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CB Furniture Stores The Brick delivery/product/personnel - one big problem!
The Brick

The Brick review: delivery/product/personnel - one big problem! 25

Author of the review
12:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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The following correspondence was sent to the recipients aug 25 and I still have yet to receive a reply. Think twice before you buy from the brick!

Sent to: [protected] and the regional vice president, west at the brick head office

I am forwarding to you all correspondence sent to various departments over the last couple of days and I have yet to receive a addition I placed numerous calls to your customer service department on monday aug 28 only to be given the run around. I am truly and utterly dismayed by what has happened since purchasing these appliances.

Please contact me as soon as possible.
Thank you

Aug 28/06
Re: appliances

Dear madam or sir,

Honestly I don't even know what to say. I cannot believe what happened today. I was contacted by your customer service department yesterday and told that the damaged appliances could be exchanged today (Around 2:30 pm) for new ones and asked if that would be okay. I said yes that would be fine. I was also assured by the manager that the replacements had been inspected and would be delivered in perfect condition. So I took more time off from work so I could be home receive them, and ended up waiting until 5:30. When they finally showed up, the delivery people were instructed to deliver the appliances to the entrance at the side of the building; which they refused to do, and during the exchange damaged another wall and my brand new floor, not to mention the appliances were exchanged for another set which are worse than the ones before (Scratches on plastic and crisper drawers, paint scraped off of metal shelf supports, nothing was sealed in plastic, ie: freezer shelf, ice cube trays, door compartments, dairy compartment cover, manuals and documents were just thrown in the meat tray). I am thoroughly and truly at my wits end! I have had nothing but hassles since aug 16. Yet through it all I have remained calm, been more than reasonable, and patient and have not even so much as raised my voice once with any of your staff however enough is enough and I have had quite enough.

Please contact me immediately so as we can get this matter resolved.


Please contact me as soon as possible
Thank you.
Lenore l

I purchased 3 appliances from the brick [protected] st edmonton, ab) on aug 16/06, and since have had nothing but problems with your staff; including management, delivery personnel, sales reps, etc. For the sake of brevity I will not get into everything now; however the following should give you some idea as to what I have been going through with your establishment since my time of purchase:
* misinformation received from sales rep. Regarding purchase
Price, delivery, and pressure to purchase extended warranty.
* numerous phone calls made to and messages left for: fleet
Supervisors, customer service reps, and no calls returned
* no phone call received the morning of scheduled day of removal
Giving estimated time of arrival of workers removing old appliances.
* damage to condominium suite when old appliances were removed.
* unacceptable behavior of delivery/removal personnel.
1. Workers entered suite without knocking,
2. Cut hoses on appliance without permission.
3. Rude verbal remarks
* wrong address for delivery of appliances
* new appliances received (Damaged)
* exchange date and time scheduled and then rescheduled 5 times, then cancelled. Replacement appliances received dented and scratched, (Delivery drivers didn’t even bother to take them off the truck). The list goes on. I am extremely displeased and would appreciate it if someone would contact me immediately regarding these matters.

Lenore l


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Cheryl Sawchuk
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Oct 17, 2006 2:01 am EDT

Hi, I had lost my Brick Card and was told to phone customer service from my local store at 497-4927. I was very upset after the 3rd call to this number and sitting on hold for 20 minutes (literally, I used the phone at work and my phone has the minutes timed on it)and still never got through. I then phoned the local number 430-5151 and was told I had to phone a 1 800 number to report my lost card. The gentleman who I was talking to was very rude and said if I was upset not to take it out on him. I had just purchased 2 leather couches and a recliner chair worth $3700.00, 2 days ago and then of course could not get through on the phone. Yes I was a little upset. It seems that they received my money so they didn't care after that. Your Customer Service is the POOREST service I have ever experienced in my life (3 calls, 20 minutes each and still could not get through) just ridiculous. You better look into this problem it is ridiculous to be put on hold like this. But then again it looks like you have had a lot of very unhappy people buying at the Brick and the service they are receiving.

Dave Logan
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Jul 28, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My son just purchased a big screen TV at the Brick in Stratford On. and while loading it the saleslady said he could have the stand for $149.oo, so we went back later and my wife went in while I waited outside at the loading dock. The lady denied saying this and they sold my wife a $200.oo unit. I went in and got no satisfaction, she lied, there was a witness.

Dave Logan.

