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Greyhound Lines

Greyhound Lines review: terrible experience! 24

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12:00 am EST
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I recently had the displeasure of ridding greybound. I was treated as if i was to be pleasured by humiliation, rudeness, and threating drivers. To add to this unforgettable ride, if a swab test were to be done on growing manifestation sof growth, it would grow a tree of filth. To my surprise, no one said a word, Why? Because we were told that if we uttered a word we would be DROPPED of at the next kill zone! Another bus station... I will never ride a pitery dish bus again.

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dorothy cobbett in Canada
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Mar 05, 2008 11:59 am EST

Hello we Order two 2 way tickets from Abbotsford BC Canada to Calgary AB canada! and back to BC! Somthing that should of cost us $316.05 ended up costing us $1267.20, 4 times they charged us! This was charged on are credit card! We gave permission once not 4 time's to take the monies off the card! This took place on March 2ed 2008 and it has been 3 days and nothing has been done about this! We have called and called to no avail! We have had the Credit card company call us and tell us that they will not give them any info until they speak to us! Well we have spoke to them over and over again and still nothing! One thing I can say is that Master card is trying and Grey hound is not! so buyer be where! and after all of this we still do not hve the tickets! thanks Dot in canada!

Michael D. Eidson
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Aug 08, 2008 2:01 am EDT

Took a Greyhound bus from Nashville, TN. to Minneapolis in mid July, 08.


1. Drunk harassing smoking passengers in outside area in Chicago Greyhound terminal.

2. Man kicked off our bus in some town in Wisconsin. Police were called.

3. I was harassed by a ### from the mission who bums cigarettes from passengers standing outside Nashville, TN. terminal.

4. They need to put more chemical in their commodes & keep the lights fixed in the bathrooms.

Greyhound should up it's security in and around it's stations or go in business selling condoms, chocolate candy, or something . They'd probably do a lot better job in these areas & offer the public more safety. Many employees seem rude or have a don't care attitude. The drivers themselves seemed fair & professional though, at least on my trip.

###s causing problems in & around a bus station should be immediately taken to jail for a good night's stay & signs should be posted telling them that's the plan. Keep records and give longer stays for folllowing offenses. Police & legislators should be involved in this process too.

Maybe they need to give employees a raise or some bonuses also.

Dorothy Lewis
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Sep 29, 2023 5:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The only thing greyhound is concerned about is money. This trip next week will be my last. Am track will be better. Greyhound would bring me closer to my family but at what cost. Their prices change on a regular basis. It could be 60 today and 160 tomorrow.

tina monk
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Sep 12, 2008 6:58 pm EDT

i took a greyhound bus from monroe louisiana to lafayette louisiana. when we arrived in lafayette the bus driver told the passengers that if we were getting off in lafayette to get off at the churches chicken and i told him that i needed my bag he said he would get it for me when he came back through. when he got back he said my bag was dropped off at the bus station 5 blocks away. i walked to the bus station and asked for my bag they told me that my bag was on its way to baton rogue and that it would be back at 7:35 p.m. so i waitwd the 4 and a half hours when the bus got back my bag was not there. it has now been over 48 hours and i still havent heard a word back from them. they did not even appoligize for THEIR mess up. the workers at the lafayette bus station were the rudest people i have ever met. the bus station did not even have running water and it was filthy. it lookes like it has not been cleaned in years. i am not going to use greyhound bus lines again. i have been wearing the same clothes since the day of the trip. most of my clothes, pictures, most of my husbands clothes, my new inspiron 1501 laptop, my mp3 player, a 73 dollar pair of timberlands. all my medical records were in there also. i have not heard anything back from greyhound yet but i think its a shame the way they treat their customers.

Dorothy Hilbert
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Nov 13, 2008 8:13 pm EST

I went to visit family in phoenix AZ on greyhound bus.
A passenger came from back of bus to help another passenger place her luggage in the over head rack.
I was sitting in priority seat for disable passenger next thing I KNOW I was hit hard on my head .
By the old samsonnite luggage about 25 pounds are more 3 to 4 hours later a ambulance took me to hospital.

