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Home Depot

Home Depot review: Customer service 36

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1:15 pm EST
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I have been dealing with home depot for meny years. I am a carpenter. I spend in the 10s of thounds of others ppl money in that store every year for a least ten years. But the last few years i seen the products they sell are getting worse. Cheaper. And the ppl selling them know less and less. Some things like lumber, concreat, and calckings i wont even think in getting there anymore. Yesterday i was home watching you tube and saw a project i wanted to try, out of p. V. C tubing. The you tuber i watched lives in b. C. Canada. I live in quebec. And the project was made with p. V. C. Pipeing and conectores of 1 inch and 1 1 / 4 inch as soon i i started looking i was asked if i need help by 4 sales reps. I said nope im just picking up some pvc pipinng. He then stated that p. V. C was not sold just 1 inch pipe. And conectores were no longer made. I look at him in shock. So started looking at abs. With the 4 reps right over me. I took a quick look around and the row was shut down and a fork lift was thereand i asked if i was in there way. They all replyed yes. And was let out from the cage they put me in. Lol i went down to the contreactor desk to see if i could order some pcv as the abs is too bulky for what i wanted. At first she was sure but when she found out i was wanting 1 leanth of 1 inch and 1 of 1 1 / 4 with olny a hand full of fitting i was told no. And to go look somewere else like reno depot or rona. Why have a home reno store if you dont sell the products found in almost all homes. And have staff say that they stop making products thats a flat out lie. I feel i was dressed not in my work clothes so they took me as a stupid and not a contrector that knows more about what they sell than there sales reps. (I do know 2 ppl in that store that knows what there doing but not on that day) telling me to go the there main competor more and more makes me think why even shop at home depot. I sent a letter to then via there web page but have not heard back. Thiss year ill shop reno and or rona (Its all the same) and see if they ever tell me to go to home depot.

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Nov 29, 2007 12:00 am EST

After a recent purchase and installation of replacement Farley Windows from The Home Depot of Canada, I have learned the windows allow water to leak into the house. If water leaks air may leak, too. The Home Depot of Canada has said they are looking into this matter but nothing has happened after several months. Farley Windows, the manufacturer of these windows, seems to be content that it's OK for their new windows to leak water due to the poor design of the window drainage. I know Farley Windows of Alexandria, ON manufactures these windows sold by Home Depot Canada and by many other dealers as well. By going on the Internet, I hope to learn if others have had the same experience, and how I may be able to deal with this situation effectively.

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Aug 31, 2008 11:08 am EDT

Home Depot unlike other major home improvement companies subcontracts all of their flooring installations out to a company named USIG (US INSTALLATIONS GROUP) and this company hires in contractors at a very below average price per square foot. Then on a regular basis (every week) their accountant conveniently forgets to send one or two of their installers checks for the work performed. USIG relies on unsuspecting contractors who haven't yet heard of the shortcomings of others to take the place of the disgruntled contractors and repeats the process of holding contractors pay for various bogus reasons. USIG usually ends up keeping the contractors last check or two for no reason other than the contractor refuses to continue working for them. Once these contractors are disgruntled they are displaying poor installation tactics, therefore you likely have less than a 50% chance of getting a quality flooring installation done. I suggest you use a local retail flooring store or one who advertises on t.v. regularly for installation services. They will most likely use an in house contractor which they oversee and pay regularly, therefore prompting a quality install.

Brian Anglisano
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Sep 22, 2008 12:17 pm EDT

I used to be one of those Installers I used to Fix All those mess ups Covering my but so USIG would not pull the same thing on me In the end when the economy went down they found every minor repair like a piece of quarter round and charged me 500.00 dollars to fix a five minute 1 Nail Fix That company Is crooked they steal and they owe me alot of money they make you sign paperwork while your working for them so you can't put alean on a house to get your money Their president and owner Bruce Deluca has ran 3 other buisnesses Into Bankrupcy and Home Depot Puts up with them Anglisano Flooring LLC (

Ft. Myers, US
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Jan 16, 2009 1:01 am EST


My step father and his brother are experiencing this same issue right now. They worked for a local carpet company for 15 years and then the crash hit and the busisness went under. And this sent my step father and his brother looking for work. With our economy in ruins they were happy to finally find a company that had business - HOME DEPOT/USIG. But now ... as much as it seems to pay the bills, the company is shorting them left and right, just as described in the original post and the other comments made by Brian Anglisano.