Emelie Hayden
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Jan 18, 2008 10:36 am EST

I agree with the person making the complaint. The Brick have the poorest customer service I've ever experienced. Actually they don't have customer service. I don't know what you'd call it. I had/have the misfortune of dealing with the Brick. I cut up my "credit card" because I have no intention of ever dealing with the Brick store ever again. They do have rude people on the phones, ridiculous waiting times to get your furniture and furniture that "needed to be repaired as soon as I got it" They wouldn't replace it but would repair it. I'm ending up with and having to pay almost twenty five hundred(2,500.00) dollars for my one time unfortunate experience of dealing with the Brick. I wish I'd checked on line and read these ratings before shopping at the Brick Furniture store. I intend not to ever shop at the Brick furniture store or any of their affiliated stores.

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May 06, 2008 11:18 am EDT

you have to prove it, but it could also have just been a mistake.

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Aug 18, 2008 1:40 pm EDT

I so agree with all of the above.!
We spent alot of money at the Birck Dec.2007 & we also have had nothing but problems .. We are on our 3d BED all 3 of them have been defective ! Now we just ended up paying thm another $1000. to get another bed ? They would not give us back our money or suck up the cost! We are also MAD & will never shop there again..
Our washer, drier, couch, entertainment center, damage to our walls up & down the dilivery guy was asked to take his shoes off as we have WHITE carpet. Ne did not ! I was here & snapped & made him wash the carpet before he left!

Tanya Mckenzie
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Oct 11, 2008 4:37 pm EDT

I agree with all of the above... I just had a horrible experience with the Brick and will deal with them again! Crappy quality furniture and the lady at customer service was SO rude. The furniture that I had ordered was delivered 2x and both times cracked and falling apart. I finally refused the furniture and then was informed that I wouldn't get my delivery charge back... WTF! The customer service lady was very rude.

Furious Brick Customer
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Nov 27, 2008 8:16 pm EST

Everything spoken about The Brick is true.

I don't know where to begin with my stories of incompetence from staff at The Brick. There isn't enough time for me to write it all down.

I will put it down in short form.

Customer Service and Delivery have no communication between them. It took a month for them just to pick up my couch which the frame broke in half within 6 months after purchase.

They showed up at the wrong addresses, showed up at wrong times, would phone 7:15 am and 8:00 am in the morning to tell me thay might be around to pick it up between 1-4pm?

I still don't have my couch back and am afraid I will never see it again with how incompetent and rude customer service is. I am furious with this company. I will never buy a thing from them again and will spend the rest of my life warning people to never purchase from them again.

Toronto, CA
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Apr 15, 2009 9:46 pm EDT

where do i start? at first the lady was very nice even giving us a one-day a year private sale invitation! after we get brick card and buy all the staf... omfg! i have no words! first item we got was fine i have to agree... thaaan the couch... lets start from the fact we made a deposit and they told us that it will be delivered before january 14th.. when i said fine they call me at the end of january saying that come pay the rest your sectionare is here - i come in but only 3 pieces out of 5 r there i refuse saying that i ll wait till the whole thing s in the store... they dont call for a month, i come in again and want to get my deposit refunded... the sales lady from before suddenly becomes really rude when instead of her i go to customer care... she threattens and says that i dont know nothing and i refused to buy it in the beginning of januarywhen i called her( why did u call me and i came in to pay at the end of the same month?) ... no sence ... they deliver the sectionare 1 more month passes by and IT IS RIPPED! moreover, just now i got my credit card statement - "first 3 months - 0% interest eh?" what about payment protection? when she asked us if we want it we said NO ... so she made us to put 2 signatures - one that she s checking if we r eligible to get the card. second signature(from her words) that we do not want payment protection - but guess what it was acually the signature that stated that we agree to it! she doesnt give us the electronically signed copy(wow electonic signature helps them scam ppl i get why they have it) just a temporary card.. i call city financial - the bank that provides the brick with cards and argue with their manager so she sends me the letter with that F****** electronic signature under the text i ve never seen or heard before! so i call the store! its 8 45... after a min wait lady picks up...i ask her for her name at first but without telling me she gives me a question back - why are u calling?... an answer is to discuss the quality of the merchandise and customer service! her answer: WE ARE CLOSED NOW in a very rude tone! excuse me its 8 45 u r in customer care u have 15 more mins! she puts me on hold for 5 mins and than hangs up... i call back - like 10 times... she pickes up again .. same question what is your name? no straight answer but something like "its not my customer service you are dissapointed with call tomorrow" puts me on hold again and again she hangs up in 5 mins! WOW tomorrow i am calling the head office and they better do something about it ... otherwise i swear i ll come to that brick store and they ll regret they were ever born!

