Will someone please do something about Amazon.com? What they are doing is not right and I don't see how it can even be legal. But everyone seems to be scared of the monster.
They have stolen several thousand dollars from us. They say we were involved in illegal activity so they're keeping thousands that we legitimately earned selling legitimate products, and they know it. But they claim that we were selling drugs. They have zero proof, and indeed can't have any proof because the accusation is completely false. Any reasonable intelligent person who spent two minutes researching the product Amazon says is a drug would conclude beyond a doubt that it is not a drug.
Please do something to help me get my money. Losing Amazon sales was 75% of my income, then them stealing thousands on top of that is salt in the wound for sure. This is an extreme hardship on my family, especially since the allegations are false and are apparently based on guesses on Amazon's part. Amazon has enough money, they really don't need to steal more!
I am far from the only one. I see hundreds of stories like this, involving millions of dollars and merchandise (they also steal anything you have stored there if you're unlucky enough to have trusted them with your livelihood).
I realize that everyone is either scared of Amazon or has been bought by Amazon (like the senator who squashed the bill trying to reign Amazon in a little). But someday someone needs to step up and start the fight against this supremely arrogant monster. I, for one, and not going to rest until justice is done and Amazon is forced to pay out all the money they are stealing on a daily basis.
1) Disburse our money immediately with a 100% penalty for their false accusations.
2) Disburse to everyone from which they've stolen money and/or merchandise those funds and/or product with a 100% penalty for their false accusations.
3) Disburse to me $800,000 for the next five years of lost revenue. They really should disburse twice this amount as well.