I found out that gianteagle listens unavailable to receive fuel perks. At the bottom of my receipt today was directed to survey3.medallia.com/se to provide feedback to receive fuel perks. Unfortunately I was unable to access site to receive fuelperks! I am very disappointed as I do count on being able to get extra fuel perks as I spend alot of money on groceries and gas! Unfortunately if can't get these extra perks I may have to start shopping elsewhere and getting gas elsewhere.
At the end of the link you included it should be /ge not /be. I did the survey on Thursday but still have not received the points
Here is the correct link.
Yes helpful..even my phone calls they listen, but action is not taken..why..
Same thing happened to me so I intend to complain to GE & see what happens? The program has saved me $ on gas so I'm sure its a glitch or maybe Lil Joey Biden is involved in the perks program?
I have called customer care center after each visit to giant eagle. I have reached out to them because i am unable to access the survey which gives me perks! i still cannot get to the link and have not received any satisfaction from my phone calls! this transfer from giant eagle listens is not working! please remedy this as soon as possible and please give me my perks. Thank you!
The same thing just happened to me! I cannot access the website! I hate Giant Eagle!
I could not access the site at the bottom of my Giant Eagle receipt to survey for perks. What's up with that?
I too have tried to access the customer survey at the bottom of my Giant Eagle receipt for the past month ( today, July 20, 2023 was the latest). There is no way to get the survey using the website provided on the receipt. So frustrating! Why doesn't Giant Eagle just do away with the perks program instead of making their customers pursue this exercise in futility? It would seem they are avoiding giving the 10 extra perks.
same problem here too but i did get thru that survey... 1 time,, it wont let me in all now and I agree with all of ya,, I USED to get those perks whereever I could find them,, Im guessin they have figured out that people like the perks and GE is losing the big green monster MONEY !
i am adding to my previous comment because i went back to my receipt and SCANNED the barcode or whatever you call that square box on the receipt, and i got right into the survey board,, not sure if it was a coincidence or not but try it,, it worked for me GOOD LUCK GANG !
Same. I tried to type in the medallion site and it didn’t work but when I saw that their code worked I tried that and bingo… there it was.
Not giving the bonus points for survey>>>>>>>>> new site is garbage
August 12, 2023, going to the website at the bottom of my receipt and it tells me that this survey is no longer available. Garbage, why do you think people are shopping at Giant Eagle, fuel perks and $$$ off of groceries. Don't advertise what you can't deliver!
What is going on? At the bottom of my Giant Eagle receipt, it says one can get fuel perks if a survey was filled out... I went on the website, and it is almost impossible to locate. When it is located, it's another survey.
site. It's frustrating and seemingly unethical that customers are misled. Plus, you only have five (5) days to complete the survey. Many customers I spoke with prefer the other Fuel Perk rewards...where it said.
"Giant Eagle listens" This new reward perks are another matter, unlike the original Fuel Perks customers were granted ten (10) perks. Almost sounds like false advertising or misleading advertising towards customers!
I am unable to access the website
No page information is available.
I too rely on these perks for gasoline and groceries. Giant Eagle’s groceries are overpriced. Everything is overpriced! How are people supposed to save $$ these days? 10 perks? And can’t even get the 10 perks!
the correct wesite to do giant eagle survey is :survey3.medallia.com/ge
I agree about shopping elsewhere. Giant Eagle isn't the only rodeo in town. Their surveys are false advertising and misleading.
We will not be shopping at Giant Eagle. There is Krogers, Meijer, Aldis etc. And their prices are too high anyways.
Today, November 17, 2024, I tried for at least a half hour to be able to take the survey to get 10 perks. I also wanted to give a good rating to the cashier and bagger, but no matter how many links I tried to access I was never able to find the right place. Survey3.medallia.com/ge does not work. I found one link that said Survey, but it turned out not to be connected to Giant Eagle. It was a survey to get junk mail and samples based on questions you answered.
I always do the Giant Eagle Survey to receive my extra perks. This is the 1st time I was unable to do so? I entered survey3,medallia.com/se. This site does not work and it also says it is an unsecured site!
My name is Janet McKee , the code on my receipt is [protected] [protected]