the complete loss of our business and property.
2. Breach of our privacy rights, as State Farm has unlawfully disclosed our private corporate claim information to individuals not listed on the policy and without obtaining written consent from the policyholder.
3. Discriminatory treatment, as evidenced by State Farm's defamatory and derogatory statements about my physical appearance during the claims process.
These actions are in direct contravention of the Ohio Revised Code, which clearly states that an individual must be listed on the policy or have obtained written consent before sharing our private corporate claim information.
We are yet again requesting that the Ohio Department of Insurance take immediate action to:
1. Investigate these serious violations and determine the necessary consequences for State Farm's actions.
2. Ensure that State Farm complies with Ohio insurance laws and regulations, particularly those related to privacy and disclosure of information.
3. Hold State Farm accountable for its breach of contract and unfair practices, which have resulted in significant financial and reputational losses to HCV Distribution Corporation.
The attached documentation, including sworn testimony under oath and video evidence, supports our allegations and demands attention to the urgent need for intervention. We have also filed complaints with multiple regulatory agencies, social media platforms, and online platforms, highlighting our experiences and responses.
We expect a prompt response regarding the actions the Ohio Department of Insurance will take to address these serious violations. We request that you include the attached information with the ongoing matter regarding HCV Distribution Corporation and State Farm, which remains unresolved and disregarded by State Farm and its legal representatives. I must express my extreme disappointment and distress at the recent refusal by State Farm to resolve our matter outside of court proceedings, despite providing substantial documented evidence of severe privacy violations and breaches of our rights. As a business owner, I am appalled by their willful disclosure of our company's sensitive corporate claim information to unauthorized parties without our consent. Over two years ago, we reported a series of egregious incidents to State Farm, including the unauthorized disclosure of our sensitive corporate claim information to Deborah McSurley, a trustee, and I Marquis Kimble, a buyer, as evidenced by the recorded and filed land purchase agreement. Despite sworn testimony and videographic admissions from State Farm's former agent, Jeff Lambert, and other individuals involved, State Farm continues to disregard and ignore these actions. The consequences of their negligence have been devastating. Our company suffered a second burglary while under an active policy during a baseless, unlawful over-extended 250-day period.
This action was the direct result of State Farm's unlawful disclosure of our corporate claim information, which facilitated the burglary. Then we were advised that we didn't make a claim although their online platform would not allow us to. Their continued negligence has now forced us to file legal action despite the numerous previously provided evidence highlighting these severe actions in Fulton County court. This has been disregarded despite the supporting complaint which identified Deborah McSurley as the suspect responsible for the total loss of our company's assets and property, also allowing her access to private information containing multiple individuals' private details. I am appalled by the lack of accountability and responsibility shown by State Farm in this regard. Furthermore, State Farm's actions have led to significant financial losses, including the loss of business property containing customers' personal information. I am deeply concerned about the multiple pending identity theft cases currently being filed by multiple of our previous customers, which were facilitated due to State Farm's negligence.
We are compelled to bring this matter to your attention, as we have provided clear supporting evidence to both State Farm and your department previously. We urge you to intervene and assist us in holding State Farm accountable for these clear violations of our rights and privacy. The lack of accountability from State Farm has been staggering, and their flagrant, shameless response further highlights the mistreatment and discriminatory actions that we have continued to experience.The defamatory statements made against me personally, the false allegations of insurance fraud, and the breach of contract and defamation of character committed by State Farm are further examples of the pure racial discrimination and bad faith practices that we have endured. We strongly implore and urge your department to take immediate action to address this matter and hold State Farm accountable for their actions. In light of this severe neglect, we are left with no choice but to take legal action, despite our best efforts to resolve this matter amicably. We request that your department intervenes and assists us in holding State Farm accountable for these serious offenses of the law and disregard of our rights and privacy.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your correspondence, including an official update on the findings of this investigation.
Mr. Marquis L. Kimble
Director of Operations
The HCV Distribution Corporation INC
Public Sworn Official Notary
Lucas County, Ohio
{Commissioned until 01/28/2029}
* Sworn testimony under oath
* Video evidence- State Farm agent Jeff Lambert admitting to unlawful discussions with Deborah McSurley and members of her family concerning HCV Distribution Corporation. This unethical behavior supports the violations of our privacy committed by both State Farm Fire and Casualty Company corporate offices as well as our former agent Jeff Lambert.