It's disgusting what they are doing to their employee's/sub contractors AND customsers.


People are trying to make a living and feed thier families, but USIG is sitting back laughing it off.

Harahan, US
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Mar 11, 2009 10:45 pm EDT


Bruce is trailer trash~ Tony Whit anf John are his pupets. Keep going- there are better things in life.

The tape guy
Raleigh, US
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Mar 24, 2009 10:26 pm EDT

USIG rips off both the installers and the people who measure for the flooring installation. Accounting has some stupid excuse every other week why the checks didn't get sent to the measure/installation people. USIG pays less than any other company because they KNOW the market is low right now. When the State and Federal people FINALLY get around to investigate USIG and their business practices and how they rip off customers they will finally be shut down FOR GOOD! I would'nt let Home Depot/USIG install flooring in my DOG HOUSE much less even enter my home. If you shop at Home Depot...BEWARE! Go someplace safe like Lowe's or a local Mom and Pop where they still have honor and dignity and care aboout their customers.

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Dec 01, 2009 9:56 am EST

I fully agree, having 1st hand experience with USIG. If you do make the mistake of using HD and USIG, complain and demand your money back. They will give it to you. Their thinking is money will make any problem go away.

Seekonk, US
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Mar 22, 2010 9:46 am EDT

I agree that USIG is the worst company I've ever dealt with. But I'm an installer and work there not by choice but neccessity. If you do demand your money back it is given back to you with no problems because they take it straight from the installer. There is alot of hacks that do work there but as for the good installers like myself( that has paid for full jobs because the customer did exactly what your saying to do), only complain if it is a complaint and remember that the installers are NOT USIG. You will get your money back no problem, but it's the installers pay that you are taking. USIG has no backbone and their kness start knocking when any issue arises that may involve Home Depot. They will do ANYTHING to make it not their issue even if it is. They have to maintain a high v.o.c.( voice of customer ) or Home Depot will cut them when in actuallity they would of been cut already but there is no other company big enough to take over right away. If there was, USIG would of been cut a while ago. Not only customers and installers hate USIG, their own staff hates their jobs. I've never seen anything like it before. It's only a matter of time before you get fired if you work for them. In 3 years I've seen the office personel change 8 times! Their vice president is a 26 year old ex-head cahier who doesn't know her ### from her elbow and is fire happy. Their mentallity is if someone in their staff isn't cutting it, they fire them without counseling or retraining and replace them with someone new that has no experience. Yeah, that'll fix it. This is one reason why no one ever knows what they're doing. This comapny has no heart, no backbone and no idea what they're doing. And as far as Home Depot goes, why do they hire a sub to hire subs? It used to be installers working directly for Home Depot. No middle man, no confusion. Installers got paid what they should which in return good installers worked there. Lowes still does it that way. I garauntee you get a better install with Lowes, not to bash myself. So wake up Home Depot. Read some complaints. Get rid of the middle man and hire direct again. Installers know how to run their own business better then a bunch of unhappy, disgruntled, unknowledgable USIG employees.