I wear leg braces my legs went numb my head my neck my spine my body was in truma xrays were taken .
Meds was giving for pain inflammation and a neck collar after being release from hospital.
In a place I never been I call Greyhound I was told they could not help me left me out in the cold sick and did not care .
When I finaly got home I went to my doctor still hurting very bad headachs swelling sore still my head and neck hurt.
I got hurt on Oct 28 It is Nov 13 2008 and Greyhound think I got hurt on their bus but it has nothing to do with them.
Who do you think is at fough they should not have passenger helping each other on the bus if they are going to be sued.
If someone get hurt I could have been kill I know I am bless to be here I got hurt verybad

Sean Felder
New York Mills, US
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Dec 10, 2008 7:46 pm EST

All I know is Greyhound Bus company better reach a settlement with me before Feb 3, 2009.I got their law firm on forgery chrages.Plus their poor luggage staff never found my lost luggage from Feb21, 2007.So their corporaTE OFFICES IN dALLAS, tEXAS bett recognize I'm not playing games.

Dorris Bay
Detroit, US
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Mar 27, 2009 5:07 pm EDT

I am an African American male, and I was brutally racially profiled at the Greyhound Bus stations in Cleveland and Pittsburg to the point that I just knew that at any moment I would be tackled and arrested by a crew of tens and tens of cops. Mind you, I was on spring break from college enroute to NYC to do some research at the Schomburg Center.

The experience was so humiliating that I cannot get it out of mine. In this regard, I plan to file a civil suit against Greyhound and its band of private security officers. Just think, if there really was a threat at these stations - all of the security honchos were too busy looking at me as though I was public enemy number one.

Even more, we have allowed our society to fester into a pool of fear, mistrust, apathy, and the list goes on and on. In comparison, however, other modes of public transportation i.e. Amtrak and most of the airlines are light-years away from how Greyhound handles it situation.

Chicago, US
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Jun 10, 2009 6:05 pm EDT

A can a women have privacy in the ladies restroom at a public place. For example, the greyhound station. I recently took a trip to milwaukee, wisconsin from chicago, Il and there was a huge public ladies bathroom and then there was a small private ladies restroom. I entered the small private ladies restroom for privacy. I was not feeling well because my business trip appointment had gone underway and I hadn't eaten for a long period of time due to the requirements of this business trip. However, I was able to eat something and whatever was in the ingredients upset my stomach horrible and I have the gastritis. I was being harassed by two milwaukee greyhound men security an obscene amount of times. They did not ask if everything was alright with me. They just continued to bang on the door and attempted to try and open the door with their hands numerous of times. And threaten that they would walk in on me by using a key while I'm in the restroom on the toilet and that they will break the door down. And that I had to come out of the bathroom no matter what. This is absolutely unacceptable. I have been a paying customer of greyhound for ten years and the way they treat their customers is despicable. please comment back

Virginia Beach, US
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Jul 01, 2009 4:26 pm EDT

