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Saya adalah salah seorang rujukan utk seorang peminjam courts mammoth.
Pada 10/12/19, saya telah dihubungi oleh seorang staf dr pejabat peguam yg beralamat di Brickfields.
Staf tersebut bertanyakan beberapa info mengenai peminjam dan saya juga memberi kerjasama yang sepatutnya.
Tiba2, staf tersebut cuba menggertak saya dengan mengatakan saya bole dibawa ke mahkamah jika pihak mahkamah mahu saya berbuat demikian. Walaupun saya cuma seorang rujukan utk pinjaman yang dibuat.
Saya tidak pernah menandatangani sebarang surat perjanjian sebagai seorang rujukan.
Dan kalau benar, kenapa sebelum setiap perjanjian diluluskan, pihak courts mammoth tidak pernah menjelaskan hak2 kepada penama2 yg diambil sebagai rujukan ini.
Biasanya, nama2 yg diberi sebgai sumber rujukan terdiri dr ahli keluarga dan kwn2 yg rapat.
Jikalau tindakan seperti yg pihak courts mammoth dan pejabat peguam ambil ini, sudah tentu boleh menjejaskan emosi dan perhubungan antara peminjam dan org yg dirujuk.
Pada saya, pihak peguam boleh meneruskan tindakan yg patut dibuat tanpa perlu menakut2 kan org.
Dengan ini, sy ingin meminta pihak courts mammoth menjelaskan kepada saya dr bahagian mana dalam surat perjanjian dengan peminjam yang mengatakan orang yg dirujuk boleh disabitkan ke mahkamah semata2 utk mendapatkan maklumat peminjam.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
Untuk perhatian pihak hq setapak. Sila ambil serius. Nak cek outstanding balance nak buat full settlement tapi panggilan tidak berjawab. Ye tahu, ada no utk customer service tetapi mesin yg jawab dan ia mintak invoice no yg saya tidak tahu krn cek bg pihak ketiga. Tolong bg no pegawai pelanggan yg saya boleh hubungi dan boleh menjawab panggilan. T ksh
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
gangguan daripada debt collector yang menipu
Pada 12/11/2019, jam lebih kurang 11.00pagi saya telah menerima panggilan daripada pemanggil yang dikenali sebagai Faizal, nombor telefon (+[protected]) dan menyatakan beliau daripada Mahkamah sivil kuantan menyatakan bahawa ada satu kes telah difailkan kepada saya. Beliau memaklumkan kepada saya untuk menghubungi pihak yang memfailkan kes keatas saya iaitu En. Shahrizal ditalian (Azwan & co 03 [protected]/[protected]) untuk membuat semakan dan perbincangan. Setelah saya menghubungi En. Shahrizal, beliau menyatakan sy mempunyai tunggakan courts mammoth dan perlu membuat pembayaran tunggakan sebanyak RM1560 sebelum jam 3petang semalam. Sekiranya bayaran tidak dijelaskan, beliau memaklumkan sy perlu hadir ke Mahkamah Sivil Kuantan untuk dibicarakan. Beliau turut mengancam untuk menghantar surat kepada pihak jabatan sy supaya sy dikenakan tindakan tatatertib.
Pada jam 2.15petang, sy telah menghubungi mahkamah kuantan ditalian [protected] dan meminta disambungkan ke Mahkamah Sivil. Sy telah menceritakan kejadian telah dihubungi oleh pihak mahkamah sivil bernama En. Faizal mengenai perkara ini. Dan sy tlah dijelaskan oleh pihak mahkamah bahawa itu merupakan panggilan palsu oleh scammer dan tiada staff yang bernama Faizal yang bekerja di Mahkamah Sivil Kuantan.
Pada jam 3.15 ptg, sy telah ke CM bentong untuk membuat pembayaran sebanyak Rm600. Namum begitu, pihak CM Bentong seakan akan mendesak supaya saya membayar RM1560. Sy tidak membayar jumlah yang diminta kerana mereka seolah olah melengahkan masa sy.
