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CB Department Stores Dillard's mistreatment of employees

Dillard's review: mistreatment of employees 101

Author of the review
12:00 am EST
Review updated:
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I am one of your older customers as are many of my other friends who like to shop at Dillards, but find it difficult to locate a place in convenient locations to sit for a few minutes to "regenerate" and continue our shopping. Many of my dollars have been spent though the years at your store in Longmont. Colorado and that is one of our pet peeves that would help us remain true to the department store and not BIG BOX horrors of the younger generation. Another PLUS would be small attractive shopping carts to aid us in traveling from one department to another without having to run back and forth to the parking lot to unload merchandise as we proceed through the different departments.

Although I use your credit card often I also frequently pay cash or use my airline miles card to pay for items I purchase. Just Remember us "old timers " often have more disposable income than do the younger generation! Thanks for your consideration, and for asking for complaints from LOYAL customers.

Marilyn Palmer
[protected]@ of your sales staff are very pleasant and helpful which is greatly appreciated...

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Dec 23, 2006 12:00 am EST

I made a purchase at a Dillard's store on 12/22/06. I was told by the cashier to go on-line to register for a $2500 shopping spree. The email address is bogus and routed me to this website!

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Jan 11, 2007 3:32 am EST

I just spent $80.11 at dillards in Lubbock Texas. My ticket says to register on line for $2500. Shopping spree, but i was not able to register and the website seems to be a fake.

Phil Ellis
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Feb 01, 2007 12:10 am EST

I also can not find information on $2,500.00 shopping spree. I would thing this would breaking the law?

Judith R. Willis
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Feb 08, 2007 9:02 am EST

I tried to register for a shopping spree as advertised on my purchase receipt but no site exists for this.

Misty Lingo
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Mar 04, 2007 12:00 am EST

GO to MSN homepage and search:


and you will go right to it I used Yahoo and could not get to it, so i got smart, and went through comcast and it didn't work, so i tried MSN, and it went right to it YEA! Misty Lingo sorry for the complaint that it was a fake but it was through AOL or YAHOO.

Janice Benes
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Mar 18, 2007 9:59 am EDT

Offer written on the bottom of my receipt 3/17/07. I've spent a lot of time trying to find the advertised offer. Should not be printed on receipt if offer is not longer available.

Gregory Allen Gieger
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May 07, 2007 1:50 pm EDT

I totally agree with you on this issue bur you have to understand that the various complaints regarding mistreatment of employees goes all the way back to when Dillard's was started.

In todays market place Dillard's is stuck in the 50's and 60's when it comes to dealing with employees. For instance, if you miss a day of work due to illness you must bring a note from your doctor. This practice is nothing more than harassment.

I have worked for several large corporations such as Black and Decker, Johnson & Johnson, and J.C. Penny and not any of these companies required a note from my doctor in fact this practice is borderline with the federal HIPPA statute which basically states that your medical records are private and you do not have to share them with anyone. All we need is for several employees to band together and file a federal lawsuit against Dillard's to put a stop to this practice.

If this happened, Dillard's could be fined thousands and also be made to pay financial settlements to those they have broken the law against.

Kristi Davis
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May 18, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This is NOT a complaint. I found the website by imputing the in the Address (http://) address bar. If you are using your internet provider page address bar, you probably will not find it.

It IS a valid contest, and I have entered twice!

Try it this way!

Good Luck! :)

Send a message
May 18, 2007 6:38 am EDT

I have alot of receipt from dillards but can not get online to register it not going thought can some one help

Janice Barnett
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May 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Shopped Dillard's on yesterday 5/19/07, spent $67.58 and also bought a gift card for $15.00 and on both receipts the free shopping spree existed to enter. My attempt to do so presented me with a "no can do". That website doesn't exist. This is false advertising!

Ms. Lee Ann Porter
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May 21, 2007 2:08 am EDT

The web site does not give you Dillard's!

Patricia Griebel
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Jun 03, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I tried to register for the $2500 Shopping Spree shown on my receipt. Could not register. Spent too much time fooling around with this. Can shop other places rather than Dillards. If you are offering something, follow up to make sure it works. Great way to lose customers.

Shirley Gray
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Jun 05, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I attempted to respond to a survey which suggests a 2500 shopping spree. The survey questions were endless and required that I sign on to at least one offer to participate in this spree. It explicitly states on the sales receipt no purchase necessary therefore why is it necessary that I must accept one of the offers. I view this as misleading and bordering on fraudulent. I will be forwarding a copy of this complaint to the Better Business Bureau.

Unhappy shopper.

