I was charged $19.95 by W/C Value Plus for nothing. I have no idea where this charge originated, but I sent a complaint letter to Hopkins, MN and was finally issued credits for over $200.00. How did this happen? Others have had the same problem. This is a huge scam! Please investigate and reply to me at [protected]@cox.net. Thanks.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I had the same thing happen to me. can you help me fix this. What did you do to get your money back?
They have been charging me since 08/29/06 and i dont know who they are.if you have a number that i can call i will appreciated. Thank you.
I also was promised a $40.00 Gas Rebate form Value Plus, but can't get on the website to claim it as their letter stated.
This has happened to us before.
The charge was for 19.95 and it occurred each month for 3 months.
Finally called the '800' number on my statement and got the dog and pony show.
Hello, the customer service number is Value Plus at [protected], you can call them too cancel and they will issue you a refund. Best of luck.
I just found a pending charge from these people on my Bank account. I went to thier website and called the customer service number. After a small wait i talked with a customer service rep. Before he could get any information out of his mouth i sternly told him that his company had 24 hours to remove the pending charge from my account or he would be talking to my lawyers the next day. He then became very cooperative. I can not stand companies like this. All they have ever been is a rip-off! I don't blame the employees, hey they have to make a living, I blame the people who start the company and the inadaquate laws to govern these companies.
To All the people who was bill for this you can call [protected] an they will remove any charges from your account. I was scammed for this to an I read many complaints about this an I just couldn't believe what I was reading, but I just called them today an they took the charges off. I think they got scared because of all the people who complained an said they were going to get there layers involved.
I just noticed this company was taking $16.95 per month out of my account for two years. I called and the first person hung up on me, but the 2nd person was very nice. She said they were sending me a form out and she guaranteed me I would get my money back. Will I get my money back?
Oh nevermind just saw the post above me. I was very upset and didn't see it.
I am in the process of taking a legal action to remedy this situation.
I just found out that like the rest of you, I also got scamed! And that this company was haeen taking $16.95 TWICE a month since November of 2007. And I only found out about it on Saturday. There was a $16.95 charge on my statement. I called the bank and asked what it was from. They said it was from WC. Express and gave me the phone number to contact them. Of course when I called, they were closed. And the website the voicemail provided me with was a fake. My daughter went ahead and googled the 1800 number and brought up all the complaints against this company. After reading them all, I called my bank up and sure enough, I found out that they started taking money out back in June or 07 and since November it's been twice a month.
I finally got in touch with somebody at the company yesterday (4/07/07) and they said they would cancel my suscription. I asked how could they cancel something that I never signed up for in the first place? No response. I asked what the so called membership was for. And she said that I was signed up for two discount services but wouldn't tell me which ones they were.However, she did tell me that one was for discount travel and the other was for discounts for dining and gas. First of all, im disabled and get around in an electric wheelchair. Why would I ever sign up for something for discounted gas?
This is B.S. Almost a year of this, and I haven't recieved one letter or anything else from this place.
This is the biggest scam I have ever seen. I stupidly order edthe Crunchless Abs videos as seen on TV and guess what...automatically enrolled in identity theft. They charged me for the tapes and then enrolled me in some repeat mailing that they charged me $40 a month for. I canceled that and then they proceeded to charge me 19.95 every month since January. I just got into a heated argument with them and they agreed to stop charging me, but claim they do not have the authority to reverse charges. I canceled my debit card immediately. I think we need to file a class action suit against these people. They charged money and never delivered any service whatsoever. Not even an email. Who in their right mind would pay this money willingly to a service that does nothing for them. I want to see this kind of service shut down. I work hard for my money, they scam people. It is a sad day in this country when we become complacent and allow this to happen to ourselves as well as other citizens. Anyone interested in actually challenging the system and reclaiming our rights as consumers? What happened to the customer is always right? email me...seyrahughes@hotmail.com
Not only does this SCAM seem to go on endlessly, they have claimed to Chase Bank that there is a contract that we agreed to and are supposedly sending. We changed bank accounts, and now Chase is charging our new account. We are going to switch banks. Just let them try to find us then. Tell everyone you know that this all came about because we ordered the Montele Williams endorsed Juicer system, then started getting workout videos, and now after 6 months find we are part of Value Plus, which we knew nothing about, not even how to use it.
How can the consumer protection agencies allow this to continue. We have reported this activity to the State Attorneys office, and the consumer fraud office for our state.
I received a notice in mail,of 500.00$ in gift cards,to be in reserve for me if I pay 3.95$ shipping.and I wanted to pay but looked at the website,and everyone's unhappy.is this a true site?as I have no idea if this is a scam,they gave me a phone number of [protected]
I sign up for value plus in June of 2023 and they were supposed to send me a $200.00 gift card in which I never received. I waited the 14day as required but still never received anything from them.
Valueplus didn't give a change to reconsider my value plus membership I called 2 times for it And were told that could not do
Dear hi How are you doing All I can say is I never have a gift card from you could use it and didn't take my payment on first time open to the program to you
Valueplusonline.com doesn't exist anywhere and they didn't keep their promise but did charge my debit card a fee
Got a letter stating I had subscribed to Value Plus.
I have NOT done this! they have the last four digits of my credit card and want to charge me $24.95 every month. I don't have a date but it was in Oct. Can you see that this is cancelled? the subscription number they have on the letter is
[protected] and order number [protected]
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