Jam 3.45 petang, sy telah membuat pembayaran sebanyak RM500 di mesin CDM Maybank. Faizal dah Shahrizal berterusan menghubungi saya dan mengancam sy menyatakan sy cuba menipu beliau.
Sy berharap pihak courts dapat menyiasat perkara ini.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
really bad service for delivery tv 58 inch
On monday 22oct i've sign agreement in courts nilai for philips tv 58". Agreement no [protected]. Seller said item not in store. So had to pick from gudang. I have to keep on tracking my tv. warehouse person didnt call me. I have been waiting for 1week now. Now is 29oct Still no call. Everyday need to call customer service. But he told me item is in transit. He also tell me he dont know why i didnt get the tv. Reaalllyyyy bad service from u. I wont buy from courty anymore. This is the first and last.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
complaint bad attitude staff debt collector
I would like to make a complaint about a collector's staff member named Ashraf (branch office) who was rude and uncivilized when he contacted me asking for an immediate payment which ended the conversation with the word "Puki Mak" coming out of Ashraff's last conversation. Is this the attitude of the Court Mammort staff to follow? Please take appropriate...
Read full review of Courts Malaysiareplacement of foc pack
I've made a complain( Report Number:SRV00040370) on the FOC pack 2-3 weeks ago. Everything was smoothly done. I received an email from the customer service on 20th Sept 2019 that Mr Mahen from the Case Team had settled everything and the warehouse team will sent the new FOC Pack by LAST WEEK to ipoh outlet and I can collect it by last week. UNTIL TODAY I DID NOT RECEIVE ANY EMAIL OR CALLS REGARDING THE PACK. I DID CALLED UP LAST WEEK TO FOLLOW UP THE CASE BUT NO ONE GIVE ME ANY EXACT ANSWER. I REQUEST MR MAHEN TO CONTACT ME FOR FOLLOW UP BUT NO RESPONSE WAS GIVEN! I CALLED AGAIN TODAY IT SEEMS THAT MR MAHEN TRIES TO PALM OFF HIS RESPONSIBILITY BY BLAMING THE SUPPLIER!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
replacement of faulty parts
Continuation from the case 36854...
On 2 September, I received a call for making an appointment for delivery of the replacement parts on 12 September. at 10 am.
On 12 September, I waited from 10 am till 1 pm, but no one showed up. I called the customer service hotline, and they promised to get the warehouse department to revert my call. Unfortunately, no one called me after that.
I purposely took a day off my work on 12 September to settle this issue. Now, one day of my annual leave seems wasted but no progress is made. :-(
"They will be contacting you directly for the update."
May I know roughly how long do I need to wait further? I am planning to move in soon and this issue seems to be blocking me.
p/s: please kindly do not give me anymore reply such as "currently following up" or "will be contacting you"... I just need some solid answer. Been calling the customer service for more than 10 times, and kept getting the same response. :-(
May I know how long does it take to investigate the matter? I submitted the complain on the 28 July and it is almost more than 2 months now!
May I know how long does the team need to investigate the matter? I submitted the complain on 28 July, and it is going to be more than 2 months now...
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
Refund not received
I have made a purchase of 2 Queen Size Mattress on 25/05/2019 with full payment at Kajang Branch. The expected delivery was on 29/05/2019 and the delivery was not happened since then. No call no follow up as usual that they expect their customer to take initiative to follow up again and again. Without failed, I have been follow up since 29/05/2019 till 1/06/2019, there is no any status update could be provide either by call center or by the branch itself. With the unpleasant experience gained, I have cancelled my order and request for refund on 1/06/2019.
The branch has proceed my cancellation on the same day and I was informed that the refund will take another 2 to 3 weeks. I called to call center to follow up the status after 1 month. However, I was informed that my cancellation is being proceed on 18/06/2019 and the refund will take 45 to 60 working days.
When I checked courts policy on refund, it is clearly stated that the refund will take 4 to 6 weeks which translate to 1 and half month is the longest lead time for me to expect my refund. Without any surprise, the refund does not happen till now.
I called to contact center again on 29/08/2019 as I am wondering what delay the refund, the only response i get from call center is "No status update" as the related finance department has no yet replied their inquiries since then, the latest call i made was on 03/09/2019.