Parkland, US
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Jun 02, 2010 4:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I cannot believe I found people who think exactly as I do about USIG, it is unbelievable how they rip installers out of paycheck, they hold payment for 3 weeks; ask for the highest insurance liability to cover themselves, They also keep $3,500 from every installer, supposedly they return that money to the installer after a year of not working for USIG, now this company has that money from every installer, and they are country wide, does Bruce de Luca invest that money? Makes interest on that money? And more importantly has anyone gotten that full amount back after leaving USIG and a year has passed? All Bruce de Luca wants is money in HIS pocket. A customer calls to complaint for anything the gift card she gets is deducted from the installer’s check! People, how much do you pay to Home Depot to have the furniture moved from the rooms before the installation? Care to know how much the installer gets… $5 (yes five dollars), you are better off negotiating a tip of $10 to the installer, you save money the installer get more and HD gets what they deserve! Get smart people…!

Orlando, US
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Jul 09, 2010 2:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I want to do EVERYTHING I can to expose USIG and get Home Depot to drop them. I made the mistake of getting Home Depot to install carpet and now I have a 14 inch crack down the middle of tile in the shower of my master bathroom. This crack is directly (measurable) adjacent to the baseboard of the closet where USIG installed the carpet. They must have really banged on that baseboard. I meade the mistake of not even thinking on inspecting adjacent rooms and when I finally found the issue cleaning the shower 10 days later over the weekend, the company and insurance (for USIG and Home Depot) denied my claim because I reported in 13 days later and signed the release form. It seemed really suspicious that the installers were adamant I sign that form before they walked out that door.

Now because of water damage (through a leak in our kitchen) I need to replace the carpet in one of our bedrooms. While I ordered in through Home Depot because it was the easiest and cheapest, I told them that I could not have USIG install it as I'm still fighting over the shower issue with them.

I don't think I'll get any legal solution because of signing that form, but I sure can setup a Facebook page for all to join and comment. Once I get the thing completely setup (with pictures of the damage). I will post the link here for all that have had issues with Home Depot and USIG can join to show Home Depot that it's in their best interest to DUMP USIG.

Orlando, US
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Jul 10, 2010 4:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ok... here's the link to my new facebook page. Anyone want to comment about Home Depot and USIG, please join and see what kind of exposure we can get on Facebook.!/pages/I-vow-NEVER-to-hire-Home-Depot-to-install-ANYTHING-in-my-house/126072004073384?v=wall&ref=ts

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Aug 01, 2010 5:30 pm EDT

Looking for any infomation about Bruce deluca past.

Bowmanville, CA
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Oct 22, 2010 9:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought $5, 00 in carpet and underpad with install. The first thing I said to the sale's person is tghat I do NOT want one guy that lay, s the easy stuff and then an other guy that lay;s the stair;s (the hard part of the job) First off I had Lay, d carpet as a young man back in the 70, s. I also instaled all of the carpet in my parrents new home, s and 2 of my own home, s copleate stairs as well as all seems, I have never had a seem show or come apart, When the installers showed up at my door it was a guy I knew from hockey. His father had layed carpet as a profetion for as long as I can remembr so he was a pro.

His so was a ambulance driver as a proftion for the last 10 years, but due to a layoff he went back to working with his dad. I don't Know how long it had been since the last time he had worked for his dad but he assured me dad was just finnishing up an other project and would come to do my carpet as soon as he finnished that day. The so was going to pre the floors and install the underpad. I was ok with that but as the day got older the son told me HE would have to do the upstairs and he would do all of the seems in all of the bedrfoom;s and hallway. He assured me he had done this all of his life and woud do a great job. The father called and said he would not make it that day and the son would have to install the compleat upstais and the living room and the fater would come the next day and install the carpet on the stairs.

After telling Home Depot that I wanted the same installer do the hole job considering the amount I spent on the job and the Quality of the carpet was asa good as they sell it should have been an easy lay. Every seem shows and the carpet is buckled every where. After 5 years the carpet is garbage. This was because the instal was so poor when I asked HD they said there was nothing they could do it was the installer;s problem and the installers said the same. I only wish I had layed it myself but I have a soinal coard injury so I could not.