* Documentation detailing the timeline of events- A formal demand letter sent and received by Deborah McSurley from our former legal representative documenting a timeline of events and the activity that transpired after State Farm corporate offices unlawfully disclosed our corporate claim determination to Deborah McSurley who is responsible for the complete loss of our business and its property and assets. As of today we have not received any of the remaining property, inventory or items that were on the premises during State Farm's baseless investigation which lasted over 250 calendar days resulting in a wrongful denial of coverage as well as false allegations of insurance fraud committed by me personally without any evidence to support these severe allegations. This defamed my professional name, career and image beyond repair. I have attached the denial detailing these false allegations. It is important to know that although this is a corporate claim, the entire investigation, questioning and documenting was based solely on me personally ignoring the fact that our corporation has been registered with the state of Ohio with records on file since 2019. State Farm did not attempt to contact any of the additional officers or partners of our organization at any time during their baseless investigation. Attached is the sworn statement from the members of our organization. This supports that State Farm did not conduct a full thorough investigation as required by the terms of the policy supporting the breach of contract that we have experienced disregarded and ignored. Despite providing this information to State Farm at their request, they did not attempt to contact, interview or document any statement from any of the additional members of our organization. Additionally, although they disclosed our claim information with the suspect responsible for the burglarization of our business and all of its assets, they did not attempt to interview McSurley or document any statements despite the formal complaint filed in Fulton County detailing her actions after being notified of the denial by State Farm. This significant breach of our corporate policy information, has now resulted in numerous potential identity theft cases by our former customers as their personal information was unlawfully accessed and disclosed.
* Property recorded purchase agreement detailing the purchase agreement identifying Deborah McSurley Trustee for the McSurley Trust as the Seller of the property and I was the purchaser of the property. This information was filed and recorded with Fulton County yet still disregarded and ignored by State Farm. Deborah McSurley's only position concerning HCV Distribution Corporation was that of the " property mortgage lien holder" and did not have authorization from our corporation giving State Farm permission for disclosure. This is a significant violation of our rights and privacy that continues to be overlooked by State Farm and their legal representatives. Regardless of the reason this information was shared and disclosed, it was disclosed by State Farm to someone who is not listed on our policy, didn't obtain written consent from any of the members of our organization, and based upon the answers given under oath, didn't even have our policy number yet State Farm corporate offices disclosed our corporate claim information to this individual. This is a serious violation of our rights and privacy as well as the Ohio laws governing insurance standards and procedures.
* Previous legal representatives' letters highlighting bad faith treatment
* Social media visit logs by State Farm employees
Ohio Revised Code Sections:
* § 4112: Unlawful discriminatory practices
* Insurance laws and regulations, particularly those related to privacy and disclosure of information.
1. Privacy violations: The allegations include unlawful disclosure of corporate insurance claim information to unauthorized third parties, which violates Ohio Revised Code Section 3904.13 and the Ohio Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act. This section prohibits insurance companies from disclosing policy information including claim determinations to any person that is not listed on the policy or hasn't obtained written consent from the policyholder. We assert that HCV Distribution Corporation or none of its officers provided State Farm at any time written consent to disclose our private corporate claim information with Deborah McSurley. We have provided your office with the property purchase agreement which verifies that Deborah McSurley solely functioned as the mortgage lien holder and did not have authorization from our corporation for disclosure of our sensitive claim details by State Farm. Although State Farm continues to ignore and deny this violation, this is a direct contradiction to The Ohio Revised Code that protects consumers private information and is a violation of our rights and privacy.
2. Discriminatory Actions:
"Client showed up wearing a blue suit, loud tie, with an excessive amount of jewelry"
~State Farm~ Published while determining corporate insurance claim
It is not a fair practice for State Farm to publish such personal and subjective observations about a client during the claims process.
This behavior raises several concerns:
Privacy violation: Publishing personal details about a client's appearance and demeanor is a breach of privacy and confidentiality expected in professional insurance dealings
Irrelevance to claim: A client's attire, jewelry, or perceived personality traits are irrelevant to the legitimacy of an insurance claim and should not factor into the determination process
Potential bias: Such comments suggest a subjective bias that could unfairly influence the claim evaluation, leading to wrongful denial of coverage
Unprofessional conduct: Publishing such observations is unprofessional and goes against standard practices in the insurance industry
Potential for discrimination: These comments could be seen as discriminatory, especially if they lead to adverse claim decisions.
3. Alleged stalking of social media platforms: In a 25 period time frame,we have documented multiple employees including management from State Farm have been visiting my personal social media platforms. See the attached supporting evidence.
Federal Laws:
* Fair Housing Act
* Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified State Farm representatives only. If you are affiliated with State Farm, please claim your business to access these details.
We have received your comment. Thank you!