I would like to request a official acknowledgement and confirmation of my refund date.
My order number is [protected], and the last call agent I spoken to is Shahmirul.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
sabrina bedroom set
My name is Kin Honn.
May I know the progress of my case number : 36854? I have been calling the customer service for weeks, and they kept giving the same answer, "They are still waiting for the replacement parts and will give me a call next week."
I have been waiting for weeks, but still no call from them.
Please kindly response. Kindly provide a clear date of when the parts shall arrive.
Thank you.
Kin Honn
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
On 2 September, I received a call for making an appointment for delivery of the replacement parts on 12 September. at 10 am.
On 12 September, I waited from 10 am till 1 pm, but no one showed up. I called the customer service hotline, and they promised to get the warehouse department to revert my call. Unfortunately, no one called me after that.
I purposely took a day off my work on 12 September to settle this issue. Now, one day of my annual leave seems wasted but no progress is made. :-(
Pada 26/7/19 bapa saya telah pergi ke pejabat CM Setapak berjumpa dengan En Ghazali Bhg Arrears memohon utk membuat full settelment utk loan handphone yg saya buat. Bapa saya beritahu dkt En Ghazali yg dia hendak buat full settlement supaya akaun berkaitan dgn loan hp saya ditutup. En Ghazali telah memaklumkan kpd bapa saya bahawa utk full settlement bapa saya perlu membayar RM3, 560 sahaja setelah ditolak diskaun. Pd 26/7/19 juga bapa saya telah membayar jumlah utk full settlement sebanyak RM3, 560 kpd En Ghazali dan En Ghazali telah memaklumkan bahawa dgn pembayaran tersebut semua akaun mengenai loan saya telah ditutup. Surat clearence akan dikeluarkan dlm tempoh 14 hari setelah diskaun yg diberi tu di wave kan. Sehingga sekarang surat clearence yg dikatakan itu belum lg diterima. Tiba2 pd 29/8/19 jam 1.30 ptg wakil CM En Ruben telah dtg ke rumah bapa saya menyatakan ada satu lg akaun saya iaitu akaun gerenti yg ada tunggakan sebanyak RM871 tapi mengikut dlm sistem RM790 perlu dibayar. Selepas bayaran RM871 saya kena bayar lg tiap2 bulan sebanyak RM71.35 selama 3 tahun lg. Pada hal pd 26/7/19 en Ghazali tidak ada langsung memaklumkan apa2 kpd bapa saya bahawa ada lg akaun yg perlu dibayar & dibuat full settelment.Untuk makluman pihak tuan saya telah pun membuat laporan polis di atas hal ini kerana saya rasa seperti ada penipuan.Di sini saya sertakan no account saya [protected] dan juga no phone En.Ruben (samseng) [protected] dan juga En.Ghazali Court Mammouth Setapak 03-[protected]..
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
4pcs sabrina bedroom set queen dark brown (sabrina wardrobe bottom panel broken)
Hi saya ahmad tarmizi a. Aziz. Ade delivery barang berupa set bilik tidur. Pada tarikh 25 JULY 2019. (4pcs bedroom set Queen dark brown). Waktu pemasangan barang salah satu barang iaitu almari panel bawah( Sabrina wardrobe bottom panel broken). Semasa pemasangan telah patah di bawah. Jadi tukang pasang tidak pasang sepenuhnya almari tersebut untuk pemasangan semula bila barang tersebut sampai.. Delivery tersebut telah telefon dan bagitahu hq courts. Sekian.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
customer service doing harassment
This is not first time having unpleasant experience with their customer service.
I understand they want to remind about the due payment but it was so rude and so provoking. While I was asking them a question they started being offended & try to piss me off.
They are so annoying and so unprofessional.
Need to make sure they know how to treat customer.
And also they have weird customer management. I have three different accounts with them and they assign three differents person to deal with me. Why not just assign one person based on customer ID not the account number.