Theron Graves
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Jun 06, 2007 7:25 pm EDT

OK -- I registered for this shopping spree. I believed in my heart that I was absolutely going to win this spree. I don't have the kind of money it takes to support a family of six and give them the things they want to be "like the other kids". My daughter is going into her Junior Year in High School this fall and I was sooooooo hopeful and convinced that this would be the spree to allow me to support her needs and build up her self esteem. My oldest son is getting married -- I just knewwwww that this would allow me to give him and his fiance' nice gifts -- after reading all the negative comments I am soooooooo ashamed I fell for this -- I just know Dillard's is a better agency than this. What is going on -- I just don't want to really believe this was a hoax.

Thanks and don't disappoint the public here.

Send a message
Jun 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I found the web site without any problems and also I completed the form and it was accepted without any problems. I think some of the problems that others are experiencing is just like any other problems that we all experience.

Imelda Davis
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Jun 25, 2007 1:40 pm EDT

Could not register for the $2,500 shopping spree printed on receipt from Dillard's. I made purchases on 6/23/07 at Dillard's at South Park, Charlotte, NC.

Jacqulyn E. Ivory
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Jul 01, 2007 10:53 am EDT

My receipt state to register by 9/2/07. 02410410043029xxxx

M. Eischen
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Jul 11, 2007 5:04 pm EDT

Can't make this work & am VERY annoyed.

julia anne sheridan
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Oct 14, 2007 1:35 pm EDT

I tried to get to the shopping spree contest and did not have any luck. Tried a few times.

Rantonio Bonderas
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Dec 24, 2007 1:04 am EST

I completley agree with Mr Graves. I truly thought that Dillards would have oomph to stand as they should.

The public gets dissapointed every day, now Dillards has jumped on the band wagon and is raising a rucus not soon to be silenced.

Shame on you Dillards.

not a fool
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Dec 26, 2007 12:00 am EST

What sort of scam is Dillars's hooked up to? I tried the web site given on my receipt and was led to some prize winning access line that charges 10.00 a month. Get real Dillards!

Melanie leal
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Jan 05, 2008 12:00 am EST

Was given the shopping spree website on my receipt today but the website does not even exist. What gives?

sallie Worsnop
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Jan 23, 2008 7:12 pm EST

I do have a question for employees of Dillards. Do you think it's fair for the company to cut your pay if the store does not have the revinue? In other words , this is a new store, two years old in Feb 2008 . Dillards has cut the pay of many good employees, that have been with from the start of the store. Is that fair?

Send a message
Feb 19, 2008 12:25 am EST

I totally agree with you! Though at my Dillard's in Tyler, TX they make you come to a one hour class to do some stupid f*&#king ### like writing out ways to seduce people into getting the crappy Dillard's credit cards. I have 2 no shows because the first one I was scheduled to come to, I had been in Houston for 2 days and wasn't going to be back for another 2. I couldn't call in because they won't let you! The second time I had to bring my fiance to work and it was in the middle of the time I had to be there... Plus you have to work JUST UNDER 7 hours on Sunday with no lunch... Texas laws are you have to take at least a 30 minute lunch after 7 hours. They make sure they work you just under.

When I threatened to quit, 2 managers pulled me upstairs and started drilling me with questions on why I was wanting to quit and I told them I hate the sales floor and hate the stupid credit cards. 85% of the dillard's shoppers already HAVE the card, 10% don't want it, 2% don't believe in cards, and the 3% that's left, they're split up between the hundreds of employees all trying to get their cards in for the month so they don't have to suffer the credit 101 class! I should've asked for more pay if they wanted me to stay, but I also couldn't risk getting fired because I just moved into an apartment with my fiance. We can't afford to lose everything with being reduced to one income instead of two. I HATE DILLARD'S!

Send a message
Feb 19, 2008 12:34 am EST

Oh and one other thing, no it's absolutely no fair at ALL for Dillards to cut your pay simply because you don't sell enough because your sales quota is so f***king high that you can't possibly reach it some days, and so if you aren't making sales (which is in no way your fault if you don't meet it. People take their merchandise to all departments of the store regardless if it was stuff from your department or not) they will cut your pay and eventually fire you. Some girls got fired after their pay being cut back so low because of sales, and because of something that happened that wasn't their fault but the HEAD MANAGER was over there, YELLING at them calling them lazy and saying they don't work, then he fired them. Tell me, do you think this is right? I don't think so! what kind of company is this?! One word of advice... NEVER EVER work for Dillard's... even though they pay high (which they do because they loose so many employees) they are the worst place I have ever worked... and I've worked several jobs over the years...

Lynne Urban
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Feb 21, 2008 10:21 am EST

There was a promotion on sales reciept for a $2500.00 shopping spree. When you try to go to that web site there isn't the ability to register to to be able to register for this promotion.

Hot Springs Customer
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Feb 23, 2008 9:34 pm EST

Tried several times to get into site but all you can get into is an AOL survey linking you up into other scams. Dillards, Dillards! This is not the way to keep your customers.