Sudesh Pall
Orleans, CA
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Oct 26, 2009 6:55 pm EDT

I agree with above customers.It happen with me too.I bought a tv.That was floor model and the tv orgionally damaged and repaired.Salesman even did not mentioned me.I bought the extended warrenty.Tv broke down three in one year.According to the policy if it is broken three in the first three year it will be replaced free.Even as is has the same as the new item.Now the manager of the store telling me he is not going to replace it.He is only giving me prchage ang not honouring the warrenty.It will no choice but, to go to the court.Finally I am sending them the complaint if they don't response properly then I am thinks go to the court.

sdsdf, CA
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Feb 25, 2010 5:09 pm EST


Price Albert SK
Flin Flon, CA
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Apr 06, 2010 11:01 am EDT

OMG I can honestly say when i first bought my first home i was so happy and my main focus was fixing it all up, the first thing that poped in my mind was THE BRICK hahaha was i fooled and let down. I am still sitting with damaged goods and a whole lot of promises, on Easter Sunday my husbad and I decided to take the 4 hour drive to pay THE BRICK a visit. They were shocked upon our arrivel, they had dealt with me over the phone several times and soon as on of the manager seen me he slowly walked away avoding us, but once i approced him he lead me to one of the other managers, there standing crying my eyes out to him he was not at all compationate towards me. I had spent $16, 400 there to put furniture in my new dream home which each item i had recived was damaged and some beyond repair. I was telling him that the nicks and scratches in most of my furniture i would even repair myself to that he just shrugged his shoulders. But the day i recived my table and chairs and 47" TV was the day i had and thats when my husband held me and told me we would make everthing better soon i sat on my floor infornt of my children crying my eyes out, all i wanted for them was a beautiful home they could be happy in just as i wanted for my husband and I.I could write a novel on all the things that has happened in the past few months but honestly in emotionaly drained and now damged myself, I waited a life time for this and now all i have are regreats, stress, depression and on Easter Sunday when we walked out of the BRICK they laughed at me and said "nice doing business with you", ouch that was a real slap in the face. I want answers and an apology from these people and I want them to mean it. This is outragous and uncalled for, for such a big organization...I ask myself will they stand good for themselevs or do i have to live in this hell forever which is suppose to be my life time home? I do have alot of photos but I will be posting them on utube please look at them i will title it THE BRICK is one big trick.

Markha, CA
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Aug 29, 2010 5:17 pm EDT

The BRICK has the worst delivery system in the retail world! I have been speaking to different representatives from the company and was assured that my big ticket items will be delivered on August 31 2010, Tuesday. I am writing this comment now, Sunday, August 29, only to find out that my bed is not ready to be delivered, and since I didnt confirm that it's ok to go ahead with the delivery without my bed, they moved my delivery date to a TBA status! Now, the representative who can not do anything has advised me to pick a new bed set that will be available by my preferred date, but still need to wait for a call from a Delivery Manager to make sure that these items will be delivered by Tuesday! Stupid system! READ THESE COMMENT FROM REAL CUSTOMERS BEFORE DEALING WITH THE BRICK!

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Nov 19, 2010 7:52 pm EST

I agree with all above customers. Brick has the worst delivery system which you ever imagine. Long history short; if you dont call, they never deliver to you. It happening always and without any exception; beside their customer services are very rude. :o(

Peterborough, CA
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Apr 11, 2011 11:03 pm EDT

went into buy washer and dryer that was on sale as well as a 50" flat screen was told the sale was on for a week went back a day later sale was over and they had no stock left. Next week another flyer same thing another week another flyer same thing go figure lure people in the store for nothing

Gatineau, CA
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May 03, 2011 3:36 pm EDT

The Brick will say anything to get you to buy inssurance and their shipping is VERY slow. We recieved our items 2 months after we ordered. The salesman told us that the inssurance on our leather kitchen set covered pet damage (cats clawing at it) and even said that I could damage it myself but this would still be covered by the inssurrance. It was all lies, they do not want to repair/exchange, no do they want to give the money back for fraudulant inssurance. AVOID THE BRICK!