Everytime different people call me and I find this so irritating.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
unethical debt collector (gangguan & ugutan di tempat kerja)
Butir-butir debt collector:
- Phone number : [protected]
- Bangsa : India (dari segi dialek bahasa)
- Mengaku sebagai lawyer
- Partner : berbangsa cina (private number)
Saya tertunggak bayaran sebanyak RM1200. Collector call pada hari Isnin pukul 3 ptg (15/7/2019) dan menyuruh saya membuat pembayaran dalam tempoh 2 jam . Dia juga mengugut, jika tiada pembayaran, dia akan datang ke tempat kerja saya untuk berjumpa dengan majikan serta menghantar notis ke putrajaya. Saya berunding dengan dia dan diberi tempoh sehingga esok hari (16/7/2019) pada pukul 10 pagi. Saya bersetuju.
kemudian, Pada 16/7/2019, pukul 9.00 pagi, saya whatsapp dia untuk berbincang dan mewakilkan suami saya untuk berurusan memandangkan saya sedang bekerja. Tetapi dia terus marah dan mengugut mahu hantar orang ke tempat saya bekerja untuk berjumpa dengan majikan saya.tanpa mendengar apa2 penjelasan daripada saya, dia terus maki dan meninggikan suara. kemudian saya dapat tahu, dia telah buat panggilan ke pejabat saya dan bercakap dengan nada kurang ajar terhadap majikan saya. Selepas itu saya dapat panggilan dari orang lain(berbangsa cina) marah dan jerkah saya mengatakan bahawa mereka sudah hampir ke tempat kerja saya.
Hal ini amat memalukan saya.sedangkan saya tidak pun menolak untuk pembayaran.saya cuma mewakilkan urusan kepada suami saya. Dia telah menyebabkan saya malu dan menjatuhkan maruah saya pada majikan dan rakan sekerja saya. Saya jadi stress dan trauma untuk pergi ke tempat kerja. Ini menjejaskan hidup dan pekerjaan saya.Saya akan buat tindakan susulan dengan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak courts terhadap saya.
Setelah saya membuat pembayaran, dia berterusan meminta bukti pembayaran. Selagi tidak mendapat bukti pembayaran, dia terus menghubungi pejabat, untuk meminta pembayaran dari majikan saya pula. Lansung tidak profesional dan beretika.Menengking dan marah-marah dan asyik mengugut.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
ugutan dari debt collector
Saya telah menerima ugutan dari debt collector dan mengarahkan saya membayar jumlah yg tertunggak dengan kadar segera sedangkan sebelum ni saya sudah membuat bayaran Pada 27/6/19 sebanyak rm1600 Dan telah membuat persetujuan dgn branch manager courts seri manjung utk menjelaskan baki yg selebihnya pada 30/7/19 Dan mereka telah bersetuju untuk itu. Tetapi pada hari ini 16/7/19 debt collector sekali lagi menelefon saya Dan mengarahkan saya menjelaskan Baki tunggakan segera dgn nada yg tinggi serta biadap serta mengugut untuk menelefon majikan saya. Beliau telah pun Berbuat demikian Dan ini telah menjejaskan reputasi saya. Berikut saya sertakan msg yg dihantar Oleh pihak debt collector sblm saya membuat bayaran pada 27/6/19 yang lepas...kali ini debt hanya membuat panggilan menggunakan no private number.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
Saya nak buat aduan tentang collector courts mammoth bernama Kamal sy xsure dia India atau melayu. Saya faham saya mempunyai tunggakkan dan dia menjalankan kerja dia. Tak cukup dia call hp saya dia akan ganggu sy di tempat kerja dan sangat tiada adab cara bercakap dengan rakan sekerja sy jika saya tiada di tempat. Dia memberi saya tekanan. Mohon jasa baik courts tolong la saya bukan xnak bayat saya akan bayar saya tengah usaha untuk menyelesaikan tunggakkan. Jika sy xnak selesaikan masalah ni buat apa saya sndiri yg update no hp baru saya utk memudahkan pihak courts call. Baik saha lari saja tp saya xbuat mcm tu. Sy ttp bgi no. Hp baru saya tp still mereka ganggu call di office.. Tolong la saya merayu jgn ganggu sy di office tempat sy mencari rezeki.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
This account is belong to my late father. He was passed away on 9th March 2016. Necessary documents had been sent over to you in order to notify about this account holder.