Now I recently bought hardwood flooring and of corse I will do it myself. So I called to ask how mutch to rent the stapler for the fooring HD price was the highest of all tool rent all places around . You would thik if you buy the flooring there they would rent the tool for a cheaper price . The fact is they want 46 $ a day and I am getting the same tool some where else for 39$ tax in for the weekend from friday 3pm till 9am monday morning. I am at the end of my dealing with the Home Depot . You people better get your ### together befor you kill your buisness.

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Nov 04, 2010 5:02 pm EDT

Bruce is a ###. A word to investors, don't let the facade fool you. He treats his employees like toilet peper (40 grit). His character is so lacking that he is the poster child for what not to do in your life.

Muncy, US
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Jan 05, 2011 1:08 am EST

Wow I can't believe this is happening ! USIG (HOME DEPOT ) is a nightmare. I subcontracted there too, and I thought I was the only one they were doing this to. How about when installing tile you (subcontractor) had to provide backerboard and nails, while they charged customers as well Where did this money go to... so basically we the subcontractors got paid with OUR OWN MONEY ! They are unfair and using people left and right.

Ft. Lauderdale, US
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Jan 08, 2011 9:11 pm EST

•American Bullnose East Inc.
•Business Integrating Technologies, Inc.
•Business Integrating Technologies, LLC
•Depot On Wheels, Inc.
•Esoftware Solutions, Inc.
•First Choice Marketing Solutions, Inc.
•Interior Design Outlet Center, Inc.
•Medefile Marketing Inc.
•Profitmax America, Inc.
•Special Finance Consultants, Inc.
•U.S. Custom Furniture Inc
•U.S. Flooring Installation Inc.
•Ultimate Trucking Inc.
•US Development Group of Florida, Inc.

write to corporate Home Depot and ask them whose pockets are being greased that this Company is still installing for them? That's what it's all about. Unfortunately, things are that corrupt! He would be gone in the Home Depot in Georgia/South Carolina/Georgia.

Randy Knight
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Jul 11, 2017 4:55 pm EDT

The same problem exists in South Carolina . The Home Depot in Seneca SC uses USIG out of Greenville SC . The USIG rep there is Rebecca Dick . Apparently her job is to prolong any negotiations concerning proper repairs required as the result of improper installation. Home Depot wants the customer to deal with USIG as they take a back sit and wait for USIG to make a decision . Customers went to Home Depot, NOT USIG . Home Depot gives a lot of lip service but leaves it to the customer to deal with the BS fro USIG . Home Depot is not concerned enough to even send a rep to look at the problem, once the check is cashed, Home Depot could not care less about the customer, "just call Rebecca Dick at USIG, she will help you " ...BS

KAty, US
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Feb 26, 2011 2:28 am EST

Need information on District Manager Lisa MArtin

KAty, US
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Feb 26, 2011 2:30 am EST

Need information on District Manager Lisa MArtin. Having HUGE problems with her accountability of damage to an antique piano. She is trying to get the cheapest person to refinish the damage.

Atlanta, US
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Mar 09, 2011 8:14 pm EST

Looking into Bruce's past? Is he really from Florida, does he invest, does he live in several states, who are his cohort's...first & last names would be good. Who is Anthony, who is Heather, who is Lisa, who is Rueben, does anybody have a picture or Bruce? Thank you in advance for posting...

carpet king
phenix, US
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May 04, 2011 1:08 am EDT

Bruce Deluca lives in Boca raton. You can find his adresss by simply going to the palm beach tax apraisers office web site.

carpet king
phenix, US
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May 04, 2011 1:09 am EDT

Also the owner Bernie Marcus lives in Boca too. Probaly could write to him too.

Baltimore, US
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Feb 07, 2012 10:22 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wonder if he can pass a background check now?