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Jun 07, 2011 2:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i am still having same issues with the brick, poor delivery, they don't respect custumers, have no consideration for other that custumers take time off to wait for delivery and simply they call you and give you when they can deliver it and for a missing item i am still suffering for almost 5 days and again today as the delivery should be between 9 am to 12, they call and said sorry they will be between 12 and 3 pm, and this is the third time and whenn you call custumer service, no one is answering you, i will never ever deal with the brick and i will advise everyone to go to shop elsewhere even to add 100 to 500$ but you will safe your energy, and frustration.

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Nov 15, 2011 6:55 pm EST

I bought 2 twin beds for my children. within a month there was a manufacturing fault - a big crack on the headboard. now when i asked the customer service to change both the bed since it is dangerous for my children, they refused even though i was ready to pay the difference.
what a crappy customer service- that too from BRICK. i am disaappointed.

hfx, CA
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Feb 15, 2012 7:00 pm EST

the brick is ### and if anyone ever buys from the brick they are stupid.i spent 12, 000 in a short period of time and they treated me like ### when i had a minor complaint.the halifax brick is ### and if u buy from them u are very stupid.go to nothing fancy they are great.

hfx, CA
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Feb 15, 2012 7:01 pm EST

the halifax brick is the ### store around and if anybody ever shopes there they are ###ed.

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Feb 24, 2012 10:04 pm EST

i have never in my life experienced such bad customer service in my life! they lied to me saying i had a 5 year waranty, which i did infact pay for, then when something happened to my couches, suddenly there was no warranty... they are all liers! dont ever shop at the brick. and if you want to call and complain, just a heads up, they will constantly keep moving you on hold, enough to make you give up and hang up. it is all part of there plan!

Regina, CA
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Jan 05, 2014 9:28 pm EST

I would suggest no one should buy any product from Brick. They have very poor quality products, things fall apart / come off, missing things from the product and their customer serive is horrible. If we go to the store, it looks nice but those products are non refundable even though it's their fault. THEY DO NOT CARE AND THEY SELL CRAP! We had looked up their store before we took the big loss! We purchased a table and chairs set from Brick this christmas. Our set had arrived in boxes and had to be put together.The pieces did not all fit together well and left gaps at the back and sides of the chairs. One part of the table came off as they fixed it together with gluee, the screws are missing and there is no hole for assembling the table. Also 2 of 4 chairs were missing in the delivery. Also we ordered a bed frame and the frames did not fit all and when we called customer service, they told us they cannot credit the money as we opened the box. How would we know about the product if we don't open it. They advised us that they can get the product back from us but won't refund the money. DO NOT BUY FROM THERE UNLESS YOU WANT NO CUSTOMER SERICE AND ### FURNTIURE.

fred @ Toronto
Toronto, CA
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Apr 09, 2014 10:30 pm EDT

I agree with the above comment.
The Brick has terrible and rude delivery staff in Toronto. Bunch of idiots hired as delivery staff which seems to enjoy watching customers suffer when they don't deliver the items.
To this day I have never seen or heard such a rude staff in any company like The Brick delivery guys in Toronto.
I won't even think stepping into The Brick store again.

Calgary, CA
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May 14, 2014 6:59 pm EDT



They offer me 3 months no interest they add the insurance out authorization I have been paying A LOT OF MONEY and I havent even receive my furniture if i decide to cancel the order i will be 500 dollar down and furniture !

Big son
Hawkesbury, CA
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Mar 17, 2015 11:05 am EDT

I had bought a very expensive bed from the brick was told it would be set up,
Did not happen when I got home it was piled up agains the wall, their was damage to the box Spring Had to change it, Than we wanted to exchange the bed, when they delivered the new one the delivery men walked all throw the house with their snowy dirty boots on .
Had trouble getting the bed up stairs they got mad and when they got it close to the top throw it over the railing and smashed my cloths rank, So I sent a email to the store of the smashed cloths rack and she told me that they would refund $5.75 for $40 plus dollar rack& I could Duck Tape it back together, & have a good day!

Crooked cabin
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Oct 22, 2018 10:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My wife and I recently purchased $12, 000 in appliances from the Brick in Vernon B.C.. Everything went fine until we were told becacause we live 10 minutes away from there cut off area for placing appliances in the correct spot or removing the cardboard from the appliances, so they leave this up to my wife and I who are seniors.We find this appalling!We will never buy another thing from the Brick and make sure that no one else does that we know.By the way we live in a small community where we know a lot of people.Very poor customer service.

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