Greyhound is Horrible. I have been traveling way of grey for 10+years and they are mostly ALL rude and non-caring employees. I believe this to be because of their monopoly like bus service. Recently this past beginning of april (A1 through 2 to be exact) (I live in Virginia Beach, VA) attempted to go visit my cousin in Nashville, TN that I have not seen in 3 years. It took weeks of preparing and people taking very valuable and limited time off to allow the visit. I purchased a ticket and proceeded to make my travel..when I arrived in Knoxville, TN we were told that we had to switch buses immediatly so I proceeded to gather my guitar and bags to move to the next waiting bus..after waiting in line I arrived at the driver(a she) who was taking tickets. WHen I handed her my ticket she refused it because it was STILL IN THE PACKET THEY PROVIDE. She then rudely handed it back and equally rudely demanded me to take the ticket out of the packet. I then kindly but wearly asked her because my arms and hands were full could she be kind enough to open it for that she became INFURIATED and DEMANDED that I leave the line..I of course objected..she refused to let me on the bus and told me I was a rude punk! I then in desperation proceeded to go over to a few other employees stand a couple buses down and explained what the situation was... at that I was told by a EXTREMELY RUDE Jack Wallace that I must have been rude and mean to her for that "kind old lady" to treat me that way! MONSTROUS! I then proceded to leave them knowing that they were not going to help and went to the front desk asking and explaining my happening. I was told "nothing can be done" and I was told to wait for the next bus which was at least 6 hours away. I then asked for the manager and found out to my complete amazment that Jack Wallace was the manager. the bus then left. I proceded to ask Jack for file a complaint papers and HE REFUSED TO GIVE ME ANY. At this I am stranded 700+ miles from my home and my cousin not having access to come get me. I stepped outside to smoke a cigg and Jack proceeded to come out and start taunting me and calling me degraditory names such as quote" A damned hippie" and "what are you on drugs or something?" at this my anger is showing in my voice. Then a duty cop for the station comes out and says "So whats wrong jack" Jack then proceeded to tell her white lies and half truths and she LAUGHED. then when i asked if I could speak my side of the story in private to her, she flatly and rudely told me quote-"no I dont wanna hear your ###" I then noted that they would cause major problems for me if I did not get away. I walked Knoxville for the next 5 hours untill the next bus came and while I was waiting in line they called reboarding passes only I waited in line and gave the next driver (an equally sour faced man) my reboarding pass who then proceeded to have a fit and said WRONG BOARDING PASS! GET THE HELL OVER IN THE NEXT LINE! so I left it at that and went to the other line..after he came to me again he mumbled that I must be "stupid, deaf or something" which annoyed me because I do have a confirmed hearing disability so I said " as a matter of fact sir I DO have a hearing problem! At that he said "yea right sure I still think you don't listen worth a hell" after accepting and punching my ticket. I proceeded to turn around and say " NO I believe it is you all that don't listen!" At that he threw my ticket on the ground and said "you an't riding my bus!" I was stunned and in shock. I asked him kindly please be reasonable, damn near begged because I was stranded in their town and he COLDLY AND FLATLY IGNORED ME. ALONG WITH THE OTHER EMPLOYEES THAT WATCHED THE ENITIRE EPISODE.
I then had a voided ticket, 200 dollars, no place to stay and no way of getting out. I had to walk to a near by expensive hotel to ask the desk employee who as VERY KIND to help get me in contact with my girlfriend in Virginia Beach, VA to spend 300 more dollars on flying me out of that town because I now had a void ticket. It was one of the worse experiences of my entire life. when I arrived back I immediatly called the complaint line to greyhound and a "Mrs. Smith" told me they would investigate my happening and contact me back soon for the details of it. I never recieved any calls or notices and June 30th I recieve a greyhound voucher in the mail with NO NUMBERS or anything but a paragraph saying they value me as a customer and for my troubles I recieved $135.00 half of what the ticket cost good for only another trip on their line.HA! I am not finished with these cruel people and if they think that a fake bribe will shut me up they truly and extremely mis-underestimate me and my friends and family.
I plan to take enormous actions against these people and greyhound lines. I have contacted all witnesses and people involved and they can expect to see me in court. If you have had equally terrible experence with this company please contact me at
Thanks for taking time to read this and I say NEVER let them belittle us. Peace, Daniel M. Rigney Jr.

monica abshire
Buffalo, US
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Aug 27, 2009 10:10 pm EDT

i agree with all the comments, i already wrote a complaint so i dont want to get into my horrendous experience with greyhound and my first experience. the bus was so disgusting, the driver rude and 4 hours late gettin to knoxille because of bus breakdowns 15 min out of a 3 3/4 hr layover in cincinatti. i'm suprised i don't have some disease from riding greyhound.

Saint Louis Park, US
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Jan 19, 2010 11:29 pm EST

