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CB Retail Stores Walmart walmart employees are nasty and rude

Walmart review: walmart employees are nasty and rude 20

Author of the review
1:06 pm EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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gallipolis walmart employees are very nasty and rude they look like they need to be in a circus especially the one in jewelry with the big tattoo across her neck! nasty nasty nasty why cant they hire people that are decent i have seen some in the past that are very polite and very well pleasant but their gone now all the employees there are a bunch of skanks! I don't shop there anymore neither do alot of other people i know should really see about getting good help there instead of all the nasty crack heads there yeah yeah yeah i know u have to take a drug test to work there but beleive me they know how to overcome that i mean their crack


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Chesapeake, US
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Feb 24, 2010 9:24 am EST

I do have to agree with the complaint, but not about the Walmart they are talking about.I worked at Wal Mart for over a year up until the time we moved to Chesapeake, Va. Store # 1841 is one of the worse Walmarts I think I have seen ever, 98% of the time we went into that store we have felt so unwelcome.We only get greeted with a warm greeting if the greeter is white, if they are black they don't even acknowledge us.When we are looking for something and can not find it we Very rarely get assistance, workers there will not make Eye contact with you heaven forbid as much as a smile.Customer Service is just as bad as walking through Hell well that goes for the whole store.Don't ya'll care about your customers any more?What happened to Customers are always right?What happened to if you can't be friendly to the people that pay your bills than we don't want you as a part of our Walmart family.I Loved working at Walmart in Texas, we were the first ones to help build the inside of the store before it opened and worked Grand opening and EVERY employ there treated that store and the customers with the True Walmart Pride.We would always see the same faces day after day after day we made the old and new customers want to come back to spend their money there or even just to stop in to say Hello and on their way out something was bought rather they needed it or not.Never ever would I work any where and treat people as badly as the store #1841 treats their customers, Cashiers, Deli, Bakery, customer service, and greeters need to take classes on how to properly handle the customers ...WITH FRIENDLY ATTITUDES.I am so sorry to say this but the only RUDE people from Walmart#1841 has been black, don't get me wrong there are some black people that are as sweet as pie that work there maybe 3 or 4 but the majority of them are rude, I think this should be looked into without anyone knowing that they are being watched and I don't mean watch them for one day, watch them for a while and then they need to be fired on the spot! Why would anyone want to give their hard earned money to a company that allows that sort of attitude..If I liked that store and the people in it I would probably be working there today.

mrs nancy adkins
Starke, US
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Feb 28, 2010 6:57 pm EST

I had a bad shopping experice at the walmart a in a small town in Starke Florida on sunday feb 27, wife and I was doing some peaceful shopping, while walking down the asile we could not help but hear a gentlemen yelling at a young lady .my wife also noticed that the young man was an employee who worked at the store in Starke, we could not beleive the rude words that was being said to her My wife stopped and looked at the young lady with tearful eyes, she wanted to say something to the young man, but didnot.however she did turn to me and said how sorry she felt for the young lady.we could see thta she was very embrassed shame and hurt.We pray that the young lady will be ok.As a shopper at your store I fell that you need to train your employees how to treat other people shopping at walmart, even if they not on the clock.It have been 3 days and and my wife cannot seem to forget that poor young lady face.she was a beautiful lady dressed well and all.We pray taht your employees learn to respect others even if they are not on the clock working. A very disapointed shopper!

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Jul 24, 2021 7:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with you. I was once a Walmart employee and am not anymore because Walmart workers have no consideration for others, not even apparently their fellow workers. I never really shopped at Walmart prior to working there, and now I definitely don't want to step foot in another Walmart. I even left for a lower paying job just so I could be around more professional workers. I'm sorry that happened to you guys

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Mar 09, 2010 5:17 pm EST

i didnt get hired, and i 'm pretty sure it's beacuse, i'm not a senior, no t obese, and not tatted up with hoop earrings, but my neighbor who is in a whell chair with no job experience got the job, what a croc!

Girard, US
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Mar 10, 2010 12:53 am EST

Ok, wow...Just, wow. I have rarely read so many prejudiced, inflammatory and downright nasty reviews in one place.

First of all, Wal-Mart cannot discriminate against the people they hire based on how they dress, what piercings they may or may not have or any of the standard Equal Opportunity Employer standard (race, religion, sex, etc.). To do so would invite massive lawsuits and result in a large raise in prices for everyone.