In other notes, I would like you to check why I still recieved this notifications after 2 years?Is there is any outstanding balance that we will need to paid to you? I'd been told previously that this account will be close. But today, i was recieved this notifications. Are you kidding me COURT MAMMOTH?
Back in March 2017, one of your officer(not rememberred his name) called me and mentioned if we paid RM4k this account, we will not going to be charged by any party and this account will officially close in your record. This payment had been disbursed to your account on 14/3/2017. Please do check your record. Did you missed something on this?Did your transaction updated correctly?
We will appreciates to hear from you the soonest.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
complaint about your collector debt
I am dont buy anything at your store but one of my click buy a tv from your store.a few month she has money financial problem and she did not pay the outstanding bill. One of your staff call at my office and tell about this the moment iam ok la he keep calling at my working place but once he have my personal number he keep calling non stop asking the same question why cannot reach my debt collector very rude and TAK PAHAM BAHASA.i am going to police station to report this indian guy because he keep calling me until late night asking the same question. This indian guy no phone 016-4985436 and another number is private.i hope your company can take action about my problem if your side cant do anything i want make complaint at KPDNHED. I give you one day to settle my problem.if your guy come at my working place again i want viral how rude your guy.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
fridge, washing machine
We bought television, washing machine and fridge from courts. Sadly, all of the product cannot be use since october 2018 and we have complained about it, the only thing we got is television. But for the washing machine and fridge still got no answer since october 2018. But we still need to made payment? I don't know if this is the right thing because we paid for something we do not use for about 8 months. What is the purpose of paying something that we don't even get to use it ?
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
samsung s10 (item not received)
My mother made a smartphone purchase (samsung s10) at Courts (Jitra), They say they will deliver to my house on 26th May and we made the request to deliver the item on 26th of May since my family was on trip to KL until 25th of may. On the 26th May, we received a call from Courts Jitra which they say "Is the item is safely devliver madam?", my answer "We haven't reaceived any item". The Court Jitra check the system which state that the item is already delivered on 25th of MAY. I was like, "we were in KL until 25th may and back on 26th may how the hell you deliver the item on 25th of may to my house if no one was there to receive it and do signature.". The Courts Jitra say they will send an email to main brach to check what is the real situation, till then i have to wait for feedback. After 1 day i did't receive any feedback, so i decided to call the main branch to check on my item status, They say the item already deliver and my respond is same as above, then she say will report this situation and get back to me within 3 days. After that, no respond from the Courts HQ and from Jitra Branch, i decided to call them back to check on the situation, when they receive they say currently they are making contact on Pineng warehouse to check on delivery note, i responded with "It been 3 days and until now you have no given me any feedback how do you contact with your warehouse branch". She replied with "Email". Seroiusly email?, if the warehouse people don't see the email for 10 year means i wont't get my item till then is it? They say that also cannot do anything until get feedback from warehouse. Why not just give them a call to get immediate answer this will not only get the job done faster but also satisfy customer to get respond fast on their item. Please do someting about this as today is the 5th day of the item not recived and no respond from Courts
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
set divan
Set divan
Hai nama saya kavi. nric [protected]. basement set divan patah sudah sebulan lebih tak respon apa2. customer service datang rumah ambil gambar sampai hari ini tak respon. barang ada warranty lagi. barang baru lagi bukan secondhand. saya nak satu results about ini kes sudah sebulan lebih. kalau tak boleh tukar I just returned. tolong ambil tindakan courts. tq
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
Courts Malaysia Reviews 0

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Courts Malaysia phone numbers+60 330 008 998+60 330 008 998Click up if you have successfully reached Courts Malaysia by calling +60 330 008 998 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Courts Malaysia by calling +60 330 008 998 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Courts Malaysia by calling +60 330 008 998 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Courts Malaysia by calling +60 330 008 998 phone number100%Confidence scoreCustomer Service Hotline
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Courts Malaysia address№ 36, Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, 53300, Malaysia
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