Felecia King
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Feb 28, 2008 7:01 am EST

Where oh where is the site to register for the shopping spree?

Marie Louise Coney
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Mar 01, 2008 10:17 pm EST

March 2, 2008

I just emailed Dillard. I also think that the $2,500 shopping spree is a fraud that Dilard is adversting. I tried to submit the online entry form and it stated that "the url you requested no longer exists," therefore, I couldn't submit my entry. How can such a large department store like Dillard mislead customers.

Marie Coney--Georgia

sandra hauser
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Apr 02, 2008 5:40 am EDT

after making a purchase in dillards, the receipt tells you to go to the above website to register for a $2500 shopping spree. you cannot register. you have to answer all kinds of questions and then join different groups. if you do not join, you are not allowed to register for the sweepstakes.

DJ Sarver
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Apr 10, 2008 6:47 pm EDT

Not a big fan of Dillard's; I started working there last year when I decided to take a semester off. My manager is really awesome though, and I'm glad I work for her because all of the other department managers are ### for the most part. That goes for the other employers/employees as well. And I hate having to open credits (we don't have to go in on Sundays though and write essays if we don't open one a week, I would have quit by now if that were the case) even though our goal is one a month and I've only opened one since I've been there haha. And I'll probably never work in another position where I have to meet a gay-### quota. They're usually too high and it's not good especially with the economy being in the shape it's in now. Although I can't really complain because my manager gives me special hours because I like doing the work noone else likes to do (i.e. putting stock up, general cleaning, etc.) so last review I didn't get a pay cut :-) All I can say is, I can't wait until Fall semester!

Send a message
May 21, 2008 11:33 am EDT

I too worked for Dillard stores 11 years ago and just in the past 6 mo. I found them bad enough before but now is just rediclous. We were treated like theives even be fore it was justified. Everything was under lock and key and for what reason I dont know, there was nothing but visual in those stockrooms. If they thought I was a thief, why was I hired in the first place.
And for the managment, well lets just say they all could go to school to learn how to treat another human being. I had to work New Years Day and greeted the OPs Mgr. in the morning and told her Happy New Year and the reply was YA THANKS. I have been in retail for over 30 years and have never been treated like I have been at this company.
As for the CREDITS well it is sad that your job depends on this, for in this economy we live in alot of folks can't put food on the table and gas in their cars, so who the HELL would want a credit at 24% . we were always to blame if people were not shopping and our wages were affected because of a poor economy. WHAT A JOKE.
All I can say is at this point all KARMA comes around sooner or later, I have already seen evidence of it.
God bless all of you who have stayed and endured.I only lasted 6 mo.
Someone needs to get a suit started, I would be glad to lend my voice.

Send a message
Jun 26, 2008 9:32 am EDT

Don't sign up if you have a conscience. The "nice" employee will regret it. They'll hire anybody. Run, don't walk. The sooner I forget about this place the better :).

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Aug 10, 2008 2:59 pm EDT

You can try day and night to log on to this website, but it's non-existent from what I can tell. All you get is an internet error message.
Shame on Dillards!

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Aug 20, 2008 10:43 am EDT

I found the website for the Dillards Shopping Spree contest. If you type the site printed on your receipt it won't work, but try this one: It worked for me.

Buda, US
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Aug 20, 2008 12:05 pm EDT

Don't buy at Dillards Department Store. I complained nicely and
the store security came after me. But it just wasn't security, but off-duty police with guns.

They have taken people in the back and killed them for doing nothing. Most of the people they go after are hispanics and blacks. They hog-tied one man till he died. They have killed 7 people, all minorities except one that was white. I complained to the corporate office in Arkansas, and Dillards gave me $250.00, which is shut-up money.

If you don't believe me go to Google or Yahoo and type in Dillard's Department store and customer deaths. They have also been on 60 minutes in the past. Be careful because they continue their evil, horrible tactics.

Send a message
Sep 17, 2008 3:34 pm EDT

We recieved on our reciept a chance to enter a Shoppong spree contest, but when I went in on
the email they list to enter it it has nothing to do with that. I didn't know they were that
type of business to offer something and it isnt! valid

Send a message
Sep 19, 2008 10:28 am EDT

One gets put onto a survey trying to seel a lot of junk and.or signb up for panels etc.
I jsut wanted to enter for the shopping spree.

dillards can forget me as a customer

Plano, US
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Nov 02, 2008 1:45 pm EST

I'm fed up with your pop up ads on the internet. I'll never shop in your stores again. I can't read an article of interest without your damn pop ups every few seconds or so. It appears as they are designed to stay on for about fifteen seconds or so even if I click on the close link.

jake halk
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Nov 02, 2008 2:22 pm EST

Get a pop up blocker. I use Mozilla Firefox with a pop up blocker built in, it does wonders

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