Second, while you may not like tattoos, piercings, etc., they are a person's choice. I personally don't care for them, either, but saying that these people are "crack heads" or "skanks" is completely prejudicial and inappropriate. You don't know these people personally and you have no idea what type of people they are, therefore you have no right to use these terms in a public forum such as this one.

If you have a problem with the customer service in a particular store, approach the General Manager regarding the issue. If he refuses to do anything about it or blows you off, go to Wal-Mart corporate and complain to them - but make sure you use the Chain of Command properly and have evidence to back up your claims. Claims such as the generalities and prejudices written here will NOT stand up.

@Mrs. Adkins: I sincerely hope that someone took the time to get that employee's name and report them to management. That kind of behavior cannot be tolerated. Never be afraid to speak up on someone else's behalf when seeing actions such as that. Just remember, it could be you next time around and you'd want someone to stop and help you. I wish I had been there...

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Jul 24, 2021 7:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of SkyWlf77

As long as Walmart hires indecently dressed individuals, don't be surprised when people speak nasty about it. Don't like the dish, change your policy. Dress code isn't discrimination, it's about not offending others and setting a good example/being decent around children

hate walmart_sucks
gallipolis, US
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Mar 16, 2010 8:21 am EDT

oh yes i do know these people and know them well this is a very small town everyone knows everyone so dont tell me i dont know these people...I DO!

Jackson, US
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May 22, 2010 9:15 pm EDT

"hate walmart_sucks": I personally know the girl that you're talking about from the jewelry department and you obviously do not. She's extremely polite, caring, and intelligent, and if you can't see past her tattoo then you have some serious issues. If you had any other issues with her besides her tattoos then I would say take it up with a general manager, but it seems like you're just finding anything to complain about. If you have such a problem with the store then I suggest you shop elsewhere.

Newport, US
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Sep 10, 2010 6:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm actually a little surprised to hear some of these complaints, but perhaps the store I work for is different. I work for a Walmart in Maine and I have to be polite, even if I don't want to, but that's part of customer service. Also I'm not allowed to have any piercings other than my ears and tattoos in excess in areas where someone can see it is right out. I had a friend who got sent home just for having a hickey on his neck! I'm very surprised. If I were you I would not complain to the store manager since the store is probably the problem. I would find out how to contact the District or Market Manager for that area and express your complaints to him/her. If all else fails you can contact headquarters in Bentonville Arkansas. I apologize for anything that offended, though it is not my store. Like I said, I work for the company and they usually have much higher standards for their employees.

Bellingham, US
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Feb 17, 2011 8:49 pm EST

Decent people don't want to work at Walmart.

Port Saint Lucie, US
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Apr 06, 2023 1:14 am EDT

I would have to agree. Walmart seems to hire the bottom of the barrel in terms of work ethic and manners.

butler, US
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Feb 22, 2015 7:16 pm EST

This is highly offensive! Tattoos, piercings, and having a job at Walmart does not make you a skank.

Middletown, US
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Mar 13, 2015 9:24 am EDT

Walmart in MiddletownOhio is ridiculous. I've been disrespected in 3 different departments. By three different employees! Around Christmas I asked a guy in the sporting goods department for help after he took forever to get back there he grabbed his keys and cursed and slammed open the case to the amo to get me what I needed. He's continued to be mean until my husband 6'3 walked up and asked what the problem was. Then a girl was filling in in the picture department and told me she had no idea what to do for me this was not her department that she doesn't even believe in electronics. I literally had to tell her how to do her job. Then I came back a few days later and the guys suppose to be running electronics were playing on there phones and couldn't help me right now! Walmart in MiddletownOhio!

Shannon Renee
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May 24, 2021 11:12 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Kellyjog

The employees in the West Chester Walmart are no better. God forbid if you try to pay with a gift card. Then you're [censored]e out of luck. Oh, and the greeters need a crash course in social courtesy. They won't acknowledge you during hours, but if you have to run out to your car near closing time to get your wallet that you forgot to pay for items already rung up, you can bet you'll get a screaming tongue lashing from them. Walmart workers suck. I can say that because I have worked in retail all my life and never treated customers like they do. I give them a 5 poo rating. 💩💩💩💩💩 Suck on that, Walmart, you turds!

Shannon Renee
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May 24, 2021 11:20 pm EDT

That's the store in West Chester, OHIO. I forgot to say.