I purchased two one way, 21 day advance purchase e-tickets on Greyhound Buslines from Minneapolis to Nashville, TN back on December 30, 2009 for travel on January 24, 2010 (and also my return trip back to Minneapolis) since my daughter will be there for 6 months). I won’t know what specific day we are traveling until about 2 weeks ahead of time, and I saw that the fares are much lower if you buy at least 21 days ahead of time as opposed to a walk-up fare, 7 day advance or 14 day advance purchase. I studiously read the fine print on the Greyhound website before purchasing, which stated that you can take a later bus than the time listed on the ticket as long as you pay a $15 exchange fee per ticket. Just in case, I placed an email (the day before I purchased the tickets) to their customer support team. She (Linda H.) told me that was the case, that I could take a later bus with a $15 per ticket charge. But….now when I emailed them them this week (the very same lady who told me I could leave after the departure date on the tickets with only a $15 per ticket penalty) now tells me that the tickets MUST be used by January 24, because they are e-tickets (they are saying these cannot be changed) but will call tickets can. I tried to get them to change the tickets to will call, but they refuse to do so. I was told in an email “we apologize for the inconvenience”. An inconvenience? $250 worth of tickets that I can’t use based on a technicality, when a representative from Greyhound specifically told me in an email that this was fine to do? After going back and forth with many emails, going nowhere, they are now telling me to call customer service. Any ideas on how this can be resolved satisfactorily and how I should persuade customer service that this is just wrong?

Corvallis, US
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Apr 08, 2010 1:31 pm EDT

My boyfriend got on the bus here in Corvallis, OR at 7:35am, since he had to work at 1:30pm in Portland, OR. Normally, the bus is a two hour ride, versus an hour and a half by car. It's now 11:30am, and after being stuck in Salem (halfway in between Corvallis and Portland) for more than two hours, the bus finally just got on the road again. The wheelchair ramp broke, and another bus had to be called out.

Maybe I'm just biased because my last and only experience with the Greyhound was horrible, but shouldn't a simple 80 mile drive take less than 4-6 hours? I believe it will be 1:30pm by the time my boyfriend reaches his destination, consequently being late for work.

Nice job, Greyhound. I wonder how long the buses take to get from state to state. Needless to say, I will NEVER risk that week long trip...

Patrick the pissed
Oklahoma City, US
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Mar 16, 2011 8:37 pm EDT

Greyhound totally sucks, don't ever ride them, if you value your well being. With a prepaid round trip ticket, it took my wife three days to get home in what used to be a bus ride of 18 hours. They were rude and hateful, and she will never ride them again. Spent a total of 6 hours on hold with complaint number. Absolutley they should be boycotted and out of business.

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Feb 11, 2017 4:40 pm EST

I had such a terrible experience with Greyhound bus

There was a Greyhound online ticket system glitch in Windsor, Ontario that cost me money.

Customer service at was extremely dishonest trying to convolute, complicate, and obfuscate simple things!

In my case the Greyhound was mean and dishonest!

Now I am using ride-share as much as I can. It is so much, much, much better. You should try it too.

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Feb 11, 2017 4:42 pm EST
Replying to comment of Vic999

And yes, they should be boycotted and pushed out of business.

I will try my best not to ever use Greyhound again!

Bibian Njoku
Windsor Mill Baltimore MD, US
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Jun 24, 2021 5:24 am EDT

I was humiliated by greyhound bus driver this morning at ports authority. I was supposed to travel with 2:45 am bus NY to Baltimore, I had my bag by my side, the driver said young remove that bag or I will thrown out of the bus. I told him that I will have it on my lap because I want to rest my head on it. The driver went down came up with two corps and said this is the young lady.I was asked to step down and they opened the drunk and gave me my luggage’s and the driver drove off.

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Apr 07, 2022 11:58 pm EDT

Worst company ever! The bus drive woke my oldest son up on the bus told him he was at his destination. My son who was half asleep gets off the bus the bus driver hands him his luggage and drives off. My son looks around realizes he is not at his destination. when he called us we determined he was in fact in some town in the middle of freaking nowhere and 4 hours away from his destination. The town is so small there is not even a freaking hotel. My husband who is no young man is now having to make a 6 hour freaking drive to go get him in the middle of the damn night. Your Bus Drivers from Alamogordo to Albuquerque should be fired for his negligence.

Grey Hound your company is a complete joke. Perhaps you should read some of the many many complaints on this site and fix your problems.

Michael Morinello
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Jun 14, 2022 3:46 pm EDT

I'm am stranded 6 hours from home because not 1 but 2 of the busses I was scheduled on broke down causing me to miss my connection. I had better get a refund and an apology or I will make life a living hell with my retaliation against this retarded f××king company.