Man Arrested At Caruso’s In Boca Raton For Allegedly Battering Ex Girlfriend
December 7, 2011 12:17 pmBy Staff
Bruce DeLuca | Booking Photo
BOCA RATON, FL ( — Boca Raton Police arrested Bruce Deluca and charged him with grand theft and simple battery — what they are calling “dating violence” — at Caruso’s which is at 187 SE Mizner Blvd. According to police, DeLuca battered his “estranged” girlfriend and took her cell phone without permission. He was turned over to the Palm Beach County Jail where is being held on $3, 000 bond. DeLuca lists his residence as an apartment at 1 North Ocean in Boca.

State Certified General Contractor
Ft. Myers, US
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May 18, 2012 11:15 pm EDT

I am a native contractor born and raised here (Florida). Our company is state licensed to perform general construction. We are in the boat getting ripped off! We don't want to continue to work for them but like above they hold your pay and if you want to quit they charge you 2, 500 from your retain age pay. I take pride in doing quality work and am so thankful Home Depot only makes up .25% of my company income. Doing poor work is not the answer because its a waste of time but. THE MANAGEMENT ARE LIARS UNDER AND QUALIFIED. DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY! DO NOT HAVE THIS COMPANY STEP FOOT IN YOUR HOUSE! I would love to hire them to f*** with them but its not the installers fault and it would only hurt the installer. I am lucky because we have 75% of my work coming from others (home owners & builders). The above is true.

Dave w Thornton
Boynton beach, US
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Aug 08, 2012 9:51 pm EDT

Bruce deluca is a raging coke head and spends all his time in strip clubs and feeding his head. He could care less about his business or employees. His brother Gary has been robbing him blind for years? They are all linked to some Wiseguys up north and do whatever they want. Simply enough, they are all ### . Don't deal with Usig or any deluca unless you want to get robbed.

John John Doe Doe
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Oct 25, 2012 8:20 pm EDT

I have been installing for USIG for a little over 9 years and I agree with most everything I have read here. Bruce DeLuca is a crook and Home Depot isn't any better, they refuse to lose money. Installers fault or not the money is coming out of the installers pocket. I'm very good at what I do and still have managed to lose $4, 000 to $5, 000 to USIG in the past 9 years. Its hard to find work from other companies and I manage to make a decent living getting 95% of my work from this peace of crap company. I pretty much gave up trying to get work from other companies around 5 or 6 years ago but after reading these complaints I'm going back on the hunt. I new it was bad, just not this bad. They could care less about me and they don't deserve the service I provide. Rather than trying to keep the good installers around I have seen multiple pay reductions in the time that I have been contracting with USIG. I wouldn't recommend USIG to any one.

Ottawa, CA
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Nov 22, 2012 7:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Home Depot of Canada, Poor Customer Service

In the late spring of 2012 we required a replacement of the roof on our home here in Ottawa. We selected The Home Depot of Canada not for its price but for what we thought was potential future service. Home Depot uses a general contractor by the name of Peak Installations. They in turn sub contract to local companies.

On Oct 16th I called Home Depot (Peak Installations) to have the flashing repaired (screwed down) as they had started to pop up. It was a minor repair that I could have done myself but I wanted them to do it for warranty issues. It would be a 15 minute job at the most.

So as not to bore you with details, after I was told I would receive call backs and not receive them, being apologised to for more than a few times, would not be called with the “follow-up” (assuming the work was completed) get the picture.

On Nov 18th and after multiple phone calls that “I” had to make to “them", the roof finally had its 15 minute repair.
Over a month!

Was there a benefited to have either Home Depot of Canada or Peak Installations involved including installation or Service? Absolutely not. They provided NO value to the whole process.
Was there any cost saving by going through Home Depot? Zero, none. They were not the cheapest.
Would I use Home Depot again? Not in this life time for any kind of work. They added meaningless delay and no means of complaint, as I tried. They simple passed me on to Peak who eventually “after 24 days”, passed me on the sub contractor, who 9 days after that fixed the 15 minute problem.

Watch for a neighbour getting their roof done. Observe who and how the roof work is being done. Watch for their cleanliness, the tools they use, efficiencies and completion time. Speak to the home owner afterwards about the service and the process. Avoid the nonsense advertised by Home Depot their supposed Big Service name and helper in all this, because it’s all useless BS.

