I received today 10. January, 2020, a package from China from the Switzerlandwatchshop.com with Cartier ring inside. I did not order this package.
I deny to keep the unwanted package.
I tried to contact the seller, but there is no given address on the internet available.
Please pick up the package from my address as fast as possible.
I also received today 10th January in Barcelona, Spain a package from the same jewelry in Hong Kong with a Cartier ring (probably false). I never ordered anything. Can anyone shed some light on this matter?
Même chose pour moi, reçu aujourd'hui en France une bague Cartier que je n'ai jamais commandée ! C'est quoi cette arnaque !
Pareil pour moi... Bague "cartier" dans la boîte aux lettres... Avez vous fait un achat internet récemment ?
Salut, je voulai savoir qu'est ce que vous avez fait par rapport à la bague?
Moi j'en ai toujours et j'en sais pas vraiment quoi faire? Ils sort fort en arnaque! Et je veux avoir plusieurs avis pour agir.
Merci d'avance
I have also received the fake Cartier ring. I live in Stockholm, Sweden. Please let me know what happens in your cases. Maybe we can just send it back in the same package it arrived?
His just filed a similar complaint as I also received today from the same company an unwanted fake Cartier love ring.
I have never ordered it and got it delivered and I have no clue how to get rid of it as definitely don’t want it.
I also received a ring today January 15th. Have know idea who ordered it or why. Jacksonville, FL.
I too received an item from them today 15th jan 2020 but was a necklace. I am baffled as I can not see that I have accidently ordered.
I just read this article which I think helps explain
Même chose pour moi reçu une bague de cette boutique sans avoir commander ! Je suis situé au canada ! Mais aucune transaction suspecte sur mon crédit !
We had a similiar incident. If the reasoning behind it is to boost sales as it says in the article posted earlier in the discussion, do i have to do anything or can i just ignore this anomally?
I also recieved the same ring today, Cape Coral, FL. I do not wear jewelry so I would never order something like this. It's very strange and I don't even want this item.
Je suis du Canada et J'ai reçu exactement la même chose aujourd'hui 20 janv 2020. Je crois que ceci est relié avec le site asbetregoods.com car j'ai commandé un casque de vélo. Ils ont immédiatement facturé ma carte de crédit mais aucune nouvelle ensuite. J'ai vérifié sur internet et plusieurs, après avoir commandé sur ce site, ont reçu un bijoux bas de gamme et contrefait. Il y a une adresse de retour je leur renvoie le tout. Leçon apprise !
I also got this ring and didn't ordered it, but I placed an order from a site with the name Birdcome.
Is anyone placed an ordered from this site ?
Is the website profithk.com involved in this? I'm in Canada, and received one of these rings, which I never ordered (I ordered aDisney plush from profithk.com). Are these rings paid for? I ask because when I make online purchases, I pay for the items with prepaid cards (like Vanilla Visas) so theres no credit card they can hack to get money to pay for the ring. And I don't want to be on the hook for $15200.00 that I cannot afford, for a ring I never ordered!
How strange! I received on too in Geneva Switzerland and as I am planning to get married and had asked my fiancé to organise the wedding rings, I naturally thought it was from him!
He kept denying he'd ordered it and I didn't believe him!
Now I read your comments and will apologise and tell him he was right!
Maybe it was this companies was of looking like they had international orders so as to justify embezzling money to their accountants?
Or maybe it's a promotional stunt?
Maybe someone just wanted to give a gift to several people around the world?
Either way, as I cannot find whom to send it back to, I'll keep it until they ask for it back and justify why they sent it without an order. But I will certainly not pay for it, as I never ordered it.
Best regards to all of you!