Mere Y Parke
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Jul 07, 2022 10:07 am EDT

I bought a ticket at Union Station Washington DC, I was told handicapped accessible 7/6/2022. I asked multiple times, I have seizures and need The space and need to be close to the driver in case I get sick, I can let The driver know. The ticket cost a insane 117.00 dollars. The agent that took my money and processed my reservation stated I would being sitting in the front seat which is usually handicapped accessible. I've traveled on greyhound many times and know this to be true. I also know that you have to ask for those seats and if I remember it should reflect on your ticket. Well, the agent told me yes I can get front seating and wrapped my ticket in a handicapped riders folder that stated I person with a disability and how I should be handled. An hour before boarding my instincts told me to look over my ticket. I did and noticed that it was just adult coach. I was upset to say the least because I explained to the person whom I was told later was the manager, that I've been screamed at by drivers, talked down to by drivers, dismissed by drivers, & verbally assaulted by drivers. It hasn't been all, only a few, I'd say 2, 1 I believe his name was Tony. He was very kind and respectful, but for the most part most of the drivers are extremely disrespectful. Seizures are a very serious illness and I take into account that it frightens people, and if things are not in place for me to, if I get sick, can cause chaos. So I told the 1st agent my experience so I could get the proper seating and give the bus driver the proper information. I told 2 other agents at Union Station after I realized I was lied to and my ticket did not reflect the seating I requested. So 1 agent a women stated greyhound does not have the option of accessible seating to reflect on tickets, I don't remember that being true, so we had a back forth and she asked a co worker, Keenan, I believe his name was and he questioned me about my exchange with the agent that booked my ticket and I explained to him what was said to me. So Keenan said he would speak to the driver, he called the driver by name or a Nick name (teddy or eddy), and he said the driver was cool and he'd speak to him on my behalf and I'd be ok. He told me he couldn't refund my money because I paid part cash and part credit. I told him I didn't want a refund at the time because I needed to get to Charlotte, NC (my destination) that day, due to previous travel plan issues. He said no problem he'll talk to the driver. I asked was the driver going to be the same going to Charlotte, both agents said YES and I wouldn't have to worry about explaining my situation to another driver. They said if this drivers DID change the first driver would notify the next driver. So I said ok, but I should've known, when the bus pulled into Union Station and it was our turn to board Keenan removed luggage and left me to explain to the driver, who went straight in on me being dismissive, he stated no ONE can sit in the front seats, though I explained that that was what I was told. He made it seem like I was lying when I stated I had asked for accessible seat aka wheel chair seating which is in many cases used interchangeably. What didn't know though I've traveled on greyhound many times that ACCESSIBLE" seating is different than WHEELCHAIR" seating in label and location. I've been used to purchasing seating in the front if available and never was told it was a difference. The driver also mentioned that ALL the seating was the same depth wise (I believe 32" he said), which I didn't know, but what he wasn't listen to was the fact that the opening near him is wider than the cramped spaces behind him. So the driver said you can and I quote " sit in the second set of seating Kid" and laughed. However, the bus was filled with people from New York down, and those seats were taken (1 seat did have a another handicapped person but he took up both seats) he didn't ask anyone to move so I was forced to seat 1 or 2 seats back in a very cramped space. Also when giving me a reboard pass after being disgusting he claimed I snatched the ticket out of his hand, which he had some nerve after how he belittled and dismissed me. At any rate I kept quiet and rode to Richmond, which my instincts told me I shouldn't have, but I did anyway, got off the bus he said nothing to me but he spoke to everyone else reminding them to make sure they are ready to seaboard on another bus AFTER he claimed we were staying on that bus before arriving to Richmond (Side note later on on 7/7/2022 while I waited to leave the station, the same issued of making people believe they were reboarding on the same bus then making them remove their stuff and board another bus, it was horrible and extremely stressful for them. Someone even called "customer service" & didn't get an answer). So I go into the bus station and spoke to an agent, a young lady with 2 nose rings in her nose, she standing out from the desk. She assisted the other handicapped driver and then I spoke to her. I explained everything all over again and was told I'd be on a different bus with a different driver and things would be different. She said no front seats are blocked