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Jul 24, 2021 7:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Walmart IS nasty as hell, I SOOO agree. I worked for them and within just a few months quit because I had co workers that wore low cut tops and management knew and didn't care. I even left Walmart for a lower paying job because you can't put a price on class. Nasty looking customers are one thing but I'm not going to work in an establishment where morale is totally out the window. Wonder if the Walmart president even cares

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Jul 24, 2021 8:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I honestly don't even know how Walmart is still in business. Maybe their cheap prices-that has to be it because outside of that there's nothing special or unique about them

Proud US Veteran
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Aug 11, 2021 1:00 am EDT

I see that these post are old. I'll post anyway to speak my point of view. First off, i agree with people in this forum. I used to work for Walmart who hired Veterans. And i am one of those Veterans. I am a Mid 30s female veteran and college graduate. Coming home from the military during Covid left the entire New York state without high paying jobs and business owners without a business. I owned an online clothing store i had to shut down because sales were low due to Covid. I got paid way more in the military than at Walmart. I remember going to a Walmart in Vestal, NY only to be told i was over qualified because of my college degree lol. But when i went to Walmart in Ithaca, NY i got the job and was told i was over dressed (i.e Dressed in professional suit). I dressed in a suit to show class, poise and character. But boy was these workers far from that lol They treated me like crap. I was told i was going to get a Manager position upon hire yet i got the lowest job ever. Basically, they lied to me. It doesn't stop there. They miscalculated money out of each of my paychecks. When i asked for HR Dept. to replace my money i worked for they refused by hanging phones up on me for asking. A swift call to my lawyer and Department of Labor and i got my money back. Which took days. They withheld my money mad that i quit the first week because of how rude they were to me and customers. These customers were very nice in my opinion i enjoyed helping everyone out. HR Department begged me to stay and i handed over my Walmart vest. Now i'm going into the Nursing Field. I continued to shop at different Walmart stores who give me attitude when i ask politely about their cakes in bakery department or whatever. They get ripped mad and roll their eyes if you have a need or question about products. Ask a question and they will gladly walk past you with the whole ignore button on their faces WTH! 15 years ago Walmart was better than this not sure what the heck happened since the days of President Bush Jr. Young workers talk loud and bump into you in the isles without excusing themselves or apologizing. Don't forget running you over with huge stock carts and no apologies either. If you dress with class they stare you down with hatred and judgement. They don't clean the stores, always walking around talking on cell phones or amongst themselves instead of working. Managers are lazy. miserable and lack setting a great example. Hinting the rude workers. Customer Service Department are very lazy to the point they won't count your refunds accurately or know how to do a darn void out lol.
They don't do background checks as i caught employees stealing BTW. The list goes on so i now shop online and have my stuff delivered. Makes life happier, quieter and easier :)

Kettle Falls, US
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Jul 24, 2023 12:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I worked for Wal-mart for 8 years and I always tried to treat my customers and co-workers with kindness and respect. Managers, however, were a different story. They were rude, accusatory, and pitted associates against each other. They were unethical and dishonest and utterly lacking in integrity. One of the assistant managers told me that I was going to have to use my 3 weeks of accrued vacation time when I took time off for my knee surgery, instead of my sick days. When he found out from the store manager that I was entitled to my sick leave, he moped and asked if I was just having arthroscopic surgery (I wasn't. I had a congenital fracture in my patella.) He was immature and unprofessional. When I used the Open Door Policy to report employee theft, the process took so long that management refused to look into it and retaliated against me. The store manager called me a "rat". I ended up having to quit because of the hostile work environment. So if employees are unfriendly or hostile, you might want to consider the management at the store that is creating a miserable work environment. When employees are treated like garbage, they are going to pass that on to customers. I never did. I just quit. I couldn't take the hostility and nastiness and abuse. It wasn't worth it. But a lot of associates don't have the option of leaving.

Kettle Falls, US
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Jul 24, 2023 12:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

One problem with Wal-mart now is that they give across the board raises instead of merit raises so lazy associates get paid the same as motivated associates who help customers and work hard. I worked in the bakery and I was literally the only one in the department who was willing to wait on customers, answer the phone, put stray products away, etc. Whenever I came back from a restroom break, the other associates would be hovering in the back, gossiping while the phone was ringing off the hook. Customers were lined up at the counter. If raises were based on performance, things would change.

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