1. Zero communication when approved.
2. Never less than 20 minutes holding for customer service. Having to confirm you're still waiting every 4 minutes.
3. Never a cellular signal... Always "waiting for network"!
4. Maps either stays frozen (70%) or shows me driving 1,000 yards parallel to the road I'm on(30%/ driving through building's).
5. Customer service provides the same exact ineffective reset and a list of settings. 5 times for me now.
6. Customer service confirmed another phone I have is compatible... Another wasted 2 hours to find that is isn't!
7. Their only solution is to purchase a better phone or be charged $100 for cancelling early!
I've had this phone for 3 months and it has cost me an incredible amount of time and money with wasted gas, driving lost and unable to call someone for directions. Sitting on hold for 20-30 minutes per 11 of my calls, resetting and reapplying the data port settings 5 times (4 with this junk phone and once with the "compatible" phone that wasn't compatible)!
I have to wait 3 more months before porting my lifeline to a reputable provider or pay $100 more for this awesome $7 phone!
***Tag mobile is by far the most ridiculous waste of my life to date!***
Recommendation: Avoid tag mobile at all costs!