off and the bus driver Ms Kiera was nice and she usually ask if anyone needs assistance or has children. She told me just stand near the door and talk to her. The another handicapped rider chimmed in and said yes the bus and driver is different so if be ok, I costly explained to him that our situation was different, which was he had a cane and trouble walking, me I have seizures so it's not visible until I have a seizure which many people use against me and discriminate. So I did like the agent told me to. I went to the front of the line, there were other riders in front me but we're kind enough to let me in front to explain to the driver my situation. The 1st time I tried speaking she abruptly threw her hand up and said curtly, "wait!". So though it was rude I said nothing because she was helping the other handicapped person onto the bus (which by the way they sent an greyhound rep out to ask him questions and made sure he was taken care of. No did that for me, but I didn't know his situation so I looked passed it). The second time I spoke to her she through her hand up in my face a nasty so "NO! I heard about you, Get on the bus". Now mind you I said some unpleasant things not to the 1st driver directly but out loud BEFORE I BOARDED, be sure of his disgusting behavior and because I was LIED to and had 117 dollars taken and not given the option to decline to ride because a disgusting agent said or gave the impression that he reserved seating that is a NECESSITY for me. So no someone laughing at you and saying you can have the second set of seats KID, didn't go over well with me, & as a 46 year old women I would never speak to another adult like that AFTER I TOOK THEIR MONEY and knowing customers are WHY I HAVE A JOB!. I'd never do that, nor would take out my frustrations on other custo.ers because some riders are disrespectful or because I've been GIVEN THE POWER TO KICK PEOPLE OFF THE BUS! Which should have extremes amounts of checks and balances, not code protecting disgusting employees. So just like the 1st driver eddy, Mr kiera was worse she through her hand up in my face said what I stated before and didn't even look me in the eyes. So I got on the bus and was gonna let it go until I thought about the fact that WHAT IF I DO GET SICK ON THIS BUS! Do I want a nasty driver who was corrupted by another driver who wasn't even there when I purchased the ticket. I had to wait from 11am to after 9:30pm to get on that bus, so eddy the 1st driver had no idea what was said PR what I went through that day yet you dismiss me, belittle me than tell another driver I'm a problem!. No you and that agent that booked my ticket were the problem. But when she did that nasty ish to me I did get quite angry, and was very loud about my anger I said some unpleasant things about her, then this nasty which got nastier and screamed to this big tall "security guard" GET HER OFF! So then the "security guard" screams and gestures with his hand like he was holding a knife and cutting my neck, he screams "get off the damn bus!" So I said no problem to myself and still spoke my piece and still said unpleasant things to them because I was angry and stressed and I was so offend by the fact these beings, because they didn't act like people, felt comfortable talking to other GROWN people like that. There was a kind customer who rode to Richmond with me (well it was more than 1 kind person who spoke up), but this older gentleman, spoke up for me and he let me go ahead of him in Line, he was told to mind his business!? The crazy and telling part was the "security" kicked me off the bus but not out of the station. Another customer, miss Lee is her name sat with me and talked to me like a decent person, & let me rant. She said he had guilty conscious because he knew he was wrong. However, I spoke on the 1st driver eddy about him being overweight and how would he feel if something happens to him and people trashed him and spoke down on. I said he better hope he doesn't have a heart attack driving while being nasty to a disabled person and "security guard", was listening walking by doing "rounds" I guess, he screamed out some curse word and something unpleasant in passing, but I didn't hear all of it and he didn't say it to me and he didn't remove me. But I wasn't talking to him I was talking to miss Lee and another STRANDED customer who wanted to know what happened. At any rate it was a horrible experience as usually that's why I stopped riding "buses" (greyhound, mega bus etc) because the drivers in many cases are disgusting, they curse at the customers and they have the "Power" to kick people off the bus anywhere they choose, male or female disabled or not, which they don't have to if they just listen to people, not rant on, like this but lend a ear and resolve the issue the best they can without the trashiness. I truly believe these drivers treat a certain group of people certain ways because they look like many of the customers, so they're seen as the "experts" at "handling" their own kind. So they are allowed to curse at, laugh at, demean, bully, & belittle. All while have the "authority" to kick people off, claiming the customers are distracting & disruptive but excluded how vile and abusive their behaviour is.