Chris Stubbs
Merritt Island, US
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Dec 05, 2012 9:36 pm EST

They will steal your money, these guys are crooks, no doubt

Chris Sims
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Feb 13, 2013 12:23 am EST

I have met Bruce Deluca in person i a flooring installer also ran one of his outlets and there is no bigger crook on plant earth (USIG) is nothing more than a liability shield for Home Depot and rips off every contractor that installs for them ! If you are an Flooring installer or customer never do work with them ever! Makes me think less of Home Depot Inc.

Slidell, US
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May 01, 2013 4:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just had carpet installed from USIG through Home Depot. I would love to know how to get in touch with the installer, because if I ever need anything again I would love for them to do it. I understand the complaints I read, but the company that came out to Slidell, LA from Gulfport, MS was AMAZING! If you guys are out there, thanks for a job well done, and a day full of fun;)

sleep w da fish
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Oct 16, 2013 2:41 pm EDT

Amyv is a pawn for USIG, in fact she a very close relationship with USIG, that is the DNA of this Co. Run by a bunch of wise guys out of New York and New Jersey.

Manhasset, US
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Dec 17, 2013 10:10 pm EST

Home DePot knows...they too have puppets controlled by the Cosa Nostra. Wake up people, this guy gets away with murder.

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May 28, 2014 8:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Go there people that have USIG installation group from the Home Depot let me tell you that I was working for then on the the year on 2012 on March and I complete 5 job and a live the company due to they ask me to performed a job on the floor with 1 inch tile and they want to paid me as regular tile, and today 2 years latter I have not receive the paidment from all the job that I finish, and the last time I talk to the manager from the branch of Miami hi tell me that I have a recall work from one of the Home Depot costumer from my job performed and they was going to be a hold from my check of $900.00 dollars and I was going to get my check from the rest but this happens on march of 2014 and today is May 28 and no check for me yet and hi just never answer my call again so what sure I have to do now can't any tell me what to do to this people and hear is the proof of what they try to charge me $938.57 and today some one reel my that I have no money and I have to paid then all this money can't some one help me on this please

Sarasota, US
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Feb 17, 2015 9:16 am EST

USIG is a joke of a company. The Sub Contractor that completed our install was great however we had a negative attitude towards him because of the run around we had from USIG (wasn't his fault). Customer service at USIG is non existent. You will be given an install date but that means nothing. When we scheduled our install our wait was over two weeks which was not a problem but when the install date arrived we wasted two days expecting a call that confirmed Sub Contractor was on his way and after three phone calls to USIG we just got runaround. Sub Contractor finally called us and said that he wasn't even scheduled the day USIG told us ( one wasted day as well as the two weeks wait) and finally in order accommodate us he scheduled our install for the next day at 6:00 pm. We called USIG to complain about their lack of service and attitude and all we got was a voice mail and after leaving three messages never got a call back. My recommendation is do not deal with this company. Find a local person that has good references and go direct and by-pass USIG. I will never use USIG again and am tainted against Home Depot and will now shop at Lowes.

mississauga, CA
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Mar 22, 2021 1:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi I wish to complain about your survey I have yet to be able to fill it out. It freezes every time. How can I fill out the survey when it freezes and will not let me go any further. It has always been like this. Can it be fixed. What is the purpose of a survey if you cannot fill it out.

Pam Hull

mississauga, CA
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Mar 22, 2021 1:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am complaining about your survey form. Am unable to complete it as it constantly freezes . This is not a isolated incident it is every time you try to use it. What is the purpose of a survey offering chances to win things. It is very frustrating

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    Text Support
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    2455 Paces Ferry Rd SE, #B #3, Atlanta, New Jersey, 30339-1834, United States
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  6. Nick
    Checked and verified by Nick This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 06, 2025
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