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Suad Mekky
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Nov 02, 2022 9:06 pm EDT

The worst bus company to book with. We were traveling from Boston to NYC and booked a round trip with greyhound buses company. We were delayed 3 hours+ because of some issue with the vehicle. Both trips were horrible. We spent over 7 hrs on the bus just for a 4 hour trip. The wifi was a joke there was no witi throughout the trip. Toilet and seats smelled and are outdated. I don't advise anyone to go with this company specially if you were a tourist. Absolutely horrible experience.

Tamara Hartwell
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Apr 09, 2023 3:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Suad Mekky

My Son and his girlfriend bought a ticket from Eugene to Sacramento. The bus made it to Redding. The bus driver said he can’t drive more than 10 hours. Told everyone on the bus their back up driver is on his way.. and he left. The customer service person I talked with was located in the Philippines 🇵🇭. They had no idea the bus never made it to their destination. She actually tried to tell me the bus made it to Sacramento. NO..! My Son, his girlfriend and a whole bus of people were just stranded with no resolution. Thankfully I found a way to get to them before it got dark. But what about everyone else…?

Dorothy Lewis
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Sep 29, 2023 4:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Suad Mekky

You are absolutely right. They are thieves and liars. The new seats are torn and some are broken the sockets don't properly work. You plug in your phone and it comes right back out.

Durban, ZA
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Nov 26, 2022 6:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I booked a bus for my son for the 26th November 2022 from Ermelo Mpumalanga coming down to Durban,the bus was supposed to leave at a12 am but due to some delays it departed at 13h00

But he hasn't been arrived as yet and 27th and the time is 01H00 midnight 🙄 ,your services is so disgusting shame

Jane L Bryant
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Sep 17, 2024 10:41 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Greyhound people are thieves and no one cares for their customers! I drove a half of an hour from New Berlin, WI to downtown Milwaukee in advance to purchase a ticket from Milwaukee to Wisconsin Dells, WI for a family gathering. The ticket was for Sat., Sept. 7, 2024 to leave at 8:50 am. I arrived at the station at 8:20 and waited and then it was almost 9 am and still no bus. I went up to the counter and was told that the time was changed to leave at 8:15 am. Well, NO ONE informed me of the change. They had both my cell phone number & text and home number and email address and NO ONE CONTACTED ME. I had to reschedule for the next day. I contacted customer service and they were nasty and told me I had to do it only online. Well, it is the same general verbage used for anyone that complains. No apology and no refund. I am now taking legal action and will be contacting Contact 6 and other TV stations to make this evil treatment known. What if I had been a handicapped person or someone with kids and this happened? I am 77 and was treated so poorly. Never again will I use Greyhound!

  1. Greyhound Lines Contacts

  2. Greyhound Lines phone numbers
    +1 (800) 231-2222
    +1 (800) 231-2222
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    +1 (214) 849-8100
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    +1 (800) 531-5332
    +1 (800) 531-5332
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    Spanish Language
    +1 (844) 477-8747
    +1 (844) 477-8747
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    Groups Of 10 Or More
    +1 (214) 849-8966
    +1 (214) 849-8966
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    +1 (214) 849-6246
    +1 (214) 849-6246
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    Lost & Damaged Baggage
    +1 (800) 723-3287
    +1 (800) 723-3287
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    Report Unsafe Driving
    +1 (800) 752-4841
    +1 (800) 752-4841
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    Assistance For Customers With Disabilities
    +1 (800) 345-3109
    +1 (800) 345-3109
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    TTY & TTD
    +1 (877) 943-3530
    +1 (877) 943-3530
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    Road Rewards
    +1 (800) 268-9000
    +1 (800) 268-9000
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    Website & App Support
    +1 (800) 739-5020
    +1 (800) 739-5020
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    Bus Charters & Packages Express
    +1 (800) 440-7712
    +1 (800) 440-7712
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  4. Greyhound Lines address
    P.O. Box 660691, MS 470, Dallas, Texas, 75266-0691, United States
  5. Greyhound Lines social media
  6. Jenny
    Checked and verified by Jenny This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 25, 2025
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Greyhound Lines Category
Greyhound Lines is ranked 6 among 34 companies in the Bus and Rail category

Most discussed Greyhound Lines complaints

terrible experience!
(opinions to this review)